Legend 177 cm said on 19/Nov/24
@Rob, can you downgrade Kevin to 5'7.75"? He looks a full 2 inches shorter than Adam Sandler. I think he's a weak 5'8".
In this picture he's a full 2 inches shorter than 5'9.75" Adam Sandler:
Click Here

Editor Rob
A weak 5ft 8 can suit him.
Awesomeness said on 24/Apr/24
His wife is the same height as he is according to Google but Kevin is slightly taller than her a little bit not much
Awesomeness said on 24/Apr/24
He is definitely 5’8, average guess doesn’t make any sense lol
Irshgrl500 said on 4/Feb/23
Good comedian. Great on KoQ. I've read he's absolutely horrible to "ordinary" people; very rude and pompous. I sure hope that's not true.
He looks great in this photo. I also think he's a solid 5'8". Particularly if Leah is a true 5'3". She always wore 3-4" heals in the show & was still a good 2" shorter than Kevin.
Jesica said on 6/Mar/22
Ally n said on 14/Dec/17
He did say in one episode, he is 5'9"
Maybe in shoes but not barefoot. KJ is 5'8 tops.
toddd0461 said on 1/Jan/22
Average guess is a bit low on this one. Wouldn't have guessed any shorter than 5'7.75".
Ian Vector said on 19/Jul/21
He's no shorter than 5' 8", average guess is too low.
Spooner said on 16/Apr/21
I've always thought he was a 171.5cm guy
Lawbay said on 31/Mar/21
Looks very short besides almost everyone on King of Queens. A 5'8 man wouldnt look always short like that. Id say 5'7 tops. Because he is so wide he gives a perception of giving off a big man appearance
Denisha Faust said on 24/Dec/20
He said on his show the king of Queens on season 3 ep 2 he said he's 5'9
Genau said on 6/Dec/20
Rob would you think 5ft7 7/8 could be better for him?

Editor Rob
yeah it's possible, more so than say 5ft 9
tony t. said on 1/Dec/20
This dude is so underrated funny/hilarious. Pretty close to 5'8, maybe a hair under. A comparison between him and Daniel Bryan would be interesting. Very similar height.
Nathan Hatton said on 1/Oct/20
Rob, Do you think there is more chance of him being a weak 5'8" as opposed to a strong one it's tough to tell he may appear shorter due to his size.
He claimed 5'9" on King of Queens( Season3-Fatty Mcbutterpants) but that might be a sneaker claim as I don't think he looks that tall.
Jkiller said on 2/Jul/20
5'7.75 (172cm) is spot on.
Mark Allan said on 20/Jun/20
Doesn’t look much taller than 5’5.5 Henry Winkler, maybe just 5’7 Rob? watch the movie Here comes boom looks about 1.5 inches taller than Winkler
rkv said on 13/May/20
a shade taller than Sandler, thats about 5'10!
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 16/Aug/19
Even less than my lowest measure b4 going to bed. My lowest one is actually 172.4cm and my out of bed height is 174.2cm... Somewhere I can see him between 5ft 7 half and 5ft 7 3/4 ish... but he can sometimes look shorter due to his weight as obese people can sometimes look shorter and squashed down by skinny person who is 2 or 3 inch taller than fat partner... I must admit, I am a fat guy like I've said many times but not as much as this guy at least!!!
jordanft19 said on 23/Jul/19
Is 5'7.75" possible Rob?

Editor Rob
There's a chance of that.
Littlelee168cm said on 24/Dec/18
His brother Gary is 5ft 6 at best consistently looks two inches shorter than james
Nik said on 26/Mar/18
5'7.5" - 5'7.75"!
EthanCouch said on 24/Mar/18
5’7.5 definitely rob
Anonymous said on 26/Dec/17
Thought he was around 5ft 10 even with his bulky build
Ally n said on 14/Dec/17
He did say in one episode, he is 5'9".
Adamz said on 2/Aug/17
probably 173
anon said on 20/Jul/17
Rob, Have you seen the episodes of King Of queens where Ray Romano is on them all be on youtube tho I have the whole lot and Kevin James also appeared in Everybody loves raymond, just wondering going off that, I think Ray 6'2 tho probably is 6'1 nowadays and Kevin probably is around 5'8 I can see how people could see him as taller and shorter really though watching king of queens I dont think he is that short like under 5'8.
Ray features in the odd episodes mostly earlier episodes, Road Rayge, Dire Strayts and rainy day with the golf, if you ever get a chance should check out, would you make Romano 6 Inches taller than Kevin tho generally

Editor Rob
I can't remember watching many episodes of the show.
But Romano can look just 6ft 1 at times.
Richardspain said on 16/Jul/17
He is corpulent and fat but i give him 172/173 cm because to be honest he doesn't look taller.
I agree with you Rob 5'8 foot(173cm) to Kevin James is ok. I think it is his real height.
Angus said on 29/May/17
This is a tough one...I'll say somewhere between 5' 8" and 300 lbs.
Duffer 5ft 11 said on 17/Mar/17
5'8 appears spot on.
josh jeffords said on 15/Mar/17
He looks 5 7 tops on koq similar in hitch has bad posture due to weight and odd build.
Even with that in effect this is very generous he looks even shorter in those awful mall cop shows.
Oddly he looked bigger in that mma movie he was in maybe 5 8 on a good day.
Im going with 5 7 that is his average look and his 5 10 claim deserves a kick.
musket said on 29/Apr/16
His head makes him look way taller but yes this is correct.
Endy said on 18/Feb/16
I saw him here in Italy at the Venice airport.I'm 181cm barefoot,and i think he's 8-9 cm shorter so no more than 172-173
rod said on 19/Apr/15
I saw him on tv recently and he looks like 275 lb.s
Josh said on 21/Mar/15
He's 5'8. I thought 5'10 back when The King of Queens came out. He really holds his own with really tall people. Maybe it's his stocky build.
Silent_D said on 19/Mar/15
5 foot 8. I don't think he is short as 5 foot 6 though.
ray said on 29/Oct/14
How Tall is his brother Gary Valentine( Danny) on King of queens he might be close to 5ft7 at a guess there is no way he is 5'8.
Rob, Have you ever watched King of queens, if so what woukd you guess him?

Editor Rob
not more than the odd episode over the years
Anonymous1 said on 13/Sep/14
Super nice guy, I've met him. 5'8 is right on the nose. I'm 6'0.
tankman said on 7/Jul/14
hard to believe that I'm taller than kevin james cuz he really does look taller in movies especially Grown-ups
Ulysses 5'9 said on 21/May/14
Probably because even at 5'8, he still dwarfs the other cast members on King of Queens.
Justin said on 27/Mar/14
Odd, always had him figured as a big man for whatever reason
Mr. R said on 14/Feb/14
I saw him at SONY Pictures once and he is a weak 5-8
count said on 24/Jan/14
Click Here
looks 2 inches taller than 5-4 or 5-5 at the most david spade
I would say kevin james is really 5-6 or 5-6 1/2 at the most without shoes
noway said on 24/Jan/14
Click Here
he's only an inch taller than 5-4 spade and looks at least 3 inches shorter than 5-9 sandler
Nick said on 14/Nov/13
Doug says hes 5'9 in an episode of king of queens
avi said on 17/Sep/13
would 5'9 be his height in 1.25 sneakers making him possibly 5'7.7? maybe he is 5'7.5 and 5'8.75 in shoes and round to 5'9 could this be possible?

Editor Rob
I think he is either 5ft 8 or very near it, maybe at times can look under it with his bulky nature/posture
Cnut the Great said on 3/Sep/13
Just watched an episode of King Of Queens with Bryan Cranston in it (the sackskys next door neighbors)this site has Cranston at 5'10.5"... he has about 3 inches on Doug.
height guy said on 31/Jul/13
Kevin James is 5'7"
Adam said on 29/Jun/13
He says in an episode of Kong of Queens that he is 5'9
The Great One said on 13/Jun/13
I would bet anything Kevin James is 5'7"
Ready2go said on 9/Jun/13
I saw him at Burlington mall he is just about 5'6 minus footwear which gives him around an inch or so but he is a big guy so he looks a little taller.
tru said on 17/May/13
im 5'9 and i met him he looked more than an inch shorter
jimbo said on 16/May/13
there was a photo i saw recently for grown up's 2. was in the celebrity news.
Kevin Spade Adam and Launter..
Kevin is slight shorter then Launter and have him at 174..
I think Kevin is only 171 or 172cm
Jonathan said on 14/May/13
I hate people who use the term "napoleon complex" to describe someone who's short! I hate it because how the hell would anyone know if Napoleon was even short or not because we didn't grow up in his time? Plus Kevin James isn't short, he's anywhere from 5'8 to 5'9! I'd buy 5'8 and a half.
Mike 181 said on 8/May/13
He has claimed 5"9
Most said on 8/May/13
Episode "Fatty McButterpants" Kevin James says he's 5'9.
He finds out that Carrie buys his shirts from a big and Tall store and says
It's not because he is tall, He states 5'9
avi said on 15/Apr/13
i think he is 5'7 something
Ryan W said on 29/Mar/13
I know someone who worked with him in that crappy zookeeper movie he did. They said he is really short, like 5'6" at the most, and has a big Napoleon complex. He would flip out on people on the set all the time. He had one stage hand fired just because he didn't like the way the "taller" guy looked at him. "WHAT THE *** ARE YOU LOOKING AT?!" and demanded he was fired.
MarcusTheSwede said on 17/Feb/13
Something is very strange.
Either Kevin James isnt 173cm OR Bas Rutten(Fighter mix martial arts) isnt 185cm.
I just look at movie: Here comes the boom
And clearly Either Kevin James is taller or Bas Rutten isnt 185cm..
Very strange. They look almost same height. Same shoes and standing next to eachother.
Silent d said on 15/Feb/13
Is deacon taller than vince vaughn? The difference might be an inch. Patton oswald got absolutely towered by ashton kutcher and ted dansen who are about the same height. I watched the dilemma and kevin james is tiny next to vince vaughn. 5 foot 8.
LG69 said on 5/Oct/12
@doorman, are you saying "Deacon" is 6 feet? NO WAY DUDE! Deacon is at least 6'5". Kevin James looks 5'8" even. He doesn't look short even though he's very big/stocky.
Denis said on 29/Sep/12
Well, James is really not 5'8". He looks 5'7" in most of his movies. He is almost a foot shorter than Deacon.
Delta said on 27/Sep/12
Hi guys! Can someone please tell me how tall Deacon Palmer is? In the King of Queens movies, Deacon towers almost a foot over James. And the 6'5" listing for Deacon is also nonsense I guess. He sure must be above that mark.
doorman said on 14/Aug/12
He is BARELY 5'6"...seen him in person many times, says Deacon in 6'5"...he is barely 6" in reality
Mr. R said on 7/Jun/12
Kevin is closer to 5-7. Saw him at SONY Studios one day.
Joe said on 5/Jun/12
Kevin is a short guy. He is for sure no taller than 5.6 because i met him once and he was in sneakers and my wife who is 5.6 was in flat sandals and she was the same height as him. I'm 5'10 and i towered over him. He is nowhere close to 5.8 that's positive, 5.6 tops.
dec said on 11/Feb/12
5'7, 5'7.5 max. Patton Oswalt is 5'4 at the most.
the AMAZING Babushka said on 14/Jan/12
Patton oswalt is about the Same height as "carrie". i give him 5'4" TOPS
James' brother is not much taller than Patton, i give him about 5'6" with sneakers on . Kevin James is probably a legit 5'7.5", so rounding up to 5'8" isnt absurd.
Tarik said on 13/Jan/12
5 foot 8 makes sense. He never seemed tall to me.
Silent d said on 15/Dec/11
Patton oswalt is tiny. 5 foot 5 max. Kevin james 5 foot 8.
Silent d said on 16/Nov/11
He looked 5 foot 8 in hitch next to 186cm will smith. I doubt spence is 170cm hullywood. He looks tiny on the show. I say 165cm at most. How tall is deacon? He is huge. He has to be close to 2m or 195cm at least. His wife/ex wife on the show is really tall to. She looks bout 175cm or maybe taller.
Jesse said on 10/Nov/11
5'9" 250lbs 19" biceps 52"chest of solid muscle in his new MMA movie.He has been known to bench press 400lbs in the gym.
Charcutier said on 14/Oct/11
5'7 max. Compare him with Donny Osmond in one of the early episodes, who claimed to be around 5'9. Even if Donny was wearing lifts you can clearly see the difference. I'm with Lebensdorf.
Lebensdorf said on 17/Sep/11
I really doubt he's 5'8''. I think maybe 5'7'' at the most. He has a very stocky frame, which makes him look shorter, but I can't imagine he's 5'8''.
Bouncer said on 27/Aug/11
In a King of Queens Episode he says "I'm 5'9" but in the german version of that Episode he says "Ich bin knapp 1,70 m" which means "I'm barely 5'7" in english, lol.
Anyway, none of those claims are true for Kevin James, he's 5'8, he claimed it on myspace and he looked it everytime when i saw him.
Rob has him spot on here, he's 5'8, nothing more and nothing less.
UrHighness said on 30/Jul/11
really..he's 5'8 and
Joe Rogan is 5'7.5? C'mon, either u upgrade KJames to 5'9 or downgrade joe rogan to a flat 5'7.
Hullywood said on 28/Jul/11
Spence - 1.70m - 1.71m
Danny - 1.72m - 1.73m
Doug - 1.74m - 1.75m
c-mo said on 28/Jul/11
James says on 9/Jun/11
His brother, actor Gary Valentine who plays Danny in KoQ is listed as 5'8. I'd give Kevin 5'8 on a good day and Danny 5'7 on a very very good day.
gary valentine looks 5'6 and i think kevin is bang on 5'8.5 - 174cm
The greatest person alive in the world today said on 26/Jul/11
He claimed 5'9" on the king od Queens, but he looks 5'8". His brother is short. "Danny" is not much taller than Arther on King of Queens. In "Grown Ups" he looked avergae height, but rod schneider and david Spade are so short anyone next to them seems average/tall
LG69 said on 25/Jul/11
I think 5'8" is spot on for Kevin.
Mr. Tempus said on 22/Jul/11
a weak 5'8
Hullywood said on 15/Jul/11
Not more, not less. He always looks average height to mee.
hfhdf said on 13/Jul/11
175cm is right for him
James said on 9/Jun/11
His brother, actor Gary Valentine who plays Danny in KoQ is listed as 5'8. I'd give Kevin 5'8 on a good day and Danny 5'7 on a very very good day.
Legend said on 1/Jun/11
He looks shortish. Maybe 5'7.75?
melillo said on 30/May/11
5'9" is not a short person imo, its not tall either but its also not short
xXx said on 18/May/11
He's 5'8''
Eddie Denis (Hawaii) said on 8/Apr/11
I'm watching an episode of King of Queens where Carrie buys him a shirt from the big and tall store and he goes beserk not knowing when she stopped buying him clothes from the regular dept. stores. He's goes "I'm not certainly not tall". Carrie goes "Sure you are. You're like 6'2"?". Doug "I'm 5'9"
Legend said on 14/Jan/11
Clay says on 12/Jan/11
Legend says on 2/Nov/10
5'8 is accurate.
Im impressed! Again we're in agreement.
haha Great job.
Clay said on 12/Jan/11
Legend says on 2/Nov/10
5'8 is accurate.
Im impressed! Again we're in agreement.
Okirene said on 2/Jan/11
hes defenetley 5"8 seeing how vince vaughn whom is 6"5 has almost a foot on him in their upcoming movie
Clay said on 28/Dec/10
Kevin James is 5'8'', Sandler's near 5'10''.
Legend said on 17/Dec/10
Yes says on 16/Nov/10
Anonymous says on 27/Jun/10
He said 5'9 In King Of queens, He could be 5'9 Morning like 175 and go down to 5'8 Evening, Heavier guys lose more heigth over a day, their spines compress faster etc, Great actor, Funny Guy.
You lie. In King of Queens he said barely 5foot7. In German Version - "Knapp 1.70m". What do you talking about 5foot9? He never said this.
Yes, in English he said 5'9. German is not the right one.
Spencer said on 18/Nov/10
Met him at the Neiman Marcus in Las Vegas. He was shorter than my 5-8 friend by at least 2 inches
Yes said on 16/Nov/10
Anonymous says on 27/Jun/10
He said 5'9 In King Of queens, He could be 5'9 Morning like 175 and go down to 5'8 Evening, Heavier guys lose more heigth over a day, their spines compress faster etc, Great actor, Funny Guy.
You lie. In King of Queens he said barely 5foot7. In German Version - "Knapp 1.70m". What do you talking about 5foot9? He never said this.
Yes said on 16/Nov/10
In King of Queens he always appear like 5foot9 to me. So it will show us that 5foot8 is really the begin of average heigh in the USA.
Legend said on 2/Nov/10
5'8 is accurate.
jon said on 6/Jul/09
kevin is a fit guy even tho he is a fairly big guy,He can run quick and trains a lot, great guy I met him and Ray Romano, funny guy, He is about 5-8 1/2 I say and ray is about 6-2 1/2
LG69 said on 11/Jun/09
A couple of my friends agree that he looks anywhere between 180-190 pounds. He's pretty solid, not chubby.
Anonymous said on 5/Jun/09
sandler's not 5'10". he's 5'9". James is under 5'8".
Yaspaa said on 3/Jun/09
I think he's more 175.
LG69 said on 2/Jun/09
Hey Jim, Adam Sandler is not 220 lbs. He might be 190-200 lbs.
Yaspaa said on 31/May/09
max said on 21/May/09
Kevin James is 5'8 1/2 or 5'9 and Victor Williams is 6'6- 198 cm
LG69 said on 6/May/09
Kevin looks no more than 5'8", but he is a big guy. When I see him stand next to "Richie"(Larry Romano),who is also 5'8", he looks a bit shorter 5'7 1/2". It could be because he is so much heavier than Larry.
Anonymous said on 4/May/09
My height out of bed is on a real good day is 6'and .25'' by the end of a long heavy lifting day im usually down to 5'11and .33'' so i just say im 5' 11'' and a half because people sometimes question me about being 6' while as others will think i'm 6'1''
Big King said on 28/Apr/09
Rob, is there a possibility to create a page about Victor Williams' height? I saw this guy in another episode of King of Queens and he absolutely dwarfs everyone by at least a foot. I don't know how they came down to 6'5" but I'm telling you that 6'5" is nonsense for Williams because first I read on a website that he stood 6'7" so I think that he is a strong 6'6" at his lowest height.
Jim said on 14/Apr/09
Kevin is 5-9 250 lbs .his bicpes measure 18 inches of rock hard muscle cold with a 56 inch chest.It`s been said Kevin can do reps with a 350lb bench. Just get a look at how bulked up he is in Chuck and Larry shower scene.And on the cover of the dvd look at how easy he`s holding a 220 lb adam sandler in his arms.The guy is strong.
Yaspaa said on 27/Feb/09
Strong 5'8 for kevin.....strong 6'5 for Victor who in turn looked 2-2.5" taller than Lou Ferrigno who in turn looked 6'3 when standing side by side with Kevin. (based on Kevin being 5'8 and judging purely from KOQ)
Yaspaa said on 27/Feb/09
Good way of doing it,pretty accurate.
Red said on 15/Feb/09
Yaspaa says on 14/Feb/09
You lose your height out of bed very quickly so I just can't buy morning height.
I would never give my height as 6
Yaspaa said on 14/Feb/09
You lose your height out of bed very quickly so I just can't buy morning height.
sam said on 11/Feb/09
nonetheless most people don't measure either right in the morning or at night. yes you could, but I think it's more likely someone will measure somewhere in the middle of the day unless he's trying to get his tallest and shortest heights. So you're problably like 6'0.5 or something (your average height in the middle of the day)
Red said on 8/Feb/09
sam, it was just an example but it
sam said on 7/Feb/09
I think people's height's don't really fluctuate that much, Red!
sam said on 3/Feb/09
best bet is to measure a while after you wake up. in the afternoon ( or your height for most of the day). That, I believe, is your true height.
glenn said on 1/Feb/09
he is possibly 5-8.5 to 5-9 when he wakes.he has looked 5-8 flat to me too.
Red said on 1/Feb/09
Just to say you
Mr. R. said on 1/Feb/09
Kevin is 5-8 on a VERY good day!
john said on 31/Jan/09
I don't know, i'm about 5'8 and I would not feel comfortable trying to pull off 5'9. this guy may be more like 5'8.5 - 5'8 3/4
Anonymous said on 31/Jan/09
Kevin said he was 5 feet and 9 inches when he played his character "Doug Heffernan" on the "Fatty McButterpants" episode of the "King of Queens".
matthew said on 30/Jan/09
He is 5-9 he said it in fatty mcbutterpants off season 3 episode 3 I have it on dvd, victor williams is 6-5 and ray romano is 6-2.5 and the gorgeous leah remini is 5-3.
dave said on 29/Jan/09
yes he said he was 5'9 in fatty mcbutterpants, season 3 episode 3, i say he is 5'8.5 or 5'9, in that area, victor williams is 6'5 who plays deacon and ray romano is 6'2.5, the beautiful leah remini is 5'3 tall.
6foothopeful said on 28/Jan/09
Are you sure? He looks much taller.
skidrow09 said on 21/Jan/09
in episode 303 of king of queens he states his height as 5'9 and looked about an inch shorter than 5'10 sandler in king of queens
LeoTardi said on 31/Dec/08
Saw him at the Lakers game, 5'8 in athletic shoes.
Big King said on 24/Nov/08
You are right, Red.
anonymous said on 12/Nov/08
In everybody loves raymond, he was shorter than ray romano by 13cm. He's five foot 8 max no taller. He was shorter than adam sandler by 2 inches.
me said on 4/Nov/08
yeah i'd say 5'8 top for this guy, he looks that height and standing right with adam sandler wich is 5'9 maybe 5'9.5 he looks a good inch smaller.
Big King said on 24/Oct/08
In the german TV series King of Queens it is mentioned that Victor Williams is 2 meters tall.
Big King said on 20/Oct/08
janice, do you know what Jame's homepage could be? And how tall do you estimate Victor Williams?
janice said on 14/Oct/08
His height is 5'8 (173 cm), his official site lists it and he looks it in reallife and on nearly every photo. In King of Queens he can look 5'9 beside Jerry Stiller and 5'7 beside Victor Williams, lol
Big King said on 25/Sep/08
John, Williams is over 6'5". James is more than eight inches shorter than Williams. Victor is almost a foot taller than James. Kevin's height might be 5'9" and Williams is at 6'6". Though I can't believe that I'm an inch taller than Victor Williams if he really would be 6'5".
john said on 24/Sep/08
Victor williams is 6'5 and Kevin james is 5'9
Big King said on 9/Sep/08
The reason why Victor Williams looks so tall is because no actor from King of Queens is above 5'9". That makes Williams towering over eight inches, which makes him a giant.
Big King said on 5/Sep/08
yeah, james is around 174-175cm tall. the 5'9 claimings sound right.
Anonymous said on 28/Aug/08
ana ivanovic is def. 6' tall
Mr. R said on 31/Jul/08
Kevin is 5-8 on a VERY good day. I saw him on The SONY lot, and he is a little shorter than this.
matt said on 30/Jul/08
yh, king of queens rocks, james is 5'9 he also said in an episode off season 3 i think, williams is 6'5 or 6'6, victor williams is great so is kevin james
King said on 11/Jun/08
James is 5'9" and Deacon is 6'6". Also 6'5 1/2" is downgraded for Williams. He's 6'6" at least! I would be happy if there would be a new page about Victor Williams created. He's definitely over 6'5".
thekiddd said on 5/May/08
Moss is 6'5" if that's what he said.
Heightdetective said on 30/Apr/08
Menchen says on 12/Mar/08
But how can Deacon (Victor Williams) be 6'5"? He is definitely above. 6'6" sounds right for his height.
Maybe he is 6'5 1/2 (197 cm)
Heightdetective said on 27/Apr/08
5ft 8 at his peak sounds right to me, nowadays maybe a smidge shorter
las said on 21/Apr/08
kevin is 5'8 and a half i think although in the episode fatty mcbutterpants off season 3 he says he is 5'9,also note jerry stiller is listed at 5'6, leah remini at 5'3 and victor williams who plays deacon is 6'5 and a half.
Menchen said on 12/Mar/08
But how can Deacon (Victor Williams) be 6'5"? He is definitely above. 6'6" sounds right for his height.
sf said on 20/Feb/08
Leonari - you really think so? Sometimes, he looks 3 inches smaller to me than Kevin. I wouldn't say at least, I'd say at most...
leonari said on 19/Feb/08
sf said on 19/Feb/08
So, what's the consensus on James' brother and Patton? I'd give his brother no taller than 5'5" and maybe less for Patton.
atl said on 18/Feb/08
John Doe, I can recall the exact spot I was standing and I wasn't on a higher level at all. Maybe Patton was slouching extra hard that day? :-p
leonari said on 30/Jan/08
5'8" flat and with his weight in 10-15 years will be 5'7". Amazing comedian. One of my favorites
Gramps said on 30/Jan/08
James looks 5'8 to me, at least when I'm not totally distracted by his fake hairline!
Kid-Icarus said on 28/Jan/08
No Socom, I'm pretty sure it's his real one. I still thought he was 5'8" even before I saw his page.
Socom said on 7/Dec/07
He is close to 5'9. I don't trust the myspace listing, could have been someone else.
Miquatte said on 25/Oct/07
Deacon is 6'6"!!! He is definitely over 6'5".
Darkman said on 21/Oct/07
Nope he's 5'8". In his own myspace where he put his info down he put 5'8". And I don't know why he is still at 5'8 1/2" when I clearly found his myspace and he put 5'8".
moss said on 11/Oct/07
Deacon is 6'5 not 6'7, AND Kevin james is 5'8.5, leah remini is 5'3 and jerry stiller is supposedly 5'6 but only looks like 5'4.
Joe Schmoe said on 10/Oct/07
I've seen every episode and pay close attention to heights of people normally. Kevin James, as Doug Heffernan, claims he is 5'9" in one episode and makes a joke about Deacon being 6'5" in another.
Kid-Icarus said on 9/Oct/07
Not Certain if that is his official Myspace but if it is. I would ask him how tall he was when he logs in but he hasn't for a while so it's probably about 5'8" not 5'8 1/2"
Michatte said on 27/Sep/07
Such nonsense! Deacon in King of Queens is 6'6" at least. I'd estimate him as a nearly 6'7" tall man. He not 6'5" and never 6'4"!!!
Darkman said on 23/Sep/07
He's 5'8". His official myspace where he typed in 5'8" on his site says so. If he was 5'8 1/2" he would have probably just put down 5'9"
Click Here
Bad Radio said on 14/Sep/07
I still say 5'8.
Morfig said on 4/Sep/07
Kevin James (as Doug Heffernan) is 5'9", Victor Williams (as Deacon Palmer) is 6'6", Leah Remini (as Carrie Heffernan) is 5'3" and Jerry Stiller (as Arthur Spooner) is 5'5".
Pusherman said on 1/Sep/07
Does this thread really exist. shame shame shame on you all. I wrote so many paragraphs after this that I had to delete for my own good because Im drunk and my humor when im this drunk is only funny to me.
alabama whirley taste like a georgia peach
Jon Doe said on 28/Aug/07
Jerry who is 5'6? Coz Jerry Stiller isn't any taller than 5'4.
Caesar said on 11/Aug/07
adam says on 6/Aug/07
met kevin james in 2001 right after 9-11. he is closer to 5-7 than 5'8.5. he is a hefty guy. fat and muscle. i'm 5'11 and towered over him
You can't "tower" over someone at 3-4 inches above, I'm sorry. The superiority complex is ridiculous.
Brah said on 9/Aug/07
Looked about 1 inch (maybe slightly more) shorter than Sandler in Chuck and Larry. This listing is correct.
adam said on 6/Aug/07
met kevin james in 2001 right after 9-11. he is closer to 5-7 than 5'8.5. he is a hefty guy. fat and muscle. i'm 5'11 and towered over him
logan-x said on 15/Jul/07
kevin james is 5'10, jerry still is 5'6 ben stiller is 5'7 and thats it. ok ppl cant "sometimes" be smaller or taller! "oh he's 5'9 but sometimes he can look 5'8" thats stupid he's 5'10 there i just saved u guys 20 more of theses comments on how tall he is.
Jon Doe said on 7/Jul/07
Patton Oswalt looks 5'6 to me, are you sure you weren't standing on a higher level than him when you met him atl? coz he is no way 5'4 he's taller than Jerry Stiller by atleast 2-3 inches
katie said on 29/Jun/07
in his show "king of queens" he always said he was 5'9 and looks close to that
James said on 24/Jun/07
I always thought he was at least 5'8'', but there's a picture of him with Sacha Baron Cohen and Will Ferrel on wireimage.com and he barely gets above their shoulders.
Anonymous said on 22/Jun/07
I met him at SONY Studios and he was 5-8.
Caesar said on 20/Jun/07
I just saw the episode last night. It was pretty funny, Doug (Kevin James) discovers a bag from the "Big and Tall Store" and confronts Carrie about it. He eventually asks, "When did I make the crossover?" and she says, "About two years ago, honey." So he says, "There is only one reason for this: I'm huge, and I'm certainly not tall!" And Carrie, humouring him replies, "Oh come on, you're tall. What are ya? 6'2?" and he says, "I'm 5'9'. Carrie: "Well...that's pretty darn tall! So you're not that big." And Arthur (Jerry Stiller) says, "Who are we kidding? The man's gargantuan!"
As you can tell, I love this show. I think Rob has Kevin James perfectly. Remember the man slouches horribly and looks extremely short on the show next to Victor Williams. The rare times he straightens out he gains a few inches for sure. I wouldn't put 5'9 out of the question, but more likely 5'8 and 1/2. I suspect when people have met him here or walked by him James had that bigtime hunch going giving the illusion of 5'8 or shorter.
l0ck n l0ad said on 12/Jun/07
Those were my thoughts as well lrua, he always looked to me 5-6 5-7. Deacon always looked to me a solid 6-4.
lrua said on 5/Jun/07
Kevin James sure looks short to me, he looks 5'6" , very stocky guy, when watching King of Queens look when he stands near the fridge, most standard fridges are around 67" , don't forget Jerry Stiller is tiny , 5'4" at most and Leah Remini looks like a 5'2" woman to me. He might be 5'7" but I have tough time with 5'8" for Kevin James.
l0ck n l0ad said on 29/May/07
oh my bad, it was 5'9" he said, not 5'6"?
deacon is 6'5" max, lou aint over 6'3"
Red said on 27/May/07
I tink Deacon is 6´6" because he´s about 2" taller than Lou.
Red said on 27/May/07
I have the episode : she said 6´2" and he answered 5´9".
l0ck n l0ad said on 25/May/07
In King of Queens, in one of the episodes (can't remember the plot just remember this part), it went something like this. His wife asks him how tall are you and he says 6'2", she then says to him "you're not 6'2", you're 5'6"!" and he's like "yes I am 6'2". Anyway I'm sure he's not that short, but any possibility he's more 5'7ish?
ballewmar said on 6/May/07
That's funny. You got what I meant:
"to be exactly right" --> "to be right on time" --> "to clock".
The other "to clock" term (meaning to hit someone) I think comes from the phrase "the clock STRIKES one...the clock STRIKES two...etc.
All useless slang trivia that I happen to find interesting-- as much as height.
btw: At 6'2/225#, I could definitly give "Deacon" a fair bout, but I sure wouldn't pick a fight with him either!!
Useless trivia
I don't know where the phrase to clock, meaning "to hit" comes from
TheJerk said on 4/May/07
LOL, I originally read your response wrong, I thought you wanted to "clock" Deacon. That wouldn't be a good idea!
ballewmar said on 28/Apr/07
To "TheJerk": Thanks. 6'5 makes sense to me. On the show, I notice that "Deacon" tends to hunch over, which may be a personal habit or just a consequence of working with smaller actors. He dwarfs everyone. Without a good marker, big guys like "Deacon" (a/k/a Vic Williams) are even harder to clock b/c they take up a lot of air space both vertically and horizontally. Imagine the wingspan Williams must have!
TheJerk said on 27/Apr/07
Rob, did you catch the recent KOQ where Sandler looks to have 3 inches or just about 3 inches on Kevin. If Sandler is truely 5-10(ish) than Kevin would be lucky to be 5-8, perhaps there was a bit of footware differential - but still. He needs to be downgraded. Doesn't mean I' not a fan. To ballewmar: Deacon is supposedly 6-5, always looks tall, maybe as low as 6-4.5. I buy 6-5.
ballewmar said on 26/Apr/07
Has anyone any info on Kevin James' co-star Victor Williams, who plays Deacon on "King of Queens"? He looks like a pretty big guy: very broad, ~220 lbs, 6'4 or 6'5. Just a guess, but it's difficult to get a good read on Williams' stats since the other actors are so much shorter. He towers over everyone. Still, I doubt he's less than 6'3. Any comments?
emy said on 16/Apr/07
If he is 5 ft 8.5 Leah Rimini has to smaller than 5 ft 3
atl said on 29/Nov/06
To the poster below, there's no way Patton Oswalt is 5'5. I'm between 5'5 and 5'6 myself and I was looking right down at him when I saw him in person (and I was wearing the flattest soled sneakers I own!) I'm not sure how that would affect an interpretation of Kevin James' height....
andrey said on 4/Oct/06
was watching king of queens yesterday, and leah remini, the one that plays his wife carrie asks him how tall he is, he answers: "i'm 5'9". personally i think he looks just about 5'8.5, maybe 5'8. but leah remini should be downgraded. he is much bigger than her, she looks like she is 5'1-5'2. she is listed as 5'3 here
Jody Fleming said on 29/May/06
I shook hands with Kevin James after one of his stand up shows, I am 5 foot 9 and there was exactly one inch between us. 5 foot 8 is definitely right.
sf said on 30/Apr/06
Rob - I gotta say you handle all of our smart-ass comments pretty well.
With that being said, take another 1/2 inch off of James!

Editor Rob
I'll do that when I get around to Smith Will! maybe...
sf said on 29/Apr/06
Hi, Rob- just wondering why you have Kevin at 5'9" when EVERY person who has in-person experience with him says he's shorter??? hmmmm????

Editor Rob
oh, thanks for reminding me, I haven't thought about this guy for a while...but yes, he is due changing, I forgot about him and Sorbo I had mentioned those pics a while ago:
Kevin james and kevin sorbo,
Rob and Sorbo...he looks no more 5ft 8 than I do there! Could he be just 173cm though...hmm, maybe if Smith gets downgraded aswell! He's held firm at 188 for an age now.
Chris said on 14/Oct/05
Amber Valletta is standing 5'8
bmp said on 11/Aug/05
I saw him once on set he is 5 ft 9 in with shoes on.
Mr. R said on 5/Jul/05
I saw Kevin on the SONY lot. He is 5'8".
Anonymous said on 3/Jul/05
he was so short compared to will smith...i say hes 5'8
Trap said on 22/Mar/05
In a recent episode of King of Queens, "Doug" and "Carrie" are discussing their respective weights. Leah Remini says something about Doug being 6-feet tall (which would be more condusive to his weight) or some such. He shouts back, "I'm 5'9"! Compared to the other actors, that seems about right. Not much shorter, not much taller.
Mr. R said on 22/Mar/05
I worked with Will Smith in Ali. He is definitely 6-2. I saw Kevin James at the SONY Studio. He is definitely 5-8. I did not see Hitch, but they must have done something to minimize the height difference.
Anonymous said on 22/Mar/05
I agree with Chris, I would also say the difference between Will Smith and Kevin James is about 4- 4,5 inches. Will is between 6'1" and 6'2" which makes Kevin about 5'9".
Chris said on 22/Mar/05
I´ve seen this movie a lot of times because I worke with swedish subtitles and looking at sceenes from the movie and pictures from events with Kevin James and Will Smith, I would say the difference in height between them is about 4 inches...although, I´m not sure if Will Smith really is 6 ft 2.
Mr. R said on 17/Mar/05
He Walked right past me when I was doing a show at SONY Studios, where his show is taped in Culver City. Without a doubt, 5'8".
prof. memi said on 17/Mar/05
Hi, at King of Queens Leah Remini asked him once how tall he is, i suppose that he says "barely 5.7 or barely 1m70" I don't bring to mind which section it was.
Smoke said on 17/Mar/05
I have to say, if he's only 5'8" then I wonder how tall Eva Mendes really is. Because even in heals the Cuban-American beauty looks a good 3 inches shorter than James. If Kevin is indeed 5'8", Eva has to be around 5'4". I think Kevin's short legs have you guys fooled though, he may not be 5'10" but I think he has 175 cms. Kevin James 5'9" and Eva Mendes 5'5".
Lmeister said on 17/Mar/05
The reason why he might look taller in King of Queens is that Leah Rimini is 5'3'', Jerry Stiller was maybe 5'5.5'' in his prime, but nowdays 5'4'' max and the actor of Spence (Patton Oswalt)is also around 5'5''. And Kevins large body makes him look also little bit bigger hahaha...