How tall is Darrell Armstrong

Darrell Armstrong's Height

5ft 11 ¼ (181 cm)

American retired Basketball player. Regularly listed at 6ft 0-1. He said once "Actually, I'm not really 6-1. I'm about 5-11 or 5-11-1/2."

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Average Guess (15 Votes)
5ft 11.77in (182.3cm)
Nik said on 16/Sep/18
His honesty is admirable!
Canson said on 26/May/18
Robs close. If anything 5’11 flat would be a low
Canson said on 1/Feb/18
I agree with his height rob has here
Viktor said on 12/May/17
Can someone tell me what is the source when he said his height?
Editor Rob
I didn't note it down in the description, but trust the source as: I read it in an article via the web and it's no longer around 🤝
Calvin said on 25/Apr/07
I'd say right around 6'0. He graduated from the same high school(Ashbrook-Gastonia, NC) I did 12 years before me though, but he came by one day to talk to the football team about how he made it and I spoke to him afterwards. Like I said in the steve smith profile, Im 5'8 1/4" by NFL measurements and standing speaking with him, he's definetly not 6'1, but probably closer to 6'0 even or just under 6'0
Derek said on 23/Aug/06
i remember him playing for the magic around 97-98. he was listed at 6'1" and about 180-185. him being 5'11" makes a lot more amazing that he can pull some of the dunks he pulled.
Alex said on 14/Aug/06
I do remember he was listed at 6'1 most of the time so his height was boosted up 1.5-2 inches. Def in the 5'11-5'11.5 range.
Pierre said on 21/Jun/06
not that many inches. definetly not as much as docs
NBABaller1986 said on 31/May/06
Darell Armstrong might be telling the truth and he is taller than Alln Iverson
trueheight said on 17/Jul/05
I met Darrell and Steve Francis in april of 2000 in houston, your correct he was less than three inches taller than me (5'8", I was wearing doc martens i believe). Francis seems to be around 6'2 though. btw do you know how many inches are in the heels of Basketball shoes??

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

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