David Tang said on 10/Aug/21
Nik said on 16/Oct/19
She doesn't look overlisted!

Editor Rob
Over 5ft 7, to 7.5 is what I would have thought she might measure.
Nik said on 1/May/19
She can pull it off!
J.Lee said on 22/Nov/13
how high r your shoes here rob

Editor Rob
I'm in 0.8 inch merrell that weekend.
Her shoes I checked my photos and saw
were these so she had a min 2 inchs more...looking at them they should give 3 inches barefoot
Stephen said on 8/Jan/13
good heels and short head works to look 176cm - 171cm is possible i think
J.lee said on 7/Feb/12
Rob how much taller would u say she is in heels

Editor Rob
ignoring heels I thought she appeared from my view as somebody in the 176cm range. Take off advantage and somewhere in 171 range is possible.
Clay said on 24/Nov/10
Good god almighty Khali's fist is the size of this guys head.
Anonymous said on 6/Mar/09
khali looks 7'1 there, maybe more because khali looks to be leaning, and is khali bending his knees slightly? either way khali is not as straight as he can b. so i give khli 7'1-2 likely the latter
Clay said on 5/Mar/09
Vegas says on 4/Mar/09
jason suggested khali was in huge footwear on the set of longest yard to make him more monstrous looking after seeing khali next to gary godsey, i guess that myth is finally settled anyway
Jason also flirted with the idea of a 6'7 Big Show. Not the sharpest tool in the shed...
Clay said on 5/Mar/09
Alex says on 4/Mar/09
He doesn't look a full 5'9 unless Mamun has a footwear advantage.
Also Khali does look no more than 7'1 with him.
Assuming his head is 12-12.5 inches, Papajohn comes 5 inches under his chin. 5+12 17 inches, Khali possibly comes off as 7'2.
ACG said on 5/Mar/09
SuperAnonymous says on 4/Mar/09
Does he own the 'PapaJohn' Pizza chain?
When I saw the preview picture, I honestly expected this guy to be the company's founder or something.
Is it his real name?
Regardless, he must hear a lot of pizza jokes, I would imagine.....
TELLEM said on 5/Mar/09
hes 5'8 with a slouch...look at mamun reach for the stars
Mamun said on 4/Mar/09
Thanks ROB for puting this page ! My friends you can see the footwear I am
wearing by looking at the Tommy Morrison page because it was the same day
and location as this picture was taken . Now comes the part where everyone
can tell for sure Great Khali's heights by simply making those comparison
photos ! I have fantastic friends here like RED & Chriss who happen to be
super experts on this issue .
SuperAnonymous said on 4/Mar/09
Does he own the 'PapaJohn' Pizza chain?
Vegas said on 4/Mar/09
jason suggested khali was in huge footwear on the set of longest yard to make him more monstrous looking after seeing khali next to gary godsey, i guess that myth is finally settled anyway
Clay said on 4/Mar/09
I dont know I could see 5'9 he's leaning kinda. My friend Mamun he looks like a toy next to Khali do you agree?
derek d said on 4/Mar/09
:sigh: Come on guys can't you tell Michael is slouching lol.... That would be why Mamun is the same height as him... And look at Mamun's posture.
marcus said on 4/Mar/09
Does Mamun use lifts?
They are exactly the same height.
Alex said on 4/Mar/09
He doesn't look a full 5'9 unless Mamun has a footwear advantage.
Also Khali does look no more than 7'1 with him.