Frank Col said on 22/May/21
Segal's height has always puzzled me. I used to have him pegged at 5ft 11 but then saw The Hot Rock where he appeared to be the exact same height as Robert Redford, whose peak height I'm pretty sure was 5ft 9. Redford could have been wearing lifts and the camera angles were clever and you couldn't always see what surface they were standing on but taking into account all those factors I'm going to say Segal was never taller than 5ft 10.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 27/Mar/21
I thought he could look 5ft11 in Look Who's Talking...only an inch or so shorter than Travolta when they have their fight
5'10 Dude said on 24/Mar/21
This great actor just recently passed away. May he rest in peace. He gets 5'10½ from me.
Arch Stanton said on 24/Mar/21
Best "remembered" Rob, died yesterday. RIP George Segal, so many great films!
Greg99 said on 30/Jan/19
I'm not sure where 5'8" some are quoting comes from - in a 2014 image from a Paley Center event, Segal is standing near Jeff Garlin and there's a 3" height difference - Segal was 80 years old then, Garlin is about 6'1". Therefore in his prime I would guess Segal a minimum of 5'11" and likely half an inch more than that, in 2014 he was still around 5'10"
Arch Stanton said on 14/Apr/17
I like him, seems a guy who really enjoys life and doesn't take himself too seriously. Ursula Andress seemed very attracted to him! You could imagine that he could be pretty obnoxious if pushed though.
Arch Stanton said on 14/Apr/17
Rob, I found something else, can you add "In the 1977 film Rollercoaster, Segal was weighed wearing a suit and shoes at 156 pounds". He stands on the scales with somebody trying to guess weights. He had about 4 cm on Widmark, Widmark in his early 60s at the time looked little more than 5 ft 9.

Editor Rob
ok Arch, thanks for spotting that.
Doug said on 29/May/16
I stood next to him in a restaurant in 1966. I'm 6' 3" and he just came about an inch or two above my shoulder'
bodwaya said on 2/Dec/15
Lebeau look at this link dean caine who you claim is 5 foot 11 guest started on just shoot me he looked more then 1 inch shorter then dean. Segal looka 5 foot 8 or 9 maybe he wore lifts. I am not quite convinced he was ever that tall.
Click Here
5;10 dude said on 10/Jul/15
legit 5'11 at his peak, has a slouch and was still taller by 1 inch than eric Roberts in its my party 1996.
Arch Stanton said on 7/Jul/15
@Rob, Guinness looks 5 ft 8 with Richard Burton in The Comedians too! He must have lost an inch by late 1960s.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jul/15
Rob can you swap Where's Poppa for The Quiller Memorandum. Quiller has to be included, one of his best roles IMO.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jun/15
He didn't walk about like a 6ft man though Steve. He looked 5 ft 10 range to me.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jun/15
@Steve. Will Segal did look almost 6 ft with Alec Guinness, he looked 5 -6 inches shorter than Sydow, I think this is accurate, but Guinness had to have been easily an inch shorter than 5'9.25 by mid 60s.
Arch Stanton said on 30/Jun/15
Rob, how much height might Alec Guinness have lost by 1966? It's just in The Quiller Memorandum Seagal honestly looked near 6 ft. Now he looked exactly this with 6'4" Sydow,and I got a look at his footwear and they didn't look suspicious.
But honestly he made Guinness look 5'8" max! He looked between 2 and 3 inches taller, sort of like how a 6 ft guy looks with a 5'9.5 one.

Editor Rob
I think Alec could at times look that short, at other times in the 5ft 9 range.
Steve said on 28/May/15
Another photo of Segal with Denzel
Click Here
I believe Segal's peak was just under 6'.
Steve said on 26/Jan/15
Segal was clearly taller than Richard Widmark
Click Here
Segal and Denzel Washington
Click Here
The 5'8" is ludicrous.
Steve said on 26/Jan/15
Segal eye-to-eye with 6' Lionel Stander
Click Here
And Stander taller than 5'11" Robert Wagner
Click Here
Steve said on 23/Jan/15
Segal with David Carradine.
Click Here
Steve said on 23/Jan/15
Segal's peak height was minimum 5'11". It could have been 5'11 & 1/2".
In the film Rollercoaster he was visibly taller than both Richard Widmark and William Prince, both legit 5'10" guys.
In Virginia Woolf he was taller than Richard Burton who was probably 5' 9 & 1/2" and always wore lifts.
Here's Segal with Elizabeth Taylor and Mike Nichols
Click Here
And here with Nichols
Click Here
Nichols wasn't exactly short.
Segal with Milton Berle who's peak height was 5'10" and by the time of this photo had lost an inch
Click Here
With Alec Guinness who was most likely 5'9"
Click Here
I seriously doubt Segal is 5'8".
Arch Stanton said on 3/Nov/14
Strong six footer is laughable, this guy if about as great an example of how a solid 5'10 guy looks as you can get at peak!! Today as Richard says he's probably nearer 5'8".
Arch Stanton said on 3/Nov/14
Rob can you add a photo and films like Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, Look Who's Talking, No Way to Treat a Lady, The St. Valentine's Day Massacre, The Cable Guy, A Touch of Class, Where's Poppa?, Blume in Love, and Joshua Tree. He did edge out Steiger in No Way to Treat a Lady I think at the end, a film which I highly recommend if you haven't seen it.
Richard said on 6/Feb/14
I've met him in Venice in 2004; he's lucky if he's 5'8"
Matt said on 6/Jan/12
If he's truly 5'10.5 than he makes a 5'6" guy like me look tall!
Kent said on 21/Apr/11
Segal doesn't appear 5'10.5 to me, or that he was that he was ever that height and shrunk with age. If you view him today on his new TVLand sitcom (35 and Retired) he is always wearing short-sleeved shirts and you can see his short arm length. There's no way his arms shrunk relative to his torso. I don't believe he has ever been taller than 5'8.
Andrea said on 4/Mar/11
I stood right next to Mr. Segal while we both wistfully were looking for our cars to pull up to exit the Kennedy Ctr. in Wash., D.C. He's a nice fellow and easy to look at which I did exactly eye to eye. I'm 5'7", I'll give him an inch and boost his height to 5'8" - that's tops! A six footer or even close to that is absurd!
Frank2 said on 3/Aug/08
5'6" is ludicrous. Segal is about 5'10", maybe 5'10-1/2". No question. I worked with him on ROLLERCOASTER. I was at the rap party and stood right next to him having my picture taken. Rob used to have that picture up until I asked him to remove it. In it you can clearly see I'm about an inch taller. And Segal is wearing regular running shoes. In the film he wore loafers, was about an inch taller than Richard Widmark who had lost about an inch from his prime of 5'10". The last time I saw Segal he had lost about an inch.
Susan said on 23/Apr/08
George Segal, 6ft?!! I am 5'10, he hit on me once at a piano recital where his daughter Shaina was performing (my roomie was piano teacher). He was much, much shorter than me, he's 5'6 if he's lucky.
Mark said on 9/Sep/07
In the movie "Lost Command" with Anthony Quinn and Alain Delon, Segal always looks about 1" shorter then 5'9.5" Delon although he does have bad posture. I would give Segal 5'9.5" maximum.
schnitzelferk said on 23/Jun/07
like ive said recently, 5'10" guys can get away with 6ft on TV etc, with the right shoes they can go to 5'11"-6'0" and not many notice apart from really observant people.
Frank2 said on 19/Mar/06
Well, that goofy-looking fellow wearing the ridiculous bell bottoms holding the glass is yours truly and I'm 5'11" so I suspect that it's another case of press agents working overtime to cover up the truth. In all fairness to George, he was slightly slumped in the shot and had he stood up as straight as possible would have been nearly as tall as me so 5'10-1/2" is probably correct. I was three sheets to the wind and not standing so tall myself that evening. The woman next to George was a girlfriend of mine at the time. I wish I could find the shots of me with Henry Fonda and Dick Widmark taken at the same party. Fonda is about two inches taller and Widmark is about an inch or so shorter. Both Widmark and Fonda were so hard of hearing that during the filming of Rollercoater director Jim Goldstone would be forced to shout directions to them on the set. Neither would wear a hearing aid. At the time of that photo, Segal was married to an assistant film editor I knew. The last I saw of him was when he walking around a mall in Century City a few years ago. By then he had gained at least fifty pounds and had shrunk down to about 5'9". Next time you watch the film The Hot Rock notice that Segal and Robert Redford are exactly the same height. Oh, and that same day at the mall I saw Rod Steiger shuffle by. He was no more than 5'7" so when he was younger I'd say he was at most about 5'9".
Mr. R said on 18/Mar/06
I know I saw Segal listed at 6-2 at some point!