Nik said on 11/Nov/18
Nice pictures!
Nik said on 19/Jul/18
Georgia is somewhere around her listed height!
World Citizen said on 29/May/17
Perfect listing and no less.
TJE said on 21/Feb/15
She's pretty short for someone who's dad is a strong 6'0, well used to be.
avi said on 2/Aug/13
Solid 6 maybe 6.5 inches
Betsy said on 15/Jun/13
I believe she is 5'1" rather than 5'2". Compare her with Freema Agyeman, Georgia is definitely shorter. There is no way they are the same height.
Mr 182-183 said on 16/Jan/13
You look like you have an agenda Cranberries. In reality the British are actually one of the taller nations and are no more unattractive than others. You're pathetic.
K said on 13/Jan/13
She's adorable! It must be nice to be cute and tiny like her. I could put her in my pocket and take her home. BTW, it wouldn't surprise me if she was shorter than 5'2.
Cranberries said on 4/Aug/12
Brits are quite small, it's true. I lived in London for a month and there were a handful of guys over 6'4" and they had terrible proportions. Basically no attractive women either.
Delta said on 10/Aug/11
@Radek Tell that to my 6'7" friend. Then we'll talk.
5'1.5" sounds right for her.
Radek said on 29/Jul/11
Why are brits and north americans so short people? Dutch, Northern germans and Danish people literally dwarf them
travis said on 23/Jul/11
she looks better blonde.
Lenad said on 11/Jun/11
in the left she looks 6.5-7inches shorter
FC 1908 said on 24/Mar/11
Looks a bit like Lena Meyer-Landrut in the photo on the right. Don't you think?
thorterr said on 5/Mar/11
hmm and she goes with 6ft 1 david tennant are there health and safety issues here?looking up,looking down,lifting up,bending down,,hmm yes major height gaps with partners must be illegal erm
Pete193cm said on 30/Jan/11
very cute .. I would date her
flash_of_eden said on 11/Dec/08
rob-- you say down there your eye level when looking straight ahead is 4.6, so... youve got another 1ft 2 inches of forehead? :P

Editor Rob
4.5 - 4.6 inch ;) That's the range in most of photos, I try to keep my head pretty normal.
if I tilt up a little then it's near 4.25, tilt down then 4.75.
As a little guide I draw the black line - which is from pupil-pupil - to give a reference in my photos.
Becky said on 9/Dec/08
this actress is very petite i mean ive seen girls at my school who are shorter that and it makes them feel like everyone is towering over them don't worry about your height no matter how tall or short you are it gets you distracted from other things and it makes you worry even more!
chris said on 9/Dec/08
georgia does look 156cm indeed.
runt said on 11/Aug/08
Pretty actress and one of her better shots that I've seen on the web so far.
Alex said on 10/Aug/08
Someone told me recently they are 5'2 on a good day so I say so you're really more 5'1-5'1 1/2 then and she said yea I'm 5'2 in shoes and really 5'1 barefoot. I also think when someone says a certain height on a good day it means out of bed or morning height.

Editor Rob
this girl seemed pleasant, but one of those actresses where you got a sense with their stance/body language that they weren't as comfortable as some in wanting joe public putting an arm round them. I think she's somewhere between 5ft 1 and 2.
Lego said on 7/Aug/08
looks 5'1.5 or maybe even 5.2 (on a good day), i guess either she claims morning height or she just rounding which is not a bad thing really. she looks nice and acts quite good too. ;)
sven said on 7/Aug/08
rob your eyelevel to what height is precisely?At 5-3?

Editor Rob
if I'm looking straight ahead it's 4.6.
but a little tilt up or down and you add or take fractions.
Alex said on 6/Aug/08
Rob, I see 6 inches difference with the inch footwear advantage. Likely shes more 5'1ish barefoot?

Editor Rob
5ft 1.5 is probably more likely than her claim of 5ft 2, she's standing pretty much same posture as me I remember.
Ronaldo said on 6/Aug/08
cute woman but idd looks 5ft2
miko said on 6/Aug/08
Could be 5"1.
Jake said on 31/May/08
She definately looked a great deal shorter than David Tennant and around an inch or perhaps half an inch shorter than Freema Agyeman but I'm not certain how tall Freema is. She was on Doctor Who and she is definately very petit.