Wehrmacht180 said on 30/Nov/21
157 cm
Alanna said on 24/Aug/20
@K She never said anything about adding 2 inches to her height! Get your facts straight!
XXX said on 14/Jul/17
Weird, she always looked 5'2 to me on awkward
A said on 11/Nov/15
I think even 5'2" is way too generous. She is considerably shorter than Sophia Bush.
sandra said on 19/Jun/13
She looks the same height or even smaller then Jillian Rose who is 5'2''. No way she is 5'4''
K said on 22/May/13
She looks 5'2" next to Sophia bush. She's more than an inch shorter than Sophia. There is no way she is 5'4". Doesn't even look it. Looks like she's following the Hollywood '2 inch rule'.
Saman said on 21/May/13
They always state taller im pretty sure she is in the range of 155-160 cm
marla singer said on 10/Apr/13
she looks much shorter than Sophia Bush so yes I agree, she's 5'2.5ish
thinker said on 21/Mar/13
5 ft 3 for sure
RentGirl said on 29/Dec/12
Claims 5'5. "If I had been six inches taller I'd of been a model. I never quite got that 5'11." I think she more 5'3, 5'4.
Click Here
KT said on 22/Oct/12
blackpearl is right. she would definitely have to be smaller than 5'4 if that is also sophia bush's listed height. ashley looks more like 5'2.
blackpearl said on 23/Sep/12
sophia bush is 5'4 look at this pic
Click Here okey sophia bush has bigger heels but difference is huge.Am I right?
Tony said on 15/Sep/12
She gets towered by everyone on Awkward. so I would say closer to 5'3 maybe 5'2
Tony said on 23/Aug/12
Yeh she looks a lot shorter than 5'4 in awkward.
Takoda said on 23/Jul/12
She appears shorter than 5'4, although, if they state that it's her height. Maybe it is.
Evanna said on 26/Dec/07
Thanks Glenn :)
Issheuhboy, as I've mentioned already, when I met Stockhausen he was 76 years old; and I really have no idea how much height he'd lost by the time. It is possible that his peak height was 6'3" or even 6'4"; but 6'6" is definitely exaggerated.
glenn said on 24/Dec/07
evanna- i guess alot of posts disappeared.i had mentioned im looking foward to anything you have.
Issheuhboy said on 24/Dec/07
Thanks Evanna. I'd read an article saying that Stockhausen was over 6'6, but you obviously know having met him. I think perhaps his renowned physical & artistic presensce made him seem bigger to the writer of the former.
Evanna said on 11/Dec/07
Yes Glenn. Actually I'm in a process of building my myspace music profile at the moment, as soon as it's finished I'll send you a link. I'm mainly into songwriting now: I've obtained a couple of publishing contracts recently, so we'll see what happens next!
glenn said on 11/Dec/07
i hear you jan.im into avant garde composers mainly.wow evanna,didnt know you were such a talent.ever record anything?
Evanna said on 11/Dec/07
Glenn, I graduated piano, and I'm currently doing my PhD in musicology. But I also play half a dozen of other instruments - keyboards, guitars, anything. My favourite instrument is bass guitar, I played bass in several local bands. But I gave up my r'n'r career after having a child. When my boy is old enough I'll teach him to play drums, and then we'll be jammin' together!
jan said on 10/Dec/07
Stockhausen was a hero to me also. He's like a Debussy or Stravinsky.
glenn said on 10/Dec/07
what do you play and who else do you like? hope you feel better.
Evanna said on 10/Dec/07
Thanks Glenn, it means a lot to me. I was really saddened by Stockhausen's death, I'm still in mourning. People have all sorts of heroes, from brawny wrestlers to smarmy soap stars, well I'm a musician, and Stockhausen was one of my heroes.
glenn said on 9/Dec/07
im so thankful for your pics evanna.
glenn said on 8/Dec/07
i know evanna,thanks.i read the news yesterday.nobody really left of that genre or era.moment of silence for the genius.
glenn said on 13/Nov/07
i appreciate that post.very imformative.i never bought an autograph in my life by the way.i obtain them myself in person. :-)
DaveyJJ said on 12/Nov/07
He was signing stuff at least as late as 2000. I have an autographed almost 12" square cover (album sized poster on hard stock) from the November 7th, 2000 (Roy Thompson Hall in Toronto) Dracula performance that's not only signed by Philip Glass, but also *all* the members of the Kronos Quartet (Harrington, Sherba, Dutt, Jennifer Culp) but also conductor Michael Reisman. Sherba has thee worst handwriting on this one of the lot. And no, it's not for sale :-)
glenn said on 6/Nov/07
thanks evanna.it is nice.some or most celebs or artists write slop.
Evanna said on 5/Nov/07
Looks nice, Glenn, he's got a neat and legible handwriting. Check out his official site, for example this page
Click Here - that's his signature on top of the page.
glenn said on 4/Nov/07
so how does the autograph look on the book? nice? fancy script? slop?
Evanna said on 4/Nov/07
I really don't know, Glenn, I'm sorry. He did sign me a book, but I have no idea if he does that on regular basis. Anyway I don't think too many people ask him for autographs these days.
glenn said on 3/Nov/07
does he sign autographs? if so,does it look nice?
Evanna said on 2/Nov/07
Thanks, Glenn! Yeah, Stockhausen was really nice when I spoke to him, although before meeting him I'd heard all sorts of mental stories. Well, those were obviously fabricated, because I found him very cool and witty.
As for the second pic, I've no idea what we're on about, probably nothing interesting; but I do tend to gesticulate a lot when I talk!
Jan, I hope this was a pleasant surprise! Sorry, no Boulez pictures (I mean, not yet!) As for Stockhausen, he's really tall, I'm in big heels there, putting me close to 5'11" or so. I'd say he's no shorter than 6'1.5", possibly 6'2". His peak height must've been around 6'3". A towering figure in every sense.
jan said on 2/Nov/07
Never thought I'd see Stockhausen discussed here!
Any Boulez pics?
glenn said on 2/Nov/07
wow.really cool evanna.i was wondering what the holdup was.so he was nice correct? and what was discussed?.
Evanna said on 31/Oct/07
Thanks, Rob!
Evanna said on 31/Oct/07
Rob how 'bout adding my Stockhausen pics soon? Hope I'm not being pushy, you've told me to remind you...

Editor Rob
Franco said on 23/Sep/07
well he does look hold....and he does look 2cm taller (since he is slightly leaning it seems only 1cm).
175cm is proper.
glenn said on 22/Sep/07
i meant cohen wasnt scheduled.but ads for the show were misleading.
miles smiles said on 22/Sep/07
Hmmm..doesn't sound good. I'm a big Cohen fan. Maybe he's just happy doing his zen meditation in l.a. at this point. I'll keep you posted, glenn.
glenn said on 21/Sep/07
cause i was at the same gig here in nyc.cohen was scheduled.glass perfromed over his voice tapings.it was made somewhat clear that cohen wasnt there.it was a little misleading with the ad and posters showing boh artists.
miles smiles said on 20/Sep/07
Yeah, glenn. Cohen is scheduled one night to read poetry to a new Glass composition, and the next night there's gonna be a Q & A with both of them. I figure it will be one of the last times Cohen will make any public appearances. I know he went through a nightmarish financial situation recently (stolen money), so maybe that's part of why he's on the road again.
glenn said on 20/Sep/07
thanks miles.you sure cohen will be there?
miles smiles said on 19/Sep/07
Kool pic, Glenn. I'm going to see Glass perform with Leonard Cohen next month at Stanford University. Hope to get pix with both.
glenn said on 17/Sep/07
thanks evanna!
Evanna said on 17/Sep/07
OK Glenn, I'll send the pictures soon. Cheers!
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
yes,send them in.if rob wants to do a page with your pics,even better.you deserve it for such a rare find.if you hear he is coming to the states,let me know.thanks!
Evanna said on 16/Sep/07
Stockhausen rarely leaves Germany nowadays. Next year is his 80th birthday, there will be events in his honour all over the world, so he might visit the States.
I can email my pics with him to Rob, if you want to see them.
glenn said on 16/Sep/07
thats a great name nobody has met.impressive.
Evanna said on 15/Sep/07
In the village of Kurten, Germany, that's where he lives with his two "girlfriends" Suzanne and Kathinka, both of them some 30 years his juniors! But he is actually very cool, not the kind of self-obsessed lunatic that many claim him to be. Maybe he was like that in his youth, dunno. I met him in 2004, he was already 76 then, but he looked some 20 years younger! I guess these girls keep him in a good shape...
Stockhausen was a major influence on The Beatles, Beach Boys and everyone else who experimented with electronic music in the late 1960s - early 1970s, he truly is a legend.
As for his height, he is very tall. His peak was probably around 6'3", as even in 2004 he looked no smaller than 6'1.5".
glenn said on 15/Sep/07
where did you meet karlheinz?
Evanna said on 15/Sep/07
The pleasure was mine, Glenn. I wish I met Glass in person. I did meet Karlheinz Stockhausen, I even have pictures with him, but he's not the kind of composer that would end up at celebheights.
glenn said on 14/Sep/07
thanks for backing me evanna.
Mr. T said on 14/Sep/07
Click Here
Reggio must be bordering on seven feet.
Evanna said on 14/Sep/07
A close friend of mine met him in Lisbon in 2000, at the premiere of White Raven. She is 5'8" and said that he was slightly taller than her; so 5'10" peak and 5'9ish now is probably correct. She also said he was very sweet and charming.
Glass is one of my favourite composers, and we also happen to share a birthday, 31 January :)
glenn said on 13/Sep/07
a true legend.any collection isnt complete without him.
Markus said on 13/Sep/07
This is the coolest minimal classical music composer ever! Koyaanisqatsi ;)
Had no clue on his height, only know some of his works...
glenn said on 13/Sep/07
he had a slouch.
glenn said on 13/Sep/07
he is 5-10 rob.5-10 peak at least.

Editor Rob
likely he has lost something if he's now 70.