How tall was Roger E. Mosley

Roger E. Mosley's Height

6ft 1 (185.4 cm)

American actor, best remembered for playing Theodore 'TC' Calvin in TV series Magnum, P.I..

How tall is
Roger & Tom Selleck in 2003
Photo © s_bukley / DepositPhotos

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Add a Comment13 comments

Average Guess (10 Votes)
6ft 0.5in (184.2cm)
Jesica said on 30/Dec/22
I love watching reruns of Magnum P.I. (1980-1988). T.C. was 6'1 during the Magum years. In the photo, he looks 6'0 or slightly under.
Paul NS (6ft 0.5) said on 7/Aug/22
News breaking that he has died from a car crash. Sad to hear. RIP
Sinclair said on 7/Aug/22
R.I.P. T.C. Say hello to Higgy Baby for me.

Likely a weak 6’1” guy at peak.
Mickie said on 3/Aug/22
I think Selleck was never a full 193 cm, but I can believe 192 cm. I'll give Roger a 6'0.75" peak, assuming he may have dropped some mms by the time this picture was taken.
Canson said on 28/Jun/22
Selleck was never 6’4 flat. 6’3.5
Canson said on 28/Jun/22
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 14/Jun/22
If Roger starred in Magnum then he’s okay by me!

Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Jun/22
Well Selleck was not a solid 6ft4 even back in the Magnum years...Mosley could vary next to him really. Sometimes a good 3in+ shorter, other times barely 2in!

I mean here he is not fairing too badly next to Hasselhoff who unlike Selleck was a solid 6ft4...even 15 years ago Click Here
Sinclair said on 29/May/22
A weak 6’1” is certainly not out of the question for Mosley’s peak. He was once around James Gandolfini’s height but in the above picture Mosley hardly looks over six feet. I now agree that he was at least three inches shorter than solid 6’4” Selleck in Magnum P.I., upon further examination.
ChristianPerkins said on 29/May/22
I'm not buying 6'1" based on the pic, unless if Mosley's peak was taller.
Editor Rob
In 60's there, maybe had lost some height.
slothee said on 29/May/22
I'd have to disagree and feel he was more 6'0.5", 184cm range. Even if Selleck was a full 6'4" at his peak (which is questionable), Mosley appeared a little more than 3 inches shorter.. more like 3.5". And, next to the 5'7" Manetti, Moseley looks at most 5.5" taller. If he was 6'1", it was a weak one at best.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 29/May/22
There’s no mistaking Tom Selleck! Next to him, Roger’s 6ft1 isn’t going to look very tall, which isn’t fair! Roger should find someone of 5ft6 or so.

Well, I won’t be jeopardising his height because of it, but in all honesty, the difference between Tom and Roger seems greater than 3”.

Sinclair said on 28/May/22
Thank you Rob, this one was worth adding. For peak, more likely 6’0.75” than 6’1.25” in my mind but 6’1” may have been right on the money. He was once a 6’1” range type of guy. I reckon 6’1.25” was more likely than 6’0.5” for a peak Mosley so I’d have to agree with this 6’1” listing for now.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.