How tall is Jason Isaacs

Jason Isaacs Height

5ft 10 ¾ (179.7 cm)

English actor, best known for films like The Patriot, Harry Potter, Armageddon, Event Horizon, Blackhawk Down and Soldier. On TV he appeared in Star Trek: Discovery, Brotherhood and Awake. On his Spotlight resume he was listed: "Height: 5'11" (180cm), Weight: 12st. (76kg)". In this convention photo I had near 1/4 inch more sneaker than him.

How tall is Jason Isaacs
5ft 8 Rob and Jason (age 55) @ Star Trek Destination, 2018
I'm 5ft 10ins, so I'm hardly small, but everyone I speak to says, 'You're playing Mike [Steel]? Have you met him? He's huge!'
-- The Mirror, 2001

How tall is Jason Isaacs
5ft 8 Rob and Jason @ Destination Star Trek, Birmingham NEC 2018

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Add a Comment122 comments

Average Guess (114 Votes)
5ft 10.49in (179cm)
Howard said on 28/Aug/23
Played tennis with Jason last year when he visited this neck of the woods. Smashing guy and very funny. I'm 178.5 ish and I'd say he was about eye to eye with me, if not a tiny bit less. He did have special insoles in his shoes but I'm not sure if that really added a lot. But a genuinely nice guy regardless of his height
Wehrmacht180 said on 30/Apr/23
178 cm
houss said on 8/Apr/23
I came from Tyson page , how is it possible this guy is listed taller than mike tyson !!
Editor Rob
Taller in person than Mike.
Sh0ckeh said on 7/Apr/23
Looks 5'10 max. Solid 5'10.
Nobleyute said on 27/Mar/23
looks 5'10 flat maximum in this photo with rob. cant see his eye level above 5'6. I am 5'10.75-5'11 mid day (drop below that after exercise) and always have an eye level above 5'6, i think id look taller next to rob than he does
5'10-Abdul. said on 26/Mar/23
5’10 1/4.
Philip Z said on 6/Jun/22
Even the height comparison chart has him at 5ft 10, so I'm inclined to give him that.
slothee said on 27/May/22
5'10", he even said it himself.
rvi35 said on 24/Apr/22
looks 176 in the pic above but he's losing posture + the shoe disadvantage. 5'9.75 imo
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 10/Jan/22
definitely don't look like a weak 5'11 with Rob, even considering the footwear, but with other people he can look it.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Dec/21
I'm watching that same Morse episode again - so sad.

Jason doesn't half look young!

5ft10.75 this time.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 10/Apr/21
I'm watching the 'Inspector Morse' episode called 'Cherubim and Seraphim', in which Jason works in laboratory manufacturing a drug that, he claims, is going to benefit the elderly, slowing down ageing, with a particular emphasis on keeping the mind in shape, thus preventing dementia.

In reality, these pills are being sold to teenagers as ecstacy. Consequently, two teenagers die from suicide, one of whom is Inspector Morse's 16-year-old studious niece, Marilyn.

When questioned by Morse and Lewis about these drugs, and the possibility of kids getting hold of them, he says that they are harmless, 'nice' drugs. Morse retorts that there's no such thing as a nice drug, and I have something to add in the backing up of this statement.

When I was 18-25, I regularly drank down an East End heavy rock nightclub. Both my parents were appalled at this, suspecting that I'd be mixing with 'the wrong type' of people. I put it down to snobbery and went anyway. At 20 years of age, I wondered what had happened to one of the regulars. Some 6 months later, I met him again and found out where he'd been.

This guy was a very innocent looking, naΓ―ve boy of my age, around 5ft5 tops, and had been silly enough to accept the ecstasy that some evil ba$tard drug dealer had offered him. He bought a large quantity of them, took the lot and felt he could fly, so he jumped out of the window of a high rise flat, breaking bones in every part of his body except for his right arm. (He showed me the horrific scarring). The paramedics said the only thing that kept his heart beating was the ecstasy, so he boasted that it had saved his life - and continued taking it, amongst other stupid things.

I always think of him when I watch this Morse episode, and wonder if he gave up indulging, or rather, being victimised by the pushers, before it was too late.

Today I spotted that Jason Isaacs starred in it for the first time. He didn't seem quite as tall as Kevin Whately's Lewis, but the difference was minimal. He looked around 5ft10.5, so that's what he gets.
Daniel said on 4/Apr/21
But the man himself said 5'10'' and looks very close to it in the photograph with you, Rob.
MaskDeMasque said on 4/Feb/21
Is he dropping height here Rob? He looks 1.5 inches taller but you have .25 inch advantage. So, that would make him 1.75 inches taller than you which works out at 5'10.
Editor Rob
I remember looking at end of his nose so I'd give him another cm anyway plus another 1/4in sneaker.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 26/Nov/20
5'10 1/2 in person i'll believe it but not 5'10 3/4 not flat 5'10.
Sharyar said on 1/Nov/20
Rob You ask yourself their height ?
Editor Rob
Well Jason had claimed 5ft 10 (or quoted it) and 5ft 11 too, but I think he's well over 5ft 10 flat.
Kourosh said on 20/Oct/20
doesnt look anything over 5'10 in the photo.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 18/Sep/20
Cathy Wu said on 18/Jun/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell you usually give a positive upgrade to the listings that Rob provides. It's a rare occurrence that you give a celebrity a downgrade from Rob's listing! XD
I'd say around 50/50. It depends on the celeb. She's not biased towards any height guess at all, unlike a few posters here.
Nik said on 16/Sep/20
@ Cathy Wu - It could be around 5'5.75" but a small amount either side of this is possible!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jun/20
@ Cathy Wu - Hi Cathy! Yes, it's rare, but not unheard of. A lot depends on a celebrity's age, the picture(s) up top and the films and dramas I've seen starring that particular celebrity.

Cheers Cathy and nice to chat with you!
Sandy πŸ˜‰πŸ‘πŸ’ XX
Cathy Wu said on 24/Jun/20
@Nik Ashton - What do you think his eye level is at if he's 5'10.5"?
Nik Ashton said on 19/Jun/20
@ Sandy Cowell - You could be right!

@ Cathy Wu - I like your name!
Cathy Wu said on 18/Jun/20
@Miss Sandy Cowell you usually give a positive upgrade to the listings that Rob provides. It's a rare occurrence that you give a celebrity a downgrade from Rob's listing! XD
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/Jun/20
πŸŽπŸŽ‚πŸŽˆπŸš€ Happy Birthday Jason! πŸš€πŸŽˆπŸŽ‚πŸŽ

Wishing Jason Isaacs a Very Happy 57th Birthday today!

5ft10.5 πŸ˜πŸ‘

OriginalAnon said on 22/May/20
He doesn't look over 5'10'.25"
James Donnelly said on 7/Mar/20
Really 5'10.5"? I think he looks his 5'11" claim. Well at least he's kind of an honest guy a lot of other 5'10.5" guys such as Russell Crow claim 5'11.5" and 6 feet. He's honest compared to a lot of other celebs.
Nik said on 16/Feb/20
It's amazing that he claimed to be 5'10"!
Nik said on 16/Feb/20
@ Pierre - Possibly! He doesn't look any shorter though!
Bobby 1.78m (5ft 10in) said on 14/Feb/20
He's either dropping a lot of height or he's not 5'10.75. I'm seeing 5'9.5 there with you Rob.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Dec/19
Still strange that Jason look 5'9 1/2 with Rob despite 1/4 less footwear.
Visitor said on 9/Nov/19
The photo on this page is odd, as Isaacs' waistline would suggest a greater difference... and he is leaning in with his head quite noticeably. I haven't seen the other photo. Anyway what I would guess was more like 176-178 cm, which I think is possible.
Jtm said on 7/Nov/19
Why compare him with Matt Damon when there is so much dispute about Damon's height?
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Nov/19
Matt Damon is listed 1/4 too high despite he will came a low at 5'9 1/4 since Jason Isaacs is not over 179cm a low.
Pierre said on 18/Oct/19
I guess him around 5"10.25' by this pic
Josh Jeffords said on 3/Oct/19
I have to agree needs downgrade to his claim, he often doesn't look full 5 10.
He just doesnt look that tall even in boots would have hard time looking tallish.
Good actor and so funny like sam neal always forget hes a brit does great accents!
Visitor said on 29/Sep/19
He looks 5'9 and a bit. 180 cm would look much, much taller next to 173 cm, you can't discard that large of a difference so easily with just slightly different sneakers.
Monkey knees said on 27/Sep/19
5ft 10.25in morning height.
avi said on 3/Sep/19

Not sure anymore but I agree Isaacs did always look a good 5'11.

But camera plays tricks and he just may be one of those guys that looks taller on screen.

It's interesting because next to Phelps twins he looks about 3.5 to 4 shorter. Next to an elderly Richard Harris he looked barely an inch shorter.

I think he was a strong 5'10.5 20 years ago and now maybe 5'10.3 or something
Johan 185 cm said on 27/Aug/19
More a 5'10.5-5'10.75" guy can't see him as low as 5'10.25".
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 24/Aug/19
Except that Rob didn't even say 5'10"-5'10.75", he said 5'10"-5'10.5" on Youtube Click Here I know that the pic doesn't do justice, but I'd put Isaacs at 5'10.25" if I was Rob.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 22/Aug/19
5'11" listed Misha Collins (who looks barely 5'10.5") looks way taller compared to Isaacs Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 11/Aug/19
If Rob thought that he looked 5'10.75", he wouldn't have written in the Youtube comments that he could have looked 5'10"-5'10.5". Either way, 5'10.75" is a bit too high of a listing for him. Anyone with functioning eyes can see that.
179cm guy said on 9/Aug/19
What's his inseam, Rob?
Editor Rob
I am not sure on that really.

you know I'll measure anybody's height if they visit my house, but I draw the line at certain things, like getting down on my knees like a tailor and measuring inseams.
Christian 6'5 3/8 said on 7/Aug/19
Are you gonna give him something like 5'10.25"? Because in your Youtube video, you wrote that he could look 5'10"-5'10.5" Click Here
Editor Rob
He could look that, but a fraction less sneaker means at worst I'd have thought he would be 5ft 10.5...but even then, I think he looked taller than the 5ft 10 guy Sam Vartholomeos who had like myself more footwear than jason.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Aug/19
Rob, would you rule out 5'11 1/4 peak for Jason Issac? I believe you have seem Matt Damon look 1.5" shorter than Jason from a decades back in their work. Click Here Look at Jason standing loose on his knee and they're solid 3cm difference maybe tiny bit more.
Editor Rob
I'd say he was no less than a full inch taller than someone like Damon, whether he's actually lost anything noticeable (1/4 or 1/3rd) I am not so sure on yet.
avi said on 4/Aug/19
Hey Greg!
Yes agreed.
I think he's right in the middle.

Kind of like me when I say 5'11.5 or 6'0.

I think Joel Edgerton looks sub 5'10 in a lot of pics with Will Smith who is a strong 6'1 guy. I think Isaacs would seem to be an inch taller than Edgerton.
avi said on 30/Jul/19
@Editor Rob

Rob, I always thought he was a good 5'11 but after this he looks 5'10 in the picture. I know he may be giving up a half inch maybe touch more, but is it possible he was 5'10.5 and never a full 5'11?
Actually if you look at your picture it looks like a 1.5-1.75 inch difference.
Which puts him at 5'9.75 maybe. Plus your 1/4 inch advantage so 5'10.
Add he's dropping .5 inch maybe .75 he is definitely 5'10.5 range

Look at him next to Arnie Hammer who we know is around a strong 6'4.

Click Here

Looks about 5 inches maybe 5.5 shorter but no more.
Johan 185 cm said on 30/Jul/19
Doesn't look it in the pic but I wouldn't have guessed him less than 5'10.5" compared to other actors.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 27/Jul/19
Weird how he only looks around 5'9.5" in the pic. There's no way that Rob would mistake a 5'9.5" guy for 5'10.75"
World Citizen said on 25/Jul/19
Disadvantage I mean*
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Jul/19
Peak 5'11 1/8th now 5'10 5/8th and this is more acceptable for Jason. Anyway Matt Damon has never being over 5'9 1/2 a low.
Jordan87 said on 25/Jul/19
Even After Adjusting for Footwear he doesn't look over 5'10 here at all.
Nik said on 24/Jul/19
@ Rob - Is Jason dropping more height than you?
Editor Rob
I think he could look a bit taller than this photo when talking to him, though I would be a bit surprised if he was only say 5ft 10-5ft 10.25 rather than at least 10.5-10.75
World Citizen said on 24/Jul/19
Looks 5 ft 10 at best without the footwear advantage.
MrFish said on 24/Jul/19
Rob, don’t you think you look taller next to Isaacs than Tom Felton does? But you have Felton listed taller than yourself. Based on this photo and the footwear, I’d guess 178-9.
Editor Rob
It's not impossible Tom is a bit less than 174. Generally he can look over 2 inches smaller than jason in photo ops.
TheBat said on 22/Jul/19
Probably 5'11" peak.
Easy E said on 22/Jul/19
Can we get a height comparison for this?
Editor Rob
I will try to do a short clip for him today.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Jul/19
Rob, i'm surprise with this listing of downgrade after you have met him. But consider of his age 56 now he might be already the case of losing height. From the past he look 1.5" taller than Matt Damon and look more 181cm range with Tom Felton and the Phelps Twins a decade back. If you are given him 5'10.75" then Matt Damon is 5'9.25". I think the problem is Jason should have a peak and current height.

Click Here Jason dropping height on one knee standing and still look easily 3cm taller than Damon.
Andrea said on 22/Jul/19
To be honest, even considering his footwear disadvantage, he looks 5'9.5 MAX here, BUT he easily looks around this listing with Tom Felton, so I guess that he's either dropping more height than it seems... or a good inch got lost somewhere, again???
Editor Rob
Just from watching Jason in film and TV I'd have thought he was closer to 5ft 11 than 10.
But after seeing him a few times that day I wasn't so sure about fact he's a trickier guy to estimate than I had thought.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 22/Jul/19
Nice new picture, Rob? I'm going have to check out all the films of his that I possess - and I can't imagine that they'll all be as nasty as 'A Cure For Wellness'! If I had the luxury of a TV and I could choose any of his films to watch right now, I'd plump for the excellent 'Event Horizon'. My boyfriend was desperate for a copy, and one Christmas, I travelled to Croydon to find one - that and 'Con Air'. They cost me £10 a piece! I've since added them to my own collection, at a far more competitive price. 😝

Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 4/Jul/19
He looks about 3 inch taller than his HP cast mates Tom Felton in some of Harry Potter promotional images in Goblet of Fire 2005 and Deathly Hallows 2010/2011 who isnt even solid 5ft 9 175 like I said last year... Tom Felton is in fact similar to my height.... So, 5ft 11 makes sense for this guy at least...
Sandy Cowell said on 12/Mar/19
About all I liked watching him in 'A Cure For Wellness' yesterday was his convincing Swedish/Germanic accent! Oh, his acting was fantastic as always, but the character he played was mega-mean in the extreme!

This excellent actor gets 5ft10.75.
Sandy Cowell said on 11/Mar/19
I know the name, and I have seen Jason in 'Armageddon', 'Event Horizon' and more. Now I am going to watch him in the delightfully entitled 2017 film 'A Cure for Wellness', so I'll be able to decide for myself whether I think he's 5ft10 or 11!

The film, as the title might suggest, is 18-rated! Am I a glutton for punishment, or what?

See you later...
Jordan87 said on 1/Feb/19

Felton is leaning a lot more in the picture you posted, did you notice that?
Gracian said on 2/Sep/18
Jason really looks at least 3 inches taller than Tom Felton:
Click Here
Click Here
Besides, Evanna Lynch looks very short next to him, and the Phelps twins look maximum 3 inches taller than him (besides they have the shoes advantage over him):
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Rob 5'11.5" or at least 5'11.25" is possible for him?
Editor Rob
I think an honest 5ft 11, at times he has passed for 11.25, but then on Discovery, I don't think he looked more than just 5ft 11.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 18/Aug/18
Rob must be kidding. Jason Issacs certainly look over 5'11 with Felton and the Phelps Twins. I did see him as high as 5'11 1/2 and 5'11 1/4 low.
Editor Rob

"Certainly isaacs is well over 5ft 10"

I'm not sure why that would be kidding, well over implies more than half inch.
Dmeyer said on 16/Jul/18
Close to my height in person not as short as 179 or taller than 180
Jamie3557 said on 15/Jul/18
He actually looked a strong 5' 11" in person.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/18
Can see him measuring around 179-180cm
Editor Rob
A few double shots of him and Felton from conventions Click Here, Click Here, Click Here.

Certainly isaacs is well over 5ft 10.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Jun/18
He look 5'11 1/2 with the 6'2 1/2 phelps brothers.
Dmeyer said on 3/Mar/18
Similar height to Brad Pitt if not taller on the movie
Ted said on 27/Sep/17
182cm in the morning .
Flyin said on 26/Aug/17
Seeing some old snaps from the premiership of black hawk down he is 180,what I think is Orlando bloom needs a downgrade to 177cm based on some of the pics.
S.J.H said on 13/Jun/17
Either jason issacs is 5'11 and matt damon is 5'9.25 or since jason issacs claim both 5'10 and 5'11 so give it the middle digit 5'10.5 and matt damon is 5'9
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Nov/16
Rob, maybe somewhere between those two claims?
Editor Rob
if he's under 5ft 11 it's not by much Rampage...
headman said on 24/Nov/16
I say 5'10, I considering him having that height listed in that movie with jackie chan, Rob, what would you say his head length is?
Editor Rob
headman, definitely over 9 inches, but not more than 9.5, close to that mark though.
S.J.H said on 11/Nov/16
Maybe he was 5'10.5 so he putting down 5'10 at a time and decided to round up 5'11?
Mike said on 28/Jul/16
Towers over Radcliffe, 4 inches taller than 5ft 7-8 Rupert Grint, and isn't much shorter than Robert Pattinson. Definitely more 5ft 11 than 10.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Jun/16
Rob, why is he listed 5ft11 if he claimed 5ft10?
Editor Rob
he's been quoted saying both...the 5ft 10 might have been a misquote, I don't think he looks that short.
Judd said on 31/Jan/15
Yeah I think 5'11" is accurate...I don't have a full knowledge of his filmography but from what I can see he's a tricky Harry potter for example he does look tall, at least 5'11", but in the patriot he had at least 2" less than Tom Wilkinson (6'1") and was defeated by Adam Baldwin who towered on him (he does look also very close to Mel Gibson, although I think wore lifts)...
Dmeyer said on 24/Jan/15
0.5-0.6in shorter is very possible he was almost my height in person while i have a bit more shoes so no lΓ©ss than 5'11
Judd said on 16/Nov/14
Dmeyer says on 8/Jun/13
I met him he was about 2cm shorter than me but i Had 1cm more footwear he is realy Γ  solid 5'11 about 6 ft With sneakers on

With only 1 cm less than you he should be more 5'11.25" than 5'11"...
Are you sure there were only 0,3-4" between you?
mike said on 22/Oct/14
Closer to 5ft 11 than 10
Kevin said on 21/Aug/14
In Harry Potter looks 184cm
Byron T. said on 27/Jul/14
Click Here
Click Here

If Tom Felton is 5'8.5,'' then I can see a 5'11'' max for Jason Isaacs.
cole said on 10/May/14
But then he does look about an inch taller than Orlando Bloom, and the same height, if not a teensy bit taller than Viggo Mortensen. There's also every chance that Hartnett is a 190 cm guy as well. 180 cm is fine for Jason imo. Maybe 5'10.75 could be a good listing, but 5'10.5 feels a little low - unless Bloom is 5'9.5 and Mortensen is 5'10.25.
cole said on 10/May/14
With 6'2.5 Josh Hartnett he could be 5'10.5: Click Here
Sam said on 30/Apr/14
In the Jackie Chan movie The Tuxedo, Isaacs's character is credited with a height of 5'10". Maybe he is more of 5'10.5" than a full 5'11".
MD said on 19/Jan/14
Yeah, I'd be happy with 5'10.5" for him, myself.
avi said on 17/Jan/14

I think you should put 5'10.5 . I too thought he was 5'11 but he seems to be a weak 5'11 at best like 5'10.7. If he claimed 5'10 and 5'11 common sense is he's in between. Or 5'11 was a shoe height.


First pic he look close to 6'0. The other sacha baron Cohen pic is bad. Weird angle.even so Isaacs looks 5'10.

The one next to 5'8.5 guy he looks 5'10.5. I think he's a 5'10.5 guy.
Emily said on 20/Dec/13
He's not a mm over 5'10.
Realist said on 17/Dec/13
He looks 6'0 in Harry Potter but 5'9.5 in Black Hawk Down cause Hartnett is huge. He must be 5'10. Rob time to downgrade.
MD said on 11/Nov/13

His quote from 2001 may actually be more near the truth.

With 6'3" Sascha Baron Cohen on November 9:

Click Here

Click Here

With Anton Yelchin, who you have listed as 5'8.5":

Click Here

Click Here

With a 5'9.25" Stephen Moyer:

Click Here

Click Here

Usually, I'd compromise and say it'd be enough to take off half-an-inch. But, in this case, I think we should take him at his original claim. There doesn't look to be any way he's above 5'10".
Editor Rob
5ft 10.5 could be on the money, at times he can look anywhere from 5ft 10 to 11.
Baconlover said on 7/Nov/13
I met Jason about 7 years ago in Providence RI while he was filming brotherhood. I'm 5'10" and he was at least 2in short than me. Sorry but camera angles do great work. Having said that he was wicked nice and she'd me a good spot to buy a house.
cole said on 24/Sep/13
He mostly strikes me as a tiny bit under 5'11, so 5'10.5 or perhaps 5'10.75 is a good shout?
Dmeyer said on 8/Jun/13
I met him he was about 2cm shorter than me but i Had 1cm more footwear he is realy Γ  solid 5'11 about 6 ft With sneakers on
jtm said on 8/Jun/13
closer to 5'10.
MaskDeMasque said on 20/Oct/12
Watching Awake earlier and i thought he looked like a 5'10 dude.
Derek said on 17/Oct/12
5'10.5" may be a good shout for this guy. Like others have said, he could round up or down at times.
Dmeyer said on 2/Aug/12
I met him hΓ© was a bit smaller than me but i had 0.3 in more shoes so 5'11 bang on
MD said on 16/Oct/11
With 5'10.75" Viggo Mortensen:

Click Here

There are a few more photos around that time showing Isaacs taller, but it's because of footwear difference (he and Boots and Viggo in normal dress shoes). I think this listing is about right. Maybe a quarter-inch in either direction.
TruebloodFan said on 3/Oct/11
@avi says on 13/Mar/11
Could he be 5'10 1/2 and rounds down or up at times??

check out the movie 'Good' from 2008. he's a bit shorter than 5'11 Viggo Mortensen, I'd agree with your 5'10.5 estimate.
jake said on 6/Jun/11
5'10.5- 5'10.75 perhaps closer. He looked reasonably tall as Lucius Malfoy.
avi said on 13/Mar/11
Rob or anyone else who can come up with a good guess, why on earth would he say 5'10?? what actor downgrades his height. He looks 5'11 and even 6'0 next to some actors who claim 6'1 or 6'2. like in the patriot he looks 6'0ish next to 6'1 Tom Wilkinson but body shots of Issac look 5'10-5'11. Could he be 5'10 1/2 and rounds down or up at times??

Editor Rob
he has been quoted saying 5ft 10 and 11. There is a chance the journalist wrote down 5ft 10 instead of 11, sometimes that happens.

I've seen the same newspaper quote the same actress giving different heights a few years apart...
linke said on 8/Mar/11
Hugh might be right this time.
Zach #2 said on 9/Feb/09
I recently saw Michael Sheen and Jason Isaacs at The BAFTAS backstage show in London, where they both came and talked to an audience of film lovers. I was only a few yards away from them both and Michael Sheen looked 5 9" Max (I was actually suprised he werent taller) and Jason Isaac cleared him by a good 2 inches. so 5 11" seems bang on for Isaacs
Anonymous said on 10/Jan/09
You people are blind or what? He looks clearly taller than Mortensen in every photo!

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here

5'11 for him and 5'10.5 for Mortensen is the sad reality.
Yaspaa said on 1/Jan/08
Has a wonderful talent for character acting and 5'10 min 5'11 max looks right.
dmeyer said on 30/Nov/07
did he realy claim 5'10

Editor Rob
it's in the newspaper 100%, whether or not he said it I don't know...could have been one case of saying 5ft 11 and the journo writing down 5ft 10. Happens on occasions.
robbie H said on 10/Nov/07
i think viggo looks a strong 6 foot in the films iv seen him in, and he doesnt seem the type to fuss about his height, i might be wrong though- i think issacs is a 5-11 though
sarah said on 8/Nov/07
he's in a new movie "Good" with Viggo Mortensen, and in the released stills Isaacs is just a bit shorter, although Viggo could be wearing heels. Viggo is usually pegged at 5'11" -- maybe Isaacs is 10.75" and Mortensen 11.25" ?
dmeyer said on 12/Jun/07
seems about 180 mark in person i was shoked since bruce willis was 2 in taller than him in armaggedon and in some scene only 1.5 in shorter than affleck si 6'0.5 to 6'1 in that movie bruce was easy 5'11.5 guy and now 180
dmeyer said on 7/Mar/07
i worked on a movie with him he looked similar height to me he seemed 1 to 2 cm shorter than me but i had bigger shoes so about the same
Elio said on 13/Dec/06
Looked between 5'10"-5'11" next to Jonathan ross at that comedy awards show tonight (13th Dec).
Editor Rob said on 7/Sep/06
Oh Oh,
Quoted in the Mirror, 2001 as saying "I'm 5ft 10ins, so I'm hardly small".

Him saying 5ft 10 and Radcliffe saying "5ft 5.5", hmm.
Gotxo said on 15/Aug/06
dmeyer-Interesting, without doubt Isaac looks a solid 5'11"!
Have here another Sly case? Does Bruce Willis care about his height in order tha the producers might think of him when a new though guy role is available?
It's sad that Frank2 has no histories on that kind of issue, i mean, they must earn something from appearing taller, otherwise is a lot of nuissances only to appear taller (or is vanity such an compelling force?)
dmeyer said on 13/Aug/06
bruce willis looked a full 2 inches taller than him bruce defenetly wear something i have a friend that met both willis and isaacs and told me issacs was taller
john link said on 3/Jun/06
This sounds pretty accurate. At the empire awards he towered over Daniel Radcliffe, who was most likely wearing some trusty elevator shoes. It leads me to believe that Radcliffe may be even shorter than 5'4".
andria said on 1/Apr/06
i have a pic w/ him... i'm 5'3" wearing 3-4" heels and he's about 4" taller so i think 5'11" is right on the nose

Editor Rob
if you have a pic, why not email it...I can always blank out your face...
dmeyer said on 23/Oct/05
i met him he does look it
CelebHeights Editor said on 10/Oct/05
His agency CV lists him at 180cm, 76kg.
fazzle said on 4/Jul/05
on the tuxedo with jackie chan his id said 5'10 !?? And he did seem to be just over 2 inches than jackie

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.