How tall is Lance Henriksen

Lance Henriksen's Height

5ft 7 ½ (171.5 cm)

Peak height was 5ft 9 ¼ (175.9 cm)
American actor best known for playing Android Bishop in Aliens, as well as for his portrayal of Frank Black in tv series Millenium. Other notable appearances have included Near Dark, Hard Target, No Escape, Dog Day Afternoon, Prince of the City, The Terminator, Pumpkinhead and Dead Man.

How tall is Lance Henriksen
5ft 8 Rob and Lance (age 66) @ Collectormania 2006

Lance Henriksen Collectormania
5ft 8 Rob and Lance (age 67) @ Collectormania Manchester 2007

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Add a Comment86 comments

Average Guess (31 Votes)
Peak: 5ft 9.14in (175.6cm)
Current: 5ft 7.82in (172.3cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 22/May/23
It’s Lance! When I saw him in Damien - Omen 2, I thought he was about 5ft11 as he’s slender. He towered over the other actors, but then they were mainly growing youngsters.

5ft9 peak and 5ft7.25 today.
The Batman 97808 said on 27/Aug/22
Looked 5'10 beside 5'9 Brad Dourif in Millennium.
Sandy C said on 3/Aug/22
I keep coming across pictures of Lance, so I had better get going with a comment….

If there’s ever been a brilliant series of the thriller/complex horror variety, Lance pops up! He was in The ‘X’ Files, thereafter making an offshoot series called Millennium, which is so weird and watchable. Lance also made a ghoulish appearance in Hannibal, but the first movie I saw him in was Damien - Omen II. My, was he handsome, and he still is, as guys get better with age.

So there you go!

Peak height: 5ft9.25
Now: 5ft8. 🥇
Jared Tyler said on 1/Mar/22
I'm gonna guess he was a weak 5'10 at peak.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 23/Sep/21
I saw Lance playing the Sergeant, and a protector of Damien, in the second Omen film a few weeks back.

Maybe it's because so many of the boys were in their early teens that I walked out of the cinema thinking Lance was tall, (dark and handsome goes without saying); he certainly was one good-looking dude back in the 70s and 80s, and his slim figure made him appear around 5ft10.5. Blimey, he was still an attractive man in Millennium, and is a typical fellow who gets better with age, but in Lance's case, he had reached his peak, looks-wise, from his late 30s onwards.

Peak: 5ft9.5; today: 5ft8. 😁👌
Elene said on 1/Sep/21
Could be taller than fhat but not much
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 1/Jun/20
Oh blast! My beautiful boyfriend shares the same Birthday as Lance, yet I failed to mention 'Happy Birthday' to Lance.

I'll remember next year!

I hope it was a great one for you, Lance! XXX

God Bless You! XXXXXXX
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 5/Jan/20
That reminds me, I have three boxsets of 'Millenium' upstairs! Sometimes I really do feel spoilt for choice...🤔

There are loads of people in that, guest-starring - though not to the degree that The 'X' Files has on offer - and as such, it will offer plenty of opportunities to view my favourite Lance's height! My number one glimpse of him ever was as the Sergeant in the second Omen offering, and one of the many apostates of Hell floating around to protect Damien. He looked taller than his 5ft9.25 peak height in that. Lance had a great posture back then. Now, he still looks great and he never fails to come up with scintillating roles, does he, even if it's making a cameo appearance in horror films, as was the case in 'Jennifer's Body'. He starred in a 'Hellraiser' film as well - my goodness! I'm going to have to count up how many of Lance's films I own; I'll enjoy that!

PS He was even in the series 'Hannibal', playing an unscrupulously complicated character.

Lance gets 5ft9.25 peak from me and 5ft7.75 for today's height, so my estimates are still the same.

One QUALITY, top-rate actor. 🏆🥇😁
okbymeman said on 24/Oct/19
What prompted the quarter inch upgrade?
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 6/May/19
😁🎂🎁 Happy Birthday Lance! 🎁🎂😁

Lance turned 79 yesterday. Many Happy Returns to Lance, one day late.

Always one of my favourites, I liked him ever since I saw him in 'Damien - Omen II' at the pictures. The scene with the doctor in the lift getting sliced in half when he finds out that Damien has the DNA of a jackal, was about as shocking a scene as ever I'd seen at the pictures. Everybody screamed! 😭

Now I have amassed a huge collection of Lance's films and TV shows and will buy them even if he's making a cameo appearance, as he did at the end of 'Jennifer's Body'.

I'll give Lance 5ft9.25 for his peak height and 5ft7.75 for nowadays.

khaled taban said on 10/Apr/19
Peak: 5'9 2/8 (175.9cm)
Current:5'7 6/8 (172cm).
Nik said on 21/Jan/19
In the above photographs Lance looks to be at least 5'7.75" however nowadays he may be slightly shorter!
Editor Rob
They are 10 years old, last time he was in Glasgow I think 5ft 7.5 is likely (3 years ago).
Sandy Cowell said on 19/Jan/19
@ Danimal - Lance is still a busy working actor and keeping mobile is bound to have prevented him from the sort of height-loss normally associated with men his age.

Did you see him in 'Hannibal', the series? Wasn't he a creepy treat?

Peak - 5ft9.25, based on his performance in 'Damien Omen II', wherein he played a Sergeant and one of Damien's guardians.
(These apostates came from all walks of life).

Today - I agree with 5ft7.5.
Christian 6'5 said on 18/Jan/19

He looks shorter than Rob even in 2006. His current height definitely needs an update.
Editor Rob
Today I think I'd say 5ft 7.5 might be nearer, but the times I got a photo I felt around 5ft 8 was believable.
Danimal 5'9 3/4 said on 15/Jan/19
Rob, first of all, that picture of you and is from almost 13 years ago! He's also almost 80 years old now and the average 80 year old will have lost 2" in height. He's probably closer to 5'7" today. He was in his mid 60's in that pic with you and is in his late 70's now. BIG difference and a lot of height loss occurs between those years.
Editor Rob
He could be 5ft 7.5 now, I last saw him a few years ago and thought it possible.
Tall Sam said on 19/Aug/18
Still amazed that Lance was illiterate and learned to read as an adult from film scripts in the 70s, I'm sure his childhood was fairly Dickensian. Might have peaked a smidge under 5'9" at any rate.
Sandy Cowell said on 17/Aug/18
@ Rob - That he is still acting away is terrific for his fans, and good for him too, of course. He must get a real sense of achievement after he's added yet another film to his extremely long CV! Can you imagine the pleasant shock I had when he popped up right at the end of the young person's movie 'Jennifer's Body'?

You can't keep a good man down, and he is definitely one of those! 😊👍🏆
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Aug/18
@ Rob - This truly fantastic actor is one of my favourites. I have so much of his stuff, including three series of 'Millenium', and countless films - I have to have a count up! As this superman is still making films to this day, one can notice that he's steadily lost height over the years, and his lowest height in the day I do agree will be below 5ft8 and likely 5ft7.5 or a matter of 5 eighths over 5ft7.

I remember reading about the legendary Donald Pleasance being a true workaholic, and taking on - and doing justice, of course - to anything that was offered him. I think Lance has to be pretty much the same, just so long as the part is of the genre he enjoys, which is horror, sci-fi and intelligent psychological thrillers.

As I think is blatantly obvious, I love this actor and you are SO lucky to have met him, Rob! 😁😄😊😆😋
Editor Rob
he's still a popular guest at events, but then he's been in a lot of film and TV over the years and even at 78 seems to still be enjoying acting.
Sandy Cowell said on 15/Aug/18
How many times have you actually met Lance, Rob?

5ft8 now, 5ft9.25 peak, but I did think he looked quite a bit taller in 'Damien Omen II', (1978). The reason is obvious: he looked tall amongst the youngsters and his slim physique can help create that impression. I have never seen him even remotely chubby, not then and not now!
Editor Rob
I've seen him a few times, today he might be 5ft 7.5, he seemed a bit shorter than a few years ago.
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Jun/18
Last night, I was taking in the names at the beginning of a horror film called 'Stung', I believe! Lance was the only name I was familiar with in this recent creature feature, about giant flying insects! Of course, there just had to be a comedy element to a film such as this, and indeed there was, but what I found funniest of all was a name that popped up with the opening credits! How would you like to go by the surname of 'Kattwinkel'? I LOL at the very thought of this and sent my boyfriend a text, complete with a few juvenile emogi combinations!

Only yesterday, I was looking through the 'Horror Actors' page and I wondered why Lance wasn't on it! He has an explosive history of the most amazing horror films, including a guesting role in the stomach-churning 'Hannibal' series as well as playing Damien's Sergeant and also apostate from Hell in 'Omen II' many years before. He continues to make brilliant contributions, both large and small, to all manner of scary films to this day. I really think he deserves a place on the 'Horror Actors' page! Please Rob, when you have time.....😏

I remember thinking him to be quite tall when I saw him as a young and handsome soldier in 'Omen II', though there was definitely a contributory reason for that in that he starred alongside a couple of teenage boys, and I don't think William Holden is terribly tall next to his 'deceased brother' Gregory Peck! In fact, young as I was at the time of first seeing it, I remember thinking, "Blimey! His supposed 'brother', (played by Peck), stole all the height goodness from his Mum's womb!" (Peck, as opposed to Holden!)

So maybe that was why Lance looked quite tall in 'Omen II', but when I see him now, he certainly looks noticeably smaller, I'd say a couple of inches! For his height today, Lance gets a flat 5ft8, and 5ft10 for his peak height!
Editor Rob
The last time I seen lance was I believe a couple of years ago in Glasgow...he really doesn't seem any taller than 5ft 8 now, possibly just under it in fact
JJL29 said on 5/Feb/18
What height was he in his late 40s/early 50s?
Editor Rob
Still in 5ft 9 range, but I think by late 50's under that and nowadays he might be a weak 5ft 8.
Joe said on 7/Jul/17
Do you think he could have ever been 5'10"? Also, could he still pull off 5'9"?
Editor Rob
today, I don't think he's over 5ft 8...I doubt he's lost 2 inches, but he looked more in the 5ft 9 range 30 years back.
World Citizen said on 27/May/17
Looks about right.
Mike said on 20/Feb/17
A bit shorter than Rob.
berta said on 13/Feb/17
peak aroudn 175 and nopw i think he is down to 172 at best
Sandy Cowell said on 16/Oct/16
I can't speak highly enough about this actor. The parts he plays are staggeringly good from his role as Damien's army 'Sarge' on 'Omen II' through to the 'X Files' and Chris Carter's 'Millennium' series. He even made a shocking guest appearance in the 'Hannibal' TV series which blew my mind!

As a younger actor, Lance's slim stature enabled him to pass for a little taller. I would, in fact, cite him as the ideal example for whom this illusion applies. Yes, he could have passed for 5ft9.5,- 5ft10 in his heyday.
Pierre said on 5/Sep/16
His head and neck are a little more inclined than Rob,I think he's around the same height as Rob with the same posture = between 5"8'/ 5"8.25'
Peter 179cm said on 25/Jun/16
He looks a little shorter than Rob.i'd give him 172cm.
Sam said on 27/Oct/15
Could you also add Dog Day Afternoon, Prince of the City, The Terminator, Pumpkinhead and Dead Man to his credits? Yeah, Henriksen seems pretty badass & elevates material no matter how crappy, looks a bit like both Stephen McHattie and Keith Richards but is the last one of those three I'd want to run into in a dark alley.
tumac66 said on 30/Aug/15
I think he has shrunk some. Im 5 feet 7 and he is no taller than me, met him last week at cyrpticon on Aug 23 2015
CD said on 6/Apr/15
Remember Rob only has a 1/4 inch of hair. I think Lance looks shorter.
Alex said on 19/Mar/15
He looks 1/4 or half a inch taller on this pic
TNTinCA said on 1/Nov/14
I actually met him at the airport about 10 years ago. He appeared to be pretty close to my height (5'9.5"). But I didn't pay much attention to footwear. At or near the 5'9" range seems about right. He was really nice btw. I mentioned I recognized him from Aliens.
5'11" barefoot said on 1/Nov/14
almost a tall as the bOZ brian Bosworth in stone cold movie. With boots on...
Sam said on 22/Oct/14
Hmmm, I think he looked about 4 inches shorter than Terry O'Quinn.
Ian C. said on 3/Jul/14
Here's another surprising one. Just from the way Henriksen is proportioned and the macho roles he usually plays, I would have guessed six foot two. Another miniature tall person.
Arch Stanton said on 23/Mar/14
Just dug out my DVD of Aliens and yeah he looked about 2 inches shorter than Sigorney.
Vibram said on 20/Dec/13
He looked 5ft8.5 in Millennium. Weak 5ft9 in the 80's perhaps?
Editor Rob
he's aged a bit last few times I've seen him, I thought he looked smaller than me a few months ago in fact...
diavolo said on 21/Nov/13
He once played 6'4" Abraham Lincoln in a TV movie, probably had to wear sizeable footwear.
richkid123 said on 25/Feb/13
looks like a nice old man, looked like the leader of a gang back in the day
Shaun said on 14/Oct/12
Click Here
Click Here

Back in his day he was real bad ass looking, Chuck Norris like, typical baddy from an 80s action movie. He's virtually unrecognizable now! I could imagine he might measure 5'7.75" at some point in the day...
Shaun said on 14/Oct/12
He looks a lot like my paternal uncle too!
Danimal said on 6/Aug/12
Shaun says on 12/Jun/12
Good grief, this man looked quite intimidating back in the 1980s and 1990s. Shows you what aging does to a man!! I'd have guessed 5 ft 10.

You'd have guessed right. This is what age does to the body.
Hob said on 6/Aug/12
i know someone who met lance 10year ago when ask about his height ,he claim 5'10. probably lost some height from now. much like 176-177cm when he was young.
Shaun said on 12/Jun/12
Good grief, this man looked quite intimidating back in the 1980s and 1990s. Shows you what aging does to a man!! I'd have guessed 5 ft 10.
Mike J. said on 13/Jan/12
Also worth noting--Henriksen has sort of bowed legs, especially the left one. Over the years that left leg appears to have gotten increasingly worse, and in recent films he often stands in a way that favors his right. I think astrago is right--Henriksen has lost a lot of height, and the leg issue would explain it.
Mike J. said on 13/Jan/12
I met Lance Henriksen over the summer. I'm a dead-on 5'7" (170.2 cm) and balding just like he is, and in the EXACT SAME boots (we actually joked about shopping in the same places) he was definitely less than an inch taller than me, tops. No way he is over 5'8". I agree with fricanman--Henriksen always struck me as a fairly tall and imposing character even though he's slightly built. I have to say it was a bit of a shock to see he's only my size. Note: Ed Harris is on record in interviews saying he's 5'9", and his good buddy Henriksen is clearly shorter than he is.
fricanman said on 26/Dec/11
Wow! this one says a lot about perception and the estimation of height without any personal contact. I always thought he was a tall imposing guy - in the movies - obviously not so much from this picture.
Sean73 said on 5/Dec/11
looks 5-8 now.
Candyman said on 31/Jul/11
Probably the footwear
Joe Bloggs said on 9/Jul/11
He once played Abe Lincoln(6ft4/1m94). Neat trick if you can pull it off!
astrago said on 5/Jun/11
he certainly was 177-178cm back then, but in the last 5 to 10 years he lost quite a bit of height, today he's no taller than 173-174cm, maybe 175cm in the morning.

mamun is almost 1cm taller than lance even, dunno if its footwear or the hair.

anyway i agree with the height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 2/Apr/11
Doesn't appear to reach 5ft8(173cm) in either pic...Rob are you sure this is correct?
Frank2 said on 29/Jun/09
I worked at Fox when Lance was doing the TV series "Millennium". He was about 5'9" and very thin.
Lego said on 28/Jun/09
not a chance 174cm, he used to be 175cm max back then but now looks barely 172cm.

the man not only wears boots often but i reckon lifts too sometimes.

he's got a tallish forehead which gives the illusion.

i'd say 172-173cm max now and 175cm back then.
James said on 19/Jun/09
Mamun looks 5'9 next to him.
yoyo said on 4/May/09
5ft8.5 no way..5ft7(170cm) more close to truth..
bikagyura said on 3/Mar/09
strange thing that in the pic with you in the celtic shirt, he looks about 20 years older :P
henk82 said on 2/Nov/08
looked 5.10 to me when i met him today at a Scifi convention here in Stockholm, he has a big head and doesnt look small in any way.
Paddington said on 15/Jun/08
In the pictures he's looking 5'8.5". But I'm not sure if he was ever much taller than that. He's always looked below average height in his movies.
Vibram said on 3/Jun/08
Fan of Millennium series and have the DVD's. Looked 5'10" WITH 1.5" inch heeled Wolverine boots, so probably 5'8.5" during that series (1999), now looks 5'8". Has bandy legs too, which makes people look smaller. Good actor.
cantstop25 said on 7/Nov/07
both mamum and rob look taller lol
rob is tal;ller than him ithis must be an attempt for rob to make peopletthink hes taller than 5'9 or hes just oblivious hes towering over this man. if this guys almost 5'9 rob is 5'10.25 lol
JB said on 15/Oct/07
he had probably been dying his hair for some time and then decided to ditch the "Just For Men" bottles
Rusty james said on 9/Oct/07
Whoa whats happened to lance henriksen? he's got...white hair! i know hard target was ages ago but he didnt even look old in that.
Jason said on 12/Sep/07
I was watching Platoon last night, as well...
the shredder said on 12/Sep/07
LOL , no lie , Im watching Platoon right now , right this min !!!
the shredder said on 12/Sep/07
LOL ROB , I was watching Aliens for the very first time today !!!

Terminator 1 and Terminator 2 or im my top list .

Editor Rob
I seen it on BETAMAX when I was a young un :)
t1 also in my top 10, platoon aswell.
dmeyer said on 11/Sep/07
rob you should give him 5'8 now

Editor Rob
I could, but Aliens is in my top 10 film list...I must be 100% bias, just like how I'm totally bias to giving gibson 177cm cause he's in mad max 2, another in my top 10er list ;) surely not!

;) Nah, I really did think he looked 5ft 9 to me and against a few other guys. Funny thing is...he has also 1/4 inch more shoes than me in that photo. A big thick soled shoe he had...
ted said on 11/Sep/07
5-9 is rudiculous since Rob is taller in that pic or the same.
Franco said on 6/Sep/07
yeah one of my favorite actors ever too, lol but WOW he does look old in the pic.

ok lets think about it for a sec.....

Rob looks 175-176cm there, Lance is clearly 2cm shorter....aka 174cm

Lance is 172cm today, and 175cm peak.
Leung said on 4/Sep/07
Is this the Visa card guy? He has got a really creepy voice.
glenn said on 3/Sep/07
can look 5-10 in of my favorites.i know him for his real movies.not recent garbage.
Boxing Fighter said on 1/Sep/07
He looks 5ft7 and very old, he is 67 years old.
Anonymous said on 31/Aug/07
look a bit shorter than you so max 5'8
Lmeister said on 31/Aug/07
Maybe 5'9'' peak height and nowadays 5'7.75''?
Jordan said on 30/Aug/07
Wow he has aged, but i alwats thought he was at least 5'10, guess not
Anshelm said on 30/Aug/07
Indeed he's finally beginning to look his 67 years.
Jed said on 30/Aug/07
He looks 172 cm with a slouch, yes looks no more than 5'8 if standing straight
Anthony said on 30/Aug/07
Oh My Gosh! This is Bishop? He really aged. Even on the special edition of "Aliens" a few years ago he didn't look this old in interviews. But he does look 5'9.
Anonymous said on 30/Aug/07
How is he one inch taller than Rob if he looks shorter in the photo?
Rico said on 2/Oct/06
Saw Lance on friday, spot on Editor Rob 5`9-9.5.
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
Better than nothing.
Glenn said on 2/Oct/06
One of my faves.Pumpkinhead,Q.tricky guy.usually looks short.but depending on the movie,he can look anywhere from 5-8 to 5-11! so yeah,5-9ish makes sense.never met any of these people you met.

Editor Rob
oh, its mainly tv stars yes, your never gonna get tom cruises/harrison's doing these things.
Jason said on 26/Oct/05
I didn't think he looked 5'10'' in Millenium.
dmeyer said on 31/May/05
he does look shorter than vandamme in hart target

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.