Canadian Actress best known for roles in My Big Fat Greek Wedding, Connie & Carlie and Driving Aphrodite. On
Twitter she mentioned her height, saying she was
"5'6" but I wear very high heels, or flats to shop"
Photo by kathclick/
he [6ft 5 inch John Corbett] walks into the restaurant, and I'm like, 'Look at that guy; he's perfect. He's the all-American guy. And he's taller than me, which is important, because I'm 5-6 and all the leading men in L.A. are 4-11. They come in with boxes to stand on to audition.
-- Detroit Free Press, Apr 2002
Antonio Andolini said on 4/Feb/21
In "My Life in Ruins", she's barefoot standing next to (what I presume is) a barefoot Richard Dreyfuss,..who's almost 5-5:
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Editor Rob
I can't remember watching that movie, might have to add it to my list, which is now under 5,000 😁
I can watch many types of movies...if the film is a little 'boring' I will pay more attention to height...
if a film is able to make me forget how tall the actor's looked, that's a bloody great movie!
Nik said on 28/Mar/18
5'6" is liable!
al said on 13/Aug/17
No way! 5ft 4in max
Oanh said on 10/Nov/14
In the movie MBFGW, Nia always appears a bit shorter than 5'5.5" Lainie Kazan(her mother). I think Nia is 5'5".
kleigh. said on 14/Jun/09
I just saw her in My life in ruins, such a great movie, and she's a great actress. She looked about 5"6 -5"7 to me after taking off the heels, because she was wearing some pretty high wedges the whole time, but she still looked pretty tall, maybe it was just her frame that made her look taller.
I would say about 5"5'1/2 to 5"6
Nick said on 13/Jun/09
Wow....I would have guessed 5-8 to 5-9...She has large bone structure and gave a taller impression in My Life In Ruins. Of course, she was wearing large heels during much of the film.
Anonymous said on 24/Aug/06
Aways take off two inches. Nia is 5'5" max.
Anonymous said on 9/Mar/06
There are images of her on wireimage next to Teri Hatcher and she is a couple inches shorter. Teri is 5'5.5" so Nia must be at 5'5" maximum. Wonderful actress.
Michael said on 23/Feb/06
I m greek and i have met nia in athens in 2004.I am 1,83 and i was clearly taller.She is about 1,65