supes78 said on 26/Mar/08
He's wearing normal looking sneakers in pic 1. If they look big, it's because he's a big man.
thekiddd said on 26/Mar/08
He is wearing big shoes in pic no 1, adding about 1 1/2- 2 inches. But I would say he is pretty much almost 6'7".
supes78 said on 26/Mar/08
This guy is legitimately huge. I still say 6'7" is closer to his actual height. In the second photo, Sid isn't even standing up straight and he still dwarfs everybody.
Jordan said on 26/Mar/08
He looks like 6'6-6'7 with Amun in the first pic.
Massimo said on 26/Mar/08
I'm not that sure that the Undertaker is taller than Sid. Sid's eyes and mouth are higher than Undertaker's. They are very close to each other though.
Danimal said on 26/Mar/08
Mamun, are those your parents and your brother in the pic? If so, seems like everyone in your family likes big wrestlers! ;)
Anonymous said on 26/Mar/08
looks 6ft6
mr anonymous said on 26/Mar/08
Yeah right.An uglified heath ledger.
Viper said on 26/Mar/08
I think 6-6 1/2 is fair for him by looking at the pics.
GSP said on 26/Mar/08
he looks like a massive version of Heath Ledger.
FullMetalCock said on 26/Mar/08
Yep, definitely AT LEAST 6`7" and likely closer to 6`8"
Dave said on 26/Mar/08
yup, hes EASILY more than 6'6.5, to me thats a ridiculous estimate.... the man is a clear 6'8 in my book
Yaspaa said on 26/Mar/08
He has a foot on Mamun in both pics,looks similar to Kane.
miko said on 26/Mar/08
6"6.5 is fair - could be 6"7 with good posture.
Robby said on 25/Mar/08
judging from pics with Taker and Nash, I would say Sid was 6'7" at his peak and is 6'6" or so right now. losing height over time definitely happens.when I was 10 I measured my dad's height when he was 42. he was 6'3.5" and right now at the age of 59 he is 6'2"
ted T said on 25/Mar/08
Sid was fine at 6-6.He is no more than a full 198cm.
MK said on 25/Mar/08
Sid indeed looked 6'7'' at his peak but with no recent photos or screen pics of any kind, plus the way most tall wrestlers seem to drop 1'' or so in their late 40's(i.e, Kevin Nash) 6'6''- 6'6.5'' nowadays is surely a better assumption.
KingNick said on 24/Mar/08
Mark started this on Kane's page. It worked here once, let's try it again. If you want Sid's height upgrade, please post this:
KingNick said on 17/Mar/08
Think about this, what if UT was barefoot in the WM13 picture? I think he'd be the exact same height or maybe just slightly shorter than Sid if he was still in shoes. If Sid was barefoot, I think UT would have just a slight edge, no more than .5" Doesn't think make sense if Sid's boots are so flat like everyone is making them out to be?
Alex2 said on 16/Mar/08
To be honest i cant see anything below 6'7 for Sid.
MagicTouch said on 16/Mar/08
Yep, if the camera angles on the photos in MikeV10's post were level - then Undertaker is actually even taller than Sid, easily 1 - 1.5 inches. Mind you, Undertaker's boots look a bit thicker than Sids.
Red said on 10/Mar/08
MikeV10, you can
Steve said on 9/Mar/08
Undertaker is clearly no more than 0.5 inch taller than sid, so that makes sid 6'7.5
Master B said on 9/Mar/08
If you look at makes third picture notice how the ropes is sloping downwards towards Sid.
KingNick said on 6/Mar/08
Yeah guys look at this link again from about 5:53 to the end
Click Here UT has a full inch on Sid and his eyes are at level with him. He must have been wearing bigger shoes this night but no way are they the exact same height there. If UT didn't have the bigger shoes I think their height may very well be the same.
KingNick said on 6/Mar/08
I posted this on the other page, maybe someone here can see it. The pic anonymous posted from 1991
Click Here is the closet to Sid and UT standing straight together but UT actually has his head back a little there. Can someone photo shop their staredowns so now one is titling their head up? It may answer a lot of questions.
To me, UT looks taller in this pic
Click HereIf anyone could find this I would greatly appreciate it cuz I'm just curious. I remember shortly after Survivor Series 96, when Sid won the belt, he was in the ring during an interview with HBK and I think McMahon. He said something like, "I need a real challenge" and UT came out. They had a staredown and Sid looked taller. I remember I was crushed cuz it meant UT wasn't 6'10" lol but this was years ago, I may have been looking at the eyeline. Does anyone remember this raw or know how to find it?? I remember them being on flat ground and no one was titling their head up. It was either late 96 or very early 97
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/08
Another nice staredown - exact the same height, I think close to 6
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/08
I think UT had bigger boots at WM13
At raw they were excat the same height in normal wrestlingboots
Click Herethe vid
Click Here
KingNick said on 3/Mar/08
Cool fair enough. Just curious b/c they look so close in height. I can believe that.
MK said on 3/Mar/08
KingNick, i'd say 6'7.5'' for taker as stated on this site, tho looks to have lost a half inch since WM13 when he did seem to have '0.5'' on Sid, hence my 6'7'' prediction for Sid. Never met either of them mind you, but after watching for the past 18 years or so thats the way it looks to me;)
KingNick said on 3/Mar/08
MK, then what's your opinion on Undertaker's height out of curiousity?
Vegas said on 2/Mar/08
guys please provide proof of this surgery in 1990, i have asked for it on numerous occasions and nothing so far, we all know that during his time healing from the "kayfabe" injury suffered at the hands of earthquake in May 1990 he was really filming Suburban Commando, hogan would return to the WWE on 28th July 1990
KingNick said on 2/Mar/08
To be honest, I think Sid had more like 2.5" or even 3" on Hogan by 1992 look at this pic JT posted
Click Here Dammit I don't care if people think I'm crazy or not I'm thinking 6'7.5" - 6'8" for Sid, Hogan 6'6" at peak, and Hogan 6'5" or less by 1992, Hogan probably 6'3"ish now
Frank said on 2/Mar/08
Sid was not 6ft 8 in street clothes when i see him
Red said on 2/Mar/08
Nice pic JT,
JT said on 2/Mar/08
Click Here This is Hogan in 1987 and Sid in 1992. I guess Gene by 1992 had that same devastating height-loss producing surgery that Hogan had:) Probably not since Hogan and Sid measured up the same face to face in 1992
Click Here You can argue all you want that Hogan is 6
Red said on 2/Mar/08
I agree with 1.5" between peak-Hogan and peak-Sid.
Hulk Fan said on 1/Mar/08
Hulk Hogan when he faced sid in 1990 was standing very erect compared to the picture red posted. He is bending while sid is standing very erect making the height amplified, I think peak Hogan was probably 1.5 inches shorter than sid
Red said on 1/Mar/08
Danimal yes I think Hogan was 6
Anonymous said on 1/Mar/08
If you look at the pics of Manum with Sid and Nash,they are about the same height. At the most, Nash might be an inch taller. Nash is put at 6'9. No way then can Sid be at 6'6.5. Gunnar is right, 6'8 peak Sid, in so far as Nash is 6'9-6'10.
Danimal said on 1/Mar/08
His first surgery was in 1990 and according to him he lost 1 1/4" from that 1990 back surgery.
Derek said on 1/Mar/08
Alex 2- Hogan's first surgery was in April or May of 1990. He was 6'6" and lost 1 1/4", bringing him down to 6'4 3/4". In 1992, Sid had roughly 2 inches on him, so Sid was 6'7" back then. I believe Hogan's next surgery was in 1998 where he lost 3/4", bringing him down to a flat 6'4". Scott Hall was a bit taller than him at this point. I'm not sure if Hogan had another surgery after that, but he barely looked 6'3" with Shawn Michaels 3 years ago.
Alex2 said on 29/Feb/08
Was Hogan really down to 6'5" by 92? When were his surgeries?
Danimal said on 29/Feb/08
First of all, Hogan was NO longer 6'6" in 1992. HE was struggling with a full 6'5" at that point and by 47 years old, people don't have to have lost at least 1" of height (speaking of Sid now). Peak Sid - 6'7".... Peak Hogan - 6'6"
MK said on 29/Feb/08
Necrosa's right, he dosent look more than 10-11 inches taller in the photo which makes him 6ft7 max. Since hes now 47 he must have dropped at least an inch since WMVIII when he bearly had 2'' on Hogan, therefore 6'6'' is more accurate.
Necrosa said on 28/Feb/08
lol, Mamun does not look a foot shorter.
KingNick said on 28/Feb/08
sorry that anonymous was me
Anonymous said on 28/Feb/08
Runino, I know, I've tried. I don't think lower than 6'7.5" for Sid, I just don't get it.
Alex2 said on 28/Feb/08
I will agree below 6'7" is rediculous but 6;9" is pushing it a bit.
Runino said on 28/Feb/08
Haha! You're joking, right? Eudy is huge and on this photo he looks easily a foot taller then Mamun, easily over 6'7"! Everything under 6'7" is wrong!!! I would place Sid to 6'8" or 6'9" at least!!!
MK said on 28/Feb/08
If Mean Genes 5'9'' then Mamuns 5'10'' at least. Good news for Mamun i guess. He was 6'7'' peak now he is surely 6'6''
Alex2 said on 27/Feb/08
Here is a clip of Sid with ean Gene (around 5'9) It looks like he come sjust above his shoulder which would mean Sid would be around 6'7-6'7.5" in this clip, a PEAK Sid was 6'7" MINIMUM period!
Click Here
MK said on 27/Feb/08
Sid is no more than Rob has stated origanaly 6ft6 even. I doubt his own son(if it is) would insult his father if Sid himself claims 6ft8. What a great man is Mamun though class act all the way.
Frank said on 27/Feb/08
Mamum i doubt thats Sid Son and you yourself said your 6ft 6 cousin was as tall or taller than Sid and i seen Sid in Street clothes also and he did not look 6ft 8 too me ??
Mamun said on 27/Feb/08
Gunnar Eudy !!!!! What an honour for you to be here !!!!!!! You have no Idea
how popular your dad is and how much we love him !!!!! Gunnar is there any
chance in GOD'S name for your dad to see how much we Idolize him here and
for him to acctually to post a message to his fans in this site ? We fans
are begging him ( not asking him ) for him to be in a Hollywood movie . We
are soo sure he would become a much more high class and chrismatic action
Hero than any of the current ones like Jhon Cena or even the Rock . Hollywood
desperately needs a 6'8" action hero and I can't think of anyone better than
your dad . One last thing . Please thank him for letting me take this picture
of him in Dubai . He is still in my book one of the kindest person on the
planet right next to Muhammad Ali . God bless Sid and his family .
Kind regards
gunnar eudy said on 26/Feb/08
He is really 6'8 and this is his son i think i know
Paul said on 25/Feb/08
Looking at the link again, I'd say Heenan looks 5'11, Hayes 5'7 and Mooney 6'0.5. I honestly believe Sid to be 203/6'8.
Paul said on 25/Feb/08
Frank, he wasn't much less than Curt Hennig or Ric Flair. I remember them as a kind of three man team in the early 90's. I remember he stood next to Paul Bearer on Prime Time and he was slightly taller than Bearer (just over 5'10). Good inch or so more.
Steve said on 25/Feb/08
i agree if sting is 6'2, sid is no less than 6'7, id give him 6'7.5 or about 202cm would be more accurate
Frank said on 25/Feb/08
I would say Heenan was about 5ft 10 i donr believe he was 6ft
Paul said on 24/Feb/08
Look at this
Click HereHeenan is anything up to 6'0. Probably slightly less but he's close to that.
KingNick said on 23/Feb/08
Upgrade Sid more! Yay!!
Alex2 said on 15/Feb/08
Taker's knees are even bent in that photo.
tuga said on 15/Feb/08
Yes kingnick, it sure looks like it, but look at it, taker has A LOT OF HEIGHT on him, has no advantage from camera angle, again look at their feet.
Just measure both men from picture and you
KingNick said on 14/Feb/08
Look at JT's closer photo. In all fairness, it does look like UT is on his toes, but it's very very slight. Wright is nearly doing a ballet stand. There's probably about 4" between the too in normal clothes, maybe 2"-3" depending on Wright's wrestling boots.
Frank said on 14/Feb/08
In that Picture i donr see Taker on his Tip Toes and if you look he is the same amount taller than Paul Bearer look @ Takers page and see
tuga said on 14/Feb/08
You should know that at that angle taker has no advantage...we
Alex2 said on 14/Feb/08
Good picture tuga, its hard to tell the height difference there with Shango on his toes, but Taker looks to have at least 2" on him with a relaxed posture, idont think thers a doubt Taker was anything under 6'7.5" peak. Also Taker looks mysteriouslly wider and bulk their.
JT said on 13/Feb/08
I agree that Charles Wright (Papa Shango, Godfather, etc.) was around 6
Frank said on 13/Feb/08
Charles Wright looked about 6ft 4 when i seen him outside Madison Square Garden in street clothes
tuga said on 13/Feb/08
I agree with you both, there
KingNick said on 12/Feb/08
Danimal, you know it's funny, I've been wondering lately if he was only 6'4". I don't think higher than 6'5". I do think his Papa Shango boots made him close to 6'6".
Danimal said on 12/Feb/08
Papa Shango was a legite 6'4". They billed him as high as 6'8" at times.
KingNick said on 11/Feb/08
Aw, my 6'7" rant didn't go through
Thanks for posting the pic Vegas
Ghost said on 11/Feb/08
If Sting is 6'2, that would make Sid exactly 6'7 as the evidence suggests.
JimmyDavid said on 8/Feb/08
That's more like a staredown between Sting's eye and Sid's chin.
Vegas said on 8/Feb/08
here you go KingNick; sid and sting staredown
Click Here
Danimal said on 7/Feb/08
WO, you raised him Rob? Nice. I still say 6'7", but that's close enough.
supes78 said on 7/Feb/08
Well, .5" extra is a start but I still say this guy is around 6'7" tall.
KingNick said on 6/Feb/08
Papa Shango also wore some pretty big shoes that may have made him 6'6"
Click Here (pause at about 2:47 when Undertaker takes off his hat)
Does anyone have that picture of Sid and Sting staring each other down? Isn't sting about 6'2"?
Derek said on 6/Feb/08
JimmyDavid- Papa Shango stepped over the top rope and he was not a centimeter over 6'5".
JimmyDavid said on 5/Feb/08
Something doesn't seem right. Sid used to step into the ringue towering above the top rope, like Nash or Khali. I just don't see it possible for a 6'6'' man. Hogan or Scott Hall couldn't lift their legs that hight and they were billed at 6'6'' at the very least.
Frank said on 3/Feb/08
See Rob it does not pay to be nice !!! (lol) You give then .5 and they want a full inch :o)
D-lurker said on 3/Feb/08
oo come on, it never ceases to amaze me that people will feel emotionally satisfied over .25 of an Inch..I guess 2m has more power than 1.99m
Alex2 said on 2/Feb/08
He should be at least 6'6.75"
KingNick said on 2/Feb/08
Sorry Rob, I'm going to be annoying again, let's go for another .5"!
Hulk Fan said on 1/Feb/08
Since Hulk Hogan is listed as 6'6 and Sid was taller than him when Hogan was at his peak by 2 inches, I think Sid should be given 6'8. What do you say Rob?
Steve said on 30/Jan/08
ahh thats still too short for Sid, he should be at least 201cm
Anonymous said on 28/Jan/08
Rob should be commended for working with us on this!
KingNick said on 26/Jan/08
ROB, THANK YOU!! I still think it should be a minimum of 6'7" but this at least is proportionate to the other wrestlers. THANKS!
Atoadaso said on 26/Jan/08
Editor Rob, put on another 0.5", or 1" and his height will be accurate. I think Sid is slightly taller than 6'7".
Anonymous said on 23/Jan/08
Sid 6'7, Studd 6'7, Hogan 6'5, Ventura 6'3, Zeus 6'6, Andre 6'11.5, the Rock 6'4
Yaspaa said on 23/Jan/08
Looks a foot taller than Mamun in this picture
Metalmaniac said on 23/Jan/08
Rob! Please, upgrade Sid! Why don`t you listen to us, Rob?
Frank said on 23/Jan/08
Nick you could be right im just saying what i seen Sid could have been 6ft 7 but for some reason when he walked by me he did not look as tall as i thought he would and my friend said that Sid did not Tower me
D-lurker said on 23/Jan/08
I am pretty open about sids height to be honest, I've seen enough to suggest either height..Six seven easy at peak..I wish a little more respect was shown to Rob however..
Frank said on 23/Jan/08
Viper i know it sounds crazy but Sid did not look as tall as i thought we would
And i would look a good amount taller than Mamum if i was next to him so Sid being 6ft 6 can be possible in street clothes and like i said Wrestlers wear lifts in there Wrestling boots im sure of it
Red said on 23/Jan/08
My estimations
Taker 6
KingNick said on 22/Jan/08
nick, that's a great point. I wish the two had fought but I don't think they had a match against each other
nick said on 22/Jan/08
you really cant make an accurate call on height unless your with 3 inches of another guy. I was thrown off because of the distance i was away from him and his posture when i was helping him lift somthing.
I just dont know think about this
when your 5'8 like mamun rob and glenn seeing a guy who is 6'2 to 6'2 which is fairly common (1 to 2 guys out of 10) thats like a 6'2 to 6'3 guy (myself) seeing a man who is 6'9- 6'10. Also when your indoors like frank was with taker people appear taller because of the ceilings etc.
nick said on 22/Jan/08
well frank is wrong ill tell you a little story.
When i was working the other day there was this man that seemed unusually tall (6'5+) he asked me for help with somthing and i guessed his height "Your about 6'5 6'6 right you ever play any sports) he replied no im 6'7 and i kind of said yea right. Mind you im almost 6'3 so i have better judgment than my 5'8 firends like rob glenn and manum and 5'11.5 frank. The next day i was putting somthing away and i came within inches from him when he leaned back and stretched and believe me if i had to guess again i would have said 6'7 6'8.
Its odd that its almost the same situation but this stuff happens.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/08
6'6 is real close I think. in 1989 Tiny Lister was about 1-1.25 inch taller than Hogan and he is often put at 6'6 peak, only a couple of years later Sid was about 2 inches taller than Hogan. Maybe 6'6.75 for Sid.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/08
I really think that Hogan was a 6'5-6'6 guy and that Sid was more of a ligit 6'7 guy.
Anonymous said on 22/Jan/08
It's not that Sid is'nt 6'6, but rather that Sid can't be 6'6 if Hogan gets a peak 6'6. We have the footage that Sid was a fair amout taller than Hogan so either Hogan's peak has to go down to say 6'4.5 or Sid has to go up to 6'7. Remember that Sid is not all that much younger than Hogan, in the early 90's photo's Sid was no spring chicken either,he was in his mid 30's and maybe he had lost just a little height from his peak of about 10 years earlier as well.
Winst27 said on 22/Jan/08
tilting your head back makes you shorter try it..
Viper said on 22/Jan/08
Frank said Sid looked 6-5-6-6 in person Nick.
nick said on 22/Jan/08
Whats the best is that vicera is listed taller. I would bet my life that id sid had a staredown with vicera he would not be a half inch under but would be a half inch over or more, Im sure everyone agrees (including robert)
tuga said on 22/Jan/08
Frank and nick, don
nick said on 22/Jan/08
ill tell you what taker had some horrific posture on the crush video
nick said on 22/Jan/08
of couse 6'6 is wrong for sid,
Think about this, assuming sid is a HUMAN he looses height over the course of the day. So If sid is 6'6 that means he would be down to around 6'5.5 at night AND WE ALL KNOW that there is no way that sid was ever around 6'5.5. Rob putting sid at 6'7 would make everingthing come together more accuratly for this website and thats that but he just doesnt want to do it.
(btw there will always be people who say people are shorter just like people say brad pitt is 5'9 and arnold shwarzenegger is 5'9 and tom cruise is 5'5.6)
Majority rules 99 percent of the evidence and observers say he is 6'7 and he himself said he was between 6'8 6'9 in an interview of his ("sid shoot" interview on youtube)
Frank said on 22/Jan/08
I agree Red what i think it is Taker does not stand fully straight with shorter men sometimes and i seen Taker next to Adams when they all ganged up on him with Yokozuna and Taker look a good amount taller than Crush
We know Taker is taller than Sid so it does look strange that Taker did not look alot taller than Adams in that video...Taker tilts his head downward @ times where Sid tiltes his head back
KingNick said on 21/Jan/08
justin joseph, that's pretty funny. I use to have that toy but it was listed as 6'10 1/2" they probably put his real height, 6'8", by accident.
Rob, even if you upgraded Sid HALF AN INCH I would leave you alone for a while I promise :>)
And can someone please tell me why half of the WCW videos on youtube are in Spanish??
Alex2 said on 21/Jan/08
Sid is the only wrestler on this site that seriously nedds upgrading a bit.
Red said on 21/Jan/08
tuga so we
Red said on 21/Jan/08
Sid looks taller in his staredown than Taker with Adams
Click Here
Red said on 21/Jan/08
Frank, I believed Taker when he said he
tuga said on 21/Jan/08
Sid was about 2 1/2 inches taller than hogan in 1991, who problably had already lost some height, so I guess hogan was no longer 6'6 at the time.
Click HereSid vs hogan in wcw:
Click HereHogan has bigger soles on his boots, sid looks also to have big boots.
sid and brian adams:
Click HereSid cannot be only 6
KingNick said on 20/Jan/08
Frank man, UT's shoes were practically flat during that era, see the couple of old UT videos on his page. He was probably just a tad over 6'8" in ring gear IMO
Frank said on 20/Jan/08
Red they listed Taker @ 6ft 8 because he probably was that height I seen him a couple of times and he is a Big Man but i only seen him in Ring GEAR and he looked like he could have been taller than 6ft 8 but i doubt he was
ck said on 20/Jan/08
6'6" is wrong. the guy is 6'7" at least maybe pushing 6'8"
Red said on 20/Jan/08
I think they put UT at 6
chris175 said on 20/Jan/08
seriously though, why would anyone wear lifts if they were 6-6, im sure he has trouble enough getting through doors haha. i agree with 6-6, possibly 6-7 in his younger days
justin joseph said on 19/Jan/08
yeah i think that sid and taker are even. nash 2-3 over both of em. i remember collecting the hasbro wwf figures from the early to mid 90s. and the kayfabe heights and weights were hogan-6'8'' 303, sid justice-6'9'' 318. and undertaker 6'8'' 328. funny thing is, they had made two undertaker figures. the one that was listed as 6'8'' was the first that had come out in 92, and the second one in 94 was listed as 6'10 1/2''. and that bendable figure of diesel listed himself at near 7 ft like on the games. lol so what do you guys think the actual listings for these guys are?
Danimal said on 19/Jan/08
In fairness, there are quite people on here who are open minded and objective and it's because of those people that I keep coming back for more, even after 3 + years.
Danimal said on 19/Jan/08
Smartman, you have NO idea how biased and close-minded some of the guys on here REALLY are. Nothing about this site is objective. It's all based on favoretism, personal choise and subjectivity and insecurity.
Red said on 19/Jan/08
Sid looks 2.5 inches taller than Barry in JT
Anonymous said on 19/Jan/08
Stick to your guns Rob, Hogan had shrunk up already to about 6'4 1/2 by the early 90's so that is why sid had some height on him. Even if Sid maxed out at 6'6.25 or 6'6.3/8 that is no reason to change the posting.

Editor Rob
there is more chance I'd add sid extra 1/2 inch
tuga said on 19/Jan/08
Lifts or not, sid is still shorter than taker, small difference, but still...
Sid does give impression of wearing lifts, but who knows?
I still think sid could be 6
smartman said on 18/Jan/08
Some of you people must be nuts if you think Sid wears lifts! I think the problem is that many of you dont want to believe that Sid is exactly the same height as the Undertaker. Way to much favoritism for the Undertaker going on here.
JT said on 18/Jan/08
How about Sid and Windham standing next to each other
Click Here 6
Frank said on 18/Jan/08
Jt. Lifts are inside the boot and its hard to spot they make sneakers with lifts in side them and these guys look a good amount shorter when they are wearing there normal shoes
KingNick said on 17/Jan/08
He still looks almost a foot taller than Mamun to me.
Tuga said on 17/Jan/08
The photo JT posted is wierd, sid looks only a bit shorter but his feet look like floating through the air, try measuring both, there
MAMUN said on 17/Jan/08
Frank said on 17/Jan/08
So im not crazy Sid appeared to me 6ft 5 to 6ft 6 in street clothes ??
And mike you cant go by eye level some people have bigger forheads than others
Go to the Vince McMahon page my eye level is alot lower than Vince but but the top of my head is about 2 inches lower than his
Danimal said on 16/Jan/08
Sid is what, 50? He has had serious injuries in the ring. Mike, how the hell do you know that Sid was never taller say 15-20 years ago?? Are you his doctor??
mike odoherty said on 16/Jan/08
I met Sid at a london hotel a few months ago, im 6ft3 and he was a good 2 inches taller than me, id say the 6ft6 is about right in shoes, never over that though, he has high hair so that makes him look taller, but his eye level tells the story.
Red said on 16/Jan/08
I think mamun
Frank said on 16/Jan/08
Sids sneakers gives a a boost in height more than Mamums cousins shoes does
After seeing his cousin Sid can be 6ft 6 easily again i do believe we wore lifts in his wrestling boots..I seen Sid also in street clothes and he looked 6ft 5ish to 6ft 6 and a friend of mine that was with me said Sid did not tower over me....Taker sppeared alot taller but again Taker was in ring gear when i met him
Anonymous said on 15/Jan/08
Sid was a big 6'7 small 6'8. 6'7.50 315+ lbs. he was taller than Big John Studd, if only slighty.
nick said on 15/Jan/08
You cannot make a definite judgment call on the pictures, In Sids the camera is slightly pointing upward and Mamun's cousin the camera is slightly pointing downwards. Percentage value wise Sid compared to a 5'8 mamun is 6'7.5.
JT said on 14/Jan/08
Sorry - did not save the full body pic of Mamun and his cousin. I do have this pic though
Click Here
tuga said on 14/Jan/08
In 2002 taker had minimum 4 inches on hogan, there have been photos here proving that, but watch the match also, taker kind of towers hogan.
My guess is taker had 3 inches on hogan 1991, sid about 2 inches at least.
Mamun said on 14/Jan/08
Mr-6'5 , Thank you very much for taking an interest in my photos . In regards
to your first inquiry , the picture of my cousin and his comparrisons with Sid
and Kane all exists in a photo album wonderfuly done by my good friend here JT
So I am asking my dear friend JT to post the pic of my cousin and those others
he did once again . If not , then you can ask my dear friend Rob to provide my
e-mail address to you and I shall send the pic to you personnally .
In regards to your second inquiry , well if you are 6'5.5" bare feet and you
say that your brother barely reaches your chin , then my guess as well as
every one here is that he can not be no more than 5'8" . So he is most likely
to be between 5'7" or 5' 7.5" . No way he could be 5'9" barefoot based on your
observation .
There is however another way you can get him measured without him even knowing
it . See if you can get a friend who you personnally measured at 5' 8" or 5'7"
barefoot and try and get him to take a pic with your brother . This will most
definately work and you will get a clear estimate of his height . Good luck
friend .
Kind regards
supes78 said on 13/Jan/08
6'5" Barry Windham and Sid are walking side by side in this clip and there appears to be more than just a 1-inch differnce between the two;
Click Here
Menster112 said on 13/Jan/08
That guy looks 6'7" to me.
JT said on 13/Jan/08
We do have photos and a stare down of Hogan and Sid from 1991 and 1992 (Sid was at least 2 inches taller), and we know Sid and Taker were basically the same height in the ring. IIRC, WWF billed Sid at 6'9" and 313 lbs. and Hogan usually 6'8" and 302 lbs. (they referred to Hogan as 6'9" around the time of No Holds Barred).
Frank said on 13/Jan/08
Moonsoon also say he was 6ft 6 and her looked 2 inches shorter than the 6ft 5 Chuck Wepner
Mark said on 13/Jan/08
If anyone has a staredown between Taker and Hogan in 91 would be great. Sid was billed at 6'9 with Hogan at 6'7. Remember Hogan/Taker 2 looked 2 inches to me, unless there's good pics out there.
Alex2 said on 13/Jan/08
I still don't think Vegas Gonzales head could be 1 foot, Sid looks 6'7-6'8 in that match, ill leave Sid at 6'7 1/2
Vegas said on 13/Jan/08
we never got a staredown between taker and hogan in 1991 or both never stood side by side unfortunately, sometimes camera angles can be deceptive e.g. in the ring in WCW hogan barely looks shorter than 6'8 karl malone (there is one point when they locked up they looked the exact same height)
hogan and taker did have a stare off in 2002 and taker was 3" taller, of course some will say hogan was 15" shorter in 2002, lol but remember hogan had a staredown with flair in 1991 and 2003 and there was barely any difference, meaning flair must have lost a ton of height too....
not sure i buy sid wearing lifts (with hogan in 1991-92 or anytime in fact), as far as i remember sid was only billed 1 inch taller and i have heard people say both were billed at 6'8 in the summer of 1991
Mark said on 13/Jan/08
Vegas totally agree with comments. Monsoon's comments on height/weight always amused me. He even said he was 6'6. In the 91 match between Taker and Hogan the difference was hardly there surprisingly, that's why I think he needed to make a comment. Consistency wise I also agree I have both Sid/Taker within .5 inch difference my estimation around 6'6. Still think v's Hogan Sid used larger boots or lifts as Taker didn't have as much height on Hogan.
Vegas said on 13/Jan/08
Mark i wouldn't use what moonson said as evidence after all he did say at mania3 that Andre was 7'5 and hogan 6'8 (a 9" difference) when it was clear to me as a 10 year old child it was no more than half that
i think people are looking more for consistency regarding Sid rather than upgrading, e.g. you can't have Sid at 6'6 and Hogan at 6'6 when it is clear to everyone that Sid was at least 2" taller, you can't have undertaker at 6'7.5 and sid at 6'6 when it looks barely 0.5" difference, for me it is a bit like John Cena and Kevin Federline, for a long time Cena was listed at 6'0 here and federline at 5'11, yet there was a clear 3.5" at least between those two in a staredown (both wearing trainers)
alex2 this is a photo taken from the gonzales/sid match with both standing fully tall (remember gonzales is bending his head alot during the staredown)
Click Here
Paul said on 13/Jan/08
I tell you, back then Gonzales was 7'6-7, Sid 6'8.
Mr_6'5 said on 13/Jan/08
Mamun my dear friend, do you have a column for yourself on ere, and if you do or dont, can you direct me to that picture with your 6'6'' cousin. also, if I post a picture on here , can you estimate a height for my brother, im 6'5.5'' an he barey reaches my chin, i cant get him to get measured and im guessing he is in the range of 5'7'' mybe 5'8'', please reply, have a great day thanks
Mark said on 12/Jan/08
Rob stick to your guns my man, no disrespect Alex 2 but side with Frank on this one, people who I know who've met the man say although a big man isn't as big as they thought he would be. Some have said possibility that he's around 6'5-6'6. I belive him to be a flat 6'6, 1/2 an inch shorter than Taker (I don't believe from what I've read that Frank has seen Taker in street clothes?) I believe V's Hogan had some support in the boots has he looked noticably taller compared to Hagan than Taken did (who are roughly same height, give/take 1/2 an inch in the same era.) Monsoon was quoted in 91 as saying both Taker and Hogan roughly same height.
Alex2 said on 12/Jan/08
Here is a video of Sid with Giant Gonzales in WCW, i fail to see more than 10 inch difference,
Click Here
JimmyDavid said on 12/Jan/08
Sid is probably the most underated height on this site. As for Nathan Jones, he is the most "helped" height in here, if not just picture these scenarios... Jones towers above Kevin Nash (when Hell freezes it might be real) and Jones also has some amazing 4 inches on Sid!! (right, i would like to see a staredown between both. I believe Sid is just barely shorter)
Frank said on 12/Jan/08
If Rob would put the picture of Mamums 6ft 6 cousin next to the picture above then you can see Sid could be 6ft 6 in street clothes but in ring Gear Sid appears taller
Anonymous said on 12/Jan/08
On this sight Jesse Ventura is listed at 6'4, he was always about 2.5 inch shorter than Hulk Hogan, and Hogan was was about 2.25 inch shorter than Sid. So Sid was about 4.75 inch taller than Ventura, that would make Sid 6'8.75. if Sid is only 6'6, then Hogan was only 6'3.75 back when and Ventura was only about 6'1.25. A much more likely scenario is that Sid was 6'7.25, Hogan 6'5 and Ventura 6'2.50
Alex2 said on 11/Jan/08
Rob you seriously need to upgrade to sid 6'7 at min, hes stacked up to 7'7 Gonzales really well, and looked 10 inches smaller, he seriously needs to be upgraded, please!!
goofy said on 10/Jan/08
Sid can not be only 6'6 if the undertaker is 6'7 1/2. They are the same height, and if anything Undertaker had slightly bigger soles on his boots during the staredowns. Upgrade this man!!
Viper said on 10/Jan/08
Rob needs to downgrade
Vin Diesel first before he ever upgrades Sid.
nick said on 9/Jan/08
Rob just make sid 6'7 no one will agrue it
nick said on 9/Jan/08
jeez rob seriously. Look at the video below and know that sid was over 6'6. Come on now im sick of looking on this page and still seeing him as 6'6, its not funny anymore. Our goal along with you is to make this websight as accurate as possible yet these kind of things are holding you back. You have hogan listed asd 6'6 yet Sid is listed the same height even though he is inches taller than he is. You have The undertaker listed as 6'7.5 and sid is a half inch under that and at his height consistantly...yet you still have him as 6'6. I have mathimatically measured the above photo with a 5'8 mamun and he is still over 6'7. Rob do yourself and us a favor by making this sight as accurate as possible. Rob If you are a math man you would have found that with the 100 photos given here 99 percent of them have the guy at 6'7 and
over. If your not so much a math man like myself and you more of the artistic type you would see* that 99 percent of the photos and videos given have sid at or above 6'7 lol.
Thank you rob and im waiting to see what you do about this. :)
D-lurker said on 9/Jan/08
Sids charisma is as large as his frame..i watched the eldiablo vid, pretty cool..some deceptive camera angles made sid look smaller than UT by an inch especially the build up to the first staredown, but the staredown itself..well you could easily have sid at 6'7 minimum..I think it would be cool if he came back..heres hoping :). the 90's is my favourite era for wrestlin..
Anonymous said on 9/Jan/08
Click Here5:20 - 5:27 hogan is closer to the cam and sid has him by 2 inches.
I think hogan was a flat 6
KingNick said on 8/Jan/08
Kiat, I'm not sure if they had a match or not, but here's Jake and Sid from 1991 Sid looks to have eat least 2 inches on him
Click HereAnd here's Sid and Hogan from the 1992 Royal Rumble Hogan was either at peak or just below it here and Sid still has a lot of height on him
Click Here
JB said on 8/Jan/08
"I am the ruler of the world" - Sid Vicious
Mammut, no point in standing military style next to this guy, buddy. LOL
Kiat said on 8/Jan/08
If I could remember, Sid did have a match with Jake the Snake Roberts back in the early 90s. Anyone have the match between them? Jake is 6'5". How many inches did Sid have on Jake?
Anonymous said on 7/Jan/08
I agree, IF, Hogan was 6'6, fine, but then Sid can't also be 6'6. He was alot taller in every photo. I would go as far as to say Sid had to be two inches taller.
TNTinCA said on 3/Jan/08
Wasn't he always taller than Hogan? So if Hogan was 6'6" at this peak, that would lead me to believe Sid was at least 6'7".
BillyBob said on 3/Jan/08
Sid doesn`t have any footwear advantage here in this photo. White colour makes differences, yes?
And I totally agree with you, gentleman. 6-7 minimum, and might have very well been 6`8" at his peak.
winst27 said on 2/Jan/08
Thank D-lurker, thats exactly what I mean't, Danimal Sid looks to have the guy on his left by about 4 1/2 inches or so.. looks like a 6 2or3 guy to me.
KingNick said on 2/Jan/08
For crying out loud he's like a foot taller than Mamun in that picture who is standing completely straight with the camera angle in his favor. Deduct and inch from his shoes and you have 6'7" MINIMUM.
Frank said on 2/Jan/08
Rob can you put he picture of Mamums cousin with Mamum next to the picture with Sid & Mamum
D-lurker said on 2/Jan/08
winst was prolly reffering to the photo comparison that J.T knocked together, considering he is quoting the same words
Danimal said on 2/Jan/08
That is NOT Mamun's coursin!!!!! Have we not established this further down??
tuga said on 1/Jan/08
I would agree with some of you, Sid looks like a minimum 6
Gretz said on 1/Jan/08
In the 2 pics JT posted further down the page of John Studd and one man gang.Studd has his legs spread apart and they look the same height,but in the second pic studd looks an inch taller than 6'6" OMG.I think too many people have downgraded Studd to 6'6" just because of one pic from WM2 where 6'5" Bill Fralic is standing tall and Studd has a little over an inch on Fralic.I think there is still a lot of evidence out there to put Studd at 6'7" or within a fraction of it.As for Sid no less than 6'6.5"
ADH said on 1/Jan/08
He looks bigger then 6'6. You're looking at 6'8 or 6'9 atleast for sure.
I was just watching Bash At The Beach 1999, and the guy is just HUGE. About the same height as Nash (6'10) and Sid had alot better of a physique and build too.
I want Sid back! Hopefully Vince/Sid can work something out this year. I think he's 48 now, so soon it will be two late for a comeback altogether.
KingNick said on 31/Dec/07
Anonymous, well said. Happy New Year everyone!!
Anonymous said on 31/Dec/07
If Sid was only 6'6 then there were alot of 6 foot nothing wrestlers, even 5 foot somethings, because Sid towered over everybody, and was alot taller than the other(tall)wrestlers like Hogan, who remember was still being put at 6'8 back in 1990, even if Hogan was only 6'5 I would still put sid at almost 6'8.
KingNick said on 30/Dec/07
I still here a rumbling every now and then he's coming back to WWE. Pray for the Rumble!! (Cuz I'll be there!!)
Danimal said on 27/Dec/07
Man, he should have become a professional bodybuilder or an actor. He had great charisma and energy and insane size. In that video he weighed 330 pounds and had a very low bodyfat count.
nick said on 25/Dec/07
Wow sid looks just massive in that video. That was definetly his biggest.. Ill tell you what his body there resembles brock lesnar's a lot but he is 5 inches taller
winst27 said on 25/Dec/07
The Guy on Sids left isn't Mamums cousin but appears around 6'3 or so relative to Mamuns 5'8..
JimmyDavid said on 25/Dec/07
Sid is not just tall but built like hell. Look at him in his early ring years:
Click Here
Frank said on 25/Dec/07
Merry Christmans to all :o) And to clear things up for good the Guy to Sid's left IS NOT MAMUMS COUSIN!!
Danimal said on 24/Dec/07
Merry Christmas guy and girls (if there are any out there!)
Red said on 24/Dec/07
nick, couldn
Jason said on 24/Dec/07
Merry Christmas fellas ... everyone!
KingNick said on 24/Dec/07
I second that, Nick! Merry Christmas!!!
nick said on 24/Dec/07
rob give us a merry christmas by upgrading sid to his real height lol
Mamun said on 24/Dec/07
ROB & every one here MARRY CHRISTMASS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!!!!!!! SID if you
are reading this by any chance then MARRY CHRISTMASS TO YOU TOO & YOUR FAMILY.
Best regards in the world

Editor Rob
yes, I wish everybody a happy christmas, enjoy yourselves!
KingNick said on 23/Dec/07
Anonymous, I think Frank hit the nail on the head, this is a misunderstanding. Mamum's cousin is NOT the guy in the pic above, its the guy in the pic that JT posted
Jason said on 23/Dec/07
Mamun's pic was taken in 1996 when Sid was being billed as 313lbs. Maybe it's just me, but I don't think he looks like a 313-pound ripped man would compared to Mamun...
KingNick said on 23/Dec/07
JT, thank you.
Danimal said on 23/Dec/07
Actually JT, Hogan was taller than Hilbilly in BOTH pics from 1985 and 1989. A prime Hogan would have been 1-2" MAX shorter than 6'7" Sid.
BTW, Sid was a legit 330 pounds during his most muscular days. I had a shoot interview of him from the 1990's.
Jim said on 23/Dec/07
Sid had the best wrestling physique of all time imo. Like a bigger version of Goldberg who had the second best. A legit 6-7 and 300+ pounds of pure muscle muscle. Perfect.
KingNick said on 23/Dec/07
Somebod PLEASE post of picture of Mamum's cousin. mamum are you hearing this? this guy doesn't believe your cousin is 6'6"
Jim said on 23/Dec/07
Sid is 6'7 why have you listed him as 6'6? Based on that one photo? He was 2 inches taller than hogan in 199- and hogan was a legit 6'5.
Frank said on 23/Dec/07
Anonymous the guy in the picture is not Mamums cousin
Anonymous said on 23/Dec/07
King Nick, if that guy is 6'6 then sid is 6'9+. Which would make him the first guy in the history of wrestling to be listed at less than his real height.
Jack said on 22/Dec/07
LOL @ Sid listed as 6'6. He's taller than that.
KingNick said on 22/Dec/07
Anonymous, have you seen a picture of Mamum's cousin? He's not exactly built like Sid is and his cousin is 6'6". What I'm saying is 6'6" and 6'7" (minimum of how tall I think Sid really is) are very close numbers, so someone who is thinner may appear taller at first glance. Could someone please post a pic of Sid's cousin again.
Anonymous said on 22/Dec/07
KingNick, Who say's Mamum's cousin is thin. Sid was put at 305-320lbs back at that time, mostly 315. He could be 6'3 230 and look thin next to sid
Danimal said on 21/Dec/07
Sid has been billed at 6'7" at one point in his wrestling career. I do not believe that he was ever over that height.
JimmyDavid said on 20/Dec/07
I think Sid is 6'8'' and Nash 6'10''. The 6'6'' mark seems way too low. That's probably Scott Hall's height or so.
KingNick said on 15/Dec/07
Plus Mamum's cousin is very thin, a thin person naturally looks taller plus I still see a heel in that pic
Frank said on 12/Dec/07
Yes Mamums cousin looked taller than Sid but then again you cant always go by a picture
D-Lurker said on 11/Dec/07
I think a lot of early comparisons were made to Mamun's cousin, who apparently stands 198cm. Honestly, on first glance, it really was difficult to separate the heights of M's cousin, Sid and Kane for that fact.
Shock of Electric said on 11/Dec/07
6'6" is impossible, I would just say simply that I met him as well and am the same height as this guy, but to me that reasoning isn't good enough, plus I know guys who are 6'6" and it's unfair to reason that he is.
So anyway, if you do some math using their heights in pixels compensating for their footware, depending on whether he's 5'8" 8.5" or 9", Sid comes out as 6'7.3", 6'7.5" and 6'8" even. Also to point out, the picture is tilted in the other guy's favor just slightly. Whatever the case may be, Sid is at least 11" taller than him. To put it bluntly, in this picture Sid is 1.1666 x taller than him and 1.1666 x 68 = 79.32. I can't get anymore technical than that. If you want to also compensate for the fact that Mamun is obviously standing up as straight as he can vs Sid's casual stance, there could be possibly an extra .5" legit difference Right now, I think it's safe to go with 6'7 3/8". Saying Sid is only 10" taller than him is impossible based on this picture.
KingNick said on 10/Dec/07
Essex180 posted this on the Ultimate Bad Guy page
Click Here if UBG picked his head up, he would have no more than 1" on Sid. 6'7" anyone???
Supermanfan380 said on 8/Dec/07
I still firmly believe he was at LEAST 6'7". Way over 300 pounds and cut too, at his largest.
Any one else notice he looks/looked almost exactly like BROCK SAMPSON? GO see the venture bro's cartoon if you do not know who Brock Sampson is.
jeremy said on 5/Dec/07
Sid was at least 6`7" in his peak. And remember that Mamum is a strong 5-8 who could be closer to 5-9 in this photo!
nick said on 1/Dec/07
Click Heresid measuring up pretty well with gonzalez haha, never seen him dwafed like this but with a guy who is 7'6.5 who wouldnt be.At 1:53 looks like a 10 inch difference, sid is a tall guy
JT said on 29/Nov/07
Studd and OMG never had a true face off but they looked about the same height in the ring (
Click Here) (
Click Here). IMO, Sid would have Studd by about an inch. 6'5" Bill Fralic was an inch shorter than Studd at WM 2.
I doubt Studd in 1989 was over 400 lbs. but more likely in the 350-375 lbs. range. Khali (Dalip Singh) is at least a
Danimal said on 28/Nov/07
We already had an INSANE face-off in 1989 with 6'7" Big John Studd and 6'6" One Man Gang at the Royal Rumble, where Studd was pushing 405 for that event (experts say) and O.M.G. was in the neighborhood of 450 at that point. Two MONSTERS. Studd was THICK. Sid was VERY defined. Sid was around 330 pounds.
Frank said on 28/Nov/07
Doink 95 thanks for your answer....I met Taker back in 1994 at The Paramount theater in Madison Square Garden(Picture is on The Undertaker Page) and he look very tall and i asked how tall he was and he told me 6ft 9 and i believe him because too me looked it and also at the time he was being billed at 6ft 10 and 6ft 10 1/2 by JIm Ross. So i figured if he was going to lie he would have said 6ft 10 like we was being billed at..I did see Sid in Street clothes and he did not look that tall too me..When both Taker and Sid in ring gear faced off Taker looked alittle taller than Sid by half an inch to an inch
KingNick said on 27/Nov/07
For you Sid fan's out there, rumors are still alive and well of returning to WWE here's one article
Click Here
JimmyDavid said on 27/Nov/07
I don't know if they ever faced each other. In the early 90's Andre was already getting away from Wrestling due to poor health and Nash was not around much and yet to become a favorite. The guy that best personificated the figure of the tall/bodybuilder style was Sid in my opinion. Some tall guys were not enough muscular and most bodybuilding wrestlers were too short.
doink 95 said on 27/Nov/07
to cantstop25
dink's real height(tiger Jackson) was just under 4'0, like you said 3'10"" or so. The thing that is deceiveing about the above picture, is that look at the angle in which Sid is standing sort of slanted, not straight on like Mamun is standing. Like I said I have a picture with Sid straight on in the dressing room, with our street clothes on, no wrestling boots, etc (which by the way depending on sole thickness can add 2''-3"" to a wrestlers height. Also look at jeff hardy & Triple H on last nights Raw, hardy is listed at 6'0-6'1, An Trip is billed as 6'5 ??? Trip is more like 6'2.5 topps!!!! watch closely on Raw and smackdown and you'll see MOST wrestlers no matter how tall they are billed are between 6'0 and 6'4. Sid, Kev Nash,Khali being the exception. Any wrestling questions guys, I'd be happy to answer. Frank- taker is the same height as Sid, and Nash is just a hair under 7- 6'10.5 legit
Anonymous said on 26/Nov/07
I would love to see a picture of Big john studd and sid from late 80's or early 90's. that would answer alot of questions. My suspicion is that sid would be about the same height, which would cause a serious downgrade for studds height. They must have faced each other, they would have been like the two biggest guys (other than Andre/nash) from that time.
Viper said on 26/Nov/07
I think Rob has him right. 6-6 for a barefoot height. 6-7 in shoes.
Estimation said on 26/Nov/07
I think it would be a good estimate to say that Sid had around 2.5 inches on Hogan in 1991. The difference looked slightly more than 2 inches, but not so much as 3 inches. Sid is 6'7" (201 cm). Hogan is 1.95 cm. Difference = 6 cm (approximately 2.5 inches).
KingNick said on 25/Nov/07
Why is he not listed at 6'7"?? I'll even take 6'6.5" for crying out loud!
Anonymous, not that this is the biggst deal, but he does have the long hair there. It's just hard to see, look at his left shoulder. He actually doesn't have the mullet anymore tho, I think he looked better with it.
Frank said on 25/Nov/07
When i seen Sid in front of Madison Square Garden in Street clothes he looked Big but he did not look as tall as i thought we would be Taker appeared alot taller too me
Jason said on 25/Nov/07
He had that style the entire time he came to the WWF from 1995 to 1997. Didn't you watch wrestling then?
Anonymous said on 25/Nov/07
Sid was no less than 6'7 that's for sure, I've never seen his hair as short as it is in the Mamun pic, you could add an inch if Sid has the big curly haired mullet on that he usually did. Hogan's boot's seem to have an extra big heel in those pics. If Sid was only 310 Hogan must have been down to 285 already by 1990. What year is the pic with Manun from? before or after 2001, it makes a difference.
Anonymous said on 24/Nov/07
Sid was 6'8 at his peak in the he early 90's. He was 2.75-3 inches taller than hogan at that time and you would have to put hogan under 6'5 to get Sid under 6'8. Heck, Hogan was still being put at 6'8 in alot of places in 90. He was about the same amount taller than Hogan as Studd was, and Studd was always put at 6'10-6'11. Also he was about the same amount taller than Hogan as Ben Davidson was, (almost). If you put Sid at 6'6 in 91' Hogan would be about 6'3-6'3.25. Sid was born at the wrong time, he was one of the all time biggest wrestlers but he never really made it big. If he would he have come out at the same time as Hogan, when they listed guys way over what they were, he would have been like 6'11 360. I beleive he was a ligit 320 in his prime, he looked alot bigger(20+ pounds) than Hogan back then and I think Hogan was still close to 300. Sid was one of the only wrestlers who was listed at just about his real size, go figure, If Sid is left at 6'6, there must be a mass down grading of everyone's height. I mean, Jesse Ventura is 6'4 peak, on this site and he was always a couple of inches shorter than hogan!!!!! All bets are off now for what he is now, his leg was about broken off.
cantstop25 said on 23/Nov/07
hey doink what was dinks real height? he claims 4' but I dont buy it, I think hes more 3'10.5" if youre 6'1"
Paul said on 23/Nov/07
Speaking of Sid Here he is with the debut of the shockmaster, featuring Steve Borden etc. Most people would buy Sting at 6'2 so if you compare him with Eudy at 3.00-3.10 how on earth is Eudy only 6'6.
Click Here
Danimal said on 23/Nov/07
Wish I could tell you Ted, but I'm not familiar enough with Lashley to give you my opinion. 6'1" is too much for Cena though. I'll stick with a 6'0" listing for him, or just over.
ted T said on 23/Nov/07
Danimal if you get this how tall do you think Bobby Lashley is?You 've said before that Cena is 6ft and i think that's closer to the truth,not like others;they insist that John Cena is 6-1.
Frank said on 22/Nov/07
So Doink how tall was Taker ??
Danimal said on 22/Nov/07
It's the Doink that wrestled in 1995. Look at his username: Doink95. Welcome to Doink!!
Frank said on 22/Nov/07
Which Doink there were alot of them?? :o)
Jason said on 22/Nov/07
Haha ... Doink the Clown is here!
Danimal said on 21/Nov/07
Sid was NEVER much taller than Hogan and to be quite honest, neither was Taker in the early 90's. When they had stare downs, it was about 2". Da Man, when I was 10 years old, my 5'4" sister seemed intimidating. PLEASE.
doink95 said on 21/Nov/07
look all you guys are wrong. I have wrestled him, went to dinner , traveled with him and I am a legit in bare feet 6'1, he is in his bare feet a legit 6'7 or so in shoes 6'9
Da Man said on 21/Nov/07
Sid may not have "towered" Hogan per se, but he certainly made Hogan look shorter than he really was. Sid was always visibly much taller than Hogan, I noticed that from watching them as a 10 year old kid.
Sid was/is an intimidating presence, even with a big guy like Hogan standing right next to him.
JT said on 21/Nov/07
Sid with Warrior (
Click Here) Warrior does look the 6
Danimal said on 20/Nov/07
Supes, you're confusing dates and other stats. Hogan faced off with Sid in 1991. Hogan had claimed to have lost 1 1/4" in 1990. Due the math. Hope I won't have to do it for you ;).
supes78 said on 20/Nov/07
Hogan should still have been at his peak height or at least very close to it when he faced Sid since the match took place in 1990. So, if Sid is only listed at 6'6", then Hogan was only 6'4" or 6'3" according to the pic of their face-off. I'm not buying that. I think Hogan was around 6'5" in 1990 and Sid would have been 6'7".
Danimal said on 20/Nov/07
Rob, you should intervene and NOT allow this guy JT to post this crap anymore:
JT says: Another shot of Sid towering over Hogan(Click Here).
Christ sake JT, Sid is a few feet in front of Hogan with his back turned at a really bad camera angle and you say he towers over Hogan. Put them side to side and you will see how foolish you are. After all these years you let this crap pass for a decent pic?? I'd love for you to present that as EVIDENCE in your courtroom! Too bad LV left when he did. He was the only one with common sense on here who didn't swallow your biased comparisons.
Paul said on 20/Nov/07
I think Sid was up to 6'8 at his tallest.
I stand alone, at least for now.