aphodix said on 26/Feb/07
vin diesel is 5'10", figured it all out, answered all your questions. give or take a few centimetre's thats his height. simple math, just use a picture of him standing up, figure the size of the picture, divide it by his height in the picture, and multiply it by his width in the picture. if you do it right, you'll see he's about 5'10", no taller than that.
anony said on 22/Feb/07
One way to figure out vinny's height would be to compare him to others in saving private ryan, they are all wearing the same boots. This site lists tom hanks height as 6ft.. Vin is shorter than tom hanks..right?
dmeyer said on 22/Feb/07
if his boots are realy only 1.7 in wish give him 1 to 2 cm over 1 to 1.25 dress shoes then he might be 6 ft since you say he can look over 6 ft
MD said on 21/Feb/07
Rob, take a look at this, again. We've just seen piece of evidence after the next that Vin isn't even 6'0", namely the photos of him with James Gandolfini.
MOF said on 20/Feb/07
"near peper he looks 180 to 181 peper must be a solid 5'10"
I met Pepper in August 2005, back then I was 5'10.5" and he was about an inch smaller. 177cm is more accurate.
Dan said on 9/Feb/07
I dont even think he is 5'11. But I will give him 5'11 since he is pretty muscular, and appears to be an easy 5'11.
But 6'0? No way.
Big Dave said on 31/Dec/06
The picture at the bottom isnt very good; I think that Diesel is about 5'11.5 Tall. I have the Chronicles of Riddick at home and Diesel looked more like 6'1 as compared with Judy Dench. The picture below is designed to make them similar in height as it is a movie still.
The Judge said on 26/Dec/06
After watching some photos beside Mr. De Niro, Tyson and others celebrities, I think Mr. Diesel is 5'11", no more. But a muscular 5'11" guy appears impressive, believe me!
ez said on 24/Dec/06
literally bumped into vin diesel outside a club in manhattan a few months ago and he was reeeeeeally tall. i'm 5'9" and i was wearing pumps with a good 3 inch heel and he was STILL taller than me. i couldve sworn he was like a good 6'2"-6'3" but now after reading this whole thread maybe he was wearing some killer boots that night to tower over all the crazy tall model-type girls in new york city. who knows.
Dan said on 17/Dec/06
Yeah MD, diesel is being debated under 6 foot than above! suits him to be 6'3 though like the rock. meyer, those boots are rather large, if vin could take them off, he would appear about the same height as pepper!
dmeyer said on 16/Dec/06
looks 184 near cruise i think he is 5'11.5 wear 1.9 inches boots so looks 184 but he would have weared smaller outside heels if he was wearing lift i think he just wears big heels 1.5 to 2 inches to give the impression he is a hair over 6 feet
dmeyer said on 16/Dec/06
near peper he looks 180 to 181 peper must be a solid 5'10
MD said on 15/Dec/06
Yeah, again, I agree. The debate has moved beyond how much over 6'0" he is to just how much under 6'0" he is. He is not a full 6'0" barefoot, this much is plainly obvious.
Big Dave said on 15/Dec/06
The photo below isn't completely reliable as they are both leaning inwards. I would say that Vin Diesel is 5'11.5, a little shorter than he is listed at here.
Brad said on 15/Dec/06
5' 10" as Lucky Luciano says. I never argue with a guy with a vowel at the end of his name, that includes myself. Capisce?
Dave said on 12/Dec/06
Tricky one this one.. Dunno how to call it. A 6'1 Vin next to a 5'11 Tyson? or 5'9 Tyson with a 5'11 Vin? hard to call.
Click Here
Paul said on 9/Dec/06
Rob, you could be right about the richlees...i wont dispute that. However i'm simply stating that Vins legs can appear rather long in some pics than others.. i like the guy.. but can you still tell me he doesn't wear lifts? i'd highly dispute that...
Here's some more pics of vin, compare his lower legs in these pics.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Lucky Luciano said on 7/Dec/06
Rob I partied 4 nights a week for 5 years in NYC. The Tunnel,Mars,Orange,Limelight,SavetheRobots,RedZone et al.
Mark Vincent was NOT a bouncer, he was the guy (security concierge?)that radioed for bouncers,worked the guest list,smoothed over ruffled feathers at the door and gave out drink tickets/free passes. I know him like a I know my favorite vodka with a sip. He is 5 foot 10 inches tall always has been always will be...the only thing different about him now is that he obviously had speech therapy to rid himself of his horrendith lithsp and started hitting the iron.
Paul said on 6/Dec/06
So Rob, what is your personal opinion on what Vins height might be?

Editor Rob
alien legs isn't worth discussing.
my personal opinion is there for all to see in the listings. Does he look nearer 181-182cm barefoot, it is never discounted...
and to lucky, any insistance that pair you highlighted is that particular make of richlee I am not entertaining. Somewhat similar is not identical...say he has 1.7 inch heels and there is a possibility of lifts...sure thing.
MD said on 2/Dec/06
I think the discussion has gone beyond how much over six feet is he to how much under 6'0" is he, because he's not a full 6'0" barefoot, that much is plainly obvious by now.
jay said on 1/Dec/06
yep vin is a real stocky fello.that pic of him in the white tank top and shorts makes him look real small. or at least his real height. look how short his legs are!
Lmeister said on 1/Dec/06
In the first pic that Paul sent Vin is wearing sneakers with shocks, but his legs look rather short. In the second pic his legs look a lot longer with Richlees. Hmm makes me wonder...
Paul said on 30/Nov/06
I've come to a startling conclusion, Vin Diesel MUST be an alien,
Click Here
Click Here
notice his lower shin length in the two pics how do his legs magically shift height and length as they wish?? truly a freaky human being...
LuckyLuciano said on 22/Nov/06
Look at the middle of the road picture...Mark has those freaky looking alien legs again...with huge lifts resulting in extended alien hybrid lower leg syndrome. Compare his legs to the others in the picture.
Lmeister said on 22/Nov/06
Vin is clearly wearing Richlees...
Viper652 said on 20/Nov/06
Its time to downgrade this guy.
Dani said on 18/Nov/06
This history is unbelievable, but is true. I live in Europe, and one day, one year ago, I and my friend were looking for Vin diesel´s photos on internet to know his real height, because we were doubting. The unbelievable of this history is that my friend went to his home, but before stopped in Mcdonald´s to eat, and....there was Vin Diesel¡¡¡ My friend called me surprised, but he didn´t believe that he was Vin Diesel.....it was too incredible. Two weeks after, a man said to my friend that Vin Diesel there was here, because he was seeing the cinema stage in my city (Alicante). He was the real Vin Diesel. However, my friend (he is a Vin diesel´s fan) got closer him, and said me that Vin was about 180-181 cm (5ft 10-11 inch)(my friend is 6ft 2 inch tall).
Paul said on 17/Nov/06
jay. want proof about the lifts? scroll down the page and look at the pics posted by luckyluciano. take note of the shoe he is wearing. then compare the Richlees Customs 3" loggers catalog pic on the same post. still not convinced?
Jay said on 16/Nov/06
Is it a fact he wears lifts? maybe there just normal boots and hes 5'11 - 5'11.5 or somewhere around that height. Personally I dont think he's anything over 6ft but I dont see hime being less than 5'11.
Paul said on 16/Nov/06
guys. it dont make any sense for Vin to be 6' and wear 3' elevators and still appear 2 inches shorter than a 6'.05 guy! he must be 5'10 barefoot and wear lifts or elevators at all his premiers.
Glenn said on 8/Nov/06
I got fooled too.but he is at that magical 5-10,5-11 height that can go both ways.in his case,he made sure he was as tall as possible.my guess was 5-11,5-11.5 when I saw him last.dont remember the footwear.I know it appeared normal,otherwise I would remember it looking akward.mightve been sneakers,as he was wearing a jump suit of sorts.
Lmeister said on 8/Nov/06
I also thought that Vin would be a big guy, but nowadays closer to 5'10''- 6'0''range. I've noticed that he has worn workboots+RiddickMunsterboots in every movie. Kinda weird that even a true 6 footer would wear such shoes all the time. We have seen Stallone wearing dress shoes in a lot of occations, but I've seen only 2 pics Vin wearing dress shoes in a casual event...
Alex said on 7/Nov/06
Viper, we all believe into billed and listed heights at some point. I use to believe like 99% of billed heights. My guess for Vin is 5'11.
Viper652 said on 7/Nov/06
How often does Vin wear those boots? Glenn said he never saw Vin appear 6-1 at all.
LuckyLuciano said on 7/Nov/06
Those are Richlee's as well. Mark is a alien-human hybrid whose thigh is shorter than their shin (that is the giveaway for lifts BTW) either that or he is an alien. Let's be clear about one thing, the exterior of these shoes are designed to cloak the majority of the lift which is INTERIOR. Don't be fooled by cosmetic heel size.
Brad said on 7/Nov/06
Those elevator boots are hilarious. Can he get a clue people are looking at them. 5' 10", downgrade from me. He claims "6' 1""? Hey Vin, give it up, yer not the 6' 1" leading man.
Viper652 said on 6/Nov/06
Back in the day I thought Vin was his listed 6-2 beleive it or not. Back when I beleived in most billed heights and his suppoed larger than life screen figure. See, even a guy like me was duped at one time.
Paul said on 6/Nov/06
damm so it seems viper was right all along at 5. 10 for vin.. those 3" elevators boots prove him at that height
Lmeister said on 6/Nov/06
What a coincidence, I tried those boots last weekend. The heel truly gives 3 inches. Felt kinda stupid wearing them, but I guess Vin isn't "ashamed". You can easily add 1-2 extra inches with lifts to those boots and still walk rather normally...
Jay said on 5/Nov/06
That picture of Vin wearing those workboots with a suit is ridiculous, it reminds me of that Seinfeld episode where George wears those Timberland boots with everything cause it makes him look 2 inches taller.
LuckyLuciano said on 5/Nov/06
Those boots are engineered to jack your height 3 inches. If he claims 6'1" that means 5'10" which is how I remember him from the Tunnel. Unremarkable sized man. Hooray for Hollywood.
Boxing Fighter said on 4/Nov/06
Yeah, I have posted that same picture some time ago. You said it all Lucky, those boots can lift a men!
But I don´t think that he is shorter than 5ft11, andt no taller than 6ft.
However, that guy is sneaky, he can pretend looking taller quite well. Not a single picture can completely finish this matter!
MD said on 3/Nov/06
Just wondering, how would you know that he wears exactly 3" custom boots?
LuckyLuciano said on 2/Nov/06
Mark Vincent is 5'10" in shoes. I went to the Tunnel all the time!!!! I remember Mark when he was a skinny breakdancer. He wears custom engineer
boots that are good for 3 inches. End of story.
Viper652 said on 2/Nov/06
Hey, some people on Tysons page swear hes 5-8 in person. :)
dmeyer said on 1/Nov/06
he is aleast 6 feet he wouldnt have get 6'2 listing if he was less he is just smaller than people expect
Boxing Fighter said on 22/Oct/06
Vin Diesel and Mike Tyson
Click Here
Vin is definetelly not a 6ft1 guy. And mike is sloping a little bit to the side and I bet that vin is using that traditional big boot and mike is using normal shoes. To me they have almost the same height, Vin is one inch taller.
Spencer said on 21/Oct/06
I met him once in LA. He was nocticably shorter than me and I'm 6-3. My friend even mentioned how much bigger he looked on tv. I would say 5-11 1/2
albi said on 20/Oct/06
Judging by the shape of his body I would say he is no way shorter than 5'11 and not taller than 6'1. Any comment contradicting these is "genetically" wrong :)
I have never understood why he always casts very tall actors in his movies. Karl Urban; Paul Walker; Samuel Jackson and the 2 huge russian brothers in xXx etc.
He should take example from Stallone :D
Glenn said on 6/Oct/06
True J-Dog.my Mother was dark skin from central america.my Father,Irish.whites think Im white,latinos think Im latino.usually.since they always break out a question or conversation in spanish.
Viper652 said on 6/Oct/06
He could be 5-11 Max, I think its a slightpossibility. But in my opinion I think he is 5-10.
Lmeister said on 6/Oct/06
Come on guys. Vin isn't shorter than 5'11'', but not taller than 6'0''.
Viper652 said on 5/Oct/06
I said he was 5-10, and possibly slightly under. And a few here agree with me. I never attacked Vin, I was just answering Glenn's take on him being fake in person, and the rumors about his ethnicity and sexuality. I actually like the guy. Big Daddy, Im sorry but your reading comprehension skills are the suck.
big daddy said on 4/Oct/06
God Viper, you'll do anything to tear down a celeb won't you? It's bad enough you try to claim he's "under 5'10" " (LOL), but then you attack him for being bi-racial and accuse him of being gay. Does anybody really believe this clown anymore?
antron said on 3/Oct/06
Viper, you really do like downgrading more significantly than most. If he claims 6'1" i think 5'11" and change is likely the case. Also, study your own grammar before berating others.
Boodle Bits said on 2/Oct/06
I've known Vin for years. We went high school together and he is a legitimate 6.0 feet. I'm 5'-10" and he is a good 2 inches taller than me.
dmeyer said on 24/Sep/06
his boots add him 2 cm so 183 184 cm he did look a lot closer to walker height than tyrese
dmeyer said on 24/Sep/06
i have big boots 1.6 " and i look similar height with 6 feet 1 ers so shoes add in height
Glenn said on 23/Sep/06
Yeah,but I met Vin.he can appear 5-11.25 to 6ft.
Mylen said on 23/Sep/06
I agree with you Viper, the guy is not more than 5'10'' in sneakers. As I said I met him in a plane and he came really close to me, he was wearing no boots, just sneakers. I'm 5"10 and I can tell you he was shorter than me. Trust me, I know what I'm saying. To MD : you're saying that the "lower than 5-10 comment is ridiculous" but did you ever met Vin ?
MD said on 22/Sep/06
Rob, if you really want to give an ear to that comment, you wouldn't still have him at 6'0". Just because you heard one guy say it doesn't make it anymore credibile or less insane. lol

Editor Rob
I'm pointing out that other folk have also said it, a few 5ft 9 and 10 back in 2005...of course I'm not going to list him that!
Viper652 said on 22/Sep/06
On another message board some guy was saying Vin was 5-7 and wears lifts to look 5-10 or taller. Now I think thats crazy.
Viper652 said on 22/Sep/06
I truly beleive Vin is 5-10 Max in his barefeet, nothing ridiculous about that.
TNTinCA said on 22/Sep/06
5'10" sounds a bit short to me. Honestly, I think he is close to 6 foot. Maybe right at 6 foot or perhaps a tad lower. But definately somewhere between 5'11" to 6 foot.
Hard to tell since he often wears boots. Perhaps that should tell us something. ;-)
Are there any good pictures of him next to Tom Hanks in Saving Private Ryan? Tom is a legit 6 footer and that may be a good frame of reference.
MD said on 21/Sep/06
Come on, Viper. That is ridiculous (i.e. 'maybe lower. comment)

Editor Rob
remember some early 2005 estimates, one guy in furniture store said 5ft 9!
Viper652 said on 20/Sep/06
Vin looks no more than 5-10 in sneakers, maybe lower.
Brad said on 19/Sep/06
Those big tread work boots he wears ruins the fun of an accurate height listing.
MD said on 19/Sep/06
Yeah, 5'10" seems very low. I wouldn't guess anything under 5'10.5"-5'11", but I definitely wouldn't put him 6'0" or over.
Glenn said on 19/Sep/06
I thought the man was 6-3 a few years ago.then a 5-9.5 friend of mine who met him showed me with his hand how tall he was to him,and his hand was 1.5 over his head.5-11.I was like this guy must be mistaken.what a surprise.
Brad said on 19/Sep/06
Vin won't come clean about his race. Probably listed as black on his birth certificate. He's always wearing those big boots. 5' 11' looks about right. I don't think he's "guay" or a "wirdo" whatever those words are.
Glenn said on 19/Sep/06
5-10 sounds too low.5-11.25 sounds perfect for what I saw.

Editor Rob
man, this is the biggest fall from grace, from his heydey of having 6ft 4 descriptions, to 5ft 11.25...actually in 2005 most folk were arguing 5ft 11.5 for him...and a few sightings had him below that!
Viper652 said on 19/Sep/06
So Im right on the 5-10 part but wrong on the gay part.
Mylen said on 17/Sep/06
Let me clear off 2 rumors about Vin Diesel by telling you a little story : I didn't really know who he was until I met him 2 days ago in a plane (from L.A to Paris) He came up to me, said "hi how are you ?" and gave me a hand shake. I did'nt know who he was (I'm french) so I just looked at him like if he was a wirdo ! and he went back to his seat in first class. Then, a member of the cabin crew came up to me few minutes later, telling me that Vin have ask for me to go seat beside him in first class ! (I'm a model, people always tell me that I'm a really really good looking girl, that might explains why he ask for that... Anyways, I didn't go)
I'm 5'10 1/2 and i can tell you, no doubt that he is not more than 5'10, max ! And no doubt that he is not guay ! lol
Jay said on 17/Sep/06
Sorry my mistake, I thought that Viper posted the pic, but after having a second look I noticed you posted the picture and read your comment, I apologize. This is great site for accurate heights of celebs, keep up the good work.
Jay said on 16/Sep/06
That picture Viper posted where he is with Carson and James really shows he's under his listed height, curious to what Rob has to say about that one.

Editor Rob
I posted the pic, anything after "[Editor Rob:" is what I type...I was actually showing that yes, he can indeed look under 6ft - there were more pics at this event and for certain, he appears shorter than daly, this is all in normal shoes, not his boots he sometimes wears...
Glenn said on 16/Sep/06
Thanks Derek.
Danimal said on 16/Sep/06
Could be MAX 5'11". I don't see him over that. I would give him a low of
5'10 1/4"-5'10 1/2".
Derek said on 15/Sep/06
Glenn- you're right. Vin is biracial. Father is black and mother is white/Italian or vice versa, I forget which parent is which.
Viper652 said on 15/Sep/06
I personally think that Vin is 5-10. Whatever he is he is below 6-0.
Glenn said on 15/Sep/06
He is like Derek Jeter I believe.Black and white.Jeter is Black/Irish.
MD said on 14/Sep/06
Rob, that's exactly the same event with I posted a picture of with him and Gandolfini. I hope you see what I meant, now. Gandolfini has some height on Vin, and he's listed at 6'0.5" as well.
Bleemo said on 14/Sep/06
I've never heard the gay thing but I read and interview where even he said that because people were unsure of his ethnicity that he appealed to a larger range of people. Almost like they all claimed him as their own.
I don't get it personally, are we really at the stage where black guys only appeal to black guys and white to white and so on? it just seems mad. When I was a kid Mr T was god, probably still is and that fact that he was Black and we were white kids was irrelevant.
Glenn said on 14/Sep/06
Interesting.I could believe it.tough guys are usually closet homos.
Viper652 said on 13/Sep/06
Supposedly he lies about his ethnicity and sexuality, supposedly.
Glenn said on 13/Sep/06
Oh yeah,Viper?
Viper652 said on 12/Sep/06
I have read where he could be fake.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Thats interesting, because Vin's persona and all in interviews and such seems down to earth.
Glenn said on 11/Sep/06
The Rock is one of the nicest.come to think of it,your right Viper on the arms and body.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Sounds like the Rock is a lot cooler than Vin Glenn.
Viper652 said on 11/Sep/06
Diesel is way out of proportion. All he has his large arms with a smaller body.
Glenn said on 10/Sep/06
Ed-I didnt notice that,but its possible.I was to stressed trying to get him to pose.heard he was a dick.and heard 5-11,but was skeptical until last week.played games that he would pose with me and my friend.my friend posed with him,and Vin put his hand up to face with a peace sign blocking his face.when it was my turn,he ran into his car.I got the shaft.
MD said on 10/Sep/06
Rob, I'm not sure I understood anything you just said. lol
Ed, he really does have long limbs.

Editor Rob
at the event with james gandolfini, he is also photographed standing beside Carson Daly . In normal shoes, there is an obvious advantage to daly.
Ed said on 9/Sep/06
Glenn, you met him, does Diesel's arms look way out of proportion to the rest of his body in person? I've seen pics of him where they look super long compared to the rest of his body, he seems to have skinny legs, and a way larger upper body.
MD said on 8/Sep/06
Rob, you are SO funny. ;)

Editor Rob
actually, he's also with carson daly at that gandolf event...normal shoes, come back to this page in october, he's held this morning ;-) height for a good year now...
derbi said on 8/Sep/06
yes glenn, to me he also looks about 5'11. If look at his pics at gettyimages you'll see that he has really always boots on with really big heels...
Glenn said on 8/Sep/06
I bumped into him last week.5-11.
Anonymous said on 7/Sep/06
So, if Vin Diesel 6'0.5" or James Gandolfini? They both cannot be this height, Rob.
Click Here Bad angle, but look at the shoulders. It's clear Gandolfini is taller.

Editor Rob
technically, both could be that height, diesel 184 in morning and gandolf 184 at night
Alex said on 25/Aug/06
Viper, true about Vin's body that what he has mostly is big arms. Probably decent chest too but his legs aren't really big, not small but not big enough to really match his arms so by looking at his arms you may think he weighs more than he really is. His arms are a little bigger than mine but I have bigger legs I bet and around the same chest so I probably weigh at least a little more than him.
Viper652 said on 17/Aug/06
Rob is pretty stubborn with Vin and Seacrest :).
MD said on 7/Aug/06
Are you going to take him down, yet?

Editor Rob
when I'm pretty sure I would adjust a listing, a lot are in the 'maybe' zone
MD said on 6/Aug/06
Good to see you come around. :) Though, I still think 6'0" is even too generous.
MD said on 5/Aug/06
Rob, what do you have to say about my picture I posted last of Vin and James Gandolfini who's listed at the same height Vin currently is? He's obviously noticable shorter than James even with the bad angle. He's not over 6'0".

Editor Rob
yes, people have been calling for 1/2 inch more than a year. I've seen the full set of the carson daly/vin/gandalf pics and agree he looks no more 6ft in them. This occasion, in what look normal footwear, not big boots
Viper652 said on 5/Aug/06
I agree Frank. He actually looked shorter than 5-10 in a couple of low heeled shoe pics.
frank p said on 4/Aug/06
I say 5"10 max barefoot. Knockaround Guys really proved it to me. That was NOT a tall cast, and he wore those black boots throughout the movie. And he STILL didn't exactly tower the rest of the actors. "Does Vin Diesel fudge his height"
I find it rare when an actor doesn't actually. Even for an inch. As I've said before, I know everyday people personally who fudge they're height, imagine celebrities?
hotgirl said on 20/Jul/06
i think he is short but in his movies like the riddick he looks taller because he is buff looking. and hollywood can make you look bigger than you actually are
Boxing Fighter said on 20/Jul/06
Vin Diesel is no more than 6ft. He is not 6ft0.5! He isn't 5ft9 either, but you have to change this Rob. I understand that you are trying to make a serious website about famous people height verification, not a stupid fan gossip site. But there are too many pictures that shows vin diesel under 6ft0.5. Or at least 6ft0.5 with massive boots.
Glenn's words:
"Glenn says on 28/Mar/06
I met him too Tony Tang and while he is the 6-3 he can be reported at,he is 5-11.5, 6ft."
Josh said on 16/Jul/06
I even find 6'0 hard to believe hes muscular but hes not that tall he looks 6'0 with shoes one so barefoot hes like 5'11 the classic hollywood 2 inches lift .
MOF said on 14/Jul/06
6'2 Riddick co-star Nick Chinlund has a few inches on him on the extras on the DVD. Diesel doesn't even reach 6 feet compared to him.
MD said on 14/Jul/06
Oh, Rooobbbb...?
noname said on 12/Jul/06
With all these pictures showing Vin is no more then 6'0 howcome this site has not adjusted his height?? He is shorter than Jamie Kennedy and James Gandolfini who are both listed on this site at 6'0.5 yet this site still has him at this height. "Does Vin Diesel fudge his height" Of course he friggin does its obvious, and this site has pictures to prove it. He's always wearing construction boots for god sakes, without his boots, lifts and two insoles he's probably in the range of 5'3/5'4. Please change Vin Diesels height to something more accurate, he's clearly not the height you have him listed at.
frank p said on 12/Jul/06
Diesal is no more than 5!0 barefoot. My personal guess is 5"9. Watch XXX & Knock Around Guys and check out the shoes. He's in heeled boots in most of his films. Now in Knock Around Guys, his supporting cast were "hardley" giants. And Vin was maybe an inch taller than them. WITH the black boots on.
MD said on 30/Jun/06
He can't be 6'0.5" as James Gandolfini of the Soprano's is listed at that height on this site:
Click HereNot a good angle, at all, but Vin is looking slightly UP at James. He's really somewhere in between 5'11" and 6'0". He can pull off looking 6'1" or slightly over in lifts and boots, of course, but that doesn't need to be said.
Jay said on 29/Jun/06
I just watched Boiler Room the other day, and Jamie Kennedy is listed on this site at 6.05, and so is Vin Diesel, but in the film Kennedy is at least an inch or two taller then Diesel.
MHouillon said on 25/Jun/06
A height, that does Vin Diesel justice is no more than 182cm (5'11.5).
Marty said on 14/Jun/06
Diesel's not that big of a guy. He's around 5'11" and has probably 18" biceps. He must be around 195lbs.
Jay said on 6/Jun/06
De Niro is 5'9 maybe 5'8 now, this pic shows Vin is 6'0 max, with shoes.
Click Here
dmeyer said on 4/Jun/06
6'0.5" is a good guess since he looked 2.5" taller than peper
MD said on 3/Jun/06
He's a stocky fellow, no doubt, and larger than the average man. But, I'm convinced he's not even 6'0" barefoot, as most other's seem to be. Please add Roni as a **sighting**
Viper652 said on 3/Jun/06
Alex, Vin's overall size isnt even that big. All he really has is big arms.
roni said on 2/Jun/06
i met Mr Diesel in Edinburgh when he was chatting my Friend up. i am 5'4 with a taste for very high heels and i would be very shocked if was more than 5'10 in his cotton socks. not a big man at all.
Alex said on 23/May/06
About Vin's weight, yes the man has good size arms, chest, but his legs I hear are pretty lean for a guy with his upper body. So at 5'10-5'11 190lbs does make sense for him. 210lbs you may think by just looking at his arms but when hes really 190-195lbs. I am 200lbs legit but I get guessed at 210-215lbs a lot and I have good size arms, chest and big legs. Its just I am in good shape so I'll appear even heavier than I am.
Glenn said on 10/May/06
Its actually not receded at all,which is strange part.it sounded like an insult.Im Irish and Mestizo Indian.
Bleemo said on 10/May/06
Haha yeah I was of course joking, I figured Glenn would take it as banter, but I forgot how sensitive some are about their hair. To be fair I am 24 and have a kind of M crescent/widows peak thing going on myself. But it's always been like that and my dad has the same hairshape and still has long hair in his 50's.
I think it's a mediterranean thing anyway the naturally receded hairline, I have Italian blood. Maybe you have Mediterranean blood too Glenn? you seem to have a tan and darker features.
Azarea said on 8/May/06
cos I saw a picture my friends took in los angeles, they were both in sandals, just though id mention that,dudnt expect thoes to to be seen together!
Jay said on 7/May/06
bare foot im 5'11.5, almost 6 but not quite, when i wear runners or even boots i can get upto 6 1/2, even 6'1, I highly doubt he is 6.05 bare foot, he would look alot taller in his monster boots if he was that tall, i'd say he is most likely 5'11.5, 6.05 with his massive boots.
Azarea said on 7/May/06
well he's certainly taller than antoinio banderas, who u have at 174 i think.
YaoMing said on 6/May/06
folks, just look at this picture with karl urban i've posted! do the math: if you're wearing big elevator boots and hide them with long pants your legs become longer and you become higher but your arms will still be the same size. simple as that. look at urbans arms and then look at diesels arms, they are standing next to each other and there is a good 6-7 inches difference in length. it looks almost as if diesel was standing on a box. urban is between 6ft1 and 6ft2 and i'm sure that he isn't a liftguy and is still taller than diesel in his megalifts. somewhere down below on this page someone posted pictures of diesel in small training-shoes which don't seem have lifts inside. diesel is standing next to spike lee who really is 165cm and is only slightly taller than him. how can someone who is in the 6ft(183cm)-range look only slightly taller than someone who is 5ft5(165cm)?! even if he would slouch like the hunchback of notre damme the differnce would still be big and visible.
Samantha said on 6/May/06
Hes a little over 6ft, im his sister i should know :P
Boxing Fighter said on 6/May/06
Vinny and (5ft9-5ft11?) Chris Rock.
Click Here
YaoMing said on 5/May/06
that picture just proves that diesel wears massive elevator boots:
urban is taller than diesel but look at urbans and diesels arms! either diesel is a t-rex or he's wearing big lifts inside his shoes
Click Here
Azarea said on 4/May/06
no no lets keep discussing glenn's hair,come on glenn I dont think that guy meant anything by it, but u really gave this website all of its credibility, so a little respect isnt much to ask.Anyways, He's clearly shorter than gandolfini,who is an olympic gold medalist at slouching, i'd even say he's less than 180.
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Ill return to topic when Im good and ready.no one is stopping you.go ahead and talk.
Anonymous said on 4/May/06
Ok now return to the topic...
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Thanks Rob.
Glenn said on 4/May/06
Thanks Elio.
Glenn said on 4/May/06
In fact,the hair thing is bizzare.it got really straight and longer out of the blue in the last 6 months.and instead of receding,Im growing hair out my top of hairline more than usual.HOWEVER,for those that want to know,despite,the werewolf growth in most areas,I slightly thinned out in the middle.so the slick straightness,gives the illusion of baldness,especially in the dark,as Rob said.sorry, I got mad at you Rob,but I hope you understood my side.Im GLAD you told me about the sports auto comment so I can know people are hating on me.I just thought you shouldve emailed me instead and not let the whole world know and have a customer accidently find me on the site and stumble upon that comment.however,thats normal for people or dealers to make comments like that to mess with you.I just dont know how you found that bald comment harmless.

Editor Rob
yes I understand your side, and sure, I should have emailed you about that michael jordan thing, I know what you mean - there might be some people who recognise you and saw the comment
Glenn said on 3/May/06
To further explain my anger,dont you think mentioning fake autos can damage my reputation? and furthermore,its says plain as day on the site insults will be deleted.I must get dozens.I kept cool first time around thinking you slipped up on fake autos.

Editor Rob
there's not that many negatives recently but if any do slip through that I don't delete just say rob delete that and its gone. Of course I respect you, after all, you're the main one showing your face on the site, not me! Yes, I agree f*** comment should not be mentioned, so we'll drop any more mention about that.
Elio said on 3/May/06
I wouldn't say that Glenn was balding. The vast majority of people who don't end up 'bald' will have their hairline slightly receed through their 20s and beyond. In Glenn's case he has his hair slicked back in recent photos, which always reveals more of someone's forehead. Most people who are balding either shave it or comb it across/forewards to cover the hairline.
You probably didn't mean it in a bad way, but commenting about someone's physical features in such a way could be interpreted as a negative swipe.
Bleemo said on 2/May/06
Heh I always thought the extra hair would add a shade onto your height? I'm sure a spikey top would add an inch, get a mohican and you could jump 5 inches. But if you say bald heads make you look taller who are we to argue? don't worry Glenn your kinda balding, you'll be 5'10 in no time!
raj said on 2/May/06
A bald head makes u look taller? thats a weird theory.
Anonymous said on 2/May/06
This Vin Diesel has got a bald head, so automaticly he loox taller. But I saw the Ja Rule cribs video, and when he stood next to ja rule, vin diesel looked a little taller, but not even much. And Ja rule is about 165 cm
Viper652 said on 1/May/06
No more then 5-10 barefoot height seems right for him. I cant see him over that
Azarea said on 30/Apr/06
Nope, U have him at the same height as james gandolfini, while here he looks legitimately shorter in most pics,Maybe a tad over 181 for this guy.
[Editor Rob:
Anonymous said on 27/Apr/06
The guy is not 6'2 for sure, but he isn't 5'7 or 5'10 either....5'11 1/2 or 6'0 sounds correct...
HPNY123 said on 15/Apr/06
I USED TO BOX MARK (VIN)in Gleason's Gym in Brooklyn. I also knew as a Bouncer at the tunnel. We met many times. HE IS ABOUT 6'-6'1" 180-190 lbs. He wanted to box at 178. That was back in 1989.
Glenn said on 28/Mar/06
I met him too Tony Tang and while he is the 6-3 he can be reported at,he is 5-11.5, 6ft.
MHouillon said on 27/Mar/06
I like to see, how long it would take, till Rob gives him his real height : 182cm (5'11.5")...
tonytang said on 27/Mar/06
guy is "way under 6 feet"
my film prof met this dude. "he is about 5 6'or 5 '7"
weak up you ameircan audicen who easily fooled by the MEDIA!
Boxing Fighter said on 23/Mar/06
I don't agree that vin is 5ft10. But I really belive that he is 5ft11 or 6ft (180-182cm) max!
A very stronge person aways looks bigger and taller. But he is not a short guy. He aways wears a 2 - 2,5 in. boots that makes him looks like a 6ft1 guy. Normal people usually use a 1 inch shoe. Rob, I think you should consider his abnormal shoe size in the pictures.
Glenn said on 23/Mar/06
Vin is 6ft.and Conan really is 6-4.
Jason said on 22/Mar/06
Vin isn't 6'0'', it's because Conan isn't really 6'4''.
MD said on 19/Mar/06
David Lettermen is not 6'2", at least not anymore. He's lucky if he's even 6'1" these days.
anonymous said on 19/Mar/06
ive seen all his movies and he still looks tall/to me and he wears pure gangsta shoes.
Ed said on 18/Mar/06
I saw Vin on Conan O'brien on March 15th, I believe, and on Letterman on the 16th. Now I've been wondering what his true height is, since so many claim he is 5ft10. You couldn't really make out his shoes to well, but he looked only 2 maybe 2 1/2 inches shorter than the reported 6ft4 Conan, and almost the same height as the 6ft2 Letterman. This would make Vin 6ft1.5 to 6ft2 with shoes on, obviously depending on his footwear. I know he favors big boots, but this guy can't be any shorter than 5ft11.5 to 6ft barefoot. I highly doubt he travels everywhere with 4 inch lift shoes, that's a little absurd.
Anonymous said on 14/Mar/06
Still 6.05??? why? still have doubt about that???
Boxing Fighter said on 12/Mar/06
I totally agree with you guys! Arnold is taller than vin.
Our hero Glenn has to take a picture with him! But we have to remember Glenn to take a look at the shoe size.
Viper652 said on 12/Mar/06
Those pics of Vin that Boxing Fighter linked are crazy. If I didnt know any better Id say Vin looked downright short in those pics. I still think hes an average height guy around 5-10 though.
TNTinCA said on 11/Mar/06
I agree with Cobra. I really don't see Vin being taller than Arnold.
Cobra said on 11/Mar/06
Rob, I think you should change the height of Arnold and Vin and give Arnold the 6ft05 and Vin the 6ft. ;)
Anonymous said on 11/Mar/06
So why you still have him at 6ft 0.5 (184 cms)???
Boxing Fighter said on 10/Mar/06
Look, Vin and Spike Lee. The picture is small, but it is ok.
Click Here
element said on 10/Mar/06
Click HereSorry, previous link was bad.

Editor Rob
yeah, see my comment on 20th June 2005 on this page. It wasn't conclusive, but it is rare occasion when you catch vin in sneakers!
element said on 9/Mar/06
I was browsing through some Vin Diesel Gallery... and I found a interesting picture... I think it is anyway.
Click HereHere you can see Vin with his girlfriend Pavla Hrbkov
TNTinCA said on 4/Mar/06
Anyone catch Vin on Jay Leno recently?
Folks I decided to tape it when I heard he was going to be on. When he was next to Jay to shake hands, he was exactly the same height. I freeze framed it to take a better look. Honestly folks, I think we need to close the book on Vin being a 6 footer. I honestly thought he was based on previous movies. But more recently, seeing more and more pictures, I honestly don't see. Perhaps 6 foot with shoes. But standing barefoot, I would say he is closer to 5'11"
MD said on 4/Mar/06
A Tonight Show with Jay Leno sighting: I was watching the show as usual, and Vin comes out to meet Jay. He looks to be in slightly heeled dress shoes, but nothing ridiculous like he usually wears. So he walks up to Jay and is either the exact same height as him, or 1/4 (.25)" taller at the most taking into account Jay's hair-do. Really, he just looks 6'0" at the very most in shoes, which is why I'm thinking he's probably 5'11" barefoot. Jay asked him something very telling about whether or not that was his own hair in his upcoming moving, and Vin replied with something to the extent of "that's a movie secret." It is quite obvious they use tricks to make him look taller in movies, as well.
Brett said on 27/Feb/06
Rob in that pic with Crichton and Walker, how tall did you think Walker looked?

Editor Rob
there was another shot, in both crichton a little further away, but he still looks near 6ft 2
Gotxo said on 24/Feb/06
Trying to translate Cristina's words:
I can't belive it, Vin (Diesel) is 6'3" not 184, impossible, furthermore being Samuel (L.) Jackson near 2 meters, accordingly i belive that Vin is 1,90 mts or over rather than 1,84 mts.
Cristina, check your personal mitholgy. Samuel L. Jackson is larger than life but not than 188cm.
cristina said on 22/Feb/06
non credo proprio, Vin è sui 6ft e 3 e non è proprio 1.84, impossibile, anche perchè è Samuel jackson quasi sui due metri, quindi credo che Vin Sfiori il 1.90 o lo superi, altro che 1.84!!!!

Editor Rob
general consensus is SLJ ain't 190, but is heading to 188cm!
never trust Vin's footwear though...
Brett said on 16/Feb/06
Paul looks tall there if that guy is 6'9" Rob, Michael Crichtons eyes would probably be in line with the top of Walkers head, making Crichton 5-5.5 inches taller ( according to that diagram you have on the page, eye to the top of head is 4.5 inch but Crichtons a big dude so maybe his is more) then walker, so haha that puts walker atleast 6'3.5 in that pic, so I think its safe to say, this guy is well over 6ft tall. I dont think its fair to use Walker as a means to find out Diesels height, because walker always wears low heeled surfie shoes ( Isnt he a surfie?) and Diesel wears these overly sus looking boots all the time. From what I know, Diesel is somehwere between just under 5'11 - 5'11.5, and uses his boots to give him the edge. Walker I do believe is atleast the 6'2.5" hes listed at here.
Boxing Fighter said on 15/Feb/06
Mario, take a look at the Rob's "Does Vin Diesel Fudge his height" article.
Look at the "6ft1 rounded up" Vin Diesel near the 5ft10 Chuck Norris.
It doesnt fit!
The guy is strong, but not that tall. Action movies actors needs to be gigantic! A 6ft or less guy couldn't crush an entire army with a pair of garden tools. a 6ft3 hero can do it.
Mario said on 14/Feb/06
Ehm Walker is a strong 6 ft 2.5, so 6 ft 0.5 seems to be the perfect height for Diesel. The man himself says he is 6 ft 1, he just like 90 percent of the people has rounded his height, in this case above.
Viper652 said on 13/Feb/06
Vin looks 5-10-5-11 in Fast and Furious.
dmeyer said on 11/Feb/06
after watching fast and ,,, he looks just over 6'1" but since he says 6'1" i think he is 6'1"
Anonymous said on 10/Feb/06
after watching fast and furius he looks a full 6'1" i think 6'0.75" is accurate = 185 cm
TheMan said on 4/Feb/06
Im not sure on diesals wieght i think it's been higher it's been lower. If he is 6,0 then i think he may of been like 220 max at one stage. But in other photos ive seen he only looks like 190. I myself stand 5,10 3/4 and are a good shape for 215 pounds. But im alot more bulky like not very cut more just bulk really. So i think id say if he's less cut he would obviously weigh less. so anywhere around 200 pound mark seems right no way of telling though. But i do think he may have been like 210-220 in some films so hard to tell though. But i think he would go up and down so i don't think he has a specific wieght all the time. Like he probably goes to 190 during not filming then goes 210-220 for a film.
D. Ray Morton said on 2/Feb/06
"I think discrimination based on height isn't really something that occurs much in modern society since less emphasis is placed on someone's size."
Please think again.
Viper652 said on 1/Feb/06
Yep,he is another Brad Pitt with stick legs. Id say he is between 190 and 200.
TNTinCA said on 1/Feb/06
I can't really speak on the height discrimination thing. I stand 5'10" which is not tall but its not short either. Pretty much average. I do have friends that are shorter and one of them (who is 5'7") does have a bit of a Napolean complex.
I think discrimination based on height isn't really something that occurs much in modern society since less emphasis is placed on someone's size. Brain power is more highly regarded.
TNTinCA said on 1/Feb/06
I have to say, after looking at that photo provided by Boxing Fighter that shows Gandolfini next to Vin, he does appear to be shorter than James. If you look at where Gandolfini's shoulders are and draw a line across to Vin's, they look like about two inches of difference. And James always walks around hunched over a bit. My guess is Vin is scraping 6 feet tall. Maybe even a tad under.
I can believe a weight of 210 for him as well. I am an avid bodybuilder myself and I weigh in at about 190 lbs currently. (At 5'10") My physique isn't quite as big as Vin's so I can easily see him having 20 lbs on my based on height difference and musculature.
Boxing Fighter said on 1/Feb/06
Dear God, Chuck Norris looks TALLER than him!!!!!!!!!!!
Same height as Luke Wilson, but, don´t forget the boots!
A little bit taller than Lenny Kravitz
He is a smaller person that The Rock
that's it, I rest my case...
Boxing Fighter said on 1/Feb/06
Yeah Jason, he was very heavy in The fast and the furious movie. But nowadays he does
Jason said on 1/Feb/06
I don't think Vin is 210. He's got slim legs, so he's gonna be lighter than he appears by looking at his upper body.
6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing said on 31/Jan/06
just wondering as a teenager, but when you're an adult. and in society, when have you guys received height discrimination the most (whether you're short, tall, or whatever)?
D. Ray Morton said on 31/Jan/06
I'd guess 5'11" - 6'. And please - the dude's arms are just a mite bigger than 17".
Boxing Fighter said on 31/Jan/06
I really think he is about 5ft11 0.5
Probably, by the photos, a 210lbs man, but no taller than 6ft.
eddie said on 30/Jan/06
I think he is about 5 10' maybe a tiny bit more. Camera adds 10pounds also. HEs probably about 210. maybe a little less. about 17inch biceps. Not that big considering how old he is. Those boots he wears also are f***ing huge!!
Boxing Fighter said on 29/Jan/06
He doesn't looks a lot taller than tate
6 foot 1.5, 16, still growing said on 24/Jan/06
why has his height changed since the last time I saw it, couple months ago? He is no more than 5 foot 11! I have definite proof. I'll submit it later. It's a video called mtv cribs ( a tv show I recorded) where he stands next to ja rule and there's only about a 4 to 5 at the most inch difference. you can see their shoes.
stAs said on 18/Jan/06
I think this guy look only 180cm, he doesn't look like a tall guy, maybe because he has too huge muscles :)
aaa said on 10/Jan/06
I read a article in the magazine today, they list hist height at 187cm. And in another magazine they listed Paul walker at 191 cm. I think their agents always add about two inches...
175cm16andgrowing said on 6/Jan/06
There are a few pics from the "the Fast and the Furious"-premiere somewhere and he has nice shoes, this Vin... at least 2 inches... so he's smaller than Walker... Walker can be anywhere from 6'1'' (2 Fast 2 Furious' Brian O'Conner) and 6'3'' (he says). I'm there, I say Walker is in between that, his weight fits with it (180-190: norma weight, 205 in "Varsity Blues"). So... Vin Diesel is 3 inches smaller than Paul. I mean at least 2 inch elevator shoes and then still 1 inch smaller, that makes Vin between 5'10'' and 6'.
Cobra said on 3/Jan/06
Rob, you should downgrade to at least 6ft.
Maybe he is that tall in the morning, who knows.
O'Connell said on 31/Dec/05
My brother works in marketing/advertising. He is less than 5'11'', taller than 5'10'', about 5'10.5''. He met Vin Diesel earlier this year at a video game / electronics showcase just outside LA. He says he is 'smaller than me' heightwise.
MHouillon said on 22/Dec/05
I just don't understand it, Rob. Is he your brother in-law ? Why do you cling on his untrue 184cm height ?
Why don't you face the fact that Vin is a 182cm guy ?
Merry Christmas to everyone
May we get a little closer to the truth next year...
CelebHeights Editor said on 15/Dec/05
Rosscoe says (from another part of this site)
"I just happened to be passing through Trafalgar Sq. during the premiere of xXx a few years ago. Diesel had just left the balcony area, so I managed to get down the to the front barrier for him coming out to sign autographs; he ended up standing right in front of me. At the time I would have been about 5'8, and I was quite shocked to find that he looked much shorter. I looked up articles about his height and saw it ranging from 5'11 to 6'2, but standing just a few yards away from him he, didn't look any taller than 5'10. Anyone had a similar experience?"
Glenn said on 3/Dec/05
deniro is 5-9.chuck norris is 5-8.vin is 6 even.met all these guys.
Jason said on 3/Dec/05
Vin is no more than 5'11'' IMO.
Zack Gasoline said on 3/Dec/05
Good point Brett!
I belive that Vin Diesel uses his huge boots only when he is with tall people!
Vin Diesel could have the height of Chuck Norris and The Rock.
wrestling said on 2/Dec/05
hey boxing fighter , he does look 5'11-6' on that pic 181-182cm , looks more realistic to me , hes still a solid 225 pound man
Boxing Fighter said on 2/Dec/05
6ft0.5(?) Vin Diesel and 5ft9 Robert De niro
Conner said on 21/Nov/05
Viper652: Jon, go to school to correct you're english please.
Ujane,Moscow said on 18/Nov/05
Very good fellow! But still he doesn`t look those 184! It seems 2 me he is 180 or 182max! But look, men, we all know `bout kina body of a person! Vin `s got broad shoulders and long legs so proportion is right. Those factors usualy make a peson look taller then he actually does. So if he got a good posture but still doesn`t look those 184 perhaps he`s even less than 180!
Mr. R said on 10/Nov/05
Viper and J-Dog, having met a number of celebs in Hollywood, I do have to say that it does seem normal for most stars, especially men, to increase their height by at least 2 inches. There are exceptions, but this seems the norm. Viper does have valid points.
Viper652 said on 10/Nov/05
hahaha, I just look at this as a fun little hobby. Most stars heights are inflated. Jon, go to school to correct you're english please.
CoolJ said on 10/Nov/05
A buddy saw him at a racetrack/casino establishment in the Philly area. Said he's a little under 6 foot.
jon smith said on 9/Nov/05
yeah j-dog i agree with you viper clearly has some issues he insists that all these celebs are shorter than what they actually are "therapist joe say" viper has an inferiority complex both physically and mentally and by downgrading famous people he feels better
Viper652 said on 9/Nov/05
Well, 95 percent of stars heights are inflated. Open you're eyes sometime.
~Nate~ said on 9/Nov/05
I think everyone likes to try to downgrade every celeb here, its annoying, convincing yourself that a celeb is shorter then they actually are wont take away their fame or money they are still going to be on top and we're all still going to be nobody's.
J-Dog said on 9/Nov/05
Viper your attempts to downgrade every celebrity kind of runs close to the edge of obsessive, eh?
Anonymous said on 6/Nov/05
What bo says is bull Vin wasen't wearing cowboy boots on Ellen DeGeneres but a pair of
Nike Shox.
Viper452 said on 17/Oct/05
Vin is deffinitly not 6-0. Id say he is 5-10.5 in reality.
Anonymous said on 17/Oct/05
once again there are all these people who have height complexes and want to bring someone down to make themselves feel better. So you call him 182cm which is actually 5'11.75", now as 6ft is 182.8 cm, why the hell would you care about like half a cm, the guy is 6ft, no one says " ah no im not 6ft im 5'11.75". Plus say he was scientifically measured to 182.5862cm hahaha are you guys going to care that hes 5'11.9" and not 6ft, seriously why bother comming on here to add that you think hes like 0.6 of a cm under 6ft, and you know this because you think hes a "182cm guy" in your mind. If you can tell the diff between a 182cm and a 183cm or 184cm person 100 percent of the time from a pic then you really have too much time on your hands.
bo said on 10/Oct/05
I saw Vin Diesel on the Ellen Degeneras show a few weeks ago and as he walked up to shake her hand before sitting down......they were eye to eye and the same height. Ellen is listed on here as 5'7" and was in sneakers on her show and he was in cowboy boots. Even physique wise he really didn't seem all that much bigger than her. Muscular yes, but not "larger than life" like he does in his movies.
Big Dave said on 2/Oct/05
I still maintain that Vin is not over 6ft. I think the editor should watch the Pacifier. This film gives a more accurate picture of Vin's Height. I would say that he is around 182-183cm tall but certainly not 184cm.
Anonymous said on 13/Sep/05
I met him, i'm 1,82(almost 6'0) and he was like 1,80(5'11). He isn't short, average height.
Big Dave said on 31/Aug/05
I agree with J. I would say that he is 182cm tall, which is just over 5'11.5. I don't think he is any taller or shorter than this. Sometimes he can appear a little shorter because he does stoop in some of his films, particularly in the Fast and The Furious. He is actually only a few inches shorter than Paul Walker; not six inches like most people think. People that say he is under 5'11 are being rather silly. I know he's got big boots but he would have to be on stilts to appear as big as he is in some of his films. I think 182cm is bang on.
J. said on 30/Aug/05
I've seen Vin in person before he was famous (read an much earlier post below) and I can confirm again that he's not tall. This is a perfect example of a brawny, muscular person who seems taller when they're only average. Plus, like the Rock, he has a larger than life image. Big brawny cinema heroes are perceived to be 6'0"+ not 5'11"-ish, as in Diesel's case. So for the sake of his image, he'll have to say 6'1". (Even though, that's not all THAT tall, to be honest)
TheMan said on 27/Aug/05
Van dielsal is blatenly not a gaint to which he claims in all the films most of the male co stars are taller than him which is surprising that would make all of them like over 6,2 which i highley doubt. I was watching a film of he's and could blatently tell he was actually not 6,2+. Id say he's about 5,11 maybe 6,0 at a push. I wasnt evne looking out for how tall he was you could just tell he wasnt that tall.
~Nate~ said on 23/Aug/05
I just got done watching him on Ellen today and standing beside 5'8 Ellen I would maybe give him about 4 inches on her. Her head came up about his cheekbone. My sister is 5'8 and I'm Barely 6ft and when we stand side by side her head also hits my cheekbone. I'd say he could indeed be 6ft tall and perhaps change.
Anonymous said on 20/Aug/05
In XXX he looked much shorter than 6.2 Samuel L Jackson...The scene where they are walking...you can see theig profiles and Samuel looks more than 5 inches taller...And I think that booth of them wear normal shoes...Any coments?
MHouillon said on 29/Jul/05
Vin Diesel is not more than 182 cm. Period.
Viper452 said on 24/Jul/05
You cant tell very well by a movie anyway. He could be wearing lifts while he looks 5-11, I dont know. Hes under 6 foot that I know of.
MHouillon said on 24/Jul/05
Hey, Rob. 184cm for Vin Diesel is a bid too generously. Accept the very realistic 182cm !
Big DAVE said on 22/Jul/05
I agree with MHouillon, 182cm looks pretty accurate. His Height needs looking at again. 184cm looks a bit too generous.
Height Detective said on 7/Jul/05
I think based on the photos I posted before , that Vin is 6 ft 0.5 in (184 cm)but im his chunky boots.
Height Detective said on 7/Jul/05
A Better photo of Vin Diesel and Pepper ( Compare the shoes )
Vin Diesel and DeNiro
Viper652 said on 29/Jun/05
I bet hes anywhere between 5-7 and 5-10, but no taller.
miked2789 said on 29/Jun/05
i was just watching "a man apart" tonight and i paid close attention to the scene where vin was in the face of timothy olyphant. now in the scene vin and timothy look the same height, but keep in mind vin is most likely wearing his "big boots" which you do notice on his feet throughout the movie. after watching this i'd peg vin at about 5 11.
Anonymous said on 28/Jun/05
Vin Diesel is around 180/183 cms (5'11/6) normal guy, not the giant that some sites want to show us.
Boxing Fighter said on 27/Jun/05
How tall is that kid?
And take a look at the size of vinny's shoes. The boy didn't had a chance with those tinny all stars. Those shoes are obviously unnatural.
Big Dave said on 16/Jun/05
I still think that Vin Diesel is 182-183cm tall. He looks about 1.5 taller than Barry Pepper-who is 5'10 tall. The photo of Diesel and pepper {below) isn't that accurate because Diesel is leaning forward slightly and Pepper has big hair. He is definitely between 180-183cm tall. I think that he is over 5'11 but not quite 6'0. I would say that 5'11.5 (182cm)is accurate.
Nemmy111 said on 1/Jun/05
I met Vin Diesel in Daytona when he was promoting XXX at the Daytona 500. I'm 6'2 and I was looking down on him as if he was 5'6. He was wearing regular shoes at the time. Ever notice how most of the women he works in movies with are just about as tall as he is? Are they all Amazons???
Ricardo said on 17/May/05
If Vin is about 5'11 1/2" there is no way Paul Walker can be 6'3" or 6'4".
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/05
A fairly intresting thread:
Kallan said on 12/Apr/05
Although Vin Diesel could put his shoes under my bed anytime (don't tell my husband) and I'd love to believe he's over six foot (I em tall) I just can't buy it. In Fast and Furious he starred with Paul Walker? who's 6'3'' and he simply towered over Vin. Vin didn't seem that much taller in The Pacifier - barely seeming much taller than his female co-star Faith Ford? Could she be that tall....?
Lmeister said on 6/Apr/05
I don't trust these promo pics too much, cause so much of digital editing can be done...but If we trust this pic we see that the only guy who is wearing higher heels than Vin is tiny Seth Green. Barry Pepper is standing in the middle of the road, but since Vin is wearing "high heels" we can forgetabout that...To me Vin looks only 1 inch taller than Barry Pepper, if we take account positive error we end up to 5'11.5'' as I mentioned in my previous email ; )
Big Dave said on 6/Apr/05
I think that Vin Diesel is either 182-183cm tall. As I have mentioned before he is about an inch smaller than Cole Hauser who appears in Pitch Black. He is also about two inches taller than Barry Pepper and one inch shorter than John Malkovich in Knock Around Guys. Vin is always wearing massive boots, which I believe add about two inches to his height. This is why he looks 6'2 on screen.
Zac Gasoline said on 5/Apr/05
I saw vin on Late show and he looked to be about 6'1 to me (Assuming that David is 6'2). But he was wearing enormous boots. Very cool but, it should help him a little bit. I belive he is no taller than 6ft. You should search for photos.
His Height? said on 29/Mar/05
Look at him with a Japanese wrestler,
That Japanese guy is about 6'3"(The Japanese say he`s 6'4"but that`s not true)
6'05"seems perfect to me.
Boxing Fighter said on 16/Mar/05
Is Vin really 6ft0.5?
Look at him near De Niro: (http://images.absolutenow.com/rp/De_Niro_Die04263.jpg). I know that De Niro was 5ft9 in his prime, but today? And Vin always uses those aggressive high boots!
some guy said on 12/Mar/05
It's not just Vin's height that I can't get, it's his weight as well... if he is 6'1-2", there's no way he only only weighs 190! That's my height and weight, and I'm a relative tooth-pick compared to him! So assuming 190lbs is accurate, then 6' is the max height he could be!
cantstop25 said on 8/Mar/05
he was on letterman a few days ago looked the be about 5'10" next to the 6'2" letterman
Big Dave said on 7/Mar/05
I would say that Vin Diesel is about 6ft.There is a scene in Pitch Black where he is standing close to Cole Hauser, who is 6ft1. Vin looks about an inch smaller.
Palladium said on 6/Mar/05
I dare to say: it's possibly you mix him with anyone other, i can't believe he is that small. It seems to me he's on top of 6'1" (185cm). He'll be easier to take down!
Bird357 said on 6/Mar/05
I know for a fact that Vin Diesel is not 6ft. tall. I used to work for a furniture company in Beverly Hills. He once stopped in, and I crossed paths with him. He is shorter than me and I'm 5'9" granted he was wearing flip flops and I was wearing work shoes, but that would still make him only about my height of 5'9".
J. said on 5/Mar/05
ok, i recently saw a videotape of vin diesel which was filmed in the 1980s back during his breakdancing days and he did look 6'0"- 6'1". BUT he was extremely thin back then so i'm not sure. but i'm sorry, he's defintely under 6 feet as I have met him face to face. i'd say 5'11" and some change from Diesel.
jiu jitsu said on 14/Feb/05
I saw vin diesel and he is 511, 6, or even 510 cause he was using cowboy bots. I don´t know.