Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Apr/18
6ft is the lowest I'd argue. Really I think he could look anywhere from a strong 6ft to occasionally pulling off 6ft1
James said on 9/Oct/17
Was Boone really even six feet tall? He only looked 5'11".
Richard said on 25/Sep/17
Boone should be downgraded slightly to six foot even, as he never looked over that. He was actually bisexual, not that it matters at all.
James said on 16/Oct/16
Richard Boone was exactly six feet tall.
Jake: 1.84 m- 1.85 m said on 10/Oct/16
Rob, he is getting 6ft listings elsewhere...In 'The Tall T' he appeared a notably shorter than Randolph Scott. Is 6ft 0.5in/184 cm a better listing for him?

Editor Rob
yeah it could be nearer.
Tom said on 24/Apr/16
Clark Gable wasn't 6'1".
LoganNoll1996 said on 22/Apr/16
6'1" is possible but didn't give off the same tall impression that other 6'1" actors such as Clark Gable and Burt Lancaster did. Those two men had the build and proportions to go along with their height whereas Boone had the kind of build and proportions you usually see in 5'7" - 5'9" guys(short arms and legs, huge torso, ect).
6'0.5" - 6'1" range. No more, no less. Could've been 6'0.75" on the dot.
James said on 31/Mar/16
Richard Boone was arrested for soliciting in the 1950s. I think he may have been 6'0.5".
Tom said on 7/Mar/16
Boone himself said in interviews that he was six foot. Rock Hudson was quite a masculine-looking star as well.
Larry said on 9/Oct/15
Richard Boone was six foot.
John said on 27/Sep/14
Maureen O'Hara said Boone was arrested in a gay brothel.
I believe he was 6'1".
Ian C. said on 9/Jun/14
And I'll bet, Gav, that the three women he married were surprised that he was gay as well. Let us not get tangled up in the extremely sensitive area of popular misconceptions about the nature of homosexuality, but if Richard Boone was gay then Liberace was straight. Or if Richard Boone was gay, he was the all-time champion at faking heterosexuality while being in the closet. What actor was more masculine than Boone? Lee Marvin, maybe. Robert Mitchum. Nobody else than I can think of. And he was tall.
Gav said on 4/Apr/14
Boone was six foot. I'm surprised he was a homosexual.
Ian C. said on 16/Mar/14
Richard Boone was big. He had short arms and legs and a huge, powerful torso, lending the impression that he was not that tall, but I would go with six foot two. He is obviously tall in Hombre, and comedic effect is made in that movie of how much bigger he is than Martin Balsam, and he seems nearly as tall as Charlton Heston in The War Lord. He seems about the same size as six foot two Jim Brown in Rio Conchos.
mrbobh5344 said on 2/Mar/14
No. He could not have been taller. I NEVER saw any film with him where he looked tall. I think he was maybe 6' at best. Likely shorter but the boots brought him up to the 6 foot range. Great actor. But not particularly tall looking.
Shadow2 said on 11/Dec/10
Throughout his career Boone was described as 6'2", but was probably closer to 6'1". Like a lot of bulky actors, he could appear taller than he really was.
Gonzalo said on 6/Jun/06
He looked around 6`1. And he was a very good actor. Don`t miss the movie The tall T. Excellent
Frank2 said on 8/May/06
Boone was exactly 6'1".
Here's a great shot of Boone checking out some JBL stereo speaker equipment circa 1960's:
Click HereBoone was an avid audiophile and very much like Jack Webb as well as yours truly, he invested in a lot of expensive audio gear. Fortunately, I arrived at my senses a few years ago, dumped it all and I'm now quite happy with my relatively cheap receiver.
Editor Rob said on 16/Mar/06
In 1998 book Wanted Dead or Alive, author gave him "6ft 2".