Arch Stanton said on 27/Apr/23
6'4.5 would be very believable in films like Charade with Cary Grant but not sure he looked like he was pushing 6 ft 5 in the Eiger Sanction.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jan/23
Rob, maybe 6ft4 and change peak?
Average guess is too low, pretty sure it pushes Clint below 6ft3! George looked no less than 6ft4 in Charade, Cool Hand Luke and Thunderbolt & Lightfoot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Aug/22
Made Cary Grant look under 6ft in Charade
Vincent Caleb said on 10/Feb/21
As listed.
Hong said on 27/Jan/21
Click Here this 8s the clip with Martin
Hong said on 26/Jan/21
Click Here Here's George looking pretty tall with Dean Martin.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Dec/20
Just over 6ft4 makes sense for his peak. He had a good 2cm on Clint
Hong said on 30/Sep/20
Click Here Here's George looking massive beside 5tf9.5 listed Peter Ustinov.
Hong said on 23/Sep/20
Click Here Here's a good video with Lee van Cleef.
Tall Sam said on 10/Aug/20
It wouldn't surprise me if he had something in his shoes for Charade, something near 2 inches over his barefooted height. He was way taller than Cary Grant there and looked noticeably inches over even James Coburn.
Sinclair said on 10/Aug/20
In my opinion, Kennedy was taller than Clint Eastwood in Thunderbolt and Lightfoot and in The Eiger Sanction. I think Eastwood could have been as tall as 6’3.75”, so Kennedy definitely gets the full 6’4” from me. In Mirage, I see Kennedy as a taller man than 6’3.5” listed Leif Erickson and even if Kennedy wore lifts in Charade, I feel he still would have been able to get over the 6’4” mark barefoot, at that time.
boppo said on 24/Jul/20
I buy 6'4 for George in his prime. In Hired to Kill in 1990 with Brian Thompson he still stood at least an inch taller than Thompson (who definitely hit 6'2 at that point based on comparisons to other actors).
Tall Sam said on 10/Jul/20
Not less than the 6'4" IMO. The guy didn't have defined muscles or abs but he was a convincingly menacing guy and looked like a naturally strong, gorilla of a man.
Tall In The Saddle said on 8/Jul/20
The pic you linked with Keel is excellent. I forgot Kennedy was in Dallas. Here's another pic, not of the same quality given it isn't full length, equity of terrain and footwear unknown. Still, it seems to indicate the same slight edge to Kennedy. Keel and Kennedy, IMO, very much solid 6'4" guys peak with a good possibility they weren't perfectly equal, a slight edge to one or the other but def. 6'4" min for either man.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/20
Clearly Kennedy is losing 3cm in that photo with Clint...
movieguy12 said on 29/Jun/20
In that well known photo of Eastwood and Kennedy they both look very close in height given that Kennedy is leaning. Eastwood looks a genuine 6'4'' guy in this photo. There was a German actor in the Eiger Sanction though who looked taller than both of them.
Hong said on 30/May/20
Click Here George and Howard Keel in a pic when they both appeared in Dallas.Howard is listed as 6 ft4 peak so he would have lost a bit by then.Kennedy although 6 years his junior would have been a bit below peak too.
Hong said on 28/May/20
Click Here George with 6ft3 Clint Eastwood
Hong said on 25/Nov/19
I've just watched the movie In Harms Way,I commented in an earlier post that Wayne appeared taller than Kennedy,but I've just seen the bit where both guys are in an air raid shelter standing along side each other and Kennedy looks to have a full inch on Wayne,Kennedy looks a solid 6ft4,Wayne looks more 6ft3.It goes to show how people's heights can fluctuate in movies depending on ground level etc,thats why when people are a similar height it can be difficult to ascertain whom is the taller.
Hong said on 6/Nov/19
It was at 3mins not 25mins
Hong said on 5/Nov/19
Looks a good 2 inches shorter than 6ft5.5 listed Fess Parker in miracle at whisky gulch from 1962, its on YouTube, at 25mins there is a good face to face scene, and in general for the hole show where their in scenes together Parker looks the bigger guy.
Mon said on 16/Sep/19
He was 6'3''. Not a lie as an inch was usually added for shoe heels back then . With his build at 6'4''he would have be more that 210lb even when he first started playing the MP in Bilko. Look at him beside OJ Simpson.
Hong said on 6/Sep/19
There is a movie called In Harm's Way, from 1965,and Kennedy shares a scene with John Wayne, both guys are standing on similar ground level and Wayne looks to be taller, Wayne was 58 and Kennedy just 40.Kennedy was probably more a strong 6ft3 guy he looked similar to Clint Eastwood also Wayne may have been a little less than his peak at that stage of his career.
Neelasish Sen Roy said on 4/Sep/18
Rob you had listed wrong. He was 6'3" at peak. He was shorter than John Wayne. Please watch the photo, Rob?
James B 171.5cm said on 27/Jun/18
6'3 i thought
Richard said on 29/Dec/17
Kennedy was 6'3" at his peak, and 6'2" in the 1980s.
Never understood why he was meant to be famous when he was never the lead in anything.
Anonymous said on 29/Dec/17
Kennedy was 6'3" MAXIMUM.
mister_lennon said on 27/Dec/17
he looked always 6'4. in those movies too.
Anonymous said on 27/Dec/17
He looked 6'3" in "Airport".
Richard said on 25/Dec/17
No, he never looked any taller than 6'3". Check out "The Sons of Katie Elder".
Mister lennon said on 22/Dec/17
He was 6'4 in real life.
Richard said on 21/Dec/17
He wore lifts in "Charade" because he was supposed to look like a giant. In reality he was 6'3".
Mister lennon said on 20/Dec/17
Always looked 6'4. In charade he looked 6'5.
James said on 19/Dec/17
George Kennedy looked 6'3" in "Guns of the Magnificent Seven", about the only time he ever played the lead in any film.
Mister lennon said on 10/Dec/17
He was 6'4.
James said on 8/Dec/17
George Kennedy was 6'3" at his peak.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Dec/17
Minimum 6ft4 in his prime
Mister lennon said on 5/Dec/17
That is not true. Kennedy was always a 6'4 guy.
Richard said on 5/Dec/17
George Kennedy was never any more than 6'3".
Mister lennon said on 2/Dec/17
6'3 is a joke for peak kennedy. He was 6'4 minimum.
Canson said on 1/Dec/17
Naw he wasn’t 6’4 peak maybe 6’3 range
Mister lennon said on 1/Dec/17
Kennedy was a solid 6'4 guy at peak. He looked every bit of it.
James said on 29/Nov/17
Kennedy was actually 6'3" at his peak.
robson said on 7/Sep/17
6'4 youth, 6'3 in naked gun series,maybe 6'2.5 in closing days.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 7/Sep/17
The BIG man was 6'4 for sure. RIP George.
Charlie said on 14/Aug/17
Rob had a photo of George and him together and George looked a quarter to a half inch taller than Rob. Now people shrink trough time. He was 91 when he died so he would of lost about 1 1/2 inches of height. George Kennedy was no more than 5'10 in his prime. Before he died he was 5'8 1/4 or 5'8 1/2 no more than that.

Editor Rob
charlie, as I mentioned, the photo is worthless for celebheights because he was sitting 👍
ArniesLifts said on 15/Jun/17
I always liked George, he came off as a very nice man even outside the big screen. And I would say he was every bit of 6'4. He was a massive guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/May/17
Edged out Clint in Thunderball & Lightfoot. I'd argue strong 6ft4 range.
Arch Stanton said on 28/May/17
He looked massive in Brass Target, could look a convincing 6'4.5 in that film. Looked nearer 240 pounds in the 70s I think and possibly nearer 270 by Naked Gun period.
JJAK said on 28/May/17
Very solid actor unique cool guy aura which stuck with him into his old age.
He was absolutely notorious for making tall guys look average, cheston looked well under 6 2 with him.
He also made paul newman look 5 8 max, only john wayne held up well in comparison.
He saved so many mediocre movies back in the 60s and 70s RIP for so many great performances!
Thomas Veil said on 9/Apr/17
He was huge! 6'3 6'4 easy
Charlie said on 25/Mar/17
Rob i just saw a photo of you and George Kennedy. George looks 5'8 inches there. I was actually very surprised.

Editor Rob
charlie, this is one of maybe 20 photos over the years where the actor didn't stand, so it's useless.
Tom murphy said on 3/Mar/17
RIP George great actor thank you for the enterainment.
James said on 9/Dec/16
George Kennedy was 6'3".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Sep/16
Looked near 6ft5 in Thunderbolt & Lightfoot if Clint was still near 6ft4 (likely). His performance in that was outstanding. Played a real nasty piece of work…
Tall Sam said on 2/Sep/16
That''s a great quote about him and Raymond Burr.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Aug/16
I didn't realize he'd died. RIP George, agreed with Rampage.
movieguy said on 26/Apr/16
Towers over Cary Grant in lift scene in Charade. Some have claimed Grant was himself 6'2'' but he didn't look it next to Kennedy. I agree always came across as real nice guy in real life although his size meant he often got to play the heavy. In movies your physical appearance dictates the kind of roles you can play to a large extent.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Mar/16
He looks like a very nice man unlike some of the big bullies he played on-screen.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/16
...and he really described Raymond Burr as being the same height

Editor Rob
this was useless for the site but
Click Here, the time I seen him he was a pleasant chap and far more friendlier than mickey rooney that day.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Mar/16
Just found out he passed away 2 days ago.
Godspeed to another sensational actor
Gonzalo said on 1/Mar/16
A legit 1´93 guy. Good actor. RIP
Harold said on 29/Feb/16
RIP, big George, memorable in so many movies, including the original version of Flight of the Phoenix.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Feb/16
He still looked close to this in the Naked Gun movies. So, at least 6ft4 peak. Could pass for 6ft5 beside Newman in Cool Hand Luke
Tom said on 8/Jan/16
George Kennedy was 6'3" but looked 6'4" with big boots.
jtm said on 9/Dec/15
he was a legit 6'4 to me.
Tom said on 7/Dec/15
George Kennedy was 6'3" but looked 6'4" with big bots.
Rory said on 20/Nov/15
Had about 0.5-1 inch on Eastwood in Eiger Sanction, although i think he may have had slight footwear George 6'4.25, Clint 6'3.75.
TRIPLE HHH said on 11/Nov/15
He was an inch taller than 6'3 Dan Blocker on Bonanza.
movieguy said on 16/Oct/15
Dwarfs Cary Grant in scene in lift in Charade. Always seems an incredibly nice humble guy.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/15
Near 3in on Jeff Bridges in Thunderbolt & Lightfoot and edged out Clint Eastwood.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/15
He still looked near 6ft4 in Naked Gun beside Leslie Nielsen.
Shredo said on 21/Dec/14
George was huge, I would bet he was over 6'4 in his prime no doubt. And would go further by saying he stayed in the 6'4 range long into his career.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 22/Oct/14
Rob, is a fraction over 6ft4 possible?

Editor Rob
yes, maybe it has always been possible.
Sam said on 22/Apr/14
A fraction over 6'4" is possible, maybe like 6'4.25".
Editor Rob said on 21/Apr/14
Saw another quote from him in 1976 where he did say "I'm over 6 feet 4"
avi said on 12/Dec/13
@Arch Stanton
Probably In lifts in charade as his character was meant to be big
Arch Stanton said on 26/Oct/13
He really looks huge in Charade and 6'4.5" looks very possible in that film IMO.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jul/11
How tall would Kennedy be today, Rob?

Editor Rob
under six foot, whether he can stand tall for a measurement I don't know, two years ago he barely could stand...
thebad7 said on 9/May/11
This guy was in everything from 1967 to about 1976--he was a terrific character actor, and like all the great character actors, he could steal an entire film with a handful of scenes. I liked him best in 1974's THUNDERBOLT & LIGHTFOOT as Clint Eastwood's sadistic former partner in crime, Red Leary. I can't speak on his height today as I have not seen any recent photographs, but even as late as the early '90s, he looked to be 6'4" tall.
In T&L from '74, he looked to be even in height with Clint Eastwood--6'4" for both men, with Kennedy perhaps just a fraction taller. His build reminds me so much of another old Eastwood player named Gregory Walcott--who can be seen in 1972's JOE KIDD and 1975's THE EIGER SANCTION (alongside Kennedy). Like Walcott, Kennedy was a tall, thickly-built man in his younger days.
He was in a great commercial in the late 1970s/early 1980s for Midas Mufflers with Lee Van Cleef. Standing nose to nose, Kennedy had about 1" to 1.5" on 6'2" Van Cleef.
P.S.--I don't know if he still views his page here, but if so: Mr. Kennedy, thank you so much for all your great work over the years. Red Leary is still my favorite character of yours--I especially liked it when you fired a burst from your M1 Carbine when Geoffrey Lewis ("Goody") started taking a leak next to the wrecked Mercury after the chase of Eastwood and Bridges down the mountaintop. I'll bet that was your idea! ;)
luckydave1968 said on 26/Mar/11
God Bless you, George, and thank you for the years of entertainment you've given us all. Hope to see you again shortly, and (as Mr.Burns said) keep chasing the girls, and the roles.
Mr. Kaplan said on 27/Feb/11
Hi George. I love your work. You were very funny as the bad guy in "Charade"!
jtm said on 25/Feb/11
that was really him?

Editor Rob
well the post came from a small town, where George lives, so there's more of a chance.
It's like what I said on Mechad Brooks page...his comment on that page originated from austin, texas, his hometown - so there's more chance than 90% of these type of comments where the faker is posting from alaska or something like timbuktoo
Shadow2 said on 24/Feb/11
It was great to hear from George himself last December. George, on behalf of all your fans and co-workers worldwide, thank you for all your great screen and TV work, and your friendliness to us all. We love you!

Editor Rob
I think that post came from the same town George lives in...
JW said on 26/Dec/10
Hey Happy Christmas and have a great New Year, George. You and Ernest Borgnine are two of the top actors of the 20th entury and the first decade of the 21st. The latest crop just isn't that "real"; so Thank You very much.
George Kennedy said on 17/Dec/10
I'll be 86 in February 2011; 6'3" and nearer 275 lbs than my "Luke" weight of 245 (1967). As great comic George Burns once said, "At 96, I still chase girls...I've just forgotten why". I can't walk anymore, so in a wheelchair I may indeed look 5'6". I lost more work due to height than anything - the film world is built around 5'6". But I loved it - it's a wondrous world - and I cared. Thank you for caring about me. George Kennedy
Mr. Kaplan said on 17/Dec/10
So he would've shrunk by TEN INCHES? Is he in a wheelchair or what?
ajax said on 20/Nov/10
Father time spares no one. I saw him at a veterans convention last year. He is
now approximately 5'6".
ajax said on 20/Nov/10
I met him at a veterans convention. Time compresses the spine of everyone; at 85, he is now 5'6"
rebel peter said on 13/Nov/10
A great actor and was terrific at Dragline in Cool Hand Luke, one of my top 4 actors and he is definitely 6,4 same as James Stuart was. Great actor nice man.
NOONE said on 17/May/09
Hugh said on 3/Jan/09
Well, Gert these days Clint has looked to have lost a considerable amount. standing 6ft1. But wow Heston at 6ft2.5.
Gert said on 2/Jan/09
To Hugh - yes, that was my point. Heston at 77, he was taller than me.(6'1) I would say 6'2 and a half maybe...he was already sick at the was obvious, but he was very graceful and walked very fast, I remember. I didn't talk to Mr, Heston, though, but went to his line and was standing just behind him. To this day I regret that I didn't talk to him. Now it is too late. I would love to meet Mr. Kennedy too - I believe he and Mr. Heston were good friends. I also met/saw Mr. Heston in London after he had performed at the stage and at that time he was clearly a solid 6'3 or even a little more. A very imposing and powerful man - exactly like we see him in his many movies. There is a picture of Mr. Heston standing with Clint Eastwood - and that picture gives you a completely wrong angle/impression of the two, since Kennedy and Eastwood is about the same height. Pictures can be very inaccuarate when it comes to height.
Hugh said on 31/Dec/08
Ray you just think it's ridiculous because you yourself are under 6ft1 and want people to either feel sorry for yourself or want to make yourself out to be a taller guy? Connery could've been close to 6ft3 some years ago.
Hugh said on 31/Dec/08
Was he taller than you, Gert?
Gert said on 30/Dec/08
It is not correct when Stephen says that Kenney looked one inch taller that Hetson in their movies together. Just for fun once I put my DVD on pause when they were standing just opposite each other in Airport 75 - and they looked each other right in the eye. Exactly same height, even if Kennedy is noted for 6'4 and Heston 6'3. I met Heston in 2000 in Studio City at the Coldwater Canyon Ralph's grocery store and he was still a tall man at 77- and I am 6'1.
Roger Field said on 15/Nov/08
Ray, to answer your question, Arnold Schwarzenegger told me in Munich in 1968 that he was 1m 87cm tall (almost 6'2" barefoot) and I stood next to Sean Connery at the opening of "From Russia With Love" in London in 1963 and I would say that he was right on 6'2" barefoot. Roger Field
Hugh said on 10/Sep/08
Connery is 6ft2 now.
Scott B. said on 24/May/08
Kennedy could of been 6'5 in his prime. He was an inch taller than Dan Blocker in an Episode of Bonanza.
Ray said on 8/Apr/08
Hey Roger, What height would you have given Connery and Schwarzenegger ? Some people are claiming Connery was nearly 6'3" barefoot in his youth, which I personally find ridiculous.
Roger Field said on 29/Feb/08
I ran into George Kennedy at Bavaria Studios in Munich many years ago. He was taller than Sean Connery, Lee Marvin and Schwarzenegger, all of whom I stood next to, at least 6'4" I would say. Mr. Kennedy is a very friendly person. Roger Field
Gonzalo said on 27/Aug/07
Kennedy was taller than James Stewart in one of those airplanes movies. And he was about four inches taller than Nielsen in The Naked Gun. No less than 6`4 in his prime
sam said on 9/Aug/07
From what I recall, Kennedy was about 1.5-2 inches over Simpson in The Naked Gun.
BBklang said on 18/Mar/07
One of the yeraly 80's Lesely Nelson play's a ediot cop George Kenndy and O.J Simpson are in the movie beside each other in several scenes.They are the samr hieght.Simpson is 6'0".
Stephen said on 13/Sep/06
I think George was about 6'3", maybe 6'3.5" in his prime. He looked to be about the same height as Clint Eastwood and about an inch taller than Charlton in the movies they were in together. Heston is about about 6'2.5".
Mario said on 11/Aug/06
Kennedy face to face to 6 ft 2 Lee van Cleef.
Click Here
Roy's Nephew said on 24/Jul/06
I seem to recall George Kennedy on the Johnny Carson show saying that he was 6' 4". This was when his TV show "Sarge" was on, in which he played a priest/ex-cop. Carson asked if he had played high school football, & Kennedy said he had been given no choice in the matter, that guys his size were FORCED to play football in high school.
Lindsay said on 19/Nov/05
I just watched an episode of Charmed that she was in (Don't know the name of it but its the one where she is vanquished and Phoebe and Piper find out Leo is an Avitar) and she and Milano have many scenes together wearing 3 inch heels both and there really wasn't much difference between them at all- 3 inches max!!!!