How tall is Brandon Routh - Page 2

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Average Guess (265 Votes)
6ft 2.68in (189.7cm)
Napi said on 2/Aug/17
What's his eyelevel (cm) in person?
Editor Rob
a bit over 4.5, possibly it could be near 4.75 range.
Aza said on 28/Jul/17
I would say out if bed yes Brandon is 6'3.25 out bed and his low is 6'2.75 . I think he needs an upgrade.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jul/17
191.2cm out of bed
Slim 182 cm said on 26/Jul/17
6'2.6 easy.
even said on 22/Jul/17
very correct listing
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jul/17
He's way too young to have lost any height. Guys who stay in shape tend to maintain their stature well into their 50's. I think he's always been around the 189-190cm mark quite honestly. You could still argue the latter, although I think he'd need to pull off looking 6ft3 more often to really make a strong case...
Marky said on 17/Jul/17
Rob he is Now in his late 30's he was 26 when he did the superman movie in 2006 do you think In that he was maybe 190-191cm he seems a big guy with good posture but I can maybe see this guy lose a bit of height as he gets older. lots of guys his size tend to lose a bit of height around their early 30's whereas short guys with good posture can hold it longer than?
Editor Rob
Routh still looks in great shape I think, I think he is a guy who will maintain good posture as he heads into his 40's and maybe still look this height by 50.
Amy said on 11/Jul/17
Rob who would you say is taller Will Arnett or Brandon Routh?
Editor Rob
think it would be hard to decide, you'd need to measure them to figure who might edge the other.
Headman said on 17/Jun/17
That big? It looks tiny in pictures compared to his body! I thought for sure it would have been 9-9.2!

I mean, it is smaller than yours, and yours is 9.5, right?
Editor Rob
I'd have said it may actually be quite similar to mine, of course he has a thicker hairstyle.
Headman said on 17/Jun/17
What would you say his head length is, Rob?
Editor Rob
9.5-9.75 is probably a true chin-head measurement
Some Guy said on 16/Jun/17
He looks taller, at least 6' 3'', in Arrow. 6' 4'' Colin Salmon looks only an inch taller.
S.J.H said on 16/Jun/17
Although he look 6'2.5 with big rob but doesn't mean he holding it well. He could be measure just 6'2.25 at low. About 6'2.5 like rob say is fine
Dejavu said on 13/Jun/17
He makes wentworth miller and Dominic Purcell looking 6'0 tops
Slim 181 cm said on 13/Jun/17
Rampage I'd say brouths night height is 188.5-189 cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jun/17
190cm is arguable for Routh but it's more likely to be earlier in the day and at worst he drops to a solid 189cm at night. I don't think he'd hold that mark into the evening like Tom Welling whose that at his low
Slim 181 cm said on 11/Jun/17
@aknawkneemoose, 6"3 in the morning, 6"2.5 evening and flat 6"2 after a vigorous exercise (probably cause lifting heavy supresses the spine)
aknawkneemoose said on 10/Jun/17
he's gotta be 190 at least in the mornin. his posture is so good and he edges out 6'3 listed zachary levi
Mark(5'9.25 said on 7/Jun/17
190 cm isn't actually a stretch.
Private Caparzo said on 5/Jun/17
190 is overly optimistic, 189.5 sounds correct.
Bruce 5'11 1/3 said on 3/Jun/17
At least 6'2 1/4
jack said on 1/Jun/17
may appear 6ft 2.5in but next to dominic and wentworth , he appears the full 6ft 3 - Could this be footwear?
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/May/17
He could be pushing 190cm
Houss said on 28/May/17
I think there's more than 18cm between you two in that pic rob
6'1.5 said on 26/May/17
This guy is JUST UNDER 6'3" but Google has him as 6'2". I just don't understand google's listing at all
berta said on 25/May/17
to me this guy can be somewhere in this range of 188,8-189,8 and likely is in the higher end of it.i can believe that he measures about 189,5 a regular day in the afternoon
6'1-6'1.5 Guy said on 23/May/17
6'2.75 (100%)!
Mark(5'9.25 said on 20/May/17
I would just keep him at 6'2.5". 6'2.75" is arguable too.
AlexMahone said on 27/Apr/17
OK Rob, but do you think that the guy like Tahmoh Penikett who is listed here 6'3" (I think believable because Penikett is 2-3cm shorter than 6'4" Victor Webster), is taller in person than Routh?

You saw both guys in person so I'm curious what dou you think....
Editor Rob
Tahmoh gave a taller impression when he stands tall...I think at times he simply never stand at his best.
AlexMahone said on 27/Apr/17
Rob, something is not right here. You said earlier that Routh is not a big 191 guy. But dou you think really that some genuine 6'3" guy like Kevin Sorbo bigger and taller than Routh? Or Zahary Levy?

I saw the 2 seasons of Legends of Tomorrow and in some scenes (for example when the legends team attaced to the white house) the Routh guy was almost 10cm taller than Dom Purcell! I highly doubt than Purcell is under 6' so either Routh is a lift wearer or taller than 189. Dou you think Rob, out of question than Routh is 6'2.75"?
In some other episodes (for example Invasion) David Ramsey looked taller bit he wore military boots.
Editor Rob

On the TV he can look tall and 6ft 3 is believable at times based on some shows he's appeared in.

you'd think it would be highly unlikely for guys in 6ft 2-3 range to bother with lifts.

based on the last occasion I seen Routh, I still wouldn't go above 6ft 2.5.
A Knaw Knee Moose said on 26/Apr/17
this guy looks like an easy 6'3 to me in every picture of him
Dejavu said on 24/Apr/17
I agree that Routh will measure taller than Reynolds. In comparison to standing with Hugh Jackman, Brandon Routh stood taller than how Reynold looked next to Hugh Jackman.
Mark(5'9.25 said on 17/Apr/17
Routh would measure taller than Reynolds.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 14/Apr/17
@Dejavu: True and if Miller is 6ft1 which many argue he is....Routh looks 6ft3!
Dejavu said on 3/Apr/17
He looks 2 inches taller than Wentworth Miller. I don't think he is shorter than 6'2.5.
Canson said on 22/Mar/17
SJH I agree on Momoa
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Mar/17
I'm almost certain he's claimed 6ff3
S.J.H said on 21/Mar/17

Momoa is not a proper 6'4 more of a 192cm guy who claim 6'5 , routh is solid 6'2 like reynolds
joe### said on 21/Mar/17
rob, next pic momoa has a camera advantage
Canson said on 21/Mar/17
@S.J.H: phelps is at least a solid 6'2 but more like 189cm in reality. I've met him before. Kobe is about 2.5" taller than him maybe just 6cm
joe### said on 20/Mar/17
I think routh is taller than reynolds. solid 189 range in evening
Editor Rob
This is how tall Routh and Momoa look in person...
joe### said on 10/Mar/17
Click Here
Mark(5'9.25") said on 9/Mar/17
@S.J.H. Doubt it. Phelps actually makes Kobe Bryant look 6'4" flat and actually edges out 6'2.75" Prince Williams.
indiandude said on 7/Mar/17
his skull and frame is smaller than i expected, he is quite medium framed for his height surprisingly.
S.J.H said on 6/Mar/17

Phelps is lower than routh by small fraction i'm absolutely sure. Geoff stults might edge them both
Mark(5'9.25 said on 22/Feb/17
Another arguable 190 cm person like Routh is Michael Phelps.
Mike said on 20/Feb/17
I would honestly give this guy a full 6ft 3 (or 6ft 2.75), he looks near 4 inches taller than Grant Gustin who claims 6ft 1.5!
Mark(5'9.25") said on 13/Feb/17
He could be 190 cm which is what I would put Routh.
Alex Marlin said on 13/Feb/17
Always thought he was 6'3", but I guess he could be 6'2".75
172.4cm guy said on 7/Feb/17
This guy always looked 190cm to me. He's leaning in slightly towards you Rob, perhaps sacificing 1cm at least. I'm going with 6'2.75", as most other people are doing.
Importer said on 4/Feb/17
Strong 6'2, can look 6'3 in LoT
S.J.H said on 11/Jan/17
I guess routh is a strong fraction over 189cm but not 190cm so still stuck on 6'2.5 but solid strong 6'2.5 just like will arnett
Giorgi said on 10/Jan/17
I don't know... To me he looks at least half inch taller :)))
Peterson188cm said on 8/Jan/17
Brandon Routh Height:

6'2.75 (189.8cm)
kolojeskei said on 3/Jan/17
easy 6ft 3
Jordan87 said on 29/Dec/16
In the picture with Rob he looks 6'2-1/2" more I look at him. His hair doesn't give him that much height, top of his head should still clear the 6'2" Mark a bit. He usually stands out in whatever room he is in.
Joe257 said on 3/Dec/16
Looks an Easy 6'3" in the Picture with Rob if you Ask me....
Mark(5'9.25 said on 26/Nov/16
Jackman was a solid 6'2" at peak.

Also, 6'2.75" for Brandon Routh.
shiva 181 cms said on 18/Nov/16
Hugh jackman is not 185 Max in his peak he was 187-188cms now he may be 186-187cms
Mark(5'9.25 said on 18/Nov/16
@German 185 cm max and 183 cm minimum? that was peak Jackman. Not many people are taller than him. Routh is an exception along with Ben Affleck.

Routh has always looked taller than flat 6'2". If Routh were just 6'2" flat, we would have to downgrade a ton of celebrities here.
German said on 15/Nov/16
S.J.H Just because Jackman is 185 cm max, then Routh is a true 188
joe### said on 14/Nov/16
zachary levi is 6'3 and brandon 6'2.5
S.J.H said on 14/Nov/16
Look 190ish with Jackman

Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Nov/16
I think a weak 6ft3 is likelier than a strong 6ft2, IMO
shiva181cms said on 10/Nov/16
He gets up at 191.5 cms and goes down to 189 cms in the night

Rob, do you think 6'2.75 is completely out of question because he appears 6'2.5 at his very low, don't? you think he'll be 6'2.75 most of the day and goes to 6'2.5 before bed, I think he can't be sub 189cms so it would be better to list him a fraction higher as you list afternoon heights
Editor Rob
shiva, I wouldn't rule out the chance, but I'm thinking the 189 is a best guess. I would say he could be argued anywhere from a strong 6ft 2 to a weak 6ft 3.
S.J.H said on 8/Nov/16
@183cmAriel said on 6/Nov/16

Brandon routh hair volume could have fooled people that his 6'3 and 6'4 a hair but at most he is close to 6'2.75 , grant gustin is a strong 182cm guy near 6'0 and stephen amell could be weak 6'1 that is why brandon routh look huge next to both of them
183cmAriel said on 6/Nov/16
When he stands next to grant gustin (5'11.5) and stephen amell (6'1) he makes them look very short although their height differences is only 1.5-3 inches
spainmen191cm said on 2/Nov/16
Rob, do you know what he claims?
Editor Rob
I haven't heard a direct claim from what I remember, although early in his career he was called both 6ft 2 and 3.
Grant said on 29/Oct/16
So when you dont mention footwear then footwear is the same?
Editor Rob
yes within a few mm's.
Steve said on 29/Oct/16
Also one of the few celebrities I see with an average guess higher than the listing...
Steve said on 29/Oct/16
I've always seen routh as closer to 6ft3 than 6ft2.. he looks a solid 190cm to me and I saw this picture with Dwayne Johnson which shows it quite well IMO.
Click Here
What do you think Rob? Worthy of an upgrade to 6ft2.75? If not 6ft3??
Editor Rob
the last time I seen him (and it was several times over a weekend up close) I wouldn't have guessed him any taller than 6ft 2.5.
Ibracadabra said on 28/Oct/16
Rob, I can't see Chris Hemsworth 2cm taller than Routh, what do you think ?
Editor Rob
it's more like the half inch at most, it's just rounding the cm value. 6ft 3 is one of those rare marks that is 190.5cm, so you could round it either way to 190 or 191.
Josh said on 20/Oct/16
I think he needs an upgrade to 6'2.75. He looks 6'3 here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Oct/16
I think edging toward 190cm when he stands tall.
Ray said on 5/Oct/16
If he wakes up at 6'3.5 then he's not 6'2.5 he's close to 6'3. He probably wakes up at 6'3.25 range 6'3 on a bad sleep day
Dmeyer said on 4/Oct/16
Rob did he look only 188-188,5cm last time you seen him ?
Editor Rob
he really didn't seem as tall and he didn't have much different sneaker. I was right beside him a few times, whereas standing beside Momoa again I felt that guy was near 6ft 4.
Truth said on 4/Oct/16
Looks closer to 6'3
Aza said on 4/Oct/16
As listed . Rob do you think he would wake up at 6ft 3.5 ?
Editor Rob
yeah he might be that range or near it.
S.J.H said on 1/Oct/16
Rob, do you agree routh can also pull off 6'2.75?
Editor Rob
yes he can look that range with people...saying that, last time I seen him he didn't seem as tall, I'd have guessed 6ft 2.5 max last time, but previously he was a solid 6ft 2.5er.
Canson said on 5/Sep/16
I agree with Rob. Strong 6'2 guy
Mike said on 10/Aug/16
I think 190 is more suitable.
Zoom Omega Distortion said on 26/Jul/16
6'2.75" :)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Jun/16
6ft2 - 0%
6ft2¼ - 15%
6ft2½ - 35%
6ft2¾ - 35%
6ft3 - 15%
Alex said on 28/Jun/16
His eye level is around 177 cm, so 189 cm should be fine.
Eric said on 11/Jun/16
solid 189 or 6'2.5 here, no doubt about that
Andrea said on 27/May/16
Agree with Rob... I am sure he can give a taller impression than 6'2.5 at times on the screen but i don't think he's over this listing! Rob showed a picture with a 6'2.5-6'3 guy and Brandon looks shorter than him! Don't base your guess on people that Rob hasn't met... It is true that he can look at least a big 6'3 guy with people like Christian Bale, Kevin Spacey and Hugh Jackman but those guys are all overlisted! Bale is probably 5'11.5, Kevin 5'9 flat and Hugh has never been over 186-187... 189 is a good listing for Brandon!
Aswin Kini MK said on 27/May/16
@Rob: Since you are the expert, I will agree. However, before I end our argument a small fact. I measured myself in the morning and night for three consecutive days and got a minimum of 171+cms in the morning and 168.5+cms in the night. My brother, Navin, is similar to Brandon in height, only difference being he is dark in complexion and is also around 6 foot, 2.5 inches (Measured during afternoon).

I noticed that you mentioned Brandon's hair is atleast 1-1.5 inches. Well, here is a small point, my brother also has a similar hairstyle, if not more fluffier. When I measured him, I placed the scale firmly on his head and was shocked to notice that the fluffier hairstyle was not only because of the healthy amount of hair he had, but rather he had a concave head (meaning his head was odd-shaped )and it made his hairstyle appear fluffier
We had a challenge on him being "6 foot 2". Well guess what, he failed the challenge, he was not 6 foot 2, he was almost 0.5 inches taller :|

I will try to get you a pic of me and my brother in the same pose for you to get a bigger idea. And FYI, I am 170.5 mid-day, and my brother is around the 188-190 range, he could be 192 by early morning
Editor Rob
I said not less than 'half an inch', as in 0.5 inch range :)

We are all guessing on here, and you find guesses for any celebrity will vary over a range. If you estimate him near 6ft 3 no problem (in some movies/shows he has looked it), but in person my feeling was somewhere between the 2 and 3 range...but I don't dismiss the chance of somebody being above/below a guess.
Aswin Kini MK said on 20/May/16
@Rob - Dear Rob, I think you really need to upgrade Brandon Routh or downgrade Kevin Spacey from 5 foot 9.75 to 5 foot 8 as stated in this site. I have seen Superman Returns, and I have seen several photos of Brandon Routh with Kevin Spacey, Christian Bale, and Hugh Jackman. I can clearly see a Strong 6 foot 3 to 3.5 footer.
Click Here

I understand that you are using a height app and have a better understanding of height difference, but when a 6 foot 2.5 inches person towers more than one inch over 6 foot 2 Hugh Jackman and 3 inches over CHristian Bale, i really start doubting the camera angles and the app. What do you say, Rob?
Editor Rob
I don't know if he towered 3 inches over bale, some of those photos Where taken here...bale's right foot is on a downslope.
In person Routh doesn't look a big 6ft 3 guy.
Aswin Kini MK said on 20/May/16
Rob - I think you have understated Brandon's height here by 0.5 to 1 inches. Have a look at this pic where he is standing with 6 foot 2 Hugh Jackman:
Click Here
Click Here
And here with 6 foot Christian Bale (Height stated in Celeb Height):
Click Here

Here is clear pic, where both are standing tall and Brandon is a clear 3 inches taller than 6 foot Christian Bale.
Click Here

If you feel these are valid, kindly downgrade Christian Bale or upgrade Brandon Routh.
Eric said on 13/May/16
In this photo he is so 189.5
Mark said on 30/Apr/16
He's definitely above the 6'2 range for sure.
Ayush said on 23/Apr/16
Really on the arrow show he looks much taller than amell or ramsey.Maybe a weak 6/4 feet
Johno said on 13/Apr/16
A good example of a strong 6'2; 6'2.5.
S.J.H said on 7/Apr/16
I believe brandon routh was at least 6'2.25 and with a 1.3" dress shoe he look a fraction or 0.4" taller than zachary levi in 0.5" converse chucks. That quite makes sense he was 6'2.5 but he could be also 6'2.25 by lowest since most people argue levi was minimum 6'2-3/4 (i doubt it too) although not all celebrity rob meet in person was given an accurate listing. I think routh is okey to make it 6'2.5
184.3cm (Night) said on 30/Mar/16
He can pull off 6'3" at times. On Arrow he comfortably clears Vinnie Jones in one scene and the difference looks similar to Paul Blackthorne who is a legit 6'3". Good posture and proportions do alot.
Bob101 said on 29/Mar/16
How can you be sure his head stops an inch down and the rest is hair in that picture, I have a point on my head so my last half a inch/inch is all in the tip of my head. It looks like you are just guessing Rouths head ends at 6'2 and not 6'3
Editor Rob
I'm not saying it ends at 6ft 2, I think his hair is 6ft 3ish, but his hair isn't flat it has some volume. If it was less than half an inch I'd be surprised.
Bobby B. said on 15/Mar/16
lol the new height app shows rob's head as 25.4 cm. Brandon's somewhere around 23.5cm and he's about half a head taller so 188-189 sounds about right
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Mar/16
Brandon Routh: 6ft2½-6ft2¾
Tom Welling: 6ft2¾-6ft3
Sammy Derrick said on 7/Feb/16
'Lois,how tall would you say Clark is?
'About 6'3,6'4...'
'About 200...215lbs'
This is a conversation in Superman Returns and Brandon Routh looks like a solid 6'3 in the entire movie...
Brandon Routh may play a superhero on his Thursday CW series “DC’s Legends of Tomorrow,” but at least this time he didn’t have to bulk up for the role. And for that, he is thankful.

Back in 2004, the 36-year-old Iowa native had to add more than 20 pounds to his lean 6-feet-2-1/2-inch frame to play the Man of Steel in the 2006 theatrical feature “Superman Returns.” The training regimen, he recalls, was rigorous.

“It was diet and lots of supplements and protein shakes and a lot of weights …,” he tells Zap2it. “A lot of hours in the gym at the time and eating mass amounts of chicken breasts and egg-white omelets.”This is what he said in a previous interview the 6'2.5 keeps pooping up...6'2.5(189CM)It is...
Alex said on 31/Jan/16
Routh is pretty tall, but I guess is not a 189 cm barefoot, maybe is 188 without shoes.
moe said on 13/Jan/16
Zachary Levi is taller than 6'2. But don't take my word for it. Go to Comi Con and see for yourself. He interacts with fans at Nerd HQ all the tie. He's over 6'3
Al said on 7/Jan/16
Actually Brandon Routh is taller than Zacchary levi who is 6'2. Brandon
Routh's height is spot on. Levi was more than an inch shorter than Conan.
Idk said on 22/Dec/15
Still closer to 6'3"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Nov/15
So Rob, you think Welling is holding 190cm range into the evening while Routh is down to 189cm at his low?
Editor Rob
I think he would probably hold it, welling may not drop to a flat 6ft 2.5, but still hold that smaller fraction under 6ft 3.
Ragnartheman said on 5/Nov/15
Rob, if I am 183,5 In the morning after I wake up, what do you think I will measure in the afternoon and at night? Thank you
Editor Rob
probably 182 range
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Oct/15
Rob, who would you guess as taller Routh or Welling?

Both are well-built and have great posture
Editor Rob
I do think welling probably might edge him by a fraction, although 6ft 2.5 late afternoon for Routh is probably what he is, he may well measure a bit taller at lunchtime.
Judd ISR said on 18/Sep/15
6'2.5"! no doubt about his height!
Johnny Drama said on 1/Sep/15
Click Here Here is Brandon with Zakary , Routh looks taller then Levi
joe @@ said on 1/Sep/15
6'4 is impossible dear
Crypto139 said on 29/Aug/15
Hey this is how tall my "6 foot 4" cousin looks next to a 5 foot 8 person in my family! Oh wait.
joe @@ said on 22/Aug/15
it looks few mm more than the number Challenge 5
joe said on 15/Aug/15
Rob, the rock looks like they had the same height, they also were both with good posture
Andrea said on 9/Aug/15
Rob, do you think he'd look like in the photo (with the 6'2.5-6-2.75 guy) with the other "Superman" Tom Welling? I think Tom would be just a bit taller than him...
Editor Rob
I think if you took a dozen photos from different positions, you probably would think they were very similar. Routh in person I think has very good posture like Welling.
joe said on 8/Aug/15
tom welling probably be a higher 7mm think difference is not visible to the naked eye
Moke said on 16/Jul/15
You can do basically everything with this height. Pick up every woman, still move comfortably and not stiff, play every sport except maybe for gymnastics or equitation. Always have clear view but not stand out from the crowd when not feeling like it. Lucky man. Listing is very good.
Chris said on 9/Jul/15
Hi Rob,
Just wondered if the heights on this website represent the average heights of these people and not the lowest heights of the day or late afternoon when they'll be below their average. I'm 6'1" at 11am and this happens to be my average height. (6'1.375" out of bed and 6'0.625" before bed) several people I know also are at their average at a similar time of day.
Editor Rob
afternoon or evening, typically only has 2-3mm difference on average. They're not thought of as morning.
frank said on 5/Jul/15
Rob, if I am 184.5 In the morning after I wake up, what do you think I will measure in the afternoon and at night? Thank you
Editor Rob
likely between 182 and 3 zone. Maybe 182.5ish at night
BMW 186 said on 25/Jun/15
Looks like 6'1.5
Aza said on 22/Jun/15
This listing is spot on. A genuine 189 cm person ( lowest height) barefoot is an awesome height to be.
joe 193cm night said on 21/Jun/15
Jason says on 12/Jun/15
Rob, who do you think would be taller between him and Chris Hemsworth?
yes, chris would measure a little highClick Here
joe 193cm night said on 17/Jun/15
it seems to work very well in some posture photos
Andrea said on 15/Jun/15
Rob, he actually looks max 6'2 with those two guys, do you think he was dropping some height during the photoshoot? Strange because he generally looks a guy with a great posture...
Editor Rob
actually the 5ft 11.5ish guy recognised me as my face was 'everywhere', I've no idea what site he visiting but then once you put photos up on the web you have to realise they can be shown anywhere without much care!
I would be surprised if Routh wasn't standing decent with those guys, although Dr Who fan (who typically wears converse) as part of the peter davison 'cosplay' always has (mostly) a great pose in photoshoots I've seen him take.
Modeus said on 13/Jun/15
I doubt hugh jackman has ever been a true 6 ft 2 guy
Jason said on 12/Jun/15
Rob, who do you think would be taller between him and Chris Hemsworth?
Editor Rob
I think Hemsworth would edge him.
Andrea said on 11/Jun/15
Rob, would you have given to him if you didn't meet him? I mean, if you compare him to the other guys on here, he really can look a big 6'3! He looks at least as tall as The Rock (in some pictures he actually looks taller), he looked a solid inch taller than Hugh Jackman, when he was only 38, so still near his peak! if you wanna be coherent, you should list him 6'3.25! Of course, he's not that tall though. I think he's just a solid 6'2.5, as listed!
Editor Rob
possibly 6ft 2.75...I think he has a good physique and posture, I would say 6ft 2.5 could be his after tea height, he may well be 6ft 2.75 at lunch range.

Remember he was 'outgunned' by a Dr Who fan who again I saw this weekend up close and I'd guess him in 6ft 2.5-3 range Click Here. The other thumb beside him is a guy I spoke to actually a few times recently and that guy is about 181-2.
joe 193cm night said on 3/Jun/15
bad angle and ended 6'2.5
Andrea said on 3/Jun/15
Well, if you wanna believe in a 6'2 "peak" Hugh Jackman (that picture was taken in 2006, so i doubt Hugh had lost any height), Brandon does look a big 6'3 guy at least, yeah... But i dont think he's more than his listing! Good chance 189 is his low, though. A big 189 is what i think he'd measure!
OneNamePlease said on 30/May/15
189 night
out of bead nearly 6'3.25
joe 193cm night said on 22/May/15
I have routh 189cm strong but Momoa prace aprnas 6'3.5 beside himClick Here
Aza said on 16/May/15
Brandon does look 190 cm but maybe it's the hair. He does look genuinely taller than Dwayne Johnson.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/May/15
Rob, maybe 190cm is closer?

I think he'd be similar to Welling.
Editor Rob
he would be that height for a part of the day but I think he drops to 189, but then that is his low.
Hypado said on 13/May/15
Brandon Routh's height is 6ft 2.5in (189 cm)

A strong 188 cm and a weak 189 cm guy.
Andrea said on 30/Apr/15
Noway 6'3.5 or even 6'3... He's clearly shorter than the 191.5 challenger with Rob! I can buy a solid 6'2.5, though... I don't think he'd be under 189 if measured!
joe 193cm night said on 30/Apr/15
Aswin MK,Rob, already showed the difference between 191.7 cm measured face Brandon is much shorter
Editor Rob
Routh I think is still a solid enough 6ft 2.5 guy, he may well measure 6ft 3.4-5 range out of bed.
In person he was nearer the 6ft 2.25 guys height rather than the 6ft 3 3/8ths guys height.
Aswin MK said on 28/Apr/15
I am sorry but I am afraid Rob is a bit off the mark with the 6 foot 2.5 inch prediction here. Brandon looks a solid 6 foot 3 not a weak 6 foot 3 as some people mention here.

The height difference between Rob and Brandon Routh in this picture is the same between me and my brother. He is a tall 6 foot 2(2ish+) and I am around 5 foot 7 inches. I have actually measured his height from the tip of the nose to the top of his head and guess what the measurement was 7.5 inches. So, if Rob is 5 foot 8 as he claims, I am adding a minimum 6.5-7 inches here (Don't believe me, find a similar size person and measure yourself. The height comes close to 6 foot 3 or 6 foot 3.5. I can safely say Brandon is a strong 6 foot 3 inches and perhaps half an inch above.
joe 193cm night said on 10/Apr/15
Click Here
pablo77bar said on 28/Mar/15
This guy give the impression of weak 6ft 3
alhths said on 26/Mar/15
in the arrow show ,he seems 6'3
Josh said on 19/Mar/15
He's looking 6'3 in that photo with you. He looks like a big 6'3 dude.
nayhole said on 19/Mar/15
Honestly thought this guy was much bigger the 6'2 more like 6'6 years ago because he towered over everyone but now i am thinking hes 6'3
joe 193cm night said on 19/Mar/15
Guy Henrydefinitely is 3cm higher,rob that shift was taken the photo the night or afternoon?
Editor Rob
both afternoon I believe.
joe 193cm night said on 11/Mar/15
rob, make a mounting challenge with the number 5 Brandon Routh
joe 193cm night said on 10/Mar/15
Andrea, the picture was also taken very closely increased the brandon high
Andrea said on 8/Mar/15
I know, that's why i said Zach might actually edge him out, barefoot... But i'm not so sure there would be almost an inch between them! Brandon has high shoulders so he could appear taller than he is at times... Zach looks a weak 6'3 next to Rob and Jared Padalecki!
joe 193cm night said on 7/Mar/15
Andrea, Brandan has the advantage footwearClick Here
joe 193cm night said on 7/Mar/15
Andrea, the Routh shoes gave him a considerable ilpulso, but I agree 6'3 flat for zachary
Andrea said on 6/Mar/15
Joe, i saw Chuck and saying "he was noticeably less than Zachary Levi" is just BS! They actually look quite similar and Brandon can look taller than him, but Zach has less shoes in most of the episodes so maybe Zach might edge him out, nothing "noticeable" though. I still doubt Zach would be 0.75 inches taller than him!
joe 193cm night said on 5/Mar/15
another dumb guy giving wrong information you did not see Chuck Zachary was higher
Jonathan said on 3/Mar/15
Routh is bigger than 6'2.5" more like 6'4", he seems a bit bigger than his Chuck co-star Zachary Levi who is 6'3". My most educated guess would be 6'3.5".
Click Here
joe 193cm night said on 23/Feb/15
Arch Stanton you did not see Chuck he was noticeably less than Zachary Levi
Arch Stanton said on 21/Feb/15
Well he's tall enough to get away with claiming 6 ft 3 put it that way.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 19/Feb/15
Rob who looked taller in person, Brandon Routh or Jack Coleman?
Editor Rob
hard to say, I think it would be interesting to measure them both.
Judd said on 22/Jan/15
Perfect example of a 6'2.5" guy!
Tunman said on 1/Jan/15
Another example of the perfect pic,Rob,it seems that both of you stand at quite optimal posture.I mean you reach slightly over his nose which would be like a solid 16cm for a head probably near 24cm.Am I wrong?
Editor Rob

Unfortunately I can't photograph myself, but this is as close to ideal.

Lebensdorf said on 21/Dec/14
No, I really think he looks 6'3 here.
kreyzig 6ft 3 said on 8/Dec/14
I correct one of my statements:Akshay is about 2.5in shorter than brandon.
kreyzig 6ft 3 said on 8/Dec/14
Hi Rampage,my american friend met brandon routh in philadelphia comic con and she comes upto my eyebrows.She has an autographed pic with brandon where she is like 2 to 2.5in shorter than him.She is a solid 181-182cms and claims that they had about equal footwear.He doesn't look over 6ft 2 with her.If he is slouching a little bit or she is tip towing who knows.Unfortunately she refused to share the pic.Personally I would say he is definitely more than 6ft 2.Even with bollywood star akshay kumar who is about my friend's height,he was 2.5 to 3 taller than brandon the movie Kambakkht ishq.You can check this video.You can skip to 1:20 and at 1:45 to see their height comparison.
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Dec/14
Not under 189-90cm.
joe said on 1/Dec/14
hairstyle it is too bulky 189 cm seem quite right
lolo said on 6/Feb/13
looks 6'4 (193cm)
Mikey T said on 31/Jan/13
Yeah he looks 6'3". My dad's 6'3" and I'm 5'8" and that's how I look next to my dad
thinker said on 26/Jan/13
solid 190 cm for brandon
maybe upgrade rob?
Nils said on 22/Jan/13
Should be upgraded to 190cm
Alex said on 19/Jan/13
I think he is closer to 190 cm.
TheMan said on 6/Jan/13
I think he is more of a 6'3. You look very short next to him, and you are not short Rob. I don't think his hair is the case here.
Lo sgozzatore said on 29/Dec/12
Rob, did he really look shorter than Zachary Levi? There are a lot of pics of them together and he just doesnt look shorter, but likely taller
Editor Rob
they are pretty close, but levi wore chucks a lot on his show.
Aragorn 5'11 said on 22/Dec/12
6'2.5 in the morning
6'2.25 in the day
6'2 before bed
Rikashiku said on 21/Dec/12
Looks 6'3" but that may be due to the hair.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Dec/12
Probably between 6ft2.5-6ft3 like Tom Welling
jasper186cms said on 19/Nov/12
Solid 6ft 2.5..can be 6ft 3 as well.
James said on 15/Nov/12
6'2.75. Looked very close too 6'3 rock.
Fern194cm-192cm said on 12/Nov/12
Based on this picture alone, I would say around 6,3. Closer to 6,3 than 6,2 is probably the case. I mean if you compare this photo to 6,4 listed jason momoa he looks around the same height. I always get him mixed up with Tom Welling....
Larc-186.7cm-188.6cm said on 28/Oct/12
Would be interesting to see a pic of him next to Tom Welling, I believe Welling would edge him a little.
The Exorcist said on 28/Oct/12
I'm seeing 6'3" in the photo with Rob.
Lo sgozzatore said on 21/Oct/12
Rob, in person did he look taller than the challenger who is 189?
Editor Rob
pretty close I think, but I've seen the challenger look 188cm aswell because he does night shifts and I caught him for that challenge in his 'morning' time.
Lo sgozzatore said on 13/Oct/12
Because your height is your low :)
Vegas said on 3/Sep/12
Alex says on 31/Aug/12
Hes at least a solid 6'2.25. I wouldn't go under that for him

he measures up almost identical to rob how 189cm challenger 5 did Click Here
Editor Rob
I think the 189 is probably his low
Alex said on 31/Aug/12
Hes at least a solid 6'2.25. I wouldn't go under that for him
Henrik said on 24/Aug/12
With 6'4" Brandon Molale:

Click Here
navy said on 12/Aug/12
as a teenage . I have a dream that i would be 6feet long in future , i m really impressed at mr , routh's height , really by heart
patrick said on 12/Aug/12
sure he is 6' doubt for me. Rob is not that short with 5'8 and he really looks so here. almost 7 inches between them, probably 6.5 or so.
Joel said on 3/Aug/12
looks closer to 6'3"
Hob said on 28/Jul/12
6'2.5 was pretty accurate. he look about 1.5 inches on 6'1 barack obama. brandon routh was at least 6'2 and 220lb?
matt789 said on 26/Jul/12
he looks defintley 6 foot 3 to me mabye even taller
aaronious said on 1/Jan/12
yeah, Brendan routh hass really swollen up since this picture.. hes muscular as **** now
Nils said on 30/Dec/11
I think he can measure close enough to 6'3 to claim it ;)
189-190 is fine
Ras_ said on 29/Dec/11
Sorry for the double post,I ment the weakest would be 188,so 188.5/189cm. sounds pretty accurate.
Ras_ said on 29/Dec/11
Maybe if he stood up straight as the 6'1.5 dude he would be a bit taller but my guess is that hes nothing more than 187.5/188.5 bf,without the big hair.
Clay said on 13/Dec/11
Thats how 6'3 stacks up to 5'8.25, no?
ChiasmataX said on 13/Dec/11
@Ryan nah, he looked taller because of his muscular frame and his hairstyle, knock both of them of and he will look as tall as the 186.8cm guy from height challenge.
Ryan said on 4/Dec/11
he does look significantly, taller than you, ROB. id give him 191 as he claims.
xyz.reg(186cms-187cms) said on 3/Dec/11
@Rob With the challenger 8 he barely looks about an inch taller..your height challenges have surely helped u and as well as others to judge pics more accurately..i don't know why did i get the illusion of 6ft 3in from this pic..he is definitely shorter than that..!!
ChiasmataX said on 22/Nov/11
Much more accurate listing compare to other legit 188cm guy on this site. Usually they are listed at 6 feet 3 or 6 feet 4 (like Jim Parrack).
johno said on 21/Nov/11
It looks pretty likely that the 189cm would be the tallest. The thing is, he's 189cm with a 5'8.2 rob, what about a 5'8 rob?
johno said on 21/Nov/11
Another thing, with someone of robs skull length, the distance between skull top and nose tip is near 6.25 inches. Thats probably average of a 9.5 inch skull. Robs head reach's the 189cm challengers nose tip, with routh, robs head reaches the nose but slightly higher up and routh has a shorter nose then the challenger, all these minor differences could make the difference between a 6'2.5 evening height and 6'2 or slightly shorter. I would love a direct comparison.
johno said on 21/Nov/11
Vegas says on 21/Nov/11
johno says on 19/Nov/11
Infact, doesn't hardly any noticable height over the 6'1.5, challenger. 6'1.75 could be his max evening height.

what about the other challenger who came out 189cm, him and routh come out pretty much exact same height next to rob Click Here
Well with challenger 8 he does look fractionally taller then his 6'1.5 height but not 1 inch. But with the 189cm challenger, yeh routh comes close but note, rob is listed 5'8.2 there not like, 5'8 like here and i believe the challenger might have slightly more height on rob as compared to routh. All these differences could add upto 0.75 inch but not definent. Routh could be a weak 6'2 in the evening, rather then a, 6'1.75 but it would be interesting for an exact comparison between challenger 8, brandon routh and the 189cm challenger.
Alex said on 21/Nov/11
Min 6'2.25, max 6'2.75. Most likely 6'2.5
Vegas said on 21/Nov/11
johno says on 19/Nov/11
Infact, doesn't hardly any noticable height over the 6'1.5, challenger. 6'1.75 could be his max evening height.

what about the other challenger who came out 189cm, him and routh come out pretty much exact same height next to rob Click Here
johno said on 19/Nov/11
Infact, doesn't hardly any noticable height over the 6'1.5, challenger. 6'1.75 could be his max evening height.
johno said on 19/Nov/11
xyz.reg(6 ft 1.5 in) says on 10/Nov/11
hi rob..somehow this guy looks taller than 6ft 2.5in..Would easily be 1-1.5in taller than i think he is 6ft 2.5in minimum..i don't think he looked shorter than this when u met him in person...!!

[Editor Rob: I think the 6ft 1.5 Challenger...holds up pretty well compared to Routh, who has at least 1/3rd inch more hair than challenger 8 did.

Was going to say samething rob. I must say, the height challenges to do raise the bar when it comes to height. Much more strict and obviously correct. 6'1.5 is taller then 95% would have imagined on here compared to you. And yeh, challenger 8 does measure up well compared to routh.

6'2 might be spot on for an evening height
Editor Rob
there's more people who I've measured but they've not wanted to be in a height challenge. It's useful to have reference heights, I think it helps a bit.
xyz.reg(6 ft 1.5 in) said on 10/Nov/11
hi rob..somehow this guy looks taller than 6ft 2.5in..Would easily be 1-1.5in taller than i think he is 6ft 2.5in minimum..i don't think he looked shorter than this when u met him in person...!!

Editor Rob
I think the 6ft 1.5 Challenger...holds up pretty well compared to Routh, who has at least 1/3rd inch more hair than challenger 8 did.
Physics Enemy said on 1/Nov/11
You have nice eyes Rob.
LAN Jiao said on 25/Oct/11
I took lowest. Routh is 1m88.2-3 just estimate.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 24/Oct/11
If hes 6'2.5, he doesnt go under 6'2.25 in night! Hes gotta be a bit more than 6'3 at morning, 6'2.5 in the noon and 6'2.25 by night!
lorne said on 23/Oct/11
Oh sorry, I think I misread your comment. Thought you we're saying UNDER 6ft2!!!
LAN Jiao said on 19/Oct/11
Alright close 189here. But i remember someone pointed he had wore boots here. Maybe thin boots. Even he is 6'2.5 with rob in picture noon, i bet on night he goes down 6'2 again.
lorne said on 17/Oct/11
LAN Jiao says on 30/Sep/11
don why people bringing him up 6'3. his frame did look his previous listed height 6'2 and compare how tall 194 ryan mcpartlin look next to rob is like brandon look 6cm shorter than mcpartlin.

No he doesn't. He looks 5cm shorter. Rob's listing is spot on, just visit Richard Brooks page.
Shaun said on 12/Oct/11
Very solid 189cm, I reckon the top of his hair is around 190cm mark here but its pretty thick!
Legend said on 10/Oct/11
He's tall, but again I would hate to have a head like that, which is why I never say I want to be taller than 6'1.5 or so.
xyz.reg(6 ft 1.5 in) said on 7/Oct/11
I think he is a legit 6ft 2.5in minimum..could be even 6ft 3in..slouches a lot...!!!
Rikashiku said on 3/Oct/11
He does look around 6'2.5 with Rob.
LAN Jiao said on 30/Sep/11
don why people bringing him up 6'3. his frame did look his previous listed height 6'2 and compare how tall 194 ryan mcpartlin look next to rob is like brandon look 6cm shorter than mcpartlin.
Triplescrew said on 26/Sep/11
Comparison between Routh and Ryan Mcpartlin:

Click Here
Shaun said on 19/Sep/11
190cm at some point in the day..
Tman said on 18/Sep/11
this is how a man who stands at 1,993 m(6 foot 6.5) would look next to a 1,831m(6 foot) man!
Tyler said on 16/Sep/11
Talk about bright eyes Rob. And 6'2.5"-6'3" easily fits Brandon Routh.
Nils said on 16/Sep/11
He looks atleast 6'2.5
could be 6'3 or very close.
RealityKing said on 16/Sep/11
Thanks Rob.
dmeyer said on 16/Sep/11
he could very well be 6 ft 2.75
RealityKing said on 15/Sep/11
Rob what do u think of VEGAS's analysis on 22 February 2011. Do you think after reading his theory and after seeing the pic Brandon could be lesser than 6 feet 2 and a half inches. Do you still rule out a flat 6.2 or 6.2 and a quarter for Brandon.
Editor Rob
the lowest guess I think is 6ft 2.5, I don't think he looked less than that range. There is more chance 6ft 3 than 2 I think
RealityKing said on 15/Sep/11
Vegas i read u r analysis on Brandon and Rob's height, its super. I conclude he is almost exactly 6.2. Do you think ROCK could be exaclty 6.2 as well? I think not because when i see their pics together, their eye level may be exactly the same but the ROCK has a bigger head and no hair advantage, so i wana conclude ROCK tiny bit taller may be 6 feet 2 inches and a quarter, though not likely 6.2 and a half. Want to know if u agree with me. Ur analysis and reasoning is cool man.
Maximus said on 10/Sep/11
Legit 6'2"...doesnt need lifts at all.
RealityKing said on 9/Sep/11
Viper Bro and others I am talking about the scalling pic, posted by ROB bro on 18th November 2010- for member named Diego. Cheers.
Realityking said on 8/Sep/11
Guys im sorry fr being so specific, but this helps us make better comparisions.
In the Pic, ROb bro is tiny bit more than 5.8, so even if u guys say Brandon is only 6.2 removing the hair, he cud be eeny meeny bit more likely 6feet 2 inches and a quarter.

Rock has no hair or little, i m assuming he is quarter an inch taller or equal. But if we give benefit of doubt, we can ROCK bro is 6feet2 inches and a half.

I think ROCK and ROUTH make super base comparisions especially-IF rock is taken as 6 feet 2 and a half inches, since many like comparing ROCK with other celebs.
Realityking said on 8/Sep/11
larc bro, why cant u say ROCK is 6.2 and a quarter to 6.2 and a half inches, becuz ROB sir's pic is is lot better than the pic in ROCKS page, no offense to Super mamun bro.

Wish all take routh as base fr comparision with other celebs, cuz this pic is too gud.

Wish to the see the already posted scaling pic of Brandon Routh and ROB again where it shws Routh being ONLY quarter of an inch taller than 6.2. I cud be wrong as i may have seen the pic long back. That scalling pic is too good, so we can make ROUTH as base hero for comparision with other celebs as well, Cheers.

VIPER bro we rock. our comparisions r similar and closer to truth in regards to ROCK, ROUTH, GLENN, PAUL WALKER.
Realityking said on 8/Sep/11
larc bro why u cant u say ROCK is 6.2 and a qurater to 6.2 and a half becuz ROB sir's pic is is lot better than the pic in ROCKS page, no offense to Super mamun bro.. wish all take routh as comparision, cuz this pic is too gud.

wish to the see the scaling pic of Brandon Routh and ROB again where it shws Routh being ONLY quarter of an inch taller than 6.2. I cud be wrong as i may have seen the pic long back. That scalling pic is too good, so we can make ROUTH as comparision for other celebs as well. cheers. VIPER bro we rock. our comparisions r similar and closer to truth in regards to ROCK, ROUTH, GLENN, PAUL WALKER..
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 7/Sep/11
0.5-1in shorter than The Rock IMO.
Larc 6 ft 1.75 in said on 6/Sep/11
He is 6'2.5-6'2.75, eye to eye with The Rock.
James said on 5/Sep/11
could pass for 6'3.
Me said on 3/Sep/11
Looks very close to 6'3"...!!!
bigman77 said on 2/Sep/11
Looks 189cm max,I think he is standing a bit straighter than Rob.
nthng said on 30/Aug/11
he is strong 6'3'' coz in kambakkht ishq he is easily 3 inches taller than akshay kumar
Terryman said on 27/Aug/11
Rob has already shown that Routh is dead on 1,89.3m excludind his hair
Editor Rob
you can have 6ft 3 people look like routh does aswell beside me, so I can see 6ft 3 arguments for him.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 27/Aug/11
in fact the rock probably is 189!
adams1818 said on 26/Aug/11
No way under 189cm. I buy 191 (6'3") for him out of bed. In photo with the Rock he is exactly the same height.
Click Here
Chameleon said on 25/Aug/11
190cm? Good one, 188/189 for him.
mr medium said on 24/Aug/11
rob, ur eyes below his chin. i assume 190cm at least
Bon_ said on 24/Aug/11
He doesn't even look like a proper 6'2, both in proportions and compared to Rob.
Alex said on 23/Aug/11
Looking at it again I can def see 6'2 1/2
Legend said on 18/Aug/11
He's Taller than John Schneider for sure and Schneider is listed as 6'3.
Hansen said on 10/Aug/11
brandon was listed 6ft2 and on his word. although rob gives him higher maybe because just an impression he looks 189ish. i watch a few of his film he does not suits 190cm or 189cm. 188 is just fits right for him.
Chameleon said on 10/Aug/11
189 no more.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Aug/11
189.5cm or a strong 6ft2.5. His hair in the picture with Rob makes him look roughly 192cm
(like 191.5cm).
Clay said on 8/Aug/11
Really Alex? Pulls off 6'2.5 easy IMO.
Alex said on 6/Aug/11
Hes closer to 6'2 than 6'3. 6'2-6'2 1/4 he looks with Rob.
John said on 6/Aug/11
Looks 190 to me...very close to 6'3.
ANDREA[ITA] said on 5/Aug/11
Yeah he looks 188-189 in the pic but i gotta say he's very big shoulders, i mean "tall" shoulders! I mean, you have other pics with 189 guys but they dont look that big next to you!
Gaga said on 1/Aug/11
He is 187 in that photo
Bon_ said on 28/Jul/11
Looks 6'2 max, maybe even a weak one.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 6/Jul/11
6ft3.5(192cm) in shoes, Rob?
Editor Rob
between 192-3cm in shoes is possible
5'8.18758596 said on 5/Jul/11
Rob, I don't know, his arm-level would indicate he's got nearly 8 inches over you, maybe his head could be bigger than average and made him 1 full inch taller than listed, hence 6'3.5 instead of 6'2.5??
Editor Rob
he never looked that tall to me.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.