How tall is Ryan Gosling

Ryan Gosling's Height

6ft ¼ in (183.5 cm)

Canadian Actor best known for appearing in movies like Drive, The Notebook, The Big Short, The Nice Guys, Ides of March, La La Land, The Believer, Gangster Squad and Fracture.

How tall is Ryan Gosling
Harrison Ford, Ana De Armas, Ryan
Photo by SolarPix / PR Photos

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Average Guess (449 Votes)
6ft 0.12in (183.2cm)
dreus23 said on 24/Sep/23
@Ben - 186 cm

I'd actually say that's one of the few occassions in which he actually looks as tall as 6'0.25 if not even a weak 6'1

Look at this for example: Click Here

That's atleast a 1.5 inch difference, 2 inches isn't impossible

Generally I think Gosling looks closer to a flat 6ft but this isn't an example of that imo
james222 said on 23/Sep/23
Rob do you think Ryan could drop to 6ft flat at the end of a long day?
Editor Rob
He might fall to that mark just before bed.
Ben - 186cm said on 2/Jun/23
I feel like he’s less than 2 inches taller than Russel Crowe. What do you think Rob? Click Here
Editor Rob
In the past I remember thinking it was anywhere between 1.5 and 2 inches of height difference between them.
Keyten DeGraef said on 26/May/23
Rob he needs an upgrade to 6’0 1/2 or 184 cm
Gian 181cm said on 15/May/23
I don't know if he's ever claimed any height, but on IMBD it's 6ft 1/2 which is honest imo.
Johan 185 cm said on 29/Apr/23
Ryan got a downgrade? I thought he is an example of solid 6 footer. Cant be any less than this, he edged out Chris Evans and he is listed at 6'0 flat.
Height Analyzer 2 said on 28/Apr/23
He's definitely in the 183-183.5 range, definitely a 6'0er, but I'm not sure if I could fully argue him being a solid 6'er throughout the day. I'll go with a conservative guess, so the average falls closer to 183
Alanna said on 25/Apr/23
Click Here=
Looks a head taller than Margot Robbie here
Alex Schoenberger said on 24/Apr/23
A lot of y’all are arguing if Chris Evans looked taller I’d say no I think gosling had thinner footwear and still looked exact same size as Evans ! I think gosling is 6ft .3 range and I still have Evans at 6ft and that’s it but he’s held up pretty well against other 6ft people even Pine who I believe is 6ft 3/4 still looks similar to Evans which proves he’s not 5 11.9 like a lot suggest ! Gosling gets 6ft .3 to me
TurtleZach4 said on 21/Apr/23
Those who's saying Gosling's under 6'0 is crazy

He's the perfect 6'0 guy proportion wise

He's a solid 183 cm guy unlike someone like Evans who's a very weak 183 cm probably 182.5 cm
Rockaway said on 13/Apr/23
Not above 6’0.5” and not below 6’0”. Perfect listing.
Slim1.75m said on 8/Apr/23
@Rob is this the lowest for Gosling he looks taller than this id think 1.84 easy in the photo.
Editor Rob
I've stuck with this figure for a good few years now, and sometimes I can see a bit taller or shorter than it. But I don't think I'd change it.
Rowanisawesome said on 6/Mar/23
I agree with Berta, similar to a peak height Harrison Ford. Consistently looks around 6’0 can look a little bit shorter or taller depending on footwear or who he’s standing by. I would guess 6’0 on the dot.
185 Tim.Will_son_T said on 2/Mar/23
The photo shows 184 cm for Ryan Gosling
berta said on 26/Feb/23
gopsling is hard. SOmetimes i actually think he have been looking only 182 and other times like in some scenes from the notebook he could look almost 6´1. He remind me alot of a peak harrison ford. Under 6 foot is hard to argue but mutch over is also hard to argue. The most he could ever be is 184 and at worst i guess a fraction under 6 foot i think he i sthe listed height: if he is not the listed height tehn maybe 6 foot 1/8. But i also have to say i dont believe gosling is taller than peak david duchovny, no way. If i had to choose beetween them then i would give duchovny this listing and gosling the tiny fraction over 6 foot.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/23
This mark worst case. Pulls off 6ft1 with Harrison and shoes look fairly normal...
Jawilder said on 29/Jan/23
Jon Hamm and Gosling look identical there
Emil said on 27/Jan/23
@Celebheights 6'1.5

Looks identical in that picture
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 23/Dec/22
Jon Hamm is taller than Gosling:

Click Here
Emil said on 15/Dec/22

I've stood near Winding-Refn, and I think he'd measure around 186-187 cm - he's not much taller than myself, and I'd be surprised if he'd hit even 6'2 flat.
As for Gosling: he looks around 3 cm shorter than Refn, so this listing seems about right.
Maxime-Olivier Bombardier said on 12/Oct/22
He looks barely an inch taller than Steve Carell in Crazy, Stupid, Love 181 at best
fifabrodie said on 6/Oct/22
He gets 184 from me. Looks significantly taller than 5’10 3/4 listed Harrison ford.
5'7 and a fraction said on 3/Sep/22
Looks more 6'0 flat tbh. Nothing lower though.
Most Legit 6'3 said on 18/Aug/22
He’s a flat 6’. Nothing more and nothing less.
Mickie said on 5/Aug/22
I'd say a hair under 6 foot is likely.
Jawilder said on 4/Aug/22
“Boyish frame” lol, get out of here. He’s not below 6 feet. Impossible.
Wehrmacht180 said on 4/Aug/22
182 cm
Guess I am a bit insecure said on 2/Aug/22
I believe Ryan is a lift wearer , just look at the pictures of him and Chris evans in the Gray man premiere( when he was wearing a Teal coloured suit, I don’t think he was wearing lifts at that moment) where evans was wearing normal shoes with no lifts. Imo he might be 181-181.5 cm , I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a plain 5ft 11. Lifts can make him look taller while looking proportionate because of his boyish frame
Guess I am a bit insecure said on 2/Aug/22
I believe Ryan is a lift wearer , just look at the pictures of him and Chris evans in the Gray man premiere( when he was wearing a Teal coloured suit, I don’t think he was wearing lifts at that moment) where evans was wearing normal shoes with no lifts. Imo he might be 181-181.5 cm , I wouldn’t be surprised if he was a plain 5ft 11. Lifts can make him look taller while looking proportionate because of his boyish frame
Jawilder said on 28/Jul/22
I still see Ryan being taller by half an inch. Evans should be downgraded to 5’11.75
grizz said on 26/Jul/22
Gosling is still taller than Evans. Ditch Evans' hair advantage and military posture and Gosling still edges him out. Not by much, 0.5-1 cm. Rob's listing is spot on. Evans might get a 5'11.75 downgrade, but that's nitpicking. Good job, Rob!
Jawilder said on 24/Jul/22
Yeah I’m still going 6’0.25 Gosling and 5’11.75 Evans. For sure Gosling is taller. I think a half inch is most likely.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 23/Jul/22
He could well be 6ft 0 honestly
Cbrady said on 23/Jul/22
@ al001-- I think you are more right than wrong about Gosling being that little bit taller than Evans. Evans seems to be straining every sinew in his body in some of those pictures, I mean his posture is very straight. Evans seems to have a decent bit of hair sticking up at the front so when he tilts his eye level up it gives a taller impression.

Click Here

For me, the Grey Man pictures doesn't change my perception of their respective heights much.

Gosling is 182.9- 183.2
Evans is 181.8-182.2
Jawilder said on 23/Jul/22
@all001 agreed completely. Gosling is for sure a bit taller. Imo Chris is 5’11.75 and Ryan is 6’0.25
Jawilder said on 23/Jul/22
@Cason Exactly. I think this listing is good. Chris Evans I can buy at 6 feet.
al001 said on 23/Jul/22
Am I the only one who sees Gosling edging out Chris Evans in all those pics posted here + the red carpet pics for the grey man? He looks a good half an inch taller imo
Canson said on 22/Jul/22
@Jawilder: yea maybe 6’0-6’0.5 range. You would probably edge him slightly though. It’s hard to tell how tall Harrison Ford is now or in that picture with him. I can only say a hair over 6’0 is possible because of the question mark regarding Ford’s height today and the footwear difference there being a question mark. I doubt less than 6’ but no more than 6’0.5”. I can’t tell how much footwear he has on whereas Ford’s dress shoes look like they’re near an inch. I can’t see the heel so it’s possible 0.75-1”
Bradley said on 22/Jul/22
Weak 6.
Jawilder said on 21/Jul/22
It’s just too hard to tell, need to bring the stadio out. Chris could very well be the 6 feet, even tho I think he still measures a bit under at a low. Gosling could just be a legit 6 footer like Big Alex.
berta said on 21/Jul/22
interesting that chris evans really look to be the taller one and i think he is at most 183 cm. Maybe gosling is at best 6 feet. he really doesnt look over it. Exept besides harrison ford but for is like 178cm now not 180
Jawilder said on 20/Jul/22
Hmm, pictures are tricky. Ryan has a tricky height. Close call, within a fraction of each other. I still think Ryan would measure a little taller.
Ashfiq Alam said on 19/Jul/22
I used to think Ryan Gosling was a solid six feet guy but after watching the premier of The Gray Man, guy like Chris Evans who is six foot (182.8 cm according to Rob) edges out Ryan Gosling.
Ryan Gosling was wearing shoes which would give him at least 1 inch boost where on the other hand Chris Evans was wearing a flat shoe
So either Rob downgrade Ryan gosling to strong 5’10” or 5’11” or give an upgrade to Chris Evans at least a strong 6 feet
awkward guy said on 19/Jul/22
and theres no even heel difference at all
awkward guy said on 19/Jul/22
rob, it's time for another downgrade... here's ryan with 6' chris evans recently:

Click Here

Click Here
Jawilder said on 29/Jun/22
He’s for sure not 6’1. A lot of people think Reynolds is 6’1.5, which would make Gosling 5’11.5. In reality, Gosling is just over 6 feet and Reynolds is 6’2.
Cbrady said on 29/Jun/22
@ p.j.legend86 It seems very unlikely that Gosling could be 6'1". Look at these photos of Gosling and Reynolds at the 05 Teen Choice Awards:

Click Here

Click Here

Gosling seems to have a footwear advantage and still is noticeably shorter. He seems to be struggling with this listing. On Ryan Reynold's page there is even some groundswell among respected commenters for putting him under the 6'2" mark.
p.j.legend86 said on 29/Jun/22
Are we sure Gosling isn't 6'1"? He looks several inches taller than Jake Gyllenhaal and only 0.5 to 1 inch shorter than Ryan Reynolds
Abdul-DK said on 28/Jun/22
183 cm.
JayJay said on 23/Jun/22
5’11 1/2”.
turtle said on 4/May/22
Rob if he and robert pattinson were to measure up, who would be taller?
Editor Rob
I think there might be a better chance of Gosling with tiny edge.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Mar/22
Comfortably taller than Gyllenhaal so below 6ft is laughable

At times the full 6ft0½ looks arguable. Remember, he was down here as 6ft1 for a good few years and I believed it
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 19/Mar/22
He’s a strong six footer in my book, especially given how he appears taller next to Jake Gyllenhaal compared to 50 Cent.
Slim 6'0.25 said on 18/Mar/22
184 on a good day
Slim 6'0.25 said on 7/Mar/22
Flat 6ft worst case

183.5 best case

Definitely not 182
Wehrmacht180 said on 6/Mar/22
182 cm min
183 cm max
Slim 6'0.25 said on 27/Feb/22
Less than two inches between the two Ryan’s

Same height as me

Terrific actor love his movies
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 21/Feb/22
Even if Harrison is 179cm, Ryan looks solid 184-185cm zone in the photo
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 3/Feb/22
well, that's a reasonable downgrade for Gosling, Rob
Rowan182.5cm said on 18/Jan/22
As listed can look 183-184cm
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 8/Jan/22
1,5 inch shorter than another Ryan, i think he would measured 184
Jawilder said on 22/Dec/21
Agreed rampage. 6’0.25 before bed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Dec/21
Wakes at 6ft1
Wehrmacht180 said on 26/Nov/21
182 cm
ArthurDigby said on 10/Nov/21
Looks classic 6 footer. Like me probably wakes up 6’0.5”. His height being 183.5 by lunch and 183 flat by night. Given I’m exactly his height and feel fairly tall it’s still weird to see him taller than Ford here.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Nov/21
Anything below 183cm is a joke. Can easily pull off 184cm and even 185cm at times.

Current mark is fine
berta said on 30/Oct/21
at worst 182,5 and at best 184,5. i think 183,5 is a very good listing.
Jesica said on 6/Oct/21
Giovanni said on 27/Sep/21
A legit six footer. @Windyday , ~5'11 and above is the starting of tallish in most parts of the world. 6'0.25 is at around 83 percentile in height for a man in america.
Windyday said on 25/Sep/21
Rob do you consider Gosling’s height as the start of “tall”?
Jawilder said on 24/Sep/21
Click Here

Two inches between Reynolds and Gosling.
Throwawat said on 22/Sep/21
Perfect example of a true 6 footer
Jawilder said on 22/Sep/21
6’0.25” is the best listing possible after everything I’ve seen. He’s two inches shorter than Ryan Reynolds. Maybe a fraction inch shorter than Bradley Cooper. Little over three inches taller than Steve Carell. Two inches taller than Bryan Cranston. I bet a lot of fans tell him he looks taller in real life than on screen! Amazing actor.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 19/Sep/21
183 cm in my opinion.
177cm said on 14/Sep/21
He’s a legit 6 footer
Jawilder said on 31/Aug/21
Decided to settle with Rob’s listing for now.
Jawilder said on 29/Jul/21
Rob, I really can't seem to get Ryan's height down haha. What is the highest and lowest you would argue for him?

With Jake Gyllenhaal, he looks 6'1+... but Jake is slouching a bit more and we can't see footwear...

The reason I have him at 6'0.5" is because he looks it with Harrison Ford and is extremely similar to Bradley Cooper, who is a solid 184.

On the other hand, he can look two inches shorter than Ryan Reynolds in those pictures together? Do you agree?
Tall Sam said on 21/Jul/21
Pretty accurate listing, I don't see him as taller than this.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 16/Jul/21
Looking closer, maybe a strong 6ft1 next to Ford actually...Those shoes don't look particularly thick
Aj06 said on 7/May/21
Harrison ford is 5'11 or about there he looked to be 184 cm but disoucnitn slight fotwear I would say probably 183 cm.
Slim 6'1.5 said on 2/May/21
Perfect listing 👍
Rampage he looks more 6’1” next to Ford due to his boots
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 13/Apr/21
Looks 184-185cm in that photo w/h Ford
MaskDeMasque said on 26/Mar/21
He looks nearly two inches taller than 5'10.5 Russell Crowe. 6'0.25 is spot on. He can look shorter often though, maybe he has bad posture? He looked 5'11 range with 5'9 at most Steve Carrell.
MarcusThe Swede said on 19/Mar/21
Gosling 5”11 nothing more without shoes.
Jtn said on 13/Mar/21
I don’t get the big deal about the pictures with Ryan Reynolds and Harrison Ford. Gosling clearly has better posture than Reynolds and also gosling has the footwear advantage in the picture with Ford. Ford probably was 5’10iah even in 2017 so that does make Gosling closer to 5’11
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Mar/21
Under 6ft is a joke...that puts Harrison probably below 5ft10
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Mar/21
Doing quite well here I must say

Click Here
JustJoey said on 6/Mar/21
Gonna say 5’11 1/2” for him.

And yes, Harrison Ford has shrunk in his seventies.
Steven Stinson said on 19/Feb/21
Rob whats his inseam, 33 ?
Editor Rob
that might be likely for him.
slim 6'1 said on 10/Feb/21
I do think peek Harrison Ford would edge Ryan gosling
berta said on 1/Feb/21
same height as harrison ford peak. 183,5. its interesting to see that ford have lost all that height and now looks 2 incues under gosling in most photos.
Genau said on 30/Jan/21
183-183.5 for most of the day
Vsquad said on 24/Jan/21
Ryan's character in The Nice Guys was listed 6' in a scene where his physical attributes were written down
JohnnyBravo said on 10/Jan/21
5’11” flat at absolute most.
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
A few mm over 6’ like changing Tatum, John Francis Daley and miles teller ✅ and Tommy lee Jones
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
Nah Cooper would edge out gosling by a little bit
Jawilder said on 7/Jan/21
Looks nearly identical to cooper. 184 seems perfect.
slim 6'1 said on 4/Jan/21
@Bred Pitt,
Brad obviously wore lifts to the golden globes 2016

Gosling clears the mighty 6’ mark wether as Pitt doesn’t
Bred Pitt said on 31/Dec/20
There is no way this guy is over 5'11. Look at him next to Bred Pitt - the same height. And Bred is 5'10-5'11 range Click Here
Luis Pzn said on 30/Dec/20
1.78 cm barefoot possible/lifts 181/184
Slim 6'1" said on 29/Dec/20
Yeah berta, 4.5-5cm difference between the two Ryan’s
Slim 6'1" said on 24/Dec/20
183.5 at his evening low, he’s only 184 on a good day

185cm first thing straight out of bed
berta said on 22/Dec/20
i think this i sthe best listing he ofteh looks 6 feet or just over. can pull of 184 sometimes but i feel he is a cuple mm over 6 feet. ryan reynold would have 2 inches on him. 183,5 vs 188,5
Slim 6'1" said on 18/Dec/20
I agree with robs listing
Genau said on 14/Dec/20
6ft ftat
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Dec/20
182 is lowballing him, 6’ flat at worst & robs listing at best
Mickie said on 29/Nov/20
This listing of 6'0.25" would to be kind of be a best case scenario for Ryan. I could see it but just as easily I could see a flat 6'0" or 182 cm.
TheBat said on 24/Nov/20
At least 6’0”. This listing is spot on for Ryan.
Tall Sam said on 10/Nov/20
Gosling is a more intense, method-y, internal actor. I think it depends on your taste, if you look up to method-y types from Brando to Christian Bale, Gosling would be more your bag but Reynolds is far funnier, more movie star charismatic actor. Its tough to see him be convincing in doing an intense Gosling role like The Believer, Drive, Half Nelson, etc. but then again Gosling wouldn't be able to be as entertaining to not only star as the quippy Deadpool but also co-write the movies.
Arch Stanton said on 10/Nov/20
Yeah, Reynolds is very charismatic and charming, a cool guy and good fun in films as you say. But I think Gosling has more of that classic actor element and edge to him.
Black Noir said on 9/Nov/20
Arch and slim; What makes you say that? I like both both actors but I prefer Ryan Reynolds as he’s real good in action movies and comedy. I feel Reynolds gets a lot of hate. I know he’s played himself in movies a few times and wish he hadn’t but I still think he’s amazing

I only like a few gosling films only some stand out
Slim 6'1@ said on 8/Nov/20
Gosling better actor than Reynolds

183-183.7cm at his low nothing more or less

185.5 out of bed
183.5 before bed
Arch Stanton said on 7/Nov/20
Black Noir said on 4/Nov/20
Hey rob, who do you think is a better actor gosling or Reynolds? I personally think it’s a tie. Others consider gosling to be better but I think otherwise

Gosling, easily. Gosling is one of very few actors who's impressed me in the last 10 years.
Slim 6'1@ said on 5/Nov/20
183cm zone
Black Noir said on 4/Nov/20
Hey rob, who do you think is a better actor gosling or Reynolds? I personally think it’s a tie. Others consider gosling to be better but I think otherwise
Progking said on 3/Nov/20
Looks very close to my height of 184 cm id say he's at least 6'0 and 6'0.25 max
TheBat said on 2/Nov/20
Legit 6'0.25" man. Nothing below 6'0".
Slim 6'1@ said on 31/Oct/20
As listed, 184 too much
Slim 6'1" said on 25/Oct/20
183cm range, as listed correctly by editor rob
6footTom said on 11/Oct/20

Brad Pitt is a notorious lift wearer.
Slim 6'1" said on 10/Oct/20
Spot on 183.5
Abdou said on 9/Oct/20
I saw his picture with brad pitt he is the same height as hem and brad is 180cm
JustJohnny said on 8/Sep/20
5’11”. Good proportions make him seem taller.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 18/Aug/20
Good grief! I'd forgotten how violent this Ryan Gosling film is, having only seen it once.

Entitled 'Only God Forgives', it follows the story of a young man, Gosling, who gets caught up in the Bangkok criminal underworld, (he serves as a lieutenant in Bangkok), to seek revenge for his brother's death.

If you think 'Drive' was violent, you should see this! 😟

6ft and half-an-inch.
Hulk.23 said on 15/Aug/20
Not sure about he’s a little over six footer. I think at most he looks more an honest six footer, like Nolte and Christensen. 6’0/183cm is my choice.
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Aug/20
i agree rob,

183.5 gosling
188.5 reynolds
Slim 6'1" said on 8/Aug/20
average guess is close enough but the official listing is perfect. 183.5 6'0.25"
TheBat said on 7/Aug/20
Rob's listing for Ryan is spot on from what I can tell.
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
183.5 is spot on imho. u can close n lock the votes

Slim 6'1 said on 7/Aug/20
@editor rob,

whats the difference between ryan reynolds and ryan gosling height?
Editor Rob
One's a great actor 😲

No, I like them both 👍 But there may well be 2 inches between them...
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
lets establish that 182.5 and under is poo, but he is closer to 6' than 6'1", should be getting 183-184.0 guesses
Cbrady said on 5/Aug/20
@ slim 6'1" interesting.... curious how tall do you have Freddie prinze jr because he said he felt taller than gosling and Rob has him at the same height as gosling.
Slim 6'1" said on 3/Aug/20
183.8-183.9 at his low great height
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/20
I think 183.5-184cm is where he’s at. Cooper on the other hand looks more 184-185cm zone
Realist said on 20/Jun/20
Wow people say this guy is 5'9 I am always about 5'9.5 to 5'10 and I have back problems. This guy is 183.5 cms give or take 1cm.
Jam Cherry said on 1/Jun/20
Gosling is 183 cm spot on
berta said on 1/Jun/20
he actuallylooked pretty tall in the last man. he looked the same height as the 185 cm actor in the movie. i usually think 6 foot is what he looks but after seing that movie i can belive up to 184 cm.its strange sometime he only gives a 182 cm vibe and other times 185. i go with the middle and that gives us 183,5 cm
HeightRealist said on 17/May/20
Taller than 5'10 and shorter than 6'2. Slightly taller than 5'11 and definitely shorter than 6'1. I think 182cm.He has a thin build making him look taller.
OriginalAnon said on 6/May/20
This guy is under 6'. He never looks 6'. Are people really being serious when they are claiming he is the same height as Channing Tatum? The latter has 3 or 4cm on Gosling.
pgjtftkwnbczmp said on 9/Apr/20
Rob, what do you think about Nicolas Winding Refn's height? I think he can look a strong 6ft2 or taller next to Gosling.
Click Here
Editor Rob
Generally he looks in 6ft 2 range
6footTom said on 26/Mar/20

Honestly, he's never looked taller than 6'0" flat onscreen to me.
Jkiller said on 25/Jan/20
A decent 6 footer.
berta said on 10/Jan/20
a guy like wenthworth miller is taller than gosling
DarkPower729 said on 25/Nov/19
Tall fella. 6’0.25” seems about right.
TheBat said on 19/Nov/19

He definitely can look 6'1" on screen. Irl he looks mainly 6'0.25"-6'0.5"
Colben said on 13/Nov/19
I'm watching Drive rn and he looks 184cm at least, I always thought he was like 6'1 based on what I've seen. He looks tall in most movies and seems to have good proportions.
Ian555 said on 1/Nov/19
Rob do you think Gosling could pass for 6’ 0 1/2”? Because often a lot of the time he looks he could for that tall like in these pictures here. Christian Bale is roughly 6 feet tall and Gosling looks more than 1/4 of an inch taller Click Here, Click Here. Same thing with Jake Gyllenhaal who is about 5’ 11 1/4-1/2” range Click Here. Here is a photo of Gosling with Harrison Ford Click Here. If Ford is 5’ 11” today, he looks an inch and a half taller there at least. Another photo with Ford Click Here. He looks almost 3 inches taller there so he can look close to 6’ 1” at times. I’m almost every picture of him and Ryan Reynolds he doesn’t look that much shorter than him, Reynolds definitely at least 6’ 2” range Click Here, Click Here, Click Here. So what do you think Rob? Could he pass for 6’ 0 1/2”?
Editor Rob
Gosling sometimes pulls off a full 184,but other times doesn't seem much over 6ft
Importer said on 22/Oct/19
Check photos with 180.5-181cm Jake Gyllenhaal. Gosling is bare minimum 183cm.
Gyro said on 20/Sep/19
There's a video on YouTube of Ryan breaking up a fight in NYC, and I was surprised at how solidly tall he looked among a bunch of other guys.

On-screen, Ryan looks like the shortest 6ft guy I've seen.
Tarinator said on 3/Sep/19
I would say he is the same height as me. Although I would probably be marginally shorter than him. He looks a solid 6’0.5” but a little shorter than John Cena who is 6’0.75” and shorter than Dr. Oz’s peak height which is probably at 6’0.75-1”.
TheBat said on 31/Jul/19
I think 6'0" would be the lowest I go with for Ryan. His 6'0.25" listing here is spot on.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Jul/19
I think flat 183cm a low is right than saying over it is his low of the day.
berta said on 23/Jul/19
legit 6 footer. can look all the way from 182 - 184,5 depending on movie. i think a tiny fraction over 6 foot i right
TheBat said on 30/Jun/19

It's rare but it happens, I grew from 5'10.25" to 5'10.5" at age 20. Currently I consistently get measured at 5'10.5" in the afternoon.
Gaspergoo said on 18/Jun/19
Comes across a solid 6ft.....doesn't look small or short on screen
CDS said on 7/Jun/19
@junior Hernandez: I agree it is rare to grow that much after 19, but I'm saying that Ryan has been a VERY consistent lift wearer since, to give his 5'11" actual frame the appearance of a solid 6' to 6'1" guy. See the poster's comments below who met him in person, how he was actually 5'11", and had brown eyes, not the blue eyes he's maintained ever since. And I should point out, as for when "remember the titans" was filmed, blu ray didn't come around for almost a decade, and DVD had just come out right around that time.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Jun/19
@CDS It's rare to have a 19years old plus guy growing 3cm taller, isn't it? I doubted 6'0.25" and at most he can be 6'0 and maybe he didn't grow that much its just about 2cm but is still lucky to hit that jackpot after 20.
CDS said on 24/May/19
@junior Hernandez: I doubt the 2000 film, remember the titans , was filmed that far back. Denzel had a pretty full plate the latter end of the 90s, was probably filmed sometime in 1999 or early 2000, since the film was released in the fall of that year. Also, see the film, "the believer", which was made close to that same time, and you'll see gosling looking a good 2" shorter than 6'1" Garrett dillahunt. Ryan is a grown man, in this film, no doubt...
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 21/May/19
@CDS Remember The Titans was release in 2000 and Ryan turns 20 so he shouldn't have grown since then. But there is a problem with some movie production delayed and would turn out releasing out to theatre or vhs/dvd/blueray a few years later. To me i suspect that movie was filmed in 1997 because Ryan look very young like he was only 17 and he does look near 2" shorter than 6'0.75" Ethan Suplee there and great chances Ryan had grown a bit over 1" and stop at 6'0. I'm not so sure if he look 6'0.25" as listed. I always sees him a flat 6'0 guy since before he was famous.
CDS said on 17/Apr/19
@the Bat: he easily looks the full 6' and some change now, but I'm talking about in the films, the believer, and, remember the titans, made close to one another. Watch and see for yourself, how he looks a good 2-3 inches shorter than 6'1" Ethan suplee, for instance. The question is, was gosling, at 18 or 19, whatever he was at the time, fully grown? He looked completely mature to me in those films. Another poster on here also mentioned something interesting, how when they met him in person, he was 5'11", AND had brown eyes, not the blue eyes, with the contacts, he's maintained since becoming a big star.
TheBat said on 16/Apr/19

Same here. Though CDS has a bad judgement of height if he thinks Ryan is under 6'0".
Kevin said on 26/Mar/19
CDS I would be shocked if he was only 5'10.
CDS said on 14/Mar/19
Was watching the 2000 or 2001 film, the believer, again last night. Gosling looks no more than 5'10" or 5'11" max. So either he's grown since then, or he's been a consistent lift wearer since. My money would be on the latter...
Josh Jeffords said on 28/Feb/19
Nah he is 6 ft in shoes no more he often looks pretty average even being thin.
He had army boots in blade runner still dwarfed by big dave 62.5 .75.
Spencer said on 19/Jan/19
Looks 5'11.75" to me. A hair under 6.
Michael 5'10", 178 cm said on 9/Jan/19
Ryan always looks like a textbook 6'0" guy in his films. He had 6-7 inches on Emma Stone and looked 6 feet tall in the Big Short. He is 6'0" or a bit over.
GRIT said on 5/Jan/19
Ryan is a very strong 6 ft
viper said on 2/Jan/19
He looked 5-11 being interviewed by 6-4 Michael Strahan.
Yang (5ft 8 Chinese men) said on 31/Dec/18
I strongly disagree with anonymous saying he is 5footer 11. He is definitely NOTHING LESS THAN 6footer based on the picture with Harrison Ford. Of course, Harrison Fords peak height is around the one listed for gosling b4 he lost lots of height as he aged.... Like many said, Harrison Ford is 5ft 11 nowadays and clearly shorter than Goslin based on 2017 Graham Norton show when both promoting their new film together BLADE RUNNER 2049..
BT said on 16/Nov/18
@Editor Rob: I know it's only a small fraction, but would you consider a 6'0 1/8 listing, or do you still feel 6'0 1/4 is the best shout for Ryan? I think that although he can look just 6ft flat at times, I still feel he would be closer to 6'0 1/4 when measured, but perhaps falls just a tiny bit under that mark at his low.
berta said on 3/Nov/18
DOnt believe he is taller than peak NIck Nolte. 6 foot 1/8
Gosfan said on 3/Oct/18
Ryan is a great actor but I'm thinking he's a full inch shorter at 5'11 1/4".
Pierre said on 19/Sep/18
I see him around 5"11'range and i think he wears advantageous shoes in events,around 5"11' barefoot around 6"1' in advantageous shoes
Zampo said on 16/Sep/18
The photos and pictures I've seen of him, he tends to look mostly between the 5'11.75-6'0.25 range. The impression I get from him is that he may be a flat 6'0 or maybe something similar to the average guess (solid 6'0). Anywhere between 182.5-183.5 cm is where he could measure.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Sep/18
Even if he was the type to wear lifts, he wouldn't have been as short as 5'9". If you wear 3" liffs, it would be too obvious.
Tall Sam said on 14/Sep/18
The listing is a good fit, he looks to marginally edge Christian Bale and be edged by Bradley Cooper.
Jtm said on 13/Sep/18
i agree 6'0-6'1 is too high but i can't see 5'9 at all and he doesn't strike me as a lift wearer.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Sep/18
Looks like a guy who can safely clear 6ft when standing straight. Edged out Ron Perlman in Drive and had aboutv2in Bryan Cranston.

Out of bed: 6ft1⅛(185.7cm)
Before bed: 6ft0⅜(183.8cm)
mickeyz said on 11/Sep/18
hahaha 12 cm lifts. good one butcher!
Da Butcherr said on 6/Sep/18
Sorry for a mistake I made, I meant 12cm, 14cm, 15cm elevator shoes, not inches. My bad.
Da Butcherr said on 6/Sep/18
I think this guy real height is 175CM barefoot max. Possiblely 174CM.

He wears huge lift shoes, 12 inches minimum, have a look the Don’s elevator shoes advertised on this website, there are 14 inches, 15 inches elevator shoes existing in our world now.

Please open your eyes and minds. Look closely and carefully at the celebrities shoes, so many elevator shoes now.

I was the first person ever said that the Rock is 189cm barefoot max.
Mighty joe young said on 16/Aug/18
He doesnt strike me as a 6 1/4, but im giving him the purely based on bad camera angles against him(srsly look it up)
Gracian said on 2/Aug/18
Rob, the difference between Gosling and Ford looks more than just 1.25 inches. Please look at these photos: Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rob, which is more likely 6'0.5" for Gosling or 5'10.75" today for Ford?
carnificinas said on 9/Jun/18
he looked about half an inch (or three quarters) taller than jimmy kimmel in his show yesterday.
6ftMedium said on 1/Jun/18
Short limbs and narrow shoulders.5'11
Westworlder said on 31/May/18
Gosling didn't look 6ft with Russell Crowe the way Henry Cavill did [with Crowe]. I'm really torn on Ryan.
jtm said on 12/May/18
viper said on 7/Apr/18
He looked 5-11 max being interviewed by 6-4 Michael Strahan

strahan also made russell crowe look 5'9ish. i guess crowe forgot his lifts.
6footTom said on 21/Apr/18
@Editor Rob I think this listing is fine. He might not have been quoted claiming a certain height, but Emma Stone did describe him as "about 6 feet" on Graham Norton. So I guess that sorta helps?

At the 1:49 mark:

Click Here
HSom said on 18/Apr/18
@johnnyboy69 Brad is sporting pretty impressive lifts though. (As usual, it seems)
viper said on 7/Apr/18
He looked 5-11 max being interviewed by 6-4 Michael Strahan
johnnyboy69 said on 6/Apr/18
Click Here

6 foot & 1/4 my *** Rob.

check the link, there's not even a full inch between gosling and Brad Pitt & I'm still skeptical of the full 5'11" listing of Pitt

Gosling isn't over 5'11"
berta said on 3/Apr/18
gosling 183-183,5 ford 178,5-179 today
Jafars said on 27/Mar/18
In The Nice Guys movie, Gosling's character was listed at 6' on a sheet of paper listing his physical traits. That was the first confirmation I got tbh. Actors usually give their heights to directors or prop guys (sometimes can be self-claimed rather than measured which is annoying) when they need it for a scene like getting a mugshot or whatever. I don't think Gosling would have lied if he didn't physically get measured before that scene.
Kevin said on 23/Mar/18
Has he ever claimed a height?
Editor Rob
I've not heard it
Jafars said on 19/Mar/18
Rob, where would you say he wakes up? 185 or 186?
Editor Rob
Maybe between the 2 marks.
Ivan said on 13/Mar/18
A smidge over 6'.
Bobby said on 27/Feb/18
@sumdude, height loss at 30s? What have you been smoking?
johnnyboy69 said on 20/Feb/18
Rob he legitimately wears lifted shoes, you sure it doesn't need an update?
Editor Rob
I've never seen evidence to say his shoes have lifts.
Taller than Average said on 19/Jan/18
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) numbers are correct, as the data is collected from medical providers. Average height is an indication of public health. Sub-6'0" men in the United States routinely inflate their height by at least an inch.
Animus said on 18/Jan/18
Gosling can certainly look like a strong 184cm guy, even creeping into 185cm territory. He can also look closer to 6'0 flat, but there is basically no chance he is actually that short, just like there is basically no chance he is a weak 185cm. He is an ectomorph, so he has long arms and a pronounced linear body shape. In actuality 6'0¼ is probably the best listing.
even said on 15/Jan/18
6'0" at night
FatBoySlim185 said on 9/Jan/18
The average U.S. male height is 5'9.2" as stated by the Center For Disease Control.

Click Here

If, indeed, those statistics are compiled from height data given voluntarily and not verified by actually measuring anyone, say from data given on passport or ID applications, than those statistics would reflect the trend of men exaggerating their height.

As for Gosling, if Russel Crowe is his listed 5'10.5" then something closer to 6'1" may be possible for Gosling. I'm voting 6'0.5".

Click Here
Mike said on 31/Dec/17
Average height for young white men in US is 5ft 10-10.5.
183.4 cm said on 28/Dec/17
Btw imo the average height in the us (im from the us) is 5ft9 at max. Because people inflate their height 99% of the time, the studys wont be accurate. Even one of my frienda who is shorter than me claims 6ft1.
Anonymous said on 17/Dec/17
that photo with harrison makes gosling look almost 6ft1... i really can't consider him to be below the 6 with all i've seen...
MAD SAM said on 15/Dec/17
He always gives an impression of 6’1” though I think he’s around 184 cm
berta said on 15/Dec/17
he looks legit 184 with ford because ford is probably not a mm over 179 these days. this guy is maybe 183,3 ish and ford 178,8 range
6footTom said on 11/Dec/17
@James Ryan looks taller in that video, and he's easily taller than Russell in the movie as well.
Animus said on 10/Dec/17
He looks two inches taller than the poorly postured Harrison Ford. It's clear that Ford had a disproportionately long torso as a young man and his spine has shortened considerably over the years. Now, with his poor posture, he can look as short as 5'10½.
Slim 186 said on 10/Dec/17
This guy looks a legit 184 next to ford here: Click Here
Jtm said on 9/Dec/17
Crowe is not 5'11 and I don't think he's the 5'10.5 listed here. There wouldn't be so much talk about his height if he was a legit 5'11 but he's probably wearing lifts in that video. I still think gosling is closer to 5'11.
James said on 6/Dec/17
This seems off too me. Check this video with Ryan next to Russell Crowe:

Click Here

If Russell Crowe is 5ft11 or 179 cm as listed then Ryan would be no more than 182cm or 6ft. Russell looks as tall if not taller than Ryan.
sumdude said on 4/Dec/17
I think 183.5cm is perfect, seems about 3-4cm taller than Harrison Ford by looking at the Blade Runner 2049 carpet photos. And yes, height loss starts at 30, read the article by Rob on this website. Will most likely dip below the 6ft mark in his mid-late 50s.
kurtz said on 22/Nov/17
As listed.
Great work in blade runner 2049.
Liam said on 21/Nov/17
I agree with 183.5 but no more
Luker said on 19/Nov/17
Gosling and Ed Helms are the worst examples of 6 fters. I can't blame their genetics but yeah, their narrow frames and sometimes clothing options do not represent the height well. Chris Pine and Karl Urban wear it much better, heck even Chris Evans and he's not the full 6.
Sam said on 15/Nov/17
Way too young for height loss unless he had some spine crushing injury no one knows about.
Frost said on 14/Nov/17
@Kevin, You really think he's losing height at 37 years of age?
Monkey knees said on 14/Nov/17
6 ft dead. Worked a premiere in London and he was there. Wearing obvious lifts and was same height as me (6,1.5) when shown to seat. 6 foot dead on.
Kevin said on 13/Nov/17
6'0 peak, 5'11.75 today
randomuser said on 2/Nov/17
@James you can't just generalize all white Americans like that. It's usually the English/German Americans who are the tall ones at 5'11. Yet Italian Americans are usually only around 5'8.
Junior said on 30/Oct/17
Typical 6 feet tall guy.
Jim Hopper said on 29/Oct/17
Looks 2" taller than Ford in new Bladerunner
Anonymous said on 26/Oct/17
i didn't know such shoes existed. I don't really believe he could fit the lifts in the picture where he's laughing. though in the one with the sunglasses i could conceive it, the way he's raising the back foot is kinda suspicious. big angle... though would he really go for such lifts? doesn't strike me as that kind of guy. though you never know.
Pierre said on 25/Oct/17
Anonymous=the lifts are over the external heels,under the heel of the foot, not under the toes;there is a comfortable place from the middle to the rear portion of the shoes by the vertical angle of the laces.Then the feet take a vertical angle(a little like in women shoes).
Anonymous said on 24/Oct/17
Pierre. I don't think he would be able to squeeze his feet in that shoe if that was the case. If you were right then ryan would have very skinny feet and it would probably hurt like hell to wear such thing.
I'm no shoe expert but i've never seen dress shoes with that type of height enchancing technique... seems a bit too crazy.
berta said on 24/Oct/17
1 cm shorter than 184 cm bradley cooper.
Grit said on 23/Oct/17
Strong 6 footer
Peter181cm said on 22/Oct/17
He look same heigh as me (5'11.25)
Maybe it's cuz I wears skinny jeans..
btw I see him 6' max!
More like 5'11.25 - 5'11.5 ;-)
Maybe shorter :/
Pierre said on 21/Oct/17
@Anonymous=look at the angle of his feet in the first picture (angle of the laces) , try to guess where are his ankles in the picture two= they are over his shoes logically in this type of shoes imo
Anonymous said on 20/Oct/17
Pierre... those are pretty standard dress shoes.
Slim 6' said on 19/Oct/17
Let's establish the fact that he's closer to 6'0" than 6'1". But where between 6'0" and 6'0.5" we don't know where he falls precisely as to why we've pegged him inbetween 6' and 6'0.5"
Anonymous said on 19/Oct/17
Ryan 183-184 cm barefoot.

Harrison 179-180cm barefoot nowadays.
berta said on 19/Oct/17
i think 6 foot flat is likely and ford 179
Richardspain said on 18/Oct/17
If Harrison Ford is 5'11 nowadays Ryan is a strong 6 feet nearly 6'1. Not less
Pierre said on 18/Oct/17
Imo around 5"11' range barefoot , imo he wear sometimes advantageous shoes like here Click Here Click Here
Spencer said on 12/Oct/17
184 morning . 182 at night
JordanG said on 7/Oct/17
Click Here

Check this out, I understand Ryan is leaning a bit more casual but not by much. Check their footwear too! The director claims to be under 6'0
olafo said on 7/Oct/17
I think he is 6 foot flat
Slim 6' said on 7/Oct/17
Nothing under this listing 99.9% sure about that.
5'11.25 at noon said on 7/Oct/17
About 6' tall
Anonymous said on 2/Oct/17
184.6-8 cm in the morning.
182.6-8 cm in the evening.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 1/Oct/17
Bang on 6ft. Looks a good 2 inches taller than Mr. Ford in the new BR.
Chris said on 30/Sep/17
6ft flat, 183cm
Anonymous said on 29/Sep/17
yeah, possibly the most legit 6ft guy in Holl
Heightster said on 28/Sep/17
5' 11" barefoot. Vintage looking dude. Nice guy. Met him twice, once at Vanity Fair Oscars party. He was not yet wearing his custom, hand-painted blue grey contact lenses then. Distinctly, remember his medium brown puppy-dog eyes as they were in The Notebook. His P.R. team will spin it all day but RG's eyes are definitely brown. He is 6' in shoes, though.
Peter181cm said on 28/Sep/17
Morning: 6'0.5 (1.84m)
Daytime: 6' (1.83m)
Night: 5'11.5 (1.82m)
Canson said on 26/Sep/17
184.5-185 out of bed
183 at night
Anonymous said on 24/Sep/17
@Rampage(-_-_-)Clover, you are such an upgrader, strange...
Anonymous said on 22/Sep/17
ultimate sixer

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.