How tall is Idris Elba - Page 2

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Average Guess (225 Votes)
6ft 2.54in (189.3cm)
Canson said on 9/Aug/17
I have to agree with Christian on Boris khodjoe as Bobbyh3342 who is my height met him and said he's close to 2" shorter than we are. Also with magic Johnson khodjoe is a good 4" shorter than he is and his site listed him 6'2.5 for the longest. I believ he began claiming 6'4" later on but never looks it
Mark(5'9.5") said on 9/Aug/17
Again, Idris has a disadvantage posture in that picture. So 6'2" flat or 6'2.25" is safely ruled out.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 9/Aug/17
Mark(5'9.5 said on 4/Aug/17
He can also a decent 6'3" with 6'3.75"-6'4" Boris Kodjoe despite having a posture disadvantage.

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Boris himself is only like 6'3" tops. So that would put Idris around 6'2"-6'2.25" range.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 8/Aug/17
@Canson don't worry Dude; a full 6'3" (at night) would be difficult to imagine. Closer to 6'3" like 6'2.75" in his normal low and 6'2.5" at his absolute low with natural slouch.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 8/Aug/17

Don't worry; I go to this site to kill extra time when I don't have anything else to do. It's really part of my hobby too! I have a few disagreements with other listings, but I respect them nevertheless!
Mark(5'9.5 said on 7/Aug/17
Idris could actually be the full 6'3", but Rob did mentioned that Idris Elba and Ray Fisher (who he met already) would be 1/4 of an inch apart from each other.
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 7/Aug/17
With Bradley Cooper:

Click Here

He looks to be 6'3" with him, and definitely appeared taller than Ashton Kutcher appeared to be by him. He's also at least an inch taller than Tom Hiddleston is, 4 CM taller than a 187 CM Will Smith is and was NOT shorter than Chris Hemsworth. He's definitely the full 6'3".
Mark(5'9.5") said on 7/Aug/17
@Canson it's not really an ignorant statement. You, Christian, Wiles, and I don't round up as we would rather round down. I'm not taking side. I'm just saying that it's not all ignorant to tell if someone is downplaying their height.

As for Idris, he's too well above 6'2" and nearer 6'3"
Like the listing indicates. His natural slouch can
Make him look shorter, but even then, he's easily over 6'2".
Mark(5'9.5 said on 5/Aug/17
Let's also keep in mind that in 'The Dark Tower', Roland Deschain (In the books) is described as being 'roughly' 6'3". This is fine.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 4/Aug/17
He can also a decent 6'3" with 6'3.75"-6'4" Boris Kodjoe despite having a posture disadvantage.

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Mark(5'9.5 said on 4/Aug/17
He actually looks nearly 6'4" with 6'0.25" Chris Brown.

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Mark(5'9.5 said on 4/Aug/17
Out of curiosity Rob, have you ever seen Idris Elba or 'wanted' to meet him in person? How would Ray Fisher (who you thought wasn't over 6'3") compare to Idris Elba?
Editor Rob
I think getting Ray to stand taller would be an easier task than Elba, who has in many photos a natural slouch to him, but both actually might measure within 1/4 inch of each other barefoot.
Mark(5'9.5") said on 3/Aug/17
Listing is perfect.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 3/Aug/17
hhhhhhmmmm....... I need to see him in 'The Dark Tower.'

He's well over 6'2". Closer to 6'3" when standing at his tallest.
Mark(5'9.5 said on 3/Aug/17
This listing is perfect.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/17
192.1cm out of bed
18Teen said on 20/Jun/17
@Editor Rob

What do you think the low would be for Mr. Elba?
Editor Rob
the last film I watched with Idris was The Take, he had many scenes with Richard Madden and really, at times seemed 6ft 2 max...but I think standing at his tallest he is over it, 6ft 2.25-5 may well be a low zone
John said on 20/Jun/17
I don't think he is that tall tbh
Canson said on 19/Jun/17
@Rampage: you should see Lisa Leslie's page lol when speaking of average votes. She's guessed as 6'5.6-.7 which would make her almost as tall as Ali Baba lol. She may not even be as tall as you Me or Christian is. My father met her and said she was shorter than he was back then and he's peak a legit 6'4" at his low. But I doubt he looked at footwear she likely had to have been in flats as the difference wouldn't have been that much I suspect. I doubt she's under 6'3.5 barefoot may even be close to 6'4. But she is an inch lower than Kobe most of the time too
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 19/Jun/17

Walker's more like 186-187cm (6'1.5")
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/17
187cm and 188cm are a joke. Just look at him in Takers with Paul Walker. He can't be under 189cm and 190cm to be honest is more likely
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 18/Jun/17

Idris might be 6'2", but that's his minimum, not max. I wouldn't have thought 190, but 187 is a bit low.
S.J.H said on 8/Jun/17
Idris elba is max 6'2 and boris kodjoe is 6'2.75 met by a visitor here
Christian-196.5cm (6ft5 3/8) said on 23/May/17
If he really was 6'2.75", he wouldn't have claimed 6'2". So he may be closer to 6'2" than 6'3", somewhere around 6'2 3/8" or 6'2.5" probably.
MrTBlack said on 12/May/17
IDK what made him say "6'2" but from what I've seen, he generally looks around 6.2.25-6.3.
shiva182cms said on 26/Apr/17
He's 6'2.5 ,this listing is good but 6'2.5 would be perfect, he looks right in b/w 6'2 and 6'3 ,
S.J.H said on 6/Apr/17
Idris elba honestly don't look a tip over 6'1 with obama
berta said on 30/Mar/17
yeah about 4,5 cm taller than pine but pine is probably close to 185 and that makes elba almost 190 but could be strong 189 guy but if pine really is no taller than 184 then i would say elba is no taller than 189
Gwynbleidd said on 22/Mar/17
Solid 6' 3" for me. Nor strong or weak. He doesn't really have the best posture and so his height won't show as well... but with him standing straight next to 6' 4" Tyler Perry, a solid 6' 3" can be envisioned perfectly: Click Here
Adijos said on 21/Mar/17
6'3" (191 cm) is his real height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Mar/17
Weak 6ft3 is fair and strong 6ft2 for Reddick...still aren't any photos of those two together!
berta said on 5/Feb/17
im starting to believe he is closer to 189. and 190 on really good days
Importer said on 4/Feb/17
Seems right, he had an inch on Paul Walker R.I.P in Takers.
Mark(5'9.25") said on 27/Jan/17
@S.J.H Pine had more footwear that day.
S.J.H said on 17/Jan/17
idris elba only look max 2" taller than chris pine not more. Pine might be 6'0.75 if elba not under 6'2.75
Mark(5'9.25 said on 10/Jan/17
Taller than Will Smith. This listing is legit.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/17
220lbs I think
James B said on 8/Dec/16
His weight rob?
Editor Rob
James, could be a 205-210 ranger.
Gus said on 6/Nov/16
6'2.75 is perfect for him ☆
Josh Jeffords said on 9/Oct/16
The word your searching for is photo shop pine isn't even in this league.
Can pass for 6 3 but likely billed spot on.
Has good posture most of the time and cool style.
I doubt he is over 6 4 however which I have seen abroad.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Oct/16
Rob, if you happen to get a ton of 6ft4-5 or 6ft-6ft1 votes for Idris are you simply gonna delete them?

I just thought every vote would count. I know you took issue with me putting Chris Hemsworth at 6ft5. Just other visitors who are less objective and go with their own perception may overestimate while jokers tend to underestimate. If it's simply the same person re-submitting repetively for just s***s & giggles I'd totally see why though
Editor Rob
well none of the votes get added to the average, until they get processed.

If you are a trusted user then your vote is going to be added to the average much quicker and the page will be refreshed to reflect that. I appreciate those who are contributing, whether you agree or disagree, your vote does get counted.

The more genuine estimates the better.
Johan said on 1/Oct/16
Sticking with my 6'2.5" guess. He isn't taller than Prince William and I don't believe he would be taller than Lance Reddick either.
S.J.H said on 30/Sep/16
He only look around 6'2 with nicolas cage. If cage had hidden liftinsole then idris is 6'2.75 if not at best 6'2.25
Shahid said on 24/Sep/16
He looks 6'3"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/16
He looks above 6ft2 flat for sure but a solid 6ft3 guy? He's more likely to be a fraction under that, I think. This listing is fair. Right between the 6ft1-2 guys and 6ft4 guys
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Sep/16
He looks above 6ft2 flat for sure but a solid 6ft3 guy? He's more likely to be a fraction under that, I think. This listing is fair. Looks right between the 6ft1-2 guys and 6ft4 guys
Canson said on 11/Sep/16
Maybe it's his appearance that makes him look that way. Don't see why someone 6'3 would downplay his height for roles. So maybe it's the curve being broken and the way a strong 6'2 or weak 6'3 appears next to others.
Canson said on 11/Sep/16
I beg to differ. He looks a solid 6'3 to me
Johno said on 11/Sep/16
With Pine he does not look beyond a flat 6'2.
Dsmooth said on 2/Sep/16
That's a bad angle, very close up an distorted (shot with Chris pine) you can tell by the distortion on the faces. The shot was taken very close or very wide. I wouldn't put too much stock in that photo
gian92 said on 20/Jul/16
Rob near Chris Pine Elba seems max 187-188 cm , how is it possible ??

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There are a lot of photos of this event and from every angulation there is only 1 inch of difference between them , maybe he lost height
Editor Rob
he doesn't look over 6ft 2 for sure, but I think he is wearing a 1/3rd inch type of shoe, really thin looking thing.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Jun/16
Rob, do you think this guy downplays his height to get more roles or are those days in Hollywood over where tall guys get overlooked for certain parts?
Editor Rob
I wouldn't say so, from what I've seen almost 6ft 3 seems to fit what he looks.

If he only said 6ft 2 though, he'd be playing it down a bit, but I don't think it makes as much difference.
James St. said on 19/Apr/16
Just a bit of trivia: in Takers, there is a clear view of his California Driver's License for the character he plays. It shows Gordon Thomas Cozier
HT: 6-2 WT: 210
Anyone from California? Do they round up to the nearest inch or do they include fractions such as .25; .50; .75 in like Rob does here?
Anyways, it's a movie so nothing definitive.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Apr/16
He looked a fraction shorter than Rio Ferdinand (6ft3¼) and similar to Lenny Henry (6ft3 peak, 6ft2½ today)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Apr/16
Rob, which of these?

A) 192.5cm/190.5cm
B) 192cm/190cm
C) 191.5cm/189.5cm
D) 191cm/189cm
Editor Rob
B-C range seems likely
joe joe said on 19/Mar/16
He looked a good inch taller then 6'3 listed Lenny Henry on sports relief the other night.
Andrea said on 1/Jan/16
I have not seen this claim but, if he really came out with 6'2.5 and you saw that, why not listing him at that mark? It seems a reasonable guess!
Editor Rob
I need to find it again, I believe it was when he was talking about playing Mandela
Andrea said on 24/Dec/15
Rob, if he claimed to be 6'2.5, you should give him that! That's actually what i would have given him... 6'2 is probably too low and 6'3 too much (he looks a bit shorter than Sacha Baron, who himself says 6'3)! 6'2.5 seems to fit him, probably not much different than Lance...
Editor Rob
I think he'd be minimum around that zone, it's hard to really say with a guy like Anthony Joshua exactly what the diff could be!
Nick said on 15/Nov/15
you can be 200 cm without guts, when it comes to grit don't think height plays a big role
1.95 said on 15/Oct/15
190 cm is a good height , but 195 cm is alpha
Dingus said on 7/Sep/15
Very close to 6'03"
joe said on 25/Jul/15
Click Here
joe 193cm night said on 26/Jun/15
side of gerard butler looks from 6'2.5 and 6'2.75 to
MD said on 22/Apr/15
It may or may not be much of an advantage, but that photo shows a significant difference in height, far more than I expected and more than either of their current listings would hold.
joe 193cm night said on 18/Apr/15
Idris and Michael Strahan 6'4.5 (194) Strahan has a bit of an advantage this closerClick Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Apr/15
Rob, do you think Idris would edge out Lance Reddick?
Editor Rob
if you measured them I think so. Lance has good posture, Idris at times is a bit looser in his manners.
spainmen191cm said on 7/Apr/15
Rob,what do you think about Wood Harris? He looks very similar to Idris Elba, any chance of adding him to celebheights?
184.3cm said on 4/Apr/15
Rob what made you think he is weak 6'3? I mean look here next to Matt who you met. Click Here

From other angles still only looks 7 cm max difference. So 182 Matt, 189 Idris.
Editor Rob
I think he is as he claims, nearly but not quite a 6ft 3 guy. Smith is in that 182 range himself.
MD said on 20/Mar/15
@182.3, that's actually a fairly good picture.
Ali Baba said on 18/Mar/15
I actually thought he was taller than this. He must act with a lot of shorter actors.
184.3cm said on 8/Mar/15
Think his 6'2 claim was legit since he is shorter than 6'2.75 Prince William
Click Here
joe 193cm night said on 7/Mar/15
Images with the Prince William are not very good to compare
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Mar/15
His posture isn't great...unlike Tom Welling who you'd swear was a strong 6ft3 at least!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Mar/15
Rob, could 190cm possibly be a morning height?

I have a suspicion he was measured at 6ft2 and nearer 6ft3
Editor Rob
I think this guy would measure 6ft 2.5-3 range more than in the 6ft 2-2.5 range.
Stork said on 1/Feb/15
Idris seems a lot taller, as he's of slim build and stature. He's a Beautiful man and actor. We need more Men of colour in film and television. God Bless
173 said on 30/Dec/14
Would be the tallest Bond so far IF it happens!
Dsmooth said on 19/Dec/14
Very close in height to Prince William, I think this is fair.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/14
But I agree that Elba is nearer 6ft3. Lance Reddick is more in that solid 6ft2 territory
Andrea said on 18/Nov/14
Rob, 6'2.5 is very possible... He's pretty honest because he generally looks between 6'2 and 6'3!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Nov/14
Yeah, but I mean it's worth mentioning that he's also claimed 6ft2
Editor Rob
yeah I'll put it in his description aswell.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Nov/14
Click Here

Rob, in this interview with Time Out London, Elba describes himself as being a 'ballsy 6ft 2in black guy"
Editor Rob
I think his almost 6ft 3 claim fits what he looks.
Sam said on 27/Oct/14
Elba certainly looked taller relative to Denzel Washington in American Gangster than Schreiber did with Washington in The Manchurian Candidate but Schreiber and Washington are often on even footing while Elba's character was supposed to be a really big dude and I believe they filmed the scenes with Elba standing on the higher part of a sloping NYC sideway to make him look bigger.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 3/Oct/14
My thoughts exactly. Liev can look closer to 6ft2 a lot...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Sep/14
Rob, who do you think is taller, Elba or Schrieber?
Editor Rob
would be hard to tell, always a chance elba could be a few mm more
Andrea said on 3/Sep/14
He easily looks near 6'3 next to Lawrence Gilliard Jr... I actually thought Lawr was nearly 6 inches shorter than him!!! In The Wire he looks pretty tall, too bad there arent good scenes with Lance Reddick ( actually there's a scene with both of them but no height comparison is possible)! I think they could be pretty similar, even if Lance does give a taller impression to me. In every movie or tv series he's in, height is the first thing i notice of him. He always looks very tall and he claims to be only 6'2! Btw, when will you upload Gilliard's pic, Rob?
Jon said on 2/Sep/14
@RobPaul What would you say his head size and weight are? I find myself obsessing over these things more and more. I'd say about 220 lbs and maybe 10 inch range?
Editor Rob
I think his head looks genuinely in 99th percentile, somewhere in 10.25 inch range would not surprise me. He has a high crown shape (not flat) which I think takes him over 10 inches.
khelgor said on 19/Aug/14
u guys just take picture and say : xx is 6'x or 5'x
On some photo a guy can be taller or smaller than he really is.
Mr. R said on 1/May/14
I saw Idris several times this year and he is pretty close to 6-3.
jamz said on 29/Apr/14
Sam - Prince William and Elba look exactly the same height in that photo. A half-inch max between them.
John Blaze said on 24/Mar/14
I stood very near him in a line once and I'm 6'2. He was a little taller than me and I couldn't tell if he was 6'2.5 or 6'3. So I would say 6'2.75 is perfect.
MD said on 24/Feb/14
With 5'10.5" Michael B. Jordan:

Click Here

I think it's possible Idris is losing maybe a quarter-inch-to-half-and-inch by leaning slightly forward, here.
Shorty said on 30/Dec/13
Just saw him in the documentary 'King of Speed' and travelling around he is bigger than everyone he meets. Honestly thought he was about 6'4" - 6'5"...
Lo sgozzatore said on 10/Dec/13
Not the best picture with Sacha, who might be a bit over 6'3... Anyway, i agree. I dont buy anything under 6'2 for Elba, he's somewhere between 6'2 and 6'3, maybe around 6'2.5 is spot on
MD said on 9/Dec/13
I'm really beginning to see this current listing under 6'3". Here he is with a legit 6'3" Sacha Baron Cohen:

Click Here

I've also seen photos of him with Prince Harry only looking marginally taller. So, he's taller than 6'2", but also definitely not a full 6'3".
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Dec/13
Elba looks 187-188cm next to Prince William (whose max 190cm)
Sam said on 6/Dec/13
Here Elba meets Prince William and William has an inch or more over him. One of the shortest I've seen Elba look.
Click Here
Lo sgozzatore said on 13/Nov/13
He did look taller than Wood Harris, eho gets listed at 6'2 on the net, but i think he's more 6'1.5... He was taller than Wisdom too, who might be somewhere in that range too (between 6'1 and 6'2). Michael k williams is between 5'10 and 5'11 i think, so anywhere between 6'2 and 3 is possible for mr Elba
Einstein of Height said on 7/Nov/13
In ''The Wire'' he looked the same height as 6'3 Wood Harris (Avon Barksdale). Plus he's noticeably taller than 6'2 Robert Wisdom (Major 'Bunny' Colvin). @ anyone who thinks he's less than 6'2, he towered 5'11 Michael Kenneth Williams (Omar). A 6'1 guy can't tower someone who's 5'11. Remember you need 4 inches on someone to tower them. 5'11 + 4inches = 6'3 = Idris Elba's height.
Sam said on 29/Oct/13
I've never seen this guy look less than as listed...don't know why some people seem to see him as under 6'2".
Lo sgozzatore said on 9/Sep/13
Yeah, i already saw that pic. He's looking between 6'2 and 6'3 there, considering that Gorman is standing as straight as possible... How do you explain that pic with McGann? Simply bad posture? In Luther there are also some scenes with an actor, that you listed here at 170, dont remember his name. Anyway, when i was watching him with Elba, i really thought he had to be around 5'9, if Elba is really 6'2.5... Elba once again looked 6' range with him... Not saying he's that short, absolutely, but he's a guy who can look anything from 6' to 6'2 range... Maybe a 6'2.5 would be better?
Editor Rob
6ft 2.5-2.75 I think is the range he would measure in.
Lo sgozzatore said on 8/Sep/13
Naa, when he has bad posture he really can look just max 6'... See him with Paul Mcgann, that you met: Click Here
He really doesnt look over 6' there but i think that if he stands straight he's probably 6'2 range... I'm not sure he's near 6'3 as listed, but 6'2-6'2.5 is probably a good shout for him
Editor Rob
I know one guy who is a good comparison - Burn Gorman...that guy in person is height aware and about 175cm...
The truth said on 6/Sep/13
Just saw him in a photo of the TV serial "Ultraviolet" with 6' 2" listed Jack Davenport- they are exactly the same height, Davenport even seems taller by a 1/4 of an inch in some stills. He is not over 6' 2". No way.
Editor Rob
I don't know about stills, but in the show itself he is taller than jack.
Lo sgozzatore said on 6/Sep/13
Rob, im watchin him in The Wire and its incredible how he can look max 6' next to the short guys but then looks taller than 6'1-6'2 guys... You think thats just bad posture? I doubt he's less than 6'2 when standing straight
Editor Rob
I think his laid back posture can make him look 6ft 1-2 range, but see him standing tall and he looks over that range.
Lo sgozzatore said on 30/Jul/13
Yeah, I noticed he doesnt stand straight sometimes! They actually could be very similar, even if Lance gives a taller impression...
Lo sgozzatore said on 29/Jul/13
After watching him in The Wire, i'd say he's for sure between 6'2 and 6'3. I hoped there were some scenes with Lance Reddick but it unfortunately did not happen. Who do you think would be taller, Rob?
Editor Rob
they both could be 6ft 2.5, Idris I think stands with poorer posture at times
Balrog said on 14/Jul/13
I think Elba is more a strong 6'2'' rather than a weak 6'3''.

So 6'2.25'' is my guess, he was near in height with Chris Hemsworth so he can't be under 6'2''.
Len said on 14/Jul/13
He's listed as 6'2" elsewhere. That seems right.
Elbaa said on 12/Jul/13
Well actually 6'3 is 190.5 cm. so if i was 190 cm tall i'd definately say that i am 6'3.
teej said on 10/Jul/13
He's british so i believe he's 6ft2.5.. If he was an american actor i wouldnt believe it, seeing as they all lie about their heights
Lo sgozzatore said on 21/Jun/13
Than Tom Hardy, who must be around the same height of Marsters
Lo sgozzatore said on 20/Jun/13
Rob, you think there are 15 cms between them? He doesnt look that much taller... Just think about Tom Welling, who's supposed to be the same height! He makes James Marsters look like a little child
Editor Rob
15cm taller than who?
KraphtOne said on 14/Jun/13
On the office he is virtually the same height as John K. who is 6'3"... Considering Jim's bad posture 6'2.75" sounds spot on
TENIKA5/8 SAYS ON MAY 29 said on 29/May/13
Luther6ft said on 13/May/13
Definitely 189-191 cm range if Butler is 184-186 cm range, Mark Strong is 185-187 cm range and Toby Kebbell is 184-186 cm range. Looks 6'3-4 range on Luther, but I don't think he's quite that tall barefoot, scraping 6'3 like listed or 6'2.5 is probably spot on for Elba. Mind adding a listing for Toby Kebbel, Rob? Think he's 6'1.
191cm said on 27/Apr/13
Lol no. 191 is 6ft 3in.
dawg said on 24/Apr/13
6ft 2.75in is actually a bit over 191 cm.. So which one is supposed to be his height according to this site? Correct that please..
penguinboy25 said on 2/Apr/13
The Pic with Terrell Suggs actually tells us a lot. Suggs was measured at 6'3 3/8 at the NFL combine. With Suggs leaning in and losing a bit of height Elba is still a tad shorter. I think 6'2.5 is an accurate listing for him.
penguinboy25 said on 29/Mar/13
This is close but I don't think he's as high as 190. If Gerard Butler is 6'1 area which I think is accurate, Elba seems to have him by about 1.5 inches. I think 6'2.5 is closer. I would love to see this guy next to Tom Welling to compare.
Anonymous said on 29/Mar/13
Gravitates between 6'2.75 and 6'3. Either way, he's tall, but I wager he's a flat 6'3. He always looks noticeably taller than most 6'2 men.
Anonymous said on 23/Mar/13
Says 6' 2" in Men's Fitness ? Consider a change, Rob?
Lo sgozzatore said on 5/Feb/13
Sorry Silent, but you have an idea of how a real 6'4 guy looks? Just think about a Jeff Goldblum or a Alexander Skarsgard! This guy is probably 6'2 flat, doesnt look much taller than Gerard Butler, who's probably just a bit over 6'!
Silent d said on 31/Jan/13
He always looked 6 foot 4 to me. He was a couple of inches taller than supposedly 187cm jeffrey dean morgan. 6 foot 3.
ano said on 25/Jan/13
190cm is right for him!
He may never become a James Bond, but he's tall, dark and handsome - THREE things Daniel Craig is NOT!
Alex said on 16/Jan/13
What do you guys think a 190 cm guy should claim? 6ft2 or 6ft3?
Lo sgozzatore said on 2/Dec/12
Possible, but he's likely nearer 6'2 than 6'3! 6'2.25 is better maybe! Considering that you have Lance Reddick at only 6'2.25 and he looks very tall... This guy looks just tall to me and he's supposed to be about 6'3
Lo sgozzatore said on 2/Dec/12
Rob, could he be a 6'2 flat guy? He looks a bit taller than 185 max Gerard Butler...
Editor Rob
I think between 6ft 2 and 3 might be fair for him.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Oct/12
He's a legit 188cm guy whose build and posture make him look 6ft3. I'd say 6ft2.25(189cm) could be spot on. At that height you could get away with claiming 6ft3.
Aragorn 5'11 said on 20/Oct/12
He's 6'2. He's only 2 inches taller than Nicolas Cage (6'0). And he's barely an inch taller than Paul Walker (6'1) If Paul Walker is 6'2 then he would be 6'2.75. But still he's not more than 2 inches taller than Nicolas Cage (6'0). And he was with Chris Evans (6'0) in a movie and he didn't look more than 2 inches taller than him. He's definitely a very strong 6'2 but I don't quite buy more than that for him. However, anything less than 6'2 for him is crazy!
J-Dog said on 6/Oct/12
Hey guys, they have gone with 190cm Idris Elba to play 6'4" Nelson Mandela in the biopic moving coming out, and apparently "stature" was stated as a big factor.

Reference: Click Here
Nick NB said on 1/Oct/12
After having watched 'Luther' and '28 Weeks Later', believing the verity that he is 6'4" (1.93 m) is no trouble whatsoever.

His trademark tall, solid build with his undaunted gait contributes to his iconic style which gives him an outstanding presence and helps him to achieve his very high acting potential. He switches between Estuary English and American English so liberally, he can pass off as an American or a Brit.

He is most definitely a splendid actor!
Johnny G said on 7/Aug/12
never met him but being a fan I say a legit 6'2.5" - one of the best young actors to hit the screen & TV in years
Hob said on 28/Jul/12
i read up that idris was 189cm. look pretty much same height as The Rock.
FACE said on 2/Feb/12
He always looks big but 189-190cm sounds right
Ajax said on 27/Jan/12
The reason why he was probably listed as 6'2" is because he
said "6'2.75" and some one thought 6'2" because when you ad
any fraction to your height, someone will repeat it back with out the fraction.
joe joe said on 26/Jan/12
I have met bothe dominic west and Idris. Im 6'1, 1m 85 and Idris definately had about 2 or so inches on me I wouldnt say Dominic west is 1m 84 though as that would put him close to my hight and when we met which was in the cue of a london club FYI, he seemed a little shorter than me. I was in very flat plimsoles and he was in dress shoes with a slight heel. i would say max 183 but looked about 182, 181 to me but i would be fine with him claiming 6 ft he can pull it off
steven said on 19/Jan/12
he look like a big 6'2 guy.
Sam said on 12/Dec/11
"Rampage(-_-_-)Clover says on 21/Apr/11
Not that much taller than Denzel Washington in American Gangster"
Hmm, he seemed way taller than Denzel in that. He looked minimum 4 inches taller to me but he may have been shot to look taller than he was because the character he was based on was an intimidating 6'5" guy.
David618 said on 16/Nov/11
Saw this guy in Obsessed with jerry O' Connell. When they stood close together I noticed he was noticeably taller (more than an inch), so if O' Connell is billed at 6'2" then I would say Idris Alba is closer to 6'4" than 6'3". Maybe his evening height is like a shade under 6'3" and his day height is like 6'3.5"?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/11
Nearer 6"2 than 6"3 IMO...
LAN Jiao said on 17/Oct/11
190cm can count as 6'3 as well. idris can be 6'2.5(189) after see the challenge5 guy was this height i don think idris came bigger than 6'2.5 minimum. although he was listed 6'2 before he goes to hollywood. he can easily looks a big guy in film.
thebad7 said on 13/Oct/11
@J-Dog: This photo you posted is one in a set shot at the same function. I agree with you: Idris is just about the same height as Suggs, with Suggs having maybe a half inch at most (footwear being negligible). I always thought Idris was more 6'3" than 6'2"--he stacks up this way against taller actors (see THE WIRE). I think he can honestly claim 6'3" for himself.

BTW: You're spot on about Viper.

J-Dog said on 11/Oct/11
Viper, HE IS virtually THE SAME HEIGHT AS TERRELL Suggs Click Here Click Here

By the way, I mean this in no disrespect, but you have clear and obvious insecurities about your own height, this is why you must always downgrade others even when evidence is very clear! I think any of us on here posting do have our moments I am 190cm to 188cm (You can go ahead and say I am lying et cetera as if its some how highly unlikely) can have moments where I am like, man if I was 6'4" because as human beings we are hierarchical based animals unfortunately and are always looking to "have something" over another person. But at the same time I am content and I realize the under pinnings of human thought to the point where I won't downgrade someone to make myself feel better but would rather just know objectively with no bias how tall they are as its also just a interesting hobby. I know my words will fall on deaf ears. By the way I have no hatred or dislike but honestly just a little concern for your mental well-being.
Viper said on 10/Oct/11
6-3 measured Terrell Suggs had over an inch on him.

Hes certaintly no 6-2.75. More like 6-1.75
J-Dog said on 8/Oct/11
Cranberries I wouldn't rely on one picture alone as it can be deceiving especially if its not a fully body shot at an even angle. For example take a look and click here Click Here

This is the same event and look at the shoulder level and head level of Elba compared to Dominic West, I would say he looks close to 3" inches taller! Keep in mind Elba has his hands folded behind his back while leaning forward slightly, which whenever I do I am dropping posture slightly, also hair level as well. I think Dominic West may be more 184 than 183cm I will try to find further proof if possible thanks.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Sep/11
He's a solid 6"2, 188-189cm range.
Nick B said on 1/Sep/11
Having watched, 'Luther' and '28 Weeks Later', believing the fact that he is 6'4", 1.93 m, 193 cm is no trouble whatsoever. He is most definitely, a splendid actor.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Aug/11
On The Wire he can look as low as 6"2(188cm) and even sometimes 187cm. However, in RockNRolla he did have a solid 1in on Gerard Butler who himself is 6"1-6"2. I think his real height is somewhere between 6"2.25-6"2.5.
Hansen said on 24/Aug/11
atually black and indians people have longer limbs than e whites and other races. if you have check on NBA draft list average black players got up 4 to 7 or 8inches wingspan longer length than their bare height measured compare white players wingspan are average to their height or just 3-5inch longer. just example kobe bryant listed barely 6ft4.75 and gota large wingspan of 6ft11. really had to admit black people have better proportion than many other race. idris have long limps and look what he claim 6ft3flat.
James said on 5/Jul/11
can look 6'4 on TV.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/11
Doesn't look over 6ft2 next to West, more like 186-187cm.
Cranberries with you look closer you'll notice Dominic West has larger hands
Cranberries (17m, 193.75-191.25) said on 23/Jun/11
He's not looking so tall next to 6'0" Domonic West:
Click Here

...6'2" is my best guess for Elba. He's got a typical lanky West African look that makes him look taller: short neck and average-sized head, somewhat broad muscular shoulders, a short torso, and long limbs. Also has big hands. I doubt he's over my evening height when he wakes up.
J-Dog said on 19/Jun/11
I think he is indeed 190CM or 6'2.75" The only time I am this height is right after waking up, LOL. I think when he first wakes up right out of bed after 8 hours of sleep he is near/virtually 6'4" or 6'3.75 near there. That may account for him not seeming less than 190cm but possible being seen as more at times.

It's not just about height but build as well, he is very solidly built and when you combine this by being in the 6'2" and above area when he is around others he looks larger in general.
Ace said on 29/Apr/11
He certainly looked near 6`3 during his stint in the office
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Apr/11
Not that much taller than Denzel Washington in American Gangster
Luke Warren said on 13/Mar/11
Idris Elba is exactly the same height as me. 190 cm which is '6 2" 3/4.
Candyman said on 12/Mar/11
Looks right and the guy next to Travie McCoy is Bulelani Mvotho, who in that pic is standing on a box and is not anywhere near 6ft tall.
Viper said on 27/Feb/11
This guy is clearly not a 6-3 man. 6-2
Viper said on 27/Feb/11
E says on 15/Jan/11
looks the same height as ravens linebacker terrell suggs... 6'3"

Nope, he looks shorter than 6-3 measured Terrell Suggs in every pic.
Viper said on 25/Feb/11
LOL, Butler isnt 6-2. This guy is 6-2 Max
thebad7 said on 24/Feb/11
Idris is spot on 6'3", Rob. He looks this standing next to Gerard Butler (6'2") in ROCKNROLLA and in THE WIRE next to Wood Harris (6'3").

Tyler said on 28/Jan/11
6'3 sounds about right.
5'7.56 said on 23/Jan/11
Rob, in The Office he looked clearly taller than 6'3 John Krasinski, I think he could be 6'3.5, check his scenes at The Office.
carter said on 22/Jan/11
I think it's right. He has 3-4cm on Gerard Butler in RockNRolla
E said on 15/Jan/11
looks the same height as ravens linebacker terrell suggs... 6'3"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Nov/10
Rob he's listed everywhere as 6"2?

Editor Rob
I think he's honest about his height being near 6ft 3
Ace said on 20/Jun/09
He did look pretty close to 6`3 Krasinski.
Anonymous said on 15/Jun/09
I'd say 188cm so 6ft 2in.
J.J. said on 28/Apr/09
Rob I wish you could meet this guy. Cos of his listing on your site people are now thinking Beyonc
Symone said on 28/Apr/09
Idris has it. He has the swagger, the confidence, the extra-ordinary appeal that make a woman know in the corners of her soul that he will protect her, he will love her with a wholeness few men know, and he will make her feel safe mentally, phsyically and emotionally. This is the definition of a beautiful man and for one can't wait to see him on screen again, and again, and again....
J.J. said on 27/Apr/09
An extra 0.75" please! Rob he looks exactly the same as Boris Kudjoe and Boris is listed at 6'3.5" I tried so hard to check if Boris is actually taller but it's just not working. So if you think Boris is taller then am a bit worried. Idris is always looking almost as tall as Tyler Perry. I also think Tyler perry doesn't look proper 6'5" cos he is always bending since he hardly find people taller
J, said on 26/Apr/09
I think Elba's well-defined broad build gives him a taller impression. I think the current height is appropriate.
stephen said on 18/Apr/09
thats strange Hannah, cos i saw 2 episodes yesterday and Elba looked the same if not 1cm taller than John Krasinski. Unless he wore lifts to make him appear more empowering. which sounds a good idea.
Hannah said on 20/Mar/09
He looked shorter than 6'3" John Krasinski on the Office yesterday.
J.J. said on 25/Feb/09
That gap is huge Gerard looks at least 2.5" shorter possibly 3". Rob could you do me a huge favour by listing this guy at the 6'4" that he is rather than the 6'2" that he isn't. If You don't want to then at least list him @ 6'3.5" so that people can view your site as being reliable. From my view i think he is 6'4" although I'll accept 6'3.75" & nothing less.

Editor Rob
I've found his quote just now, he claims almost 6ft 3...
Nick said on 23/Feb/09
Here's another couple of pics of him looking taller then Gerald Butler though footwear may be different. He's somewhat slouching.

Click Here

Click Here

Looks more than an inch to me but I'm no expert.
Nick said on 23/Feb/09
He looks the same height as Boris Kodjoe in these pics.

Click Here
Nate said on 5/Feb/09
Gerard Butler is listed as 6'1.25 here. To be fair Gerard Butler is probably 6'1.5. So I think Elba is 6'2 at least. Maybe 6'3 max
Sam said on 26/Jan/09
He looked easily 4 inches than Denzel Washington in American Gangster. That's where a lot of the 6'4" claims come from. He could definitely pass as 6'3".
Dsmooth said on 26/Jan/09
He looks a solid 6'2, maybe even 6'2.5 max. 6'3-6'4 seems like a stretch though.
Jboogie said on 4/Dec/08
he towers over Gabrielle Union in daddys little girl
Bruce said on 1/Nov/08
Zach said on 23/Oct/08
my guess he's a good 6ft 2.5, or he's a solid 6ft 3!, he was just a tad taller than 6ft 2" Butler in Rocknrolla
Anonymous said on 7/Oct/08
Don't know his height , but his talent and charisma make him seem 7 foot tall. Great actor with a seemingly great personality in interviews..I can't believe he's only 6 foot tall though.And by the way, I loved Daddy's Little was too short, characters weren't developed enough, but it hit home with me and quite a few people who grew up in that type of culture/background.
nate said on 6/Oct/08
thats weird that he said he's only 6' though...
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/08
he is taller than 6ft 2 gerard butler in rock n rolla
Anonymous said on 26/Sep/08
He's not 6'4 at all

Compare him to 6' Gerrard Butler in RockNrolla, he doesnt have 4 inches on him, and he CERTAINLY wouldnt claim 6' if he was 6'4..

Throughout the movie he stands face to face and side to side with Butler, he is marginally taller than him, beats him by perhaps an inch, PERHAPS

----> Click Here

That pic proves my point..Gerrard with 5'11 Raul Click Here

What do you think?..

Gerrard butler is not 6'3...infact the the pics and evidence on here seem to suggest 6'

I would take Idris account of his height over what people say - He has a HUGE frame that can make him look taller, I#d give him around 6'1 slouching
Bruce said on 7/Sep/08
can someone please change this guy's height. He is a full blown 6'4" man.
Bruce said on 22/Aug/08
He is either 6'4" or nearly. this height needs to be changed
Daii said on 2/Aug/08
hes huge in american gangster, probably 6'4
Bruce said on 20/Jun/08
i have met him in london b4 he is 6'3.5" i am very positive about this
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/08
Used to work with him. He's around 6'3"-6'4"
thekiddd said on 20/Mar/08
I think this guy is 6'3". Does anyone here consider 6'3" roughly 6 feet? Some people do and some people don't.
Jamaal said on 1/Mar/08
Kid-Icarus said on 20/Nov/07
He looked about 6'5" in daddy's litte girls. Garbage movie but he looked immense in that movie.
sam said on 7/Nov/07
It's really hard to believe that this guy is anything under 6'2'.
Bobo said on 4/Nov/07
He looks far taller in American Gangster. if he is a legit 6 feet (or alittle over) then Denzil has to be a lot smaller. He looks huge on screen.
Anonymous said on 6/Sep/07
No, this guy is a legit 6'2 (without shoes) for sure.
Bobo said on 31/Aug/07
He is British, a native Londoner. He is best known for The Wire. He is the same height as Gerard Butler so I am thinking a little over 6 .05
J. said on 31/Jan/06
He's actually was born and bred in the UK.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.