Alex5 said on 11/Jun/09
The Dutchguy: but that could apply to any country, really. Take Ming to the USA where say 6'2" is more common and he'd still be enormous.
Francisca said on 25/May/09
Is true that yao ming is very tall
aram x said on 18/May/09
tony, what you just mentioned is 100 % truth. Those tall stiffs wouldn't have ever had the shot at the nba if it wasn't for their freakish height.
tony said on 6/May/09
most people in the nba are in the nba because of their height NOT because of their talent. look at yao's free throw percentage, and you will know that Yao has talent and height which makes him a great player. look at all the other tall guys, they can't make free throws, because they are not really coordinated, but tall enough to be in the nba. Joe Cool you are clearly an uneducated and i have no doubt i could win against you in any sport and i'm 5'9 but an all american athlete.
The Dutchguy said on 1/May/09
Haha, the average chinese guy: between 5 feet tall and 5'7, and then this man: 7'5, Amazing
giant said on 26/Apr/09
i heard yao was 5-7 tall when he was in 3rd grade
aram x said on 26/Apr/09
7,5" I would stick to since 7,6" sounds more like his height with shoes on.
anon said on 17/Apr/09
does it really matter if he's 7'5" or 7'6"? the man is a giant. period.
Max said on 16/Apr/09
My dad, Mark was in this hotel in Indiapolis, IN and he walked into the elevator, and I am not kidding you, HE SAW YAO MING! My dad was 5'9" and he could only see his waist!
aram x said on 21/Mar/09
He's listed as 7,6" so I am guessing that's with shoes on?
Jordan said on 20/Mar/09
Bradley has more than a 1/4 inch on Yao. Bradley is a good 3/4 to an inch taller than Yao in that pic. Look at it. Yao has also been listed at 7'4 in the 08 games like Max said so i really doubt yao is aynting over 7'5.
aram x said on 6/Mar/09
For all practical purposes, Shawn Bradley and Yao are the same height. It's hard arguing over only 1/2 or 1/4 " from just a single picture.
Burgos said on 6/Mar/09
Yes, I agree. If you rotate it a bit so that the background is not slanted they are very close in height (Bradley is still about a half an inch taller)
Max said on 2/Mar/09
Yao Ming was listed at 7'4" in the 2008 Beijing Olympics, I'd say 7'4" is about right to me
Atoadaso said on 26/Feb/09
that photo is tilted in Bradley's favour, look at the background and their orientations.
Jordan said on 20/Feb/09
If Bradley is 7'6 than Yao cant be. Here is another photo of them, looks like a good 1/2" that Yao is shorter.
7'5 vs. 7'6
Click Here
Clay said on 17/Feb/09
I can believe Yao at 7'6'' that is legit.
aram x said on 30/Jan/09
No it isn't. If you have a good photo, a measuring device, and a calculator then yes.
Rusty said on 28/Jan/09
Its almost impossible to guess height when someone is this tall.
aram x said on 15/Jan/09
The main difference is that Yao does not gigantism/acromegaly whereas Mu Tiezhu clearly had gigantism/acromegaly.
Anshelm said on 12/Jan/09
Said here to be 2 cm shorther than 228 cm (7'5
Anonymous said on 4/Jan/09
this guy is a giant. At least 7'5'' and i would say he is 7'6''.
aram x said on 17/Dec/08
Yes, 226 cm= 7,5". Yao is probably closer to 7,5" than 7,6". His
Standing Reach at 7,5" has been measured at 9,8" compared to Iranian's Jaber Rouzbahani who is also 7,5" but with a 10 foot
Standing Reach.
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/08
226cm is 7'5"
juggernaut said on 17/Dec/08
When I first heard of Yao Ming Which was in the very late 90s, They said he was 7'3" when he joined China's National Team in 2000 he was listed at 226cm, which i believe was just 7'4". He was also listed at that same height in 2002 just before he was drafted. I'm going to say that it is possible that Yao's height is roughly somewhere between 7'4" and 7'5", I believe Yao isn't a legit 7'6" barefoot. Maybe 7'6" with shoes.
Click Here
aram x said on 23/Nov/08
Whenever somebody says dunks without jumping the first things that pop out of my mind are Jaber Rouzbahani, Kenny George, or Sun Ming Ming. hahahah don't you think it would be awesome if Jaber (F), Kenny(PF), Sun(C), Yao(PG), and Mutombo ( G) were on the starting line up for the Houston Rockets? Having your entire on-court team of 7 footer's?
Shaq said on 19/Nov/08
Yeah in 2002 but then he measured 7'5.75" in September 2004.
Alex said on 17/Nov/08
Yao was measured at 7'5 though right? But was he measured again at 7'6?
aram x said on 16/Nov/08
Just wondering. Can Muresan dunk without jumping? I think he should be able to.
Shaq said on 5/Nov/08
No he isn't. He's never been a full 7'7" barefoot. He's 7'6 1/2".
Salva11 said on 23/Oct/08
Muresan is 7,7" barefoot
Shaq said on 23/Oct/08
Bradley is 7'5 1/2" and Muresan is 7'6 1/2".
Massimo said on 23/Oct/08
I know this is a Yao Ming's page, but I have just found this
Click HereI think Muresan looks slightly taller than Bradley here.
Maybe Gheorghe is a legittimate
7'7" barefoot. But it's hard to tell, the two of them are very close in height.
Golden Child said on 20/Oct/08
I don't know why Chinese people are stereotyped as being short. My grandfather, who is Chinese, is 6'1". I am also 6'1", but I am also mixed with white and latino. My grandfather told me once that he knew a man that was 8' tall in China when he was a young man. The tallest woman in the world on record was an 8'1" Chinese girl that died at age 17. I know plenty of tall Asian dudes as well. I was born in San Francisco, California, a city where plenty of Chinese men stand over 6' tall.
aram x said on 16/Sep/08
Brah says on 16/Jun/07
Hmm the links on my last post aren't going to the pictures I wanted. Well, if you cycle through the pics you will see pics of Yao looking at least 7'5" with other players. Yao has a humongous head...
No Yao doesn't have a humogonous head...just a broad head...his head is actually pretty small in proportion to his body.
aram x said on 13/Sep/08
Yao Ming has a small head for such a big dude...but i guess he doesn't have a proportionately large bone structure which explains the small head and narrow shoulders.
George Lubbon said on 13/Sep/08
Vlade Divac and my brother Jeremy are both 7'0.5"
aram x said on 12/Sep/08
taller ppl should have bigger heads than people of ordinary stature otherwise they would look disproportionate.
aram x said on 10/Sep/08
Actually some giants have heads that are proportion to their gigantic frames i.e. Kentucky's 7,3" Shagari Alleyne...which means that he has enormous head! and i think you are wrong about the fact that your head doesn't grow after infancy...actually the human brain doesn't reach it's maximum size until about 3-4 years old...and generally as a rule taller people have bigger heads than smaller people.
Check out the size of this giant's head!
Click Here
quinametzin said on 6/Sep/08
his head is small because head can.t grow up naturally, bones get united when we are only some months old, and then, head doresnt grow up more, he is a natural giant, but his height is very big, then, is normal for him to have a small head, his bones are well proportioned, he has not achromegalic gigantism,
aram x said on 5/Sep/08
I've just noticed Yao Ming's head is relatively small for his height. Compared to a basketball his head is only slighlty longer (Yao's head appears larger than it actually is because his face/head is braod but not long).
Click HereAnd the fact that some players have their height listed with shoes and some with shoes which makes things very confusing...
aram x said on 31/Aug/08
So I am guessing Yao's listed height is barefoot so with shoes on he's probably more like 7,7"? whoa that's enormous! 7,6" barefoot! but not as big as this guy...Kenny George 7,7" barefoot (7,9" with shoes on).
Shaq said on 29/Aug/08
Clay, not all players are listed at their in shoes heights.
Gasol is 7'0.5" barefoot and Nowitzki is probably 6'11.5" barefoot.
Players are given the option of being listed at their barefoot heights or in shoes heights.
Clay said on 28/Aug/08
These guys are listed at their shoe heights. Nowitzki aint 6'11.5 he's 6'10.5, 7'0 in his shoes? You understand? Gasol is 6'11.5/7'1 in shoes. Still they're very tall guys.
aram x said on 28/Aug/08
boonzz says on 28/Aug/08
really tall people were scaled more in the vertical than horizontal direction. you will hardly find a 7 footer with proportions (height vs width) of someone 5'8". hence a cube root scaling giving yao as a 151lb 5'10" isnt really fair. his head would have been extremely small too.
Actually that's not true...extremely tall people tend to scaled up versions of small people. They tend to be larger overall--not just vertically.
Extremely tall people should have much bigger body parts than people of normal height--including the head.
Click HereSome 7 footers are proportioned differently from somebody of normal height (i.e. Manute Bol) but as a rule 7 footers are no more than bigger versions of people of normal height...which is why the cube root scaling makes sense.
Anshelm said on 28/Aug/08
Since aram x brought it out: the heaviest Olympic athlete was Spanish judoka Aytami Ruano, who was listed at 198 kg (436 lbs) at the Athens games of 2004.
Click Here However, I think the story was that during the Olympics he exceeded the scales' capacity of 200 kg and was estimated at 220 kg (485 lbs)
Mik said on 28/Aug/08
well you are wrong coz in the official NBA website it has been stated that the tallest current player is yawming and the tallest player in the history of the NBA is Minute Bol hus was 7,7......n shawn bradley is only 7,6
boonzz said on 28/Aug/08
really tall people were scaled more in the vertical than horizontal direction. you will hardly find a 7 footer with proportions (height vs width) of someone 5'8". hence a cube root scaling giving yao as a 151lb 5'10" isnt really fair. his head would have been extremely small too.
JoeFalk said on 27/Aug/08
only 226 cm is too much less, is more like 228 cm
Massimo said on 26/Aug/08
I think Gasol is at least 7' tall. Chris Bosh said he is 6'11" and Gasol is clearly taller than him.
Shaq said on 25/Aug/08
What are you talking about? Gasol is clearly a legit 7'0.5". Compare him to Dirk Nowitzki and Darko Milicic who are both 6'11.5"
Click HereClick HereClick Here
aram x said on 25/Aug/08
Clay says on 24/Aug/08
Gasol looks 6'11/6'11.5 next to Yao.
I thought Gasol was a legit 7 footer even without shoes on. Maybe he's not I guess...
Clay said on 24/Aug/08
Gasol looks 6'11/6'11.5 next to Yao.
aram x said on 20/Aug/08
Yao may the tallest Olympic athlete ever but I don't he's the heaviest.
Anshelm said on 19/Aug/08
The Beijing Olympics website
Click Here and
Click Here agree on 226 cm/7'5". With actor Jet Li (168 cm/5'6"?)
Click HereYao's probably the tallest ever Olympic athlete... at least Suleiman 'Ali Nashnush, Sun Ming Ming, Ri Myong-hun, Manute Bol, Gheorghe Muresan, Jorge Gonz
Shaq said on 18/Aug/08
Vlade was listed 212 cm(6'11.5") during the 1988 Olympics. That's probably right. Yao has a good 6 inches on him.
I agree that Kareem is still 7'2" or close to it.
Massimo said on 18/Aug/08
Here there are a few pics with (or "of") Kareem standing next to Vlade.
Click HereI don't see a big difference between the two of them.
Probably Kareem is 2.17 and Vlade 2.13.
JT said on 17/Aug/08
Massimo says on 16/Aug/08
Isn't Mr.Vlade Divac the guy next to Yao in this picture ?
Vlade is almost as tall as Kareem!
Click Here Divac was listed at 7'1" but was probably 7 foot tops, maybe a shade under. Kareem looks 7'2" even today.
Alex2 said on 16/Aug/08
Id believe 7'5.75" for Yao especially judging from the picture Massimo provided, he needs to be upgraded I think.
Massimo said on 16/Aug/08
Isn't Mr.Vlade Divac the guy next to Yao in this picture ?
Vlade is almost as tall as Kareem!
Click Here
aram x said on 15/Aug/08
Matthew says on 15/Aug/08
Yes, BMI doesn't work because it doesn't take into consideration bodybuilders, athletes, very tall people or very short people.... It's designed for average people, but doesn't always give you a good idea of how heavy you should be.
in other words, bmi is pretty much pointless.
Matthew said on 15/Aug/08
Yes, BMI doesn't work because it doesn't take into consideration bodybuilders, athletes, very tall people or very short people.... It's designed for average people, but doesn't always give you a good idea of how heavy you should be.
Massimo said on 14/Aug/08
If Pau Gasol is 7'0.5", it's surprising that he is listed at only 7' by the Lakers. Did they round down instead of rounding up ? I think he is at least 7' and 7'0.5" is very realistic. Probably it's one of the very few cases of a player listed at a height lower than his real barefoot height.
aram x said on 14/Aug/08
BMI is unrelaible imo. It doesn't work for very tall or short people and doesn't take into account muscle, fat, and frame size/percentage. Scaling makes more sense than BMI.
aram x said on 14/Aug/08
Yao Ming has a small head for such a tall dude...and some reason he doesn't weigh as much as he looks. Maybe it's because he is relatively small boned.
Massimo said on 13/Aug/08
On gettyimages there are many clear pictures with Yao Ming standing next to Pau Gasol.
This is one of them:
Click Here
Kenny said on 12/Aug/08
Yao Ming isn't massive for his height...he use to only weigh about 280 lbs at his current height. Like Guru mentioned, a 7,5" 310 lb guy is equivalent to a 5,10" 151 lb guy. Asheville's 7,7" Kenny George weighs around 360 lbs and yet he's only an inch or two taller than Yao (and that guy isn't very muscular just big boned). Somebody 7,7" 360lbs scaled down to 5,10" would weigh about 164 lbs. Shaq weighs about 10 lbs more than Yao does right now and he's 4-5 inches shorter. Really Yao isn't that heavy (or lightweight) for his height. Manute Bol otoh is super lightweight relatively-speaking: only 240 lbs at 7,7"? I have friends who are only a little over 6 feet tall who weigh as much as Bol lol!
Guru said on 11/Aug/08
Yao Ming looks to be about the same height on the court as the 7,7" behemoth Kenny George so 7,6" barefoot for Yao might not seem to far off. But I still think 7,6" may be his height in shoes though. But Kenny George is actually 7,7" barefoot (7,9" in his custom made size 23 sneakers!)! Kenny also has 8 1/2 foot wingspan (which allows him to dunk literally without jumping at all!) and even though he's only an inch or two taller than Yao he weighs at least 50 lbs heavier at a whooping 360 lbs! Kenny George simply looks way more massive than Yao despite only being only slightly taller.
Guru said on 11/Aug/08
BMI is mathematically inaccurate; it does not work for people of extreme heights (either very short or very tall). If you use the BMI formula on somebody extremely tall like Yao Ming, the results would be inaccurate. Using the scaling formula:
Alex2 said on 9/Aug/08
For Yaos height and weight, he is actually quite "big" if he really is 311 lbs then thats a standard BMI of around 28.0 which is "Overweight" but that doesnt mean anything as I am 5'9.5" 180 lbs with a BMI of 26.5 and im a semi bodybuilder. I wouldnt say Yao is "thin" at all.
Shaq said on 9/Aug/08
Ray, the Olympics just knocked off an inch from every players previous listing...again. Check out the listings for Kobe, Chris Bosh, Lebron ect.
Kenny said on 1/Aug/08
Yao Ming is huge although he does seem to have short arms for his height. And very thick legs.
Shaq said on 30/Jul/08
How about an upgrade to 7'5.75"?
Click HereThe Rockets trainer said he measured Yao 7'5.75" barefoot in September 2004 despite Yao being 7'5" flat when he first entered the NBA.
Shaq said on 29/Jul/08
Yao and 6-11 Yi Jianlian
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick HereClick HereYao looks about 7 inches taller. After seeing Yao with Mutombo, Yi and Garnett it seems very likely that the Rockets trainer was telling the truth about measuring Yao 7'5.75" without shoes in September 2004.
Kenny said on 29/Jul/08
wolverinejoe80 says on 18/Jul/08
yao clearly has 5 inches on shaq during the game and in those photos. yao's head is huge. i've seen so many games where yao is just clearly 5 inches taller than shaq. also remember shaq's basketball shoes have 1/4 inch advantage over yao's rather small size 18 adidas.
size 18 isn't that small. remember neil fingleton is the same height as yao or perhaps even slightly taller and his shoe size is only 16.
Kenny said on 29/Jul/08
maybe shaq's feet are longer than his forearms...strange but certainly feasible. i wonder what size shoe would shaq's hand be: size 9?
Shaq said on 28/Jul/08
Kenny go to and type your link in there and then paste it here.
Aram X, Shaq's natural shoe size is 22 but he's worn a size 23 since 2002 because of his toe injury.
Aram X said on 28/Jul/08
you know your forearm is the same length as your foot? and i did some simple caluculations on shaq's wingspan based on his foot size...btw, size 22 is 40 cm long right?
Shaq said on 27/Jul/08
Shaq worse a size 22 shoe for years until his toe injury in 2002 when he started wearing a size 23. I've heard Mutombo wears a size 22 shoe.
Yao's wingspan was measured 7'4 3/4" at the 2002 pre-draft camp and it's been reported as 7'6" since then. Shaq's wingspan is 7'7" and Mutombo's arms look atleast that long so I'd say Mutombo has a wingspan atleast as long as Yao's if not longer.
Kenny said on 25/Jul/08
How do you make the links appear btw. And what's interesting about the Yao and Dikembe comparison is that even though Yao was obviously 4 inches taller, Dikembe arms appear to be the same length as Yao's--if not longer. I think Dikembe's armspan is longer than Yao's. And also Dikembe's shoes also look bigger than Yao's too (bigger feet?) and his hands look bigger too...I heard Dikembe has the same shoe size as Shaq.
Shaq said on 25/Jul/08
Lg69. Those pictures and quotes of Yao and Bradley are from Yao's first season. The Rockets strength and conditioning coach Anthony Falsone claims that Yao was 7'5" when he entered the league but when he measured him in September 2004 he was 7'5 3/4" without shoes and 7'7 1/4" with them.
If you compare him to 7'1.25" Dikembe Mutombo then that sure looks possible.
Click HereClick HereClick HereYao and 6'10"-6'11" Hakeem Olajuwon
Click HereClick HereYao and 6'11.75" Kevin Garnett
Click HereClick HereClick HereClick Here7'5.75" sounds right to me. He easily has 4.5" inches minimum on Mutombo, 5-6 inches on Garnett and 7-8 inches on Olajuwon.
Kenny said on 19/Jul/08
Yao Ming is shorter than Sun Ming Ming...
Guru said on 18/Jul/08
I think Yao Ming is the currently the tallest player in the nba unless that Kenny George dude makes it somehow.
Shaq said on 18/Jul/08
I agree that Yao may be 7'5.75" like his trainer says now. Yao's trainer claims he was 7'5" when he was drafted but that he grew to 7'5.75" sometime before September 2004.
The Philadelphia 76ers said they measured Bradley at 7'5.5" in socks when they drafted him. I can believe 7'5.5" for Bradley and 7'5.75" for Yao.
As for the height difference well draw a line starting from Shaq's head and then you'll see it actually comes up well above Yao's eyebrows.
wolverinejoe80 said on 18/Jul/08
and there is no picture confirms that bradley is taller than yao. it's stupid to assume bradley is taller because we don't know what they are wearing and exact camera angles. when both played for the first time play callers kept saying yao appears to be taller. pictures are pictures. it's not a sure thing. gather more than 10 convincing pictures than let's talk about it.
wolverinejoe80 said on 18/Jul/08
throw out your shaq homer goggle and look at all the shaq/yao pics again. shaq's head comes to slightly above yao's eyes if both stood straight.
and no way shaq is over 7ft 1. he is 7ft 1 max and most likely between 7ft - 7ft 1. i don't know for sure, but he is indeed somewhere between 214cm-216cm. but nothing more than that. so if shaq is 7ft 1 like his listings, than i gotta say yao is clearly 7ft 5 3/4 or more.
wolverinejoe80 said on 18/Jul/08
and you only see 4inch difference in that 3rd picture? how you are the biggest shaq homer i've ever seen.
wolverinejoe80 said on 18/Jul/08
yao clearly has 5 inches on shaq during the game and in those photos. yao's head is huge. i've seen so many games where yao is just clearly 5 inches taller than shaq. also remember shaq's basketball shoes have 1/4 inch advantage over yao's rather small size 18 adidas.
Shaq said on 17/Jul/08
lsu alum that's a good joke. Shaq was measured 7'1", I provided a link for that. Shaq wasn't measured 6'11.5" otherwise you could provide a link for that statement or atleast say where you heard of that measurement.
lsu alum said on 15/Jul/08
guru,yao is 6.5 inches taller than shaq.shaq was measured at 6'11.5"
Aram X said on 13/Jul/08
Yao's roughly 7,6 right? but his wingspan is only 7,5" though.
Shaq said on 12/Jul/08
Yao was measured 7-5 3/4 without shoes.
Click Here
Guru said on 10/Jul/08
I thought we were talking about Yao's height. Anyways, I've seen a pic of Yao standing beside Shaq. Yao surprisingly looked a lot taller than Shaq even though Shaq is only 4-5 inches shorter, but Shaw does have a longer wingspan than Yao.
Aram x said on 29/Jun/08
yep, Elton Brand is truly a beast! despite being only 6,8" ish, his enormous length and mass can allow him to play some center as well as powerfoward.
Shaq said on 25/Jun/08
Joe Falk my sources are Draft Express and Sports Illustrated.
The 6'6.5" you heard was just a rumor. Compare Brand to 6-6 1/4 Shaun Livingston and his 6-8 1/4 measurement looks ccurate. Brand was also the same height as Karl Malone when they posed in 2004.
In this picture he looks a hair taller than 6-8 Karl Malone and 6-5 Lisa Leslie is in heels and still atleast 2-3 inches shorter.
Click HereBrand has 2-3 inches on 6-6 1/4 Shaun Livingston
Click HereThe New York Times stating Brand's measurement.
There were many rumors swirling around the recent National Basketball Association draft and who would be its No. 1 pick. One of them concerned Elton Brand's height.
He was really 6 foot 5 1/2, not 6 foot 8, one said, smallish for a player projected as a power forward in the pros. So perhaps it was a tape measure that gave Brand the top pick.
''Teams made a big deal about it,'' Brand said. ''When it was my turn to get measured, it was like, 'O.K., it's Brand, shoes off, socks off, head straight' because there were so many rumors.''
Brand is so wide bodied and muscular that he looks shorter. But the tape measure said 6 foot 8. It translated to No. 1.
Click HereSports Illustrated stating his height.
Initial concerns about his height were erased when he measured just over 6-8 without his sneakers. His arm span is huge; he's got a vertical reach of over nine feet, and his horizontal span is 7-51/2. At 260 pounds, he can play defense with the best of them, but he's got soft hands, too.
Click HereDraft Express' 1999 pre-draft measurements.
Click HereWhen I saw Brand back in college I thought he was around 6'7" too but surprisingly enough he's a legit 6-8. He just looks smaller on the court for some reason but when he poses with other players he looks all of the 6-8 1/4 he measured at.
Joe Falk said on 25/Jun/08
@ shaq:
plz give the source about elton brand's height, because no way he is 6'8 1/4 barefoot. at the 1999 pre-draft he was 6'6.5 wo shoes and and 6'8 in sneakers.
Shaq said on 24/Jun/08
Aram X, it's well documented that Shaq has size 22 or 23 shoes. Check out how big his shoes are in pictures.
Aram X said on 23/Jun/08
What's even more surprising is Shaq is 7'1" and he has a size 22 or 23 shoe. I think Yao just has very small feet for a 7-5 or 7-6 guy.
there's no way somebody could have feet that large...if you do the simple math that is just mathematically unfeasible.
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/08
i wonder what yao's true height index? i.e. how tall does he actually play on the court not how tall the top of his head is. Does Yao ming also have a sub par
Standing Reach for his height.
Click Here .i believe he plays more like a 7,3"-7,4" player than his listed height of 7,5"-7,6" because of his relatively short wingspan which is actually slightly shorter than his own height.
cantstop25 said on 18/Jun/08
yao looks at least 7'6" in those pics with the giant mutombo
Aram X said on 6/Jun/08
BTW, a more important question than exactly what Yao's 'top of head height'is whether or not he has the highest
Standing Reach measured in the NBA? Sure he is the tallest player in the league (whether or not he's the 7,5" or 7,6" listed by various sources)but is he truely the tallest player by true basketball height (aka
Standing Reach)?
Aram X said on 6/Jun/08
But i didn't say a 7,7 "wingspan at 7,1" w/o shoes is short; i was just saying is that i am kinda of doubtful of Shaq's wingspan being only 7,7" because of his supposingly size 22 (40 cm long) feet. Since your forearms are the same length as your foot (and in this case, Shaq's forearms would be around 40 cm long which is still absurdly long for somebody his height), then if you do the simple math, his wingspan should be longer than just 7,7" (but as I already said, 7,7" wingspan at somebody just 7,1" is still pretty impressive).
Shaq said on 30/May/08
Aram X, a 7'7" wingspan is long for a man 7'1". Andrew Bynum has grown to 7'1" and he has a wingspan around 7'7" and people always talk about his long arms.
Aram X said on 26/May/08
But I am surprised Shaq's wingspan is only 7,7" or 7,8" because your the length of your foot should normally be exactly the same length as your forearm and having feet that big (or long) size 22 would mean that Shaq's foot must be about 40 cm long (size 12 foot=30 cm long, since 1cm=1 shoe size then a size 22 foot should be 40 cm (22-12 shoe sizes)+30cm=40cm. That means his forearm should be about 40 cm long but after doing some simple math, it doesn't seem to fit with his wingspan of only 7,8". Maybe Shaq's just got some really broad feet and his feet aren't actually size 22 (40cm) in length? BTW, Yao's feet aren't actually that small even for his size if you do some simple math...he would still have size 10 feet at 5,10".
Shaq said on 25/May/08
What's even more surprising is Shaq is 7'1" and he has a size 22 or 23 shoe. I think Yao just has very small feet for a 7-5 or 7-6 guy.
Mohammed said on 23/May/08
i've heard Shagari Alleyne (7,3") wears a size 23 shoe compared to Yao's size 18 shoe at 7,5"; now that's big feet size 23 even for somebody 7,3"!
Mohammed said on 22/May/08
Yao Ming doesn't seem to very high shoulders for his height which kinda cancels out his
Standing Reach ('cause he seems to have quite a bit of neck and a pretty tall head). The top of your head doesn't help you much in basketball does it. But I am putting my money on Yao's height at somewhere between 7,5"-7,6" that's all.
Aram X said on 20/May/08
Needingless to say, true height in basketball comes from how high one can reach up while standing not how tall you stand because you can be taller than somebody just because of your neck and head. I don't see the point in discussing exactly how 'tall' two basketball players stand when they are both almost the same height; it's who has the higher
Standing Reach that really matters not an extra bit of height from a taller head and/or longer neck.
Shaq said on 20/May/08
Rockets strength and conditioning coach, Anthony Falsone claims Yao grew to 7'5.75" barefoot in September 2004.
Click HereI can believe that because he looked taller in his 3rd season than his first 2. On media day 2004 or 2005 he posed in several good angle pictures with 7'1.25" Mutombo and had atleast 4.5 inches on him.
runt said on 19/May/08
This link is interesting because 1) there is a pic that confirms that Bradley is taller than Ming 2) There is a discussion at the end that reveals that NBA players have the option of being measured with shoes on or off and the choice is not revealed in the stats. Bol and Muresan chose shoes ON. Ming, Bradley and Nevitt chose shoes OFF.
Click Here
Aram X said on 19/May/08
I just hate it now that they measure post the height's (and
Standing Reaches) of the players with their shoes on and not telling us that it's with their shoes on. So Yao's
Standing Reach is probably an inch shorter w/o shoes on? BTW, there's nobody in the nba that was ever 7,8" barefeet (maybe Manute or Muresan if measure them by today's with-shoes method).
Shaq said on 16/May/08
Standing Reach is with shoes. Bradley was actually measured 7'5.5" by the 76ers in 1993.
Carl Johnson said on 14/May/08
Hmmmm....i think yao's height is about 7'5"-7'6,bradley is only about the same height as yao ming when i took a look of a picture of them backing each other,so i think bradley is a little bit taller than yao,maybe an half inch would bradley aint 7'8" at all....his only about 7'6" and a half only....sheaahhhh
Shaq said on 11/May/08
Aram X. Standing Reach I believe is now measured in shoes but back in the 90's before they measured in shoes at all I believe it was measured barefoot.
Aram X said on 10/May/08
"Massimo says on 25/Apr/08
I have had some doubts about Yao Ming's height lately. I have seen him next to
Shawn Bradley and he was quite clearly shorter. Also, I have seen him next to
Jaber Rouzbahani and he was, at best, the same height as Jaber. I have also seen Bradley next to Podkolzin and Shawn was WAY taller, probably by more than 5 cm.
Actually I've seen the pic of Rouzbahani and Yao standing next to each other, and it appears Yao is slightly taller than Rouzbahani. However, Yao's extra inch or so of height is from above his shoulders so they have the same shoulder heights. But Yao's wingspan is a measely 7,5" but Rouzbahani has an impressive 8,0" wingspan. So Rouzbahani, despite being an inch shorter than Yao,probably has a standing that's at least three inches higher than Yao. Rouzbahani is capable of touching the rim the rim flatfooted and dunking on his toes (w/o actually having to jump). I don't think Yao can do that despite his 'height'.
Aram X said on 10/May/08
Unless Manute had a very tall head and neck, there's no way his
Standing Reach could be less than 10 feet. I've read somewhere that Manute has flatfooted
Standing Reach of 10,5" (I am not sure if that's without or with his shoes) or something crazy like that! Man that means he could literally just stand under the basket flatfooted and dunk the ball! BTW, are the
Standing Reach measurements in the NBA draft sites measured in shoes or without their shoes on? BTW, my high school gym teacher is 6,8" (w/o shoes), but his wingspan was a jaw dropping 7,5" and with a flatfooted
Standing Reach (w/o shoes) of 9,1"! He's about 9 to 10 inches 'shorter' than Yao but his wingspan is as long. That's nuts!
Shaq said on 10/May/08
Manute Bol is exactly 7'6 3/4" and his wingspan is 8'6" so his
Standing Reach must be over 10 feet.
Dwight Howard is the best example of what you are saying. People might think there is no way a 6'9" guy could be a dominate center but he can play like a guy who is a legit 7 feet because of long arms, strength,
Standing Reach and athleticism.
Aram X said on 9/May/08
I think height is pretty meaningless in basketball, so on the NBA stats site they should also post wingspans and more importantly
Standing Reaches as well. As it's pretty obvious, a person can stand an inch or two taller than somebody else just from having a bigger (taller) head and/or longer neck but may have shorter arms thus having a lower
Standing Reach. Arm length or more specifically
Standing Reach is the key factor in basketball not standing height. For example, there's debate here on whether or not Manute or Muresan (both 7,7) is the tallest player in the NBA, but that doesn't matter because even if Muresan as actually slightly taller than Manute, Manute would still definitely have a higher
Standing Reach than Muresan because of his disproportionately long arms (even for a seven foot seven footer).
Shaq said on 7/May/08
That's true Aram X
For example Dwight Howard measured only 6'9" barefoot and 6'10.25" in shoes at the 2004 pre-draft camp but his wingspan was 7'4.5" and his
Standing Reach was 9'3.5".
Greg Oden measured 2 inches taller at 6'11" barefoot, 7'0" in shoes but had a shorter wingspan at 7'4.25" and only a slightly longer
Standing Reach at 9'4".
That is why Howard can dominate the center position despite being a little short compared to other centers. Howard's 39 inch vertical leap and 270 pound frame don't hurt either though.
Howard is supposed to have claimed his height as 6'9.5" in the last few years too meaning his
Standing Reach is probably better than Oden's. Dwight has a short neck and having a long neck is just wasted height.
If you look here the only reason Chris Bosh is taller than Dwight is because of his longer neck.
Click HereAnother good example of
Standing Reach is Elton Brand who measured just 6-8 1/4 barefoot, 6-9 1/2 in shoes but he had a 7-5 1/2 wingspan and a 9-2
Standing Reach so he can play either power forward or center. He has a short neck too like Howard.
Aram X said on 5/May/08
Height (as referring to how tall you stand) is often a misleading stat in basketball because
Standing Reach (how high you can reach while standing) is far more important as you play basketball with your hands and not your head! Somebody who's 5,7", for instance, may have a higher
Standing Reach than somebody who's 5,9", so the person who stands taller by two inches is actually at a disadvantage because of a lower
Standing Reach. Yao may be 7,5" or 7,6" barefeet but his
Standing Reach is only 9,7" or 9,8" which is pretty low for somebody that tall. There are players out there we who are actually slightly shorter than Yao who have higher
Standing Reaches.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 30/Apr/08
I saw that picture Maverick here it is and Ray is a hair taller!
Click HereI've heard 6'5" for Ray Allen and 6'4.75" for Rip and both seem accurate.
Alex2 said on 30/Apr/08
Thanks Shaq for those pics and info, lol yea Id say 6'2" but no less, I have sometimes seen Shaq listed 7'3" which I take is in shoes...
maverick said on 30/Apr/08
It's true most NBA heights are inflated, but some players actually list their real height. I've seen picture of Ray Allen and Rip Hamilton standing side by side at the 06 all star game, and they were EXACTLY the same height. Odd that a 6'5" guy and 6'7" guy would stand shoulder to shoulder, but there are 6'1" guys like Ben Gordon who's listed at 6'3", and guys like Kirk Heinrich who's almost 6'3" w/o shoes.
There listed at the same height, when there's almost 2 inch difference between 'em. Crazy
Shaq is 7'1" said on 29/Apr/08
Alex2 the most I've heard of is John Starks who was listed 6'5" but has admitted to being 6'2".
Here is a picture of Starks and Jordan who I've heard is 6-4 3/4 or 6-4 7/8.
Click HereStarks doesn't look over 6'2" and never has to me. Kobe Bryant was also listed 6'7" at one point and has claimed both 6'4" and 6'4 3/4" as his height. Rip Hamilton is also listed 6'7" but is 6'4 3/4" max.
I guess it depends on if you skipped the pre-draft camp or not because if you are measured at the draft camp you can choose your barefoot listing or your height in shoes but if you skip the camp like Kobe and Starks then I think you can list yourself and get away with giving yourself 2-3 inches.
I have Yao as a legit 7'5" I just thought the 7'4" claim was interesting.
Alex2 said on 29/Apr/08
Shaq is 7'1", how much are NBA heights inflated? Can it be as much as 2-3 inches, thanks? I could see 7'4" for Yao but NO less, maybe hes 7'4.5" rounded to 7'5"?
Shaq is 7'1" said on 28/Apr/08
The Philadelphia 76ers measured Bradley at 7-5 1/2, 248 pounds in 1993 at 21 years old.
Muresan was supposed to be 7-6 1/2 in 1993.
Shawn has claimed 7'6" as his height and either he grew a bit or he's rounding up.
This claims Yao was measured 7'4" as his morning height during a physical in May, 2002
Click HereThe NBA released Yao's barefoot height as 7'5" from the June 2002 Pre-Draft Camps
Click HereThe Rockets claim they measured him 7-5 3/4 barefoot in September 2004 and they claim the 7'5" listing was a typo and that he was actually 7-5 1/2 at the time.
I've also heard rumors that Yao was in China at the time and didn't attend the pre-draft camp so the NBA fabricated the measurements which I find hard to believe.
Yao and Shawn Bradley
Click HereClick Here7'5" is accurate although he looks 7'6" next to Mutombo. I also read somewhere that Yao claimed 7'4" barefoot once? Is that true??
Massimo said on 27/Apr/08
I wonder, why did they list Muresan at 7'7" and Bradley at 7'6" ?
Shawn is taller than Gheorghe!
Shaq is 7'1" said on 26/Apr/08
Massimo Shawn was measured 7'5.5" in stocking feet during the 1993 pre-draft camp but it's not impossible he grew a bit or maybe he wears big shoes?
Massimo said on 25/Apr/08
I have had some doubts about Yao Ming's height lately. I have seen him next to
Shawn Bradley and he was quite clearly shorter. Also, I have seen him next to
Jaber Rouzbahani and he was, at best, the same height as Jaber. I have also seen Bradley next to Podkolzin and Shawn was WAY taller, probably by more than 5 cm.
I have seen Bradley next to Muresan and he was taller than Gheorghe as well!
All in all,I'm a little confused as Yao looks SO MUCH taller than Mutombo, Garnett and Nowitzy. I think Bradley is at least 2.28. Is it possible that Shawn is even taller than advertised ?
dimitri said on 21/Apr/08
well yao mings is 7'5 right so my height is 4'10 because I'm short and more speed than him.
maverick said on 18/Apr/08
On the Draft thing (I don't know what it's called, the 04 version had Ben Gordon listed at 6'1 w/o shoes) he was definitely listed as 7'5'' w/o shoes and 7'6'' with shoes. I do think Bradley's taller than Yao but some giant players list their ligit height in their profile so I think Yao's 7'6'' with shoes and Bradley's 7'6'' w/o shoes
sam said on 6/Apr/08
I'd believe 7'6. talk about a height advantage!!!
Massimo said on 6/Apr/08
I think Yao is at least 7'5", he is twice taller than Mutombo.
I have seen Yao next to Bradley in a couple of pictures and Shawn looked quite clearly taller, even if I remember that on this site there was a guy who thought that those pics proved the contrary.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 5/Apr/08
Yeah Alex2 Shaq's heels make him look like a legit 7'2" or 7'3" guy but he is "only" 7-1 barefoot in reality
Alex2 said on 5/Apr/08
Shaq, i can quite notice that in your 3rd picture with Sjaq and Yao, Shaq has some hugh heels on his shoes in comparison to Yao's if you look.
Alex2 said on 4/Apr/08
Wow! Im suprised by how much Yao DWARFS Garnett in those pictures, IMO he looks 7'6 by him.
Alex2 said on 4/Apr/08
Shaq, in your 2nd pic with Shaq and Yao, Shaq looks 7'2-7'3 But in the first pic you can actually see the true height difference as it looks like Shaq is 7'0-7'1 there.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 1/Apr/08
Bradley was 7'5.5" in stocking feet back in 1993. It's possible he grew though.
Anonymous KinG said on 1/Apr/08
Shawn Bradley had 1.5in on yao.. if yao is 226 on this site bradley should be 230 not 229 as he claim..
Shaq is 7'1" said on 25/Mar/08
Yao looks more like 7'5" flat next to 7'1" Shaquille O'Neal
Click HereClick HereClick HereCan look either 7'5" or 7'5 3/4" next to 6'11 3/4" Kevin Garnett though
Click HereClick HereClick HereIt's possible Yao grew however he didn't look anything over 7'5" next to 7'5.5" Shawn Bradley
Ed said on 24/Mar/08
Dude's last name is YAO. First name is Ming. This entry should be in the "Y's'" For what it's worth Yao's 7'5" clost to 7'6" in bare feet
Derek said on 24/Mar/08
I read that Yao went from 5'0" at 10 to 6'7" at 13. He was also predicted to grow to 7'3", but ended up 7'5".
Joe Cool said on 23/Mar/08
talk bout $$$$ for nuttin, if that guy was under 6-10 he wouldnt make the nba, he must have been huge tho as a kid probly 6-10 - 7-0 in jr high
Shaq is 7'1" said on 21/Mar/08
Gotta admit. The Rockets trainers' claim of Yao growing to 7-5 3/4" barefoot and 7-7 1/4" in shoes looks legit next to 7-1 Dikembe Mutombo.
Click HereClick HereClick HereI believe Yao to be 7-5 but it's strange how he was about 5" on Mutombo.
sf said on 19/Mar/08
Yes, only 7'5.5"...
Shaq is 7'1" said on 18/Mar/08
I know Bradley is only 7'5.5" and I thought Manute Bol was the tallest NBA player ever at 7'6.75"
Shaq is 7'1" said on 14/Mar/08
Yeah Jake and Bradley was measured at 7'5.5" himself also disproving anything over 7'5" for Yao unless Yao wears smaller shoes.
Jake Is Back said on 13/Mar/08
Muresean was actually a full 7'7". Bradley is taller than Yao, disproving 7'6" for Yao.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 6/Mar/08
Compare Duncan to these players and you will see Tim is 6'10.5" or 2.09 minimum.
Boozer is 6'7.75" barefoot and wears big shoes that make him 6'9.5" in them
Click HereDuncan and 7'0" barefoot David Robinson
Click HereClick HereDuncan at 6'10.5" barefoot and 6'11.5" seems dead on.
Massimo said on 6/Mar/08
I have seen Duncan next to Nowitzy and Dirk was taller. I have also seen Duncan next to Tracy Mc Grady and he looked MAX 10 cm taller than him. But I was surprised that Tim didn't look much taller than Lebron. To me Duncan is lucky if he is 2.08. Watching Mc Grady next to Kobe, he is 1.99 at most.
Shaq is 7'1" said on 1/Mar/08
Well I know Duncan measured 6'11.5" in shoes at the 1997 pre-draft camp and I've heard he also measured 6'10.5" barefoot. As far as Dirk I've heard everything from 6'10"- 6'11.5" barefoot.
Anonymous said on 27/Feb/08
The tallest basketball player in the NBA now is Yao Ming at 7'5" barefoot. The tallest of all time however are...
1.Manute Bol 7-6 3/4
2.Gheorge Muresean 7-6 1/2
3.Shawn Bradley 7-5 1/2
There is a player in the ABA Sun Ming Ming who is said to be 7-8 3/4 and a college player Kenny George who is said to be 7-7 barefoot and 7-9 in shoes.
devon tallman said on 26/Feb/08
who is the tallest basketball player in the nba.
Alex2 said on 25/Feb/08
Jeremy,have you ever comeacross anyone taller than you in yor life? ever? If thats your real height LOL Wow! Can we have some pics???
Anonymous said on 23/Feb/08
Shawn Bradley is only 7-5 1/2 meaning Yao couldn't be anything over 7-5. The 7-6 stuff is in shoes.
Anonymous said on 19/Feb/08
This site says something about the Rockets measuring Yao 7'6" but the site claims that is a lie. What do you guys think?
Click HereYao looks 7'5" max next to Shaq on that site.

Editor Rob
I'd bet that was your blog...
Massimo said on 7/Jan/08
I agree. Yao's dad is the same height as Warren Coolidge: 6'7". His mother is 6'3". My parents are MUCH shorter than that!
Jason said on 19/Dec/07
His dad's also been said as being 6'7''. He only looks that with Yao.
Anonymous said on 18/Dec/07
sounds like someone only bases his game on height its ok if the giant is huge but i bet thats the only reason he plays ball but yao ming is tall and a great player so height isnt everything
MK said on 17/Dec/07
smlldkchins sounds like an ignorant fool. With better diet, groups that were a little shorter than average last century are getting taller. People's height have varied throughout history. There are variation in height within the different Chinese groups and some groups were taller a thousand years ago.
Yao's dad is 6-10 and his grandpa was close to that. His family has always been tall.
There are hundreds of 7-footers in China, there has always been. It's only normal for a population of 1 billion.
Shaq is 7'1 said on 10/Dec/07
Mutombo measured 7'1" even. Him and Shaq are the same height(Shaq has bigger shoes so he looks taller).
Click HereClick Here
Brah said on 8/Dec/07
Mutombo is listed 7'2" but that must in shoes...
Click Here
Shaq is 7'1 said on 16/Nov/07
The Bucks released a statement saying Yi is 6'11" barefoot and 7'0.25" in shoes.
Accruing Physical Data
Oct 16 - The Bucks are accruing physical data on Yi Jianlian, who was the sixth overall pick in the NBA draft. To wit:
Yi weighs 246 pounds.
Yi's height is 6 feet, 11 inches without shoes. With shoes, Yi is 7-1/4, making him the tallest player on the Bucks' roster. Bucks center Andrew Bogut is 7-0 in sneakers.
Yi has a wing span of 7-3
Duhon said on 14/Nov/07
What about yi jianlin yao's former teamate? here he is next to 6'11" measured andrew bogut. I have to say he looks like his listed height of 7'.
Click Here
Vegas said on 13/Nov/07
dirk looks more than 6" shorter than bradley here
Click Herethe 6'10 banded about here for dirk barefoot is probably correct
Shaq is 7'1 said on 6/Nov/07
link to the FIBA measurements?
Anonymous said on 28/Oct/07
That Yao and Shaq back to back picture shows he didn't grow from 7'5" because he doesn't tower over 7'1" Shaq.
6'0 guy said on 27/Oct/07
Yao looks almost a foot taller than 6'7 Lebron James.
Click Here
Anonymous said on 12/Oct/07
7'5" is accurate for Yao.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Yao is 4 inches taller than 7'1" Shaq and 6 inches taller than 6'11.25" Kevin Garnett
nick said on 1/Oct/07
funny how yao ming isnt even the tallest ming in the world, i would love to see a picture withyao ming and sun ming ming meeting, it would be fairly close,like a 6'0 guy against a 6'3 guy
nick said on 1/Oct/07
BTW, with the picture with bradly and yao ming, its an illusion, cover the body with your hand and look at the heads, yao is actually taller than bradly lol
nickj said on 1/Oct/07
Did you know that yao ming is as tall as bradly? Well there is a simple reason why people and even himself believes that he is taller, his head is smaller. If you look closely bradlys eyes nose and mouth are that of about 1 centimeter or even half inch highter than yaos. Everyone then asumes that he is that much taller, even himself , but with yaos head being bigger, the top of his head reaches the same height as bradleys. This is much like the rock and brock lesnar picture. Go to and type in summerslam rock vs brock and you will see 6'2 brock against a 6'3 rock, from the distance brock looks taller and he even may think so as well, but his head is shorter thus making him 1 inch shorter.
6'0 guy said on 27/Sep/07
Nah, Yao looks 7'5-7'6 everywhere. No way is he 7'3 or 7'4.
By stander said on 26/Sep/07
I think it is true.
To see Yao's wing span is listed at 7' 3" or 7' 4".
I am Asian. And I spread my wings that I see it is 174cm that equals to my height, so I think Yao is at about 7' 3" to 7' 4".
And I found some statistics showed the height of Bradley is 7' 5", so I think he is really 2 inches taller than Yao.
asdasd said on 18/Sep/07
it's funny... how bradley thinks to have 2 inchs on yao? it's max 1cm of difference, although i think they are equals in the top of the head.
Hassaan Aasim said on 5/Aug/07
yao ming is a huge giant he is the tallest man i had ever seen in my career when he sits he looks as if he is standing he is not normal person i thought that 6'6" is too much for a man but the most perfect height ranges between 5'10"- 6'3" i m saying this cuz my height is too short for you that is 5'9"
Alex said on 22/Jul/07
Arjun, yea its a good picture. I think some saw up to 4 inches is because the size of the picture but if you blow it up more you can see its 3 inches with the lean. Nobody questioned the footwear though but I had on sneakers giving me 1 inch of height and he had on dress shoes that give what about 1-1.25 inches of height. Honestly going there I thought he was going to be 5'11 but once he stood up I right away was like nope he's just 5'10 because I can tell the difference up close between 1 and 2 inches shorter than me. And I was probably closer to 6'0 by that time of the day. 6'0 1/4 most likely but still no way is Angle as short as 5'8.5-5'9. He could be like 5'9.75 at the shortest though.
Arjun said on 21/Jul/07
Alex, that picture of you and Angle is one of my favourites ;) I wondered how some would think of it as evidence that Angle is only 5'8.5" or 5'9". He definitely looks 5'10" if he straightens up. I calculated that even with his slight lean, he looks 5'9.5" ( you have only 3 inches on him ), as your head is 9.5 inches tops as you have measured it to be. I was amazed that Danimal saw 4 inches between you and Angle, but only 2 inches max between Hogan and Sid in that pic of them two posted recently, when in truth, the differences are almost the same, maybe 1/2" max more between you and Angle than between Hogan and Sid.
Alex said on 20/Jul/07
Arjun, yea some people have long foreheads. Look at the picture with me and Kurt Angle as we're 2-2.5 inches apart and my eye level is less than his by a bit making my eyes higher than his making the height difference seem 3-3.5 inches counting the slight lean.
Arjun said on 12/Jul/07
Most of Yao's head length comes from the eyes up, as opposed to guys like Andre.
He looks close enough to 10 inches taller than Rudy to me ( Rudy seems to come a fraction below his bottom lip), but the angle is'nt too good.
Alex said on 4/Jul/07
Nice picture 5'11.5 guy. Yao looks 7'5 at least there and maybe 7'6.
5'11.5 guy said on 2/Jul/07
Yao with 6'8 Rudy T.
Click Here
Massimo said on 2/Jul/07
I think that Kobe Bryant is 1.93. He is slightly slightly taller than Dwane Wade and Wade is 1.92. LeBron James looks about 3 cm taller than Kobe in that picture. I thought he was about 6'7" 1/2! I think Yao is at least 7'4", probably 7'5", but not quite as tall as Bradley and Muresan.
Vegas said on 30/Jun/07
can someone repost that boozer/yao pic please.
Arjun i agree there is no way yao is less than 7'5. he is in between 7'5 and 7'6 somewhere. Shawn Bradley is a measured 7'5.5" so i think we can also assume yao is within 1cm of that figure.
Arjun said on 30/Jun/07
Yao is closer to 7'7" if he really had a full head on Boozer , a head for Yao is more than just 9 - 9.5 inches, more like 11.5 inches. More likely Boozer was till his mouth level, and such a big difference can easily be mistaken for 1 - 2 inches more than it actually is.
I agree Gonzalo, Yao is'nt less than 7'5".
Derek said on 29/Jun/07
Carlos Boozer is a measured 6'7 3/4", so pretty much 6'8". My dad met Ewing and he said he was 6'10".
Viper said on 29/Jun/07
His fiance is an attractive woman for how tall she is.
Vegas said on 29/Jun/07
patrick ewing again looks 6'11 next to 7'1 Mutombo in the last link posted there by solidsnake (cool name, i love that game)
Viper said on 28/Jun/07
Boozer is around 6-8. Looked 6-9 to me in person though.
Gonzalo said on 28/Jun/07
He is huge. He was a head taller than Carlos Boozer, who must be around 2`01- 2`02. He isn`t under 7ยด5, barefoot
Viper said on 26/Jun/07
Muresan's girl was 6-4.
Arjun said on 25/Jun/07
LeBron does'nt even look 1.5 inches taller than Kobe actually - I looked at the pic again, realistically it's more like just 1 inch, 1.25 absolute max. But LeBron has some major flat shoes going on there, Kobe is closer but only very slightly closer to the camera. Some pics can be very deceiving.
Arjun said on 25/Jun/07
Kobe is closer to the camera with Lebron, and the shoes Lebron are wearing may have less sole. Kobe is not 6'6" - that I'm sure of. He's 6'5" tops. I have never seen a pic where he looks more than say a couple cm taller than Wade.
Duhon said on 25/Jun/07
But you claim he looks 6'4.5 next to wade? i sort of split the difference in the pics and imo kobe could be anywhere from 6'5" to 6'5.5".
Arjun said on 24/Jun/07
He looks closer to 6'6" with Lebron to me, Alex. I see only 1.25 - 1.5 inches between them.
Alex said on 23/Jun/07
Kobe looks 6'5-6'5.5 with Lebron.
Jason said on 23/Jun/07
There's over a billion people in China. It's only expected there's going to be a few mega tall guys, even when the average is short.
smlldkchins said on 23/Jun/07
trust me it really have to do with the china goverment....there are many china athete were caught using i wonder what are the china goverment are injecting their athete with ???it is freaking hard to believe when there are majority of the small chinese in china and suddenly popped up this 7'4 guy out of nowhere
chingchong said on 22/Jun/07
i feel like hard to believe only this guy are the tallest among the chinese compare to the rest of chinese which are really short.i guess it may have something to do with the chinese government
Arjun said on 21/Jun/07
That "Real NBA height" site claims that Kobe and Wade are almost exactly the same height, Kobe only fractionally taller. 6'3 3/4" for Wade and 6'4" for Kobe is what they say, anyhow Kobe sure does'nt look too much taller than Wade. 6'4.5" ish is my estimate for him. Which knocks Shaq down to 7'0" tops .....
wolverinejoe80 said on 21/Jun/07
those pictures basically proves that no pictures are 100% accurate. kobe seems like he is about 6ft 5. he looked taller than rip when i saw him.
Arjun said on 21/Jun/07
Kobe looks only 1/4" or so taller than Wade in your pic of them two Duhon, around 6'4" there compared to Wade's 6'3.75". However, he looks very close to 6'6" with 6'7.25" Lebron - there is 1.5 inches tops between them.
Arjun said on 21/Jun/07
Duhon, I think Kobe is around 6'4.5" barefoot.
Viper said on 20/Jun/07
Kobe looks 6-4 with Wade.
Duhon said on 20/Jun/07
Here are some comparisons of kobe with 6'3".75 dwyane wade and 6'7".25 lebron james,
Click Here
Click Here
What do you garner from these? he looks around 6'5" I would say.
Brah said on 17/Jun/07
Kobe is listed 6'6" by the NBA which is usually sneaker height. Anything between 6'4-6'5" sounds right to me, Arjun.
asdasd said on 17/Jun/07
1 inch is too much among bradley and yao. imho bradley 229 yao 228 in cm clearly.
Arjun said on 17/Jun/07
Yao is max an inch shorter than Bradley even after discounting Yao's bigger hair. 7'4" is a little too low for Yao. He's not under 7'5".
Arjun said on 17/Jun/07
Brah, the very first page of that "Real NBA heights" site has Kobe at 6'4". I think he is max 6'5", most likely 6'4" and change, but only 6'4"? Seems a little too low, but I would'nt rule it out completely. What do you think?
Arjun said on 17/Jun/07
Steve, the photo you posted is'nt the best to judge small height differences .... it's taken from way below them (obviously the photographer is a lot shorter than them two), and Yao is just a tad closer to the camera.
Brah said on 16/Jun/07
Hmm the links on my last post aren't going to the pictures I wanted. Well, if you cycle through the pics you will see pics of Yao looking at least 7'5" with other players. Yao has a humongous head...
Brah said on 15/Jun/07
Compare their heads. Bradley has smaller forehead (and a smaller head overall) than Yao. His eyes are higher up than Yao's as a result. Because Yao is not "eye to eye" with him, he thinks he is taller. The tops of their heads on the other hand show they are about the same height.
Johnny said on 15/Jun/07
Alex says on 24/May/07
People still say I have big feet but it was funny when I was 5'11 with a size 14 sneaker as it didn't fit my height.
:O i'm 5'11 and i wear a U.S 8! (41 in Europe) lol
(in last comment i wrote 8.5 but it's really 8! (41 in Europe)
Vegas said on 15/Jun/07
to me the look the exact same height in that photo (eyes, hair etc). i honestly dont know what bradley was smoking when he thought he was 2-3" taller than Ming but it just goes to show
lillo thomas said on 15/Jun/07
i dont see more than 1 inch difference between the two
Thorgrim "steve" said on 15/Jun/07
Click Here
I always thought yao ming was about 7'4... and his height was exaggerated a little bit, this picture is conclusive proof that a legit 7'6 shawn bradley is AT LEAST 2 inches smaller, look at yaos tall hair for example, which bradley is still taller than, and at this height... that small difference is EASILY over one full inch, and i would even stretch it to two.... what do you think guys? (also look at the height where bradleys neck meets his shoulder)
Owais said on 31/May/07
Yao Ming is 8-1" tall
kimgster said on 31/May/07
oh, he is too small for me, i'm almost 15 feet...
Arjun said on 26/May/07
Yeah Masato, Yao's shoe size is 18.
Masato said on 26/May/07
I'm around 6'6'' and i wear size 15 shoes. I'm chinese by the way,so i reckon i got quite big feet for a chiense with my height. Isn't Yao MIng's shoe size 18?
waterfield88 said on 25/May/07
I think big feet run in my family. I wear a size 12 sneaker, but I have no idea how wide my feet are. My brothers wear size 11.5/12, 13/14, and 11 respectively and none of them are over 6 feet tall.
By the way, Yao Ming's feet would be very small for his height.
Alex said on 24/May/07
People still say I have big feet but it was funny when I was 5'11 with a size 14 sneaker as it didn't fit my height.
Jason said on 20/May/07
I'm something E. I have no idea how it's measured, though.
Alex said on 19/May/07
Arjun, I'm not too sure about how they do wide sneakers. A few of my friends are in the 3-4E widths. I have a long foot but its medium width.
Jason said on 19/May/07
I had big feet on both sides of my family. My Dad's a 13 and my Grandpa on my Mum's side is a 14.
Arjun said on 19/May/07
Alex, how are the number of E's converted to width of the foot in inches?
Viper said on 18/May/07
I have wide feet though. Shoe people have said that I should be wearing Triple EEE shoes.
Alex said on 18/May/07
For 6'3 a size 13 is most common for that height I think.
If I wanted I could get a 14.5 for even more room but then its a bit too much room. 14 is ideal with 1/4 inch or less of room. You couldn't beat me foot into a 13 though, lol.
Big Show is a size 18 6E, Shaq is a 22 3E.
lillo thomas said on 18/May/07
viper if you are size 10 the you have little feet for your height
i know that foot size doesnt always relate with height but i think that to 6-3
guys normal shoe size is about 12 to 6-4 and 6-5 guys is about 13-14.
Jason said on 18/May/07
They might not be if he only wears 16's.
Viper said on 17/May/07
I only wear a size 10 at 6-3. I usually wear 11 though for the comfort.
Alex said on 17/May/07
Arjun, if I want I could wear a 13.5 but my foot will come to the very end and will be too snug so with a 14 I got about 1/4 inch of room to breath.
Big Show's feet aren't as long as Shaq's but his are wider though.
Arjun said on 17/May/07
Alex, I have pretty small feet - only a size 9. They have not grown since 10th grade.
My feet are about 10.25 inches long, almost exactly what the conversion on your site suggests. It seems that every inch of foot length is 3 sizes bigger. You at size 14 have a foot literally a foot long:) Shaq's feet at size 22 are nearly 15 inches long. That's humongous!!!
Arjun said on 17/May/07
Thanks Jason :) Yeah, I did get that 1/4" in the last year itself, before that I had'nt grown an mm for nearly 2 years.
So, all of you guys in your late teens who have'nt grown an mm for a while .... don't lose hope just yet:)
Alex said on 16/May/07
This site has the shoe sizes converted to inches.
Click Here
Alex said on 16/May/07
I had a size 13.5 sneaker when I was 5'9.5 at 15. My feet stopped growing by 16-17 as I'm now a size 14 at 6'0.5 which is still big for my height. I should either be 6'5 for my shoe size or be a size 12 for my height. I have big feet.
Jason said on 16/May/07
Arjun says on 6/May/07
''Wow Jason. No growth at all for 5 years since age 13 and then 4 inches!!! That's really unusual, but cool all the same. You might very well reach a full 6'4" by the time you stop growing, it seems. As for me, I'll be happy to get a 1/4" more to reach a full evening 5'8", but who knows .... ultimately we don't really have much control over our height, it will grow to what it is programmed to ;)
Oh yeah, and you said that your feet are still growing a little too. Mine stopped by 16 or so, but my armspan increased a whole inch after 16, more than my height did, wonder what that could mean.....''
I saw you definitely grew a 1/4'' in the last year yourself. 5'8''? You might get 5'9'' or more ... you're only a kid. :D
Arjun said on 16/May/07
Well Alex, that definitely rules out anything under 7'5" for Yao.
Alex said on 15/May/07
T-Mac looks 6'7ish.
Arjun said on 15/May/07
Same here Alex. I'm surprised that I even made it to 5'8", based on my "family height tree".
Arjun said on 15/May/07
That would put Tmac at around 6'6 1/2", Viper. Still, Yao massively towers over him - I do see over 10 inches difference definitely. Yao has a big head which is a fraction under 12 inches tall (as evidenced by him standing next to a height stick, his head is just over 12 inches including his big hair) And T-Mac comes barely above his chin?
Viper said on 14/May/07
Grant Hill is 6-7-6-7 1/2 and Tmac is marginally shorter than him.
Alex said on 14/May/07
I'm taller than almost all my realatives. My dad's brother is 5'4. Mom's brothers are 5'7, 5'9 and 5'11. Dad was 6'0-6'1 at his peak. My grandfathers were 5'4-5'5 and the other was 5'11. My dad's grandfather was 6'2 though and my mom's uncle she said was like 6'7 or around there. I turned out a smidge over 6'0.
Arjun said on 14/May/07
Click Here
Yao massively towers over McGrady . Around 11 inches definitely, as Yao's head is very close to 12 inches tall. If Yao's only 7'5", T-Mac is shorter than 6'7".
Arjun said on 14/May/07
TheJerk, Adam Rainer was apparently measured by Guinness, so the story is true. He holds the record for the most variable adult stature ever, no one even close. To be exact, his height actually "doubled" after age 21 till his death. He was 3'10.5" (1.18 m ) at age 21, then had a massive 1 metre
growth spurt to 7'2" (2.18m) by age 32. He became so weak because of this spurt that he was bedridden for the rest of his life. He died at age 51, having grown 6 more inches by then to 7'8" (2.34m). 7'8" is literally twice as tall as 3'10 1/2". Apparently, his pituitary gland was dormant till age 21 and suddenly became extremely active. He is the only man in recorded history to have been both a dwarf and a giant.