gilipollas said on 5/May/09
Ben is at least 6-2 with a terrible posture. he should learn from Pitt or Seagal lol. In any case, he does wear a wig. Just read about that party where his piece fell off...oh and he spent 60.000 on fixing his teeth. These people are very insecure and dont trust much their talents. Other actors get bald old and ugly and still get props from everyone.
mike said on 26/Apr/09
I am exactly 6'2". I met him a year ago and he was not a tall as me. Not sure where your getting your info but, unless he has grown in the last year he is definitely not 6'2"
Sam said on 26/Apr/09
6 ft 3 in the morning and 6 ft 2.5 at the end of the day.
ikbtops said on 24/Apr/09
I've never seen a picture of Ben next to someone taller than him. That must say something. He wears a wig? Does he have a glass eye and Lee- press-on-nails too?
mamonazo said on 17/Apr/09
I met him. Hes very tall and slouches a little bit.I'd say 6-3. He wears a wig btw.
Hugh 190cm said on 14/Apr/09
6ft2.5 is accurate. Which would put Josh Hartnett at 6ft3 flat.
Alternateuniverse said on 14/Apr/09
Casey looks about 5-8.5 to 5-9, I bet he didn't get enough calcium in his youth, that's why he didn't grow as tall as his brother. Ben looks close to 6-2, maybe 6,1 3/4.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
6ft3 out of bed seems sensible.
Hugh 190cm said on 11/Apr/09
I think Affleck is a solid 189cm if not a little more. Not quite 191cm though.
Lenad said on 3/Apr/09
There maybe just a chance he is 6'3 out of bed. But no higher.
Fox said on 30/Mar/09
I though he's short, but he's taller better than Josh Harnett. He is about 6'3,2...
Cat said on 23/Mar/09
September ... also, if you read my post, I said "do we really think Ben is 6'8"?", note a little sarcasm?
Go ahead and eat your arm. There is no way Jen is taller than 5'4".
Strauss said on 17/Mar/09
I was on an Atlanta to Boston flight 10 years ago and sat across from Affleck in 1st Class. He's taller than me at 6'1". I could swear he wears a hairpiece The sides of his forehead and crown don't look natural...too wide. Anyone know?
Maribel said on 16/Mar/09
Looks about 6-1.75.
September said on 14/Mar/09
Cat- I'll eat my own arm if Jennifer Garner is 5'2", or Ben Affleck 6'8". That's just... laughable. They might fudge a little, but for sure Jen is in the 5'7"-5'9" range, and Ben in the 6'0"-6'4" area. Realistically, I'd agree with Ben's height here of 6'2.5" and peg Jen as 5'8.5". She is tall.
sam said on 13/Mar/09
i met him about 2 days ago. he came into my restaurant with jennifer garner for dinner. he is TALL. I am 6' and he was at least 3in taller. I would guess 6-3 or 6-4.
Cat said on 28/Feb/09
I would love to know how this site can claim that Ben Affleck is 6'2" yet Jen Garner is on this site 5'8" yet I just saw an image on a link somewhere of the two of them, Jen in flats and he was clearly a foot taller than her ... so either Jen is actually 5'2" or Ben is 6'8" ... do we really think Ben is 6'8" ... I am so tired of actors BS'ing about their height and celeb websites indulging them. Do they get paid to lie for the celebs????
Dave said on 23/Feb/09
I saw him at an event and stood just a few feet from him. He's at least 6'3" maybe 6'4" - no question. I between 6'3 and 6'4" myself and he looked as tall or slightly taller than me. He's got skinnyish legs and a wide upper torso. When you see him, he comes across as very tall and stands out from the crowd. His hair line might be very slightly receding but he's still got plenty of thick hair. It did not look fake to me.
Lenad said on 18/Jan/09
So Mr R saw him at no less than 6'2.
Bill said on 18/Jan/09
Affleck is a pretty big guy. I met him once and I'd say that he's about 6'3", an inch taller than me.
Mr. R. said on 18/Jan/09
I have met Ben on several occassions, and he definitely 6-2, and a little above.
Lenad said on 17/Jan/09
Hes most likely a strong 188cm. Definitly not a full 6ft3 but very tall nevertheless.
Lenad said on 17/Jan/09
He was marginally shorter than Josh Hartnett so there is no way this guy could be 192cm barefoot.
anonymous said on 5/Jan/09
Josh hartnett and ben affleck were basically the same height in pearl harbour. He's dead on 6 foot 2 and a bit.
Anonymous said on 5/Jan/09
This guy is a genuine 6'2 1/2 and most likely 6'3
Vanessa said on 29/Dec/08
I saw him at LAX and he looked about 6'1". He got off the plane ahead of my bf who is 5'11" (claims he's 6', but isn't) and Ben looked about 2 inches taller.
IMRIGHT said on 28/Dec/08
hes this tall dead on
yoyo said on 24/Dec/08
i would say his a solid 187cm barefoot. Josh Hartnett is 189,190cm had clearly 3cm over him. if his 189cm makes Josh 6ft3.5 thats not possible.
diana said on 22/Dec/08
sooo, he looks on the ball 6'2 6'2.5 to me. In Good Will Hunting, he looks a solid 4 inches taller than minnie driver.
Andy said on 19/Dec/08
They aren't identical twins, so why would that be strange? You get half of your genetic material from your mother, half from your father. So on average, siblings share only 50% of their genes.
Ryan said on 18/Dec/08
Hey everyone, i didn't search for any information about it, I'd like the help of you guys to answer my question.
Why Casey Affleck is way shorter than Ben? Aren't they Brothers?
anonymous said on 18/Dec/08
In surviving christmas he is 20cm taller than 5 foot 6 christina applegate. I would say he is 6 foot 2 to 3.
Lenad said on 17/Dec/08
6'2 1/2 barefoot and 6'3 1/2 in shoes makes most sense.
cb said on 16/Dec/08
ben affleck is 6"1' max. He's shorter than Josh hartnett and he's not 6"3'. Josh Hartnett is 6"2'max.
DMEYER said on 14/Dec/08
6 ft 3.5 might be is morning height with hair
GUK said on 13/Dec/08
How Tall is Peter O'Tool, because he was taller than Affleck in Phantoms
Danimal said on 12/Dec/08
At least 6'2" and mostly likely taller than that.
Anonymous said on 9/Dec/08
he is 6'2.25 188 189 barefoot 6'3.5 with shoes
Spence said on 6/Dec/08
in 1997 Chasing Amy most scene he looks as tall as 187ish Jason Lee..
el toppo said on 1/Dec/08
Just watched Daredevil and I have to say, it's the first movie I've seen him in where he didn't look tall. I watched the 1 hour making of doco and even then he was average height. Must have had a tall crew!
anonymous said on 10/Nov/08
He looks 6 foot 2 in jay and silent bob strike back. Matt damon is 5 foot 10. He's tall but not that tall.
Ed(1) said on 9/Nov/08
I'd peg Affleck at 6ft1.5-6ft2 tops. He was shorter then Morgan Freeman(6ft2.5) and Liev Schreiber(6ft2.75) in The Sum of All Fears, roughly the same height as Samuel L. Jackson(6tft2)in Changing Lanes, shorter then Josh Hartnett(6ft2.75) in Pearl Harbor, a little taller then Cole Hauser(6ft1) in Goodwill hunting, and roughly the same height as Jason Lee(6ft1.5) in Chasing Amy!
Jorel said on 9/Nov/08
im the same height as him except for the 2.5 extra inches anyways his a cool actor. he looks much taller tyhen that in a picture with his wife he looks like a giant.
Huggybear said on 8/Nov/08
yeah he def. be at least 6 ft.
Hugh said on 2/Nov/08
6ft3 on a good day possibly.
anonymous said on 21/Oct/08
He's 6 foot 2 to 3 max. he's taller than jennifer garner and uma turman.
Alex said on 21/Oct/08
No more than 6'2 for Affleck.
Lenad said on 18/Oct/08
I'd say 188-189cm barefoot. He's pretty tall but not quite 6'3.5.
Anonymous said on 8/Oct/08
i will say 6'2 or perhaps 6'2.25
Patrick said on 26/Sep/08
I bet 6'2.5 minimum and possibly 6'3: he looks really tall and bulky, naturally broad shouldered, in spite of his working out.
bigkid said on 14/Sep/08
he's stands tall and has a muscular/thin body-type. Thats why he looks closer to 6'3". but he isn't
Brad said on 27/Aug/08
Met him last night. He's 6' 2".
Lin W said on 20/Aug/08
Ben Affleck looks six foot 2, slightly very tall, but I seen taller men than him before. He looks 6 foot 2 inches tall in height, that's what he looks.
Anna said on 17/Aug/08
I'd say 6'2.5 to 6'3.5 is about right.He's very tall and hot!
Clay said on 11/Aug/08
Lol@the guy who thinks Afflec and Damon are close in height.
Layla said on 7/Aug/08
Men do not stop growing untill the age of 25 and women for the most part reach adult height at the age of 19. So people need to keep in mind Ben's age at the time he made a movie. He could have possibly grown a few inches during his career from one movie to another.
Mr. R said on 28/Jul/08
I saw him in Vegas, and he is over 6-2, but not 6-3.
Viper said on 9/Jul/08
He looks 6-1 1/2 max to me. So he was close to the truth when he said he was 6-1.
Anonymous said on 8/Jul/08
i reckon he is 6ft 2 or 3 but in an interview around the time of good will hunting he was talking about people saying he was too tall to play leading man roles and he said "i dunno why cos im only 6ft 1, its not like im 7 foot!"
i thought it was weird he said he was 6ft 1 cos i reckion hes definitely more.
HMM said on 1/Jul/08
ben affleck is really tall... he has like 6 inches on jimmy kimmel who is listed at 6'1.
Click Here
BK_Daniel said on 24/Jun/08
Ben afwek and Matt Deymin don't look that far apart in height. I think Afwek is only 188 cms.
Adam said on 22/Jun/08
From watching 'Jay & Silent Bob Strike Back' (brilliant movie) I've revised my estimation of Affleck's height. He towers over
Matt Damon by five inches and Damon can't be shorter than 5' 9.75", so I think Ben's closer to 6' 3".
Anonymous said on 9/Jun/08
Viper you always downgrade, why? It's exremely annoying. Ben affleck looks a mininum of 6'2.5
Ali said on 4/Jun/08
He is maximum 188 cm. 6-2 is right for him.
dmeyer said on 29/May/08
189 is right for ben
Midnite said on 29/May/08
This seems about right, I think hes in the 6'2 to 6'3 range. No taller, no shorter. Good job Rob I think you nailed this one.

Editor Rob
Affleck said recently "I was only 5ft 4in as a teenager and then when I was 16 I suddenly grew about a foot"
Adam said on 23/May/08
4 TO 4.5 inches taller than
Matt Damon in 'DOGMA' and a bit taller than high heel wearing Thurman in 'Paycheck'.
Viper said on 13/May/08
Hartnett is 6-2ish, and Affleck looked slightly shorter from I remember.
Bill said on 12/May/08
Look people, Ben Affleck is not a hard height to deciper. You want to know why???? B/c he is 6'3 and so is Josh Hartnett, they are both in Pearl Harbor together and look almost identical. He's definitely not only 6'1 or 6'0, I'm 6'3 but look 6'4 with regular sneakers on so IN MOVIES HE PROBLY LOOKS 6'4 ish but in reality I'm sure he is 6'3 tall (and for the guy who said he's 6'0 tall in sneakers you're not too keen)
RevInstone said on 18/Apr/08
Looked the saem as Josh Hartnett in Pearl Harbor. I just watched that movie last night. Hartnett might have a half inch no more.
Viper said on 15/Apr/08
Explain how Affleck looked shorter than Josh Hartnett. Roughly the same height as Cole Hauser. About the same height as 6-1 1/2 Jason Lee. Affleck is 6-2 on a good day. More 6-1 1/2 exactly.
nicole said on 15/Apr/08
It`s difficult too with Ben, big head and maybe not more than 6ft 1.5inch.On the photos with his brother Casey he doesn`t look over that.And also with his wife, but she is maybe often in heels.
Viper said on 15/Apr/08
I think its more likely hes under 6-2 than over.
Viper said on 12/Apr/08
Ben looked the same height as listed 6-1 Cole Hauser in Dazed and Confused.
Random Person said on 3/Apr/08
If Ben straightened up in that picture Casey, he looks like he'd have close to 6 inches on him. Plus am I the only who notices something strange about Casey's legs? Perhaps he's wearing a little something extra in there. Anyway, 6'2" seems to work for Ben. Sometimes I think he may be shorter but then again, he really didn't seem too far off the 6'4" mark in Dare Devil.
McRich said on 30/Mar/08
I met Ben in Vegas a few years ago. I am 6' 1" and he was at least two inches taller than me. He was a really cool guy. Very nice to all of his fans. The ladies really like this dude. What a chick magnet.
mariodorfa said on 28/Mar/08
I dont think he is shorter than 6'2.5,look his fotos with j.lo
timber said on 13/Feb/08
Ben really looks only 6 feet here with Casey Affleck 5'8:
Click Here
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/08
Ben would have to atleast be 6'5" i was with my brother once when i saw him my brother is 6'6" and ben only looked about an inch shorter.
jinbou said on 22/Jan/08
the best way to tell is to watch good will hunting because they both are presumably wearing work boots in the lecture scene where chuckie tells will to use his talent instead of working a demo crew. im about 6'4" myself. ben's about my height.
Mr Mayfair said on 28/Nov/07
Big, broad, guy at least 6.2!
Pete said on 15/Nov/07
met him in madrid. hes 6-2 with a big head and wears a piece!
Antoine said on 14/Nov/07
Confusing! Ben Affleck 6ft 2.5? Then Damon is 5'10?
blinky said on 31/Oct/07
he is maybe around 6'3.5 to 6'4 try watching Paycheck he is towering 6' Uma Thurman around 4 inch
Anonymous said on 31/Oct/07
he is maybe around 6'3.5 to 6'4 try watching Paycheck he is towering 6' Uma Thurman around 4 inch
OutBenchThis said on 20/Oct/07
I could see Affleck as a 187-188cm guy. He could pull off his 6'3" claims because of his large frame but next to a genuine 6'3" guy, the gig would be up for Benny.
Leonid Stadnyk Rules! said on 12/Oct/07
My mother works for a cosmetic surgeon & Affleck's hair is very suspect looking to her. If you go through his promotional materials you can see his hairline morph chronically. A good example is this pic:
Click Here very obvious color and texture mismatch. He is naturally balding.
Viper said on 11/Oct/07
Ben is shorter than Hartnett. I cant see him being more than 6-1.5.
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/07
anithung under 6'1.75 187 strong is a joke for ben he is 188 to 189 cm look at the pic when willis got his star in hollywood ben look 3.5 in taller bruce apeared almost 6'1 in armaggedon
dmeyer said on 10/Oct/07
i agree his hair looks legitimate
Leung said on 5/Oct/07
His hair looks real. The wig stuff could be just rumors that someone started, I did a google search and most of the stuff is based on a story of his wig falling off during playtime with Vince Vaugh. It could be a story that someone made up.
I haven’t seen any evidence that shows that he is balding. Does anyone have photos showing him with a receding hairline?
Viper said on 4/Oct/07
Ben must have the best wig in the buisness. Looks real to me.
Mike said on 4/Oct/07
Ben's wig gives him an inch
NitaPita said on 18/Sep/07
Matt Damon once said in an interview that Ben slept on his couch in LA for awhile and it was too short for someone who was almost 6'4".
timber said on 11/Sep/07
I think he is between 6'0 and 6'1 barefoot. In pics I've seen of him and his brother, Casey, 5'8, he looks 4 inches taller, and he looks between 6 and 7 inches taller than Garner, who I think is 5'6 tops. he may wear lifts at times.
dmeyer said on 9/Sep/07
he does look 0.5 in shorter than hartnet and 0.25 in shorter than freeman so i think he is a solid 188 cm but to me dosnt look under 189 rob do you think 6 ft 2.25 in i think he could be 188.5 cm
AAAA said on 6/Sep/07
Just saw Daredevl on TV and if Garner is 5'8 then affleck must be atleast 6'2.5 possibly 6'3. She is in heel's through the movie and his eyes are a clear inch over her head. So either she is only 5'6.5 or 5'7, or he truly is 6'3
dmeyer said on 16/Aug/07
hey jk you are 6'3 that a great height i wish i was betwwen 6'1 and 6'3
6'3'' JK said on 15/Aug/07
I don't think Ben is 6'3'', he is more 6'2.5'' maximum
Viper said on 15/Aug/07
I have a better chance of hooking up with Jessica Alba than Ben being 6-3 :). Seriously, hes at least a half inch shorter than Josh Hartnett and hes 6-2-6-2 1/2. Hes shorter than Morgan Freeman who is 6-2 1/2 tops. Ben could be as high as 6-2 but I dont think he quie hits that mark. There is no evidence that shows Ben to be 6-3.
qwerty said on 15/Aug/07
I'd buy 6'3" for Ben. Just watch Mallrats, particulary the scene where he's brow beating Jason lee or w/e his name. The dude's tall.
RICHARD said on 11/Aug/07
It bet his brother,Casey,is mad that Ben is 6'2. Casey is 5'8
Viper said on 9/Aug/07
I think Ben at 6-2 1/2 - 6-3 is impossible, because he is a hair shorter than Josh Hartnett.
ginger said on 8/Aug/07
I saw Ben in person in an airport.. he was casual in flip flops that gave him no more than 1 inch at the most.. and he was taller than my 6'2 boyfriend who was also in flip flops... So I would say he's 6'2-6'3 easy.. He isn't really flubbing too much with his 6'3 claim..
brotha said on 17/Jul/07
morgan is over 6'3" for sure saw him a few months back at my hotel. I stood next to him while he was grabbing food from our buffet. From this I'd say Ben is no shorter than 6'3" maybe a hair that's it though.
SK said on 5/Jul/07
I would say that he is 6,1.5 max in shoes. Speaking of his hair, are you aware that he wears a hairpiece. Several years back during a pick-up basketball game with
Matt Damon and some other friends, his hairpiece had a malfunction and nearly slipped off exposing his bald head. His friends were sworn to secrecy, however; his fake hair was revealed to others by someone at the game. I must admit that his hairpiece looks really good, they make those rugs look better than real hair nowadays. I have a friend who works with actors and other high end clientile in fitting them for their hairpieces. She told me that some of these guys spend $3,000 to $4,000 a month on their hairpieces. Though as she said, the correct term is hair systems as the actors like to call them.

Editor Rob
sometimes Affleck's is good, on real high res pics you can see its top heavy.
venus said on 25/Jun/07
He looks only 6'1.5 to me, he's another one that is tricky with the thick sole sneakers he love them Nikes!
Big Show said on 23/Jun/07
Click Here
Here are a few pics (small ones I'm affraid) of the premiere of Paycheck. Thurman has some huge heels on (3 inch) but is taller than Affleck. If Affleck is 6'2.5 he would be 6'3.5 in dressing shoes, that would make Uma 6'4-6'4.5 in heels. Uma would be 6'2.5 in heels if she's 5'11.5. That would make Affleck 6'2 in his shoes and probably closer to 6'1 without them!
Josh said on 12/Jun/07
Affleck has always looked 6'1.5 (187cm) to me.
Viper said on 4/Jun/07
You are exactly right Outbench. Since Hartnett is 6-2 max Affleck is 6-1 1/2 max.
OutBenchThis said on 3/Jun/07
Affleck must be smaller than 6'2" since Hartnett is taller than Affleck and Hartnett appears 6'2" with Glenn. 187cm is likely for Affleck
Gonzalo said on 28/May/07
A hair over 6`2 in my opinion. 1`89 sounds right to me
dmeyer said on 28/May/07
ben is no less than 188 cm and likely 189 cm
Josh said on 27/May/07
He also looks exactly 6.1 1/2 (187cm) to me.
anonymous said on 25/May/07
with brody he looks no more than 6`1. i am going to have to side with viper. 6`1 1/2. maybe 6`2, but 6`2 max.
dmeyer said on 16/May/07
i think gondolfini is over 184 since he towers over travolta also freeman had big hair also i have seen pics were brody looks 3 in shorter than affleck also willis apeared 2 in taller than 180 isaacs who i met and 1.5 shorter than ben in another scene he can look 2.5 in shorter bruce was easy 6'0.5 to 6'1 in that movie
Viper said on 16/May/07
I give Affleck 6-1 1/2.
Alex said on 11/May/07
I think hes 6'2.
Unknown said on 6/May/07
I would say that he is around the 6-1 mark. maybe a little more, but no more than 6-2.
Brad said on 1/May/07
I asked a guy who worked with him on Pearl Harbor....all he said was "He's the biggest a-hole in Hollywood". So much for the height answer.
ed said on 12/Mar/07
He looks near 6'3'' next to 6'4'' Chris Moore:
Click Here
Editor Rob said on 23/Feb/07
In 2000 Intelligencer:
"I was 6 feet 3. and people told me. "You're too big to be a leading man."
Ed said on 19/Feb/07
Wow did Casey get the short end of the stick. 5ft8.5 for him and 6ft2.5 for his brother, that's a 6 inch difference, anyone know how tall their parents are?
dmeyer said on 13/Feb/07
ben is 6'4 in 1.5 dress shoes
Violet's Auntie said on 12/Feb/07
On the "Daredevil" commentary and features, the director said several times that Ben is 6-4". He should know, they had to measure him for the costumes he had to wear. Co-star Michael Clark Duncan said the same thing.
Anthony said on 3/Feb/07
Ben has always looked 6'3 to me, maybe a hair under, but nothing less. In his movies, he's always soldily taller than everybody else, and he towers over small to average size co-stars.
pvmuse said on 3/Feb/07
Ben Afflect is over 6'2" I stood next to him and spoke with him at Sundance. My husband is 6'3" and they were about the same height.
dmeyer said on 28/Dec/06
in that pic he isnt standidng as tall so 189 cm
Viper said on 28/Dec/06
6-1.6? Did he get measured at the NFL combine? I would agree with a 6-1.6 measured height.
Ed said on 4/Dec/06
In Paycheck he has easily 3 to 3 plus inches on Uma Thurman(5ft11.5). He was the same height as Morgan Freeman(6ft2.5) in Sum of All Fears,and taller than Samuel L. Jackson( around 6ft2) in Changig Lanes. The guy is definitely 6ft2, how much more I'm not sure. He always looks way taller than everybody in his movies.
Anonymous said on 11/Nov/06
had 2inches on jonathon ross in a recent interview, id say hes def 6ft3,
dmeyer said on 24/Oct/06
if standidng straight looks 2-3 inches taller than leo
ER. said on 16/Oct/06
I also do believe Ben is shorter than Hartnett. But I don't know man, it can't be by much:
Click Here and:
Click HereMaybe 3/4 - 1/2 inch MAX.?
suppafly said on 14/Oct/06
if u think about it jason lee is about an inch shorter than tom green in stealing harvard and ben is marginaly shorter than jason lee(in the pic jason is standing straight as can be and ben is slouching slightly), ben is probably 6'1".
Viper652 said on 12/Oct/06
He cant be that height James, because Josh Hartnett is taller. I think Hartnett is Max 6-2 1/2 and Ben 6-1 1/2.
dmeyer said on 9/Oct/06
i do think ben is 190 cm when a guy is over 6'2 dont wear lifts
ER. said on 9/Oct/06
Looks dead on 6-2 3/4 - 190 CM to me. No more, no less.
Viper652 said on 9/Oct/06
6-4 is pretty far out there for Ben.
stan said on 9/Oct/06
Jeff i know what your talking about im 6'3.25 and when i see someone as tall as me i will try to even walk past him just to see how tall they are.
jeff said on 7/Oct/06
i did extra work with ben and i'm 6'4". when you're my height, you really pay attention to other dudes who seem as tall as you. it's like you're in the same club or something. anyway, i stood close to ben often and he sure seemed to be exactly my height. i didn't notice any tall shoes or anything--which wouldnt have made sense anyway because his co star was J Lo.
Anonymous said on 28/Sep/06
Barefoot Viper? Because I will have to agree with you on that. With shoes he'd be around 6' 2"-ish.
Viper652 said on 22/Sep/06
I give Ben 6-1 1/2
kobby boy said on 20/Sep/06
ben is not 189.. his a barefoot 188..just 6ft2 to be.. beside 190 barefoot josh hartnett looks 2cm shorter in pearl harbour..
Slim said on 16/Sep/06
I think this dude is pretty tall.. He seemed taller then josh harnett in some scenes from pearl harbour, but yeh, josh is obviously taller, slightly taller i would say..
Indiana said on 13/Sep/06
In the movie Pearl Harbour, he looks shorter than Josh, if Josh is really 6'3", I guess he woule be around 6'1" and 6'2".
Viper652 said on 6/Sep/06
I thought he looked 6-1 1/2 minimum in Dazed.
Anonymous said on 5/Sep/06
6 foot. He's not even 6'1". Check out Dazed and Confused again. He's no 6'2".
Viper652 said on 3/Sep/06
Agree with the 6-1 1/2.
Aussie Bloke said on 1/Sep/06
Nah, this guy is a little shorter than 6ft2.5, I reckon his hair makes him look taller, and that if ya measured him by his scalp, he would be around 186-187cm mark. He's still a tall bloke by hollywood standards, oh and his chick is a total babe as well!!!!
Ujane,Moscow said on 7/Aug/06
Josh you can say he`s exactly 6ft 1.5in if you
1) got a photo wit him somewhere on the beach, when a person is barefoot and standing at the even and solid surface(not that M-&^ing sand)
2) if there is you and he in that photo
3) and if you`re 187, you and he stand very straight and looks the same height.
I really doubt that the situation matches at least on of this points...So you just think of that 6ft1.5in ... A word is a silver when the silence is a gold. Think of.) Have a nice day.
Danimal said on 6/Aug/06
How can you say he looks exactly 6'1.5". No one can tell an exact .5". That's ridiculous.
Josh said on 6/Aug/06
He looks 6'1.5 (187cm)exactly no more than that.
Danimal said on 2/Aug/06
Goggy, you will be what you will be. You're already tall. 6'4" is entering the VERY tall area. You must be Dutch or from Norway. I want to be a millionaire.
dmeyer said on 1/Aug/06
he is 6 foot 4 in 1.5 in dress shoes
Stevie G said on 30/Jul/06
Goggy: Why would you want to become 6 ft 4in?
Goggy said on 24/Jul/06
I want to be 6ft 4in barefoot! What shall I do to achieve the aim? Now I am 19.5 years old and 189cm at morning and half a year ago I was 187cm at morning... Who knows effective medicines or train sets to grow up please reply...Thank you!
Viper652 said on 17/Jul/06
Michael Clark Duncan isnt 6-5.
thelasttiger said on 16/Jul/06
He does often say he is 6'2 1/2" but he was at least 3 inches shorter than Michael Clarke Duncan who is supposedly 6'5". For now, I think he is a authentic 6'2".
Anonymous said on 7/Jul/06
From everything that I have seen, read, watched, etc.. I would suggest that 6ft 2in (188 cm) is correct at the absolute maximum.
TNTinCA said on 29/Jun/06
You got Morgan Freeman's height at 6'3" and Ben's at 6'2.5". Is it my imagination or wasn't Ben taller than Freeman in The Sum of All Fears?
[Editor rob: I had given him a peak]
Viper652 said on 28/Jun/06
Goggy, it sounds like you are 6-2 to me.
Goggy said on 27/Jun/06
Rob, what do you think about how to claim the height! Is that should be morning one or average between morning and evening? Or it usually claimed as morning + shoes? My morning height is about 189.5-190 but evening sometimes even 186! What shall I do to "fix" the height and what shall I claim?
Viper652 said on 27/Jun/06
I dont think Harnett is 6-3 either. Looks 6-2ish.
Dragon said on 26/Jun/06
Ben Affleck shorter a Josh Hartnett
Ben Affleck 6'1.5 187cm
Josh Hartnett 6'3 191cm
Viper652 said on 23/Jun/06
Ben does look shorter in some photos then others.
I personally think he is 6-1 1/2 max.
Ujane, Moscow said on 23/Jun/06
I understood that 189 cm sometimes doesn`t look as great as it sounds - right now I am 189 but really don`t look this height if I`m alone in the photo and there`s noting in it to compare me with... cannot understand what`s wrong - pretty lanky(78kg), longlegged(114CM) but still look shorter...perhaps so to Ben! Cuz looks like 6footer in the photos...
Pierre said on 21/Jun/06
I'm done with hearing that Jordan is under 6''5. listen, he was 6''6 in his prime and hasn't shrunk more than an inch.
dmeyer said on 31/May/06
he is about 6'3" in morning
Half bake said on 30/May/06
you can see Affleck in Pearl Harbour with 6"3 Josh Hartnett. They look close to the same height with maybe Hartnett a tad taller. I agree with 6"2 and a half
Quad-4 said on 4/May/06
6'2 even would be my guess. Morgan Freeman is only 1.5 inches shorter. Which would make Freeman 6ft .5 inches. This makes
Michael Jordan 6'3.5".
shay said on 24/Apr/06
hey,yeah,he looks it,but,I heard a rumor he also uses those elevator shoes...????why???
lappers84 said on 21/Apr/06
He certainly has a couple inches on Bruce Willis in Armageddon, i agree he's about 6'2 ish.
Viper652 said on 21/Apr/06
Biggs is really 5-8 in height, so Affleck is at the very least 6-1. Im still unsure If he is a legit 6-2 barefoot thought.
Brett said on 20/Apr/06
I just saw that movie Jersey Girl on Tv, Affleck seriously dwarfs that Jason Biggs by like 5 or so ( maybe more ) inches, he really is tall and well covered guy, I really believe he is atleast the 6'2.5" Rob gives him.
Ujane, Moscow said on 31/Mar/06
you all can`t understand that in the movies they always try to make smth great of celebrity, smth really strong and manly and it is about height too, because it`s one important "clause"...WE SHD BETTER LOOK AT THE PHOTOS FROM PARTIES AND AT SOME PHOTOS OF THEIR DAILY LIFE! Still think he is no way more than 6ft 1in.
dmeyer said on 31/Mar/06
6'3" is possible rob
vicky said on 28/Mar/06
in the movie daredevil, is it just me or is he really built and muscly and gigantic. he looks like a giant on the posters and is 6 ft 4
Brett said on 7/Mar/06
He is slightly taller then Morgan Freeman, who is over 6'2" himself, and has always looked tall, I think any less then the 6'2.5" you have Affleck at now would be stingy. I dont remember comparing him to Samuel Jackson in Changing lanes, but I remember them being much of a muchness, so this listed height is pretty fair. However I do think that Affleck is the type to wear lifts, as he is possibly one of the vainest men in hollywood ( even he admits this) and has had lots of work done to himself, including teeth caps, hair implants etc, so I dont put the idea of wearing lifts past this guy at all, but at the same time I wouldnt jump to any conclusions
Anonymous said on 3/Mar/06
omg i have been looking for a male celeb that is tall for my assignment.. although i cant believe you dont have results for many other celebs. half the celebs on the list i dont even know of!!
Becky said on 27/Feb/06
i always thought and i think that Ben Affleck appears to be an inch shorter than 6'2" because compared to him and Jennifer who is 5'6" is generally several inches taller than her!
samsl said on 5/Feb/06
I walked next to Ben at the Borders on 3rd Street. He is much taller than me (6') - looks about 6'3 to me (no way less than 6'2).
Anshelm said on 19/Jan/06
lol, once upon a time I read a Finnish tabloid story about the Daredevil movie, saying that Ben Affleck is 2 m (6'6¾") and Jennifer Garner is 180 cm (5'11"). A prime example why you should find people's heights in those units, that should be the original ones (i.e. Imperial for Americans, Metric for nearly the rest of the World).
Brett said on 16/Jan/06
Dmeyer is correct, if you watch the actual movie with Lee and Affleck, you can see Affleck is bigger
usa said on 12/Jan/06
melieve whatever you want russian boy....he's one tall dude,189cm you liked or not..
Ujane,Moscow said on 6/Jan/06
Even if those 189cm is true, it`s just thanks to shoe-lifts cuz there are a lot of photos (where he is standing alone) featuring he`s smaller, much more smaller! Still think his natural height is `bout 6ft0 not more!
Lola said on 21/Dec/05
Looks shorter about 2-4cm than Liev Schreiber in Phantoms.Ben is 187-189cm tall.
Leo is Tall! said on 8/Dec/05
He doesn't look that much shorter than John Kerry
dmeyer said on 5/Dec/05
if you watch the movie youl see ben is tallerthan jason
Gotxo said on 2/Dec/05
Similar case to Clive Owen's, but whilst that one could be only slightly over 6'1"
Ben Affleck is 6'2" at least, he had appeared against a lot of tall people as Jason Lee, Morgan Freeman and Josh Hartnett and done it vey well. Unless those three ones heights ar wrong (wich i don't belive) he's that tall.
Anonymous said on 28/Nov/05
Ok, Saw Ben Affleck 2 years ago in a Wendys in Newburgh, NY. He was there with John Kerry, John Edwards... Anyway. Im 6'ft...I stood next to him said hello. He is 6ft-6'1 not taller then that at all... We were eye too eye , so him saying 6'3 is a lie. Google. Ben Affleck and Newburgh NY, if ya dont believe me
Viper652 said on 21/Nov/05
Well, that means he's 6-1 If he is always shorter then Jason Lee. Lee is being honest about his 6-1.5 height.
Brett said on 21/Nov/05
yeh hes hard to gauge as he looks over 6'2" next to say Josh Hartnett or Harrison Ford, but is shorter then Jason Lee who said hes 6'1.5" so its a hard one. Jason maybe is over 6'2"? I mean I watched an old movie the other night School ties, with Brendan Frasier and Affleck and Damon and many others, and Affleck and Frasier Square up acouple times, pushing each other in arguement and there doesnt seem anything between their heights, so I would assume his over 6'2" but Jason lee being taller then him, just makes no sense at all.
Ujane,Moscow said on 18/Nov/05
You know I was mistaken a head and half a neck is about right! Dude last time I measured myself and got 188cm so...I won`t tell you anything, I got a photo of me&my sister and it is the best way to see what I`m talking about! I assure Rob to give Ben 186-7 max `cuz I think that a person, no matter what height he got should claim his own height! That`s the way to be serious, not overclaiming, but true! You know I`ve never lie `bout my height and weight `cuz the most important thing is another! Not height, not relief of muscles, not any other attributive, but just what inside you! And I understand it in my 18, so thing Ben and other OVERestimaters rediculous men more like clowns than something solid like a man shd b! )))
lou said on 14/Nov/05
he really looks as tall as josh(6'3) in pearl harbor,so there are two options both of them are 6'2.5 or both of them are 6'3,becuase they look the same.
Viper652 said on 13/Nov/05
Jason Lee is 6-2,and Ben always looks shoter then him. I still think Ben is probably 6-2, but thats great evidence that he could be 6-1.
Brett said on 13/Nov/05
hes atleast 6'2" 6'2.25" anything less I think would be selling the guy short
Brett said on 2/Nov/05
ah head and a neck taller then a girl who is 165cm plus 4inch ( 10cm heels), man you sure your only 187cm Ujane? a head and a neck for me is over a foot in height ( im 185cm) so if you like 32-33cm taller then someone who is (165 + 10cm ) 175cms then that makes you 207 cm haha, mate I think you short changed yourself 8inches there, your like nearly 6'10" bro haha. So Im sure Bennifer is only just over half a head taller then your sister in 4 inch heals, Ie 5-6 inches. Definitely an interesting one, Ujane you should get a basketball contract bro, come down to Australia our leagues pretty ordinary, im sure youd get in.
Ujane,Moscow said on 7/Oct/05
You know, I`m 6'1.5''(187cm) and would like to meet Ben somewhere! I bet he`s not that 190cm at his own! I-A-M-S-U-R-E! Look at those pics wit JLo! U know I got a 165cm sister and at our photos I look significantly taller when she`s on `bout 4inches heels to compare the same thing wit Afflec & JLo! He is one head taller her when she is on heels and I taller my sister a head and a neck! Do u think that just 1cm of difference between JLo`s & my sister`s height reveals this situation! No way! So I can`t understand why Rob haven`t changed that 6ft2.75 to 6'1? Perhaps you`re so patient!)
Hani said on 30/Sep/05
If jason Lee is 188cm then Affleck is 186cm maybe 187cm but not 190cm.
kelly said on 24/Sep/05
no way affleck is 6'3 he is for sure between 182 and 185 cm not more
i am sure cause i saw him in a cafe
CelebHeights Editor said on 17/Aug/05
From Rolling Stone reporter Janice Dunn, "Affleck, unlike most other actors, is tall in person (six feet three)"
Josh said on 31/Jul/05
In pearl harbour he looks slightly shorter than 6'3 Josh harnette so i guess 6'2 is about right .
Ball-A-Hallic said on 16/Jul/05
In the movie SURVIVING CHRISTMAS the father of the family Ben stays with tells a man he got a pain in his ass thats 6'0 or somethin like that
FLASH said on 8/Jul/05
I am 6'0 even and i did background in that stupid movie Jersey
Girl...I was really surprised at how tall Ben was on the set..I'd say 6'3 is about right...he is also skinny so that adds to the illusion of his height
Hani said on 14/Jun/05
he looks just 1 inch taller than james gandolfini who is listed 6'1 .
no way affleck is 6'3.
J.J said on 9/Jun/05
The guy looked 6'2" beside Jennifer Garner and Robin Williams. If I can find the pics again I'll post a link
Anonymous said on 31/May/05
in paycheck he does look 3'' taller than uma and 4.5'' taller that colm feore so 6'3 1/2 '' is possible exept if colm is 5'10''
balita said on 1/May/05
6'0 is way short! The man is 6'2 at least
deth row pimp said on 29/Apr/05
he really dont look that tall. i would say hes 6'0 at most.