Gladstone Screwer said on 26/May/22
Just watching Angel Face right now, Mitchum looked about 9 inches taller than Jean. She was a rare beauty alright.
Beau Dare said on 23/Feb/21
I first met Jean Simmons on the set of the TV movie, "Midas Valley" in Hollywood at lunch one afternoon, when she sat down next to me at the catering truck, when I was starting out as an actor. She was very petite at 5'3" tall, and was a very sweet and gentle lady. Also, an enormous talent.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Nov/20
Another film we were 'allowed' to watch as smallish kids was 'Spartacus', and it had me in tears, and still does today.
I thought Jean Simmons looked exquisitely beautiful, just like Hedy Lamarr did in 'Samson and Delilah'.
5ft4. 👩💐
Arch Stanton said on 18/Mar/17
Shirley Jones did look close to 1.5 inches taller. There's a chance of 5'3.5-75.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Mar/17
Still saucy in The Happy End. She was a gorgeous woman!
Arch Stanton said on 28/Aug/15
Rob I forgot Angel Face, perhaps replace Young Bess with that. It's odd to see "only five feet four inches in height" for 1949. I mean a 5 ft 4 female in 1949 wouldn't have been considered short at all and a decent sort of height, but the "only" seems to indicate they thinks she's real short! Perhaps her dainty features and build made it seem that way?

Editor Rob
yes it's a strange wording, maybe people expected her to be taller?
Arch Stanton said on 23/Aug/15
Rob can you add a photo of her and films Désirée, Young Bess, The Robe, The Happy Ending and The Grass Is Greener?
Filmnut said on 5/Dec/14
The child actors like Jean and Liz could be older and play younger if short. But both developed rapidly and became volupttuous. Granger is usually listed as 6'3" And seems about that to me. If you go along with young James Mason at 5'11", then Granger is significantly taller in The Man in Gray (about 1943). Jean Simmons is deinitely quite short, in Angel Face she seems tiny next to Mitchum.
My Sharona said on 9/Aug/14
You mean Angel Face ;).
She was so beautiful in So Long at the Fair with the equally gorgeous (5'9"-ish?) Dirk Bogarde. I loved that Vivien-Liz-Jean look: delicate yet sharp bone structure, shining eyes.
Arch Stanton said on 17/May/14
5'4 certainly looks questionable in Angel Eyes, in fact she looks nearer 5'2" next to Bob Mitchum!!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Feb/14
"With John Wayne, proof that Wayne was 6 ft without his lifts ;-] Ha that'll wind up Outlaw and co heheee. " If you really couldn't understand that that was intended in good jest and I didn't actually think Wayne was 6ft then you're indeed either a cretin or simply have a poor understanding of English. In reading your comment again I think you were probably serious rather than
trolling and that the latter is more likely in that it's often difficult to understanding humour in anything other than your native tongue.
Gonzalo said on 18/Feb/14
Arch Stanton, I can´t understand why you insult me. And I can´t understand how Rob allows such comments. If I´ve made a mistake I see no reason for insulting
Arch Stanton said on 17/Feb/14
The lowest you could possibly argue for Granger is 6'2.5".
Arch Stanton said on 17/Feb/14
Gonzalo you're an idiot. I've said many times on John Wayne's page he looked a legit 6'4" guy. I knew what I said on Milland's page would cause responses from people such as yourself. Granger looked 190cm in everything I've seen him in.
Gonzalo said on 14/Feb/14
Arch Stanton says on 8/Jan/14
I've asked Rob for Granger Gonzalo, hopefully he'll add him within the next few weeks. 185 is silly for him though. He was clearly around 6'3". 190-1cm is more like it.
Wayne was 4-5 cms taller than Granger in Alaska. And you say (in Ray Milland´s page) that Wayne was around 1`83 without his lifts.How can Wayne be 4-5 cms taller than a man who is 1-90-91 in your opinion? Was Wayne wearing 15 cm lifts? Hard to buy
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jan/14
5'4" flat I think then.
little sue said on 24/Jan/14
I would say that's about right for Claudette, she 5ft 4.5 on another site but she looks an inch or too shorter than Marilyn MOnroe in a film she was in with her. She also looks a foot shorter than John Wayne in a film she did with him.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Jan/14
Sue can you suggest a height on the requests page for Claudette Colbert and back me up in the request for her! I'm thinking 5'3.5"-5'4".
little sue said on 17/Jan/14
Well what's half an inch between friends, lol
Arch Stanton said on 16/Jan/14
5'3.5 for Jean and 5'2.5" for Liz!
little sue said on 14/Jan/14
Liz over a foot shorter than Rock in her heels, as mister_lennon says, 5ft 2 for Liz and 5ft 3 for Jean
Arch Stanton said on 14/Jan/14
An inch too low on both Lennon IMO.
mister_lennon said on 13/Jan/14
Liz was a weak 5'2. Jean a weak 5´3.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/14
I'm actually leaning on 5'3 range now Sue for Jean. I have Brando at 5'8.5". Jean was a bit taller than Liz so maybe Liz was only 5'3" max. Liz did look over a foot shorter than the Rock in Giant I thought.
Arch Stanton said on 11/Jan/14
Yes Sam not to mention more class too, I mean Melanie is pretty awful!
Sam said on 9/Jan/14
In the cases of both Janet Leigh-Jamie and Tippi Hedren-Melanie, I think the mom's are more attractive, although Hedren was not that appealing personality wise. Getting back to height, Simmons also looked pretty petitie next to Burt Lancaster and was inches under Kirk Douglas, so she's definitely not more than listing.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
It's really funny in Desiree. Simmons is like a just below Rennie's shoulder level in heels I think. Yet in the face scenes she's magically just above his eye level. In one scene she leans forward to hug him and you can hear the box she's stood on creak and she almost fell of it and he had to practically catch her!! She looks almost a foot shorter than him otherwise and that's with heels I think.
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
She really looks tiny next to 6'4" Michael Rennie in Desiree and she even says "I'm much too short for you"!!
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
Click Here See 30-31 and 57 minutes. Gorgeous!
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
I'd say Deb Kerr and Bette Davis had more a haughty look about them though Sue!
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
Yes you might be right but she looked an extremely attractive woman to me in Diary of a Madman!!
Arch Stanton said on 8/Jan/14
I've asked Rob for Granger Gonzalo, hopefully he'll add him within the next few weeks. 185 is silly for him though. He was clearly around 6'3". 190-1cm is more like it.
Gonzalo said on 7/Jan/14
Rob, how about adding her husband for years, Stewart Granger, to this site? Good actor who starred in a bunch of excellent movies. And a tall one, at least 1,85 and most likely in the 1`87-88 area.
little sue said on 6/Jan/14
The only thing Jamie has in common with her Mom is her full chest. Janet and Tippi more attractive than beauties. arch, always thought Nancy Kovack had that haughty pinched nose look about her like Kay Kendall, both very tall women for back in the 50's
Arch Stanton said on 5/Jan/14
Janet Leigh was also very attractive during that period and had similar face shape and eyes as Jean and a lovely pert chest, but I think Jean was more attractive and sexier. Leigh always seemed a bit too prim and proper I think. I still can't see any resemblance between Jamie Lee Curtis and her parents, maybe the smallest of resemblances with Tony but she looks absolutely nothing like them really! Tippi Hedren, another of Hitchcock's blonde obsessions never did anything for me but at least you can tell she's Melanie's mother LOL!
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jan/14
Nancy Kovack was also really hot in the 50s and 60s. One of the most beautiful women I've ever seen on screen in Diary of a Madman opposite Vincent Price.
Sam said on 2/Jan/14
Grace Kelly had the most "perfect" face I can think of. Very ravished but she could seem a little remote at times, not sensuous like Liz Taylor or Jean Simmons. Hitchcock obviously spent a lot of time imagining violating the cool exterior of Grace Kelly, LOL.
Yes, Richard Burton was lucky with the ladies and the acting talent, but still often seemed like a depressed alcoholic.
mister_lennon said on 30/Dec/13
Yeah, grace kelly was so pretty, but she wasnt as sexy, curvy and lucious like Liz Taylor or Jean Simmons. Marlyn was close, but she wasnt my cup of tea, you know.
Little sue, if you looks like little liz, im even more agree with you in your posts, you know.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Dec/13
LOL, now 4'11 range or whatever you said you are would be a downgrade for Liz! Little and Liz are close wording! "Yes I agree Sue" I mean LOL.
little sue said on 29/Dec/13
Lol Arch, you thinking I'm Liz, only in my wildiest dreams
Arch Stanton said on 27/Dec/13
Yes I agree Liz.
little sue said on 27/Dec/13
Grace was attractive but not sexy and lucious like Liz and Jean. Marilyn was a bit too much in your face although I liked her figure in her later films
Arch Stanton said on 27/Dec/13
Grace Kelly was also very beautiful of course in that period. Marilyn really didn't do anything for me in the way that Liz or Vivien did, but she had a certain appeal about her I agree.
mister_lennon said on 26/Dec/13
Yeah, agree. Liz taylor had a wonderful body, that scene in suddenly last summer was wonderful. Those curves, you know. And jean, what a woman, her body and her face was a sin for every man. I would make love to liz or jean every hour of my life, you know. Three so beautiful girls, vivien, jean and liz. And yeah, i think that liz was the shortest one being a weak 5'2, and vivien and jean being weaks 5'3. And yes, i think that deborah kerr was about 3 inches taller than jean, 4 was so much.
Arch Stanton said on 25/Dec/13
Yes she had a wonderful body Sue and I was loving that beach scene in Suddenly Last Summer!! I agree that Simmons can look 5'3"-5'3.5" at times. Either way she was definitely NOT anywhere near 5 ft 6!!!
little sue said on 24/Dec/13
I'd say Liz, Jean and Vivien Leigh were all pretty similar in looks and height with Taylor being the shortest at around 5ft 2 and Leigh and Simmons creeping up to 5ft 3. Leigh was very slight and skinny though whereas Jean and Liz were more shapely, especially Liz, watch the beach scene in Suddenly Last Summer!!
little sue said on 24/Dec/13
Arch never believe anything that Darwin Porter writes!! he notorious for writing biographies after they are dead. He just wrote one about Liz Taylor and he reckons she used to give blow jobs at the age of 9 in the back of the MGM car's on the way to set, lol
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/13
Sam and Sue, check out this book
Click Here . It's a gem. And there was me thinking that Granger was a quiet sort of fellow!!
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/13
Sue did you see Vivian Blaine's heels in Guys and Dolls!! They were massive! Bigger than Jean's heels. She looked about 2 inches shorter than Sinatra in those massive heels!
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/13
No way did Kerr have 4 inches on Jean LOL!! 3 inches at the very most, looked nearer 2 to me.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Dec/13
What is it with short women and very tall men LOL. Most women I know under 5 ft 2 have a strapping big husband/boyfriend!
Simmons looks about 3-3.5 inches shorter than Brando in Guys and Dolls in normal heels I think. I think he was 5'8.5-5'8.75" so 5'9.5"-5'9.75" in shoes. In comparison I'd say Jean was hitting 5'6-5'6.5". 5'3.5-5'4" to me seems more likely than 5 ft 2 but what do I know I'm a guy who added inches to everybody's heights :-]!
Arch Stanton said on 23/Dec/13
5'2" ish does seem about right for Goddard. Liz Taylor was sexually the most attractive actress to me in the 1950s. Without a doubt. I don't think you could say she was as quite as "pretty" as Jean though. Richard Burton had the best of both Simmons and Taylor. He lived every man's dream!! I read that he used to sneak into her and Stewart Granger's house and make love to Simmons while Granger was asleep!
little sue said on 23/Dec/13
Oh I see Samm, I dated someone 6ft 3.5 once and I'm only 4ft 11, I had a bad neck for years, lol
mister_lennon said on 23/Dec/13
By the way, jean was so beautiful. Her pretty face was perfect.
mister_lennon said on 23/Dec/13
ONce again, agree with little sue. She was about 5'2 or 5'3 as the very much. Deborah Kerr, who was about 5'6, is about three or four inches taller than her in their three movies together. Weak 5'3 for Jean as much.
Sam said on 23/Dec/13
Height has nothing to do with beauty, but for my taste taller in better since I'm 6'5". Yes, but for sure Simmons was quite a minx.
little sue said on 23/Dec/13
Yes I agree Arch, Paulette (Pauline) Goddard was more about 5ft 2. The old '2 inch rule' was more apparent for the old Hollywood stars. Think Jean better looking but still think Liz was the best of the lot
Arch Stanton said on 21/Dec/13
Chaplin in shoes had about 2-3 inches on Pauline Goddard who is barefoot throughout Modern Times. Assuming he was 5'5 in shoes, maybe 5'2.5"-5'3" would be a good shout for her, but she definitely looked small, a lot shorter than 5'4". What do you reckon Sue? I think 5'2" range more likely than 5'3" or 5'1". She had a face at peak arguably even prettier than Jean, I found her extremely attractive!
Arch Stanton said on 21/Dec/13
@Little Sue. If you think Jean was a laughable 5 ft 4 what about Pauline Goddard!!! Nowhere near it. Watch Modern Times, she's more like 5 ft 1 next to Charlie Chaplin!.
Arch Stanton said on 21/Dec/13
Lancaster had a really tough year in 1960 didn't he, working opposite Audrey Hepburn in The Unforgiven and Jean Simmons in Elmer Gantry. Poor chap!
Arch Stanton said on 21/Dec/13
She was outrageously beautiful in the late 1940s and early 1950s for sure. And the stories I've heard about her add to her appeal, quite a minx!!
little sue said on 21/Dec/13
Whats height range got to do with beauty?? Would have thought average height range is the best to be as you neither too small or too tall!
little sue said on 20/Dec/13
Kerr only just 5ft 6, look at pictures of them together in The Black Narcissis, Kerr a good 3 inches taller
Sam said on 20/Dec/13
I read in Burt Lancaster's biography that Lancaster, Kirk Douglas and Tony Curtis considered Simmons the most beautiful leading woman they ever worked...not hard to see why even though she was in average range for height, a fact Douglas undoubtedly enjoyed since he could have inches over her.
Arch Stanton said on 20/Dec/13
I doubt 5 ft 3 Sue, she was barefoot next to Deborah Kerr in the Grass is Greener and looked nothing under 5'4" and I think Kerr was more a strong 5'6".
Arch Stanton said on 19/Dec/13
Can you add Ophelia in Hamlet (Academy Award nom) (I think that might be an image from that film above) and Elmer Gantry too. I'd say her role in Elmer Gantry opposite Lancaster was one of her biggest roles.
little sue said on 19/Dec/13
Can't understand why other sites have her at 5ft 6!! I would say 5ft 3 at the most!! look at her in Guys and Dolls with her co star Vivian Blaine who was 5ft 2, there is no diference, also got her pictured next to Liz Taylor and she only very slightly taller
Arch Stanton said on 18/Dec/13
Thanks for adding her!! Agreed. Kerr seemed about 2 inches taller and I was giving her the benefit of the doubt with 5'4.5" keeping in mind she was listed at 5 ft 6. No way was she anywhere near it!! She could often look quite small. 5'4" is fine I think, although 5'4.5" is possible, but no more. Can you add Ophelia in Hamlet (Academy Award nom) and Elmer Gantry too. I'd say her role in Elmer Gantry opposite Lancaster was one of her biggest roles.