Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/23
That's a great find, him revealing his parents' height. Makes perfect sense - a 6ft1 dad and 5ft10 mum will usually produce at least 6ft3 range offspring...
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
This is terrible.
I’m watching the Tonight programmes and realise how lucky I was to have such a minimal wait for my hip replacement surgery. Some poor people on this programme are having to pay £13,000 for theirs and others are travelling to Lithuania to get it done cheaper - around £7,000. I had a mere 5 months to wait.
It is emphasised that the patients’ agony gets worse during the time it takes to fit them in. One woman said she’d have been better off dead. Others deteriorate so badly that they become too weak to undergo surgery.
How awful.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/23
John has been in some excellent films, and gets the terrifying parts because of his enormous stature.
6ft3.5. 😱
Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/23
John plays a nasty piece of work in Gothika and Zodiac as well
as AHS. Is it something to do with his height? Well, I can’t see his stature going against him when they’re choosing candidates for scary parts!
6ft3.5 and very well built.
berta said on 23/Dec/22
in movies he looks beetween 191-192. i think 191,5 if he is measured. 193 cliam is to mutch for him.
Darksol64 said on 4/Feb/22
Looks a solid 6'3 with Rob.
Andrea said on 30/Dec/21
He did claim 6'4 on Twitter:
Click Here
Having now seen him in a fair few films, I agree that he generally can pass for a decent 6'3 guy, although as Rob mentioned before he doesn't have a particularly big head which could help him...
Somewhere near 6'3 is believable, but maybe not necessarily over.

Editor Rob
Good spot…
Interestingly he never corrected a guy calling him 6ft 3 a few years later
Click Here, saying his Dad was 6ft 1 and Mum 5ft 10. In person really big 6ft 3 I still reckon.
Felix013 said on 12/Nov/21
In the photo with rob he looked max 1.89
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Oct/21
Probably claims to be 6ft4. Only possible if Randy Quaid is almost 6ft6...
Impala 64 said on 30/Sep/21
peak : 190 cm
current : 188 cm
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Aug/21
John plays John Wayne Gacy in AHS Hotel 'Devil's Night' episode. With fictitious serial killer James Patrick March, played by Evan Peters, as the host, there's far more fun than there ought to be!
6ft3.25. 😁👌
RJT said on 15/May/21
@Editor Rob
I noticed your clothing and background are the same in both pictures with this and Cook so it was probably same event.
Was JCL visibly taller than Cook upon first glance or you only noticed it after seeing printed pictures later on?

Editor Rob
they use those same backdrops, but different event. JCL in person was taller than Cook.
RJT said on 15/May/21
This guy is very legit 191cm range guy
Click Here
Whereas 173cm range Rob reaches Alastair Cook who himself is tall dude (189-189.5 range) Rob only reach around JCL's mustache. That's around 1.5-2cm difference.
To non aware height folks though, they will look similar.
Black Noir said on 11/May/21
Thanks rob means a lot, with that being said how come you’re head sits over the line where it’s supposedly 5’8? Makes you appear 174 cm instead, is it just ur head?

Editor Rob
account for a fraction of hair and a little bit over 5ft 8.
Black Noir said on 8/May/21
Hi rob could you do an imgur image of where 188 cm would start on Johns head and where 172 cm would end? But with lines plz

Editor Rob
click here. 188 would be near an inch from top of his head in my photo, 172 just a fraction shy of the 5ft 8 line near top of my head.
184guy2 said on 8/Apr/21
Considering Rob is around his mustache area , 6'3.25 seems pretty fair IMO
I know a guy who claims 191cm and has the same looking a physique ( including the baldness haha ) and I thought he was like 6'4.5 but later 6'3.25 seemed more belivieble
Canson said on 28/Feb/21
@Editor Rob: I’d say 1/4” less but of course he could look different in person
Canson said on 27/Feb/21
@Rampage: that’s where I would place him is a solid 6’3”. I thought 6’2.75 but we know how the pics go sometimes. I struggle to see 6’3.25 though. He would probably measure what he’s listed earlier in the day maybe 2-3 hours after waking up imho

Editor Rob
I think a strong 6ft 3 range suits him, I would be surprised if (at least when I met him) that he'd be a guy falling under 6ft 3.
Canson said on 27/Feb/21
@Rampage: that’s where I would place him is a solid 6’3”. He would probably measure what he’s listed earlier in the day maybe 2-3 hours after waking up imho
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Feb/21
Looks a solid 6ft3 w/h Rob
but struggles with it next to Randy Quaid
Click Here
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Feb/21
He was complete bald so there is some chance he could be measure 6'3 1/2 also 6'3 1/4 could be a low for him. I believe he look straight 6'3 1/2 with a peak Benicio Del Toro.
Vincent Caleb said on 25/Oct/20
6’3” flat imo.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 19/Oct/20
Before I got seriously into 'American Horror Story', I never really took much notice of John, even though I'd seen many of his films. I just expected this big guy to play a baddie.
Now that I'm so well acquainted with AHS and its truly GREAT cast 😋, I notice when John's in a film, and he's in loads. I keep finding more and more!
6ft3.25 😁👍
@ Rob - When you have the time, would it be possible to add 'Face/Off' and 'Gothika' to John's credits? Thanks! 😀👌
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 9/Oct/20
I noticed John starring in 'Face/Off' the other night. At his height of over 6ft3, you'd be forgiven for thinking he's the tallest of the cast, but not when the 6ft6 Nick Cassavetes also stars!
6ft3.25. 😉👍....🤡😣😝
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 15/Sep/20
Before I came across his picture here, I might have said that John's face is his fortune, in a none-too-flattering way, but I see that he has a very pleasing face, and it's his SIZE that's his fortune, winning him the parts of ultra strong serial killers.
In AHS, we do see that John's character, Twisty, was never happier than when clowning around with the little kids, and then fate gave him a rotten blow, changing his personality entirely, a blow which came from thoughtless adults.
I'm giving this super-sized clown 6ft3.25, judging from the evidence offered by the picture above. On-screen, he can look a bit taller.
😁👍 He's not getting a clown emoji. I can't stand them; they freak me out! 😝
Matt6'5 said on 25/Aug/20
I've seen picures of him with Randy Quaid. Looks to be about 1.5 inches between them. Rob, would you say it is more likely Mr. Lynch is 6'3.5, or could Randy Quaid be down from his peak?

Editor Rob
It's touch and go, you could argue 6ft 3.5 for John...in person he certainly looks a strong 6ft 3 guy at least up close.
JD1996 said on 13/Aug/20
7 inches difference between rob and John
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/20
I recognized John's face the other night when I was watching Halle Berry in the film 'Gothika'. Just as he plays the scary murderous Twisty the clown in 'American Horror Story', his character in 'Gothika' isn't someone you'd wish to encounter down a dark alley at midnight! 😰🤡 Next to John, Halle looked weeny; her tiny proportions contribute to her petiteness.
OriginalAnon said on 21/Mar/20
The average guess on this one is a bit of a joke (6'3.49"). This guy always looks 189cm, something like 6'2.5".
Nik Ashton said on 20/Jan/20
I wonder if Rob has camera advantage!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Jan/20
Well, no surprise there then! 😆😝😄
Huge John has been cast as Arthur Leigh, a prime suspect in the hunt for the culprit of the Zodiac killings in the movie 'Zodiac'. Of course, he denies any knowledge to the Police, adding, "But if I was the Zodiac killer, I certainly wouldn't tell you!" followed by, upon leaving, "I look forward to the day when they don't call Policemen pigs!"
Very suspect, if you ask me!
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/Aug/19
In The Architect he does look 6'3.5" like Sandy estimate him. But i feel in person its the lowest Rob listed him.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Aug/19
🎁🎂🤡 Birthday Greetings John! 🤡🎂🎁
Today is John Carroll Lynch's 56th Birthday. Here's wishing him a good one. 🌝
6ft3.5 - a fairly weak one. Junior Hernandez - I've taken note!
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Jun/19
@Sandy I don't think he hold 6'3 1/2 well. Probably more like 191cm as Rob listed him and 6'4 out of bed.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jun/19
URGHH! He plays that revolting Twisty the twisted clown and I could see he was a giant. At 6ft3.5 he is in my books!
I see John has loads of credits to his name, including the excellent 'Shutter Island' and 'Fargo'.
One good actor! 😁👍
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/May/19
@Canson @Christian He still can be 6'3.25" in person we don't know that, but not the average guess its too high.
Canson said on 5/May/19
@Christian: to your point to JTM that’s because people such as the normal ones here who wish they were taller insist that Rob is 174cm because of the one measurement on the stadiometer that was off and rob not being on his feet long that day
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 4/May/19
Good point. Rob has mentioned tons of times that he's 5'8 1/8", yet the Average Guess is around 5'8 3/8". At one point, the average was even nearly 5'8.5" if I remember correctly. I wouldn't get rid of the Average Guess voting system if I was Rob though.
I can see Lynch being flat 6'3" but not 6'3.25"

Editor Rob
There are regulars who throw low and high guesses and some mistakes I think at times from people. If there's a lot of guesses it does tend to even out, but I do think some averages are probably a little skewed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/May/19
A shade over 6ft3 is believable
Canson said on 1/May/19
@Junior: with the chart it’s about 6’2.75

Editor Rob
It's a rough area he can look in that photo, but I feel up close he seemed a robust 6ft 3 guy rather than being under it.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Apr/19
@Canson @Christian He was merely touching 6'3 height chart just 1/8th to go while he is bald and because Rob put down 1/8. Rob is 5'8 1/8 not 5'8 which mean John Carroll is legit 6'3 with him. The real 6'2.75" bonus with 1mm would be
Chris Hemsworth. Lol.
Jtm said on 7/Mar/19
no offense but i don't think this average guess thing really helps this site. a lot of people here believe what they want to believe or care so much what others believe.

Editor Rob
Well, it's just a collective opinion for those who have taken the effort to submit a comment/vote. I think that's better than just a completely random selection, at least they have made the effort to participate through the voting.
I appreciate the efforts of those who do it.
Canson said on 6/Mar/19
@Christian: agreed
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Mar/19
Average Guess at 6'3.42" is a joke. He looks 6'2.75"
VelikiSrbin said on 5/Mar/19
I'll give him 6'3. He's 55+ he may have lost some height. What do you think his weight is? I guess 250+ lbs
Jordan87 said on 14/Dec/18
He is clearly under 6'3 with ROb. Why 6'3.25"? He looks 6'2.75".
Zampo said on 7/Nov/18
Average guess seems higher than I would have thought. Looks around a flat 6'3 to me in the photo.
Tall Sam said on 28/Sep/18
He looked quite big in The Founder near Nick Offerman and Michael Keaton, I don't know if it was camerawork that made him look bigger than usual but it was worked as an ironic thing as he's so relatively meek and cowed by Keaton's conniving character.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Aug/18
Rob is 5'8 1/8 at low so John Carroll Lynch is 6'3 at his low with Rob. I wonder what footwear they both had. Is it similar in heel?

Editor Rob
A typical shoe he wore
MrTBlack said on 18/Jun/18
Im in awe how anyone could think Carroll Lynch is less than 6’3” hell, I think even 6’3.5” is quite possible and he just omitted the half inch.
Bosconotovitch said on 8/May/18
Eastman from TWD!
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 6/May/18
When I said "reasonable" I was basing it on my own opinion. Of course there are others who don't think your estimates are reasonable, like grizz.
Andrea said on 5/May/18
Christian, you agreeing or disagreeing about certain estimates certainly doesn't make those estimates more or less reasonable, though.
Canson said on 5/May/18
@Rob: I have to agree with Andrea and Christian about him giving the appearance of a weak 6’3” in the height chart. Of course, you have met him so that may not be the case in person where he could be 6’3”+. However, speaking specifically to the picture above, he doesn’t touch 6’3”. He would only be about 190cm. It’s similar to the chart for Ray Fisher. In that one, he didn’t look anything close to 6’2.25 let alone 6’2.5. In fact, 6’1.75-6’2 is how he appears with the chart in the picture he’s in with you. However, in the case of the latter, the chart appears to be off as you also look a hair under 5’8” as opposed to the former where you line up to your actual measurement of 5’8 1/8-1/4.
Redwing said on 5/May/18
He looks 190 cm
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 4/May/18
Good point, I was thinking the same thing.
I doubt that's the case. He makes reasonable estimates for the most part, although on some celebs I strongly disagree with him like Boris Kodjoe's.
Andrea said on 4/May/18
"grizz said on 3/May/18
Andrea downgrades everyone."
Ikr? 😊
Canson said on 4/May/18
@Grizz: I have to disagree there.
Canson said on 3/May/18
@JB-5’9: well i didn’t comment on this page at all until now and nothing about his height. So no need to call anyone delusional. And to Christian’s credit, he is entitled to his opinion on his height. If you look at Rob with the guy, he can look right around 6’3”. 6’2.75 and 6’3” won’t look much different in terms of appearance. Based on how you attacked me on General Heights for no reason as well, it seems you have a personal problem with me when I’ve never even addressed you. I’ll digress though on my thoughts of why
By the way, to his credit, Andrea could be right in that he could give the appearance of a weak 6’3 like he mentioned next to Rob, which is also about 6’3”. But of course Christian was singled out for his estimate and I didn’t even provide one
Canson said on 3/May/18
@MrTBlack: I don’t purposely downgrade people. You’ve even seen with other celebs where I have had them right where Rob does or even said potentially a hair over and we have agreed on several of the celebrities’ heights here. Sure there are many where I feel that they are shorter than listed but in my opinion there are a lot here who are overlisted
grizz said on 3/May/18
Andrea downgrades everyone.
Agent Orange said on 3/May/18
If we assume that Rob’s eyeline is roughly in line with a six footer’s mouth I would say he is as listed.
Andrea said on 3/May/18
Rob, maybe add a height chart?

Editor Rob
I'll add one.
One thing I'd say is John doesn't have as big a head as you'd imagine...
Andrea said on 3/May/18
"... I probably have a bit more knowledge about heights and height differences than the majority of visitors here ..." I bet you do 😂😂😂
MrTBlack, IN THIS CASE, Christian isn't that wrong because John does look a bit under 6'3 next to Rob. This looks more a 6.5 inches difference rather than 7, to be fair, so he really doesn't look over 6'2.5-6'2.75 here. This of course doesn't mean that he's that low. In fact, if we had to go with how celebrities look next to Rob, the majority of them should be downgraded by a "noticeable" amount. What Rob guesses them in person (or what they generally look, in case I know them) is more important to me. Take a David Morrissey. He doesn't look much over 186 next to Rob, but of course I doubt he's as low as that because he generally looks taller. So despite him looking near an inch shorter than his listing next to Rob, I can totally buy Rob's estimate because, more or less, he generally looks around that 6'2 mark.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 2/May/18
Oh please. I didn't even say Lynch's 6'2.75", he just LOOKS 6'2.75" with Rob here. And Andrea said the similar thing as me, that he looks 189-90 range. (if anything it's even a bit lower than my guess) So why aren't you saying anything about Andrea? Downplaying would be purposefully lowering someone by several inches, like saying Lynch's 6'0" or 6'1". Saying he's 6'2.75" (which I didn't even say, he just looks it with Rob) isn't anywhere close to downplaying.
And another thing, Rob tends to overlist a lot of celebs by a certain degree (not saying this is the case with Lynch). I'm not a perfect guesser, but I probably have a bit more knowledge about heights and height differences than the majority of visitors here. And sometimes I think some celebs are taller than what Rob lists them as. So I don't always "downplay" heights.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 2/May/18
@MrTBlack Really not under 6'3 for Lynch but i think Christian did not mean it to downgrade him, because he might miss out to deduct a fraction of hair on rob head. Anyway its just a picture that doesn't prove he is only 6'3 or below. He might have posture disadvantage or a bit of less shoes on. If Lynch had lost a fraction at 55 now i did believe closer to 6'3.5" peak for him and 6'3 1/4 sounds fine.
JB - 5'9 said on 2/May/18
@MrTBlack: I couldn’t agree more they’re delusional. How does he look under 6’3??
MrTBlack said on 1/May/18
Im starting to think you and Canson just like to purposely down play celebs heights. This listing is better for sure. Definitely not under 6’3” off screen and with Rob here.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 1/May/18
Looks max 6'2.75" with Rob
Andrea said on 30/Apr/18
He looks more 189-90 range here...
That being said, I barely know him. Although I vaguely remember him in Gran Torino where he looked maybe 3 inches taller than Clint?
Sam, although they're definitely a minority, there are certainly a few celebrities who ended up with a taller listing after Rob met them. I don't remember at what height Clive Russell was listed at, but I can think of a Callum Blue who was moved from 6' to 6'1 after Rob saw him in person.
Tall Sam said on 30/Apr/18
He can look this range on screen too, a big 6'3"er. Nice to have a celebrity that Rob takes a photo with actually be taller than previous listing rather than lower I think, maybe only Clive Russell comes to mind (?).
berta said on 29/Apr/18
yeah tall guy i. think he have looked a legit 6 foot 3 guy in his career
176cm guy said on 29/Apr/18
Hey Rob, I'm kind of seeing he might be dipping below 6'3" here. Him and Thomas F. Wilson both look very similar with each other (judging by your photos with them). Since he is 54 now (turning 55 this year) do you think he might be losing a fraction of height now or does he have a bit of a footwear disadvantage that day?

Editor Rob
Lynch is close in height to Gwendoline Christine a solid 6ft 3.
Micky said on 28/Apr/18
Looks a legit 6'3" here.
aknawkneemoose said on 19/Apr/18
rob this guy definitely needs an increase. i've never seen this guy before but seeing him with diedrich baker who is surely a strong 6'2, i can't see him any less than 6'3.5

Editor Rob
In person Lynch is a similar guy to Sorbo I'd say, a solid 6ft 3 range guy.
Edge said on 4/Jun/17
Looks 1.5" shorter than Randy Quaid so definately in the 6'3-6'3.5" range.
MrTBlack said on 8/Feb/17
If anything he's 6'3.5" but 6'3" solid nothing less for sure!
Mulberries said on 21/Apr/16
Huge hands, big frame - gives off more of a 6'4"+ impression when standing near other people, such as in The Invitation.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Feb/16
He looks gigantic in Face/Off and Fargo like 6ft5! He's burly frame might make him look taller.
He does look 1in taller than his doppleganger Dave Koechner
Sam said on 16/Jul/13
Back in Face/Off, I thought he was 6'4" but he does seem to be around 6'3". As an aside, his character's license in Zodiac states 6'0", but that's only because the man he plays, Zodiac suspect Arthur Leigh Allen, was apparently that height.
Ajax said on 1/Jan/13
Does look it.