Sam said on 24/Nov/17
Recently in a photo with my brother (6'3") Chuck D. looked around the 5'8" mark but looks to be in pretty good shape for near 60.
tk said on 26/Dec/11
Met him back in 2008. He looked 5ft9in to me.
jtm said on 21/Oct/11
lol john stamos is 5'10.5.
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/11
I like your work!,
Click Here percocet for you, 01207,
Anonymous said on 8/Feb/11
BIFomP I have the same.,
Lippy said on 23/Nov/10
I met Chuck D when he came to speak at my school. I was on the speakers committee and we all got to have dinner with him and talk beforehand. He's a really cool, really friendly guy. But like so many celebrities, he is surprisingly short. I'm barely 5'9 and he was significantly shorter than me. Anywhere from 5'4 to 5'6. It's always a shock when you meet a celebrity who seems so big on the screen and so short in real life - Tom Cruise, Al Pacino, John Stamos; all 5'6 or shorter - they're still talented. Chuck D is a great guy, who happens to be short, and one of the greatest MCs of hard core rap.
A-Bomb said on 3/Jun/09
Yo Rob - there is a photo still here for you to remove ;)

Editor Rob
thanks, there's still a few I need to go through.
A-Bomb said on 18/May/09
Hey Rob,
I actually suspected that Glenn wouldn't reach the full 5'8" when he said that Chuck was 5'9" and supplied the photo. I know I have no photo but I'll say again at 5'9" in shoes I was taller than Chuck by at least an inch and half with him in sneakers that would give less than a centimeter. 5'7 1/2" at the most - he's no taller than me for sure. Glenn thought you looked 5'9" right at your 5'8" height? Maybe he was slightly off with this one.

Editor Rob
More than probably glenn realised I stood loose a good bit of the time. In part because my back was sore due to a kidney infection and in other part because I pretty much thought he was 5ft 7 at best when I saw him.
Maybe I did placate slightly and said things to glenn that were meant to make him feel better as he himself said the word 'embarrassed' about the result of the measurement.
A couple of the nights when I was hoping he would come round for a 3rd visit - so I could take better photos - I was standing about in the hotel room making sure I wasn't on the bed. Jenny wasn't bothering though, but then she has bad sciatic leg pain so when she lay down prior to our first meeting I couldn't really ask her to stand about in pain and not have a rest...we had been out and about in NY since 8.30 doing a day tour. Even though it gave her height a boost...
One of the nights she lied down for 2 hours watching harry potter, I joked to glenn on the phone about this and that we'd have to leave her out of the photos as she'll have grew to 5ft 8.75...maybe that's why he didn't make it a 3rd time.
Andre said on 30/Mar/09
I know Chuck personally.Cool guy.But he's not 5'9 trust me.I would say 5'7.
Brad said on 10/Feb/09
Chuck's comment that Flav is 5' 8" makes anything out of his mouth open for an answer. That is ridiculous. Flav isn't 5' 8".
glenn said on 10/Feb/09
thanks for that info a-bomb.i was right then.yes,flav i thought was 5-5 for years.he is 5-6.though i wonder with dmx posture of he can stretch out to 5-7.cause he did look 5-7 at times to me recently.and thats his official height.5-8 impossible.we all know for being humble a-bomb.i made mistakes when i was younger.hell,i do now.5-6 toby mcguires,5-7 wahlbergs,6-2 dicaprios(in lifts).we have to see them a few times to make better judgement.we only talked about how i met him with anthrax a few times.always a nice guy.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/09
I've met Flavor Flav too. He is not 5-6. Not that small. 5-7 1/2, 5-8. He always looks wasted and never stands straight.
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/09
I've met Flavor Flav too. He is not 5-6.
A-Bomb said on 9/Feb/09
Oh and just for the record before I met Chuck I had had a brief email correspondence with him a few years earlier where I did ask him his height (it was just an aside for an article I writing) and he did tell me he was 5'9". Though he did also tell me Flav was 5'8" (Ive also met Flav and he's 5'6" at the very very most) so make of it what you will :)
A-Bomb said on 9/Feb/09
Glenn I actually know his friend, Pvt.Militant, below - he's a member of the underground rap group the Impossebulls of which Chuck had a hand in - if memory serves correct when i asked Pvt he said he was himself about 6'2" so he may not be the best at gauging heights in the vicinity of Chucks ;). And Joe that's just because Glenn's closer to the camera that he may look taller.
Well obviously 5'9"s a far cry from what I had him initally pegged at when i met him 5 years ago (5'6"ish). Would not surprise me though that his wearing of converse (less than a cm), his slumped posture after the show, me wearing regular sneakers (taking me to 5'9") and possibly just my excitment at meeting him probably all distorted my perspective. Maybe if he had straightened up he could have come to my height at 5'9ish. He's obviously not as short as I thought though and Glenn's met him a few times now so he'd be better at this than me. Anyway thanks for the input Glenn - did you chat with him at all?
Joe said on 9/Feb/09
Glenn, you look an inch taller than him in that photo...
HeightDetector said on 8/Feb/09
Chuck D is a good rapper!
He is most definitely 5'8. His small stature makes him look around 5'6, but 5'8 is correct.
Jlee said on 6/Feb/09
Trent, it's because he's closer to the camera so it makes his head bigger.
Anonymous said on 5/Feb/09
Met him this winter. He looked 5-9 1/2, 5-10 in his big athletic shoes.
glenn said on 5/Feb/09
5-9 like the early the claim below from his friend.
A-Bomb said on 4/Feb/09
What did you think for Chuck D Glenn?
Trent said on 4/Feb/09
Chucks head is a lot smaller than yours, glenn.
maybe because of this he gives shorter impression?
joe said on 4/Feb/09
he looks to be 5'9 with maybe some change. he is slouching a bit.
Glenn said on 11/Jan/06
he can look 5-9 when I see him.5-8 the smallest.
A-Bomb said on 18/Nov/05
Chucks an interesting one. When I met him I swore blue he was 5'6", but I didn't figure that his trainers - which actually now watching the dvd of the show i was at (you should all get it "Revolverlution dvd" btw) - were only giving him maybe a centimeter. So I'm thinking 5'7 1/2" maybe 5'7 3/4" now. That said I still check promo shots of him and he always looks a solid 174/175cm and I can only use my own quite substantial encounter of him as any sort of proof that he is infact not.
Mister Funk said on 21/Sep/05
I've met Chuck twice when he was over in Australia touring, he comes out to sign autopghraphs at the end of their shows and the guy is 5'7" tops. Flav is about 5'5 1/2", at a stretch 5'6". Flav hunches something terrible which is why Chuck appears taller than him by about two inches.
Pvt Militant said on 23/Jun/05
He's a little over 5'9. I know him personally....
Pvt Militant
J. said on 19/Apr/05
Well, knock me over with a feather! Chuck D truly is shorter than I thought. Wow, I'm truly surprised. Who knew one of the most powerful MCs of all time was kinda short?! Never understimate the little guy!
A-Bomb said on 19/Apr/05
Ok I'm going to change my mind a bit on this one. I reckon cuz Chuck was in very flat shoes then it probably wasn't a very accurate way to judge his height. I'm going to say he's probably my height 172-173. Definitely no taller though, not 5'9", nor 5'8 1/2". Might be hard to believe, but he just can't be. As for Flav, 5'6" is probably right, but because his frame is so small, he appears a lot shorter than he really is. Chuck by the way is a very solid guy, built like a nugget up close, so that's probably why he appears a bit bigger on stage.
PE Fan # 1 said on 19/Apr/05
One of my heroes is Chuck D, why isn't he President yet? Could you imagine that voice reading the State of the Union! He might have a hard time winning his homestate of Georgia though, maybe Mayor of Atlanta is a better ask. And was it just me or was Revolverlution one of the best cd's of late. Chuck's a solid 5'8", probably a bit under, but I wouldn't know the diff between 5'7 1/2" and 5'8" if you gave me a million bucks. He wasn't taller than me or that close to my height when I met him, so he's not 5'9", that's all I know. Very approachable dude I have to add. Isn't it usual practice for most entertainers to give their height in shoes anyway, 5'9", that's where that height comes from for sure. But, anyway this ain't short, it's not like he's 5'5", what the hell!
A-Bomb said on 19/Apr/05
This is the thread. It's actually not about Chuck, but he gets mentioned. That said there's a couple of people who claim he's below 5'8", one who remembers him as being 6'3" and another who claims to be 5'8" herself and was the same height as Griff. (With the latter i can tell you there is no way in hell she is 5'8" as Griff was no joke just above my chin in height). But, with Chuck when i did meet him he had exceptionally flat shoes on, old school cons, i had an inch with sneakers. But, still I'm 172cm, and Chuck honestly seemed around 168-170. Seriously though it was strange because at first i was like who's this person everybody's crowding around, and then i saw it was Chuck and I thought no way is he that height. So I've met him and i can say i was taller, but you know i still see photos of him and i think no way, if you go to the homepage scroll down and click more articles you'll see various photos of Chuck some where he seems 5'6" others 5'9" to 5'10". I mean i was more shocked at Flav, i honestly had him pegged at my height, but he seemed 5'5ish. but, I have to say the whole PE crew was pretty small, apart from the S1W's who were around 5'10ish, but the roadies, the engineers, the live band they were with (minus the guitarist who was no joke 6'5") I was taller than them all. Just remebered also in 2002 Chuck performed in the I think it's called Big in 2002 awards hosted by VH1, at the end Ice Cube jumped on stage with him to collect an award and Ice Cube was a bit taller than Chuck and he's around 5'8" See if you can get some pics of that. Oh yeah and that Anthrax guy ain't 5'7" if this is the case.
J. said on 19/Apr/05
Hey, A-Bomb, would you happen to know how far back the post was discussed? Here's a similar post from the Beastie Boys site:
J. said on 19/Apr/05
Hmmm ... that's intresting. With that booming voice, Chuck doesn't strike you as being shortish in stature. When I saw PE perform maybe a year or two ago, Chuck looked 5'9" (on stage, that is) and he does in this picture next to admittedly 5 foot 7 Anthrax frontman Scott Ian:
I'm not dismissing that they're all much smaller than they seem, however ...
A-Bomb said on 17/Apr/05
Ok I have only met three celebrities in my time, Chuck D, Flava Flav and Professer Griff (oh and some guys from Cypress Hill). They came out to sign autographs after the end of their show. I'm 172cm and I was at least an inch taller than him, maybe more, I could see over the top of his head and his shoulders were much further down next to mine. I know that's hard to believe because up on stage he looks a solid 5'9" or 5'10", but he'd be lucky to 5'7". And yes I was completely in shock at how small they all were compared to what i had in my mind, especially Griff who would be lucky to 5'2", he is tiny. This topic was also discussed at the public enemy website "enemy board" sometime back i'm sure it's there in the archives somewhere. Anyway it doesn't matter Chuck was an absolute champ and he has the voice of a giant.
J. said on 17/Apr/05
Rob, are you sure? I saw Public Enemy in concert and Chuck did look the 5'9" he's usually listed as.