How tall is Gary Oldman

Gary Oldman's Height

5ft 8 (172.7 cm)

Peak height was 5ft 8 ½ (174 cm)
British actor best known for roles in movies such as Leon, Dracula, J.F.K, The Fifth Element, the Harry Potter series, The Dark Knight Trilogy, True Romance, Air Force One, The Contender and Dawn of the Planet. In a 1988 Spotlight casting directory, Gary was listed as "Height 5 feet 9 ½ inches".

How tall is Gary Oldman
Adrien Brody in 2012
Photo by s_bukley/
I told my wife I was too tall to play Churchill. He was 5’6” and I was 5’10 and she said, ‘No, you’re not’ and measured me. Turned out, I was 5’8, So I lost two inches.
-- Daily Mail, 2017

How tall is Gary Oldman
John Hurt & Gary in 2011
Photo © / GTCRFOTO

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Add a Comment169 comments

Average Guess (103 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 8.67in (174.4cm)
Current: 5ft 7.94in (172.6cm)
5'7 and a fraction said on 19/Mar/23
He could be a weak 5'8 today. Always struck me as someone just a little below average, so 5'8 1/2 peak suits him best. He was only off by Churchill's height by around 2 inches, a lot less difference in comparison to Brendan Gleeson's Churchill.
Mighty_^ said on 17/Sep/22
5'10... Lol ... The nerves on this man :D

Always struck me as a 5'8 guy.

And I don't think he has lost much...
BoobleGooble said on 15/Mar/22
He looks like a solid 5'9 guy in that pic with Adrien Brody. But in reality he was close to this listing at peak,possibly a weak 5'9.
Wehrmacht180 said on 7/Mar/22
Young 173 cm
Today 172 cm
Rapha said on 5/Feb/22
The 178 cm claim online is just false, the highest he could have got is 176 cm straight out of bed.
Tall Sam said on 20/Oct/21
Way back in State of Grace, Oldman was pretty consistently noticeably a bit taller than Sean Penn, kind of arguable he could’ve been a weak 5’9” then, maybe 5’8.75”, nowadays he’s perhaps half an inch shorter.
Kalind said on 18/Oct/21
I’d say 5’8 for Oldman as well. Maybe 5’8.25” since he’s standing next to Kate Winslet, who’s listed at 5’6 on here. Then again, Oldman is wearing dress shoes while Winslet is barefoot Click Here
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 8/May/21
Such a talented actor and writer.

I'd like to know how tall his sister, Leila Morse is. I found 5ft2, but I feel that's too much. 'EastEnders' actress Leila starred in her brother's film 'Nil By Mouth', (1997), which he wrote and directed. Leila played the Mum of a young woman, played by Kathy Burke, who is in an abusive relationship. I reckon Leila's peak was no more than 5ft1.

Gary gets 5ft9 peak and 5ft8.25 today. He played the best Dracula I have ever seen! 😁👍
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Mar/21
🎁🎂🎈🎊 Happy Birthday Gary! 🎊🎈🎂🎁

A Very Happy 63rd Birthday to Gary Oldman. Have a great day with your sons and the rest of your family!

Peak - 5ft9; Today - 5ft8.25 XXX

Jtm said on 18/Feb/21
I think he could still be over 5’8. He looks taller than rob does with Charles dance in mank unless he was wearing lifts.
Genau 5ft9 7/8 said on 15/Feb/21
Did he have injuries or why do some People think he has lost a full inch or more

he sure lost height but no an inch or more more like 3/4 of an Inch

5ft8 1/2 Peak 5ft7 3/4 current
slim 6'1 said on 9/Jan/21
Shrunk into strong 5’7” territory today
OriginalAnon said on 27/Oct/20
He could have reached 175cm at one point in time.
Kramer said on 30/Sep/20
He played Sid Vicious who was about 6ft2
TheBat said on 28/Sep/20
He definitely was never 5’10” at his peak. Rob’s listings aren’t more spot on.
Slim 6'1" said on 9/Aug/20
yeah solid 5'8" in true romance

171-172 today
Jkiller said on 12/Jul/20
Peak 5'8.5, nowadays 5'8.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jun/20
@ JohnMoore-162cm - Gary didn't exactly look short in 'Dracula', or 'True Romance' for that matter. He's taller for a guy than his sister, 'EastEnders' actress Leila Morse, is for a woman. She doesn't even look 5ft tall now, but she probably exceeded 5ft as a young woman.

Gary gets 5ft8.75 for his peak and 5ft8 for today's height. 😉👍
JohnMoore-162cm said on 22/May/20
I'm sure Oldman was 5ft8 3/4" in his prime
JohnMoore-162cm said on 22/May/20
I think I'd go with weak 5ft9 peak and 5ft8 current
Gladstone Screwer said on 16/Apr/20
Would have been 5'9" possibly, as a young man, now more 5'7 1/2.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 21/Mar/20
🎁🎂🎈🍻 Happy Birthday Gary! 🍻🎈🎂🎁

A Very Happy 62nd Birthday to Gary Oldman.

My favourite of his films has to be 'Dracula'; it isn't even normally my cup of tea, but his version certainly WAS! He looked quite tall in that, probably because his leading lady was the petite Winona Ryder!

Peak - 5ft9 🎉🍰
Now - 5ft8.25 😁👍

Nik Ashton said on 5/Feb/20
He has the 5’8” look and I am pleased to give him his 150th comment!
Karin Marie Nystrom said on 18/Oct/19
Loch said on 6/Jan/18
Kate Winslet is taller than him

No, she's not. He's slouching in the photo and we can't really see her footwear.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 29/Aug/19
I don't see him lost much height. Not quite a 1/2 inch. I can see 5'8 1/8 now and 5'8 1/2 peak. In his 90s movie he can even pull off looking 5'9.
Nik said on 1/Aug/19
It's very fascinating that the average guess for his current height is 5'8" (after 52 votes!) and that he will soon have his 152nd (autocorrect tried to change nd to Ned!) comment! It's also interesting that the average guess for his peak height is 5'8.67" (52 votes!)!
MJKoP said on 13/Mar/19
Ian C. said on 8/Mar/19
Oldman will tell you that he was too tall to play Churchill, but his height was not an issue when he was cast as Dracula? That's being pretty selective about the importance of height in casting.

Or Sid Vicious! LOL
Jtm said on 9/Mar/19
The Shredder said on 29/Dec/17
59 yrs old , good shape and thin. He most likely only lost 1/4 , 1/2 from his peak. Two things , It wasn't ever more than a strong 5'8 to being with or it's possible he was under measured or he was still over 5'8 and they just called out the closer number.

has he not seen state of grace? it's so ridiculous that he thinks sean penn is 5'9 yet a possibility that oldman was never more than a strong 5'8 but then again i always thought the shredder was like a lot of posters here that believe what they want to believe.
Ian C. said on 8/Mar/19
Oldman will tell you that he was too tall to play Churchill, but his height was not an issue when he was cast as Dracula? That's being pretty selective about the importance of height in casting.
5'10 3/4 said on 25/Jul/18
He'S Still Looks 174-173cm To Me
Powerhouse said on 29/Mar/18
I agree with him being 5’8 flat now (wouldn’t rule out a little lower) and him being 5’8.5 peak.
Adnan said on 20/Mar/18
5'8" 5'9" peak
Jake94 (5'9 said on 10/Jan/18
just under 175 at peak, 173 flat now.
Loch said on 6/Jan/18
Kate Winslet is taller than him

this Click Here
Cameron said on 4/Jan/18
I think I'd go with weak 5'9" peak and strong 5'8" current. Thanks for adding peak height, but I'd go 1/4 inch taller for each.
Psychedelic Earth 187 said on 31/Dec/17
good job adding the peak and current option. as listed.
The Shredder said on 29/Dec/17
59 yrs old , good shape and thin. He most likely only lost 1/4 , 1/2 from his peak. Two things , It wasn't ever more than a strong 5'8 to being with or it's possible he was under measured or he was still over 5'8 and they just called out the closer number.
tico said on 24/Dec/17
In a recent interview, December 2017, Oldman says he was 5 feet 10 inches but lost two inches of height and is now 5 feet 8 inches tall. Here's the link: Click Here
Editor Rob
losing 1.5 inches would be a huge amount for any guy almost 60 and average height!
Harris said on 18/Oct/17
Rob, do you make a good living (in terms of money) off Celebheights?
Editor Rob

my advice for any budding webmaster - pick a genre that has better paying advertisers than celebrities 👍

For a good living I need to increase visitors by 40-50%...easier said than done of course! I've been trying, but then, so do the hundreds of other sites out there, they all try to increase visitors too 😺

Not to mention Google, the biggest competitor to many webmasters - they do not want people who use their search engine to leave it, they are trying to keep people using their services, hence their massive push with those "answer/information boxes" over the last 5 years.
Richardspain said on 29/Sep/17
He isn't tall he was between 173-174cm in peak and maybe 172-173cm nowadays.
5'9 said on 24/Aug/17
Yeah this needs a peak height option. He was 5'9" at his peak and is 5'8.5" now.
Nolan said on 12/Aug/17
176 peak 174 current
even said on 5/Jul/17
maximum height that he attained was 175
now hes 174
Slim 181 cm said on 26/Jun/17
BY that I mean 5'8.75(174.5) peak, with 5'8.25 today
Slim 181 cm said on 25/Jun/17
I think it's safe to say he's losing 1/4 of an inch.
Revisionist said on 4/Apr/17
Oldman always looked a bit taller than 5'8" but never quite 5'9, so 174 is perfect as his peak height. These days, he might be closer to 173.

@ Dimitris, while I agree with your assessment that people are often around 1-2 inches shorter than they think they are, the average height figures thrown around are scientifically measured. They're accurate. The only quibble that I have with them is that they're almost certainly early day measurements, taken between the morning and at the latest, late afternoon. I would subtract at least 1/4" off all the figures given, and in the case of especially tall nations like The Netherlands, 1/3" since taller people are likelier to lose more height by evening.

Funny story of how I became Obsessed With Heights just a few months ago. I'm now just into my 30s and was never concerned about height until an educational and amusing incident at work, where a colleague insisted that I couldn't date his sister (concerning whom I had never expressed even the slightest interest anyway) because she was 5'10 and much taller than me. I informed him that I'd seen his sister, and that she barely hits 5'5. He called her to verify and confirmed that she wasn't anywhere near 5'10. I don't know the figure that she gave, but she's average height at most. I told him that I was average male height, but how short did he think I actually was? We stood beside each other, and another colleague eyed us as under 2 inches apart (maximum). I was well above the top of his temple and was certainly within 1.5 inches of his height. He doesn't have a particularly large or long head.

Oh, I guess I wasn't that short after all, measuring pretty closely to a 6-footer! Lucky me! I'm 5'9, so the most that he could ever be is 5'10.5, and I think that's being generous since he was wearing boots against my dress shoes.

A similarly entertaining encounter happened just a few weeks after the above story: a female colleague was standing next to me and asked if I had grown. Apparently, for nearly a year, she always thought that she was taller than me even though she's no more than 5'6.5. I had heel advantage that day and would have been comfortably 3 inches taller. I guess the extra half inch footwear advantage pushed me over the edge. 2.5 inches weren't enough before!

The point is that most people are clueless about heights.
Cameron said on 24/Mar/17
He's getting older, I think he was a solid 5'9" guy in his youth.
Dimitris said on 22/Mar/17
Guys let me just say something about male height. 80% of men exaggerate their height bg approximately 2 inches on average. For instance, I am 5'7" tall and I often get mistaken for 5'9", especially when wearing trainers. I once wore Chelsea boots (add maybe 1.5") and this girl asked me how tall I was, I said 5'9" to test it out and her reply was along the lines of "You may even be 5'10". The fact that i have a slim frame and a relatively small head assists in making me appear taller. So when you see Gary Oldman and presume he's 5'10" or even 5'11", it is because of the male trend of lying about height. Honestly, I hardly ever feel short and i live in DC, im comvinced the TRUE average height is 5'8" or 5'8.5", NOT 5'10". It's 5'10" with shoe lifts and lies.
Jimmy said on 21/Mar/17
There's a picture of him with my dad at the Leon premier. My dad was 5'9" back then, he seemed 1-2cm taller than Oldman. Their shoulders were aaalmost even. I think Maybe 175cm in the morning was likely for Oldman at his peak. Now he's probably 172cm or so, so 5'8.5" at peak is fair. Same height as me lol.
delancey said on 10/Mar/17
Can't find a still anywhere online, only for the 5'11 scene, but in Air Force One they show his characters details twice in two separate scenes.
First time at the start of the movie he is listed as 5'11. Second time (when the chiefs of staff, Whitehouse personnel are seated around the table) he is listed as 5'8.
Obviously a mistake in the movie (and actors in films are always listed at different heights to their real life measurements) but interesting that his character is listed at two totally different heights...
Dutae Gago said on 7/Mar/17
He said he was 5'8.5 when he guested on the tonight show with Jay Leno.
Kurtz said on 13/Feb/17
Probably one of best 5 now living actors in the world.
You can count the others actor at his level on the fingers of one hand.
mister_lennon said on 10/Feb/17
174-175 peak.
173-174 now.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/17
Gary played the best 'Dracula' I've ever seen. The whole production couldn't have been better! I did think Gary was a good 5ft10 when I saw him in it, and I was also influenced by his appearance in 'True Romance', where he looks lean to the point of being rangy!
However, in the excellent 'State of Grace', where he partners up with the none-too-tall Sean Penn, anyone can see that he is, in fact, rather small, though certainly in that film, he is not a guy to be messed with! Nor is he very nice in 'Leon'!
I read that Gary was on 'texting terms' with David Bowie! They knew each other as youngsters and Gary appeared in one of David's last music videos.
The rather disturbing film 'Nil By Mouth' was written and directed by Gary and based on his experiences, I believe. It deserved the awards it received.
I'll go for 5ft8.5 peak height and 5ft7.5 now, but as there's only the one box, I will go for his optimum height! 🏆👍
James Corbyn said on 12/Jan/17
Met him at Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Premier, he's my height 5'7.75-5'8" no taller nowadays, took a picture with him but I wouldn't be surprised if he's lost an inch since Leon The Professional and Rosencrantz days bcs he looked like a solid 5'9" back then. Is an inch of shrinking likely at 58 rob?
c.b said on 10/Jan/17
i met him week ago...about 5 foot 9
anonnnn said on 27/Dec/16
This height is about right. There pix of him and 5'10" kevin bacon from the movie criminal law and he looks a solid 2 inches shorter than bacon. 5'8.5"max
S.J.H said on 11/Nov/16
I think oldman at least 5'7.5-5'7.75 now like tom felton and 5'8 peak height
S.J.H said on 18/Oct/16
G said 5'8 means oldman is 5'6.5 but like rob say G might be in biker boots then oldman is 5'7 but still lol..
josh jeffords said on 9/Oct/16
Wow that is weird gary always looked average even a skinny tall guy look sometimes.
He must have been over 5 9 in his prime he often was next to guys well over 6 ft.
As an example just watched Flyboys James Franco was many inches shorter than Jean Reno like 5 6 1 -5 sound like 5 7...5 8 max
Old did not get dwarfed like than in The Professional or Leon for Euro folks.
He was noticeable shorter than the 6 1 Harrison Ford though much of that was close physical confrontation.
He is shorter than hardy in pic of them but not by enough to brag so weak 5 9.
Adamz said on 19/Sep/16
Glenn said on 30/Nov/05
I met him once.5-8 he is.

Editor Rob
he didn't look much different than G from what I recall, although the fact G wore 2 inch Biker boots at times might have helped him be 5ft 8.
Mike said on 25/Jul/16
Rob, can you add the Harry Potter series, The Dark Knight Trilogy, True Romance, Air Force One, The Contender and Dawn of the Planet of the Apes? I think he might've been 5ft 9 peak, and around 5ft 8.5 today.
Johnny said on 9/Apr/16
@Rob how tall do you think this Japanese actor is with Oldman? Click Here
Editor Rob
he can appear 179cm at least
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jan/16
Rob, 5ft9 peak?

I agree he does look a bit under now
Key said on 7/Sep/15
Could you add JFK to his role in movies? If you want. :)
Judd said on 20/May/15
i've watched Air Force one a week ago (when i asked rob to add Wendy Crewson's height) and i confirm that his character passed for a while 5'11".
however i think, 5'8.5" is fair for him...Harrison Ford had at least 3" on him in 1997 and my guess is that HF was at times close to 6' (he was something between 6'0.25-5'11.75" IMO)...i don't think he has already lost something because he's still in his 50's...he has max lost just a small fraction (less than 0,25"), if he has lost something...
Ron said on 18/May/15
Listing is pretty good I think. He could be 5'9 or even 5'10 in shoes, but he'd be struggling. He has that slightly stocky frame which makes him look smaller than I think he is. This was most notable when he played Gordon as he tended to wear thick coats, but when he played Sirius Black in those loose fitting clothes he could easily pass for a 5'10 guy as long as you don't compare him too much to who he's stabdibg next to.
A pretty average looking guy really, never looks small next to his co-stars but never looks very much taller either. One of those guys where you don't really notice height.
Joe said on 1/Feb/15
Way back in the 1990s, Gary Oldman claimed he was 5'11", in the movie Air Force One, his character checked into Air Force One and it showed that his character was 5'11" and 165lbs., I actually once thought this was true, there a lot of 5'9" actors who claim to be this height.
mani 1312 said on 18/Jan/15
Matt Le Blanc hauteur: 5ft 9.25in (176 cm)
dans "friend" Holdman a l'air bien plus petit
ROB: 5ft7.5 / 5ft8 me s'emble correct non?
jtm said on 7/Dec/14
did he actually claimed 5'11? wouldn't be surprise since he is listed at 5'11 in some sites.
Joe said on 5/Dec/14
Apparently Gary once claimed he was 5'11", I believe in some publications he said he was nearly 6 feet tall. During Air Force One, his character checks into the plane and it describes his character as 5'11" and 165 pounds, not even close. 5'8.5" seems right.
Realist said on 10/Jul/14
Peak 5'9.25 today 5'8.5 he has lost quite some height for a 56 year old man. He is an easy 2 inches more than Penn in state of Grace so a clear 5'7.5 peak for Penn, 5'7 today.
Barta said on 28/May/14
Gary Oldman's stand-in guys are always 5'9" and 5'10"
Sam said on 13/Mar/14
I think he's not less than 175 cm...he's got good posture and seems a little taller than 5'8" range guys (from Sean Penn to Keith S.) and equal in height to Tom Hardy. Rob, would you consider going with a 5'8.75" listing?
Lorne said on 18/Jan/14
Rob watch the dark knight, he is an inch taller than Keith Szarb(can't remember spelling) whom you met, and claim is 174cm. Also doesn't look much shorter than JGL. He's 175cm, Rob. Maybe in recent years his posture isn't so
Jenny said on 8/Oct/13
If Malcolm McDowell is 174, then Gary Oldman is a bit taller:

Click Here
Magpie said on 24/Aug/13
I think 5'8.5 is an underestimate. Here's a still from 'Rosencrantz and Gilderstern Are Dead' and he's easily got a few inches on Roth. Click Here

Here's a picture of him at 'The Dark Knight Rises' premiere and he's as tall as Hathaway who's certainly wearing heels even though he's leaning in and has a bent knee. Click Here He might not be 5'10 anymore, but 5'8.5 is too short.
gsbr said on 31/Jul/13
Although he clearly has presence on-screen, Oldman always looked under 5'10" to me. In Rosencrantz & Guildenstern Are Dead, he's barely taller than the 5'7" Tim Roth.
chrissss said on 6/Jul/13
Ok i know people lie about their height but this guy is 200% 5'10, and with his lean structure often looks the same height as christian bale(6ft) rob go watch the the dark knight or the dark knight rises, i doubt this guy wears lifts
Elizabeth Renant said on 18/Jun/13
5'9" tops - and clearly goes for tall women - Thurman must have 3" on him easily, and his current wife has at least that if not more.
jtm said on 4/Jun/13
try to watch it again when you have time.
jtm said on 3/Jun/13
rob have you seen state of grace? he was certainly more than just a half inch taller than penn. maybe he had a footwear advantage but i think he was still at least inch taller than penn when he that movie came out. maybe now he is 5'8.5.
jtm said on 3/Jun/13
rob have you seen state of grace? he was certainly more than just a half inch taller than penn. maybe he had a footwear advantage but i think he was still at least inch taller than penn. maybe now he is 5'8.5.
Editor Rob
not seen it for over 10 years
oreo said on 18/Mar/13
178 cm stop undergraduating people ! see the firm and you will that the guy is clearly 5'10
Sam said on 11/Dec/12
Hmm, a bit surprising to see his decreasing height here. I think Tom Hardy would be around the same mark, so might you make him 5'8.5" as well, Rob?:
Click Here
Also, I believe Sean Penn would need about a half-inch dowgrade if Oldman is 5'8.5".
Editor Rob
there is a good shout for him being 174
Arch Stanton said on 11/Dec/12
Click Here

Rob, do you think he looks a lot taller than this here next to 6'3" David Thewlis?
Editor Rob
I'm sure there's more difference than that photo might suggest.
Hullywood 1.75.5m said on 9/Dec/12
Rob, wasnt he listed as 1.78m a half year ago? I remember i watched "Leon" and looked here on Gary Oldmans height. I thought i saw "5foot10" and "****, why is he taller then me...?!"
Editor Rob
not on this page, I think he can look five nine or just under that sometimes
Ace said on 2/Aug/12
Wow, in some of Sam's pics he could pass for 5'11! I doubt he is a lift-wearer though as he usually appears in the 5'8-9 range.
Tyler said on 26/Jul/12
Maybe you should have his peak height be 5'9" Rob?
Tyler said on 25/Jul/12
He always looked 5'9" in the past, but the photos of him at TDKR premiere definitely show that he's 5'8.5" now. Do you think he might have shrunk Rob?
Editor Rob
he can look anywhere from 5ft 8 to 5ft 9 maybe 10 years ago. Today it's possible he has poorer posture and looks 5ft 8 most of the time?
Sam said on 8/Feb/12
Here's some with Uma Thurman, Mr. R:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
and with Sean Penn in State of Grace:
Click Here
Click Here
While he can look over 5'9", I do recall Oldman looked barely taller than G.
Josh B said on 8/Feb/12
@Mr. R Just type gary oldman and uma thurman into google images, loads come up.
Mr. R said on 8/Feb/12
Still cannot find a pic of gary and his former wife Uma Thurman. Can someone find this?
Silent d said on 5/Feb/12
5 foot 9. Cool actor.
Sam said on 28/Nov/11
TDK Rises, if you're the gentleman on the far right, Gary Oldman looks just a bit taller than you.
zkk said on 26/Nov/11
udre - his character was probably written as 5'11". Of course he only looked about 5'9" in Air Force One
TDK Rises said on 22/Nov/11
Oh and here's the picture of me and Oldman

Click Here
TDK Rises said on 21/Nov/11
Met him today at the Fox News Station in DC. He was very lean, I was basically eye level with him for the brief time we talked. I'm 5'8 maybe a bit under
Alissa Snape said on 4/Nov/11
He looks around 5'9
Sam said on 3/Nov/11
He may just edge out Tom Hardy heightwise but they are basically the same. Both look right around 5'9" next to the two gentlemen over 6 feet:
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Tyler said on 5/Oct/11
He's either 5'9" or 5'10". Same with Tom Hardy. Both could pass as either.
fuzzblaster said on 13/Sep/11
He looks 5'9.5" but because he's so good I'll give him 5'10". :-)
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Sep/11
With Christian Bale in the Batman movies I thought he could look near 5"10.
Bean Man! said on 27/Aug/11
I remember back in 1998 on the Tonight Show w/ Jay Leno when he was promoting Lost in Space he said he was 5'9". So I'm assuming he was never taller than that assuming that most male actors overestimate their heights.
guyfrommars said on 23/Aug/11
Seemed to be shorter than 5'9.5" Matt LeBlanc in that awful Lost in Space movie. I think he's no taller than 5'8".
dobre said on 7/Aug/11
5ft 10 in the book of eli he looked like 2 inches shorter than denzel whos 6ft
Mr. Tempus said on 25/Jul/11
nowdays he looks a solid 5'8, as i said before a weak 5'9 on his youth
Mr. R said on 17/Jul/11
Has anyone ever seen a pic of Gary with his previous wife Uma Thurman? She is 5-11, and we could get a better read on him.
udre said on 11/Jul/11
saw yesterday Air Force one and hes 5ft11 accordind with the movie but this guy looks more like 5 ft 10
Mr. Tempus said on 15/Jun/11
a weak 5'9, 5'10 with shoes
Sandy said on 26/May/11
5'10 -- Click Here
A friend of mine met him on set few months ago and she said 5'10 is right.
DrJJ said on 24/Apr/11
Not dramatically smaller than Denzel in Book of Eli. A good 5'9", maybe a fraction more.
ulrike said on 23/Apr/11
5ft 9 its ok may be 5 ft 10
Sam said on 21/Apr/11
About a 2 inch difference with his ex Uma Thurman looks about right. I do notice she hasn't dated anyone that was taller than her!
Click Here
f said on 30/Dec/10
Vicious was 1,88m. Quite odd that Oldman was Sid in 'Sid and Nancy'.
Spence said on 22/Dec/10
Rob is 5'10 peak for Oldman possible?

Editor Rob
I wouldn't be convinced of gary being that tall.
Spence said on 22/Dec/10
I think 175 peak
Adlai said on 5/Jul/09
Considering Glenn put him at 'exactly my height or an inch more' a downgrade might be in order. To 172cm would be a fair approximation methinks.
Lenad said on 9/May/09
Frank2 saw him at 5ft11 but that was probably lifts
Random Person said on 15/Apr/09
Hmm pretty unsure on this dude, 5'9 could be right..
tim said on 15/Apr/09
no under 5'9. he looks short in harry potter and the prisoner of azkabhan but then again thewlis is like 6'3. he actually looked similar in dark knight to bale and eckhardt.
Aratirion said on 19/Feb/09
Wasn't he listed at 5'8.5 all the time? How come you upgraded him, Rob?

Editor Rob
maybe his posture at times isn't great
Trent said on 29/Jan/09
Wow, that surprises me. I never thought that he's shorter than 5'9 (at least in his prime).
Mr. R. said on 24/Jan/09
People forget that Gary Oldman was married to Uma Thurman, and she towered over him.
linebacker40 said on 7/Jan/09
A solid 5'9"
Taylor said on 18/Dec/08
Click Here Looks equal to 5'10" David Bowie in this pic. Oldman looks taller in recent years.. has he started to wear lifts?
Chip said on 17/Dec/08
He looked pretty tall in The Dark Knight, like about 5'10" or 5'11".
Taylor said on 9/Dec/08
I agree Zach #2... was just watching Dark Knight again today and he looked close to Aaron Eckhart's height
Zach # 2 said on 1/Dec/08
he looked pretty tall in TDK, i took him for a 5ft 10"
dj said on 20/Sep/08
then what about michael gambon? is he really 6ft? saw a photo with oldman and they look about same height
Emporium Destinate said on 7/May/08
Interesting you shoud say that Teo. Later on in 'Air Force One' when some government officials are looking at his criminal records it says 5'9 155lbs. He looks 5'8/9 to me and he has very narrow shoulders too which I think helps to back that up.
Teo said on 7/Jan/08
In the movie "Air Force one" (also starring Harrison Ford), Gary oldmans character goes through a passport-control and there it says - "Height: 5ft11"
Now i know that's a bit far from the truth, hehe
Anonymous said on 5/Dec/07
If Gary was folding his arms in that pic he'd look like Johnny Cage.
glenn said on 23/Nov/07
thanks kelly.
Kelly said on 22/Nov/07
Hey nice pic Glenn, you and Gary look slick.
SimonB said on 13/Oct/07
I stood right by him 3 days ago in the First Class Lounge in LA and he is without doubt 5.8 to 5.9, now sporting a jaunty moustache and glasses.
Marcelo C. said on 4/Oct/07
Definitely, a great actor, so versatile that in "imagination" fits 7ft.
In real body, I´d bet 5 ft. 9.
JanJ said on 31/Jul/07
Oldman is around 5'8

with 5'8 hopper
Click Here
Drew said on 7/May/07
Just watched Leon yesterday, and he looked in the 5'8" range.
glenn said on 22/Mar/07
interesting.i have to google him.
Fidelio said on 21/Mar/07
Actually, you look like another Nuno as well - Nuno Gomes, the Portugese football star. He isn't ugly either...
glenn said on 15/Mar/07
ive heard that once or twice least he isnt ugly.
Jenn said on 11/Feb/07
Dan Radcliffe recently said that Oldman is 5'8
RICHARD said on 14/Dec/06
I'm 5'8" like Glenn so yeah Gary is 5'9". I seriously doubt he is over 5-9. Isn't it ironic how Gary played Lee Harvey Oswald in Oliver Stone's JFK, and yet Oswald was 5-9.
Glenn said on 9/Dec/06
Some girl I know says 5-11.he said himself he was 5-9 on TV,no?
leonari said on 9/Dec/06
5'8" nothing above this mark!

Editor Rob
there can be some truth that when in his Uma days he felt the urge to enhance his shoes.

bizarelly Frank2 saw him at 5ft 10...that's a head scratcher if ever there was one...
Glenn said on 9/Dec/06
Yes,Nuno is 5-7.
Brad said on 9/Dec/06
Looks like a dead ringer for Nuno Bettencourt. I think Nuno is 5' 7" though. Ran into him at NAMM show years ago.
Glenn said on 6/Dec/06
Weird pose.thats all.he might be exactly my height or an inch more.
Jordan said on 5/Dec/06
Glenn I Think if your stood up straight you would be taller then Gary. it seems you are leaning a little.
Glenn said on 23/Nov/06
5-9 tops.but most likely 5-8.
Antron said on 22/Nov/06
looks 5'8 or so to my eyes
Franco said on 16/Nov/06
gary looks 5.8 dead on there.
D. Ray Morton said on 26/May/06
Gary with Uma Thurman: Click Here

Glenn said on 16/Mar/06
Frank with all due respect,I disagree.he always looked 5-8 or 5-9 to me and my peers.we gawked at how short he girl I know said he looked 5-11 to he is another chameleon of height.
Frank2 said on 7/Mar/06
I've seen in in person and he's at least five-ten. And that was without lifts.
Anonymous said on 9/Feb/06
he looks 2 to 2.5" shorter than rhames in sin since he was wearing boots 5'9" sounds fair
Damon said on 18/Jan/06
Wow, he looked taller than 5'8 in Leon from what I remember. Sometimes I honestly wonder if this site's viewers are short guys hoping their favorite celebrities are shorter than they really are. I'm 5'8 myself, and when I look in the mirror, I see a rather short guy. Maybe it is just heels or something, but seeing this guy on the screen, he looks taller than that. I would've sworn he was at least 5'10. Oh well, reading stuff like this makes me feel a bit better about my own height. :)
Jason said on 8/Jan/06
He did only look about 5'8'' in Bram Stoker's Dracula. Looks 5'8'' next to Glenn. BTW, Glenn - how tall do you think Arnold was?
Glenn said on 8/Jan/06
you are right.
Lmeister said on 7/Jan/06
I hate to say, but I was right about Gary 5'8''Oldman.
JUSTMATT said on 6/Jan/06
He is obviously 5.7'' from Gleen photos and from Carradine interview so I don't understand why you Rob have him still at 5.9. Are you so busy that you can't change his height Rob or what else? :-D
CelebHeights Editor said on 6/Jan/06
From a Keith Carradine interview, "At one time they were thinking of Gary Oldman for the part. Now, I think Gary Oldman is a great actor," says Carradine, "but Walter Hill, who directed the pilot, said, 'I am not having a 5ft 7in Englishman playing one of the great figures of American history"
A-Bomb said on 5/Jan/06
I though he looked 5'8" in Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban in his scenes next to David Thwelis and Daniel Radcliffe. Now next to Glenn it definitely seems the case, maybe even 172cm.
FASULO said on 30/Dec/05
Oh my god.he's really short.Probably under 173
Glenn said on 30/Nov/05
I met him once.5-8 he is.
Mr. R said on 28/Jun/05
People forget that Gary was Uma Thurman's first husband. I have never seen a pic of them together , ever. Rob, can you find one?
Lmeister said on 28/Jun/05
Hmm...I guess Oldman is in 5'8''- 5'9'' range. He tends to wear high heeled boots...
In the Contender he was the same height as C.Slater...
Mr. Stench said on 2/Mar/05
Oh, Gary! I saw all his movie... and analyzed his height. Watch him especially in State of Grace with Sean Penn, I believe Gary is around 1.74 cm

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.