How tall is Guy Pearce

Guy Pearce's Height

5ft 10 ¼ (178.4 cm)

Australian actor best known for starring in movies like Memento, LA Confidential, The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert, Lockout, The Proposition, The Hurt Locker, Animal Kingdom, The King's Speech, Iron Man 3 and The Rover. On tv he is well known for playing Mike Young on soap opera Neighbours. In a TV week article in 1989, Guy mentioned his height, saying: "I'm 178cm".

How tall is Guy Pearce
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (114 Votes)
5ft 10.27in (178.5cm)
Putrescent said on 30/Sep/24
Rob, do you think somebody who wakes up at 5ft 10.8 and has a low somewhere between 5ft 10 and 5ft 10.25 would be the same height or slightly taller than Guy or a guy (haha) like Jude Law?
Editor Rob
I'd expect they'd look quite similar in photos. Though sometimes I think Jude can pull off 5ft 10.5-11 zone.
Henners said on 25/Nov/23
He completely edged out both Russell Crowe and Kevin Spacey in LA Confidential I'd give him a possible 5"10.5 candidate unless he wears thick footwear that I'd be unaware of.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Mar/23
He’s a terrific actor. Memento and The Proposition are his two best performances, IMO. How he hasn’t at least been nominated for an Oscar is baffling
Arch Stanton said on 23/Mar/23
A big compliment for Guy Gladstone! Pearce can look a little thin/ill in the face and a bit nerdy, but I know what you mean. LA Confidential was the best film I saw him in.
Gladstone Screwer said on 20/Mar/23
Just watched him in “Disturbing the Peace “, I thought he bears a resemblance to Brad Pitt.
Looked 5’10 or 11. Good actor.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Jan/23
Ravenous, 1999.

When asked what he did to earn his medal, Guy replies, “Cowardice!”

Well, hardly, as this brave soldier fights Robert Carlyle’s cannibal character until the end.

What a disturbing film, but well worth a watch if you can stomach it!

Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/22
‘The Seventh Day’ is not what I expected at all, and contains one of the BEST twists I’ve seen in a movie to date. After ‘The Exorcist’ was made, there have been many attempts to mimic it, but this one showed a completely different side to the terrifying theme while still being true to the ‘rules’ of what can happen after an exorcism.

I think William Friedkin and William Peter Blatty would give this the thumbs up!

I’m going with 5ft10.25 for Guy’s height. That was a plot and a half, brilliantly executed by Mr Pearce.
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Nov/22
Why is it that so many soap stars go on to be big, famous movie actors? The reason is simple: they know how to work hard at the profession of acting, and let’s face it, they have enough practice!

When I used to watch Guy in Neighbours, never would I have believed that one day, I’d be watching him play an exorcist. I’ve only just started his film ‘The Seventh Day’, and I’m already impressed. I’ll be back later with Guy’s height, which I used to think was 5ft11.
I2C said on 10/Aug/22
Hey Robb, what do you think of the guy next to...Guy? He's listed at 189cm.

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Editor Rob
Doesn't help his 189cm listing, looks a few cm short of it there.
Andrew Lee said on 23/Jul/22
I've been into movie props for some time, and bought one of Guy's jackets from L.A. Confidential. What really surprised me is how well the jacket fits me. I'm around 5'9.5" in the morning (176.5cm). The fit is really good, even sleeves are good length for me (I had to tailor some other 'normal' suit jackets I bought recently, to shorten the sleeves, but these are perfect).
My weight is around 150 lbs, so based on the fit I'd guess Guy also has to be close to my dimensions.
Slim 6'1.75 said on 6/Sep/21
If he was near 5’11 I don’t think he would claim 178cm
Del Mar said on 9/Feb/21
6'3 face in a 5'10.5 body
slim 6'1 said on 7/Jan/21
Looked similar height to russel Crowe in la confidential 👍
Shayz said on 1/Jan/21
I cm shorter stood face to fqce with Vin Diesel in Bloodshot confirming Diesel is about 179.5 cms
Slim 6'1" said on 16/Dec/20
As listed, at worst a quarter inch lower 👍
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Dec/20
Textbook 5’10”
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Sep/20
5’10- 5’10.25”
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Sep/20
5’10- 5’10.25”
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
ChuckG said on 23/Feb/20
@Importer I wouldn’t bother, people like that only see “short” and “tall.” They don’t understand things like how minuscule the difference between 5’11 and 6’0 actually is. It’s odd.
Importer said on 26/Jul/19
@berta hahaha...for his age group 5'10 is above average. Not at all short. 5'10 is bang on average amongst younger guys.
Importer said on 26/Jul/19
@berta hahaha...for his age group 5'10 is above average. Not at all short.
berta said on 23/Jul/19
nice to see a short guy being this honest about height
Matt Shannon said on 21/May/19
Hey Rob since he claimed to be 178cm I think 5’10 1/8 would be a better listing for him.
KH said on 12/Feb/19
He is a about average height this seems spot on to me. Really like this guy and he was in some good movies LA Confidential, Memento, Count of Monte Cristo remake, and The Time Machine (among plenty of others) for awhile there in the last 90's to early 2000's this guy was a really hot actor.
Dhouser said on 25/Dec/18
I always thought he was a 176-177 guy, I'm watching Memento rn and I was wondering.
Michael, 5'10" 178 cm said on 3/Dec/18
I thought he was taller, he’s listed as 5’11” on Google. He looked like only an inch shorter than Russell Crowe in L.A. Confidential. He looked a little bit taller or the same height as Kevin Spacey, but Cromwell did tower over all of them at 6’6.5”. He didn’t look too much shorter than Colin Firth in the King’s Speech, I think he looked at least 5’11” in that movie, but maybe he was wearing lifts. In Memento, he also looked like 5’11” next to Carrie Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano who is listed as 5’9” on here, looked more than an inch shorter than him. I can’t believe he’s as low as 5’10” unless he was wearing higher footwear for the other movies, he probably measures near 6 foot in the morning. He gives off a taller impression than me for sure. I’d guess 5’10 1/4”-5’10 1/2” for him at the very least.
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Nov/18
I think that sometimes - just sometimes - Guy can pull off a bit more, but not in the above picture!

I'm probably thinking about the film 'Ravenous', in which he's bound to look tall, starring alongside Robert Carlyle, who is small in stature but ferocious nonetheless in anything he chooses to play that way. He's absolutely psychotic in 'Ravenous', whereas Guy is a great deal more placid than Robert, but noticeably taller.

Guy gets 5ft10.25.
Rising - 174 cm said on 25/Oct/18
I doubt he's 179 since he claimed 178 himself and in the first comment on this page, Rob said Guy was barely taller than 174 cm Stefan Dennis in an old scene on Neighbours.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Oct/18
179cm is an 80 percentile chances.
Ruben Bosco said on 19/Sep/18
5 ft 10 1/4
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 28/Jun/18
Most of the 5'10 actors were not far from listing but like 177.5cm range. I would argue Guy a stronger 178cm maybe a few mm over like this listing given.
mickey said on 14/Mar/18
178 barefoot, right?
Editor Rob
I think Guy claiming 178 should be filed under 'he really is that height during the day'.
Anonymous said on 28/Nov/17
the height difference between Robert pattison and guy pearce sort of like my older brother and I hes Robert height iam peirce height but due to long legs , arms and due to my small build I can look 6 foot which I usualy tell people I'm LOL . SINCE I just hit 180cm in shoes its not that much of a stretch
Traviov said on 12/Nov/17
yea he def is 178cm
Slim 6' said on 6/Oct/17
Sorry, but at least one of my relatives has seen him and said he's of average height, he's lucky to have this listing let alone receive an upgrade.
Editor Rob
actually Guy has been called 5ft 10 in newspapers around the late 90's, just after emerging from his forgettable role on Neighbours, a role in which he was out-acted by BOUNCER the dog, to a guy who holds his own and more in films like LA Confidential!
Afka9 said on 6/Oct/17
If carrie anne moss is 5'8 , he must be taller than 5'10.
Slim183 said on 23/Aug/17
Textbook 5'10-177.8, the quarter inch isn't necessary, I doubt he'd be eye to eye with Sizemore and Ritchie.
Slim 182 cm said on 11/Aug/17
Overall, it's a great listing, as he's either 178 or 179, I'm not sure what he looks more though...
Slim 182 cm said on 17/Jul/17
I reckon in memento, he slipped 2 cm lifts in his shoes. As for la confidential, I don't know.
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
He even admitted 178 himself unlike @matt179 who rounds his 178.5 to 179.
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
I stand corrected, he's a flat 5'10, I saw him recently and I'm 1 and piece inches taller than him. I Was wearing 2 cm shoes while he was wearing runners.
Slim 181 cm said on 12/Jul/17
5'10.5, as he matched up to Russel Crowe in L.A. Confidential".
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Jan/17
Guy looks a bit like a college lecturer in this picture!
I do remember him from 'Neighbours', but I didn't realise it was the same, eh,Guy starring in these films for quite some time, I'm afraid to say! It might have something to do with the high standard of their voice coaches, as accents can really throw me sometimes!
If I had to have guessed Guy's height, I would have said "5ft11 at least!"
He does have a good posture, and I did get the impression he was taller. I'll take a better look next time I see him in 'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark'; I can compare him to Katie Holmes!
Pedro said on 4/Jan/17
My morning height is 179.7 and evening is 177.7 do you think he would be visibly taller than me
Pedro said on 4/Jan/17
My morning height is 179.7 and evening is 177.7 do you think he would be visibly taller than me
Editor Rob
Pedro, it might be dependent on your hairstyle, if flat then he'll probably seem more noticeably taller than if you had a combed back or funky style.
183cmAriel said on 19/Nov/16
this guys looks a tad like tai lopez
King of the hill 91 said on 3/Nov/16
178 to 179 no more no less
S.J.H said on 3/Oct/16
5'10 and a good modesty
Johnny said on 21/Jun/16
@Rob did he wear lifts in Memento?? Because he looked taller than the 5'10" mark beside Carrie Anne Moss and Joe Pantoliano.
Editor Rob
I don't know if he did...but he is probably a good example of an honest 178cm range man.
Dmeyer said on 16/May/16
The kind of Guy who dosnt dip under 178cm And likely 178,3cm
Johno said on 20/Feb/16
His original estimate of 5'10 might be better l.
Peyman said on 27/Nov/15
he is as tall as me

solid 180 out of bed
solid 178 going to sleep

he really looked it in memento.
Heylo said on 14/Sep/15
Great actor, arguable one of the most underrated.
He has that kind of height where he never looks either short nor tall, never really thought about his height when I watch his movies.
Anton said on 2/Sep/15
He claims to be 5' 10" so why do you list him at 5' 10.25"?

To me he looks an honest 5' 10".
Editor Rob
he gave 178cm in the Aussie article many years ago, and generally looks that range, a strong 5ft 10.
Sam said on 18/May/15
Rob, would you add to his credits?: The Adventures of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert,, The Proposition, The Hurt Locker, Animal Kingdom, The King's Speech, Iron Man 3 and The Rover.
He's one of the better actors around, very versatile.
Lonestar said on 16/Aug/14
Rob, don't you think Guy was more closer to 5"ll than 5"10?
Editor Rob
I believe he's an honest 178cm as he claimed.
TJE said on 21/Jul/14
Yea, this is spot on. Saw Lawless the other day. Couldn't compare him to other actors, but he definitely looked at least 5'10, maybe a little bit over, but nowhere near 5'11. 5'10.5 would still be a stretch.
Michael said on 2/Jul/14
I thought he was taller to be honest. He looked quite tall in The Rover (great film). I'd almost go for 179-180. I think Pattinson could be a legit 184 - 185.
cole said on 29/Jun/14
Pearce vs Pattinson is in my opinion a typical 5ft 10 vs 6ft situation (or 5ft 10.25 vs 6ft 0.25 as is listed, for that matter). Don't know what pictures you guys have seen to think they are the same height - Pattinson when standing tall looks easily 1.75-2in taller than Pearce for sure. I used to think of Pattinson as a 181 cm guy, 182 at best, but seeing him with Pearce, who for the most part looks like a legit and honest 178 cm guy, I think Pattinson is pretty much 183 cm range - 6'0.25 is very arguable.

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Silent D said on 20/Jun/14
He looked about the same height as robert pattinson in the rover previews and when they were promoting it. 178cm.
Sam said on 19/Jun/14
Not a huge difference with Robert Pattinson, I'd guess the latter looks 4-5 cm taller in photos from the premiere of The Rover.
Hypado said on 17/Jun/14
Guy is 178 or 179 cm

great actor
ray1989 said on 2/Apr/14
He seemed 5'11" in memento,but usully seems 5'10" so might be 179 cm, or he wakes up 180 cm and ended with 178 no mather cause he is a great actor
cole said on 21/Feb/14
He can look between 178 and 179 cm. 5'10.25 is spot on.
Sam said on 21/Feb/14
He also seemed to be about 5'11" next to Colin Firth. More likely Firth is a weak 6'1" guy who can seem taller due to good posture, whereas Pearce is around 178-179 cm. Stop crushing on Pearce, Arch :=)
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lelman said on 6/Feb/14
@Arch I agree, blonde spikes really suited him.

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Looks a strong 5'10" with Nolan. I really struggle to see him below 5'10".
Realist said on 5/Feb/14
5'9.5 176-177 cm. This guy rocks, i love that height range too, its ideal for guys because women are mostly between 5'3 and 5'7.He would have made a much better Batman than Affleck too.
Arch Stanton said on 2/Feb/14
He looks 5'11" in Memento. He looked ridiculously good in that film.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jan/14
@Rampage, I dunno, in some scenes Pearce looked to have the edge on Crowe and in others Crowe looked 1-2 inches taller. I think they were pretty similar but I think Crowe was likely a bit taller.
truth said on 25/Dec/13
I think he could be 177cm and Crowe is 179cm.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Nov/13
He made Russell Crowe look a solid 6ft in L.A. confidential.
Seriously, there was about 2in there.
Arch Stanton said on 18/Oct/13
Looks more 177cm in The Hurt Locker.
caaq said on 9/Sep/13
like I said in another page of this site, height depends on how its measured. How straight the guy stands, if feet are together or apart, if a scale was used (which invariably gives reduced results as it gets tilted downwards from the head to the wall). So a so called solid 5-10, could honestly be 5-11. I feel, that for all practical purposes, wearing normal shoes and including a bit of hair he looked at least 6-0.5inches in memento, meaning u could call him a casual 5-10.5 to 5-11 with moderate comfort.
Dmeyer said on 8/Sep/13
Many people who get measured 3-4mm over a mark Will juSt round down
Editor Rob
you could be 178.3cm...especially in countries that are using cm, and yeah, just round down. If 178.5 though, I guess you could go either way!
Arch Stanton said on 25/Jul/13
I saw him in Two Brothers and at times he could look 5'9" range. all I know is that he definitely not a tall guy and is average, but obviously way above average looking...
jimbo said on 14/May/13
He was taller then GP with heels in iron man 3, or maybe just excatly the same height. So this Estimate is probably spot on.
Matthew said on 29/Apr/13
Whenever I saw him in 'Iron Man 3' standing next to either Gwyneth Paltrow or Robert Downey, Jr., he looked about the same height as the former who is 5'9", and a little taller than the latter who is 5'8" 1/2. He must be at least 5'9".
dondariabl; said on 18/Mar/13
I think he is 175 cm
Dmeyer said on 7/Mar/13
Rob do you think hé got measured 178.5cm since 5'10.25 is 178.4cm and round to 178cm or do you just mean hé dosnt dip under 178cm
Editor Rob
I'm sure he got measured 178 range....but could be a few mm above, so he's in that 5ft 10-10.5 zone
bodwaya said on 3/Nov/12
he was 1 inch taller then 5 foot 9 sandler. in bed time stories.He even had an inch on 5 foot 9 spacey
Dmeyer said on 11/Oct/12
Many guys measures 3-4mm over a Mark and just claim like this Guy might be 178.3-4cm like me 181.2-181.4cm
Sam said on 29/Dec/11
I agree that Pearce may be a rare actor honest about his height, although with a thin frame and good posture, he can look above his self-stated height
LAN Jiao said on 3/Nov/11
yes. he really could' hide his 5'10 frame he claim and looks it alot , his proportion and frame even look taller than "6-0" leo dicaprio. in the time machine i thought he was 5'11.5 untill i shocked he only claim 178cm, such an honest guy..
Silent d said on 31/Oct/11
I use to think he was 5 foot 8 but after close examination, i think 5 foot 10 is right on.
LAN Jiao said on 24/Oct/11
off the crap Guy is an honest 5'10. in 2000 ravenous guy had 5 big inch under 6'4 Jeffrey Jones. so under 5'10 you guys think?
james cromwell is a weak 8" taller than Guy and listed 6'5.5 which is fair.
so 178cm be it!
LAN Jiao said on 28/Sep/11
5'9? also only 5'7..? noo waay..haha.. im 196cm i met Guy and he looks 5'2 and he told me kenny g sells his saxophone to him and told Guy he was listed 5'2 why steal his "shorty guy crown" away and while Guy say james cromwell was struggling hit 5'10 in L.A.Confidential.. lastly Guy say katie holmes afraid of the dark while shes weak 5'1 admit tom cruise stand no taller than 4'1 danny devito. LOL..
marcoz said on 17/Aug/11
5'10??? no chance, i am 185cm, almost 6'1 and i have stood next to him whilst he was in sneakers. be lucky if he was 5'7, he is a small man
Brett said on 11/Aug/11
Hi Rob,

I saw Guy the Other day in sydneys eastern suburbs... I think his here for a premiere... he was dressed really wierdly...think Saturday night fever-ish... and commensurate to that dress code, he had a pair of solid 1.5 inch heels on... he looked around 5'10 in them... So realistically Id say hes within half an inch of that mark.
BlueBoy said on 14/Jun/11
@TheVerve that sheet of paper shown in the trailer describes some other character in the film which is being chased by the one played by Guy Pearce, so no lack of accuracy there.
James said on 29/Apr/11
Looked 5'9 (175cm) in LA Confidential.
Lenad said on 24/Apr/11
Looks 5'10-ish to me. His thin body makes him look taller when standing alone but he looks 5'10-ish when standing next to others
TheVerve180 said on 24/Feb/11
Click Here

Its says that he is a 6ft2 white guy LOL. :D This would be an upgrade viper. But he might be 5ft9.75, 5ft10, 5ft10.5, 5ft11 any of these heights.
Moe said on 11/Feb/11
Hey, I met guy pearce in Lax once he daid he was off to pasadena, its a while ago, and I'm 6'0 he was slightly shorter, my guess is about 5'10...
Viper said on 11/Feb/11
Hes certaintly 5-10 If most on here are upgrading him, lol. Classic celebheights
jtm said on 10/Feb/11
a true 5'10 guy.
Leung said on 8/Feb/11
178cm is too low for Pearce.
Sam said on 7/Feb/11
He looked surprisingly close to Colin Firth's height in The King's Speech and only maybe a couple taller in photos:
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I think his thin frame and posture can give Pearce a taller appearance
TheVerve180 said on 12/Jan/11
Classic 5ft10-5ft11 guy.
Ace said on 28/Dec/10
A true, legit 5'10 guy along with russell crowe. Everyone else claiming this height in Hollywood are liars :D
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Nov/10
Rob, this guy looks near 5"11. 179cm maybe?
Lenad said on 3/Apr/09
Looks 178cm maybe 179
Comets said on 25/Feb/09
here he is with Lucy Lawless who is 5'10 (Click Here ) and Lucy is bending a bit so we can safely assume Guy is 5'10
Tim said on 14/Feb/09
LA confidentual is a weird one to judge. the actors in that movie have such a varied height range. kevin spacey to me is impossible to pick i'd say anywhere from 5'9 to 6'0. and at the start kevin spacey seemed taller though they never stood together on screen but when spacey spoke to him from behind the desk he seemed a tiny bit taller though pearce could have been on lower ground. but when the actually stand next to each other when they are teaming up i reckon pearce had 1.5 inches on him. maybe 5''10 for space and 5'11.5 for pearce. pearce is quite muscular in reality, i saw him on spicks and specks and i imagined he'd be about 6'2 just because of his lean and athletic posture. though.

funny though the first movie i saw him in was the count from monte cristo and he was so short next to caviesal. i think caviesal must have 3 inches on him.
Leung said on 10/Feb/09
Pearce is tricky, sometimes he looks 5
bam said on 9/Feb/09
im confused hows he so tall near 5'9 pantoliano. This was the height difference I saw throughout the film.
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NATE said on 9/Nov/08
Great actor. Confusing height. He looked pretty tall in memento but short as hell in LA confidential.
Vibram said on 23/Oct/08
Type "guy pearce, hanson" into gettyimages and you see him in 1.25" sandals next to director Curtis Hanson, who's listed 6ft1. He is dominated by about 4", though Hanson is in boots. He also get's dominated by Nick Cave on gettyimages (again search "pearce, nick cave") and you can see there's about 4.5 inches between them.

I'd say 5ft9.75/177cm is more accurate.
Leung said on 12/Oct/08
I saw some recent movie premiere photos where Pearce towers over Don Cheadle by at least 3 inches. Pearce is a bit of an enigma and can appear anywhere between 5
roxanne said on 30/Aug/08
I saw him in London a couple of years ago and he was a lot shorter than 5'10" - at the time I was shocked by how wee he was! I reckon he was between 5'6" and 5'8" max.

Remember in film they have lots of devices to make people taller than they really are. He is small but in proportion so will look taller on screen.
D said on 26/Jul/08
Jesus, I was just watching Memento and I could have sworn he was 5'11".
Edd said on 18/Jun/08
This doesnt seem right...just saw a clip from a film where he was eye to eye with over 6 foot William Fichtner...
Adam Brennon said on 1/Mar/08
Consistant and legit 5' 10". Doesn't undulate or ignite controversy the way some guys do: Kurt Russel, Kevin Spacey and Will Smith to name a few.
krissy said on 15/Dec/07
he's actually 5'12" according to Guy Pearce he's pretty tall.
Leung said on 22/Nov/07
I agree with Ayman. Pearce looks anywhere between 5'10"-5'11", so 5'10.5" would be logical.
glenn said on 22/Nov/07
spacey has been looking 5-10.75 lately in the streets.dr-ray can also confirm this.
Evanna said on 21/Nov/07
But of course it is! Name me a person who DIDN'T watch Neighbours back then! Besides I never claimed I was too cool to watch soaps :)
Anyway I agree with 5'10" for Pearce, but Spacey is a tricky one. According to Glenn, he's supposed to be around 5'10" too, but next to Pearce he really looks 5'9" max.
Evanna said on 20/Nov/07
Excellent point Rob! A couple of weeks ago I watched Priscilla Queen of the Desert for the first time, and his acting sucked big time (especially compared to Hugo Weaving/Terence Stamp antics).
What puzzles me about LA Confidential though are Pearce's scenes with Kevin Spacey (when they team up to follow Bud White i.e. Crowe), because Pearce looks some 2" taller than Spacey. I've seen the film at least a million times, and I'm pretty sure about that. Really weird.

Editor Rob
is that an admission of once watching neighbours ;)

I actually saw an ep recently from back in his era where he had scenes with jason donovan. Now donovan was on that children in need the other night and he looked shorter beside wogan than even ronan keating, so I think 178cm is accurate for pearce...
AshnarLynx said on 30/Oct/07
I also believe he is 180/5'11. He looked more than an inch taller than Joe Pantoliano in Memento and Pantoliano is about 5'9.
Leung said on 23/Oct/07
Guy Pearce is no less than 5
Height Detective said on 18/Oct/07
Hey Rob,I think I was right

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In this article he says himself he is "1.78 and 73kg" ,after he took bodybuilding sessions.(check the last paragraphs)
What do you think ?

Editor Rob
1989 article!, wow, those were the days. Neighbours back then was pulling in like 16 million viewers a day in the UK alone, a huge soap back then...

many thanks for finding that quote, it's a lockin this thread now!
Height Detective said on 18/Oct/07
I saw a picture a while ago that left me wondering , so i put it here for you to evaluate , is from the movie "Woundings" with Johnaton Schaech and Guy Pearce , look at this photo
Click Here
He and Johnathon are next to each other and wearing the same suits , so I believe the same shoes ,and Schaech looks taller than him , and Schaech is listed everywere at 5.11
Here is another capture
Click Here
Its worse than the first one , but it helps on what im trying to show .
Jen said on 17/Mar/07
Just saw 'First Snow' last night & in his scenes with Wm Fichtner, they has him standing on curbs to appear eye to eye or sitting. Fichtner is 6'0, so he is 5'9" at the absolute tallest.
Equisdobley said on 13/Feb/07
I strongly believe that he is a solid 5´11" ...
jason said on 13/Jan/07
he does lock shorter, from 5-9 to 5-10. i `de say he is 177-179 cm, not more.
in "the count of monte christo" from 2002 he plays with almost 6-2 Jim Caviezel,he locks much shorter, and he does lock 5-9 to 5-10 in the movie ,i would say he is 178 cm.
Anonymous said on 6/Dec/06
No way. Re-watch Memento for Guy's scenes with 6'2 Stephen Tobolowsky, who literally towers over Pierce. That's more than a 3 inch difference. I'd say around 5'9 is more accurate.
Height Detective said on 3/Oct/06
Guy And Russel Crowe
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Height Detective said on 27/Aug/06
Guy Pearce and Russel Crowe
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Guy look short , unless russell is with lifts in there...
Memento cast
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Guy Pearce and Garcia Bernal
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1.79 rob ?
0kuma said on 1/Jun/06
wtf ForensicNYC is that picture from
KW said on 30/May/06
Rachel Griffiths is 5' 8 1/2. In "The Hard Word" Guy Pearce appears to be about 2 inches taller than her when she's wearing heels.
ForensicNYC said on 17/May/06
Thats GUY PEARCE 5'10" on the left and HUGO WEAVING 6'2" on the right.
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Frank2 said on 16/Mar/06
I'd say he's about 5'10". He and Russell Crowe were about the same height and neither were wearing what looked like lifts in LA Confidential. Also Kevin Spacey was close to the samne height and I've seen him in person and he's roughly 5'10".
Steve said on 21/Feb/06
I walked by him in NYC. No way he's 5'11". He was no taller than me and I'm 5'9".
Kala said on 10/Nov/05
No way is he five-eleven; that would make him a near six-footer!!! At least cut him down to 5"10 - it's clear if you watch Memento he's not more than an inch taller than Joe P.
bernar said on 27/Oct/05
he looks at least 5 cm higher than Pantoliano in Memento. Pantoliano is listed 5ft9inch on this site.
Tubbs said on 19/Oct/05
Pearce is shorter than Stefan Dennis, I saw a clip from neighbours yesterday, Stefans' about 5'9.
Mr Luis said on 21/Jun/05
Russel Crowe had lifts in LA Confidential because he was an inch taller than Spacey and almost two inches taller than Guy Pearce.

I Think that Guy Pearce is 5'10", maybe 5.9 1/2", but not much shorter.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.