American singer and musician, best remembered for the band Nirvana. His posture may have contributed to him looking shorter than he was in mid 90's. He had scoliosis, spinal curvature which may have made him shorter than he was aged 18-20.
Canson said on 2/Dec/24
CarloynG said on 19/Nov/21
Excellent! Everywhere prints him as 5'9, I come to CelebHeights to see an average guess of 5'8 and a half, with multiple people saying he looks 5'8 with amazing evidence unlike Instagram fanpages etc.
Rob, your website is the most influential height website, and I understand Kurt isn't worth taking the look at as much as someone like Tom Cruise etc, but I think this is a worthy case of a downgrade.
Likely gave the impression due to the scoliosis. He was 5’9” peak tho looking at how he stood next to others in nirvana
Cobra 5'9.5" said on 1/Dec/24
5'9.5" seems likely. He can look under 5'9" due to his bad posture, but if stood up straight he would be at least 5'9.5".
Nile Song said on 21/May/23
Honestly this is the least I would guess him - he sometimes even gives off a taller than average impression in Bleach era photos, like Eric said. He usually had flat footwear so it's probably not because of that though, maybe it was his proportions.
Looks 5'9 in many photos too if you consider his footwear loss and slouch:
Click Here
Click Here
Sandy Cowell said on 15/May/23
I’m listening to my Nirvana CD. I know 11 out of the 12 songs, as I used to frequent rock haunts for years, but I’m having a good listen to the lyrics and some are really disturbing. It’s an excellent addition to my collection, I must say!
5ft9. 😁👌🏼🕯
Dounough said on 11/May/23
@unkn0wn: Might be, but you forgot he was handsome man, so did not have to worry about the height that much like his less attractive or succesful fellow "celebrities". Also he was not a celebrity, he was a rock star.
unkn0wn said on 10/May/23
I have a lot of respect for Kurt. Most male celebrities are very insecure about their height and make every effort to look taller. Whether that's through angles, shoes, posture or only hiring people shorter than them. But Kurt was the complete flip of that. He postured himself poorly, wore flat shoes, dated a girl about the same height as him and the scoliosis sure didn't help with any of that. He may full well have been 5'10 without all those problems but I wouldn't be surprised if he struggled to look even 5'8 in person with them. His arms and hands did look huge on him
Slamo said on 8/May/23
Would have likely been around 5-11 imo without that terrible condition. 5-9 my guess.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Apr/23
I was so impressed with the Nirvana programme yesterday that I ordered myself a CD of their music.
I was touched that, upon hearing that a girl fan was kidnapped, Kurt wrote her a song. It was called ‘Polly’ after the fan.
Sandy Cowell said on 29/Apr/23
I’m watching an interesting programme about Kurt's band Nirvana. Kurt looks rather smashed. It’s a shame he wasted himself on that muck.
One of the contributors is wearing a sweatshirt with ‘The Gits’ displayed on the front! 👌🏼
jokey said on 21/Sep/22
@Rob how tall would he have been if he didnt have scoliosis?

Editor Rob
Depends on the severity. Some people who have had bad scoliosis, then underwent surgery have recovered 1-2 inches of height.
Bradley said on 3/Sep/22
As listed. Had the spinal problem and slouched a lot.
Tall Sam said on 2/Sep/22
Funny to think he’d be perceived as tall near six foot range band mates (Dave Grohl and Pat Smear) and 6’7” Krist. However, he was closer to average than Eddie Vedder even though Vedder has a voice like a big man.
Eric W Tam said on 1/Sep/22
He gave a taller impression than this. Either due to footwear or certain camera angles I assume.
Becheese said on 29/Jul/22
kevinself said on 11/Apr/22
In a police report of March 18th 1994, he was listed as 5'8"
Click Here
BoobleGooble said on 7/Apr/22
Possibly just under 5'9 because of his scoliosis. I also think that Layne Staley from Alice in Chains deserves a page
John Rose said on 26/Mar/22
It'd be interesting to see how tall he would have been without scoliosis. He had the long limbs of a taller person that looked out of place with his shortened height.
Tunman said on 20/Feb/22
5'9 is quite honest,likely anything in that 174-75 range.I think his awful posture often made him look like 5'7 although the fact he lost height because of scoliosis shouldn't be excluded.
He would have been 55 today.I feel it would have been interesting to hear this guy's positions on some of today's social questions like drugs,abortion,LGBT rights,feminism,racism,wars and so on.I guess his answers would have been quite liberal,also I wonder what sort of music it would have inspired him
CarloynG said on 19/Nov/21
Excellent! Everywhere prints him as 5'9, I come to CelebHeights to see an average guess of 5'8 and a half, with multiple people saying he looks 5'8 with amazing evidence unlike Instagram fanpages etc.
Rob, your website is the most influential height website, and I understand Kurt isn't worth taking the look at as much as someone like Tom Cruise etc, but I think this is a worthy case of a downgrade.
CarloynG said on 19/Nov/21
People predicted him to be around 5'7 back in the day, even in the 90s when height was constantly inflated he was said to be around 5'7. I believe this was because people who were actually 5'8, were wearing lifts, so Kurt wearing natural flat shoes looked shorter.
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It's difficult to see, but his real license had him at 5'11.
Click Here:*
If you take a look at his hair, you can see why. They obviously didn't flatten that, and as a hairdresser, I can tell you his hair is about 3 inches standing up.
For them to estimate him as 5'11, leads me to believe he was around 5'8. You need to watch the video of him with Eddie Vedder he doesn't look much taller than 5'6 Eddie Vedder.
Click Here
I think it's easy to believe 5'9 for Kurt, especially since he looked surprisingly taller with average people since he wasn't with his humongous bandmates. But when you look at this guy, I can't help but see 5'8.
Mattyboy said on 10/Nov/21
I have scoliosis like Kurt…mine is an S-curve though. I know that as a teen my biggest curve of the S was like 55 degrees…after surgery it was around 20 degrees and I gained over 1 inch of height. At my 6 month check up it settled back to about 30 degrees…then I never went back for any more checkups. I’m guessing just about any small scoliosis curve like Kurt appeared to have (looks like 10 degrees?) will take away some degree of height…maybe 1/4 inch or so.
Stinky 186 cm said on 31/Aug/21
Kurt Cobain was a very influential person for me growing up and I loved Nirvana a lot back in the day. it was my favorite band at one point, I remember I read somewhere on Reddit that he had a drivers license that listed his height as 5’ 11” and I come to realize that the height on you’re driver’s license in some cases is just a blatant lie he never ever looked 5’ 11” and I think he was about 5’ 9” Maybe 5’ 11” in a pair of Dr. Marten boots but idk
J.F.A. said on 18/Jun/21
No way he is 5ft9, in some photos he could even look a full head shorter than Dave, and looks almost the same height as flea, who as tall as thom yorke (166cm)
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Also he doesn't look 11cm taller than Pete Shelley, who is usually listed online as 1,64cm, so he(Pete) was probably even shorter than that.
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I get that he had bad posrure but still, you cant loose like 4 inches from bad posture unless you are trying to look short.
He was probably somewhere between 5ft6 and 5ft8 when standing with great posture.
Public Enemy said on 31/May/21
As listed. Miss the guy. In Bloom sounds today as awesome as it did 27 years ago.
5'8 boy said on 29/May/21
Rob, how much would you say Kurt weighed 140s?

Editor Rob
he could look a 140 pound guy
Meltdown said on 31/Mar/21
5ft 9 for Kurt Cobain maybe, but terrible posture and he looked 5ft 8. Make a page for Ed Roland of Collective Soul. I'm estimating him 5ft 9.5.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Feb/21
Kurt Cobain was born 54 years ago today. He tragically passed on at the relatively tender age of 27.
RIP Kurt 🕯️ XX
20th February 1967 - 5th April 1994
kevinself said on 11/Feb/21
Kurt had a very bad posture and he never looked so short, so maybe streched in the morning he had 5´10, and in casual condition a 5´9 flat and that´s why he looked like 3 inches shorter than Dave Grohl (6 ft) it makes sense
Ethan Larsen said on 14/Jan/21
5'9" seems right for him. One of his
Mugshots showed 5'10", take the shoes off and you have 5'9" as his height. He always looked taller than his rival Axl Rose who I think was 5'8.5"
My guess: 5ft 9 barefoot on the dot
Heightist999 said on 3/Nov/20
Measured 5'10 by police (in shoes) = 174-176 cm barefoot. Before scoliosis
QM6'1QM said on 30/Oct/20
You changed the game. Forever. Bro.
Damon Albarn said on 28/Oct/20
so many people misconcepting what scoliosis is and how it works, scoliosis doesn't make you shorter over time, scoliosis just doesn't make you as tall as you should have been, and, unless rare severe cases, your spine stops worsening by the time you are 17-18 and you finish puberty. And there's an x-ray of Kurt's scoliosis showing that he had a very mild scoliosis, he just had a very poor posture. But my guess is 175 cm, he had a very poor posture and slim body frame which made him look shorter, and wore converse all the time, and we all know that converse give you no more than 1 cm in height
Honest5'11" said on 2/Oct/20
never was 5'10", more like 5'8.5" max. But certainly no less than around 5'8".
Honest5'11" said on 2/Oct/20
never was 5'10", more like 5'8.5" max.
T.J. a said on 10/Jun/20
Click Here
How tall does Kurt look here?
T.J. a said on 10/Jun/20
5’10 when he was 18-20, 5’9 with scoliosis. He had a very lanky figure, I feel it’s rare for someone to look lanky below 5’9 . What do you think rob?
Thomas Paul said on 27/Apr/20
Looks like he would just about be 5'9 if he was able to stand straight. Generally looked couple fractions of an inch taller than Courtney and 3.25-3.5" shorter than weak 6'0 Dave Grohl. I'll go ahead and give him 5'8 3/4". We will never know his true height especially since with him it is so ambiguous from photo to photo.
QM6'1QM said on 22/Apr/20
Kurt Cobain and River Phoenix:
Click Here
Stelios said on 6/Apr/20
I’d say he was 5’9 because Courtney is 5’10 and he looked a lil bit shorter and he may have lost and inch because of back problems in his later days and he also had massive hands and his posture may have made him look smaller sometimes
The Bey said on 14/Mar/20
He is from 5'7"- 5'8½". Maybe 5'9", but no more. Also, no less than 5'6.5".
Tall In The Saddle said on 23/Feb/20
Hard to believe that it is coming up to 26 years since Kurt's passing. Nirvana was a phenom, innovative and ground breaking. A paradigm shift in sound. Kurt invited Dave Grohl to contribute his own stuff at the time but Dave declined, not wanting to disrupt the essence of the band's sound, a sound mainly driven by Kurt's input. Dave's music was held in reserve for a later date.
Foo Fighters lead by Grohl were a worthy and unique sequel to Nirvana. Divorcing myself form nostalgic bias, I still rate Nirvana as the greater band with more brilliant music and innovative expression, including several tunes as simple as some written by the Beatles wrote but as equally memorable and everlasting. Like an elegant yet perfect scientific expression. Brilliant yet simple at the same time.
Oh yeah, Kurt's height. Kurt was not a big person in all senses. With casual address, I always figured about 5'7". As Anthony Kiedis stood beside Flea I would say Kurt stood very much similar but maybe a bit less. I must say, again without heavy scrutiny, I originally didn't realise Kiedis was only about 5'8" but then his surrounding band mates weren't so tall either. So at present, I would give Kurt a range of 5'7" to 5'8" but not below or above those limits during the 90s.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Feb/20
There was a question just now on The Chase USA, "Who was the lead singer of Nirvana?"
Beastie boy, Mark Labbett, got it right!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Feb/20
I'm giving the late star 5ft9 and deliberately two comments because there's no way he's having an unfortunate number of comments on his Birthday.
I just read what he went through which resulted in his being bullied as a youngster - how disgusting. Kurt made his mark on this planet nonetheless, and will be remembered forever. He passed on at just 27.
RIP Kurt XXX 🕯️
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 20/Feb/20
Kurt Cobain was born 53 years ago today.
Que lo Que said on 16/Feb/20
Has the sam build and frame as childish gambino but with a longer kneck
Jamie said on 12/Feb/20
What I can’t seem to grasp is why Courtney Love is listed 5ft8.5 when if you look at photos with her and Kurt together, she’s clearly has the upper hand.
momotaro said on 27/Oct/19
he looks 1 inch shorter than Rob Morrow on SNL but Morrow is wearing boots so I imagine they are close to the same height.
Ander said on 30/Aug/19
There is a video of him dancing with Eddie Vedder who is listed on here as 170 cm. Kurt looks at least an inch taller, so 175 cm can't be far off.
cmillzz said on 15/Aug/19
I thought he was closer to 5’8 than 5’9 tbh.
Spencer Dobkin said on 15/Jul/19
175 cm. 5'9.5" morning.
Rena said on 23/May/19
He was 5’9 easily
Todd A said on 24/Apr/19
Rob, I know that this is a really tough one, but do you think that Kurt Cobain had a higher chance of being 5 foot 8 or 5 foot 9?

Editor Rob
It is a harder one, but I still would ten towards 9 than 8
James G. said on 28/Mar/19
Weak 5’9”
Kimblemur said on 4/Mar/19
No taller than 5’7
Drake Elezre said on 1/Feb/19
Always had him down as a 5’7”er to maybe 5’9”er. He was very thin and weighed anywhere from 115 to 135 pounds. Anything under 125 would be VERY difficult for a true 5’9”er to pull off. Plus he was shorter than Courtney who on here is listed as 5’ 9” if I’m not mistaken. Also, like Alec mentioned, if his scoliosis kept him from reaching his genetic potential, which let’s say is 5’9”, and because of his condition, he only grew to 5’ 7” why would we call him anything other than 5’ 7”?
Alec P said on 22/Dec/18
Like someone else mentioned, he was accused of being small all the time and I don’t think a 5’ 10” or even 5’ 9”er would be considered that small. And it is a possibly he lost height due to scoliosis but if he was standing at 5’ 7” because of that, doesn’t that make him 5’ 7”?
Ben S said on 9/Dec/18
Courtney Love was noticeably taller than him and she’s listed as 5’ 8.5” on here as someone else mentioned. No one can know for sure but I’d assume he was around 5’ 6” or 5’ 7”. Let’s not forget Krist is 6’ 7” and had a foot on him.
Thais Siedler said on 30/Oct/18
Megg, you’re right.
Bradley said on 3/Oct/18
Ate a 5' 5" Young G by 4 big ones easy. 5' 9" easy.
JD 5'9" said on 2/Oct/18
Bad posture and slight frame likely made him look shorter. I don't think he was too far from a legit 5'9".
Daryl said on 4/Sep/18
Cobain was very short and painfully thin (which is why he often wore layers of clothing to camouflage how thin he was, it was a huge insecurity of his) and given that he is the same height as flea 5'6" and shorter than Courtney (who is listed at 5'8.5" on here) then that would make Cobain no more than 5'6" - 5-6.5" at very most. Yes he had scoliosis so it's possible he was 5'7.5" to 5'8" before it really started to take effect on his posture. At no given time was Cobain ever 5'9" or 5'10" though.
Leno179 said on 15/Jul/18
Uping my guess,i think he was actually 5'9, same height as Axl.
Leno179 said on 11/Jul/18
I think he was 5'8 1/2 can't be taller than Axl, who is 5'9 (flat)
Boba Fett said on 21/Apr/18
Kurt was probably 5'9" - 5'10", it's very unlikely for someone who's under average height to look lanky. He also had really bad posture as noted above, so that obviously made him look shorter, like 5'7" range or something.
Ian Hislop said on 21/Dec/17
Personally I always had Kurt Cobain down as a 5’8”
woody said on 27/Nov/17
I can’t belive he’s taller than Axl
Vegas said on 9/Nov/17
Barkley had a full head on Cobain, roughly 10 inches
Canson said on 2/Nov/17
@Junior: that pic also proves that Barkley isn’t (what some try to make him here 6’5.5 or 6’6) he would have more on bogues than he does
Junior said on 2/Nov/17
Cobain look like a flat 173cm next to 194.6/195cm Charles Barkley.
Click Here:
Danimal said on 17/Sep/17
He was nowhere near 5'9". Dave had easily 4" + on him.
Tunman said on 14/Sep/17
Kurt was measured 5'10 by the police in 1986 aged 19 and before developing his scoliosis.It's likely that in a shoe measurement he was near enough to 5'10 and Kurt was never known as someone wearing cowboy boots or trying to slip some lifts in his sneakers,later he made famous the Converse.So 5'9 seems really honest at worse a small fraction under it but no more
Capt. said on 12/Sep/17
I saw Nirvana play at the old 9:30 club in Wash D.C. right before they became big in the early '90's. Das Damen were opening for them, for what ever reason they weren't playing so hot that night and getting booed , I turned around just to look at the crowd and standing directly behind me was Kurt Cobain and to his right was Novoselic ( they weren't heckling the band playing ). I guess he saw my eyes widen and he nudged Krist and they walked away. In any case, I turned around and was staring directly into his face and I'm 5'7".
hardguy said on 7/Sep/17
slight more than eminem
Warren said on 11/Aug/17
Looks tall cause he's handsome
MJKoP said on 23/Jul/17
5'2 said on 13/Jul/17
I knew him as 5'7" when i was listening to his records
You can *hear* how tall someone is?!?! I thought he sounded at least 5'8"! :O
Kurt Cobain said on 16/Feb/17
Wasn't he 5'7
No. You were not.
5'2 said on 13/Jul/17
I knew him as 5'7" when i was listening to his records
Sonic said on 13/Jul/17
5ft 8-9inch seems right. I'm 5ft9in myself, but was 2-3cm shorter when I was 19. I'm 23 and I got another growth spurt putting me into kind-of average height (from 172-3 to 175cm). Most people have a mild scoliosis, your medical height is your arms spread out middle finger to middle finger (for me about 178cm). I may yet reach that total considering the surprising growth, but if I don't it could be because of a mild scoliosis in the back. So maybe Kurt had a medical height of 177cm even, but always appeared average height to me. So I don't think he was below 5ft 8 by his untimely death.
Jani said on 8/Jun/17
I would say that Kurt was more like around 173cm maybe 172cm even. There's a video where Eddie Vedder dances with Kurt and Kurt seems to be maybe an inch taller than 169-170cm range Eddie.
MJKoP said on 25/May/17
Jesse said on 29/Apr/17
Let's be real here, guys. Kurt was no taller than 5'9", if that.
Check out this pic (and many others). He has the proportions of a 5'8" dude, easily. Anyone who's 5'10" and skinny like him would have a much more "slender" looking build.
He looks EXACTLY like me, and I'm a skinny 5'8" guy with a bit of muscle.
Click Here
Is this an attempt at a joke? I've seen more convincing lookalikes at cosplay conventions. Mark Ballas is listed everywhere at 5'6".
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Headbanger said on 18/May/17
How tall is the girl of the left?
DirectorKrennic said on 2/May/17
I'll give him 5'7.5" tops. No more than that though.
Jesse said on 29/Apr/17
Let's be real here, guys. Kurt was no taller than 5'9", if that.
Check out this pic (and many others). He has the proportions of a 5'8" dude, easily. Anyone who's 5'10" and skinny like him would have a much more "slender" looking build.
He looks EXACTLY like me, and I'm a skinny 5'8" guy with a bit of muscle.
Click Here
ffs said on 26/Apr/17
here he is standing next to 6'1 layne staley. layne's slouching, but he doesn't look more than three inches taller than kurt, who always wore nearly barefoot chuck taylor's. He was at least 5'10 if he stood up straight.
I'mike said on 26/Mar/17
Tricky to pin down. He appears about 5'8" to me, but maybe with good posture he could be 5'9". I'll go with 5'8.5
John said on 15/Mar/17
He seemed 5'9" 1/2 to me.
Dave said on 2/Mar/17
I believe he was suppose to be 5'11 but RIP to him ( 1967-1994 ).
5'11 would've worked for him ( not 5'9 ).
Ian said on 23/Feb/17
I guess his scoliosis might have held him back a bit, maybe he would have been a solid 5'9" guy without it. I have scoliosis and can't help but wonder if I would be taller without it.
Jake said on 23/Feb/17
Meh, had the proportions of a weak 5'8" marginally below average height guy, but he does have a pretty long head which could give him a bit of a boost I guess. Either way I don't see him as 5'9" flat, pretty sure I'd edge him out height wise.
Me said on 17/Feb/17
I personally knew Kurt. He was around 6'1" tall or taller. I have seen him standing next to Tom Cruise who is much shorter. He had extremely long limbs and large hands. He also made up many false stories about himself for the public.
Kurt Cobain said on 16/Feb/17
Wasn't he 5'7
Me said on 23/Jan/17
I think he was somewhere from 69 inches to 70 inches in height .but with good posture he was a definant 5'9.5.dave had a good 3 inches taller.while Krist had a 9 to 10 inch difference.
Abey P said on 19/Jan/17
5 ft 7 and could look smaller than this due to bad posture. Group had 4-5 inches on him. Courtney Love was taller than him and she's listed at 5 ft 8.5 on this site.
slurkapfson said on 19/Nov/16
Looked a solid 5'9,. Next to 6'0 Grohl, even with the his spinal problem he always looked around 3 inches shorter. My guess is 176cm, with the scoliosis AND he slouched. Courtney was 174cm, but even heels could be 5'10-5'11, making Kurt in his flats look almost 2 inches shorter. Add a cm I think.
Chio said on 29/Oct/16
Without scoliosis:5'8.5
With scoliosis:5'8
eee said on 22/Oct/16
5'8 with scoliosis and bad posture overall
Arch Stanton said on 20/Oct/16
5'9 still seems too high.
eoe said on 15/Oct/16
potential maximized height 5'9
actual height 5'8-8.5
David Welch said on 18/Sep/16
The police said Kurt Kobain had a leathal dose of heroin and was 5'9"" tall.. A dose that strong incapacitated his body, the shotgun was a very long barreled shotgun (look and see for yourself) He could not have been able to shot himself. He was too stoned and the gun too long. Someone must have helped him. When someone takes a leathal dose they immediately become unable to to stand or or have any command of basic motor skills. This story can't be true.
RZ said on 11/Aug/16
@Davey flannel, yeah? Maculay Culkin (5'6" / 168cm) would like a word with you
Click Here
@charlie Not always, they're most likely barefoot here in the bathroom
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...and Kurt with Flea (5'6-5'7) and Joe Perry (5'9)
Click Here
I think Kurt is 175½ cm even just with a bad posture etc. Courtney Love is 174cm.
Davey flannel said on 19/Jul/16
If you think Kurt was under 5'9 you have no idea how to evaluate height. You can not have a lanky disposition and be under 5'9 no matter how skinny you are
charlie said on 10/Jul/16
I read before that he was 5 ft 7 now hes 5 ft 9. He looked shorter than average and his gfCourtney Love looked taller than he did. Kurt was 5 ft height.
Nobody said on 17/Jun/16
Police reports had him at 5'10 while his drivers license had him at 5'11! Kurt always wore Converse too.
RZ said on 1/Jun/16
Rob: Thank you for the quick reply! Haha, I agree. Fun at least!
RZ said on 30/May/16
Hi Rob,
look at this gif I cut and made
Click Here
Kurt is walking just ahead of Dave they're wearing normal footwear all of them, Krist is barefoot I believe. What do you think? Years ago I asked his Aunt Mary about his height and she said 5'7"-5'8" (I still have that email)

Editor Rob
he still is a confusing guy to pin down, probably one of those I'm still not so sure on and could see arguments for 5ft 8 or 9.
Eric said on 12/Apr/16
I would say he was 5'9, but if he corrected his scoliosis he would have been more closer to 5'10 imo.
Danimal176 said on 24/Mar/16
Looks very tiny next to 6'0" Dave:
Click Here
Here he looks taller:
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sebs said on 24/Dec/15
I think he was around 5'9-5'10 at least in pics with Grohl
CMP72 said on 14/Nov/15
1991-I met Kurt Cobain outside a dallas, tx club. Same show where Kurt actually hit a security guy w/ his guitar and nearly tore the guy's ear off-chaos ensured. I spoke w/ Kurt in the alley of the club, smoking a cigarette. I was startled by his slight build and height. I can tell you for sure he was 5 6'-5 7'ish. In fact I'd say probably more on the 5 6' side. I am five foot eight and I was amazed that I was a good bit taller. He was a very kind, gentle and down to earth guy during the 10 minutes we spoke. He got me in the club for free.
Michael said on 1/Oct/15
5'6 and a half close to 5'7
max height prob 5'8
an anonymous peach said on 4/Sep/15
Hey Rob, I know this is besides the point but what band do prefer; Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains or Stone Temple Pilots?

Editor Rob
don't listen much to any of them these days, but Alice in Chains/Nirvana.
an anonymous peach said on 14/Aug/15
I think he was somewhere between 174 and 175cm. He was always about the same height as Courtney or a smidge taller. If she didn't have him murdered and he was still alive today, he would probably be closer to a flat 5ft 8.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 18/Jul/15
Looked about 3in below Dave Grohl...
184 cm said on 17/Jun/15
@an anonymous peach
Mine says 5'10, because it was given when I was 16 and not done growing. Updating your height is a huge pain, haven't bothered.
an anonymous peach said on 4/Jun/15
Why does is his driving license state that he was 5' 7"?
@Westchesteryo said on 13/May/15
Hey Westchesteryo, in that scene there are parts where Courtney Love seems to edge out Kurt and parts where Kurt seems to edge out Courtney Love. To me it seemed like angles.
Regardless, this scene is good evidence(barefoot, multiple standing positions) that the two were very close in height. Nevertheless, even though at certain points Kurt seems taller, I can't give him the edge entirely due to so many scenes where, while standing in a different position, Courtney seems taller than him.
whats with all the hate? said on 10/May/15
174-175 for the most part. last years of his life perhaps 5'8 ish
whats with all the hate? said on 10/May/15
with that one photo with flea in 1992 vmas? about 174 ish i think
westchesteryo said on 9/May/15
In the new documentary there is a scene where he and love are in the bathroom. he is as tall if not slightly taller than her. in the 90s he was thought of as a short guy, i remember reading 5'7 but 5'9 to 5'10 standing straight seems about right.
fellow5'9er said on 6/May/15
He seemed to be about 5'8.5-9" with the scoliosis. In footage with Courtney he always looks about her height, but never does he look assuredly taller. So, unless you believe Courtney Love is 5'10-11", which most do not, then it's highly unlikely he was any taller than this listing. Moreover, in footage with Dave Grohl, who we know is a 6 footer, Kurt looks 5'9". Having a close friend that's 6feet, I can tell we have about the same height difference as Kurt and Dave do in pictures.
It's impossible to know how much his spinal curvature effected his height, but from his posture I can't guess he would be much more than 5'10" and change max without it. It doesn't seem to me like Kurt had a severe case of scoliosis, but I'm not a doctor and could be wrong on this.
Regardless, he was an incredibly thin man and this made him appear more lumbering than he was(until he stood next to someone who was actually tall). Most guys at 5'9" walk around at 150lbs or more, Kurt was probably more in the 130lb range. More than that, he was very sinewy, with a relatively muscular back; he kind of looked like a shrunken down version of those tall lanky body-typed people.
MJKoP said on 10/Apr/15
He was a good 5'10" WITH the scoliosis. So he would've been legitimately tall had he been normal/healthy. The short descriptions are total bull.
lelman said on 9/Apr/15
I think it's pretty clear most police reports either go by your license or ask you. It's rare you'll see a police report where the height isn't at least 1 inch above the persons actual height.
I think Kurt was about 5'9" in his prime. This coupled with his ridiculous posture and tall bandmates made him appear much shorter. I think the very least you could argue for him is a strong 5'8", but I think it's more likely he was a fraction above 5'9".
Robert said on 20/Mar/15
Do you guys read? The man had scoliosis. It's entirely possible he could have been 5'9" peak.
Negative Creep said on 17/Mar/15
Sorry, but there is no chance Kurt was 5'10", 5'9" or even 5'8".
Flea (RHCP) is listed at 5'6" and he was VERY close to the same height as Kurt.
funny said on 16/Mar/15
I am absolutely certain that cobain not going to 5'9..isso is still too much for him ..
XMare said on 17/Jan/15
To "funny":
Not sure exactly what you are getting at, but Tracy obviously knew Kurt, and she thinks he was about 5"10 and 130lbs.
funny said on 17/Dec/14
Does anyone here could say exactly the true height of cobain..alguem who knew him personally or seila because each one tells a coisa..por please ???
176,2Tunman said on 21/Oct/14
Their daughter is by no means 5'9,she's no more than 5'4 and that's already optimistic.
Amaze said on 29/Aug/14
he has the same problem as me. scoliosis/ spinal curvature. it does shrink an inch or two in height. depends how serious it is. he has bad posture which I used to have but I do physiotherapy exercises and I stand at my tallest and best always.
he does look about 5'9 to me, and no doubt he's 5'10 with shoes on. his partner/wife Courtney was 174 or 5'8.5 slightly shorter. their daughter is listed at 5'9.
scoliosis really sucks, and kurt cobain had it. plus he was underweight and small for a 27 year old. barely scraping 130lbs at 5 9
Y said on 6/Aug/14
Looks around 5'8 - 5'8.5 he can also look shorter in other pics
Slimpo said on 7/Jun/14
Pause the video at 3:29
Click Here
i see almost 10-15 cm differences between grohl and cobain
Sam said on 5/Jun/14
I can't see Krist under 6'7" that promo, I think Barkley appears closer in height due to being closer to the camera. Barkley doesn't look under 6'5"-6'6" range considering he towers over Dave Grohl. Krist still looks close to 6'7" at the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame induction. Cobain had terrible posture so it's hard to tell, but he could look close to 5'9" at times even with his curved back.
Noname said on 24/May/14
Anybody ever question Krist's height? He always gets 6'7", but he looks the same height as Charles Barkley in promos who is listed as 6'4.75....
Arch Stanton said on 7/May/14
Looks a tad shorter than Joe Perry who I always had at 5 ft 8 although we can't see footwear.
Click Here
Click Here Joe Perry always looked a good inch shorter than Steve Tyler who is 5'9. 5'7.5" more likely than 5'9" IMO.
176,2Tunman said on 3/May/14
Yeah,his veryyyyyyy bad posture,he probably looked a good 2-2.5"shorter than he actually was.As I said the disease is terrible and the loss whether in posture or actual height is terrible as well.
KTS said on 3/May/14
"His very poor posture probably made many people see him shorter than he really is."
I believe you mean his "verayyyy bad posture"
176,2Tunman said on 2/May/14
Clearly he wouldn't have measured 5'6-7 at peak.Well he was more likely 5'9 than 10.With MJ,Tupac,Rourke being listed 2"over their true height we could question the police method of measurement but yeah no way 5" boost.Must still say that the 3 last documents are unlikely subsequent to a measurement,in those years he was certainly nearer to 5'8.
5'9 peak 5'10 in shoes and around 5'7.5-8in the last years.That's my conviction.
omelet said on 27/Apr/14
- Kurt's first girlfriend was asked on twitter about his height 2 months ago. She answered ABOUT 5'10''. She's known for being really sincere about anything Cobain related, the good and the bad. And they dated for 3 years (1987-1990).
Click Here
- 1986: 5'10'' (Aberdeen Police Dept.)
Click Here
- 1992: 5'11'' (WA state driver's license). If you inflate your height, you inflate one inch, not 5...
Click Here
- 1993: 5'10'' (Seattle Police)
Click Here
- 1994: 5'10'' (Missing Person Report)
Click Here
Will173cm said on 21/Apr/14
I can't explain how blind some people are or seem to be. When I look at pics or footage of him it's pretty obvious to me that he was AT LEAST 5'8", I'm 5'8" myself and I know how I look on videos or pics.
Sometimes he can look shorter than 5'9" and that is true but it obvuously has to do with his scoliosis and his terrible posture
176,2Tunman said on 26/Mar/14
Interesting,but Grohl was the last member to join Nirvana,unlike Novoselic he didn't knew Kurt in his heyday.Trust me,it's very possible to even lose a large amount due to scoliosis.
One of my cousins who was 168 (nothing less than 167) at her peak (from 15 to 20-21)had scoliosis.When she was aged 21,her disease was still in its beginning and she didn't look under 167,however the disease got much worse,I was just shocked when I saw her after 3 years,aged 24,she was really no more than 163 maybe 163,5 tops,even standing tall.She definitely lost at least 4cm,I have absolutely no doubt.You should know what complications this disease involves,it's just unbelievable:bones become fragile,spine and back problems,serious risks of injuries,problems in feet (they can't support much strain),pain from successive operations,fractures,medecines and pills...I hope nobody will experience that,the pain is constant an unbearable according to her.Not surprising that Kurt was addict to heroin,it's pain killing.
I'm still sure he was near enough to 5'9 at his peak,whether he lost some height or just had terrible posture in the final years is hard to tell,sure he did look more 5'7 than 5'9 in 1993-4 though.
Bach said on 26/Mar/14
watch this video at 5:50,
Click Here remember that Dave is 6ft 0in or 183 cm tall.
176,2Tunman said on 19/Feb/14
In reality, he would be roughly 3in shorter than Dave Grohl if he stood straight.Police reports had him at 5'10,so probably he was close to that mark in shoes.5'9 seems okay, I can't argue anything under 5'8.5 unless you want to speak of what he could look with his poor posture.5'6-7 are impossible with good posture.174-5 definitely,no more no less.
Happy birthday Kurt,you will always be alive in our hearts.
spasm said on 6/Feb/14
he was a little over five foot seven. could have reached 5'9" in thick soled boots maybe but not 5'9" bare feet-wise.
Cobainz said on 4/Feb/14
Click Here
same height as flea, who is 5,6-5,7
lelman said on 31/Jan/14
No shorter than 5'8", he just looked short Next to 6'0" Grohl and especially 6'7" Kris. I think 5'9" is pretty likely.
5'9 3/8"Tunman said on 30/Jan/14
Absolutely agree Lorne. I've recently watched Man On The Moon.Courtney seemed at least 4.5-5in shorter than Jim Carrey considering footwear which confirms her old 5'8.5 claim. Forget all these 5'10+ claims, they are just laughable.Standing with good posture Kurt may definitely look about the same as her.Before scoliosis he certainly looked 174-5 more than any other mark His very poor posture probably made many people see him shorter than he really is.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Nov/13
@Xeno, I'm not sure Vedder is really 5 ft 7 though, see him here with 5'8.5" Kelly Slater
Click Here Vedder for me is more 5'5.5"-5'6". Kurt I always think of him as a 5 ft 7 range guy because of the fact he's most been called that and Grohl could look 4'-5 inches taller.
Jaded8 said on 20/Nov/13
He looked to be the same height as Johnny Depp is so 5ft 9 is very plausible
Xeno said on 8/Nov/13
1992 footage of Eddie Vedder (5'7) and Kurt
Click Here Kurt's kind of hanging onto him when hugging so I'd say Kurt's 5'8 max.
Finally said on 25/Sep/13
It has finally been settled. Kurt Cobain's ex girlfriend of 3 years who he lived with for 3 years as well said on her twitter, Kurt was about 5'9/5'10. There is no reason to debate this anymore. He wasn't 5'6, 5'7 or 5'8 like many on here said. His own ex girlfriend would know.
Sean said on 6/Jul/13
Kurt is about 5ft10, he's actually taller than Axl who is 5ft8.5.
TheVerve180cm said on 20/Apr/13
5ft9-10 was average not short. His weird posture made people believe under 5ft9.
wall said on 6/Apr/13
He looked 5'9 during the late 80s but as his back problems increased, he would have gone down an inch. I would say he was 5'8 when he passed away. Dave grohl is 6ft max. Kurt was easily 3-4 inches shorter than dave.
swiper said on 13/Feb/13
seems to have been around the same height as Bam Margera.
Nicole said on 8/Feb/13
Kurt was 5'9 or 5'10. Just check the police reports.
Nicole said on 6/Feb/13
Cobain had a weird build which made him look shorter than he was. He never looked that much shorter than fave, he looked around the same height as cl. I think he was 5'9, but 5'9 max.
nikki said on 17/Jan/13
everyone in nirvanas heyday knew kurt to be 5'7" and of a very weak thin build.
percy said on 17/Jan/13
krist 6'7" - 6'8"
dave 5'11" - 6'0
kurt 5'7" - 5'8"
boddah said on 13/Jan/13
i think 5'9 is plausible.
buddy said on 10/Jan/13
five feet seven
Speedqueen said on 9/Jan/13
* cobain, I meant. Bloody autocorrect! Yes, still sitting on 5'9.
Speedqueen said on 8/Jan/13
Heavier than heaven is full of lies and inaccuracies. Highly not recommended. If cobra in claims 5'9 ( actually 1986 police report has him at 5' of the many errors in this fiction) can't we just take his word for it? I think he really was around 5'9 - 5'10, but just of an unusual build/had a strange frame which made him appear shorter.
Spencer said on 5/Jan/13
I think Dave Grohl is 6'0. Krist is 6'7 and Kurt was around 5'8
Tom said on 31/Dec/12
I would guess him to be around 5'8 given or taken half an inch,idk it's hard to say but one thing's for sure, he could appear a lot taller because he was really thin and skinny and he also had good proportions
Fact: I saw them live in 92'
Person said on 24/Dec/12
I've heard people who knew kurt say he was 5'3" in interveiws, and that his back got worse with age.
grenville said on 19/Dec/12
in the heavier than heaven book, it says when he was arrested for graffiti that he stated to police he was 135lb and 5'9" and in brackets ( )it says he exaggerated his height. it also says that when he was 12 years old he was "slightly shorter than average" so im guessing as an adult he would have been slightly shorter than average, (average being between 5'9-6'1) so 5'7" or 5'8" would be shortish, but by no means tiny. he looked easily atleast 3 inches shorter than 5'11"-6'0 drummer dave grohl.
Shaggster said on 17/Dec/12
he is between 5'7 though 5'10
nick said on 25/Nov/12
yes matt in that pic he does look almost 5 inches taller than chad. the top of chads head is at kurts eye level. krist makes almost anyone look tiny standing near him.
Matt said on 24/Nov/12
Sorry, Channing and Kurt
Click Here
Matt said on 22/Nov/12
If Cobain really was only 5'7, then Novoselic is no taller than 6'4. There was not a ft difference between the two.
nick said on 21/Nov/12
he was only slightly taller than nirvana's first drummer chad channing (1988 - 1990) who stood just 5'6"
im guessing kurt was between 5'7.25" - 5'8.5" but no taller.
Avi said on 15/Nov/12
I agree on 5'9. He was little-ish..but he was no dwarf for chrissakes!
Krist said on 15/Nov/12
He was about 5'9. He was an MK Ultra victem and thats why he died. He went to rehab for heroine and must've gotten injected with a microchip.
Scheindling said on 13/Nov/12
5' 9
Click Here 5'10
Click Here I have seen a set of fingerprints kurt took in 1993, these appear in the book 'who killed kurt cobain' he lists himself in these ones as 5'11 and 135lbs.
Scheindling said on 13/Nov/12
Vega, i have seen ALL his police reports and they have him listed from 5'9 to 5'11. Missing person report had him listed at 5'10, his very first police report dating from 1986 had him listed at 5'10. He claimed in an INTERVIEW from the set of the "come as you are" video that he was 5'10. Between 110 - 140lbs for anyone who is interested in how much he weighed. You have seen his drivers license vega? May i ask where?
Vega said on 29/Oct/12
That f ft nine is nonsense. Kurt himself said he was 5 ft 7. Kurdt Donald Cobain was five foot 7. Yes he had scoliosis which gave him bad posture...exp the song (Pennyroyal Tea). Kurts driving liscense says 5'7. Their is 0 doubt in my mine that 5 foot 7 was his height and I wish someone would correct the f"9 nonsense.
shane said on 21/Sep/12
5'8 seems like a good solid estimate seeing as most people who knew him said he was about 5 7 and most pictures we would say 5 9. 5 8 is the final verdict. Change this rob. No one here can evet know his real height so lets just say the comfortable consensus.
berto said on 14/Sep/12
that would make you as tall as the empire state building poison
Poison said on 30/Aug/12
Hey could any of yalls answer this question - I am female at a height ranging from 180 - 185 cm and I am 16, how tall will that make me at 18?
Alex said on 23/Aug/12
Kurt was 5 ft 8.5 in (174 cm)
Dave is 5 ft 11.25 in (181 cm)(I met him and he was 6 ft but with regular shoes on so he's not a genuine 6 footer flatwise)
Krist is clearly 6 ft 7 in (201 cm) he 'nearly' had a full head on Kurt
fan said on 6/Aug/12
I read in a biography that he was 163 cm, but it's wrong. So he was 173 cm
phineas said on 4/Aug/12
isn't that statue in aberdeen made as his height....5'6"
I would think his hometown would have had his height right. he was tiny
melvin said on 14/Jun/12
rob, would you agree he was your height, give or take a fraction of an inch? i dont believe he was under 5'7" but i cant see how he could be 5'9" or above, so somewhere between 5.7 and 5.9 but closer to 5.8
Jeremy said on 9/Jun/12
i met Kurt, iam 5'7.5 maybe 5'8 and he was just about as tall as me maybe be a smidge taller. he is no taller than 5'8.5. i know everyone wants to think hes taller but he just isnt
MD said on 14/Feb/12
I don't get how every places on the web has him at 5'7" if he was really 5'9". The only other height I've ever seen is 5'10", but it's a sole source and it was a missing persons document where heights are usually estimates because they are given by families.
Alexander said on 9/Feb/12
with good posture he may have been 5'9. Grohl is definitely 6'0 and has at least 4-5 inches on cobain.
lisa said on 27/Jan/12
LaKristyAnn: I don't think pictures are a very good thing to judge height by.
sometimes they are able to show roughly a person's height but not very accurately
Michael said on 25/Jan/12
Kurt was a couple of inches shorter than Dave Grohl... I met Dave a couple years ago, I am 5'11" and he is at least 5'9" which would make Kurt about 5'7". I remember the obit. in the news paper back in 1994 when he died that listed Kurt's height and weight to be: 5'7" 147lbs.
Kurt said on 24/Dec/11
Well considering Dave is 6'0, 5'9/5'10 and about 140lbs would be considered "little and quiet" sorry to break the news to ya. Just cuz your of average height doesnt mean you can't still be little. I'm 5'6 but honestly most people guess my height as a little taller than that cuz I'm huskier at 180lbs. Just an observation I'd like to share. Kurt wasn't short. He was defiantly little though.
Id said on 28/Oct/11
Explain how Dave Grohl, says "Kurt was little and quiet" in this video at 6m 14s
Click Here you don't say that about a 175-178cm guy which is presented on this site. He also mention before Kurt how Novoselic was like "6'8".
Danimal said on 18/Oct/11
Everyone saying he is 5'11" have no idea what they are talking about. 6'0" Dave Grohl (Nirvana's drummer) had many inches on Kurt.
devon said on 17/Oct/11
the top of a 5'7" persons head is normally round about where a six footers eyes are and thats about where kurt did come up to on dave, judging by pictures. one thing is certain- he wasn't as small as angus young and no where as tall as joey ramone.
Danimal said on 16/Oct/11
Amy Lee says on 10/Oct/11
The pictures of Kurt and others were staged and he was 6'1" tall. He did not have a bad back, but quite limber as we worked out together and went swimming together. Kurt and I were very close until right before April 5, 1994. The March 4th '94 incident in Rome was on my mother's birthday. Kurt and Courtney say they met on my birthday of Jan 12th, which they knew each other for many years before this. Sid & Nancy was Kurt's brainchild. I am not only Boddah, but the fictous story about "Down Syndrome Girl" is about me.
Nice try. Nice lie. So, if Kurt was 6'1", then I guess Dave was 6'6"? What did that make Kris? 7'1"?
Danimal said on 16/Oct/11
Jonas says on 15/Oct/11
Taken from the mugshot, he could be 5'11 with a good posture Dave was 6'0". Kurt was several inches shorter than him.
Gus said on 15/Oct/11
This height seems to be right. I buy 177 cm MIN - 179 cm MAX.
Jonas said on 15/Oct/11
Taken from the mugshot, he could be 5'11 with a good posture
Amy Lee said on 10/Oct/11
The pictures of Kurt and others were staged and he was 6'1" tall. He did not have a bad back, but quite limber as we worked out together and went swimming together. Kurt and I were very close until right before April 5, 1994. The March 4th '94 incident in Rome was on my mother's birthday. Kurt and Courtney say they met on my birthday of Jan 12th, which they knew each other for many years before this. Sid & Nancy was Kurt's brainchild. I am not only Boddah, but the fictous story about "Down Syndrome Girl" is about me.
devon said on 30/Sep/11
6'1" lol no way. he was always known to have appeared like a child compared to krist. at 6'1" you wouldnt be dwalfed by krist the way kurt was with or without back slouching or whatever. kurt himself thought he was 169cm which is under 5'7" but it would have been an estimate probarly. look at the pic with flea if flea is 5'6" then kurt looks 5'7.5"
Amy Lee said on 28/Sep/11
Kurt and I were close friends for many years having met in 1983. We worked on many songs together including for Evanescence. I am 5'4" and Kurt was around 6'-1". Michael Jackson was a few inches shorter than Kurt and Joe Elliott of Def Leppard was a couple of inches taller than Kurt being around 6'-3" or 4". Kurt was a roadie on the Rock Till You Drop tour in 1983. Kurt makes many references to knowing Def Leppard and Michael Jackson in his published journal with ficitious stories and to me "at peace ami, you're a good one". He started calling me his imaginary friend Boddah after I made up the song Imaginary performed by Evanescence.
Moke said on 27/Sep/11
with 5'6 Flea:
Click Here
Ground seems uneven though.
kurt said on 26/Sep/11
kurt 5'7"
dave 6'0
krist 6'7" there was exactly one foot between kurt and krist.
lorne said on 16/Sep/11
The pic that SanJuanPuertoRico is unreliable, as is many pics.He likely had already lost a touch of height by the time he died due to scoliosis, and his posture was horrible. Just look at his mugshot below.From front you would THINK that he is standing straight, but the same pic from the side shows his horrible posture.
The simple truth is that he was 5ft9.Could you argue he was only 174cm? Yes.You could also argue he was closer to 176cm between ages 18-20.Believe me. I was A HUGE Nirvana fan, this guy is in the 5ft9 range.No, he certainly wasn't 5'10, but he wasn't 5'7-5'8 either.Just awful posture. Just looking at him with his wife will show you he wasn't any shorter...(Which makes me wonder if she really is 5'9 or not, but that's neither here nor there)...
Emily said on 7/Sep/11
Guys he looked REALLY short because he was standing next to Krist who is 6 foot 8.
nirvAnA said on 6/Aug/11
5'10" a joke. the police dept measure people with there shoes on. almost every sourse says he was 5'7" strong possibilty he was closer to 5'8"
Liz said on 3/Aug/11
alice:he certainly DID have scoliosis I have a book on him that not only says it, they actually show one of his x-rays.
dIsCharGer said on 8/Jul/11
@WTFC: lol, pls look here
Click Here and stop at 0:48 exactly. enjoy.
dIsCharGer said on 8/Jul/11
@sanjuanpuertorico: look here
Click Here
and see kurt standing next to flea. kurt is max 1inch taller than flea.
if flea is 5.6 kurt is 5.7
this is a proof.
SAM said on 20/Jun/11
Mathew said on 16/Jun/11
I think 5'8.5" wouldn't be far from the truth and due to his bad posture b/c of the scoliosis he walked around like a 5'7" guy.
WTFC said on 6/Jun/11
Guys allot of Short People like Kurt lol and it looks like allot of people just wanna have something in common with him. he is 5"8 the San Juan Guy from Puerto rico like 4 comments below me just proves it... so Deal with it Wannabe's
Mathew said on 20/May/11
lol @ Courtney love being 5'10", almost 5'11". She's 5'9".
Casey said on 4/May/11
He was 5'8 guys. This whole '5'10' is just ridiculous. All celebs appear taller or say they are taller then they are. It's just how it's always been. He was truly 5'8. Get over it.
George1984 said on 26/Apr/11
I think he was almost 5"10" but he had terrible posture
SanJuanPuertoRico said on 18/Apr/11
I don't know how anbody could say he was 5'10. Or even 5'9. Just look at this picture right here:
Click Here He is obviously standing upright and Flea is leaning back slightly so Flea is appearing about half an inch shorter than he really is. If Flea is looking 'bout 5'5.5 here than Cobain is about 5 ft. 8 or maybe just under.
Miguel said on 17/Apr/11
I agree with Johnathan on this one. If you look at the video you can see Cobain and Grohl were slouching about the same all the way through and Grohl still appears to be about 4 to 5 inches taller than him. I'd say Cobain was about 5'8 no taller than that.
Wabb said on 15/Apr/11
People are so ****ing stupid. If he was 5"10, which he obviously wasn't, then why is he at least three inches shorter than Dave on every single pic? Grohl is six feet dead on. Kurt was not 5"10.
MemphisP said on 14/Apr/11
Johnathan is right. He looks 5' 8'' is the vid for sure.
Johnathan said on 12/Apr/11
Okay, look at this vid Rob. And freeze it at 2:53. You can see that Cobain most likely isn't wearing anything in his shoes and neither is Grohl. And if Cobain isn't 5'7-5'8 then we are all just imagining our heights.
Click Here
Ross said on 10/Apr/11
I think 5'9 is probably what his height truely was WITH good posture. Im sure there were times he looked 5'8 or so because of his scoliosis and back issues. But, man I swear, there are some pics of him and even a youtube video of him next to 6'0 Dave ( when they won best new artist in 92) that honestly make him look 5'10 ...but 5'9 is probably right on.
# said on 9/Apr/11
1986: Kurt is arrested. Height: 5'10
1994: Missing Person Report. Height: 5'10
Have you seen his mugshot? His posture is painful to the eyes!
Photo of both reports + mugshot:
Click Here
Jordan said on 8/Apr/11
You guys really need to watch "the year punk broke" it's a documentary about Nirvana and Sonic Youth's european tour in August 1991. There, you'll get a really good sense of how tall Kurt was. He was about 5'7-5'8.
Bk said on 6/Apr/11
So when did Cobain become 5 ft. 9? Oh, excuse me, 5'10? Everyboyd here wants to suggest he was 5'10 at least or 5'9 yet everyone whoever knew him including his family always said he was no taller than 5'8. People can only judge his height by his pictures which is unreliable when people who knew him said he was 5'7'-5'8 INLCUDING HIMSELF! Face it guys. Cobain was about 5'7 maybe a little taller so to be fair he should be listed at 5'8. Period.
Josh said on 2/Apr/11
I'm a huge fan of him and I have been for a long time. With all do respect, I think he was about 5.7 without straightening up his back and about 5.8 to about 5.9 when he did straighten his back.
# said on 1/Apr/11
In this picture, Kurts and Dave's shoulders are the same height but Kurt's head is looking down. If Dave Grohl is 6 ft then Cobain is 5ft 10in at least, which is what every legal document lists.
Click Here
Kurt said on 29/Mar/11
I've been a huge fan for a long time and I think the 5'10 mark sounds about right for him. At least 5'9. I would list him at 5'9.5 or a flat 5'10. Anyone who says this guy is any shorter is probablly shorter themselves and have wishful thinking that just maybe they're as tall as someone as great as cobain. Get over it!!!!
Huge Jack said on 11/Mar/11
My Brother met him in Brazil in 93 he said he was like 5 "9,5" i think you should upgrade him
NO said on 22/Feb/11
Courtney is 5'10. Standing together they are the same height. Courtney said he was 5'10 in her missing persons form. He was 5'10 get over it. Period.
TyleR7 said on 21/Feb/11
No he wasn't 5' 10. He was 5'9''. Yes he did slouch(back problems), but still not 5' 10. perry IS 5'9, flea IS 5'6. LaKristyAnn is right about evertt true saying he was 5' 8'', who hung out with kurt a lot. He is a biographer, why would he say he is 5' 8 if he didn't appear shorting than the norm. Courtney is 5' 10 almost 5'11, and there are pics which make her look taller and some with the same height, but there are more pics of dave and kurt together, in which kurt looks a legit 5'9. Dave even said he was small, watch the youtube vid i posted earlier.
Click Here
Pic of kurt said on 20/Feb/11
This pic pretty much shows just how badly he hunched over
Click Here
THIS is why there is so much confusion. He was 5'10 but easily took several inches off of his height because of his scoliosis
You're an idiot said on 18/Feb/11
Courtney IS 5'10 pushing 5'11. She didn't "lie" about anything. So now the people who knew him in real life at "lying" about his height, but you're basing your "info" on a PICTURE!
GET OVER IT! HE WAS 5'10 AND HAS THE DOCUMENTS TO PROVE IT!! Courtney filled out the forms stating he was 5'10, and they are the SAME HEIGHT.
And no she didn't "lie" about her own height. She is known for being a big amazon woman. Howard Stern who is about 6'4 said she was a "tall amazon woman". She is nearly 5'11. It is a fact. Get over it.
LaKristyAnn said on 17/Feb/11
Jakob's picture proves he wasn't 5' 10''. He looks about 5'6 to 5' 7 there, but he wasn't that short. He definitley had a slouch/bad posture(pennyroyal tea lyric.And YES we can estimate height based on pictures, plus Courtney said a lot of crap thats not true. I say 5' 8'' which is also what Everett True wrote in his biography of him.
SunnyJo said on 16/Feb/11
List him at 5'8 Rob. That was his real height.
Wrog said on 15/Feb/11
Woops- Meant to say kurts police report and missing persons report put him at 5'10, not 5'11...typo
Wrog said on 15/Feb/11
Nurfherder- You are ridiculous. You're basing this based on what you think you see from a PICTURE. The FACTS are against you
Fact- Courtney is almost 5'11, not 5'9 like you claimed. She even said on Howard Stern she is just under 5'11
Fact- Kurts police record AND missing persons record listed him at 5'11. Cortney was the one who filed the missing persons report- she'd know his height more than you
Watch any piece of footage where Courtney and Kurt are together. In HEELS she looks only slightly taller than him when he is wearing converse. Without heels she is the same height as he is. She is nearly 5'11. If Kurt were "5'6/5'7", Courtney would have been TOWERING over him in heels. She never towered over him, not even in heels (which would have put her over 6 feet tall).
PollyFMolly said on 13/Feb/11
Exactly Righto Clarkento! tho her slight bit taller than he. as some that is her hair & shoes in photos makn her seem appearing lots taller. tho she just is, a big sized stature of physique woman.
~ Happy Valentines Day to My Beloved Kurt!XX
Nurfherder said on 13/Feb/11
This is stupid. It's obvious by looking at pictures of Kurt and his band or even videos when he was there you could see he was only about 5'7-5'8. Courtney is 5'9 and you can tell when they walk together she's about an inch taller than here. You can see when he stand next to Novoselic he's about 1 foot taller than him, Grohl is about 4-5 inches taller than him in his videos. Channing, who was 5'5 looked about 2-3 inches shorter than him. Plus, everyone who's ever written about or knew him will tell you that he was around 5'7-5'8. He was accused of being little all the time. Somebody who was around 5'10 would not be accused of being little. Police records always get people's heights wrong. I'm 5'11 and they listed me as being 6'1 when I got arrested. Point is, there is no video or photographic evidence that suggest he was 5'10 or around that. CLEARLY, he was 5'7 or 5'8. Rob, wouldn't you agree?
Clarkento said on 13/Feb/11
i meant you shouldnt downgrade him, i suck speaking english
Clarkento said on 13/Feb/11
5"10" in the morning maybe 5"9.25" at night, you should downgrade him romb, i know he had horrible posture but there are lot of pictures with kurt and courtney that proves they were at the same height
NeotriXX said on 12/Feb/11
Rob,what made you downgrade Cobain's height?

Editor Rob
looking at more of him and his band mates, I agree he doesn't really look over this mark
You idiots said on 11/Feb/11
What is left to debate?! You guys are basing your "info" on people who claimed to have "seen him in person". But not basing it on FACTS. The FACTS are: On his missing persons report he was listed as 5'10". COURTNEY was the one who put his height down at 5'10" since she was the one who was looking for him when he was missing. A person who KNEW Kurt had to say he was 5'10" on that report. FACT:His police record also listed him at 5'10". FACT: He and Courtney photographed side by side look to be the SAME height. Courtney is 5'10" amazon woman.
The bottom line is, Kurt was a very thin, frail looking man with scoliosis. He was 5'10" but due to his scoliosis he appeared MUCH shorter since it causes your spine to curve. He was still small by all means considering his weight and frame, but hie HEIGHT read 5'10". PERIOD. It is absurd to base this on what you THINK he would have looked like in person, or what some BS artist claims when they "saw him in person". Base it on facts.
lin said on 11/Feb/11
People are so stupid. He was 5'10". It says it on his police record when he was arrested as well as the missing persons record that was filed. And look at the pic of when he and Courtney got married! They are THE SAME HEIGHT and she is 5'10"!!
Schmiddy said on 7/Feb/11
He was 5'7.5 guys. I know this for a fact.
TyleR7 said on 3/Feb/11
I agree with everyone saying he was 5'7-5'8, everyone else needs to check out this video. Dave clearly says he was little and quiet and holds his hand out to show how little he was. Dave is probably 6' so judging by the vid he's about 5'8
Click Here
Antony said on 3/Feb/11
Okay, that picture by Jakob proves it. I'm convinced. Just look at how much taller Grohl was than him. He was easily 5'7 and doesn't appear any taller than that. Grohl has about 5 inches on him. That's about right.
Smithy said on 2/Feb/11
I'll tell you right now. There is a enough picture evidence of him standing next to Grohl and Grohl is probably 5'11 to 6'0. Cobain EASILY looks about 4 to 5 inches shorter than him, no less than four. Which would make him somewhere in between 5'7 or 5'8. Plus I've seen him in real life and that's what I'd guess. 5'9 1/2 is ridiculous. This height needs to be changed by about 2 inches shorter. It's obvious he wasn't that tall. There really is no point in even arguing it.
AF said on 31/Jan/11
Ok, I've been in touch with his Aunt (Mari) about this and have written proof from her that he was 5'8 max. I'm more than happily to provide this.
A response would be great regarding this matter...
jakob said on 25/Jan/11
He was about 5' 7'' look here.
Click Here
Alice said on 21/Jan/11
Cobain never had scoliosis.
Johnny said on 14/Jan/11
Sorry Brad. I saw Cobain a number of times in real life and on more than 1 occasion. I've stood within two feet of the guy at a bar one time and I'm telling you right now he was only about 5'7. Maybe he could push 5'8. But if I really had to say I'd say he was probably 5'7.5 but that's just a guess. The point is, he was small.
Brad said on 13/Jan/11
5' 9". Big slouch. Had a 5' 5" night young G by 4" with ease.