Cobra 5'9.5" said on 2/Dec/24
5'7.75" max. He was very close to 5'8" when he was younger. This listing is reasonable, the full 5'8" seems too high.
Jimbo Jones said on 21/Sep/24
Rick James, Eminem has never said he was a tough guy. Ever. His songs are about being bullied in high school for his lunch money. Not sure where your misplaced anger is coming from. Sounds like you are envious.
FloENT said on 29/Nov/23
Here we can see that he is shorter than Mark Wahlberg
Click Here
Rick James said on 28/Mar/23
I've met him in person. Tiniest tough guy I've ever seen. 5'7" is the absolute maximum. He was with several 6'6"+ bodyguard, though. I guess that's why he always has such a tough guy face on because he couldn't fight his way out of a kindergarten classroom.
QM6'1.5"QM said on 28/Dec/22
Living legend!
This height range is legendary too: Bruce Lee, Tom Cruise, Eminem ... Paradox ;)))
brien said on 19/Dec/22
He's one of those guys that tend to look shorter than their actual height
zakxd said on 12/Dec/22
5'7.5-5.8 compared to other people
drammensveien1 said on 17/Aug/22
He is shorter than 172.1 cm, he is dwarf-like when you see him with normal people.
I think he is a bit shorter than 5'7" (170 cm) he is max 168 cm
Shadi said on 7/Jul/22
Click Here=
This doesnt look like a 10 cm between him and 50 cent. Thoughts?

Editor Rob
I think he's over 5ft 7 there, maybe Eminem could be losing a cm more in posture compared to 50 Cent.
joozef said on 13/Jun/22
hes 5 7
Kjm said on 12/Jun/22
I'm honestly thinking 5'6.5. Marky mark looked at least 2 inches taller. Ems build makes him appear taller than he really is. Plus he claims 5'8 most people count shoes and another inch.
Droopy 173cm said on 26/Apr/22
Looks about my height (173 cm) but 172 cm is also very possible.
Cameron lennon said on 25/Apr/22
He’s the same height as Ice Cube and Mark Wahlberg so id say 5’8 max
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 28/Mar/22
He looked close to 5'8 in 8 mile and when I've seen him in music videos. I think he'd edge out markie mark.
Cold Water said on 17/Mar/22
171.1 cm
Wehrmacht180 said on 3/Mar/22
171 cm
heightPoirot said on 27/Feb/22
looks 5'7.5 at moments in 8 mile, but i think thats his absolute lowest. Em gets 5'8 from me.
Rowan182.5cm said on 16/Dec/21
Looks 5'8 most of the time but can look shorter 5'7.75 seems right weak 5'8 range
Droopy Bear said on 15/Nov/21
Looks almost 5"8 to me I would say he hold 172 cm for most of the day.
Joshua Tregiles said on 8/Nov/21
I want to guess at his peak height he was 5’8 2/4 without shoes and I say that since I see sites saying he’s about 5’7 3/4 without shoes and every 20 years after 30 you shorten by one inch and he’s almost 50 so that is my guess.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 12/Jun/21
The only time I've seen the rapper was in '8 Mile', a movie in which Brittany
Murphy played his girlfriend, so he looked really quite tall and well-built - which he is anyway - in comparison to her.
5ft7.75. 💪😁📀
2pacalypse wow said on 11/Jun/21
@Peter175, It's hard to gauge properly due to angles but Royce da 5'9" may even be Royce da 5'9" in boots as he was measured 5'9" before but it was unclear if he was barefoot or not and we know rappers love high footwear.
Eminem seems to be 5'7"-5'7.5" range and due to short jokes makes me lean more towards a 5'7" flat assumption.
Peter175 said on 26/May/21
Click Here
Royce the 5'9 making a young Em look like Em the maybe 5'7.5 at best
Alex 6'0 said on 3/May/21
Looked very similar if not the same as fred durst. Durst is 5'7.5 if that
MaskDeMasque said on 29/Mar/21
He looks close to 5'8, this is right. He'd edge out Tom Cruise
Yeh he's easily one of the best. I think he's second only to Biggie. Although, Eminem is cleverer and writes better lyrics than Biggie, Biggies flow is unbeatable.
Canson said on 15/Mar/21
@Chaos Control: possibility. He can look it at times. May mean he’s similar to Kobe where the .75 is a normal low for him (afternoon or evening)
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 14/Mar/21
Could he be the full 5’8?
WillyGamer. said on 11/Mar/21
I think I'm the same height as him, I'm a weak 5'7.5 almost 5'8. But using shoe lifts I can reach 5'8 or maybe a Lil more. Being the same height as Em makes me feel a Lil better, with short height.
Daniel Wells said on 7/Feb/21
Click Here
Comfortably shorter than Marky Mark.
Aj06 said on 4/Jan/21
5'7.5 for legendary rapper no more though
illyanin said on 30/Oct/20
Rob why do you think police reports (about height) are often so wrong? Are they measuring height in sneakers in US or do police office just not care are you standing or your tip toes?

Editor Rob
sometimes people can look taller in front of a height chart and the booking officer (or whatever he's called) looks at it and just writes down what he sees.
If the officer is a short guy he'll be over-estimating everybody's height due to the line of sight from his eyes to the top of the head and then onto the height chart behind (which could add a few inches to perceived height).
Chrisader said on 21/Oct/20
@gio crolla
How you know if em and joji are not the same height I personally dont think em is 5ft8 but still.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Oct/20
🎁🎂🎈🎊 Happy Birthday Eminem 🎊🎈🎂🎁
Here's wishing Eminem a wonderful 48th Birthday!
5ft8. 😁👍
gio crolla said on 6/Oct/20
comparing joji (a true 5'8) with eminems sneaker shopping i have to say eminem appears to be 5'7 if jojis 5'8
GodOfRap said on 19/Aug/20
Rob, how do you think of Marshall's weight today? I think he Is on the 145/150 lbs?
1 man united said on 9/Aug/20
This listing is truly shocking. I always thought I was taller than Eminem but apparently were the same height. His small frame is deciptive.
GCBraintree said on 20/May/20
Dr. Dre is most probably 6ft if not 6ft1 and in a picture I saw with them a few years back, he looked about 5 inches taller than Eminem. Eminem gets 5ft7.75 from me.
Aidan strong 5'10 said on 18/May/20
he wears a size 10 shoe
I'm 6'3' said on 30/Apr/20
Eminem always looked like a solid 5'8' to me id give him a but of an upgrade.
Peter175 said on 28/Apr/20
Eminem at 5'6"? What is 50 cent then, 5'10?
QM6'1QM said on 11/Apr/20
Maybe the greatest rapper in the history of everything.
Kent Davenport said on 8/Apr/20
Hey Rob do you think that Eminem might have stunted his grow do to poor living conditions because he had a rough childhood? Do you think that he would have been taller if he didn’t grow up the way he did?

Editor Rob
I doubt it would be any noticeable effect
Eric W. Tam said on 15/Feb/20
I doubt he was already 5'6 in fifth grade.... he should have hit 6'3 if that was the case. Unlesss he was a real early bloomer, lol couldn't imagine that.
Daniel T. Wells said on 2/Feb/20
Click Here
Looks shorter than a weak 5'8 here.
Voltaire said on 19/Jan/20
Having gone back and listened to the lyrics again, I think you're right, Rob. He seems to be talking about the height he was in the fifth grade.
Voltaire said on 17/Jan/20
On his song 'Stepdad' from his latest album, he said he's 5'6. Downgrade needed, Rob!

Editor Rob
I don't think he's talking about his adult height from reading his lyrics.
viper said on 17/Dec/19
No taller than 5-7
dontbecruel said on 23/Oct/19
how long is eminem's head overall?

Editor Rob
9 inches range, not as much as 9.5
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 17/Oct/19
🎈🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Eminem! 🎁🎂🎈
Wishing rapper and actor Eminem a very enjoyable 47th Birthday! 🍻🎶😃👍
AMWF cute euro girl said on 13/Oct/19
Accordin' to mgk's rap devil he's about 5'8
Amir R said on 12/Jun/19
My bad haha, thanks for the clarification
Mambo said on 10/Jun/19
@Amir R
"I came with 5'9" is a reference to his rap partner Royce Da 5'9, who is featured on the song. It's not a height claim from Eminem.
Amir R said on 18/Feb/19
Hi Rob, you might want to add his claim of 5'9" from the song "Lighters" ("I came in 5'9" but I feel like I'm 6'8")
Thomas Burgos said on 20/Jan/19
I originally thought that he was 5'11" back in the old days. But now I've noticed that he looks smallish around other rapper (Drake, 50 cent, Dr. Dre.
5'7.5" at most!
@Shady said on 20/Nov/18
Government documents tends to show a person's height WITH shoes, not without. My ID listed me at 5'6" when I was 5'5" at the time.
SHADY said on 27/Oct/18
His mugshot and gun license list him as 5’8, 155 lbs, with hazel eyes and blond / strawberry blond hair. Legal documents tend to be more accurate than people’s opinions on the internet who’ve usually never even met the guy.
Declan Mclean said on 23/Sep/18
I was surprised at 5,7. But then yet again when you look deeper into it, he looks tiny standing next to people, so yes i would say he is 5,7, if he's not 5,7 he's most definitely 5,6.
Anywhere from 5,6-5,7 maybe 5,7 and a half, definitely not anywhere above those numbers or under 5,6!
Gracian said on 31/Aug/18
Rob, I think you do not have to give Eminem downgrade! Here are his photos next to Dr. Dre:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
As you mentioned him, I think 172 cm is good for him. I think that Rihanna may need a downgrade! I think she and Eminem are the same height, but I doubts Rihanna would be taller than him! Here is their shared picture:
Click Here
And here is their other photo:
Click Here
And look at their footwear from the second photo:
Click Here
I think Rihanna can get downgrade to 5'7.75". Rob, your thoughts?
MJKoP said on 19/Aug/18
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jun/18
🥓 I have yet to meet a hollow one, Tiemo!
I go for 5ft7.5! It looks as though Eminem has filled out since his '8 Mile' days!
Thick Shady? :P
Declan Mclean said on 14/Aug/18
I would say Eminem is a Good 5,7 as well. I also saw that down below it said Lil Wayne is 5,5.
Well I believe Lil Wayne is smaller than that because in this photo with eminem, eminem towers over Lil Wayne by at least nearly 3 Inches.
Click Here take 3 inches from 5,7 we then get 5,4.
I believe eminem in 5,7 and Lil Wayne is 5,4 and a half.
nas said on 9/Aug/18
about 172cm
Declan Mclean said on 13/Jul/18
Google claims he's 5 foot 11 LOL! This just shows how insecure these celebrities Just might be about there height. The guy looks between 5.7-5.8. don't think he's 5 foot 6 because I'm 5 foot 6 at 14 yrs old, and on camera, he looks 1-2 inches taller than me on camera. He probably wheres high shoes which make him 5.10 normal shoes would make him 5.8-5.9.
MAD SAM said on 19/Jun/18
Shady gets 172 cm from me
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jun/18
🥓 I have yet to meet a hollow one, Tiemo!
I go for 5ft7.5! It looks as though Eminem has filled out since his '8 Mile' days!
Doug said on 15/Jun/18
Eminem looks about anywhere from 5’7” to 5’7.5”.
Tiemo said on 15/Jun/18
Solid 5’8 guy
Vin said on 5/May/18
Eminem looks rather average in height for an american man. I feel like the current height listed for him is inaccurate. He looks 5'8 1/4 to 5'8 1/2
Vin said on 1/May/18
Eminem looks rather average in height. Seeing him next to other people he looks like hes a solid 5'8
Joe177 said on 27/Apr/18
Hi Rob, some people are saying peak height for eminem , he's 45 , men don't shrink then , it seems they want to downgrade him any chance they get , okay 55 maybe a peak height but not 45 rob?

Editor Rob
Unless he's had injuries or has wrecked his back or joints through energetic jumping about on stage, then I'd be surprised if he lost anything yet...though in 10 years time, I'd say he will drop height a little bit.
Peter175 said on 11/Apr/18
Sean and Em do look very very close.
perhaps another degrade is in order.
Kag said on 23/Mar/18
Okay, so here are 4 more photos of Eminem and Big Sean. As you can see, Eminem does not appear to be taller than Big Sean in ANY of them.
Click Here
In addition, Royce da 5’9” appears to be 2 inches taller in every photo he and Eminem have taken together:
Click Here
And I could post countless more pictures to prove my point. Eminem is no taller than 5’7”. Period. End of story.
Kag said on 19/Mar/18
You have Big Sean listed at 5’7.5” and Eminem at 5’7.75”. However, Big Sean appears to be the taller one.
Click Here
Sean himself has claimed to be 5’9”. Not sure why you are subtracting 1.5” from his height, yet you still refuse to decrease Em’s height listing to closer to his real height of 5’7” to 5’7.25” MAX when we all have shown you ample evidence that Eminem is NO TALLER THAN 5’7”.

Editor Rob
Unfortunately it's hard to tell who would be taller in the photo.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 26/Jan/18
Kim isn't 4" taller in those photos. Her eyes would be closer to the top of his head if that was true. She's probably 5'11 in those pictures with a few inches of footwear advantage.
Kag said on 21/Jan/18
@Paul NS, Kim is clearly MUCH taller than Eminem in all the pics you posted. In the first one, she is hunched down with bent knees. In the other two, where they are standing side by side, she looks at least 4” taller. She is listed as 5’11’ on her recent DUI police report. You, however, can believe whatever you want. And it is very clear Eminem is no taller than 5’7.25”.
Peter175 said on 16/Jan/18
She does look taller than him upon a second closer look. But I suspect she's probably still around a range of 5'9 at best if Em is 5'7.5
171.5 Em
175.3 Kim
ice said on 16/Jan/18
@Paul NS (6ft0.5) Agree with you.
Paul NS (6ft0.5) said on 15/Jan/18
Kim at 5'11 is impossible dude. No way. You have this
Click Here photo below where Kim has a footwear advantage and isn't crouching over (hunched at best) and she's only 1 inch taller than him and that's with the heels.
Plus, that would mean she'd be around 6'2-6'3 in heels, which would mean she'd be 8 inches taller than Eminem (who I think is 5'7.25 at best) in them. This
Click Here Click Here is not an 8 inch difference. I'd put Kim at around Eminem's height myself.
Kag said on 11/Jan/18
Peter175, Kim IS taller than Eminem, by at least 3, maybe 4 inches. Her recent arrest record says she is 5’11. In pictures taken with Eminem, she’d often be crouching down. However, in several pictures from their second wedding, she clearly towers over him. Do a google search. The pics are very easy to find.
Peter175 said on 8/Jan/18
Is Kim taller? I remember one photo where he's wearing big sneakers and has his arm over her, full body and he looks maybe 2 inches taller. So I think she could be 5'6.5-7. About an inch shorter than him at most
Kag said on 8/Jan/18
Kim is 5’11; it said so in her police report an mug shot. She has always towered over Em. In their pics together, she’d be bending her knees. In the pics posted by @ice, everyone, including Royce da 5’9”, is taller—except Kendrick. It is very obvious in multiple pics Royce is about 2 inches taller than Em. EMINEM IS 5’7”. PERIOD AND END OF STORY.
Mark172cm said on 26/Dec/17
Kim is taller than Eminem.
ice said on 25/Dec/17
Kim on this photo has a big shoes (6cm min)
Peter175 said on 25/Dec/17
I'd give Kim nearer 5'6-5'6.5 herself. Rarely looks more than 1.5 inches shorter than him
ice said on 23/Dec/17
@interval I think Kim is 165cm
Click Here
interval said on 18/Dec/17
Rob how tall do you think his ex wife Kim is?

Editor Rob
unfortunately I can't really say.
brandonknight said on 18/Dec/17
People should check out the latest Sneaker Shopping with Complex. I remember the host looking only slightly taller than Chris Rock, and he made Eminem look like a child.
Anonymous said on 14/Dec/17
With alicia keys, she is 5'5, in a instagram photo, he is 5'7
andre said on 10/Dec/17
169cm barefoot at night
tony said on 8/Dec/17
theres always a chance robs predictions are within half an inch id say. he claimed mayweather may be 5 foot 7.5 in a comment but changed his listing to 5 foot 7 after a stare down with McGregor.
ice said on 19/Nov/17
@Harris A typical 45-year old man won't lose nearly an inch.I agree with you. He was always no more than 5'7"
Harris said on 18/Nov/17
@Kanye's Best Prodigy: A typical 45-year old man won't lose nearly an inch. Personally, I think he's always looked closer to 5'7".
Kayne's Best Prodigy said on 17/Nov/17
Significantly shorter than Chance the Rapper on SNL. Chance is a wea 5'10. Peak height was prob 5'8, but now he's closer to 5'7.
Slim 185 said on 17/Nov/17
@mjkop, dre is a rock solid 184 imo, so yeah he’s on his tippy toes otherwise he’d be towered
MJKoP said on 15/Nov/17
On his tippy toes?
Click Here

Editor Rob
you wouldn't put it past him.
Bl4nk_Space said on 23/Oct/17
He really 5'7? Nah I'm 5'7 and I'm sure he's at least 5'8
MJKoP said on 11/Oct/17
Quoter86 said on 8/Oct/17
MJKoP I suggest you have your eyes tested. He's more like 2.5" shorter in that picture. Look at his eye level and top of head.
Read my comment...I was quoting someone else.
Simon 181.5cm said on 10/Oct/17
Closer to 5'7
ice said on 8/Oct/17
if Lil Wayne 165 cm , Eminem can't be 172-173 cm , i don't see 7 cm difference , 170 max for Em.
Click Here
Click Here
Quoter86 said on 8/Oct/17
MJKoP I suggest you have your eyes tested. He's more like 2.5" shorter in that picture. Look at his eye level and top of head.
handsome guy said on 21/Sep/17
168cm. no more
Im 171CM said on 14/Sep/17
Around 68in for him not any higher
Harris said on 3/Sep/17
That's another thing to consider; interesting pic you pointed out, MJKoP. I've noticed this in a lot of other comparison pics with a bunch of celebs, which is why I'm always careful with which pics I post - even full body pics can be deceiving and not appear so obvious due to funny camera lens.
Harris said on 22/Aug/17
A certificate document shown in one of his pages from his autobiography show a height listing of 5'9"
Click Here - but his mugshot had him at 5'8":
Click Here
I'm assuming the 5'7" reported by the Daily Mail in '08 was an actual barefoot reading, same with the specific weight given. Medical records are more trustworthy than police documentation.
even said on 18/Jul/17
5'7.25" exactly
ana said on 15/Jul/17
another photo? He now wears a beard and dark hair.
ice said on 7/Jul/17
around 5'8 with shoes
Click Here
ReallyShortRussianDude said on 30/Jun/17
Eminem with a beard? never thought I'd see that! but anyway back on topic in another recent photo, he looks about 3.5 inches taller than Kendrick Lamar if he's only 5'7 then Lamar is 5'3.5 - 5'4 at most.
I will say 5'7.5 for Eminem & 5'4 - 5'4.25 for Lamar
ana said on 25/Jun/17
i think ice is right 5 6.5 at this age and prob 5.7 younger. He claims 5.9 in a song though
Peter175 said on 23/Jun/17
He isn't much at all above 5'7. He looks shorter than Justin Bieber to me
errybodyshutup said on 23/Jun/17
da real 172?
Im 171CM said on 4/Jun/17
I'd guess around 5'7" lol
Harris said on 3/Jun/17
Its true he was described as being only 5'7" in a Daily Mail article back in 2008 after he was taken to hospital. A specific weight of 14.5 stone (in that same article; at that time) was also given. That's not something I feel should be ignored in estimating his height.
from below said on 31/May/17
I remember his medical records in 2007 said that he was 5' 7" when he was hospitalized, it was in a magazine.
aba said on 31/May/17
he is shorter than big sean, at 171 cms, in pics, so he really is around 168 cms too bad i know!
Kag said on 29/May/17
@ice, Em even has his thick-soled shoes on that pic with Bizarre and Royce... compare his shoes with Royce's. And Royce is still an inch taller. And Bizarre is a good 2.5-3 inches taller. EMINEM IS NO MORE THAN 5'7", ROB. And that is even being generous. I wouldn't be surprised to hear he's less than that. But I know downgrading his height to 5'7" is too much to ask. At least lower it to 5'7.5" if nothing else. And please find a better pic, Lol. That blonde hair was horrible.
World Citizen said on 23/May/17
Can you also add Benzino?
Bee123 said on 19/May/17
Looks 5'8 or close to it most of the time
5'6.75/5'7 a bit to short
World Citizen said on 19/May/17
He is not taller than this listing, great listing Rob!
ice said on 11/May/17
Bizarre is 5'9" What do you think guys ?
Click Here
HonestSlovene said on 6/May/17
He's about 5'7.5".
DavePH95 said on 23/Apr/17
He is the small and naturally skinny type. Although he does have a decent amount of muscle, good body. Around the same height as me.
TMI said on 15/Apr/17
Am I the only one who thinks he's a legit solid 5'8"? He appears to edge out Rhianna and he's within an inch of Royce da 5'9". Seems like a solid 173cm guy to me.
Realist said on 3/Apr/17
Honestly I rarely owned in shoes that gave me 1.5 inches but at 15 once I measured 5'8.2 with shoes took them off and was only 5'6.7 at 15 and 170 lbs this was a low height. Being thin can make you look 2 inches taller i.e why he looks 5'9 often.
Wrs567 said on 3/Apr/17
I agree with Danimal on this one, 5'7'' max for him
He is not going to be taller than that barefoot.
Danimal said on 2/Apr/17
MAX 5'7" barefoot.
Force said on 2/Apr/17
I stood next to Eminem at the first YouTube video music awards, he was exactly my height and we were both wearing Nike air max. I'm 5'6 and a half but the Nike air maxes brings me up to 5'8 so this must be the same for Eminem. He's about 5'6 and a half.
Cameron said on 23/Mar/17
I could see him being 5'8" flat in the morning. I think he does just edge Rihanna out.
ice said on 15/Mar/17
I think his height is 5'6" - 5'6.5" without shoes and 5'7.5" - 5'8" with shoes
Danimal said on 13/Mar/17
Peter175 said on 26/Nov/16
Exact same height as someone like Justin Bieber. 5ft7 and one half inches
Bieber is nowhere near 5'7.5" without his lifts.
Danimal said on 13/Mar/17
Johnson said on 25/Jan/17
In Lose yourself the song he claims 5'9... I guess in sneakers rounding up. Do you know more claims of him?
Basketball shoes are minimum 1.5", so no, 5'9" would not be a round-up.
Danimal said on 13/Mar/17
Nick said on 23/Feb/17
Eminem is for 100% 173cm tall,end of story.
End of story because YOU say so? Uhhhhmmmm, no.
Danimal said on 13/Mar/17
Ian said on 23/Feb/17
Weak 5'8" for Eminem, I think I'd be close to an inch taller than him, I'm 5'8.5"
And does that make you feel powerful that you would be taller than him?
Ely said on 13/Mar/17
Not impossible, but 172 cm is the highest I would guess for him, Rob.
Darryl178 said on 11/Mar/17
Here's the video for reference:
Click Here
Its difficult for me to picture Eminem over 5'7.5" there, but depending on the the camera angle and posture of both Eminem and Wahlberg, he could look as short as 5'6.5" to as much as 5'7.5", and that's if Wahlberg is even a full 5'8" which too many disagree with, but I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say he could be over 5'7", but close to 5'8" is difficult to believe, as he still noticeably looks under 5'8" in his 1.25 inch nike air max's in general, but he does generally have a loose stance, and he doesn't seem to care about looking taller either, unlike most male celebrities.
However, with 50 Cent, Eminem could certainly look 5'7.75", or at least 5'7.5" if 50 Cent is really 5'11.75" here in 2015:
Click Here Click Here and could look the same height as 5'7.5" listed Big Sean:
Click Here (note; Eminem has really loose posture here).
Darryl178 said on 8/Mar/17
Rob, 5'7.75" is clearly impossible for Eminem. He was at least an inch shorter than
Mark Wahlberg - who we all know is certainly not above 5'8" by any chance. If I were you, I'd adjust this and shave off at least a cm. Either that, or Wahlberg is around 5'9"!

Editor Rob
Darryl, I'm not sure they had equal footwear.
Pitch_Fork said on 4/Mar/17
Then why did he look shorter than
Mark Wahlberg?
Ian said on 23/Feb/17
Weak 5'8" for Eminem, I think I'd be close to an inch taller than him, I'm 5'8.5"
6 foot 17 yrs still growing said on 23/Feb/17
Big fan of him .. in lighters with bruno mars he said " cause I came at 5"9 but I feel like I'm 6"8 " I think he gave himself an inch and a half cause he is a fraction shorter than rihanna Imo
Nick said on 23/Feb/17
Eminem is for 100% 173cm tall,end of story.
DetroitMichigan said on 30/Jan/17
He can be under 5'7
Johnson said on 26/Jan/17
@Kag sorry my mistake. Here we can see him with the supposedly measured barefoot at 5'9 (not sure of that video), Royce da 5'9
Click Here
Kag said on 25/Jan/17
Johnson, Eminem never said anything about being 5'9" in Lose Yourself. No idea what you're talking about. Eminem is CLEARLY no more than 5'7" to 5'7.5". Many pics to prove it. Royce who claims to be 5'9" is 2 inches taller. Rihanna is taller. Pretty much everyone is taller than Eminem. He's tiny. Please, Rob, just call him 5'7.5" if that's as low as you're willing to list him.
Johnson said on 25/Jan/17
@rib12 I agree I would say Rihanna is 171.5
Johnson said on 25/Jan/17
In Lose yourself the song he claims 5'9... I guess in sneakers rounding up. Do you know more claims of him?
rib12 said on 23/Jan/17
Click Here
Rihanna is dropping height but still manages to be taller,also same footware
Nova176 said on 19/Jan/17
@Joshson, that's the classic tall girl "forward knee" to drop height without looking like you're pretzeling yourself. It's the same thing Gigi does next to her boyfriend Zayn malik (i think em and zayn would be identical at 5'7.5 )
Rihanna is like 2 cm taller than Eminem and Gigi 6 cm taller than Zayn.
Watch and learn. It's a somewhat not obvious way of appearing shorter than someone, I'm sure tall women master it especially ones with shorter boyfriends.
Click Here
@James the main thing wrong with that picture isn't the angle but her bent knee. doing that can easily drop 2 inches, she appears 5'6.5 in that pic and eminem is standing erect with military posture. Side by side they look pretty close but Rihanna is clearly taller
height lover said on 17/Jan/17
not at all, i bet he's slighty taller than rihanna and rihanna is billed as 5'8, no way, eminem is like 5'7.7 to 5'8 and rihanna is just 5'7.
James said on 16/Jan/17
@Johnson, please tell me your joking... Eminem is MUCH closer to the camera than Rihanna is!! Terrible photo for judging height!! 😂 😄
Rob, don't you think a 5ft 7.5 listing would be a more suitable listing for Eminem? I mean, when he was taken to hospital in 2007, he was described as "just 5ft 7inches tall but has ballooned up to 14.5 stone" - sounds pretty legit:
Click Here
Johnson said on 14/Jan/17
Taller than Rihanna in sneakers. 5'8
Click Here
Nova176 said on 31/Dec/16
Literally no chance he's ever been 5ft8. My guess is between 5ft7 and 5ft7.5
box said on 12/Dec/16
Wow ROb finally came to his senses and downgraded Eminem to a more realistic height, Now its time for 5'8.5 Harry styles and 5'8 Taylor swift
Peter175 said on 5/Dec/16
Rob, do you see any more downgrades for the real slim shady in the future, or is this the lowest you think he could be?
Peak of course, I don't think he's lost any height (maybe some posture though)

Editor Rob
Peter, a 5ft 7.5 figure is still arguable for him, I can see how a proportion of the time that figure might fit.
Gaza2121 said on 28/Nov/16
This is still too high, Rob.
Peter175 said on 26/Nov/16
Exact same height as someone like Justin Bieber. 5ft7 and one half inches
ArthurJohn said on 22/Nov/16
I think a solid 5'7.5" listing would fit him better, because at 5'7.75" I believe he'd easily get away with a 5'8" listing, as he tends to wear those chunky nike sneakers.
Phil said on 5/Nov/16
he is 5 foot 7 and a half.
Peter175 said on 31/Oct/16
Elton John looks the same height or taller than Eminem. It baffles me that he was allowed to stay 5ft8 for so long when he's really like 5ft7.5.
He can look taller because he wears 1.25 inch sneakers, hats, and has a thin frame with a tall skull
weord said on 29/Oct/16
once rob puts em down even lower, people get hyped and wants it down even lower! this listing is reasonable though em does look around 5'8.
Chio said on 22/Oct/16
He definitive downgrade to 5'7.5 is obviously better.
yo said on 16/Oct/16
this man is the definition that height aint bagoogle
the Slav said on 15/Oct/16
He slouches a lot which makes him look 5'6 range at times - but up straight he's a strong 5'7
Kag said on 10/Oct/16
I'm just saying that it's obvious he is closer to 5'7" or 5'7.5". Nobody lists their height in quarter inches. If you're going to downgrade his height, it makes far more sense to just call him 5'7.5". Please appease us all just a tad more? Eminem is short. We have more than proven he is at least a half inch less than 5'8".
Kag said on 8/Oct/16
You've ignored me twice in the past few weeks but still posted other people's comments. :-(

Editor Rob
your comments didn't seem to appear.
Unfortunately because of bots, I have to put in filters to get rid of junk. It stops 99% of attempts, but sometimes it will catch legit users out...especially if they are talking about viagra or some pharmaceutical pills!
This comment came through ok though!
dave510 said on 4/Oct/16
No more than 5'7", look at him performing with Lil Wayne!
I would've guessed weak 5'7" after seeing him with 5'8" listed Mark Wahlerg (who I'm not even certain is a full 5'8" guy)
Puma said on 3/Oct/16
I am big fan of Eminem but he is max 171.
Not important, he is best ever.
Truth said on 13/Sep/16
Min: 170-170.5 cm
Real height: 171.5 cm
Max: 172 cm
Mark said on 25/Aug/16
I have about 2.25 inches on this guy. 3 inches if I want to count footwear.
Peter175 said on 24/Aug/16
This was the one height listing on this site that really irked me. Now it's finally been fixed after all these years, I can sleep a little better lol
Eminem even in his prime is more 171-172 than he is 172-173 zone, I think 172 is perfect leaning a little closer to 171 than 173
carlee said on 24/Aug/16
I just want to see him compared to Jensen Ackles or someone like that, but I am a big fan of both of them, but Eminem a lot more cause my brothers got me into Eminem and thank god for that.
Clarence Parents said on 22/Aug/16
There's no way he's 5' 8". He only comes up to 5' 10" Anthony Mackie's eyebrows - 170-171 cm at most.

Editor Rob
I have seen enough to think he is under 5ft 8, but how much is debatable, he can look anywhere in 171-2 zone.
Puma said on 9/Aug/16
I am a Eminem fanboy but I am realistic.
He is no more than 170-171 cm.
He is the best .
Leonardo said on 20/Jul/16
Eminem is the fakest 5'8 guy, i am not a hater.
Gaza2121 said on 27/May/16
In the song Ass Like That they refer to him as "so cute and small" I doubt they'd say that if he really was 5'8 and considering he wears Nikes all the time he'd look average and there'd be no point in that remark. he's gotta be more 5'7.
John Cena said on 26/May/16
Alxr37 said on 24/May/16
5'7.5 is my guess
Leo said on 24/May/16
He looks 5'6 for his complexion but he is under 5'8 clearly.
MD said on 23/May/16
Then lower him.
Phil said on 22/May/16
Rob please ,in the name of Big G, Eminem looks short. He needs a downgrade. I am not a Eminem hater.
5 foot 7 flat.
Gaza2121 said on 21/May/16
Click Here
He looks at least 4 inches shorter than 181 cm jake gyllenhaal. He also appears to have more footwear.
Rob, are you still convinced he's the full 5'8"?

Editor Rob
the lowest I'd say is 5ft 7.5, that is a good shout at times.
Peter175 said on 21/May/16
Peak eminem is 5'7.75/172, maybe if lucky he could be close to a full 5'8. Now he's 5'7.5 max
Pitch_Fork said on 9/May/16
Really, Rob, I think it's time for a downgrade now. He looked several cms shorter than both Ice Cube and
Mark Wahlberg back in the days. His peak height was like 5'7.25''
MD said on 28/Apr/16
He looks sub 5'8" because he's actually below 5'8". :)
ShortRussianDude said on 24/Apr/16
Click Here
Rob how many inches shorter does Eminem look when Compared to ice cube here?

Editor Rob
he can look sub 5ft 8 for sure, how much is the debate.
slothee said on 3/Apr/16
Tooooo high. 5ft 7.5in 171 cm for him!
Marshawn said on 2/Apr/16
He was 5'6 back in 1999. Clearly shorter than 5'7 Wahlberg on MTV.
Peter175 said on 22/Mar/16
I take back my comment, well sort of, Eminem appears to have had more height when he was younger. Nowadays he looks below a solid 5'8" mark, I'd wager he has lost around a 1/4 -1/2 inch from his days back in 1999. It's not uncommon for men his age to lose height. he could probably reach his peak height if he stretched out.
Rubio said on 16/Mar/16
Pitch_Fork, 5 ft 8 peak height. He looks about 5 ft 6 - 7 now
Rubio said on 13/Mar/16
Come on, this needs a downgrade. It's obvious he's a weak 5 ft 7
Pitch_Fork said on 24/Feb/16
He's about 5'7''. He just looks small all the time
Peter175 said on 8/Feb/16
Click Here
Look here at 3:17. Wayne is known 5'5-5'4.5. If you look closely at the shoewear, Em has a slight advantage, yet he still doesn't look more than 2.5 inches taller at best. Eminem is 5'7.5 at best and doesn't even look the height of actual 5'8ers like Nas, Kanye, and IceCube. I think a 1 cm decrease is mandatory and could even need 2 cm
mmking said on 12/Jan/16
To me it seems like eminem doesnt have any problem being 5,8 that man has a lot of corrage and confidence
I wanted to tell Shortrussiandude he isnt short its just guys like 50 cent and dr dre are tall
ShortRussianDude said on 28/Dec/15
he can maybe look 5 ft 8 at times but no way he is barefoot the mugshot was in shoes and Eminem looks on the higher side of short not a little below average which I would class 5 ft 8 as being .
5 ft 7.25 - 5 ft 7.5 somewhere around there doubt his as short as me (5 ft 6.5 - 5 ft 6.75 range) but it would not surprise me if he measured closer to 5 ft 7 than 5 ft 8.
mmking said on 11/Dec/15
can we please post a clear photo of eminem with a fan ends arguements and opinions
Vaibhav said on 10/Dec/15
Seen him from very close.He is definitely 173cm tall.I being 180 cm
Simon said on 8/Dec/15
He is 5'8 just look on Goos and it will tell you there is he was any smaller it would say for example 171 or 170 or even 172 but it doesn't so he is obviously atleast 5'8 or maybe a few mm taller so yeah stop arguing over it he's 5'8
mmking said on 24/Nov/15
Im 5f 8 when I look at my self in mirror
I compare my self with Em and its hard to believe he is a bit shorter than me..
I think some of you exaggerating
Michel said on 23/Nov/15
Heres a photo of Eminem standing behind a height chart:
Click Here
He is just a bit above 5´8 in that pic. If we assume that the height chart is valid and taken into account that he leans his head a little bit, he is around 5´9 in that pic. Subtract the shoes (2-3 cm??), we are at 172 - 173 cm. We should also subtract 1 cm for the hat. So we are at 171-172. Look at pictures of him and Rihanna. They are of similar height. Rihanna is 5´8 according to this site. So 172 cm seems to be a good guess.
Bobo said on 26/Oct/15
How do you add one start one with stitches the white rapper he says hes 6 foot 3 265 lbs
6'2" 15 year old said on 16/Oct/15
Eminem is a great rapper. I think he is definitely 5'6.5"-5'7.5", depending on the time of day.
Lol said on 16/Oct/15
To the person who said Em says he is 5'9 in the song Lighters by Bads Meet Evil, he didnt. Bad Meets Evil is a rap duo with him and Royce da 5'9. He was talking about royce in that line
Mathew Robinson (190 cm) said on 13/Oct/15
Eminem is 5'7.5".
MD said on 5/Oct/15
Yeah, the angle of that pic isn't the best, but I think it clearly shows that he's under 5'8".
Kag said on 3/Oct/15
In that pic with Big Sean, Eminem is standing in the foreground with his typical slouched pose. I bet if he was standing right next to Big Sean and had decent posture, they'd probably be close to the same height. But no question Em is a tiny guy. He's definitely on the short side (I'd say closer to 5'7") and doesn't weigh much (probably about 140 lbs). Check him out on the Red Carpet for Southpaw. All the other men tower over him. Rob, would you please change his listed height? We all know he doesn't hit 5'8".
Peter 175 said on 1/Oct/15
Eminem is obviously 5'7. 171 cm tops. He wears very big shoes that get him up to 5'8.5 or so. Watch 8 mile, he's noticeably shorter than everyone. Mekhi Phifer is listed as 5'9 and he's at least 2 inches taller than Eminem in the film
mart said on 29/Sep/15
Rob, will you add a photo of Eminem?
MD said on 29/Sep/15
With 5'7.5" Big Sean:
Click Here
MD said on 28/Sep/15
I mean aside from you being wrong, you don't seem to know how to do math, either.
Bambiohe said on 26/Sep/15
He's 5'6 He was 2 inches shorter than Big Sean who is 5'7.5"
Paul said on 4/Sep/15
Kag, you mustve not been paying attention to jonah hill over the last decade
Dan said on 29/Aug/15
Had to comment... someone asked you your chances of meeting Eminem... you said "Slim to none." Was that intentional? LOL. I don't know why but it has me in stitches. (In case it wasn't on purpose, I find it funny because... well, Slim Shady.)

Editor Rob
yes, of course ;)
Kag said on 19/Aug/15
@MD, Eminem's weight fluctuates more than any other celebrity I've seen. In 2004-2005, I'll bet he weighed closer to 175 or so. Last winter, he was close to his lowest weight, and I was not the only one who noticed. Social media jumped all over it, calling him "guant" and "emaciated." I doubt he was more than 140 then. He's put some back on since, probably around your 150 guess. But his weight has been far from stable. It's been his pattern to drop a lot of weight in short periods of time ever since his comeback. He probably has an eating disorder honestly. He basically admitted as much in that article you referenced.
MD said on 3/Aug/15
To go back to the weight debate, it seems that he's revealed that he was at near 230lbs in 2007, and that, yes, he did drop 80lbs at one time and got down to 149lbs. So, you heard right about that. But, that's about as light (and in shape) as he's ever been, and he's not that low, now.
Click Here
I'd still guess him at around 160lbs, these days, and he was at this same weight earlier in this career. He dropped a bit of weight for 8 Mile, but that was temporary. So, his normal weight has consistently been around 150-160lbs since he came on the scene.
Key said on 28/Jul/15
lol, I just listened to Bad Meets Evil's song: Lighters. In the song, Eminem claims to be 5'9". Even though during his arrest, his drivers license said 5'8". Not to mention he has an official poster of him standing behind a height chart, just stopping below 5'8" with his hat on.
MD said on 27/Jul/15
How much difference would you say the difference in footwear is in these photos at a recent premier with 50 Cent and
Jake Gyllenhaal? Also, do you still think he pulls off a flat 5'8" afternoon barefoot?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
I wouldn't say his sneakers were much more, they look a type of nike air, so maybe about 0.2 more...
5'6dude said on 20/Jul/15
@MD, just search Eminem and Big Sean on google. Must be The first picture.
Emil 182-183 cm said on 7/Jul/15
Eminem is not as tall as the Big Rob. He's probably same height as Dom Monaghan
leonari said on 6/Jul/15
Juat watched countlesss hours of him. He is 5'7" or a smidge taller, mostly rail thin and very well proportioned. But he basically never sees 5'8". 5'6" is ridiculous. He is below average. Not Wayne or Kendrick short.
Crazyheight said on 26/Jun/15
He looks to me about 5'7.25" and by evening time he might be about 5'6.5"
Matthew said on 24/Jun/15
5'7.5" is about right.
MD said on 23/Jun/15
Do you have any pics showing this? I'd be interested to see. It's been really hard in recent years to get pictures of this guy in public. Apart from the stuff he wants to do, he's otherwise something of a recluse.
5'6dude said on 21/Jun/15
So, he has to be something like 168-170, becouse he is shorter than Big Sean, that is 171 or something like that. No way he is 173, if he were he would be liek 175 on feet, and he doesnt seem to be.
Jack272 said on 14/Jun/15
5'8 flat seems reasonable. Not sure why people are downgrading him, too much of that goes on here.
FlameBoy said on 13/Jun/15
cant see Marshall being a full 5 ft 8 looking at pictures of 50 cent with eminem and floyd mayweather it looks like eminem and floyd are around the same height
5 ft 7 - 5 ft 7.5
5 ft 7 - 5 f 7.5
5 ft 7 - 5 ft 7.5
Kag said on 30/May/15
It's fairly clear that one of the reasons he looks so short (other than the fact that he IS short) is because of his atrocious posture. If he'd stand up straight, he be nearly as tall as Royce da 5'9". With all his hunching, I'm afraid he's developed a permanent curvature of the spine.
MD said on 28/May/15
Yeah, he's not as short as Wayne, though, 5'8" is probably too much. He only looks 5'8" in shoes, as he is still clearly below average even in shoes. If he was 5'8", barefoot, he'd manage to look average height in shoes.
Eminem said on 26/May/15
Well, maybe they made Lil Wayne wear shoe lifts in the video too.
But they're of the same height there.
Eminem said on 26/May/15
Clearly, not taller than 5'7. Hell, Big Sean is taller than him. Rihanna is taller than him. And they're supposed to be of the same height.
But I'm confused. In "No Love" video he looks the same height as Wayne. Sometimes he got right next to him.
Maybe Eminem wear shoe lifts that make him 5'7 and he's the same height as Wayne. But in the video for some reason he didn't wear it. I don't know, It's a possibility.
(Excuse me If I made some mistakes, English isn't my native language)
MD said on 26/May/15
Where in the world are you getting an 80lbs weight loss number from? I've never seen it anywhere in the media, and there is no way he lost that much weight. We'll just have to agree to disagree, because the only time this man has been legitimately skinny in his adult life was when he dieted down for 8 Mile. The ONLY time.
Kag said on 24/May/15
There is no way he's even close to 160. When he first came back in 2009, he said he'd gotten up to 220 lbs in 2007-2008 and then had lost about 80 lbs. I'll let you do the math. He was just about as thin last fall as he was in 2009--and I'd say thinner than he was in 8 Mile. Although he did look much beefier in the Best Friend video. Let's hope he keeps that physique.
MD said on 19/May/15
The only time in his life, professionally, when he looked anything that could even approximate being "underweight" is when he made 8 Mile. Other than that, at his lowest weight he's looked no less than average, and for a short time he was even kind of fit/muscular. At the height of his drug addiction in early 2008 when he was hospitalized, he admitted to exceeding 200lbs. He is much healthier than he was, then, but the last time this guy was skinny or underweight for anything other than a movie roll was when he was a teenager. I'd guess him around at least 160lbs at the moment and wouldn't be surprised if he was more than that.
Key said on 17/May/15
I believe he is 5'8 or 5'7.5, but he does often wear those big fancy basketball shoes, those can give you 1.5 to 2.5 inches.
Kag said on 17/May/15
Okay, so I know this is supposed to be a site to debate his height, but how much do you think he weighs? At 5'7 or 5'8" and appearing decidedly underweight most of the time, I'd say 135lbs-ish. What do you guys think?
Sam said on 3/May/15
He's a slim (LOL) guy so can look around 5-9, at least on his own in pictures anyway or when he's rapping, but in reality he's no more than 5-8. I think 5-7.5 is a good shout.
Bishop said on 15/Mar/15
Here is my opinion on rapper's heights:
Eminem - 5'7.5" (171 cm)
50 Cent - 5'11.5-5'11.75" (182 cm)
Snoop Dogg - 6'3.75" (192 cm)
Wiz Khalifa - 6'3.25" (191 cm)
Kendrick Lamar - 5'4.5" (164 cm)
Lil' Wayne - 5'5" (165 cm)
2 Chainz - 6'4" (163 cm)
Drake - 5'11.25-5'11.5" (181-182 cm)
The Weeknd - 5'7.5" (171 cm)
Tyler the Creator - 6'1.25" (186 cm)
Big Sean - 5'7" (170 cm)
Mac Miller - 5'6.5" (169 cm)
Iggy Azalea - 5'9" (175 cm)
Kanye West - 5'7.75" (172 cm)
J. Cole - 6'2.5" (189 cm)
The Game - 6'3.5" (192 cm)
Royce da 5'9" - 5'8-5'8.25" (173-174 cm)
Bow Wow - 5'3.5" (161 cm)
Rick Ross - 5'11" (180 cm)
LL Cool J - 6'1.5" (187 cm)
Jay-Z - 6'1.5" (187 cm)
Nas - 5'8" (173 cm)
P Diddy - 5'10.25" (178 cm)
Alex said on 4/Mar/15
5'8 seem to tall for him looks closer to 5'7 than 5'8. I would give him 5'7.5 max
Joe said on 17/Feb/15
Rob, what are your chances of meeting Eminem? I want to see how tall he looks next to you.

Editor Rob
slim to none
pp said on 13/Feb/15
guys its official
saket said on 2/Feb/15
He must be 5'6 cause the shoes can lift your height upto 2' or 3'
Will said on 31/Dec/14
Eminem is a tiny man. 5'7" for him maximum.
Boxin said on 25/Nov/14
How is he 5'8 if he was shorter than Big Sean ? Look at the picture just type in "eminem and bg sean". Its incredible to think he might be 5'6-5'7
Helpern said on 24/Nov/14
He looks 5'-7. Iggy A would dwarf him if the stood together and she had heels on.
Mart said on 20/Nov/14
There is this news article that says he's 5' 7.
His mugshot that was fromm 2000 listing 5' 8 as his height was taken in shoes, you don't take your shoes off when
Mugshots are taken.
Shaedy said on 21/Sep/14
also Royce da 5'9 is really 5'8 barefoot. heres a video of him getting measured with shoes
Click Here
Shaedy said on 21/Sep/14
I agree with quincy. he looks 5'6 now next to 5'4 Kerry Washington. he coul have been 5'7 but I give him no taller than that.
Her said on 20/Sep/14
No guys, he is 5'9 not 5'8 or 5'7
Sozzla91 said on 20/Sep/14
Click Here
looks about 5'6 near 6'1 Jigga, granted the floor is slightly slanted
I'd give him 5'7.5 though after seeing him in concert
credit said on 18/Sep/14
Eminem's OWN medical record says he was 5' 7"!!!!