dreus23 said on 14/Nov/22
@Mark Thompson
I've thought about him as well. I think he could be solid 6ft, anything from 6'0-6'0.25 seems likely
mark thompson said on 3/Aug/22
hey rob, would you add a page for singer ray dalton? i have some photos of him next to macklemore (listed 179cm) and alvaro soler (listed 190cm). hes the black fellow just to clarify. i think he’s somewhere between 182-184 cm based on these pics, what do you think rob? thanks.
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Chase Cantwell said on 19/Nov/21
Lol I swear I remember seeing Google having him listed as the "5'9" rapper. And I see 5'10.5 here? Hm. He looks a exactly 5'9 size and frame in Thirft Shop. Small but average and rocks it.
Asa F (6 foot 1) said on 17/Dec/20
He's defo under 5 10 lol
Jonus said on 21/Mar/20
I used to think he was 6'3
MAD SAM said on 13/Aug/18
His body proportions match to that of a 6’1.5”-6’2” guy but actually he’s 5’10.25” at 178.5 cm
Shredder said on 22/Sep/17
Legit 5'10 guy
Brad said on 7/Sep/17
5-10. Ran into him today looking at records.
MD said on 22/Aug/17
Another 5'11" (ish) guy (Trevor Noah) looking more than half-an-inch taller:
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I'm thinking he's a flat 5'10" like he looks with Obama. There seems to be enough evidence to chance this one, now.
Kiana said on 25/Mar/17
He is tall from my view
LI said on 15/Jan/17
An average height guy because of his body proportions. I would say a 5'10" barefoot.
Alxr37 said on 12/Oct/16
I met him and I'm 5'10 with shoes on and he wasn't taller than me
cruise height said on 12/Oct/16
5'10.5 with his boots on definitely 5'9.5 barefoot
cruise height said on 11/Oct/16
He looks 5'9 on the dot not a 5'10 thats my opinion
Nb said on 10/Oct/16
Looks about 5ft10.5-11 range with Obama
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MD said on 2/Sep/16
@Damien, well, yes. Hopefully that doesn't shock you as Trindad James is routinely listed over 6'0". Him being 6'1" or 6'2" isn't a surprise.
Damien said on 31/Aug/16
Trinidad James must be 6'1 or 6'2 standing next to him.
Aaron Zamora said on 25/Jun/16
I believe that 5'10 flat is the best fit for Macklemore I went ahead and took a look at all his pictures with celebrities and believe that 5'10 is what he truly looks.
MD said on 20/May/16
I wonder why 5'11"ish Jimmy Kimmel looks so much taller at their recent meeting?
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He's probably a 5'10" or at least less than 5'10.5".

Editor Rob
there's not enough to really say with certain if he was more 5ft 10 than 10.5. Jimmy at times has pulled off looking 5ft 11.5 range himself
MD said on 26/Nov/14
Obviously not the best angle, but here he is with Ed Sheeren in identical sneakers:
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Clay said on 10/Sep/14
MD says on 31/Jan/14
He's not that short, Mr. R. He's been measured. Even if by some off chance the 5'10.5" at the combine was a first-thing-out-of-bed barefoot measurement, that would not make him shorter than 5'9.5" before he went to bed.
Mr.R tends to see people lower than what they are, lol.
Daniel said on 10/Sep/14
He's not TALL but not short for sure. 5' 9" at least
TJE said on 29/Jul/14
179.5 cm. More than 5'10.5, but still far away from 5'11.
mila said on 29/Jun/14
he is 5-11
Steph said on 9/Jun/14
Saw him in-person, he's pretty tall. I would say 5'11-6' at least
Otilia said on 9/Mar/14
He says his girlfriend is 5'7 and he is way taller than her , even when she is wearing heels ! So I belive he is at least 5'11 .
StopHijackingMyNick said on 4/Mar/14
5ft10 at least.
MD said on 31/Jan/14
He's not that short, Mr. R. He's been measured. Even if by some off chance the 5'10.5" at the combine was a first-thing-out-of-bed barefoot measurement, that would not make him shorter than 5'9.5" before he went to bed.
Mr. R said on 29/Jan/14
@MD I met Russell Wilson a few years ago. He is only 5-9.
MD said on 29/Jan/14
Nah, he's definitely not a centimeter of what he's currently listed. The 179-182cm is too large a range, and the top to high. Ben is definitely under 5'11".
chrissss said on 27/Jan/14
in fake id he says he was 5'9 at 17, but he does look 179-182cm, not short in any way, but on avg id say 5'11, maybe 182cm
MD said on 22/Jan/14
This may be close to his height. Here he is with Russell Wilson, quarterback of the Seattle Seahawks, who was measured at 5'10.5" at the combine:
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Not the best photo, obviously, but he's somewhere around this.
MD said on 2/Jan/14
Here they are on New Year's Eve with 5'7.5" Ryan Seacrest. Ryan had on regular dress shoes (that actually didn't look susipicious) and Ben some thick sneakers, so, they both had a kind of footwear advantage that was about even. Didn't see what Ryan Lewis had on:
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lelman said on 20/Nov/13
He gives off a tall impression. The more I see him, the more I think 5'11,6'.
megaleg said on 11/Nov/13
I stood next to him and was surprised by how short he was. I'm a 5'8" woman and he was about my height.
Sarah said on 8/Oct/13
5'10" is about right. How tall is the woman who sang with him on "Same Love"? She looks pretty tall to me.
5.5 said on 3/Oct/13
Went to see his show in Copenhagen a few days back, I was a few meters from the scene. Looked about 178-180. I think this listing is pretty spot on. Also regarding the 6'3 claim - he's in the habit of saying random **** regarding his person, it's part of his act and featured pretty prominently in his live shows. I don't think he's serious at all. Ryan Lewis looked about 5'8, maybe a bit shorter - but he is very thin so perhaps his looks are deceiving. Whatever the case - they are quite the act, and very entertaining as well. With all the jumping he does on stage I guess his head might actually be in the 6'3 range on average ;)
kray said on 27/Sep/13
I remember him being listed at 5'10" before he was famous...
Rusty said on 19/Sep/13
I am from Seattle and may be meeting him soon. Rob, I will try to get a photo if i can
Rusty said on 17/Sep/13
My cousin is a weak 5'11" i believe (claims 5'11") and plays violin for macklemore. they look the same height in their photos
Viper said on 9/Sep/13
LL Cool J is 5'11 and has claimed 6'3
Bran said on 7/Sep/13
My friend says he listened to a Macklemore interview on the radio before when he said he's 6ft4 or 5, my friends not a liar so that's incredible if he really said it.
lelman said on 5/Sep/13
6'3"?! I'd need to see a source for a claim like that, I've known people to add 2, 2.5 inches to their height but never near 5 inches.
I'd say he's a good solid 5'10", would probably see 5'11" first thing in the morning.
@ said on 1/Sep/13
He looks 5ft10 at best.
Bran said on 31/Aug/13
He can appear taller than average at times; always believed his 5ft11.5 and Ryan Lewis's 5ft10 listing, just shows you cant trust any height listing until its on a proper site such as this.
Snoozing Joe said on 30/Aug/13
He said his height is 6'1 and he weighs 80kg I don't believe any of it
Davis said on 30/Aug/13
I actually remember seeing something about him claim 6'3? Weird that he's listed as 5'10 1/2. I cant even think of a trainer/boot/shoe that would get him near 6'1 let alone 6'3
Bard said on 29/Aug/13
What kind of person who might not even be 5'10 claims 6'3?
Patheticallla said on 28/Aug/13
Emily said on 26/Aug/13
That's very generous.
jj-tha goon said on 25/Aug/13
i remember in some interview he gave 6'3 as his height
Sain't said on 24/Aug/13
Is 5'11" impossible?

Editor Rob
it's not impossible
Zach said on 23/Aug/13
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Looking at this pic, would you say Ryan Lewis is roughly 5'8"?

Editor Rob
5ft 8 range could be possible