How tall is Harvey Keitel

Harvey Keitel's Height

5ft 7 (170.2 cm)

Peak height was 5ft 8 (172.7 cm)
American Actor best known for roles in movies such as Reservoir Dogs, The Piano, Bad Lieutenant, Mean Streets, Taxi Driver, Pulp Fiction, Fingers, From Dusk Till Dawn, The Grand Budapest Hotel, Thelma & Louise and Cop Land. At age 23 he listed himself as "Height 5'9", Weight 157 [pounds]"

How tall is Harvey Keitel
Photo by PR Photos

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Add a Comment97 comments

Average Guess (34 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 7.5in (171.5cm)
Current: 5ft 6.51in (168.9cm)
Andrew Giambrone said on 9/Sep/23
I crossed paths with him on an international flight in 2004. I had a layover in Germany and somehow I found myself walking right behind him as we entered the terminal.
We were going in similar directions and walked within a few feet of other for about 3 minutes.

The last time I measured myself was a year ago (barefoot) in my son's Pediatrician's office. Just under 5ft8.5.

I was taller than him in 2004 by an inch and a half. He was 55 in 2004 so he probably wasn't at his peak height. I'd say he was a weak 5ft7 or likely 5ft6.75.
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 29/Apr/23
Have you seen mean streets Rob? De Niro looks 1.5 inches taller and I don't think Bobby was wearing lifts. 5'7.5 peak, average guess is spot on.
Editor Rob
Been a long while since I watched it, don't think Jenny's seen it so maybe will give it another shot in the future.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
Harvey was EXCELLENT in ‘Lansky’. The ending was very sad and I had to wipe away tears.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Mar/23
I’m watching the gangster film ‘Lansky’ in which Harvey plays a lying, cheating guy on the wrong side of the law. At the beginning of the film, Harvey is asked whether there’s such a thing as organised crime. His reply? “If there is, then I have no knowledge of it.”

What, what WHAT? 😂😂😂 This is Harvey Keitel and he plays gangsters, bloody well at that. And there you go…..!

Peak - 5ft7.75 and today - 5ft6.5.
Editor Rob said on 24/Oct/22
The other week I spotted an early resume from Harvey, at age 23. Unsurprisingly, he claimed to stand 5ft 9 and weigh 157 pounds. I can believe his weight though and maybe that was his 'in shoe' claim.

Click Here
Sinclair said on 8/Sep/22
Rob, is Jean-Claude Brialy ready to be added at a pinch over 5’10”?

Click Here
Click Here

Here Brialy has a clear two inches on Keitel; more likely over 5’10” than under. Brialy is one of the only real French acting pioneers still missing from this site.

Rob, I am so excited for Brialy’s page; he can be such a controversial one to discuss height wise.
Jack169 said on 25/Mar/22
I unknowingly ran into him over a decade ago. I'm 5'6 1/2, and he was in no way shorter than me.
Okidoki said on 17/Jan/22
Great actor, old school, like Joe Pesci. Rob, are you sure that he was near 173 peak? In mean Streets he didn't quite look that and generally didn't seem that much for me too. De Niro was really max 176, but around 5'9 i think.

To me, it seems that 172 flat was likely for him, around 5'7.75, but no less than 5'7.5. I think 171 looked too low.
Editor Rob
He has a build which can suggest 5ft 7, but if not a full 5ft 8 I feel at worse just under it in the 70s and 80's.
aryan dhama said on 24/Aug/21
Rob, why De Niro looks very tall next to keitel in mean streets
And why my friend who is just an inch taller actually looks very tall next to me.
He is 5'9 and I am 5'8.
Lmeister said on 29/Jun/21
Harvey Keitel has always been stocky and muscular. His weight in Mean Streets era was a lean 70-72kg, In Bad Lieutenant ripped 77-80kg and nowadays 80-84kg. Guys with his body type (short arms and legs + barrel chested)are heavier than you might think. Height wise he could have hit 173cm in the morning in his youth. Nowadays he is 169cm.
Willis Christian Macaraig said on 17/Aug/20
Peak:5'7.75"[172 cm]
Current:5'6.75"[170 cm]
I think he is more of 5'7.25" than 5'7.5" because Google says that he is 1.71 m tall.
Michael Fasterney said on 17/Aug/20
Rob, what do you think of his weight, maybe in the past, in the 90s , i think he Is on the 165 range.
Editor Rob
physically stronger than I'd have thought he was...maybe 165 170
sulu2019 said on 15/Oct/19
My dad's peak height was half an inch shorter than Harvey's, but today, my dad may be a little taller or not shorter than how tall Harvey is now.

Other sources say that Harvey is 5ft 7.5 (which is half an inch shorter than his peak height listed here and half an inch taller than his current height listed here).
Nik said on 5/Oct/19
Cool guy, cool height!
Rising174cm said on 4/Oct/19
@Jtm: we know Stallone appeared in flip flops where his bare feet were present with Liotta in the film so why would he have lifts with guys like Keitel and De Niro? Also, it's well known Sly was insecure about how he was viewed by his more respected peers like De Niro and Keitel during filming and spoke about taking a minimum salary, not insisting on being shot from his "good side", gaining 40 pounds etc. so I don't think that's the film Sly wanted them to notice his elevators all while trying to convince Keitel and De Niro he wasn't the vain movie star anymore. As for a step, well sure you could argue that literally any time feet aren't present which is why I try to avoid shots that aren't full but how likely is it there just happens to be a lone step between De Niro and Keitel. That doesn't make much sense since more often the ground would favor left to right or right to left but it'd typically take a longer distance to get higher and then lower again. Also, it'd be a really short step since Stallone doesn't even look that tall there. And it was Mightyman who used the film as supposed proof, I merely showed Stallone did not appear as short in the film in question and on the contrary appeared taller. Also, there's a wide shot at the end showing Sly and De Niro and if anything, Sly edges him, but certainly isn't shorter there. Obviously I believe Stallone and De Niro were both 5'8.5"-5'9" and Keitel more 5'7" range(never 5'8") but even if I'm wrong, my point shows Stallone did not APPEAR 5'7", much less 5'6" in the film or behind the scenes as Mightyman claimed.
Jtm said on 3/Oct/19
Are you serious? I agree Keitel was never over 5'7 but we don't know what footwear Stallone is wearing and he could be on a higher step.
Rising174cm said on 7/Apr/19
@Mightyman: That's completely false. Here they are in costume on set for Cop Land and Stallone is easily taller even though Keitel is closer to the camera: Click Here Also note that De Niro was at least 5'8.5" back then and slightly shorter than Stallone himself. As anyone can see from watching Mean Streets, De Niro was more than an inch taller than Keitel himself. There's a scene in the film where Stallone's character is looking through photos and finds one he took with Keitel and not surprisingly, Stallone is clearly taller as you can see here: Click Here Stallone and De Niro were unquestionably taller than Keitel and probably by no less than 1.5". But Keitel was no shorter than 5'7" himself and quite possibly 5'7.5". I don't know how tall he was 15 years ago, but there's a good chance Keitel had shrunk a bit since Cop Land, which was filmed 8 years earlier.
Mightyman said on 6/Apr/19
seen him once about 15 years ago and he was 5'6 flat but in very good shape. now if you watch the directors cut of Copland from 1997 at 46 min and 37 sex, you will see him and Stallone walking together during a furneral scene. Harvey and Stallone are exactly the same height with Harvey actually looking physically wider than Stallone. this is proof that Stallone is no more than 5'6-5'7 flat.
Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jan/19
When I'm trying to sneak in a comment in the adverts, I always look up to the voice of Harvey Keitel! I can't get enough of this guy! He's the business at everything he's ever done!

Mmkay - he can have 5ft8 for his peak and 5ft6.75 for today's height.
berta said on 9/Dec/18
he was 2 cm shorter than buscemi in reservoir dogs. i dont think he is taller than at best 172 and could be 171 peak. my guess is 171,5 and today 169
Sandy Cowell said on 25/Aug/18
I can always recognise his voice in those adverts, re-playing his hilarious, no-nonsense character from 'Pulp Fiction'!

He won't put up with any time wasters there, will he?

This big guy, who I respect enormously, can have 5ft6.5 for today's height and 5ft8 for his peak. It might be an excellent idea to re-watch 'Taxi Driver', when he MUST have been at peak height!

@ Rob - Do you think you could add it to his acting credits? And also 'From Dusk Till Dawn'.
Sandy Cowell said on 3/Apr/18
Much as I adore this fantastic actor, I can't see him being more than 5ft6 now, and that's on the generous side of my options, as I was going to say just under.

It's so commonplace to add the odd inch to an actor or actress's description, that I have given up being in any way judgemental about it! I take it quite for granted that most actors are a good inch lower than it says on their resumes!

I reckon Harvey was 5ft6.5 or so in 'Reservoir Dogs'. Steve Buscemi is noticeably taller at 5ft8.25, and my oh my, we don't half get some meaty opportunities to compare the two!

Peak: 5ft7.25
Today: 5ft6
Shlomo said on 31/Dec/17
Harvey Keitel has never been more than 5ft6 barefoot, if that (look at his proportions and the short length of his back and arms). 5ft7 was only in generous shoes when he was much younger a long time ago. He was born back in 1939 and he is pushing 80 now by the way...
tom said on 13/Oct/17
5'6" on mean street
Marquis said on 21/Jun/17
5'8" seems high for him, even peak.

More like 5'7", or 5'7.5" tops, peak.
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Oct/16
Well, it just goes to show that you can still get the meaty parts and not be very tall. I have a very high opinion of this man's work and the parts he opts for. Downright unforgettable!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/16
Rob, how tall do you think this guy Arthur Nascarella is?

Click Here (right of Keitel)
Click Here (beside Peter Berg)
Click Here (between Robert Patrick and John Spencer)

He's been listed 6ft1 in places but it looks a bit high, unless he had lost height. In addition to Cop Land, he's been on The Sopranos and movies Knockaround Guys and The Cooler.
Editor Rob
I doubt he was over 6ft
PJ said on 12/Aug/15
5'7 tops when I saw him in Soho NYC.
172.4cm guy said on 11/Aug/15
I agree with most of the posts on here. I watched Mean Streets last night, and there's no way he was 173cm. De Niro, who was probably 175cm tops, easily had 4-5cm on Keitel. So at most, Keitel was about 171cm in his prime, and is probably 168-169cm now.
Chase Witherspoon said on 7/Aug/15
Truly! He always seemed liked 5'6-5'7" region to me remembering him standing in the doorway above DeNiro in Taxi Driver in the stilts....
Julian said on 14/Jul/15
I've watched many films with him, in his prime and in his later years. I don't think he was 5.8. maybe 5.7,5 - 5.7,75. But than again maybe he just looks smaller because of his bad posture. But still - not quite 5.8.
Chilean said on 20/May/15
Rob when Harvey Keitel performed in pulp fiction , he was 5'8 yet?
Editor Rob
might have only lost a small fraction by 90's.
Ed said on 8/Apr/15
Needs a downgrade. 5'7" peak and 5'6" today
Adamz said on 28/Dec/14
Could be 169cm?
Sam said on 31/Jul/14
I saw Grand Budapest and don't recall it having been good for height comparison in Keitel's case. I thought he still looked around 5'7" next to Ed Norton in Moonrise Kingdom.
Hypado said on 1/Jul/14
Harvey is 173, same height of Cameron Diaz in Head Above Water.
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jun/14
Really looks short in Grand Budapest Hotel, looking nearer 5'6" to me in it.
the shredder said on 20/Feb/14
Rob , maybe its more Robert Downey Jr that needs to be 5'7.5 than Keitel being 5'8. Downey was shorter than andrew Macathy.
Editor Rob
172 for Downey is a possibility, it's never been ruled out, he might end up sharing Tom Cruise...
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jan/14
@ Elfoeraan. Yeah De Niro had about 1.5-2 inches on him in Mean Streets didn't he. More 5'7.5".
Dr JJ said on 26/Oct/13
5'8" is a joke for this guy!
Elfoeraan said on 16/Oct/13
That's odd. I saw Mean Streets today and could have sworn that Keitel was 5 cm shorter than De Niro. Either Keitel was shorter in his prime or De Niro taller than 175 cm.
Sam said on 9/Oct/13
I met Keitel's former personal assist...Keitel isn't a total monster but a bit of oddball from what I've heard. He can be a bit demanding and stand-offish but is pretty charitable privately. She told me her favorite story was going to Keitel's darkened apartment and being frightened to see the fridge door open and somebody rooting around. It turned out to be Robert De Niro and he said "I'm just getting some milk"...which tells me that De Niro both has a key and free-reign to come and go in Keitel's apartment, which is pretty awesome.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/13
My mistake he's not barefoot but if you also pause at 94:13 you can see there's more than an inch between them, I think 171-72cm would be more accurate.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/13
At 92:56 on that clip I sent De Niro is barefoot and still taller than Keitel in shoes.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/13
Rob can you see 50 minutes Click Here I'm convinced that De Niro was max 5'9" flat, really difficult to see 5'8 for Keitel here in Mean Streets even if the pavement is slightly in De Niro's favour. I think you could get away with 5'7.5" peak and 5'6.5" now but I really doubt he was a full 5'8".
Arch Stanton said on 6/Oct/13
If he was 5 ft 8 peak De Niro was 5 ft 10!! No way could he have been 5'8" in Mean Streets. He was also two inches shorter than Jack Nicholson in The Border.
Powerhouse said on 2/Sep/13
@the shredder Harvey has a tiny bone structure, a small frame and has low body fat in that pic. He is probably about 150-155.
moerlitz said on 28/Aug/13
Waltz stated 170 cm for himself but I still think he's like an inch taller so Keitel might in fact be 170 cm after all.
juju said on 24/Aug/13
Five foot eight peak? Why?how? De niro was five nine peak qnd keitel looked two inches shorter. Watch DEATh WATCH. He is shorter than harry dean stanton. Oh and two inches under a peak five nine jack nulicholson. In pick up artist him and robert downey were the same height.
Powerhouse said on 23/Aug/13
Peak 5'7 nowadays 5'6.5
Ricky said on 6/May/13
Saw him on the Intrepid. He was a shade under 5'7. 5'6.5 is right
juju said on 23/Apr/13
there is no way he is 5 foot 7 flat. hes an inch shorter than 5 foot 7 christopher waltz in 2009. hes 5 foot 6 now. 5 foot 7 peak!
jimbo said on 11/Apr/13
Agree with shredder downey cant be 173 majority of people says he is due for a downgrade
Louis said on 4/Apr/13
@the shredder

look at him with rdj
Silent d said on 28/Jan/13
169cm. I heard he is a hard person to interview and hard to work with. He is stubborn and pretty arrogant but still pretty cool. 169cm.
TomC said on 26/Dec/12
Harvey Keitel sat in front of me one night at a screening and his head didn't even come up above the back of the chair. He's no more than 5'3"
MaskDeMasque said on 19/Aug/12
i can believe 5'7.5. he looked an inch shorter than buscemi in reservoir dogs, who i believe is 5'8.5
Silent d said on 23/Jan/12
I didn't know martin scorcese was short. Surprising. Harvey keitel was definitely shorter than 5 foot 8 robert deniro in little fockers. 169cm is about right.
Andrew G said on 10/Dec/11
Amazing, one of my favorite all time actors. Saw him at an airport in Singapore. I'm 5'8 and he was definitely shorter than me. I'd say 5'6.
jake, 1.82 m- 1.83 m said on 16/Nov/11
5ft 6.75in now at 72. 5ft 7.5in peak is probable.
Sam said on 15/Mar/11
In the movie "Blue Collar", you can see that a profile on his character says he's 5'8"
guyfrommars said on 9/Dec/10
He wore 3-inch heeled boots as the pimp in Taxi Driver.
Mr. Kaplan said on 5/Nov/10
He wasn't much taller than 5'3" Marty Scorsese in "Mean Streets". 5'6".
Eric said on 5/Nov/10
I saw him recently in NYC. He's definitely no more than 5'7.
TELLEM said on 23/Jan/09
Click Here
guyfrommars said on 10/Jan/09
He wore a massive pair of boots with 3-inch heels in Taxi Driver.
glenn said on 27/Dec/08
i saw him look 5-9,5-10 in what i imagine was lifts.1993.a friend of mine agreed him looking that tall only 5 years agao.he is still 5-8 to me.
TELLEM said on 27/Dec/08
but your right leonari, close to 5'8 in his youth
TELLEM said on 27/Dec/08
the thing is he never looked more than 5'7-5'7.5 EVEN in his youth.
leonari said on 26/Dec/08
Harvey i around 5'7" these days. It's clear when watching "life on Mars" (great show btw.) He was taller in his youth. Close to 5'8
TELLEM said on 24/Dec/08
next to mekhi phifer in "clockers" he looks 5'7 max....phifer is 5'9.5-5'10
dmeyer said on 18/Dec/08
looked that height in person
Anonymous said on 2/Dec/08
MHouillon, he is 5'7 like you say and Deniro is 5'9, but I don't think two inches is towering I don't even think 4 or 5 inches is I think towering is 6+, and definitely more then 2.
teddy89 said on 20/Nov/08
yes, i agree with liam, when he's on the floor the shoes had 7-8 cm plaforms
teddy89 said on 19/Nov/08
in reservoir dogs close to steve buscemi (173 cm)looks a little bit shorter so ia think 171cm is the right height
liam said on 15/Aug/08
news flash check out taxi driver. hes wearing enormous platforms.
mallow said on 14/Aug/08
In looking for the height of John Lydon I find the answer of 5'8, but in the movie Corrupt Lieutenant Harvey looks a good 2 to 3 inches shorter than Lydon, so Im still not too sure.
MHouillon said on 17/Jul/08
SImple as this: WAS 173cm (f.e. in Taxi-Driver, when a Lifted-and-booted 176cm DeNiro towered over him) IS 170-171cm.
TELLEM said on 30/Jun/08
5'9 in his youth? have u seen mean streets? he looked about 2 inches shorter than de niro...
BK_Daniel said on 24/Jun/08
I think he was 5'9" in his youth because he looked pretty close to Deniro's height in Taxi Driver. I think now he's a tiny bit under 5'8".
glenn said on 8/May/08
ive seen harvey look 5-10 a couple of times.and others did too.
josh said on 7/May/08
De niro looked a good inch and a bit taller than him in mean streets. I would give kietel 5ft 7-8inches but he can appear to look taller.
Heightdetective said on 28/Apr/08
Looks about the same height as glenn. Keitel is closer to the camera, but also slightly leaning and glenn stands up straight. If he's 171cm tall, he may wore really good dress shoes in this picture ...
Anonymous said on 25/Mar/08
Had dinner last night and sat next to Harvey. When he stood to leave, I would clearly put the "Bad Lieutenant" at around 5'8...
Adam Brennon said on 8/Nov/07
Looked regular height in 'Red Dragon'.
JwJ said on 2/Jun/07
I got directions from harvey keitel on lower hudson st in tribeca nyc late May07. I'm 5'9" and he's a pretty solid looking dude at least 5'9
APP said on 11/Mar/07
Harvey's quite old now, his peak height must have been a minimum of 5 ft. 8
Anthony said on 24/Feb/07
I dont know why, but Harvey didn't come off as taller than 5'6 in "Thelma & Louise". Everyone around him seemed to dwarf him with ease...except, oddly enough, Brad Pitt.
the shredder said on 22/Jan/07
I was watching Reservoir Dogs last night ! first time in a long time ! I notice that there all in the same footware ... well Harvey is for sure Steve Buscemi's height at most and taller then Tim Roth for sure ! I put Buscemi at around 5'8 , Keitel at 5'7 to 5'8 , and Roth 5'7 MAX ! Rob is right ... Roth might be 169cm ( 5'6.5 ) if anything !
Stiffelio said on 15/Jan/07
Glen, he seems taller than your 5'8". How old is this picture and what kind of shoes did he wear relative to yours?
the shredder said on 14/Jan/07
He was always listed at 5'7 and I always thought he was 5'6 , 5'7 at most ! ... but now I think 5'7.5 to 5'8 is more like it ! I say a legit 5'7+ ... can be 172ish !
Glenn said on 14/Jan/07
He strangely did give a 5-7 impression.pavement favoring him? I think he really is 5-8.with lifts,and me being 5-7 in the early 90s,he gave me the strange illusion of 5-10.
dmeyer said on 14/Aug/06
i think he is 171-2 range maybe taller in his 20s
Glenn said on 15/Jan/06
he doesnt pose for photo with.rare.I know 2 people who have it,but always turns me down and everyone else.not to friendly.Ive seen him look 5-10! 8 months ago he was 5-7!
Mariano Nariano said on 17/Sep/05
I meeted Harvey Keitel some years ago in Spain while he was filming the Galindez File. I'm 5 ft 11 and Keitel comes with his head to my eyes, so I say that he was like 4 inches shorter than me.
DIdong said on 17/Mar/05
Nop Im 5.10 feet and Harvey Keitel yust a Little shorter than me.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/05
Harvey Keital is 5'5.5 as i am two inches taller than him and i met him on the set of Copland.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.