How tall was Carrie Fisher

Carrie Fisher's Height

5ft 1 (154.9 cm)

American actress, best remembered for her iconic role as Princess Leia in the Star Wars films. In an interview with Madonna in 1991 she said "At my height, I'd like to boss a group of men around. I'm five one and a half, and it's incredibly important to me. Except that I stoop, which is attractive. I have one of those dowager's bumps; it's from reading when I was a kid". Earlier than that she also said: "I'm 5'1" and my legs end almost right after they start. People think I'm taller. I meet people and they say, 'You're soooo short' as if I didn't know this fact". In this photo, Carrie had about 0.5 inch more footwear than me.

How tall is Carrie Fisher
5ft 8 Rob and Carrie (1956 - 2016) @ LFCC 2014
I'm 5 feet, 1 Β½ inches. Three inches less and I'd be a certified midget. I've worked with 100 midgets in two pictures: 'Under the Rainbow' and 'Return of the Jedi.' I feel like Snow White among the Dwarfs, but without the elevator shoes. Everywhere I go, I run into Munchkins and Ewoks. They love me, because they can look me straight in the eye. If only my mother had married a basketball player.
-- 1985
Oh, [Carrie] says she's 5-foot-1, but she's not.
- Debbie Reynolds
My personality is normally large, but I make life look pretty small - because I'm only 5-foot 1.

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Add a Comment103 comments

Average Guess (54 Votes)
5ft 0.58in (153.9cm)
Blasto said on 24/Apr/22
A bit above 5’1”.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/Jun/21
I saw Carrie starring in a film on the Horror Channel over the weekend called 'The Burbs'. Carrie played the wife of Tom Hanks, and she looked weeny next to him. She even looked tiny next to a blonde girl whose height I checked out online and found she was 5ft5. Next to Carrie, she looked really rather tall!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 26/Jun/21
⭐ It's only just occurred to me - Carrie was still a teenager when she first starred as Princess Leia in Star Wars.

I'd never really given the matter much thought before!

5ft1. πŸ‘ΈπŸ•―οΈπŸ’
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/20
Carrie Fisher was born 64 years ago today. So tragic that she only lived until 60.

RIP Carrie XXX πŸ•―οΈ
ladeez said on 8/May/20
Probably around 5' 0 in a new hope, looked a solid seven inches shorter then mark
Ian C. said on 28/Jan/20
One of the few genuinely plain women to become (sort of) a movie star. Smart girl and an excellent actress. Check out the clip from the movie Shampoo on YouTube.

Interesting that short women are less than thrilled about their height. You wouldn't think this would be an issue with girls, or at least nothing like the handicap it is for men. Because she was short she was able to marry Paul Simon, who was an inch taller. The marriage didn't last, but in theroy it must have seemed an excellent match: Two small, extremely brainy and rather unhappy people who were roughly equals in the great physical attractiveness sweepstakes.
Bobby 5ft 10in (178cm) said on 16/Dec/19
I am really quite saddened that Carrie Fisher passed away. She was 14 years younger than Harrison Ford. She was 21 years old in 1977 when Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope was released. In 1983, with the release of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi, she was 27 to Ford's 41. It's very saddening. I recently just watched all three original films and her character really grew on me, I just think it's such a shame, there was no reason for her to depart this world that soon.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Oct/19
Carrie would have turned 63 today. Her shock death three years ago was so unexpected. She'd not long been on the Ellen DeGeneres show, and Ellen paid a special tribute to her. They were great friends.


RIP Carrie πŸ•―οΈ
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 11/Aug/19
5 footer!!!
greg lehmann said on 31/Oct/18
It certainly was hard on anybody who saw 5'1" Carrie Fisher's three Star Wars movie when Carrie died two years ago,and doubtless the death of her 5'3" mommy Debbie Reynolds broke my heart too,but I tried picturing one time "But suppose 5'3" Jodie Foster ended up as Princess Leia in the three Star Wars movies Carrie starred in. Would they have the immense popularity they have now?" Likely. But when The Return Of The Jedi debuted in 1983,I saw a story about Carrie in People magazine in which she was told to lose 30 pounds or Jodie Foster would have gotten Carrie's role. Now it is true with my petite friends how noticeable any weight gains my friends Alice Annette or Joanie would run into and I've also explained how petite women who are expecting a new "bundle of joy" often feel like "overstuffed meatballs" or like a robber stole a truckload of bowling balls and jammed the pilfered bowling balls right down her! But Carrie was perfect to be Princess Leia. RIP,sweet petite Carrie and Debbie!
Hannah said on 30/Jan/18
Well, I looked at the Star Wars character height chart and Leia was 5’. But I think she’s a little more than 5’1. And thank you, Carrie Fisher for being our favorite feisty and confident space princess:) R.I.P Miss Fisher
Mister lennon said on 26/Dec/17
When younger, she looked a little bit shorter than her mother debbie reynolds. So i think:
Peak debbie: solid 5'1
Peak carrie: weak 5'1
Richard said on 25/Dec/17
Fisher was exactly five feet tall.
Bobby said on 25/Dec/17
So 5'1 was a peak height or a current height? Would she have been 5'1.5 while younger?
Editor Rob
it's not impossible Carrie measured a little over 5ft 1, I'd definitely say out of bed she was at least 5ft 1.5, maybe even close to 2.
Brad said on 31/Oct/17
As listed at a L.A. convention years ago. Tiny.
Slim 6' said on 10/Oct/17
😭 😭. As listed.
MisterManletMick said on 20/Sep/17
she probably was 5 ft 1, I met her as a roughly 5 ft 7/5 ft 8 13 year old and and trust me she was short even though she had some charisma (something we often associate with height) in Star Wars and even though she called out Luke Skywalker for being too short to be a Stormtrooper.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Jul/17
I had no idea you'd met her!
Editor Rob
I did manage to get her while she was standing, as later on she was sitting with her dog in photos...the dog is here too, on the ground eyeing each attendee up, hoping they had a biscuit in their pocket.
Paul said on 19/Jun/17
Her autopsy is out and it says 61 inches. So yes, 5ft1 appears correct
Nik said on 20/May/17
R.I.P. Carrie Fisher.
Scarlett Rose said on 18/May/17
I have dug out my old Star Wars scrapbooks. In one, there are the profiles of six of the major stars of the Star Wars saga at the time they were published in a British magazine (1982). They were Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher, Harrison Ford, David Prowse (Darth Vader), Anthony Daniels (C-3PO) and Kenny Baker (R2-D2). This is what it said about Carrie Fisher...

Birthdate: 21 October, 1956
Birthplace: Beverly Hills, California
Birthsign: Libra
Height: 1.57m (5 ft 2 in)
Weight: 43kg (95 pounds)
Hair: Dark
Eyes: Brown
Education: Dropped out of High School at fifteen. Studied acting in London at the Central School of Speech and Drama
Home: An apartment in New York
Family details: Mother and father are film and singing stars Eddie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds
Hobbies: Reading history, art and philosophy. Also travelling, art collecting
Married: No
Boyfriend: Singer Paul Simon
Fav. food: Likes most food
Fav. drink: Fruit juice, doesn't drink alcohol because it makes her ill
Previous jobs: Always been in showbusiness
Previous films: Shampoo
Likes: Travelling around unrecognised (hard to do nowadays)
Dislikes: Hated being called 'cute' when younger
Ambition: To get married, have kids, bake bread and move to Vermont

If you want to read about the other five stars of Star Wars, seek the pages dedicated to them. 😊
Sandy Cowell said on 15/May/17
@ Scarlett Rose - Nice comment!
Scarlett Rose said on 12/May/17
I followed Carrie's career as a teenager, when she was my favourite actress. In most interviews, she claimed to be 5 feet, 1 inch tall like her mother, Debbie Reynolds, but in one interview, she said she was "barely five feet tall". I was compared to Carrie as a teenager and in my twenties. I had long hair like Princess Leia, we were both born in October, Zodiac sign Libra and both about the same height and weight. God bless, Carrie and rest in peace.
Richardspain said on 25/Apr/17
She was a small woman but very pretty and fine. 155cm I think is ok for her.

Her death was a surprise. We'll never forget carrie. I hope the force is with her forever.

And Rob thanks for share that picture.
Diane said on 27/Feb/17
I'm 5ft 3 ". I always thought Carrie was 5ft 2". I remember Carrie saying in an interview that she weighed around 118 at the start of her 3rd Star Wars movie & to fit in the Jabba the Hut barge slave outfit, they told her she had to lose 10lbs in like 2 weeks. She said she weighed a "whooping" 108 lbs when she swung across Jabba's barge deck. I don't mind being called "short" what I hate is when I tell people what I weigh & my desired weight of 120 lbs and everyone acts like omg that's too skinny. Then when I get down there, same people say, you look great, don't get too skinny like you said before. Huh?? Doesn't help that I come from a very tall family. I have great Aunts & Grandmother taller than me. My great grandfather was 6'5". Everyone is always patting me on my head grrr. Alot of people don't realize average heights are 5'4" women & 5'91/2" men. My sons are all over 6'. As a person ages they always lose height, just one if those things. Ok my guess 5'2" but later yrs probably 5'1" I have noticed movie stars are the only ones that seem to grow taller? Hmm....Julia Roberts for one gesh whatever...who cares?
Logan Hedlund said on 20/Feb/17
Great photo Rob, thank you very much for sharing it.
Princess Leia said on 13/Feb/17
Editor Rob - how much height would Carrie have lost from her peak at her age?
Editor Rob
Princess, I think maybe half inch at least, but maybe not a full inch, she still seemed like she wouldn't be that far off 5ft 1 that day...
John said on 19/Jan/17
4'11.5" max.
Sandy Cowell said on 10/Jan/17
Today on Ellen DeGeneres' show, clips and a lovely tribute were paid to Carrie by Ellen.
If anyone does a heartfelt tribute, it is Ellen! I thought she would and she certainly didn't fail to do her justice.
Arch Stanton said on 6/Jan/17
Ian C. said on 30/Dec/16
Was married to Paul Simon, who is very short. So an interesting point: was her size an important consideration to Simon when he married her?

I think so yes, and vice versa perhaps, she looks painfully small and unwell in some photographs, wouldn't surprise me if she had a major complex about it and would be too intimidated with a tall husband.
littlesue said on 5/Jan/17
Reading about her half sister Joely Fisher who is also an actress. She reached the heady heights of 5ft 7 even though her dad Eddie was just 5ft 4 and her Mom Connie Stevens was 5ft 2.
Editor Rob
she certainly beat the height predictors which wouldn't have had her more than 5ft 4.
Ian C. said on 30/Dec/16
Was married to Paul Simon, who is very short. So an interesting point: was her size an important consideration to Simon when he married her? I'd be interested in the marital parings of short rich guys. That is, how many marry shorter women, even though their money and social status would leave them the option of choosing taller women?

Or an interesting obverse: How many tall men marry very short women? I myself am a foot taller than my wife, but I never really thought about her height when we were courting. An interesting point: when you're a tall guy, tall women will give you a quick look as a potential boyfriend no matter how otherwise unacceptable you are. I suspect that if you're short you'd better have some other advantage if you're going to try for a tall girl. Although Michael J. Fox was known to do quite well when he was young.
MC said on 30/Dec/16
I am extremely saddened of her death. Rest in peace, Carrie. You will be greatly missed.:(
littlesue said on 30/Dec/16
I would say about 5ft 0.25 as she always looked slightly shorter than her Mom who was about 5ft 1.
Jake Stein said on 29/Dec/16
Honestly, I would guess she is about 4'11"
Editor Rob
Jake, she did seem taller than that, I do think 5ft 1 is quite fair for her.
Around 5'9 said on 28/Dec/16
Rest in peace princess Lea
Csimpson 6ft said on 28/Dec/16
My mum just told me today that Carrie died, does this mean leia wont be in star episode 9 now? :( R.I.P
Arch Stanton said on 28/Dec/16
Matthew said on 27/Dec/16
RIP, you're lucky you met her Rob! She will be deeply missed and I'll be very heartbroken to see her on screen for the last time for episode VIII!
Editor Rob: yes Matthew, 2016 has been a terrible year for celebrity deaths.

And most of them were drug/alcohol induced. Perhaps it says more about the year it was in general which led people to over medicate. RIP Carrie.
Aza said on 27/Dec/16
RIP Carrie Fisher...very upsetting.
Matthew said on 27/Dec/16
RIP, you're lucky you met her Rob! She will be deeply missed and I'll be very heartbroken to see her on screen for the last time for episode VIII!
Editor Rob
yes Matthew, 2016 has been a terrible year for celebrity deaths.
Jordan87 said on 27/Dec/16
R.I.P.-Alot of Energy in that 5'0 body of hers. Really Energetic up to her final stages in life. Seemed really down to earth person as well.
Rent said on 27/Dec/16
2016 is definitely a sad year, for the world, for artists...
Rest in peace, princess...
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Dec/16
I have just found out that Carrie has died and it is an awful shock. Just a few weeks ago I was writing about her and thinking how funny she was in interviews.
RIP Carrie. You will be sadly missed. 😩
JustSaying said on 4/Dec/16
Wasn't it well known she was five foot exactly? I heard that many years ago. Also, if the Star Wars website says 150cm that is only 4'11". Maybe 153cm is the tallest she'd be. A common problem is people sometimes think 5ft is 150cm due to calculation errors.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Nov/16
I had no idea that Carrie Fisher is only 5ft1 but I do know that the lady is full of personality and fun! I have enjoyed her interviews enormously and I like the fact that she dotes on her canine friends!
It is always great to see Carrie making an appearance in horror adventure films like 'Sorority Row'. I know there are more, but I cannot think of their titles off the top of my equally-close-to-the-ground head!
I don't know either if she is still married to Paul Simon, but as he is a fine musician with a fine mind, I think it speaks volumes for Carrie as a person that they got together to make for a very interesting showbiz couple! Not to mention that he will have been the envy of countless Princess Leah fans who would have loved to trade places with him...
It would be great to see more of Carrie in future films!
lisa said on 25/Sep/16
editor Rob: are you sure that quote implies she's shorter and not taller than 5'1? it may be different for short women than for tall men
Editor Rob
it's just how I took it...sometimes if you hear someone speaking the line, it could be interpreted more one way than the other.
MJKoP said on 21/Jul/16
Is that quote from Debbie Reynolds(her mother) implying that she thinks Carrie is taller or shorter than 5'1"? I can't quite decided...
Editor Rob
usually it would imply they were under 5ft 1, that's how I'd read it...a bit like how Kevin Sorbo said 'Arnie says he's six two...but he's not'
James B said on 25/Apr/16
She looks old with rob. She was beautiful though in the star war movies
yoopphuttbole said on 14/Mar/16
5'0 at the most
James Rutland said on 20/Oct/15
Withou shoes she doesn't reach 5.0.
Brad said on 15/Jan/15
Loved standing by her ex Paul Simon.
lizzy said on 31/Dec/14
she may be 5'1 now, peak was probably 5'1.5, she has said it a few times and a few sources I've seen have said it also.
yenz said on 10/Dec/14
@Hunchback Isometric exercises. Such as:

press your tongue against the roof of your mouth, and while doing that, press the back of your neck into a wall. Hold this tension for a minute. (Yes, your tongue is connected to your frontal neck muscles).

You'll be standing straighter in no time.
Hunchback said on 9/Dec/14
@ yenz: What sort of exercises?
184.3cm said on 8/Dec/14
Had such a crush on her as a youngster after seeing Star Wars at the cinema. Didnt realise she was this tiny. Good things small packages right?.
drammensveien1 said on 8/Dec/14
I think Star Wars is the movie with the greatest height differences between the main actors, it was over a meter difference between the highest actor Peter Mayhew / Chewbacca, and the lowest actor Kenny Baker / R2-D2.

Click Here

I really loved princess leia's gold bikini, but I hope she skips the bikini in Star Wars 7, something tells me that would not be the same ;-)
Brad said on 6/Dec/14
Her father was a shrimp and Debbie below average.
Connor183 said on 5/Dec/14
Rob did Carrie say to you that she is definitely going to be in Star Wars Episode 7? the old cast are back aswell right?
Editor Rob
I never had time to really speak to her, but of course she is in it, since she was based in England for a while filming with others like mark/harrison. How much they are in it is a big question...
Byron T. said on 4/Dec/14
As a Star Wars fan, I'm so jealous of you, Rob! :) 5'1'' is a reasonable listing for Carrie Fisher.
Mike said on 4/Dec/14
Could be 5ft 0.5 now.
jewel said on 4/Dec/14
is she related to isla fisher?
the shredder said on 3/Dec/14
standing up I see 5'1.5 , so 0.5 footwear over Rob makes her 5'1.
Arch Stanton said on 3/Dec/14
I only found out recently she's Debbie Reynold's daughter LOL.
yenz said on 2/Dec/14
You know that a dowager's hump exists because of muscular imbalance. She could do isometric exercises for the neck, and start standing straight within a week.

I see so many people standing shorter than they could, all because of that hump. Its muscular imbalance, I tell you.
Danimal said on 2/Dec/14
Connor183 says on 2/Dec/14
Nice Rob glad you finally have Carrie listed on the site, how old is she Rob? i heard shes somewhere in her mid 50s or something and could she be more 5ft 0.5 today?

This is 2014. You can search her name online and find out her age without Rob having to do it for you buddy.
Connor183 said on 2/Dec/14
What kind of dog was it Rob?
Editor Rob
like a french bulldog
Connor183 said on 2/Dec/14
Rob yeah i thought she was in her 50's and yeah she does look older though like 60 something, since shes not far off from her 60's do you think its possible she might be a fraction under 5ft 1 now?

What was Carrie like in person Rob?
Editor Rob
yes it's possible but harder to tell as I think she generally - as she said in the quote above - holds any great posture. She had a dog in this photoshoot, which was very well behaved, it was checking each person out, making sure they weren't from the bad side of the force.

I never got her auto so really couldn't say much, but she was nice with people from what I heard.
Hypado said on 2/Dec/14
Great shot , at an opportune time with the arrival of the new movie.

Connor183 said on 2/Dec/14
Rob you didn't answer my question.
Editor Rob
late 50's now, I think she is somebody who can look a bit older and walk a bit more 'frail' than her age suggests
Connor183 said on 2/Dec/14
Nice Rob glad you finally have Carrie listed on the site, how old is she Rob? i heard shes somewhere in her mid 50s or something and could she be more 5ft 0.5 today?
James B said on 6/Aug/14
She has a photo with you rob?
Editor Rob
yes and fortunately no dog - in the afternoon at that event she sat down and had her dog on the stool and whilst I love dogs myself, there were a few people who didn't like the idea and it's understandable. You want a photo with carrie fisher, not carrie and her dog. Unless the dog was dressed as Yoda, THEN I'd have got it!
SaveUsY2J said on 23/Jul/14
@Rob, so am I to assume you only managed to get a photo on the Sunday, when she sat down for her shoot? I know you don't host third-party photos anymore, but I got a photo with her on Saturday, when she stood, if it's any help to you: (hope the link works)

Click Here

I'm 6'0" by the way. I was wearing boots, I can't provide a photo of the exact pair I had on, but they were a similar style to this: Click Here
I'd estimate they'd give about 1.5 inches? Anyway, Carrie had on small Cuban-style heels, something like this: Click Here
If I had to guess I'd say she probably had at least 1/2 inch more footwear than me? What do you think, anyway?
Editor Rob
glad you managed to get her, I don't think your boots would give that much more than an inch...although Jenny said to me after I got Michael that she thought we'd spoken to you briefly at another event as you looked familiar...and I certainly haven't spoken to any 6ft guys who visit the site for a while ;) I will keep an eye out in the future for you!

anyway, I did in fact see her the same day!
SaveUsY2J said on 26/Jun/14
Ah. Yeah, you could see whether she's standing for photos on Saturday and then look into getting a ticket for Sunday if she does?
Editor Rob
yes I have done that for a couple of people in the past as for me it is a waste of money, I have little interest in spending money on a photo with a celebrity sitting down :)

to be fair I once saw Gates mcFadden sitting on a Saturday and then standing on the it is never a guarantee and I've seen James Marsters standing then he got annoyed with some women groping him a little and said no more 'gimme a stool' to the photographer!

We'll see on the day...
SaveUsY2J said on 24/Jun/14
Will you be willing to pay the Β£65 for a photo, Rob?
Editor Rob
I know she has stood at some and sat at others, but it is a lot of money for a 50/50 risk.
Lola said on 9/May/13
Funny people tell me the same thing...You're so short! I typically answer ... Oh my God!!! I am? Oh crap...this whole time I thought I was freakishly tall. Seriously... a fact I didnt already know. I am also what I call bittersweet. It must be a short thing. haha I am nice when someone is being nice to me, but I always have my guard up ready to strike when need be.
Liver said on 30/Jan/13
im exactly 5' 1" too! and i love to boss people around! everyone thinks im going to be all sweet and nice and cute, Ha! i hope when im older i can be taken seriously like you are though but i can only hope. I wish i could meet Carrie Fisher, i would do anything!
gregory lehmann said on 9/May/11
When 5'high school sweetheart Beth Gerak took me in 1977 to see "Star Wars,"it was fun to see this 5'1" dynamo. Cute,too,and fun to watch!
George H. said on 16/Feb/11
Did you compare their footwear? Fisher is short at around 5'1", but Oprah is known to wear mega heels. Also, when heavy people like her sit next to slimmer folks, they appear much bigger, too. But yeah, Reynolds and Fisher are short, but not 4 ft.
Jan said on 15/Feb/11
I just saw Carrie Fisher on Oprah and Oprah looked like an amazon woman. She never looked that way to me before with any of her guests so I thought Debbie Reynolds and Carrie both must be 4 feet tall or something.
Elise said on 31/Jan/09
Editor Rob: Carrie Fisher usually always says she's 5'1, but here she states once that she is 5'1 and a half. I think her peak when younger probably is, when I see younger pictures of her this seems believable. Do you think now she is about 5'1 and could have maybe lost half an inch?
FiveOne said on 1/Jan/09
Carrie Fisher is my favorite actress from Star Wars! Although I like Natalie Portman, her acting in Star Wars was weak. Carrie had a lot more energy, and connected better with her castmates. I read recently that Carrie was told by some ppl that she was too fat to play Princess Leia! She was 5'1" and weighed 105lbs.
anonymous said on 18/Dec/08
I don't know,Colin. I saw pictures of her next to Elizabeth Taylor (whose peak was 5'4) and Holly Hunter (who's 5'2) and she didn't look shorter than either one of them. Besides, you don't know what someone definitely is until you measure them!
Colin said on 17/Dec/08
I met Ms Fisher at a book signing over in West Hollywood last night and stood right next to her. She is definitely not over 5 feet tall in height, even standing perfectly erect, not that this should really matter to anybody but her. I must say however that she is an absolutely charming lady with a wonderful sense of humor and politely answered everybody
Vanessa said on 17/Dec/08
Chip, do you really think Carrie was hotter than Natalie in the Star Wars series? Honestly, she looked older than her age and her face is is really long for her height. OMG
Anyhow, I'd put Carrie in 5'1",too.
Lisa said on 14/Jul/08
I have seen Carrie Fisher with her mother, Debbie Reynolds, at special events. Debbie Reynolds is sometimes listed as 5'2 and often wears very high heels to certain events and Carrie Fisher appears a little taller than her. She can't be shorter than 5'1 at the least, I think she appears shorter to people because she often stoops. I have seen her with Paul Simon with similar shoes and they appear about the same size. Her peak was probably about 5ft 1.5in like stated above.
uma said on 11/Nov/07
i had the chance to see her few months ago during the 'Lot' show and she's like only 5'..yes she's very short!!
Aix said on 20/Aug/07
BTW the Leia Organa-Solo page on the databank states only 4'11". Pretty short, but she looks taller.
vandal said on 16/May/07
I thought her frame looked taller in each successive star wars film. In ROTJ she almost looked leggy. But in comparison to the other actors she never looked as tall as 5-1.
WacoJacko said on 9/Mar/07
I know this...she was most definitely hot as hell when she filmed StarWars.

But, I've seen her and she is definitely only 5 feet.
anonymous said on 17/Feb/07
She said "five one and a half" and this looks right so I'm believing her.
anonymous said on 24/Oct/06
I think maybe her "standing up straight" height is about five one and a half and her "stooping" height is about five foot and a half.
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/06
I think she is 5ft look at this quote "She stood on a box for many of her scenes with Harrison Ford in the Star Wars trilogy, owing to the fact that she was roughly a foot shorter than him and didn't fit into the frame."
anonymous said on 30/Sep/06
I can see why she looks five foot now because she is older and has a dowager's bump but she said five one and a half in 1991 and that was probably her true height at the time.
anonymous said on 29/Sep/06
I can see how she might look 5ft now because she is older and has a dowager's bump but she said five one and a half in 1991 and that was probably her true height at that time.
L.V. said on 20/Sep/06
I don't think Carrie Fisher would lie about her height, at least not her "peak" height.
Lisa said on 16/Sep/06
How can you change her height to five foot and a half when she says she's five one and a half?

Editor Rob
because I saw her, she appeared to look near 5ft than 5ft 1.5 and her mother even says the same ;-)
Editor Rob said on 8/Sep/06
I thought she was 5ft in July 2006,
saw this quote by her Mother in 1987: "Oh, she says she's 5-foot-1, but she's not"
Brad said on 7/Aug/06
She made Paul Simon look tall, now that's short.
Lisa said on 2/Aug/06
I always thought Carrie Fisher looked taller than 5'1". I would say she is 5ft 1.5 at the very shortest.
Lisa said on 2/Aug/06
I always thought Carrie Fisher looked taller than 5'1". I'd say she is 5'1.5" minimum.
Lisa said on 1/Aug/06
I think Carrie Fisher is 5ft.1.5. She looks no shorter than that.
ForensicNYC said on 1/Jun/06
5'1" Carrie Fisher with then HUSBAND 5'2" Paul Simon of Simon & Garfunkel...
Click Here
With 5'7" Mark Hammil and 6'1" Harrison Ford...
Click Here
As Princess Leia...
Click Here
Steve said on 21/Sep/05
I don't know about 5'1, in starwars carrie looks about 4'11-5'0 when she is standing next harrison Ford, also on the starwars website it has her height at 150cm.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.