CDS said on 26/Sep/24
On a recent Joe Rogan experience episode, Crowe claimed he weighed 277 pounds by the end of filming of the movie, "Nuremberg", but was now down to 247.
RichardSpain said on 20/Apr/23
180cm/181 cm with shoes..( in my opinion)
Barefoot 179cm,young but not today.
i agree with Rob.
Dmeyer said on 17/Apr/23
Being 179cm hé was max 181.5 were did he Come from 181,75cm maybe wearing a 3cm sneaker or After 12 hour sleep in 20s , when rob list Someone 179 that means hé could drop 178.8cm
Malcolm Oliver said on 20/Mar/23
His Twitter claim seems like a shoe measurement
Keyten DeGraef said on 20/Feb/23
Rob he pulls off a 5’11 if day I wouldn’t put him anything under 5’10 3/4 but I’d bet on 5’11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Jan/23
He still looks this today
Wehrmacht180 said on 6/Sep/22
Crowe 178 cm
Jackman 185 cm
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 15/Aug/22
He edged out Guy Pearce in LA confidential. 5'10.5.
6'2" said on 5/Aug/22
178 fosho.
Givm said on 16/Jun/22
Crowe 179
Jackman 185
Simon Horwell said on 26/Mar/22
Met him at a party about ten years ago. He’s a massive lift wearer. Charming guy, tells a great story, and he’s a fantastic actor. Anyway, he got pretty tipsy and took his shoes off. He wasn’t particularly tall before. But when those shoes came off he was probably 5’8”1/2, max 5’9”, I wasn’t that shocked because he has classic body proportions for a shorter man.
Slim 6'0.25 said on 27/Feb/22
179.5 is likelier than 178.5
Jtm said on 28/Dec/21
I would love to see a picture with rob but unfortunately that’s very unlikely especially with the pandemic and I think one of the comments above indicates that he’s indeed a lift wearer. I don’t think he particularly cares about his height but he probably does wear it because it fits the character he plays or to look more professional.
Animus said on 15/Dec/21
Crowe looked quite a bit taller than Connie Nielsen at events related to the movie they appeared in together, "Gladiator". She is 5'10, according to this site. I don't see him as a guy that would wear lifts, he seems too comfortable in his own skin to do that.
While I don't think he'd measure the full 5'11, I think he has pulled it off quite frequently throughout the years. Therefore, I'll give him 5'10¾.
Wayne Waddington said on 1/Dec/21
I stood right next to Russell Crowe in a queue (in the first class cabin on a flight). He was shorter than my 5' 9", I was surprised by his height. I think he was barefoot and I may have had shoes but only a 1" heel and sole. So I think at best, 5' 9" allowing for my possible wearing of a shoe and his possible bare feet. I also worked for the airline so knew exactly who he was, it wasn't mistaken identity.
Dom5'11.5 said on 24/Nov/21
I expected him bigger, he was uncannily intimidating in unhinged
berta said on 11/Nov/21
Never under 179 and never over 180. Maybe 179,5.
slothee said on 2/Nov/21
Looks 5’10.75” w/ Jackman.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 1/Oct/21
5'11 impossible, in my opinion he is 5'10 (178 cm).
Slim 6'1.75 said on 22/Sep/21
At his low he would be just a few mms under 180
181.5-182 first thing in the morning
179.7-179.8 before bed
Solid 5’11 at lunchtime not evening
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jun/21
I don't know if I'd list him the full 5ft11 except maybe peak. Like Clooney, Russ is another guy that's held steady height over the years
Slim 6'1.5 said on 1/Jun/21
181-182 out of bed with 179-179.5 before bed
But yeah he’s getting close to 60 years old give russ a peak and current
Jtm said on 27/May/21
and what's interesting is that 70 year old richard harris was still clearly taller
Jtm said on 27/May/21
he wasn't just 1 inch shorter let alone the same height as josh lucas in their scenes together in beautiful mind except for the ending. that tells you right there that he's a lift wearer.
Ian C. said on 19/May/21
You notice in Unhinged, Viper, that none of the characters so much as hint that Crowe's character is fat. Which would be kind of unrealistic. There is a homicidal maniac on the loose, warnings are being broadcast over the airwaves to watch out for him, and nobody asks, could you describe him?
Incidentally, Viper, well done in going to a movie theatre during the pandemic. I love the movies, and miss seeing them in theatres. It's just that I'm old and I'm afraid of catching a disease that, at my age, really could kill me.
viper said on 17/May/21
In a weird way I kinda liked how fat he was in Unhinged, lol
It was the first movie I saw in the theater after the Pandemic hit
Ian C. said on 15/May/21
I have seen Unhinged, Alex, and there is nothing in the movie's plot that required Crowe's character to be fat. There is not even any reference in the movie's dialogue to the character's weight. Therefore, he didn't have to wear a fat suit, or even gain real weight to play the role. He did have to wear a fat suit to play Roger Ailes in The Loudest Voice. That story is legit.
Why am I talking about his weight? Well, because I'm the kind of guy who takes a malicious delight in rich, successful people getting fat. Well, except for Elvis, who was by all accounts a nice man, and whom I wished well.
Actually, I like Crowe as a performer. Very entertaining guy to watch and a terrific actor and excellent as the menacing psycho in Unhinged. He is still magnetic, even if he is obese.
Alex 6'10" said on 12/May/21
Ian C, he wore a fat suit for that film, as well as having to gain a few pounds for the movie. But regardless of that, why are you even talking about his weight? You're just straight roasting him lmao. Chill on my guy.
Ian C. said on 4/May/21
I have now seen Unhinged (which is a pretty good movie) and Crowe has definitely become massively obese- 300 pounds is not out of the question. You can see him in Romper Stomper (a terrific movie, but much too violent and bleak for many people) when he was in his late twenties, and he was muscular and athletic, so he's been robbed by age of great good looks and physical strength.
The sudden onset of obesity in middle age is a little like cancer, in that it is lying in wait within the genetics of some people. Marlon Brando and Elvis Presley both got very fat as they aged, but it is said that they were both gluttonous eaters when they were young. In youth they had a protective immunity to obesity but, at a certain point in their lives, the warranty ran out, and they suddenly got fat. This is probably what has happened to Crowe.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 15/Apr/21
Idk about solid 5’11 but 179.5 is really probable...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/21
He’s one of those guys like Patrick Swayze that gives the on-screen impression of someone well over 6ft...was shocked when I found out both guys were under 6ft. Crowe in L.A Confidential and Swayze in Dirty Dancing looked like big guys for some reason...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/21
Slim 6'1" said on 30/Sep/20
Rampage clover, where do u have Crowe at?
Only seeing your query now, Slim. Honestly L.A Confidential/Gladiator years thought he could look a solid 5ft11. Today still looks 5ft10½ range, even still pulls off near 5ft11 with Ryan Gosling. His claim is quite bizarre. I think there is a strong case for giving him 5ft11 peak...but he may not have lost that much
Slim 6'1.5 said on 12/Apr/21
A peak and current should be added, he’s just a few years off his 60th
David duFresne said on 10/Apr/21
If he's 5'10 1/2 he would be almost exactly average height. While he rarely comes off as tall in role, he never looks short either and can look on the tall side. He might be 5'10 1/2 today, but he was 5'11 or 5'11 1/2 in his prime. I believe his claim, but don't know if he is aware of morning/evening heights and all that. He's a husky guy with that Maori blood too, so while a rare person with the right proportions could pull off looking tall at under 5'11, most stocky guys couldn't. I'd say him and Oliver Reed had similar heights/builds. It's a nice height, you won't get referred to as the tall guy unless you are still in middle school or surrounded by pgymies but you certainly won't get made fun of for your height (possible exceptions in Holland and the Balkans?) and on dating aps I'm sure 90% of 5'11 guys go ahead and put 6' :D
Jtm said on 3/Apr/21
20 years has changed a lot. 5’11 was considered a big joke in the early 2000s but now for some reason his 5’11 is a lot more acceptable. I guess because he’s more likeable , not as controversial , and lack of evidence of him wearing lifts. I could accept 5’10 peak at the most but personally I think 5’9.5 peak and 5’9 now. Comparing him with 5’11 or 6’ guys like Edward Norton, Christian bale, and Javier bardem confirms that for me.
Xosrow said on 30/Mar/21
He stands taller than that perhaps somewhere between 180 _181 compare him with Jackman
The Height Guy said on 27/Mar/21
here he is with ryan gosling which he is listed at 6ft 1/4 i think his 181.75 claim is accurate Rob?
Click Here

Editor Rob
at that moment he could look over 5ft 11 a bit.
Ian C. said on 11/Mar/21
Actually, Chaos, I googled up "Russell Crowe fat," which yielded a picture of Crowe in the suit. I have a morbid interest in once lithe movie guys who got fat. The champion? Gerard Depardieu. Then of course there are the usual favourites: Marlon Brando, Jack Nicholson and Val Kilmer.
I'll admit that this is a pretty mean-spirited hobby. I remember when Elizabeth Taylor became morbidly obese, and the joy this caused so many people was positively obscene. Well, I'm like that.
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 9/Mar/21
@Ian why were you looking up photos of Russell Crowe in a bathing suit?
Ian C. said on 7/Mar/21
Crowe's latest movie is called Unhinged, and in it he plays a man who is whale-size obese. It is claimed that Crowe wore a fat suit in the making of the movie. I suspect (as it is in my nature to be suspicious) that Crowe's apparent size in the movie is actually his real size. I have seen pictures of Crowe in a bathing suit, taken years ago, and that man was fat. It is reasonable to suspect that he has since gained even more weight. And why would it be necessary for the plot of Unhinged that the serial killer that Crowe plays be morbidly obese? So I think the fat suit story is untrue.
slim 6'1 said on 15/Feb/21
I would say Crowe had a better chance of being nearer 5’11” than Clooney
Genau 5ft9 7/8 said on 14/Feb/21
Slim 6'1 if u say for example here a weak 5ft11 do you mean 5ft10 1/2 - 5ft10 7/8 or more 5ft10 5/8 - 5ft10 3/4 ?
slim 6'1 said on 12/Feb/21
This mofo can actually act.
slim 6'1 said on 12/Feb/21
Rob I’ve lived in Australia my entire life and never heard a 181-182cm guy being called a “Collingwood six footer”
??? 🤣 🤪

Editor Rob
Crowe loves the story though and has mentioned that Collingwood 6ft claim a couple of times now.
slim 6'1 said on 10/Feb/21
Need a peak and current
slim 6'1 said on 10/Feb/21
He has lost a little bit of height
Slim 6'1" said on 6/Feb/21
There’s no way Jackman has lost height and Crowe hasn’t
Genau said on 30/Jan/21
I think he is 5ft10 3/4 out of bed 181.0 cm and likely doesnt drop below 179.0 before bed on a regular day
slim 6'1 said on 7/Jan/21
Easily clear 181.5-182 out of bed, strong guy aswell 💪
slim 6'1 said on 7/Jan/21
Weak 5’11” like Clooney and McConaughey
Idaho Phat said on 4/Jan/21
All you guessers, especially those deriving your estimate from moving or static Hollywood-produced images: Check out the comment from Kelly on 2 Sep 2019 - the guy was actually standing next to him in close proximity in an elevator, and stated his own height was recently measured at a doctor's office. I would say that info, barring complete fabrication, probably gives him the most credibility in this entire Russell Crowe discussion.
Slim 6'1" said on 16/Dec/20
179 range
Tall Sam said on 14/Nov/20
Jackman in lifts, I have trouble picturing that. I think their different stances make it look like he is sporting more heel than Crowe.
Rickie said on 14/Nov/20
Jackman looks like he is wearing lifts in the main photo. Check out where his ankle starts in relation to Mr Crowe.
Slim 6'1" said on 30/Sep/20
Rampage clover, where do u have Crowe at?
Slim 6'1" said on 30/Sep/20
Crowes shrunk a bit as well due due to middle age and Jackman is wearing bigger shoes above
Slim 6'1" said on 30/Sep/20
179cm area,
Brian Tobbs said on 27/Sep/20
Rob, i think of his weight in The Gladiator in the 190 pounds? How do you think?
CDS said on 25/Aug/20
Just seen the first release after the theater shutdown, "unhinged", great b-movie fun!😂 I'll agree with this site's listing for Crowe, but he was HUGE in this movie! Can someone on here speculate to what he now weighs?? I'm gonna guess at least 250 pounds??

Editor Rob
From that trailer he looks near that 240-50!
Jtm said on 8/Aug/20
Nah look how short he looked with Bryan Brown in blood oath or Hugo weaving in proof and this was like 30 years ago.
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
179 area
Dmeyer said on 4/Aug/20
Looks very close to Denzel at peak still think he was never more than 5-10,5-10,75 but could look 5-11,5 on rare occasions
Dmeyer said on 4/Aug/20
When posture IS weak he Can look 5-9ish with cavill but when erect Can look 5-10,5-11
175cmandhappy said on 31/Jul/20
Said in a very recent video he was "just under 6 ft". One of those "most googled questions" videos. He is older now, I can buy 5'11 and 3/4 peak, maybe closer to 5'11 barefoot now. Average guess of 5'10 seems a little too under.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Jul/20
181.75cm could be what he measure with a nike sneakers on.
Jtm said on 16/Jul/20
Look at him with Javier bardem back in 2001.
Dmeyer said on 13/Jul/20
if Jackman was solid 188cm crowe could look near enaugh 181.75cm in that pics he dosnt look over 6.25cm shorter
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/20
Rob, how tall do you think director Curtis Hanson was?
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
I’m gonna say 6ft1 range as listed elsewhere

Editor Rob
Could have been over 6ft flat yeah.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jul/20
Honestly, if Russell is/was near 5ft11, Martin looks like a big 6ft1er. Certainly looks more believable...6ft flat equals Russell struggling with 5ft10!
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jun/20
Rob, how tall do you think Russell’s cricketer cousin was?
I think over 6ft personally

Editor Rob
I can see him over 6ft too
chicagoan said on 15/Jun/20
His late cousin Martin Crowe looked a legitimate 6ft guy, based on pictures with other cricketers on cricket ground (I have seen pics of Martin Crowe with Imran khan, for instance).
But if you look at Russell Crowe with Martin Crowe
Click Here
I am not sure if Russell crowe is in 5ft 10 in range, the height difference looks more.
Realist said on 6/Jun/20
He always looked 5'10 to me
OriginalAnon said on 17/May/20
Probably spot on with this one. Could have been 5'11'' at some point, but I really doubt it.
berta said on 8/May/20
i think 1/4 upgrade for peak but could be this height now
Panchsfhool said on 24/Apr/20
Definately half inch below his claim
Sandy A Cowell said on 7/Apr/20
🎊🎈🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Russell! 🎁🎂🎈🎊
A Very Happy Birthday to Russell Crowe who is celebrating his 56th today! Have a great time, Russ! 😀🍻
5ft10.5. 🥳
Progking said on 25/Mar/20
@Pov sounds more reasonable as a shoe height. He's an above average guy, i think you have to be 6'0-6'0.5 in shoes to be considered tallish(6'1 in shoes generally tall, 6'2 in shoes solid tall) I can buy 5'10.75 peak for him though
Progking said on 25/Mar/20
@Pov sounds more reasonable as a shoe height. He's an above average guy, i think you have to be 6'0-6'0.5 in shoes to be considered tallish. I can buy 5'10.75 peak for him though
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Mar/20
5ft11 peak is distinctly possible.
pov said on 24/Mar/20
Seeing as he said 181.75cm so accurately, I would take his word for it tbh, in his peak. maybe now he has shrunk a bit to 5'10.5. I would certainly buy a 5'11 prime for him.
Cal Pest said on 18/Mar/20
I believe he's being honest heightwise. He's not the kind of actor who puts lots of money on his looks. He's more about acting skills and deep voice than anything else, not being in shape often times may contribute to misleading impressions; he's tallish.He looks a solid five eleven next to 6'2 Jackman and in terms of overall size and presence is no less than the taller Jackman. He's big with even bigger presence...
Jkiller said on 11/Mar/20
5'10 and a half is a good measurement
jackyboy said on 20/Dec/19
he look 10cm shorter.. 176-177cm
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 8/Dec/19
He looked talish in the abduction thriller 'Proof of Life'. Quite a slick little flick actually.
Nik Ashton said on 1/Dec/19
He’s a fair bit above average!
Animus said on 1/Dec/19
He was a full two inches shorter than Heath Ledger. So if Ledger was 6'0½, then 5'10½ is right.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Oct/19
Near 5ft11 peak is probable but honestly he doesn’t look like he’s really anything
Jtm said on 3/Oct/19
What evidence? Go watch blood oath and proof. If that's 5'11 then that's the shortest 5'11 I have ever seen and again there wouldn't be so much doubt about his height if he was really 5'11. Maybe if he looked 6'0 or taller I could see but he never looks that tall and he has only been reported 5'11ish at his tallest. I would give him 5'9.5-5'9.75 peak and 5'9-5'9.25 now.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 27/Sep/19
I think he hit 180. 5ft 10.75 fairest for a peak 20s Crowe, Rob? I think it'd be the best compromise looking at evidence.
Rising174cm said on 11/Sep/19
I was surprised to see Russell's recent appearance on Stephen Colbert's show. Check out the greeting:
Click Here Crowe looked shorter than 5'10.5" Colbert! I don't doubt Crowe was around 5'10.5", but could worsening posture and his weight gain have caused him to shrink now that he's about 55 years old? Like George Clooney, he seems like a guy who peaked at 5'10.5", but now might be 5'10" flat or 5'10.25".

Editor Rob
Crowe could be entering an age at which he might be struggling to measure his full height, whether it's a 1/4 inch loss I'm not sure...
kelly said on 2/Sep/19
I ran into Russell Crowe in an elevator in the Beverly Hills Hotel about 9 years ago after attending the Paul McCartney concert at the Hollywood Bowl. It was just Me, my wife, Russell, his two little sons (they looked about 2 and 4 at the time), and his bodyguard in the lift. I am 6'1/2" tall as recently measured in bare feet at a physical with my doctor. I can tell you that 5'10" is accurate for Mr. Crowe, maybe 5'10 1/2" as the site suggests. BTW he was cordial and friendly toward us in the elevator. Peace out
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 24/Aug/19
5ft 10.75in peak is justice for him. What do you reckon?
Lamont Cranston said on 15/Aug/19
I have no estimate, but I recently watched ‘Gladiator’ again, after last seeing it years ago.
I was frankly surprised how nearly everyone in the film was taller than Russel
Chris Chen said on 24/Jul/19
A classic 5'11 guy ,who is 3~4cms shorter than Ryan Gosling
berta said on 23/Jul/19
i think he was exactly 180 cm during gladiator days. and 10 seconds out of bed was the height he claims.( or been measured tht height in shoes later in the day) it seems strange to claim a exact height like tht and not been measured it. 180 cm peak 181,5 out of bed/ or in shoes and 179-180 today
Can duz said on 5/Apr/19
Probably maximum 5.11 or 180 centimeter
Ian555 said on 30/Mar/19
Rob do you think the figure of “181.75 cm” Crowe gave was a shoe measurement?

Editor Rob
Barefoot I struggle to see Crowe almost 6ft, but in shoes yeah he probably is near it.
billionaireslayer said on 19/Mar/19
5'9 n half at prime
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 7/Mar/19
Reckon you could give him the 5ft 10.75in mark, Rob? I really think at peak he looked circa 180.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Jan/19
Crowe look 1.5" shorter than 6'0 Ryan Gosling.
Jtm said on 19/Jan/19
significantly shorter than hugo weaving in proof and a lot of people are saying that weaving is closer to 6'1.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 10/Jan/19
Maybe the 5-11.5 relates to a morning measurement, Rob?? 5-10.75 could be a good fit for Crowe. Especially early on in his career, he definitely looked close. Great actor, has delivered some tour de force performances

Editor Rob
Maybe earlier in the day he once got near it and rounded up, I can see how 10.75 could fit him too.
Scott 6' said on 6/Jan/19
I’d say he was a little over 5’ 11” in his prime, now a little under.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 24/Dec/18
Possibly could be 181-182cm out of bed
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 7/Oct/18
Rob, could he be one for a 5ft 10 and 5/8 or a 5ft 10.75 listing? Maybe a weak 180 or thereabouts is the fairest compromise. Early in his career he appeared a 1. 80m chap.

Editor Rob
He does have a chance of measuring in that range.
Rourke said on 24/Jul/18
Looking 179.5cm tops with 187-188cm Jackman. Wonder if Collingwood means blatantly lying
Howay Man! said on 27/Jun/18
No way is he 5' 11"!! 5'10" max. He's put on a lot of weight too which would weigh his body down.
Jtm said on 19/Jun/18
look at the third picture with snoop. he is much shorter than snoop and his footwear looks suspicious. maybe the other people you are comparing with are simply not their listed height especially 50 cent and ryan gosling. 50 cent doesn't even look 6'0.
MAD SAM said on 18/Jun/18
He has claimed 181.75 cm, I think that’s when he wakes up in the morning, but that height should come down minimum 2 cm during a normal day, or 2.5-3 cm after a really physically demanding working day so that brings the equation down to 179-180 cm, and that Russel totally is so he ain’t lying his height just relinquishing his morning height 😎
jbaja74 said on 24/May/18
I forgot to say Robin Hood. He said he was 205 lbs for Robin Hood. Seems a bit heavier then he was in Gladiator.
jbaja74 said on 22/May/18
I would say a legit 5'10" these days. He appeared taller in Gladiator due to the filming techniques and him being leaner.
It's always being said how much weight he gained for this role and dropped weight for that role and so on.
So, does anyone know his weight for Gladiator? I am guessing 190-200. I know he stated in a interview that he weighed 205.
What do you think Rob? 5'10" and 190 for Gladiator?
Smiles03 said on 25/Apr/18
Younger 5'11 with shoes on 6'0 but now 5'10
berta said on 23/Apr/18
i thin russell crowe could have gone from a legit 179 man to 178,5 man
Terry said on 21/Mar/18
I am same height as Russel Crowe :)
even said on 14/Mar/18
after working hard for 24 hours : 5'10" , after a long sleep : 180 cm
danR22 said on 5/Mar/18
This photo, where both are wearing pretty spiffy footwear, both standinging erect, where they are the same distance from the camera, where the architectural verticals are true, tells me that Russell Crowe could hardly be taller than 5' 10", vs Cruise' generally agreed 5' 7¾".
kelly said on 14/Feb/18
I ran into Russell, along with his two little boys and his bodyguard in an elevator in the Beverly Hills Hotel in 2010 (after I saw Paul McCartney at the Hollywood Bowl). I'm 6'1" and I guessed his height at 5'10 1/2" at the time. Saw the average on this website listing him at the same and I totally agree. Russell Crowe is indeed 5'10 1/2".
Jjak said on 28/Dec/17
Just rewatched gladiator he looks weak 511 big 510.
So the listing seems fine haha he make tom cruise look puny.
James said on 12/Dec/17
Crowe is exactly 5'10", but can appear shorter due to his weight.
Liam said on 23/Nov/17
He is 53, he has probably lost some height, if say a strong 5'11 peak and 5,10.75 now
Grit said on 14/Nov/17
He's 5'11" But no more
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 10/Nov/17
Rob, also in Cinderella Man

Editor Rob
yeah, I have to watch the descriptions, sometimes you could get carried away listing a bunch of films when it's not really needed.
Junior said on 8/Nov/17
@Slim 6
Great. He look closer to 5'10.75" and sometimes 5'10.5" in that film. Maybe 179cm is still fine.
Slim 6' said on 31/Oct/17
@junior, I suggest you watch “master and commander”.
Junior said on 30/Oct/17
I watch LA Confidential for thrice i still don't see Russell Crowe had a 1/4 on 5'10.25" Guy Pearce. They literally look the same and in opposite Guy can look that 1/4 on Russell.
Slim 6' said on 22/Oct/17
5'10.75" peak and 5'10.5" today would be a great listing for Russel Crowe.
robson said on 19/Oct/17
I know what he means. I'm in situation about as he is 2cm taller, I'm legit 181cm but always tries to look 6'0 legit
Johnny said on 14/Oct/17
hardguy said on 9/Oct/17
might be 6'3 LOL
I think if you look at Russell with Sacha
Baron Cohen who himself claims 6ft 3 that is unbelievable.
Click Here
Jinx said on 14/Oct/17
Is there anyone is this world who has exactly the same height as he/she say???
hardguy said on 9/Oct/17
might be 6'3 LOL
Slim 6' said on 7/Oct/17
Average guess is underselling him. I do believe his stocky build does make him look much shorter than he actually is. truth is he's 5'10.5" with a chance 5'11".
Slim said on 28/Sep/17
Bobby said on 25/Sep/17
Surprised Crowe is this height, he looked 6ft in Robin Hood. He doesn't look much shorter than Hugh either. I think he was claîming a morning height, but then again, shrinking a full inch seems excessive for someone under 6ft tall but yeah, solid height still. He gets 5'11 from me.
Agreed man, I've competed for way too many downgrades and it's time Russ gets 5'10.75"-5'11".
Slim said on 26/Sep/17
even said on 20/Sep/17
after sleeping for 15 hours = 180 cm , after working for 20 hours = 178 cm .
Bobby said on 25/Sep/17
Surprised Crowe is this height, he looked 6ft in Robin Hood. He doesn't look much shorter than Hugh either. I think he was claîming a morning height, but then again, shrinking a full inch seems excessive for someone under 6ft tall but yeah, solid height still. He gets 5'11 from me.
even said on 20/Sep/17
after sleeping for 15 hours = 180 cm , after working for 20 hours = 178 cm .
Brett said on 31/Aug/17
Rob, hope you are well... I see mr Crowe very regularly in Woolloomooloo, Sydney... as he lives around there.
He is often in sports sneakers which are well insulated, but last time I got close to him and he appeared (unless he has lifts) 5'11" comfortably.
Funnily enough Jai Courtney was in the same pub and he is probably 184-185cm... not far off myself - very very stocky nowadays though...looked easily 100kg
Was digging through some photos of Russell, and I suppose you always have to question the footwear, but this photo stacks up better with what I saw recently
Click Here
Jani said on 20/Aug/17
He looks pretty much like 178-179cm range. Maybe 180cm peak in his younger years.
Slim 182 cm said on 4/Aug/17
Yeah, that's gotta cause bone loss for sure, in 2 years I'd give the half inch downgrade.
Btw @richard, are you @richardspain?
TBH crowes just in the 5'10 range, I agreed with big robs listing, but really, Russ McConaughey and Clooney are the same height, not sure who'd be taller by the mm. Yeah so I'd give russ 10.75 or Clooney+McConaughey the 10.5 downgrade.
Richard said on 3/Aug/17
Crowe said he smoked more than 60 cigarettes a day.
Slim 182 cm said on 29/Jul/17
Rob, let's say russ is 5'10.75 max, he started smoking as a child(no question about this) is it possible he would of grown taller if he didn't smoke?
Slim 182 cm said on 21/Jul/17
240 pounds at biggest.
even said on 17/Jul/17
hes 5'10.5" but i think hes well over 200 pounds ( 230 pounds is my guess )
Slim 181 cm said on 16/Jul/17
RichardsPain, 😝Saw guy pearce recently(no bs) who's 178 max and russ is like the similar height as him, so strong 5'10 shouldn't be ruled out.
So basically Russ isn't under 178, may be 179 if he's lucky, and he most certainly isn't 180+, end of the mystery guys.
I agree with big robs listing, it's the truth, or its quarter inch away from it. 👏🏻 👍🏻
RichardSpain said on 15/Jul/17
He looks classic guy 180cm in screen, but as we know in the real life is other history. Anyway to me he seems a good 179cm next to Jackman who is a solid 186/187 cm in this moments.
Slim 181 cm said on 13/Jul/17
Russel Crowe peak wasn't shorter than a strong 5'10.
even said on 12/Jul/17
the correct answer : 5'10.5" morning - 5'10" evening
Slim 181 cm said on 12/Jul/17
I really wonder if russ was ever a weak 5'11... he's definitely 5'10.25 might be 5'10.5 but a weak 5'11 is debatable... he did look a .5er in a beautiful mind and master and commander. 8 cm between peak Jackman and Crowe isn't impossible.
Slim 181 cm said on 5/Jul/17
There's always a possibility russel is a 180 cm guy claiming his morning height.
Meson 777 said on 3/Jul/17
I think 5ft 10 - 5ft 10.25 will be better
Slim 181 cm said on 25/Jun/17
Ummm, he's 5'10.25 at worst or 5'10.5 at best, I root for the latter.
jtm said on 10/Jun/17
He has always been struggling with 5'10. He wouldn't have been told to put his shoes back on because of his height if he was really 5'11.
Peter175 said on 9/Jun/17
Johnny a lot of that is posture. Henry cavill is standing as tall as possible with cam advantage in both pics. It's at most 2 inches in reality. He may have lost a fraction in recent years but peak I can easily see 5'10.75
Johnny said on 8/Jun/17
Peter175 said on 6/Jun/17
I think nearer 5'11. It would work better with Tom Cruise's and Henry Cavill's listings imo
Seriously man? Crowe looked nearly 3 inches shorter than Cavill.
Click Here Click Here
Peter175 said on 6/Jun/17
I think nearer 5'11. It would work better with Tom Cruise's and Henry Cavill's listings imo
Johnny said on 1/Jun/17
@Rob which slot will you put Russell in:
A)182.5 cm/180.5 cm
B)182 cm/180 cm
C)181.5 cm/179.5 cm
D)181 cm/179 cm
E)180.5 cm/178.5 cm
F)180 cm/178 cm
G)179.5 cm/177.5 cm

Editor Rob
I think D is lowest I'd guess, I can see C as being very possible.
delancey said on 18/May/17
I think Russell forgot to pack his lifts! Photo with 175 cm Hardy below, very similar.
At the moment I still think Crowe is somewhere within the low to mid 5'10 range, 5'11 is out of the question. But his height really does seem to fluctuate a lot...
Click Here
jtm said on 8/May/17
He's clearly shorter than bale even when he's closer to the camera and looked close to ray winstone's height. Winstone could have even shrunk to 5'8.5 since he was 57. I will admit that crowe could look 5'10.5. and maybe even 5'11 but that's probably because of lifts, camera angles , and posture. I think he's really 177 cm like brad Pitt.
RisingForce said on 6/May/17
Yeah, his claim sounds more like a shoe height likely making Crowe 5'10.5" barefoot as listed so he's probably somewhere from 180-181 cm in the morning. Mike, he may look near his claim in the above photo with Jackman, but Crowe looked noticeably shorter at the Australian premiere:
Click Here He looks at least 3" shorter than a 6'1.5" Jackman at the Australian premiere and with better posture, so closer to 5'10" yet he looks a solid 181 cm in the above pic. What's more bizarre is 5'8" Ben Foster in cowboy boots looking near Crowe's height:
Click Here yet at the same premiere, Crowe looks somewhere around his usual 179 range with 182 cm Christian Bale. At times, he can seem like a pretty big guy around 5'11", but he was shorter than a real 5'11" like
Leonardo DiCaprio. It's been a while, but I think he was a bit taller than Guy Pearce in L.A. Confidential, and Guy is a solid 5'10" himself. Rob's listing seems to add up the best, but his height is a bit all over the place. I've never completely bought that old article that mentioned Crowe wore elevator shoes at Jerry Bruckheimer's insistence, but it's not impossible he sports the occasional lift in his shoes to make him look at least a solid 5'11" guy. Though I think Ben Foster might be more a guy to watch with his shoes after seeing him measure up at least as well to Crowe as he did to
Jason Statham, who could be 2" shorter than Crowe.
berta said on 5/May/17
hm 181,75 sounds mutch even for morning height. i dont think a guy like him loose more than 2 cm from out of bed to evening.
Bodie said on 29/Apr/17
He is a inch taller then tom cruise in a side by side photo cruise is 5.7 so he is not 6 foot he's not 5.9
Matt179 said on 23/Apr/17
Same height as me.
I wonder what is Weight was in Gladiator, I read 172 pounds. He look lean in that movie. Really in good shape.
Thomas Veil said on 22/Apr/17
He always seemed more like a 5'9 guy. Looked that height in L.A Confidential
Cheech said on 20/Apr/17
He's between 5'10" and 5'11". He towers over T. cruise,Kane West,and Bono.
Mike said on 19/Apr/17
Looks between 5ft 11 and 6ft with Jackman in the PR photo
KH said on 18/Apr/17
This listing seems about right. His stocky frame makes him seem possibly a little shorter then that at times. Definitely not 5'11.5 thats a shoe height or him just adding an inch of height like a lot of celebrities too. Nothing wrong with being 5'10 and a half.
jtm said on 18/Apr/17
Look at the pictures with christian bale and Ben foster. He's definitely not 5'11 range. 5'10 is the real question.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 17/Apr/17
If he was actually 5ft11 in his prime that 181.75cm may have been an early morning measurement
Christian-196.8cm (6ft5.5)Noon said on 16/Apr/17
The 181.75cm was most likely a shoe measurement, as he's obviously not that tall barefoot.
S.J.H said on 31/Mar/17
I remember he was like 4' shorter than 6'1-1/4 listed japanese actor Etsushi Toyokawa in 1995 No Way Back
berta said on 27/Mar/17
weird that he really stick to that cliam i think he out of bed really have been measured to that a couple of times and in the evening he is in the stron g179 range
Cameron said on 25/Mar/17
5'11" flat peak height maybe.
Arthur said on 24/Mar/17
WOW at his 181.75 cm claim. Rob, do you think there's ANY chance he could have measured BAREFOOT that much earlier in the day? If his pulling up this quote out of his ass, he is one filthy liar. I mean, giving even millimeter accuracy is cheeky, let alone mentioning HALF a millimeter!!!!
It's also funny he is calling 1.4 mm ''a bit'' (he is 1.4 mm over 5'11.5 as he claims). In real terms, that's actually called ''nothing''

Editor Rob
Arthur, it's certainly a very specific quote, maybe in a shoe, but barefoot I just can't see it.
MaskDeMasque said on 22/Mar/17
In "The Nice Guys" compared to Ryan Gosling he looks around 5'10.25-5. A solid 5'10 guy.
Johnny said on 16/Mar/17
@Rob he claims his barefoot height as 181.75 cm on his official twitter account.
Click Here

Editor Rob
Johnny, that is funny from Crowe...he's gone to 2 decimal places on it, I will mention it at the top beside his Collingwood quote, it ties in exactly to his claim of being just a bit over 5ft I congratulate him on being able to convert feet and metric fine!
Richie said on 23/Feb/17
I'm going to be a spoiler and give Crowe the benefit of the doubt, peak height was close to 6'. He edged Oliver Reed in Gladiator by 2 inches and Reed was a solid 5'10", so Crowe was definitely close to 6' during his prime. I do agree he has lost a little but is still close to 5'11" as recent photo with Hugh Jackman shows him around the 5'11" mark, with Jackman a legit 6'2".
Johnny said on 15/Feb/17
@Rob I am 5'11.25" at worst, do you think I will look taller than Russell if I stand next to him?

Editor Rob
yes Johnny, you are probably going to edge him out a little if face to face.
James said on 13/Feb/17
He's no more than 5'10". What happened to his career?
Gail said on 26/Jan/17
I don't know what made me wonder about his height. I love his acting. He has a certain charm. His demeanor reminds me of a great man I knew and miss terribly.
Arch Stanton said on 1/Jan/17
No, in Nice Guys Crowe looked close to 5 ft 11 with Ryan Gosling, I'd say 5'10.5 is spot on, and there's a chance of 5'10.75.
Jug said on 31/Dec/16
I would say 5'10. In Gladiator, he looked 3-4 inches shorter than Djimon Hounsou. Anything above 5'10 is very unlikely.
Johnny said on 30/Dec/16
Here are a few other shots with Jackman
Click Here Click Here
With Jean Dujardin
Click Here Click Here
Dujardin actually looks shorter than 5'11" Brad Pitt
Click Here
He seems to be 5'10.5"(179 cm) range in these shots but he looks to have less footwear than both Jackman and Dujardin.. about half inch anyway...
@Rob is the full 5'11" impossible for Russell?
Giorgi said on 22/Dec/16
There is no way a true five-eleven and a half would say the same. In reality if 5'11" guy claims anything below 6'0.5" consider you're dealing with the world's most honest man there is.
Giorgi said on 21/Dec/16
How can we believe enything celebrities say when they lie about something this obvious.
MJKoP said on 16/Dec/16
Hey, Superman - put your Clark Kent glasses back on. Crowe is easily over 5'10".
Superman said on 3/Dec/16
In the movie where Henry Cavil portrays my life "Man of Steel" you'll see Henry beside Russell, if Henry is 6'1" it looks like Russell is 5'7" - 5'8".
Superman said on 3/Dec/16
If you watch him in the movie about my life "Man of Steel" you'll see him talking right next to Henry Cavil who plays me, Henry is 6'1" be the judge?? looks like 5'7 or 5'8 to me!
newbie said on 16/Nov/16
I'd never have bought 6'0 for him, maybe fact he tends to play bulked up characters in earlier films made him look shorter so I'd buy into 5'10 maybe a touch over - I sort of see what Aza is saying about Jackman's shoes, the top lace area looks suspiciously high, as though accommodating the foot being lifted artificially higher than normal and he's definitely got a more noticeable heel so the photo with Jackman makes it hard to tell.
Aza said on 10/Nov/16
Think he's a bit under 5'10 these days. Btw Jackmans boots look a bit elevated in the pick... Maybe it's the angle shot But it looks like the shoe is too long for his feet... Maybe a sneaky insole or three !
Tiago said on 27/Oct/16
He looks solid 1,78 CM
Fenix said on 17/Oct/16
Looks solid 5'10. About three inches taller than 5'7" Joaquin Phoenix in Gladiator.
josh jeffords said on 11/Oct/16
Crowe is more like 5 9 looking 5 10 in shoes is 5 9 duh and tv so could be a weak 5 9.
He is a very good actor especially in the 90s some weak roles lately.
I guess he is the one aussie who is over listed not under down under :>.
S.J.H said on 3/Oct/16
Guy pearce and crowe were probably same height at 5'10
Lon said on 1/Oct/16
On the bonus material for one of his films, I think it was L.A. Confidential, Crowe say he is, quote "a shade under 5'11." So 5'10 and a half sounds about right.

Editor Rob
never heard that one, he's claimed the other times to basically be a bit under six foot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Sep/16
Looks 5ft11 w/h Snoop Dogg
LAPD said on 19/Aug/16
He looked like 5 feet 8-9 to me.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Aug/16
Also in Cinderalla Man, The Insider, Les Miserables, Man Of Steel, Master & Commander, Robin Hood, Noah and The Water Diviner
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 17/Jul/16
With Snoop Dogg:
Click Here
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jul/16
Might've scraped 5ft11½(182cm) out of bed in his 20's. Still unsure if he was a full 5ft11 or always was a little shy of that mark.
"Russell Crowe's Height: 5ft 10¾in (179.705cm)"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/16
Well, Arch he's not even in that range...
Arch Stanton said on 4/Jul/16
@Rampage Yes he's an intimidating looking guy with a big presence, you'd have thought he'd be 6'2 or 6'3 but in films generally looks about 5 ft 11-6 ft.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jul/16
@Johan: I was shocked to hear he was sub-6ft. Given his aggressive nature and the fact that he's an Australian (who usually tend to be on the tall side) I assumed he was a large man...
truth said on 23/Jun/16
Never looked over 5'11 to me tbh, could be 5'10.25 at lowest but I will buy 5'10.5.
Mat said on 23/May/16
the ''5'11.5 and a bit '' quote is the ****tiest claim on has ever said. And a claim no real ''5'11.5 and a bit'' man would EVER EVER claim.
S.J.H said on 16/May/16
He might be 5'9.25 and 5'10.5 with dress shoe or he might be a weak six foot with footwear and bare 5'10.5 haha he can look like 176ish and then other time he look on tall side like 179cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Apr/16
I think Crowe is a weak 5ft11 and Pearce a strong 5ft10
Sam said on 25/Apr/16
I don't think there was much between Crowe and Pearce in the scene where they face-off in the street but Crowe does edge Pearce. I understand Crowe's character in the book is supposed to be a huge guy so I'm sure they filmed him to seem bigger then reality.
Johan said on 25/Apr/16
Its interesting that you bring up lifts Rampage because I remember hearing a story about Crowe being caught with elevator shoes. He also seems abit insecure about his height in interviews as he brings it up quite often.
The story was : He was at a party and took his shoes off at the pool and apparently he was told to put them back on as it was ruining his image. I always thought he was around 5 ft 10.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Apr/16
Crowe looked near 2in taller than Pearce in L.A. Confidential but might've worn lifts to look more imposing as that cop with the anger issues
Johno said on 8/Apr/16
Not sure about these 5'9-ish estimates but he does look around 5'10.
jtm said on 22/Mar/16
he was around the same height as paddy considine in Cinderella man. I still think 5'9.5-5'10 is more realistic than 5'10.5-5'11.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Mar/16
Rob, do you think he edges Guy Pearce?

Editor Rob
it could look touch and go between them...I think he may well have, in the 90's.
Mat said on 17/Feb/16
rob is 5'10 3/8 at night possible for him?

Editor Rob
I still think if you measured Russ, he'd come in around 5ft 10.5, but after a hard day you wouldn't rule out anybody dropping a little shy of their usual range.
ElDuderino said on 4/Dec/15
doesn't look two inches shorter than gosling in nice guys trailer
anonymous said on 3/Dec/15
hi rob is it possible he has lost height from when he was 182cm to 179 because he said he smoked from a very young age and after his school years smoked 40 cigarettes a day and 60 on bad days. He said this on a letterman show i think and do you think this could've caused height loss.

Editor Rob
not sure if he's looked much different than 15-20 years ago, but a little loss isn't impossible
True velcoro said on 26/Nov/15
In a winter tale he look an inch taller tan colin farrell, crowe is 5'10 at best and colin is more like like 5' 9 tops
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Nov/15
"Russell Crowe's height is 5ft 10⅞in (180.022cm)"
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/15
179-180cm is more likely than just 178cm
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 31/Oct/15
I think you could argue a weak 5ft11 for him.
Jame said on 29/Oct/15
Rob are you think his height 178-179 or else 179-180 in the night

Editor Rob
I'm not sure he'd be as low as 178cm, I think he probably can hold roughly 179 range at dinner time, and even wakes up over 5ft 11
Jame said on 29/Oct/15
His height could be 179-180 in night
SL9 said on 30/Sep/15
" He looked a solid 5ft11 in L. A. Confidential and The Insider "
Rey said on 23/Sep/15
He is now listed @ 6' on Wiki....he is 5'9 in barefeet-5'10 with hair...
FlameBoy said on 26/Jun/15
rob do you have any idea on the height of rugby player sam Bugess ? his listed at 6 ft 5 but looking at pictures of him with Russell he does not seem to really tower above him could somewhere around 6 ft 3 be more Likely ?

Editor Rob
yes that listing seems quite high, more 6ft 3 than 6ft 5.
mike said on 20/Jun/15
He seems to be around 5'10 or 5'9 at the very least...with no shoes...meaning close to 5'11 with regular shoes during the day
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 9/Jun/15
180cm peak is always a possibility.
bam said on 9/Jun/15
a bit of a chameleon. He looks similar in height to Denzel, and his 5'11.5 claim. Don't you think he looks taller than 5'10.5 here Rob?
Click Here
Click Here

Editor Rob
there's a number of shots there with Crowe on higher much as 2 inches I can see.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Mar/15
Is it possible that he scraped 5ft11 in his 20's and 30's?
He looked a solid 5ft11 in L. A. Confidential and The Insider
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Mar/15
Jackman was not under 188cm
maximus said on 11/Mar/15
Give me a break....5'6"....yea right. He does not come across like Hoffman, pacino, cruise etc because he is around minimum 5'10" where as they are around 5'6" to 5'8". 5'10" is not short considering his shoes bring him up to 5'11 to 6'...its obvious with Cruise, Hoffman, Pacino that they are below average height.
cole said on 16/Feb/15
@Editor Rob: He looks no more than 8 cm shorter than Jackman, which looks the case in other pics as well. Jackman should surely be downgraded to 187 cm before Crowe gets upgraded to 180 cm. That Crowe was near 180 cm in his prime is quite possible though, and by 50 he looks to have lost a small fraction, perhaps similarly to Clooney. Think Jackman was never over a solid 187 cm, and now by mid/late 40's looks more like a strong 186 - flat/weak 187.
bam said on 9/Feb/15
Rob are you sure you see 5'10.5 in the above photo with Jackman? He seems 5'11.5 to me.

Editor Rob
he can appear around 5ft 11 range in the photo yes.
Joe said on 27/Jan/15
Russell Crowe might have been 5-11 in his prime, he was really fit in his younger years, but he has gotten fat and out of shape, and has lost height, I think he today he is slightly under 5'10". He was off to a good start in films like Gladiator but now he is fat old man, I think my best guess as to his height is that he is 5'9.5", definitely not 5'11", his Man of Steel co-star Henry Cavill just towers over him, Cavill is listed as 6'1", but is really 6'0.5", even so the difference between him and Crowe is very noticeable. The only legit 5'11" actor in Hollywood is Brad Pitt, and interestingly Pitt never claims to be taller than that.
Matt said on 13/Jan/15
Look at Jackman footwear, Look suspect to me LOL = Lift!
Bryan (Queenslander) said on 12/Jan/15
@Big T
The only other legendary player I've seen who's listed at his honest height is Darren Lockyer (5'10) who always seems to edge out the 5'11 and 6'0 players during interviews
cole said on 10/Jan/15
@Editor Rob: How much of a footwear advantage would Jackman have on Crowe in the pic?

Editor Rob
he could have 0.3in thicker shoes, but it's hard to tell exactly.
Barker said on 26/Dec/14
RUSSELL IS 5' 9" bare footed.
Dmeyer said on 30/Nov/14
Tom me he looks 5'10 Max 10.25in
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 28/Nov/14
Crowe could look 5ft11 a lot in the 90's. I wouldn't list him lower than this.
Dejavu said on 27/Nov/14
He looks 5'10
Joe said on 17/Nov/14
Russell Crowe is no way 6 feet tall, I think he may have been 5-11 in his prime, but my most educated guess is that he is 5-10 or slightly less, but I think 5-10 is about right, standing next to Christian Bale who is 6 foot even, Bale seems to be about 2 inches taller. Also Crowe looks much smaller than Hugh Jackman who is 6-2.
Big T said on 13/Nov/14
Click Here
This is Crowe next to 5'10 1/2" listed Andrew Johns- and Johns is not some obscure ex-player, he is one of the best ever. Again, for whatever reason Crowe looks 6 foot around rugby league players...either they're all overlisted by 2 inches or Crowe is a bit taller than listed here.
Big T said on 13/Nov/14
A lot of people seem to think he's shorter, but I think if anything he's taller. Just look at the size of him next to Joel Madden!
Click Here
Actually, Russell generally looks a lot taller than listed when he is with his South Sydney Rabbitohs players. Look at him next to 6'5" Sam Burgess or 5'8 1/2" Issac Luke. He looks more like 6 foot.
jb1987 said on 10/Nov/14
I have met on a premiere here in germany. I made a picture with him. Im searching it because its on a stick. He is exactly the same size as me. Im 5'9 with' barefeet and 5'11 in my Spezial Winter boots. We have both the Same size. No short or tall but really naturally bulky with huge shoulders. Not someone who got often problems. I think we also have the Same size in clothes xxl. Im 220. And I th
Paddy said on 7/Nov/14
I walked past him in London a few years back and he was no taller than 5' 10", probably closer to 5' 9".
I'm a measured 6' 0" barefoot and I had three inches on him. Three inches and 110lbs.
Joe said on 6/Nov/14
No actor that is 5-11 in reality will actually say they are 5-11. I think Crow is about 5-9 because he seems to stand at the same height as Joseph Gordon Levitt, who is 5-9. There are many examples of so called 5-11 actors who are really shorter. George Clooney is one such actor, in Batman and Robin he stood roughly at equal height as 5-9 Chris O'Donnell, and he was 36 at the time.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 30/Oct/14
He was doing stunt work in Noah I think aswell.
Judd said on 22/Oct/14
5'10" fits him a lot in my opinion