English Actor, best remembered for roles in films such as Supergirl, Bedazzled, The Princess Bride, Without a Clue, Yellowbeard and TV show Not Only, But Also. In a 1981 article it mentioned him as "6 foot 1 ½", although once when he was described as half of the 'Good Evening' duo, he said "Not half. 60 percent would be more accurate. After all, I'm 6 foot 2 and my partner is only 5 foot 2."
Sandy Cowell said on 29/May/23
I inadvertently found a Peter Cook and Dudley Moore sketch on YouTube called ‘The Worst Bloody Thing That Could Happen To You’ in which the duo try to outdo each other in the art of grossing us out. It’s from 1965 and isn’t the funniest of their sketches, but I did rather like this bit.
Pete is citing being eaten alive by ants. They are THROWING UP CHUNKS OF FLESH AND CATCHING THEM IN THEIR TINY PAWS! Ants with paws, eh? How very unusual and something that only the most inventive of imaginations is likely to dream about!
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 25/Jul/21
Yesterday morning I was woken up by the stench of the most frightful pile of cat manure! 😷💩😕...😹
It made me think of the 'Derek and Clive' sketch, wherein Pete and Dud are discussing things like this; what didn't they discuss? 😂😂😂
In this particular sketch, Pete is telling Dud about the time he took a ****, adding, "...and the stench from this was absolutely staggering!"
The Queen Mum, according to Pete, had to go to a poop identity parade held at Islington Police station, "...and she got mine right off!"
You can check out this sketch and others on 'Derek and Clive Live' and there is a DVD of the duo messing about while they made it, with plenty of disparaging references to Dudley's short height!
Sandy Cowell said on 9/Feb/19
Before I thank you for adding Peter to the 'Blackadder' page, I really must reiterate that it was Peter Cook and Dudley Moore's 'Derek and Clive Live' that gave me my first laugh after the death of my boyfriend back in 1992. We played it on the train, and the track that sent a full carriage of passengers
out was 'This Bloke Came Up to Me!'
Good old Peter Cook! I've seen documentaries on him, with Dud, showing clearly their height difference, and I even own one. Now I'm going to continue watching him in 'The Black Adder', which was the first Adder offering and written by Richard Curtis and Rowan Atkinson himself! Ben Elton didn't step in until the second one.
Sandy Cowell said on 8/Feb/19
The late, great Peter Cook guested as a triumphant Richard III in the first series of 'Blackadder', winning the Battle of Bosworth Field. Had that really happened, we would never have had the Tudors.
He met with an accidental death at the hands of one Edmund Blackadder, after which a fictitious Richard IV was crowned, played by Brian Blessed.
Could Peter Cook be added to the 'Blackadder' page please Rob, complete with crown and black wig?
Peter gets 6ft2.25

Editor Rob
I will add him, though I do think Peter seemed quite an honest guy with what he claimed, I am not sure I'd guess him over 6ft 2, though his comedic wit and intellect certainly was towering!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Mar/17
@ Nik - See you on Cheryl Cole's page!
Nik said on 31/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
Yes I have been guilty in the past of defacing cakes by pinching the icing off them!
My Mum just has brothers too, she has 2 brothers, an older brother and a younger brother. My uncles are 75 and 71 and my Mum is 73, Son, then daughter, then son runs in my Mums side of the family a bit!
Yes my Mum is a pint sized 4'11" and yes she says that it is not easy to keep the old weight down when you are small. She has never eaten a lot to be honest however she does have a few treats, but she can get away with it because her meal time portions are not very large.
Sandy Cowell said on 30/Mar/17
@ Nik - Actually, this is my older brother, Christopher, and he's quite used to me nibbling the chocolate from his bars, spooning the butter icing out of his cakes, pulling the nuts out of his fruit cakes and so on and so forth!
He can't really be too cross because I give him loads of chocolates and sweeties to make up for it! I enjoy giving him nice munchies!
The aforementioned type of indiscretion only happens once in a blue moon! I have a full time occupation counting calories to make sure I keep the old weight down, which isn't too easy when you're not very tall! Just ask your Mum!
Nik said on 30/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
Yes - very interesting Sandy!
My Mum always used to climb like a monkey too! She has some form for climbing about throughout her life time, I wonder if it is because she has always been so tiny? She once climbed onto a factory roof with her younger brother, my uncle Bill, when they were both young children! I bet your brother was furious when he found out you had eaten the chocolate from his dime bar! Who is the oldest out of you and this particular brother?
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Mar/17
@ Nik - Right! That was just too much chocolate talk for me to be able to resist temptation any longer!
I went into the kitchen and gnawed all the chocolate off my brother's Dime bar! It was the only bit of chocolate in the house! 🍫
My Mum used to put the chocolates where she thought I couldn't reach, but I could climb like a monkey! I climbed onto the garage roof at less than 4 years old to sit with the family cat! So in my case, being a preschool child and of not too great a height didn't stop me from climbing. I used my tiny feet to perch on the window frames! 🏡🐈👧
Nik said on 28/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
We've permanently (or almost permanently) got boxes of chocolates somewhere in our house and they are all given to us by other people! Then when we have finished them someone gives us another one because it is Easter of someone's birthday for example. My Mum asks me to hide them for her, putting them on top of a unit, cupboard, etc but this is no good because she will get a stool out to help her get them down. So I sometimes hide them. When we do eat them I am as bad as my Mum! We are both guilty of purloining our preferred types of chocolate when either of us happens to have the box in our hands!
Sandy Cowell said on 27/Mar/17
@ Nik - Fortunately, I have a sweet-toothed brother who hoovers them all up for me, but that is after I've purloined the orange and the strawberry creams for myself and anything else that sounds fruity!
🍬 🍫 🍓 🍫 🍋 🍫 🍬 🍫 😴
Nik said on 27/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
Not only that but chocolates are then often given out as gifts for birthdays, and a mail order company sent some to my Mum as well recently. It's always been a problem in our household!
Sandy Cowell said on 26/Mar/17
@ Nik - Spiteful but true, alas! 😣🍫🍬🍫😫
Nik said on 24/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
Yes it is very thoughtful of your friend, it is amusing that it was on at full blast on a train and even more amusing that everyone got off at the next stop!
As for chocolates at Christmas time, my experience of this is that they are often given out to people who are looking to lose weight!
Sandy Cowell said on 23/Mar/17
# Nik - Thank you Nik! It was a very funny incident indeed! There was a lot of controversy surrounding that 'Derek and Clive' stuff, and we had it up full blast in a train!
It did cheer me up at a sad time in my life. I was with my boyfriend when he died and it wasn't pleasant.
Ironically, I was talking about having chocolates loaded onto my boyfriend and myself earlier to Rob on his page! We were both skinny people so we were given all the unwanted Christmas chocolates!
It's many years ago now, but you never forget your past. It's part of what makes you the person you are!
Has Peter Cook gone up by half an inch since I came to this page? No! I just checked my last comment! OK, excellent - Peter gets another 6ft2 from me!
Nik said on 22/Mar/17
@Sandy Cowell
The incident you described was interesting to read! It's nice that your friend was trying to cheer you up a little bit at such a terrible time in your life.
Sandy Cowell said on 28/Oct/16
Peter Cook and Dudley Moore were perhaps the ultimate little and large double act, what with half an inch short of a foot height difference, but that has nothing to do with one particularly memory I have of them!
The circumstances surrounding this incident were really rather sad as I had not long suffered the untimely passing of my boyfriend, but one of our mates followed me onto a train and said that he had something for me to listen to as he thinks it might cheer me up!
It was a recording of 'Derek and Clive Live', by Peter Cook and Dudley Moore. We played it and the laughter was immediately forthcoming! It was the funniest thing I'd ever heard! What was almost as funny is that everyone got off at the next stop!
Arch Stanton said on 18/Mar/16
Definitely looks a decent 6'2" with Dudley Moore in Bedazzled. Looks about a foot taller. Similar frame to James Coburn so could probably look a bit taller at times.
Dave said on 29/Sep/11
Make a name for yourself standing next to Dudley Moore and you'll seem extremely tall too.
That said tho, I did see an episode of Saturday Night Live from 1976 recently and Cook seemed almost as tall as Chevy Chase in the final scene of the episode fwiw.
Nicole said on 22/Apr/09
Hmm, seemed taller