Jeff74 said on 21/Dec/08
I'm 6'5 and have met Tyler Mane he's definately 6'8 I felt short around him.
Da Man said on 19/Dec/08
LT says on 25/Oct/08
"...but depending on what tyler mane is wearing, its gonna affect his height more so than reguler sized people, my cowboy boots give me around 2.5 inches, but a pair on him is gonna give him close to 4 because when the scale up the whole boot, it gets thicker all over."
4" from cowboy boots?! You're nuts...
yoyo said on 18/Dec/08
Tyler Mane looks 6ft9 in X-Men. In reality 6ft8 is correct.
Haze said on 5/Dec/08
and also ive been saying on other post about how people like to misuse the word "tower" referring to peoples heights. here is what i classify as "towering"
Click Here
Haze said on 5/Dec/08
def looks huge. look at his waistline compared to superman. wouldnt of used him for myers though
Anonymous said on 22/Nov/08
dude wowrks out at my gym, doesnt wear thick soles, and hes gigantic. Trainer there i know is 6'4, im 6'2 and he TOWERS over us. 6'8 no joke.
Big T said on 19/Nov/08
It's looks like someone 8 foot tall took this pic
LT said on 25/Oct/08
footwear plays a bigger role than usual with big guys, my brother is 6'5" barefoot (310 pounds) but can be over 6'8" with his workboots on (size 16), he said he'd wear lifts if he could find him in his size, he loves being bigger than other people.
but depending on what tyler mane is wearing, its gonna affect his height more so than reguler sized people, my cowboy boots give me around 2.5 inches, but a pair on him is gonna give him close to 4 because when the scale up the whole boot, it gets thicker all over, if he was billed at seven feet though, i cant see him being any shorter than 6'7", although ive never seen him in cowboy boots, many wrestling boots have built in lifts as well (just look at kane)
Clay said on 17/Oct/08
He's 6'8 period just a weird lean in this picture.
Steve said on 26/Sep/08
Tyler Mane was 245lbs. during his wrestling career.And I think he is 6ft 6in barefoot and thats probably the explanation.
Steve said on 25/Sep/08
Captain Spaulding,Ken Foree looks 6ft 3in tops next to Mamun,what would make Tyler Mane 6ft 6in,just look at him next to Mamun he doesnt look 6ft 8in at all.
Alex2 said on 24/Sep/08
Clay says on 21/Sep/08
He looks like 270/280 tops there that isnt too impressive for 6'8''.
Actually, that is pretty impressive for a 6'8" guy. Im not saying there, but in recent interviews he looks more like 240lbs tops!
Clay said on 21/Sep/08
He looks like 270/280 tops there that isnt too impressive for 6'8''.
Captain Spaulding said on 20/Sep/08
And as far as lifts goes, tyler was wearing thin healed sandals when he was in the scene with ken foree.
Captain Spaulding said on 20/Sep/08
Steve tyler mane had around 4 inches on ken foree whos 6'4 or 6'5 himself. Tho im starting to think hes 6'8" and not 6'9" like I used to think, theres no way hes under 6'8".
Alex2 said on 20/Sep/08
Also, in that pic Mane looks huge, in terms of weight and size, now I hear hes gone very thin :(
Clay said on 19/Sep/08
''And you've got Vin at 6'4 ''.
Steve said on 19/Sep/08
He really does look only 6ft 5in to 6ft 6in on that picture and in halloween he probably wore lifts.
Captain Spaulding said on 18/Sep/08
Of coarse he might not look 6'8 or 6'9 in this pic but its easy to see that hes slouching to fit in the pic.
Captain Spaulding said on 18/Sep/08
I believe tyler mane is 6'9", or maybe 6'8". But theres no way that hes 6'5".
In halloween he had several inches on ken foree and ken is at least 6'4" maybe 6'5".
Kenny said on 14/Sep/08
Looks 6ft 5in tops on that picture,even if he would stand stright.
Drexyl said on 9/Sep/08
Yeah I looked at the pic of him straightened out after I posted that. Oops. I reckon 6,8" is about right. Estimates of 6,10" are clearly off though.
Viper said on 8/Sep/08
Vin is lucky If hes even 5-11.
SuperAnonymous said on 7/Sep/08
Why did Summer Altice call
Vin Diesel 6'4"?? He is barely 6'1" and not even remotely close to being 6'4" even with lifts on. He was 3 - 4 inches shorter than 6'3" Sammuel L Jackson in XXX.
Drexyl said on 6/Sep/08
Mane doesn't look over 6,7" in the above pic. Kane is only listed at 6,7.5" and he looks taller next to Mamum on this site.
Some things need to be changed I think.
Alex2 said on 6/Sep/08
Watch Halloween, He isnt over 6'8. Kanes probably a hair taller.
Captain Spaulding said on 3/Sep/08
Its funny how people look different sizes in different movies. Tyler Mane in the devils rejects doesnt look that big, but then in halloween hes gigantic.
And I think Tylers more like 6'9". I mean he used to say he was 6'10" and easily got away with it.
Dave said on 31/Aug/08
if mane stands straight here, hes AT LEAST a foot taller than manmun, 6'8 and over
Da Man said on 5/Aug/08
It's the picture. Tyler Mane is a very tall guy.
1990boy said on 31/Jul/08
I've compared myself to 5'8" people before and I'm not too far from Tyler Mane.I over tower people that are 5'8" and I'm 6'2" at 17.Maybe Tyler Mane is not that tall or am I just measuring my height wrong?I'd say Tyler is about 6'6".6'8" is a little too extreme.Or it could be the picture.
Yaspaa said on 22/Jun/08
Vegas posted a couple of pics on 27th Dec which seeled the deal for me that Mane is 6'8.
Alex2 said on 3/Jun/08
If we have Tyler at 6'8" then WHY ON EARTH do we have Kane less? I can almost guarantee Kane is taller, Rob you need to think about this one.
Mattiew_- said on 28/Apr/08
I know that but he looks taller nevertheless
Yaspaa said on 27/Apr/08
Nash is standing staight.
Mattiew_- said on 26/Apr/08
If Tyler Mane is a legit 6'8 , then some peoples height seems to be weird ( Undertaker, Kane and Kevin Nash ...)
Nash looks clearly taller than Mane compared to Mamun ...
MK said on 25/Apr/08
Alex2 says on 23/Apr/08
Hes no more than 6'8, he didnt exactly TOWER over one of the 5'6 security guards in Halloween.
Well if thats not towering over someone i dont know what is;)
Alex2 said on 23/Apr/08
Hes no more than 6'8, he didnt exactly TOWER over one of the 5'6 security guards in Halloween.
Yaspaa said on 22/Apr/08
He seems to have easily more than 4 inches on Brandon Molale who is definitely 6'4ish. Kane probably is 6'8 but this guy is at least 6'8.
Rantsrob said on 21/Apr/08
Kane is taller then this person.
Yaspaa said on 21/Apr/08
Vegas,just perused the pics you posted in December,woh,he could well be 6'10.
LV said on 16/Apr/08
As I posted before, he ALWAYS claimed 6'10" prior to the Halloween movie. It is well-known that he claimed 6'10" for the X-men movies because they said he wore 4" lifts and was 7'2" in his costume. I think he downplayed his height so he doesn't further upset horror movie purists because they think he is too tall to play Myers due to his extreme height. He wrestled with Kevin Nash when they were young and at their peak heights and they were virtually the same height. I'll bet he was 6'9" peak and .5"-1" shorter than Nash in their prime.
john said on 13/Apr/08
i think he is more then 6.8 cause l saw him
Sean said on 6/Apr/08
I met him a year ago at a horror movie convention, right around the time the remake of halloween came out. I'm 6'5" and i took a picture with him, he is about three inches taller then me, although we are both hunching in the pic. def 6'8"
Alex2 said on 14/Feb/08
Yea, he looks 6'8 ish but Rob do you really think hes taller than Undertaker? I don't buy that for a second, but yea i think Tyler adds 2" from time to time like a lot of people do.
Ed said on 11/Feb/08
Alex2, Mane has claimed he was 6ft10 before. In an IGN article a few years back he mentioned it twice regarding his role as Sabertooth in X-Men. See my post on April 18, 2007 at the botoom of the page for the link!
He's since referred to himself as 6ft8, but his myspace page had his height at 6ft10 pre Zombie's Halloween, and 6ft8 during the filming to now.
Somehow he mysteriously lost 2 inches? LOL
Alex2 said on 5/Feb/08
He never said hes 6'10" if im right, that was his height in WCW which he probably just told everybody
Viper said on 20/Jan/08
Why would he wear lifts in halloween? He was already way too tall for that role.
Alex2 said on 19/Jan/08
He probably wore lifts in Halloween, my guess is hes 6'7.5" he was 2-3" shorter than a worn down Andre all hunched over.
Vegas said on 16/Jan/08
thats a decent enough pic of mane and rob zombie, mane is still leaning slightly and zombie is closer to the camera 5'9ish malcolm mcdowell is also in the shot but much closer to the camera
Click Here
Robin said on 15/Jan/08
true, well it saids his main height is 6'8 which looks about right, in the movie halloween next to the prison guards he looks huge! hes probably more like his height in halloween. 6'8 or 6'9 max.
cm / inches said on 11/Jan/08
If youwatch better the interview clip with Rob zombie you can see theres about 10 to 15 cm between rob head and hes top , Rob is listed here at 178 cm then Tyler Mane it's around 196 198 cm tough.
cm / inches said on 7/Jan/08
He look around 198 200 cm in my opinion I've a friend who his 198cm and seem the same as him .
Alex2 said on 31/Dec/07
I dont think he looks over 6'7 in Halloween at all, 6'7 max he looks next to those prison guards in the office
canadian girl said on 29/Dec/07
hes huge! definally 6'8. in halloween hes probably around 6'10 from the shoes he wears that adds at least 2 inches. hes a big guy in person and i guess mike myers suppost to be a big guy to.
JohnP said on 27/Dec/07
Viper, yeah, that's what I wrote about earlier on this page. She must have been smoking something when she said that. How in the blue h*** can you think a ~5-11 (?) guy is 6-4 when you are supposedly ~5-10 yourself?
Alex, maybe Gamma was the same guy as Will, lmao. But if that was the case, Rob would have noticed that since he would have seen the same IP. But maybe it even was the same IP?
A 6-2 Undertaker and a 6-3 1/2 Kane would result in a 5-9 or 5-10 The Rock, a ~6-7 Big Show and so on.
Alex said on 26/Dec/07
John, maybe that Gamma guy was friends with that poster Will who said UT looked 6'2 in person. 6'2 UT would equal a 6'3 1/2 Kane pretty much. While really its 6'6 1/2 for UT and 6'8 for Kane.
Jason said on 26/Dec/07
supes78 says on 25/Jul/05
''I met the guy at a comic con a few years ago and he stated he was 6'10" and after seeing him on his feet many times, I didn't doubt it.''
Well, what do you think now?
Viper said on 26/Dec/07
John, Summer thinks Tyler Mane is just 6-6 and
Vin Diesel is 6-4!!
JohnP said on 26/Dec/07
I don't think anyone can be dead serious about Mane being 6-4. Except for that gamma guy maybe, who thought Kane was 6-3 1/2. :)
Alex2 said on 25/Dec/07
Vegas, i was saying Foree is 6'4 not Mane lol.
Vegas said on 25/Dec/07
great photos again nick, fantastic work.
Alex2 you say tyler mane may be 6'4 now!!! thats absurd, here is mane in august 2007 with 6'3.5-6'4ish Brandon Molale
Click Here here is molale next to 6'2.5" Terry Crews
Click Here
Kevin Durant said on 25/Dec/07
Tyler Mane looks like a legit 6'8" if he straightened up his posture
Anonymous said on 25/Dec/07
he 's looking 1 98 cm to 200 cm watch straightened pics and the clip interview with rob zombie
brm86 said on 25/Dec/07
I personally think Mane is 6'8" max. In the Halloween Mane looked to be about an inch taller than a 6'8" door when he stood up straight and Mane was wearing work boots with what looks like 1 1/2" inch soles.
Alex2 said on 25/Dec/07
Mane looks smaller than Kane and hes still listed bigger, come on.
Frank said on 25/Dec/07
I would say if he had his head straight he would be alittle taller than SID and Danimal i agree Andre had atleast 2 inched on Mane and Andre was all hunched over
Alex2 said on 24/Dec/07
Rob if this guy gets 6'8 which i bet hes really struggling with and Kane gets 6'7.5 who i bet is taller even if its by a smidge i really think you should upgrade Kane to 6'8
venus said on 24/Dec/07
He's 6'8, he should be proud.
Alex2 said on 24/Dec/07
Mane is 6'8 maximum, i think foree has lost height since his peak maybe more 6'4 now, 0 chance of mane being 6'9 he looks 6'8 MAX
Ed said on 24/Dec/07
I'd say 6ft8 tops, possibly even 6ft7.
He looked to have at best 2-2.5inches on Ken Foree(6ft5) in Halloween, and this was while wearing slippers to Foree's 1.5in work boots. If Foree was say 6ft6.5 tops in his boots, Mane was around 6ft8.5-6ft9.
Alex said on 24/Dec/07
No more than 6'8.
Danimal said on 24/Dec/07
Whatever he is/was, a broken down Andre The Giant had 2" on him in 1990 (shortly before his death).
JohnP said on 24/Dec/07
What the...
Summer actually meant
Vin Diesel when she said "Vin at 6-4"?! She dated him once for crying out loud! How can you peg someone you are dating who are just about an inch or two taller than you at 6-4?!
And The Rock at 6-6 is also crazy...
When she says Michael, I guess she means Michael Clarke Duncan? Well, 6-6 for him is also out of question.
Boxing Fighter said on 24/Dec/07
The Rock as 6ft6?
Vin Diesel at 6ft4?!?!?!
Summer is crazy!
Tyler looks like 6ft8.
Anonymous said on 24/Dec/07
Guess , about 198 200 cm it's the right height for him ! very tall and though guy ! but maybe too big and muscular after 15 years isolation in psycho hospital , related to the halloween movie !
Alex2 said on 24/Dec/07
I think he looks more 6'7 He certinally doesnt look 6'8 in Halloween at all times.
ed2 said on 21/Dec/07
I have found this clip of a interview with Tyler Mane where he says he is 6ft8. Rob Zombie appears in the clip too.
Click Here
glenn said on 22/Sep/07
i never really watched any of that stuff.not even x-files.i hate tv.i think i saw twin peaks the movie.not sure.i thought it sucked i believe.i dont like watching whatevers popular.and at the time those show were popular amongst those i knew,and alot of the country.who knows,all that stuff was probably great and i missed out.maybe ill catch up one day.i try to stick to underground music and films.or rather i tend to head that direction.
glenn said on 22/Sep/07
oh,cool rob.ooops. really danimal.thats a bad sign it didnt sell well.if it does great,it comes out 4-6 months later.most cases a year for the followup season.
Danimal said on 22/Sep/07
Glenn, they have had the first season of Night Gallery on DVD for a few years now. They never released the 2nd and 3rd season though. Glenn, did you like Twin Peaks (the series) and the movie Firewalk with Me?
glenn said on 22/Sep/07
rob could you one day on your leisure time add hitchcock? i think he looked 5-8.

Editor Rob
he was added 2 years back, his claim was 'about 5ft 8'
glenn said on 22/Sep/07
danimal-i remember night gallery.just dont remember the would be great if that hitchcockand night gallerys were on dvd. viper-i thought you were younger.your still young though,but old enough to know your 80s,sucks you cant find info on love to see it.
Viper said on 22/Sep/07
Im about 80 pecent sure it was Hitchcock presents, not the Twilight Zone. I saw it on either NBC or USA.
Viper said on 22/Sep/07
Im 26. I remember watching it on the USA Network. Im looking through the different episodes of it online but I cant find the description.
Danimal said on 21/Sep/07
Glenn, you know a really creepy early 70's TV show? It was Rod Serling's Night Gallery. What a classic. Viper, are you sure you're not thinking of the Twilight Zone from the 1980's? If it's Hitchcock, then you're referring to the reruns from the 50's/60's. Just watched Psycho last night. Still amazing after all these years.
glenn said on 21/Sep/07
the one they ran into the 80s you mean.he was long dead i believe and it taped originally i think in the late 50s or early old are you again? im surprised i dont know that one.thanks for the tip.
Viper said on 21/Sep/07
Im 99 percent sure it was that Hitchcock show in the 80s. I remember watching it when I was 5 or 6 years old and that episode scared the crap out of me.
glenn said on 21/Sep/07
you mean the hitchcock presents show,i think it was called? never knew about the roach story.gotta research that.what do you know about it? i think hitchcock was 5-8,no?
Danimal said on 20/Sep/07
Creepshow went straight to video. I own it. It has lost the magic of the first and parts of the 2nd. The "Raft" episode in Creepshow 2 WAS the best part. It was actually somewhat scary. I also did like Chief Wooden Head (the first one). Creepshow 1 had SOOO much atmoshere and the music score was downright terryfying. The weakest of the 5 was The Lonesome Death of Jordy Verill (played by King himself).
Viper said on 20/Sep/07
Glenn, do you remember a movie or tv show, I think it was Hitchcock's tv show in the 80s where there was this cockroach story overtaking this woman in a rural house? I want to know what exactly that was.
glenn said on 20/Sep/07
viper-didnt know about that channel.i dont watch tv or have cable.but i do remember 3 or 4 years ago notice funhouse on cable a couple of times at friends houses.i was perplexed as to why they would show wasnt too popular.danimal-is there any movies you dont own that you wish you did or cant find? and what was your favorite creepshow segment? how hard is it to find 3?
glenn said on 20/Sep/07
i never cared for the second creepshow(i did like the lake one as it reminded me of cryptozoology,the study of unknown animals).and like viper never heard of 3.and i occasionally read fangoria still.i loved the cockroaches segment the best cause of growing up in the city and having a fear of giant roaches.slanged and wrongly termed "waterbugs".waterbugs are something else.swamp critters.american cockroaches and the tropic roaches are the biggest.the thin and or small common apartment ones are german roaches.thank god american ones arent too abundant in apartments.i remember a time when i was 28 years old me and my friend running and screaming like girls from a giant roach coming out of his bathroom.two grown men.or wusses.well,now you just had cockroach 101 class.that was the most disturbing scene as you put it,danimal, in the changeling.but for me,my favorite was the returing ball.oooo that creeped me out! i rarely or never get scared watching horror movies.only the changeling.and in childhood,the overplayed surprised you didnt know house by the cemetary since you know your horror better than me.italian.same company that puts out the fulci movies.and i think maybe argento.actually,cemetary did creep me out.most of the films you mentioned i saw,alot i never heard of,some i heard of but never watched.viper and others,what are your favorites? fulci was grouchy and average or short in height.
Viper said on 19/Sep/07
I didnt even know there was a Creepshow 3. The first one is a classic.
Ed said on 19/Sep/07
Yeah Glenn, American Werewolf in London is awesome as is Creepshow 2! The goo in the lake that eats the high school kids has always been my favorite Creepshow short story.
Danimal since you brought it up, is Creepshow 3 any good?
Also, has anyone else seen Zombie's Halloween yet? Anyone want to contribute their thoughts on the movie and Mane's size being an advantage or disadvantage?
Viper said on 18/Sep/07
Glenn, have you seen this "Chiller" channel on tv before? Ive seen it on Direct tv satellite. All it shows is horror.Though my major gripe about it is it shows the same movies it seems in a span of 2 weeks. Ive seen both funhouse and the movie Nightmares on it.
glenn said on 18/Sep/07
yeah,funhouse was on the last few years at least.they seemed to run that one a bit.
Viper said on 18/Sep/07
Ive seen that funhouse movie a few times on tv before.
glenn said on 17/Sep/07
my top horror in no order.evil dead 1&2.hellraiser 1&2 reanimator and bride of.from beyond.bloodsucking freaks.the changeling.the devils rain.dont be afraid of the dark.the beast within.wolfen.american werewolf in london.the howling.the fog(1980?).henry.the prowler.the bloody valentine.the sentinal.incubus,incubus(with william shatner).rosemarys baby.q.maniac.creepshow.the boogeyman(1978).dawn of the dead(1978).the incredible melting man.mothers people(remake).dracula(1992).the brood.pieces.the beast.the being.beyond the door.motel hell.the slayer.scalps.susperia.funhouse.the hunger.pumpkinhead.halloween 1&2.friday the 13 1-3.texas chainsaw massacre 1& circle boys(with eric mabius).martin.alligator.blood by the cemetary. sorry the list is so long.enjoyed reading the posts you guys left.had no time to reply until sure i left movie s out,but these are my personal favorites.not all are the best.
Danimal said on 14/Sep/07
Vegas, Ichi was great. Audition was disturbing. I have yet to see Riki-Oh. The Guinea Pig series (all 6 of them) were all Japanese with English subtitles. You can either find them on Ebay or downloadable on Limewire.
Ed, yes, that is Maniac. The lead actor is the King of Special Effects for some of the best horror movies (Tom Savini). Freaks was a classic for sure.
Viper, I need more details on that. From what you described, that scene is not from Nightmares.
I also LOVE all Amicus films from the 1960's and 1970's (especially the anthologies). Christopher Lee and Peter Cushing.
Viper said on 14/Sep/07
Ive seen 1 part of Nightmares where this cop stops this hot chick in a convertible. What story was that Danimal?
Ed said on 14/Sep/07
How about the original Freaks (about the carnival sideshow people from the 1930's), now that's one disturbing movie. Then there's always Henry:Portrait of a Serial Killer, another messed up movie?
I agree Vegas Dead Alive was more funny then scary, and Bad Taste is a trip as well! By the way is Maniac the one with the serial killer who props his victims up like mannequins in his NYC apartment?
Vegas said on 14/Sep/07
i have man bites dog; the way its filmed in documentary style really catches the eye.
i also like the Asian stuff like Ichi the Killer, Audition, Riki-Oh etc
must check out those other ones you mentioned
Danimal said on 13/Sep/07
Yeah, as you can see, I included Maniac in my list of fave horror flicks. I've seen way worse. Guinea Pig 1,2 and 4 were far more disturbing, as was August Underground and August Underground Mordum. I also have Blood Sucking Freaks from 1976. I haven't seen Nightmare (1981). I do own Nightmares (1983). It is an anthology. There is one episode with a young Emilio Estevez and an Arcade Machine that takes over his life and comes to life. It was awesome and another one where a priest falls from grace and a black jeep is sent from hell to terrorize him in the desert.
The most disturbing movie I've seen recently was Man Bites Dog and Uncle Sam.
Ed said on 13/Sep/07
It's back and forth Viper! Some times he looks massive like an ex-pro wrestler in scenes like the escape from Smith's Grove Sanitarium or with the female leads Laurie, Lynda, and Annie, and then at other times he looks like a lean 6ft4 with the right camera angles and lighting. In the scenes with Ken Foree(6ft5) he looks big but the scale is not as drastic considering their closer height difference.
Viper said on 13/Sep/07
How freaky big does Mane look in the movie.
Viper said on 11/Sep/07
No, I really dont want to.
Danimal said on 11/Sep/07
Ed, Ebay is your friend!!!haha.. I agree with you about my need for gore lessening as I've gotten older. I began my fascination with horror movies at age 6 or 6??? I started collecting horror movies at 10 years old. My father owned a local video store in 1988 (I was 10 or 11 that year).
I actually just counted my collection and it turns out that I have over 700 horror movies!!! lol..
To name you my top 10 favorite of all time would be a task and a half ;).. I will name you some of my top favorite that DID have an impact on me at some point in time in my life. Here goes:
The Shining (1980)
The Changeling (1980)
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)
Evil Dead (1981)
Serpeant and The Rainbow (1987)
The Blair Witch Project (1999) (YES SIR...I loved it!)
Basket Case
Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? (1962)
Poltergeist Part 2 (1986)
Sleepaway Camp
Jacob's Ladder (1989)
The Dead Zone (1983)
Creepshow (1982)
Hellraiser II
Halloween III: Season of the Witch (1983) - Creepy as Hell!
Friday the 13 Part 2 and 4 (the 2 best of the series)
Nightmare on Elm Street Part 2 (very dark and demented)
The Sentinel (1977)
The Hills Have Eyes (1977)
Last House on the Left (1974)
Truth or Dare? - A Critical Madness (1986)
Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me (1992)
Carnival of Souls (1962)
Maniac (1980)
My Bloody Valentines Day (1981)
Guinea Pig 1 (1984)
Tourist Trap (1979)
Silent Night Deadly Night (1984)
The Eye (Korean Film...Amazing)
and many many many more.............................
Ed said on 11/Sep/07
The setting was good, but Warlock wasn't even half as good as Nick Castle. Scenes like Myers taking forever to walk down the stairwell or the hallways were boring as hell imo! I take your point after spending the last 2 days escaping from a pysch ward, stalking babysitters, digging up a headstone, going on a murder spree, getting a sewing needle in the neck, a knife in the gut, and shot several times would take some of the wind out of his sails, but it still felt like it dragged on and on! Nick Castle gave Myers some energy and even though he was slower and calculating at times, he would move lighting quick when he needed to, as opposed to Warlock who wore huge lifts at 5ft9 to be near 6ft and looked like he was going to topple over as he swayed back and forth up the halls and down the stairs like an old drunk.
BTW have you seen Zombie's Halloween yet Viper?
Viper said on 10/Sep/07
I thought the whole hospital setting was great in part 2. And who's to say Myers wouldnt be walking slower after a whole days of work he did? It was suppose to be later that night until the very early morning hours when he got burned up.
Ed said on 10/Sep/07
Viper, Halloween 2 was okay, but Myers played by Dick Warlock walked incredibly slow like a zombie and didn't portray him half as menacing as Nick Castle. Part 3 doesn't really even count as a Halloween film, but as a stand alone flick it wasn't bad. Part 4 could have been good but it was basically a rehash of part 1 with a god awful smiley face mask! Part 5 with the Man in Black breaking out Myer's at the end and the pyschic connection between him and Danielle Harris, WTF!! Part 6, do I need to go there, Rune stones, more man in black, the horrible ending with Myers leaking green goo out of his mask? H20 had a few moments, but was way to Dawson's Creek WB friendly. Then there's the worst of the worst Part 8, Busta Rhymes says it all!
Viper said on 10/Sep/07
"as opposed to the crappy sequels they were churning out."
Halloween H20 was not a crappy sequel, though. And of course Halloween 2 was very good.
Ed said on 9/Sep/07
Danimal, I agree we all as humans have a fascination with our own mortalities, and that's why horror films can be fun and cathartic because we face our fears, just like you said. I used to be into super gory movies when I was younger, but as I've gotten older they just don't do it for me. Am I still curious about the new Saw movie coming out or the sequel to Hostel? In plain and simple terms, Yes! But, what's happened the last bunch of times I've watched films like Wolf Creek, Hostel, Saw 3, Devil's Rejects, etc. is I've ended up feeling just all around nasty, like I needed to take a shower! I just can't get into the torture flicks that seem to reflect the new trend of horror films, but at the same time harken back to older films like Last House on the Left and I Spit on Your Grave! For this reason though it was incredibly flawed, I didn't mind a lot of Zombie's Halloween because it wasn't so much about torture. Distubing and brutal yes, but not sadistic for the sake of being sadistic!
BTW, 400 films! That's one hell of a collection! I'm curious what your top ten favorite horror films are?
Danimal said on 9/Sep/07
Ed, btw, I loved all of those classic horror movies you mentioned. I appreciate more a horror film that is intelligent and grips me on a psychological level, however, with that being said, I also love a good suspenseful and gory slasher film, which doesn't have to have a plot. horror movies of all kinds makes us face our own internal fears. That to me is excitement at its best.
BTW, I own at least 400 horror movies. My oldest dating back to 1922's black and white Nosferatu.
topdweeb26 said on 9/Sep/07
I think the character Michael Myers is supposed to be pretty tall, even if the actors who played him weren't always tall. He seems to be taller than everyone he encounters in the films.
I actually loved this remake. It takes some liberties with the original, but I think it was for the best. It gave new life to the Michael Myers character.
Ed said on 4/Sep/07
After finally seeing the movie I got to say Zombie did a half decent job! It's not the Halloween I know and love, but I appreciate his spin on it as opposed to the crappy sequels they were churning out. As for Mane he did look pretty massive and Kanelike (reminiscent of See No Evil) in certain scenes, but at others he just looked taller and leaner. It went back and forth the whole time. In the hospital he looked like an ex pro wrestler, but with the coveralls and mask on he could appear a lean 6ft3-4 depending on where he was standing and the angle.
Jordan your right the girl who plays Linda(Kristina Klebe) did look quite tall and leggy, 5ft8 sounds right. Still she was absolutely dwarfed by Mane during her death scene! The girls Scout Taylor Compton(Laurie) and Danielle Harris(Annie) are both very petite, around the 5ft-5ft2 mark so they naturally of course looked super tiny next to Mane. It was only next to Ken Foree(Big Joe Grizzly) that Mane did not look as huge because Foree is 6ft4-6ft5.
Viper, I agree Meyers played by Nick Castle and Tony Moran in the first Halloween was only around 5ft11-6ft, but by the time number 4 rolled around they had George Wilbur who was 6ft2, followed by the 6ft2 Don Shanks for number 5, Wilbur again for part 6, and then two different 6ft2 Canadian stunt men for H20 and part 8.
Dave said on 29/Aug/07
Click Here
Good picture
Tyler and legit 6'7 barefoot Troyland, tyler has a solid inch on him if they both stood straight
Dave said on 29/Aug/07
@LV Butch masters was about 6'8 at the very best... hes 7' billing is exaggerated, as are most of the wrestlers' I know this, as when i saw him he was walking down the ramp, and when he was on the floor he walked past me, i was on the same floor level as him, and im 6'1 barefoot.... he was not more than 7'' more than me to be brutally honest.... and tyler is JUST as tall as this guy, if not taller.... so tyler is at least 6'8 flat.
Jordan said on 29/Aug/07
Actually ED, ONe of the 3 main actresses is 5'8, but the other ones are as you say, tiny.
Viper said on 25/Aug/07
Myers has always been just 6-0 really, ever since the first movie. Not even 6-2.
Ed said on 25/Aug/07
Yeah it's a pretty huge jump from the 6ft2 Myers of previous installments. The female leads in the new Zombie flick are pretty tiny, so I bet Mane is gonna look like Larry Bid with a mask on next to them!
AAAA said on 25/Aug/07
I always pictured Meyers at 6'2-6'4. 6'8 is just a bit overboard
Ed said on 17/Aug/07
Danimal, there's a difference between watching a suspenseful horror film like Halloween and a near snuff film like Hostel! Your entitled to your opinion and I'm entitled to mine.
You can take it easy though on the lecturing to me about horror films! As well as making assumptions that I know nothing about them, or that I've barely seen any since I didn't like House of 1000 Corpses or The Devil's Rejects!
I'll agree with you that there's something cathartic about watching a horror movie, but I can do without the torture movies. Classic horror films like: Psycho, Dracula, The Shining, The Excorcist, Jaws, Halloween, The Silence of the Lambs, Manhunter, The Thing, The Fog, An American Werewolf in London, The Omen, Night of the Living Dead, Rosemary's Baby, The Wicker Man, The Birds, etc. all got scares without the use of blatant in your face torture and sadism! Like I said before to each his own, but just because I don't like the current trend of horror movies doesn't make me any less of a fan of the genre!
Danimal said on 17/Aug/07
Ed wrote:
"only makes me feel like I need a shower after watching!"
Then he did his job. Ed, that's the whole point of horror movies. They are meant to disturb and clearly he was successful at doing that with you. I love horrors for that very reason and obviously you don't.
Ed said on 17/Aug/07
Zombie has potential for sure! What I just don't get is why every one of his films has to utilize the hellbilly redneck trailer routine? Rejects had its moments, but other than that it had that Last House on the Left, I Spit on your Grave, TCM feel to it, which only makes me feel like I need a shower after watching! Viper you liked Hostel and Saw, well to each his own. I saw a ton of horror movies growing up, and it used to be the more gore the better. But as I got older those movie just don't do it for me anymore, they're just too over the top.
Viper said on 17/Aug/07
"I prefer subtlety and suspense ala Carpenter than overt gore like Hostel, Saw, etc."
I really liked the plots of Hostel and Saw actually.
Viper said on 16/Aug/07
John Carpenter could be behind this and Id still hate the idea. I hate remakes about 99 percent of the time. But the 6-8 Myers just makes it that much worse.
Ed said on 16/Aug/07
Danimal, House of 1000 Corpses was a complete ripoff of TCM labeled as an homage! As for Devil's Rejects, if you like your horror movies filled with torture and rape, then more power to ya! I prefer subtlety and suspense ala Carpenter than overt gore like Hostel, Saw, etc...The original TCM had barely any blood and was super suspenseful, but once again the torture stuff is not my cup of tea!
Viper said on 16/Aug/07
Ive got nothing against Rob's other movies. I just dont see any point in remaking a classic like Halloween, even If its done in his own style. And a 6-8 Michael Myers just makes it worse. Myers should be between 6-0-6-2. Ideally 6-0. Hell, a 6-4 one wouldnt be too bad at this point. But 6-8 is just cartoonish.
Danimal said on 16/Aug/07
WO ED!!! That is YOUR opinion man. I LOVED both House of 1000 Corpses and D.R. The former was an homage to classic horrors like Texas Chainsaw Massacre and other you probably never heard of. The latter was an excellent movie as well, with a kickass ending and soundtrack!! HUGE horror fan here and all I have to say is that Rob Zombie's movies are quite refreshing in a horror genre that has gone stale.
Ed said on 16/Aug/07
"What's going through Rob Zombie's head?"
Good question, after sitting through the awful House of 1000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects I couldn't tell ya! If he does screw this up, I think he'll lose any cred though he might have gained with critics for Devils Rejects.
As for Mane he looks good in pics, but in some of the video spots and trailers he looks like a giant pro wrestler(go figure) dressed up like Michael Myers! Also, what's with the Mankind mask that Mane is wearing in the new trailer? I've become very skeptical of this film and I'm preparing for the worst, but hoping to be pleasantly surprised. So far Zombie seems to have infused his redneck trailer agenda into yet another horror movie, unfortunately this time he's done it with a classic! We'll know in two weeks how bad the damage is.
Danimal said on 16/Aug/07
Viper, Rob Zombie is all about shock horror. If you saw House of 1000 Corpses, you'll know what he's all about dude.
Viper said on 15/Aug/07
"the 6ft10 listing could very well be true. He claimed it once before, but now says less which I believe is a ploy to calm the masses who were upset by his truly massive."
Its still an awful casting even at 6-8. The whole remake idea is an awful one, and on top of that you have a guy who is at least 6-8 playing Michael Myers. Boggles my mind. Whats going through Rob Zombie's head?
LV said on 15/Aug/07
I didn't save the picture of Andre and Mane. Here is one of Andre and Butch Masters, billed at 7'0" (
Click Here), but I don't know how tall he really was (
Click Here). Andre is leaning bigtime and is still taller than Butch Masters. You can see Mane in the background.
Danimal said on 10/Aug/07
LV, can you post it man?
DS650 said on 10/Aug/07
Where is that picture of Andre and Mane?
Danimal said on 10/Aug/07
LV, if Mane was truly 6'10" in 1990, what did that make Andre the Giant in 1990? 7'0"??????
Jason said on 9/Aug/07
He was a wrestler, they always exaggerate their height. More like now he just admits his real one because of the Michael Myers role.
Ed said on 9/Aug/07
In some of the most recent pics from the new Halloween, there's a shot of Mane(Michael Myers) being walked through the halls of the sanitarium in chains with armed guards. He's with Danny Trejo(5ft6 actor from the Robert Rodriguez flicks)and another guy I don't know. Anyways, Mane has his head down and is slouching big time, but Trejo's head is still under the line of Mane's shoulders. He absolutely dwarfs Trejo while walking hunched over with his head down! Now I'm not sure, but from the tip of one's shoulders to the top of their head is around 13-14 inches depending on head size I'd guess. If Trejo is 5ft6 and is a good 1-2 inches below his shoulder line and he's not even standing up straight, the 6ft10 listing could very well be true. He claimed it once before, but now says less which I believe is a ploy to calm the masses who were upset by his truly massive.
LV said on 8/Aug/07
I'm still not buying 6'8". He just now started saying he was 6'8", yet for years and years, he claimed 6'10". I know its because horror movie purists couldn't stomach a 6'10" Michael Myers, they're having a hard enough time accepting a 6'8" one. We can't judge his height from the one picture posted above. Keep in mind he was always as tall as 6'10" Kevin Nash and taller than his 6'8" stunt double, Troy Brenna.
Alex said on 7/Aug/07
Still at 6'8 he's the tallest main horror killer I would believe. Actually Richard Moll who was 6'8 too was Big Ben in the movie House but wasn't a major horror character. 2nd would be Ken who played Jason and he was 6'5 1/2 himself.
Alex said on 5/Aug/07
If Silvio is only 6'0 then Mane looks 6'7, 6'8 at most.
LV said on 13/Jun/07
I agree with Vegas here, Mane can't seem to decide on his own height. He said he was 6'10" of for the role of Sabretooth when he wore 4" lifts to be 7'2". Now, right around the time of the Halloween movie, he says he's 6'8?! He might be trying to convince people he's shorter than he really is because people are freaking out about him being too tall to play Michael Myers. I wouldn't put anything past actors/wrestlers at this point. Its kinda like Rodman, Barkley, and O'neal understating their heights to make their basketball accomplishments more significant. In a side note, for those who believe O'Neal is really 6'11", we'll see as soon as we see him next to Greg Oden. Oden was just measured the the pre-draft camp at 6'11". I'll bet money O'Neal will be taller bu 1"+.
Jason said on 6/Jun/07
[Editor Rob: I mentioned it last year, Myspace still display incorrect cm values when they show height to metric countries that are stored in feet/inches. Mane is stored as body type 6ft 8 and displayed that way in US, but myspace shows 205cm in metric, which is more 6ft 8.75.]
I thought that was it.
Arjun said on 5/Jun/07
Of course, the taller Mane is, the taller Andre was in 1990:)
Arjun said on 5/Jun/07
Vegas, maybe Mane messed up the cm/inches conversion :) I think his 6'8" admission is about right ..... He looks nothing over 6'8" with 6'0" Silvio Simac in the above pic.

Editor Rob
I mentioned it last year, Myspace still display incorrect cm values when they show height to metric countries that are stored in feet/inches. Mane is stored as body type 6ft 8 and displayed that way in US, but myspace shows 205cm in metric, which is more 6ft 8.75.
Arjun said on 5/Jun/07
Tyler does'nt look even close to 6'10" with 6'0" Silvio Simac in the pic above. 6'8" at the most, likely less, but Simac could have a footwear advantage.
Jason said on 4/Jun/07
Is that him that did that or Myspace? Because the conversions Myspace does are off a little. Whenever I view an American MySpace page, the height's always in cm, because I have mine on Australian setting.
Vegas said on 3/Jun/07
Mane is now listing himself at 205cm or basically 6'9 (6'8.75ish) on his myspace
Click Here which everyone was quoting from just a few months ago, it seems none of these celebs know their true height and they are all taking us for a ride imo.
Alex said on 12/May/07
The Omen remake was pretty good.
Viper said on 9/May/07
Another terrible remake for you Vegas, "The Hitcher". I dont want to see it but I know it pales in comparison to the awesome original.
Alex said on 9/May/07
I agree Viper. Thats what I been saying 6'8 or 6'10 whatever he is, he's too tall to play Myers. I actually liked the Psycho remake. Some remakes I like then some I don't. I also liked the remakes of dawn of the dead, amityville horror, and hills have eyes and some others. But a remake of Halloween is just stupid I think.
Viper said on 9/May/07
This chick Summer Altice went out with
Vin Diesel. And shes quoted on this page saying hes 6-4??? Yet says Tyler Mane is 6-6?

Editor Rob
itwas one of the funniest quotes on the site
Viper said on 9/May/07
I agree with you there Vegas. I HATE remakes. And the worst travesty of them all is the "shot by shot" remake of Psycho.
Vegas said on 9/May/07
bringing out another version of halloween is "just stupid and too bizarre". I never liked Zombie as a director anyway; his house of 1000 corpses screamed texas chainsaw ripoff. Does this guy have one shred of originality in him???? Surely WWE films will employ zombie soon enough, he will be rite at home there!! The condemned has to be the most original movie ever, its nothing like the running man or Battle Royale :D
What next mr zombie a remake of the Exorcist; rosemary's baby; nightmare on elm street........
Viper said on 8/May/07
Ok, casting this 6-8 guy as Michael Myers is just stupid and too bizarre.
Alex said on 8/May/07
Even at 6'8 he's still going to be one the tallest actor to play one of the main killers in movies. Ken was 6'5.5 who played Jason in Freddy vs Jason.
Jason said on 4/May/07
I said this guy was really 6'7'' or 6'8'' all along.
Ed said on 18/Apr/07
I watched X-men the other day, and Mane has these massive boots on in the movie. I just looked it up, typed in Tyler Mane's lifts and found an old article about the movie. It's an interview with IGN about his role as sabretooth. He mentions he wore 4 inch lift boots at his already "6ft10 height". He claims 6ft10, 270lbs twice in the article. I don't get why now he says 6ft8? In the recent Halloween interviews that's the new height he claims!This is the link
Halb said on 13/Apr/07
So Mane is meant to be 1 ½ in shorter than Nash?
LV said on 26/Mar/07
Disregard my posts. His own personal website says he's 6'8". I guess that ends the debate.
LV said on 24/Mar/07
There are also pictures of the Ultimate Bad Guy on that site with the Rock and Vince Vaughn. He was several inches taller than the 6'5" Vince Vaughn. You can see their footwear in the pictures. I think this clearly shows UBG is at least 6'8" and Mane is taller.
LV said on 24/Mar/07
Here is an interesting site (
Click Here). One picture shows the 6'4" Tim Stack next to The Ultimate Bad Guy. That would make The Ulitmate Bad Guy about 6'8". The picture right next to that shows him with Tyler Mane and Tyler is taller. I'm not sure how we can justify 6'8". I'd say at least 6'9". Plus when he used to wrestler with Kevin Nash they appeared to be the same height and Kevin was no less than 6'9 1/2" in his prime.
Ed said on 5/Mar/07
Rob,interstingly enough Mane has a myspace page and lists 6ft8 as his height not 6ft10.
Arjun said on 2/Mar/07
Yeah Ed, I looked at the pic again too, and I thought the difference is closer to 7.5 inches as the top of Simac's head will be just a fraction under the bottom of Mane's ear, as the top of Silvio's hair just about makes Mane's ears. And the bottom of the ear is around 7 inches on a guy with a 10 inch head like Mane. So he is surely not less than 6'7 1/2", and could very well be 6'8" if Silvio has bigger footwear. So I think 6'8" barefoot is spot on for Mane, no shorter than 6'7 1/2" but no taller than 6'8 1/2". A huge guy nonetheless. At the end, it does'nt really matter if he is'nt 6'10", 6'8" ain't that short LOL:)
S.J said on 24/Feb/07
I Saw that He was Going to Play Michael Myers in a Remake or something but isnt a 6,8 or 6,9 Michael Myers a little bit over the top
Thats bigger then a American Door
Ed said on 20/Feb/07
So Man In Black, I'm assuming you're a Halloween fan as opposed to a Johnny Cash fan, or maybe both? Just curious w/your user name, I think it's safe to think it's a Halloween reference. Anyways, 6ft8 seems right and apparently so does Rob now, what are your thoughts on the new Halloween film, and Mane as Myers?
Ed said on 19/Feb/07
I see what you're saying Arjun, maybe Mane's 6ft8 to simac's 6ft. We also can't tell what kind of shoes they are wearing, perhaps Simac has thicker heeled boots on, he is dressed in what looks like motorcycle gear. Maybe the guy is only 6ft7, I've never met him only seen him in movies in which he looked massive. Is Simac possibly taller than 6ft? You know as I look at the pic again I think you're right. I used to play basketball a lot, and the tallest guy I ever played against was 6ft10, I'm 5ft11.25 and w/shoes anywhere between 6ft0.25-6ft0.75, and the top of my head came to a little above the guys shoulders.
Arjun said on 19/Feb/07
Ed, If that is atleast 9 inches difference, then Tyler's head is over 12 inches long, how is that possible? The bottom of his chin is just over Silvio's ears (3.5" or so). Measure your own head and see if it is ANYWHERE near 12 inches long, let alone over. It will be around 9 - 9.5 inches, 10 inches if you have a big , long head. His head is tilted slightly, but Silvio would still be around 3" taller than his chin if Tyler stood straight.Tyler's head does'nt look much longer than Silvio's, I would say his is around 10 inches or so. 10 - 3 = 7.
The most I would give it is 7.5 inches. No way is that 9" difference. Trust me, I have thought some people were atleast 8-9 inches taller than me, but when I stood on one 6 inch step (which we even measured later to make sure), I was less than an inch shorter. Fairly large differences ALWAYS seems "larger than life" so to speak.
Ed said on 15/Feb/07
I have to disagree, if you stood a 12"ruler up on Simac's head I think it would be pretty close to the top of Mane's head. I see at least 9 inches difference, that's just imho. Maybe he's not a full 6ft10, but I can't see him any less than 6ft9.
Arjun said on 15/Feb/07
Rob, that pic with Silvio Simac is an anomaly. I honestly think he looks only 7 inches or so taller than Silvio. There is no way that there could be 9 or 10 inches there, that would make Tyler's head height 13 inches or greater. His head looks only 10 - 10.5 inches. Perhaps Silvio is standing on higher ground?
Ed said on 6/Feb/07
Alex, I agree. 6ft10 is massive, that's almost like having Shaq play MM. I'm a huge Halloween fan, and I'm really looking forward to this movie, but I'm still a little skeptical of Zombie's angle here.He refers to it as a "reimagining," of the original w/ more backstory like a prequel. Now I wasn't a big fan of either House of 1000 Corpses or Devil's Rejects, I thought House was a TCM ripoff, and Reject's had a little too much torture/rape going on. Not really my idea of a scary movie, I prefer more suspense w/ a little blood thrown in. Movies like Hostel and Saw really don't do anything for me. Yet, I still respect Zombie's abilities, he's definitely got talent, and a fresh spin on the franchise is what's in order. But still, some basics need to be kept in order, that even he said were sacred. Like the mask and the coveralls. Apparently MM will run in this movie and talk as well. Add to that he's 6ft10, and well I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
Alex said on 5/Feb/07
Ed, 6'10 for Myers is way too tall. I'm talking many inches too tall. The character is billed at 6'0-6'1 so the actor should be anywhere from 6'0-6'2 really. I do remember there was an actor who played him at 6'4 before. Jason's character was billed at 6'3-6'4 so the actor for him should be 6'3-6'5, and Ken was a good height but if you're 6'5 he could have gotten away with 1 inch heels, not those 2 inch plus boots he wore. Funny at 6'5 you're wearing heels, LOL.
Ed said on 25/Dec/06
Aint it Cool News just announced Mane as the new Michael Myers in Rob Zombies Halloween remake out next year. A 6ft10 Michael Myers, that seems a little large! I was thinking 6ft3 tops, but Mane is massive. First Malcolm Mcdowell as Dr. Loomis and now Mane as Myers, this is going to be a very different Halloween movie.
Padraig said on 1/Nov/06
For his role on X-Men he wore lifts. Imagine that, 6 feet 10 and needing lifts to hit 7 foot.
Grant said on 18/Apr/06
I used to work with Tyler as a bouncer in Saskatoon and my sister was his trainer at the local gym. He is all of 6 foot 10. He's a big guy...and a nice guy.
Seaton said on 16/Feb/06
There only seems to be a 7-8 inch difference in that photo.
supes78 said on 25/Jul/05
I met the guy at a comic con a few years ago and he stated he was 6'10" and after seeing him on his feet many times, I didn't doubt it. There's no way he's only 6'6" because that would make him just 2 inches taller than my buddy and Mane had several inches on my friend.