How tall is Vince Vaughn - Page 5

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Average Guess (152 Votes)
Peak: 6ft 5.22in (196.1cm)
Current: 6ft 4.69in (194.8cm)
MaryJane said on 2/Nov/05
My husband and I met Vince in Las Vegas. He is 6'5" cause my husband is just a wee bit taller at 6'6". And that's that... they were the tallest guys in the room and yes, Vince is a very nice guy!
Viper652 said on 27/Oct/05
No,couchscout says Tom Brady is a legit combine 6-4.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 26/Oct/05
I heard Tom Brady's really jus 6'3 possiblly 6'2.5 not the actual 6'4 he's listed at but in the pros they put every1 up 1to2 inches in height.
Tri said on 25/Oct/05
My buddy and i were at a party in LA a few years back and Vaughn came in and stood stand next to my pal. My pal is 6'3-6'4 barefoot and he felt short and small next to Vaughn. Not only is Vaughn tall, but he's a Big dude. Seemed like a cool guy.
Lauren said on 10/Oct/05
I recently saw him after his Wild West Comedy tour in Cleveland....THE MAN IS 6'5. I reached up to hug him and boy was it a reach. He had to bend down to hug me, and I'm 5'7. He is really tall. Seriously. And he looks really REALLY good in person.
Viper652 said on 10/Oct/05
Tom Brady is 6-4
smokeblower said on 9/Oct/05
He is as tall as Tom Brady, quarterback of the New England Patriots.
jack said on 30/Sep/05
those guys are just crazy,talk about somebody they dont know,i met vince in l.a. and i can tell you that he's one tall guy,6'5 is correct, why? becuase i have seen him in person.
Ujane said on 29/Sep/05
Hey! Are you a lil bit mad? Or just got a headache at the moment? Do u know that Kid Rock is only 6 feet 1 in claimed on this site? no,you dont? I `m not surprised...look there! So, if Vince 2in bigger, he must b 6feet 3in. If u still hesitate u shd watch the latest comedy wit Vaughn and Owen Wilson(179cm). there vince just half a head and a lil bit more than he is 190cm max! Now you see?
master said on 29/Sep/05
this guy is tall for sure,i mean just see the difference betwen him and the rock,then is correct,vince is at least 6'5,putting the rock in his really height 6'3.5 vince really look about 1.5-2 inches taller than him.
TheMan said on 30/Aug/05
Vince is deffently 6,5 and looks it with ease. Even if he loses height throughout the day whatever he's still 6,5. So he's a solid 6,5 very tall.
Marlo said on 8/Aug/05
I just saw Vince in person in chicago. I was w. my boyfriend, who is 6'3, and Vince was taller. He has to be at least 6'5
cantstop25 said on 27/Jul/05
the man is a solid 6'5" he was on carson daly and he had a good 4 inches on carson. I dont know how tall carson is though but he seems like a tall guy
Fersilva5 said on 27/Jul/05
He was taller than goldblum in jurasic park 2, i saw a video from last Oscars when he's with Vin Diesel and Vin look really short besides him, i think Vin is 5'11 or 6'0 and Vince is at least 6'5
Viper652 said on 26/Jul/05
Vince cant be 6-3, hes 2 inches taller then the Rock in Be cool. Im not sure what Ferrel's height is, could be anywhere between 6-1 and 6-3.
robert said on 26/Jul/05
Why do you think Will Ferrell is only 6'2" from Old School? He's never looked beneath 6'3" to me and Vince Vaughn has never looked less than 2 to 1 1/2 taller than Ferrell from what I've seen.
Shaun Nowland said on 25/Jul/05
I disagree because you can see that Will Ferrell is 6'2 when vince is in the movie
Old School. Vince is 6'4 tops or 6'3.5.
J. said on 24/Jul/05
I personally think the guy is more 6'4" than 6'5" myself. And I think the Owen Wilson's height was manipulated to look closer to Vaughn because Wilson is 5'10" if he's lucky.
Ball-A-Hallic said on 23/Jul/05
Vince mite not look that tall on Owen cuz Owen's more like 5'11 or 5'11.5 also he could of been on an apple box
Anonymous said on 23/Jul/05
He didn't look all that big standing next to Owen Wilson in Wedding Crashers.
sam said on 22/Jul/05
You should never go by those "life size" cardboard-cutouts. I saw one several years about that made Michael Jackson look 6'2". Ferrell has always said he's 6'3"(+) and Vaughn has always said he was 6'5", and if you see them with other actors, you can see that these heights are accurate.
Viper652 said on 21/Jul/05
Well, I just watched Be Cool and I cant see Vince being 6-1, hes 2 inches taller then the Rock in every scene. Rock is 6-2.5, so that would make Vince 6-4.5, or at the very least in between 6-4 and 6-5.
anonymous said on 21/Jul/05
Ha, Will Farrel is probably only 6'1" I remember when Elf was out in theaters. They had a life size poster board of Will in Elf Clothes Standing in front of a height scale. The height scale showed him as 6'3" At that time I wasn't 17.5 years old and was about 6'0.5" in my shoes. I was just as tall as he on the poster. BTW he was flat footed.
dmeyer said on 26/Jun/05
i worked with him he is aleast 6'5''
Ball-A-Hallic said on 25/Jun/05
Vince gotta be 6'5 if not 6'4.5 b-cuz Will Ferrel's 6'3 n Vince is taller than Will so u kno he's no 6'0 hes 6'5 or 6'4.5 tops
Viper652 said on 25/Jun/05
Ive read some Encounters on other Message boards where they say he is 6-1. He is anywhere from 6-1 to 6-5 It seems. Hard to say
cantstop25 said on 24/Jun/05
cmon there is no way that he is 6' so youre saying then that will ferrel is 5'10" and luke wilson is 5'6"-5'7"
J. said on 29/May/05
An really intresting little tidbit (

I was in Hollywood outside the Burgundy Room and I saw Johnny Knoxville come out and walk off, Steve O emerged a bit later to smoke and talk to some weird girls. Then we went across the street to the Velvet Margarita and I should have sensed that our theatrical entrance through big velvet curtains was a clue that we would meet the person who made that look good in Swingers. Later on outside while I was talking to some really short “actors” everyone starts whispering that Vince Vaughn is here. I was kinda out of it after drinking several redbull and vodkas so I walked up to him and introduced myself. We chatted. Not for long. He was with this girl who was short and like a hipster/scenester, they kept making out. She wasn’t that cute. There were some whisperings that she was a huge star or something, her
name was Lauren. I talked to them some more, and that was the night. I didn’t think he was all that tall, maybe like 6 foot. Which I guess is tall in hollywood. Kinda chubby in the face, attractive, but old."

Also, his offical bio reads: ' An actor whose strong features and sinewy 6'4" physique make him appear to have been chiseled from a slab of testosterone, Vince Vaughn is Hollywood's closest human approximation of a Chevy pick-up. '
Ball-A-Hallic said on 24/May/05
Vine Vaughn gotta be 6'5 cause u could jus c he's very tall and i knew since Will Ferrell was 6'3 and Vince was bigger he had 2 be 6'5.
Wizerd said on 18/May/05
He really is that height, just look at Be Cool, you can hes a tad taller than the Rock who is 6"4" !! He really is a tall actor!
Anonymous said on 21/Apr/05
When I was in high school in 2003,Vince Vaugh was my "Principle for Today". I saw him in a small classroom, and he is a good 6 ft 4 to 6 ft 5

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.