Daniel Lee said on 7/May/22
Rob i think he is 5'9.25"
josh b said on 8/Aug/20
Hey rob, he claims 5'9 on twitter in a recent tweet. Honest guy.

Editor Rob
I'll just mention the "5'9" part and link to the full 2 quotes, as they are a little bit on the rude side 👍
Nik said on 29/Jul/18
He's no more than 5'9"!
RedFire said on 26/Jul/18
He really ain't any taller than you guys. A 5'8 at max.
Bobby said on 4/Jan/18
Doesn't look like he'd measure anywhere close to me.

Editor Rob
he's not as tall as 5ft 10, but I don't think 5ft 9 flat either.
Christian-6'5 3/8 said on 13/Sep/17
Doesn't look over 5'9", are you sure he's as tall as 5'9.5" Rob?

Editor Rob
I think in his prime 40's he still was about 5ft 9.5, but maybe a little fraction less...that weekend I thought he seemed over 5ft 9 flat still.
even said on 21/Jul/17
a solid 5 foot 9
Charlie said on 2/Jun/17
He looks 5'8 1/2
Myth Buster said on 4/Feb/16
5' 8.75'' max.
minime said on 5/Aug/14
Looks 5'9" max. Actually closer to 5'8.5" His ears appear to be a bit higher than Rob.
diavolo said on 8/Nov/13
This guy is an interesting case. He always looks much shorter than 6footish Scott Bakula, yet he always looks much taller than 5'5" plus heels Jolene Blalock. This height might be accurate.
richkid123 said on 10/Feb/13
He looks very similar to Rob and a bit taller than Jenny. I honestly have no clue about this guy, but I think he is not quite 5'9". Who knows though, I tend to get messed up by dudes with big heads.

Editor Rob
at that event he was a little shorter than Thomas Dekker, and Thomas was about an inch smaller than Brian Austin (who had less footwear than Dekker)...and Adam baldwin had a good 5 inches on Brian Austin.
Will said on 30/Jan/13
John is 5ft 10 on the dot.
Aragorn 5'11 said on 5/Jan/13
5'8.5 MAX! 0.5 inch taller than Rob!
Johnnyfive said on 9/Dec/12
175cm. 177 is generous.
lolo said on 19/Sep/12
he is maybe 1cm taller than rob
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Sep/12
Opposite Rob's solid 5"8(173cm) this guy appears 0.5-1in taller.
bora bora said on 29/Jan/12
175-176 is what I'm seeing,not considering his posture
avi said on 29/Sep/11
ummmm...try 5'8
Mathew said on 28/Aug/11
174 - 175 cm is what I'm seeing in the pic. Could be 5'9", but Rob's estimate in person is worth more than the pic to me.
Mathew said on 23/Aug/11
He's clearly over 5'8" here, I'd go with 5'9.5" as a morning for him.
rob89 said on 7/Jul/11
Always thought he looked more like 5'9" than 5'10" on Enterprise, and this pic only reinforces my suspicions. Bakula looked to have a good 3" on him most of the time, so if Billingsley is over 5'9" then Bakula is over 6'. MAX 5'9" for this guy, could even be 5'8.5" seeing he barely looks taller than Rob & Jenny.

Editor Rob
I saw him a while ago in an episode of stargate and standing with amanda tapping he didn't look much different so he could be 5ft 9 and can look it, but I think he's a guy who might measure over 5ft 9.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 25/Mar/11
174cm in the pic
SolidSnake said on 23/Feb/11
If he was bald he'd be 5 ft 9
K4 said on 15/Feb/11
Looks 5'8ish, his hair is giving him more height.
James said on 15/Feb/11
Does not look over 5'9 but maybe his posture ain't great? Anyway in the pic looks 5'8.75
TNTinCA said on 16/Jan/09
I think this is dead on. I had a fluke encounter with him when I was travelling through LAX. I am 177 cms myself and I would swear we were exactly the same height.
Adam Brennon said on 4/Oct/07
Keating looks 5' 6" in this photograph.
anonymous said on 7/Mar/07
I spoke to him last year and agree with your assesment, I'm 5-9 and he wasn't much taller than myself.
dmeyer said on 5/Oct/06
even taugh his slaushy and shobby apearance make him look shoerter he looked about 5'10 near denzel probably 177 178 range