Paddy said on 2/Mar/23
I just thought about him just now, a sadness took me over. I miss him, life is very unfair it takes away the good so young.
5'10" 1/2 for him.
RIP Andy
Logical_LB said on 3/Sep/22
slim 6'1 said on 4/Jan/21
Around 5’10”
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Aug/20
really close to manu bennet
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Aug/20
178 5'10, rip andy whitfield
JohnMoore-162cm said on 2/May/20
More like 5ft9 3/4" , 5ft10 max
Joao Pedro said on 8/Aug/19
Rob, he seemed to be often times a couple of cms taller than Manu Bennett.
Was that the camera angle or something related in your opinion?
And also, he was muscular and athletic during all season long. How much do you think his weight was?

Editor Rob
I could see on Spartacus that sometimes Andy may appear a fraction taller than Manu...overall I thought they might be very close when measured though.
John said on 31/Dec/17
Yeah he is about 176-178 , was a great actor , played spartacus awesomely ...i saw the whole series at least 4 times(in a row)
movieguy said on 20/Nov/17
I think Andy was on the way to becoming a major star when he tragically passed away. Maybe being unfair but I lost interest in Spartacus when he died. His replacement although a physically bigger man lacked Whitfield's intensity and it felt kind of sad watching the show knowing what had occurred. I've been told the new guy got better as the series went on though.
Tunman said on 7/Nov/17
Just realized that this guy died from cancer.My grandmother also died from cancer around the same period (2011) but she was 83.Always very sad to lose somebody you love,but even more terrible when the person is still young.Watched Spartacus in 2010 but didn't get much interest in Peplums recently unlike my teenage years.Great presence.Might have edged Manu by a small fraction but not sure,both ultimately looking honest 5'10.

Editor Rob
and Andy was an epitome of physically fit guy...
even said on 24/Jul/17
no less than 5'10"
Slim 181 cm said on 10/Jul/17
In Spartacus s1e10 he edged out Manu Bennett! I do believe he might of been 5ft10 and a fraction!
Slim 181 cm said on 10/Jul/17
Strong 5'10 maximum.
172.4cm guy said on 17/Oct/16
I only offer my input with a heavy-heart...I hear such great things about this guy, his passing came too soon. In Spartacus, he looked 176cm, slightly shorter than Manu Bennett, who is shown as a legit 178cm. Regardless, great guy from what I hear and huge heart. He's still missed these several years later.
Puma said on 3/Oct/16
IF Manu Bennett is 178, Andy was 180.
jasperwazup said on 26/May/16
Excellent actor is an understatement. He seemed larger than life in Spartacus. he did share a bit of a resemblance to the actor who played in Man on a Ledge the action/thriller. anyone know his weight looked 15 stone.
Agu710 said on 14/Feb/16
Thought he was taller, but he was exactly the same as Manu that's for sure.
And Liam is clearly taller than both
184.9 on a bad day said on 3/Sep/15
5ft 10.25
Can't believe he passed away, was a great actor
petersonKJ said on 25/Feb/15
He was definitely a little taller than 5'10. I would say 5'10.5. In spartacus he consistently had a comfortable 1/2 inch on Manu which u also have listed at 5'10. What do u think Rob, possibly somewhere between 179-180 cm for Andy?
HellBoundPower said on 10/May/13
I'll give him the 5'10" listed. Though his heart made him 10 feet tall.
adam said on 6/Apr/13
jus watched Spartacus Blood and Sand again. 180cm for him and 177cm for Manu Bennett
TommyCab said on 19/Jan/13
5 feet 10 tops. And thats being generous.
RIP. Such a talented chap. Very good looking. Sadly missed. The new Spartacus chap isn't right. We all miss you, buddy.
O'Neil said on 27/Jan/12
Who cares what his height was, this man was perfect. Rest in Peace Andy Whitfield
But anyway was in the 5 9- 5 10 range
Avg stud said on 1/Jan/12
Looks 6' in Spartucas but 5'10" to 5'11" is probably right, great show, hope it's still good without him.
Varro said on 10/Nov/11
RIP Andy..
TNTinCA said on 13/Sep/11
RIP Andy. You will be missed.
Anthony said on 13/Sep/11
Never seen this guy act but I read this morning that he'd succumbed to cancer. R.I.P.
Also, Low Price, I imagine that more emphasis is placed on looks rather than height when selecting these roles; if Whitfield were 4cm shorter they still would've picked him.
Andrea said on 12/Sep/11
RIp Andy....
Maia Holly said on 12/Sep/11
R.I.P. :( :( :(
Chris M said on 12/Sep/11
R.I.P Andy Whitfield.
Low Price said on 8/Sep/11
It's nice to see men of lesser height gaining roles such as champions, in hollywood. Gives a 174 guy like me a little boost. Even though i doubt that Andy is 5'10 imo i would say he's a bit smaller than that
Rikashiku said on 25/Feb/11
Barefoot, he is slightly shorter than 177cm Ande Cunningham and Manu Bennet.
In the show, Andy Whitfield wears Sandals with Rubber Soles. He gets a little height but not much. Other characters are barefoot around him sometimes.
Eka Darville who is 6'1" even looked the same height once with Andy.
jed said on 13/Feb/11
in the one scene he is face to face with manu bennett barefoot he is taller by a little. I think they're about the same height though.
Brah said on 23/Jan/11
In some scenes, Manu Bennett looks taller.
Larry said on 23/Jan/11
Andy can't be 5 10 and Manu Bennett b 5 10.5 as they are listed on this site because Andy is Definiely .5-1 inch taller than Bennett. Again, Bennett is prob 5 9-9.5 and Andy is 5 9.5-10. I think Andy is just a hair under 5 10 if anything tho, perhaps 5 9.75 definitely not shorter than 5 9.5 though
Larry said on 2/Jan/11
possibly as low as 5 9, Hannah does appear taller at times in blood and sand, but 5 10 seems fair
C said on 29/Dec/10
Andy Whitfield's modeling agency lists him as 5'11". They need to be accurate for clothing fittings and compatiblity with other models, so I would take 5'11" as fairly accurate.
R said on 26/Dec/10
He is 5'9 he is no 5'10.....