How tall is Shaquille O'Neal

Shaquille O'Neal's Height

7ft ¼ in (214 cm)

American basketball player. He has stated 7ft 1 as his height and also 6ft 11. He was measured just under the mark, although DraftExpress noted that he was supposed to have been measured 7ft without shoes in 1992 and it is possible he was near 7ft 1 in shoes. One journalist noted that "At the [draft] camp in Chicago, a lot of guys were measured smaller than they were supposed to be. Shaquille came in at just over 7 feet and 303 pounds"

How tall is Shaquille O'Neal
Photo by PR Photos
I'm Six-Eleven...I just play like I was Seven Three...I'm Six Eleven and Three Quarters, I'm telling you.

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Add a Comment3635 comments

Average Guess (588 Votes)
7ft 0.85in (215.5cm)
Gabriel. Afat said on 26/Sep/24
7'1" at his peak, now he looks shorter maybe 6'11"/7'
Canson said on 12/Sep/23
Wemby measured 7’3.5 but is still listed 7’3 by San Antonio. Not sure if that’s a low for him and he has an Afro but I wouldn’t hesitate to say he’s 7’3.25 at a low perhaps. Not under 7’3 anyway even at night
Toby Barrett said on 10/Sep/23
@RJT, Wembanyama was measured 7'3.5" Click Here
RJT said on 8/Sep/23
@Editor Rob

Wembanyama is overdue imo Rob... him being projected next NBA superstar

Here's him next to Gobert who is around Shaq's height
Click Here
Vnowns said on 22/May/23
Xbsks said on 4/May/23
Proper listing
oren metser said on 2/May/23
2.15m-2.16m- weak 7'1- 7'0.5 or 7'0.75

Morning 7'1-2.16-2.17m or thereabouts Midday- 7'1 flat -2.16m

Mid-afternoon -2.15-2.16m
Late afternoon or evening 2.15m or 7'0.5

Evening Just under 2.15m
Mike O said on 26/Apr/23
At his peak, I'd say about as close to 7' even as possible without shoes, maybe just a shade over. Nowadays with all the weight he's carried for decades, I'd say 6'10" and change, maybe a bit less. Howard Stern was only a few inches shorter than him when he interviewed him and while Howard's a hugely tall man, it still indicates that Shaq wasn't as tall as he's made out to be.
Certified said on 8/Apr/23
Hey rob, (or anyone else) how tall do you think this guy is? Hes listed at 7'5 but judging by this pic i think hes like 7'3 (barefoot)
Click Here
Editor Rob
My first thought was 7ft 4 range
Toby Barrett said on 1/Apr/23
For those who claim Shaq to be 6'11" range.

with ATLEAST 6'11.25" Kevin Garnett: Click Here, Click Here, Click Here, Click Here

with 6'4.5" Lisa Leslie (in heels): Click Here, Click Here,

with his 6'9" (draft measured w/o shoes) Shareef O'Neal: Click Here, Click Here, Click Here.

Shareef's draft: Click Here

Easy to understand that Shaq is not under 7'0.5" range.
Xkso said on 13/Mar/23
Just 7'0 short man
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Mar/23
Peak certainly not below 6'11.75
Griffith said on 27/Feb/23
Wow 7ft certainly not a common height, you put him walking around a busy high street in Edinburgh I guarantee you never see another 7ft guy oppose to say 6ft guy you see least 100...😂👍👍👍
Allie said on 26/Feb/23
Around 7'0 imo.

@recapa - Shareef's likely done growing as he's now 23, but him being shorter than Shaq shouldn't be that shocking. Many basketball players are anomalies in height. Though Shaq's own parents were reported to both be tall, neither was near his own height. Genes can be unpredictable. Even if Shaq had children with a very tall woman, it's not guaranteed that they would've exceeded his own height.
p.j.legend86 said on 20/Feb/23
I tend to believe Shaq is 6'11" and some change like he claims. Reason being is in most photos you see him standing with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, who is known to be a true 7'1", Shaq looks around 2 inches shorter when Kareem actually has proper posture. Bill Walton said the same exact thing when he admitted he was under 7 feet - Kareem is the true barometer. Shaq and Walton look to be around the same height when you see them together so I believe that neither of them is actually a true 7 footer but pretty darn close.
Alex 6'0 said on 2/Feb/23
Shaq even says hes not 7'1. Claimed 6'11 then said 6'11.75. 6'11.75 could be his low assuming 7'0.25 was in the morning
viper said on 29/Jan/23
Where is supposedly this evidence he measured 7-1
Canson said on 29/Jan/23
@Alex: correct. 6’6 listing in college. I almost always measured around 6’4 1/2 and they gave me 6’4.75 once I believe. Then again we had practices at 6 am at times. I was always referred to as 6’5” barefoot since they rounded those up.
Canson said on 28/Jan/23
@Viper: if Rob doesn’t believe the 6’11.75” then he should just list him 7’0” being there’s a distinct difference with he and Wilt and he and Kareem. He should knock the 1/4” off since he’d still be 7’ at lunch as opposed to 7’0.25
Alex 6'0 said on 28/Jan/23
Canson, in college you measured 6'4.25-6'4.5 but didn't you get a 6'6 listing i believe you said?
viper said on 21/Jan/23
He did not measure 7-1
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Jan/23
6'11.75 lowest id go with peak. 7'0.25 morning measurement we'd assume
Toby Barrett said on 7/Jan/23
Click Here

He was measured 7'1" predraft, without shoes.
Walle said on 3/Jan/23
I don't get it ? Why you keep these numbers until now, Rob? Even Shaq has repeatedly stated that he is not 2m13 tall (2m12 to be exact) and claims he never reached 2m13 without shoes. Source: Click Here , Click Here
Editor Rob
As I mentioned in the past, I think he was downplaying the figure a bit.
Canson said on 2/Jan/23
Henry said on 31/Dec/22
DraftExpress has updated Shaq's height to a measured 7'1" WITHOUT SHOES at age 19.
He could have grown 1/4" or more after that.
Click Here

"On the subject of freaks of nature, I have to bring up Shaq. In 1992, Shaq measured 7’1” without shoes, weighed 303 pounds, recorded a 35 inch vertical and had his wingspan measured at 7’7”. To put that in perspective, from the minute he entered the league and for the next 10 years Shaq was the strongest player, the most athletic big man, one of the tallest players, one of the longest players and one of the quickest big men. His body fat was measured at a surprisingly low 12.2% too. A 1992 St. Paul Pioneer Press article said he even had veteran team physicians in awe of his physical stature. 7’0”, 255 listed Hakeem Olajuwon was so small compared to Shaq that he was estimated at 6’8”, 235 after standing next to him. - Source: Click Here ©DraftExpress"

He measured just over 7’0”. Then updating it means nothing
Joanis said on 1/Jan/23
Henry said on 31/Dec/22
Rob, how much taller than Travis Knight do you think Shaq is in this team photo?
#40 Travis Knight was listed at 7'0" and measured 6'11 1/2" barefoot.
Notice how even with his hair, the top of Travis Knight head does not reach above the doorway or window, while the top of Shaq's is well above the doorway and window even with his shaved head.
I have linked the team photo as well as the newspaper article with the Travis Knight's with and without shoes measurements. You will have to click on 6 Travis Knight to be taken to his measurements.
I think Shaq is at least 1 1/2" taller if not more, but I'd like to know what your expert opinion is if possible.
Click Here
Click Here
Editor Rob
Can't really see much more than an inch between them.
Henry said on 31/Dec/22
DraftExpress has updated Shaq's height to a measured 7'1" WITHOUT SHOES at age 19.
He could have grown 1/4" or more after that.
Click Here

"On the subject of freaks of nature, I have to bring up Shaq. In 1992, Shaq measured 7’1” without shoes, weighed 303 pounds, recorded a 35 inch vertical and had his wingspan measured at 7’7”. To put that in perspective, from the minute he entered the league and for the next 10 years Shaq was the strongest player, the most athletic big man, one of the tallest players, one of the longest players and one of the quickest big men. His body fat was measured at a surprisingly low 12.2% too. A 1992 St. Paul Pioneer Press article said he even had veteran team physicians in awe of his physical stature. 7’0”, 255 listed Hakeem Olajuwon was so small compared to Shaq that he was estimated at 6’8”, 235 after standing next to him. - Source: Click Here ©DraftExpress"
Canson said on 22/Dec/22
@Danimal: I can buy 6’11 or so as for show on his prime. As for Shaq, he has 1.5” in that pic. Show looks strong 6’10 range there like 6’10 and change.
Canson said on 22/Dec/22
@Danimal: I can buy 6’11 or so
Danimal said on 20/Dec/22
Zeusinator said on 10/Aug/22
Shaq is 6'10 tops, Big Show was 3 inches taller

Click Here
Danimal said on 20/Dec/22
Canson said on 6/Dec/22
@Jordan87: I can say for sure that I doubt Show was ever 7’0 in his prime. Now I can see more height loss for him than shaq only because he wrestled and may have taken more hits to the areas that can cause height loss and posture issues.

Big Show also had a hip replacement in recent years. He has lost a TON of height since the 1990's. He had at least 2-3" on a PEAK Kevin Nash in the WCW.
Nks said on 11/Dec/22
7'0 feet
Duhon said on 7/Dec/22
@christopher.mooney this is the photo you are referring to Click Here
Canson said on 6/Dec/22
@Recapa: I do wonder if he grew?
Canson said on 6/Dec/22
@Jordan87: I can say for sure that I doubt Show was ever 7’0 in his prime. Now I can see more height loss for him than shaq only because he wrestled and may have taken more hits to the areas that can cause height loss and posture issues.
Canson said on 6/Dec/22
Henry said on 22/Jul/22
Canson's so called points can EAILY be disproven as usual. Here's 6'10" barefoot measured Lamar Odom with Kobe.

Odom himself claimed 6’9.5 on All the Smoke. I posted that and Rob said he’s 6’9” max next to Vitali Klitschko. He is 6’9 next to Kobe. Odom doesn’t have 5” on Kobe.

Also to disprove another one of your points, Kevin Durant didn’t grow to 6’11”. He measured 6’9.5” in 2019

You’re an idiot. Stop posting. You still believe that Hogan was 6’8 9/16 and 6’9.25 and claim your “imaginary” chiropractor who is probably you, claims he was. You want everyone to be taller to be more impressive is the problem. If Shaq was 7’1 it means Kareem was 7’3”. Kareem was always listed 7’2 which is customarily rounded up from 7’1 1/2-7’2 range he was measured at. Kareem was max 7’1 7/8 like Rob lists him or perhaps even 7’1.75” at a low. Guys that size can lose over an inch in a day

Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Here's Kobe and Shaq
Click Here
Click Here
The evidence speaks for itself.
christopher.mooney said on 3/Dec/22
I saw a picture of him recently at the Robert Waltham Museum, where you can measure yourself against the tallest person in the world. Shaq was actually over 7'2 in shoes. So 7 feet and a quarter, flat footed, is probably fair. I think he's probably a little taller than that, personally - I think he's close to 7 feet 1.
Canson said on 15/Oct/22
@Duhon: he can look 7’4 with Gobert. If Gobert is 7’ flat at a low and not standing straight, maybe 7’3.5”.

@Alex: 6’10 is possible
Duhon said on 13/Oct/22
@recapa Wembanyama is only 18 it's possible with how his frame looks he's been growing right up til today so maybe when he was 17 he was 7'3"? Either way he's at the height where if he was any taller it would probably be seen as a draft negative. NBA player who are legitimately above 7'2" tend to be quite injury prone and have shorter careers.
186cm/Age 14 said on 12/Oct/22
He could be a strong 7’3”, looking at him next to Gobert.
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Oct/22
Canson, I believe i asked you this before but forgot if you seen it. Guy at my gym he was listed 6'11 on his college basketball team through senior year. College is that measured barefoot or in shoes or rounded up? This guy certainly looks at least 6'10.
recapa said on 11/Oct/22
@Duhon,victor himself claimed to be 7ft3 barefoot and i dont see a reason why he would lie about his height.he absolutely looks at least that.
Canson said on 8/Oct/22
@Duhon: yes. And he is listed 7’5 other places
Duhon said on 7/Oct/22
@Rob likely #1 NBA draft pick Victor Wembanyama next to 7'0.5" barefoot draft measured Rudy Gobert. They say he's 7'4" barefoot does he look it here? Click Here
New-One said on 28/Sep/22
Robert, how tall do you think his son is (Shareef O'Neal)?

- First image: Click Here.

- Second image: Click Here.
Editor Rob
In some photos could look 4 inches shorter, but a few out there he is within 3 inches!
Robbe said on 18/Sep/22
Shaq looks surprisingly short here with Kobe. Lamar Odom is not over 6'9 so he appears bang on the chart there. But Shaq doesn't for some reason Click Here

They seem to be standing the same distance from the camera Click Here

Shaq is also wearing thicker shoes than Kobe there. Not the best day for Shaq 😜 😜 😜
Jordan87 said on 8/Sep/22
Click Here

6'11 measured DIrk and the 6'10 (Aged 39 Big Show).
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 7/Sep/22
“ Caleb 178.7cm said on 5/Sep/22
Being an extremely tall person, Shaq loses more height than the average person so he likely falls under 7ft. Maybe he falls to 6'11.75 after being awake for 12 hours on a typical day?”

True. He might lose around 3 centimeters of height between the time he wakes up and the time he goes to bed since his spine is longer.
Pierre said on 6/Sep/22
Arnold looks clearly under 6'1" next to Hulk Hogan .Arnold stands in good posture opposite to Mister T in Hong's pic.Also Mister T had probably a good fraction less shoe than Hulk (Mister T was wearing flat boxer shoes ).Also some guys here believe Hulk was not exactly as high as full 6'6" peak .
Caleb 178.7cm said on 5/Sep/22
Being an extremely tall person, Shaq loses more height than the average person so he likely falls under 7ft. Maybe he falls to 6'11.75 after being awake for 12 hours on a typical day?
Pierre said on 31/Aug/22
Leighton Tang said on 27/Aug/22
At this point I believe that Pierre is trolling with his estimates. This is the same guy that put John Cena at 5'11 and Ben Affleck at 6'0.5.

At this point I notice you have zero argument to oppose to the pics I posted here recently ....or maybe the funny classic "argument" of "cherry picked pics "...
Leighton Tang said on 27/Aug/22
At this point I believe that Pierre is trolling with his estimates. This is the same guy that put John Cena at 5'11 and Ben Affleck at 6'0.5.
recapa said on 26/Aug/22
his son shareef went undrafted in this year draft.but,interestingly,he was measured at 6ft10.5 with shoes and 6ft9 seems like shaunie,s short genes halteded his height potential.
Kostj said on 15/Aug/22
Miiiiiiighty_- Kareem was 7 foot 2 and 25 years older tha Shaquille and looks about 2 inches taller, prime shaquille was 213-214 cm
Pierre said on 14/Aug/22
By recent comparisons Dikembe looks max same height as Kareem this days(pics posted by me on 27 Jul) but Kareem this days looks notably shorter than his peak by comparing a young Kareem next to Magic and a 70s Kareem next to again Magic (pics posted by me on 07 August).
This means Dikembé very probably is a bit under 7'1" now ,but even by droping a little bit height still looks a good inch taller than Shaq ...(pic posted recently too).
Duhon said on 13/Aug/22
Shaq is unquestionably taller than Kevin Garnett Click Here Click Here Click Here
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 13/Aug/22
I don't buy anything below 215cm for a prime Shaq.
He looked every bit of 7'1 to be honest...

Btw did Magic Johnson have a growth spurt in his 50's or something ?
Guy looked tall AF with Tyson Fury and now on the pic with Kareem... Did he start using lift to back his BS 6'9 listing or something ..?
Celebheights 6'1.5 said on 13/Aug/22
I was watching some old replays of Shaq in his years with the Lakers, and it’s impressive how a man of his size could move the ball quickly. It looked like he could practically beat down everyone on the court without even breaking any sweat. Most of the time he was out there, the man could just clog the lanes with his power and mass, and he was a good dunk back force on offense.

I’d estimate that he’s about 7 feet tall, maybe a weak one at that.
Pierre said on 13/Aug/22
@Robbe= In your scale Kevin Garnett looks like he drops a litle bit height.Shaq looks in better posture than him.
Robbe said on 13/Aug/22
There are quite a few photos of Shaq and Kevin Garnett, and sometimes Shaq is closer to the camera, and sometimes Kevin. This is probably the best picture, both guys seems to be the same distance from the camera, standing in similar postures.

Click Here

Bang on an inch difference there. Shaq also looked slightly taller than David Robinson, who is just under 7ft. And i have posted a pretty good picture of Shaq and Patrick Ewing, who is not under 6'10. Shaq is easy 2in taller there. If you care to check Duhon's post on 12/jul/22.
Pierre said on 11/Aug/22
Dalip Singh is a wrestler and official heigths of Wrestler are generally a little bit rouded up ....Like basketball players .... Kevin Garnett 6"11' why not ... Shaq taller than Kevin Garnett ? A pic maybe ?In web I just find pics with Shaquille standing closer to the camera than Kevin....Maybe this = Click Here but here Kevin's top of head is exactly as high as Shaq's top of head and even a little bit higher ...
Mickie said on 10/Aug/22
Shaq is right around 7 feet, you can debate whether he might be the 6' 11 3/4" he mentioned or if he's just over 7 foot as he reportedly measured... And maybe both figures are correct but just taken at different times in the day. One thing Shaq was not though is 6'11" flat. He looked as tall or slightly taller than Dalip Singh and he was taller than Kevin Garnett who was a solid to strong 6'11".
Zeusinator said on 10/Aug/22
Shaq is 6'10 tops, Big Show was 3 inches taller
Pierre said on 7/Aug/22
About recent pics Shaq next to Kareem =

Here how much tall looks a young Kareem next to Magic = Click Here

2022 Kareem /Magic = Click Here
Pierre said on 1/Aug/22
Robbe said on 28/Jul/22
In the newest interview, june this year, Shaq claims 7'1 so either he doesn't know his real height, or he is joking again. Anyway, he has been measured hair over 7ft, so that's how he should be listed here, just like Rob does. It's up to Rob weather Shaq needs a peak/current height. He's much heavier now, so it's possible he has shrunk a bit. Can still look 7ft though, when standing tall. Peak 6'11 not possible.

By my recent comparison Shaq /Dikembe / Kareem each time standing around same distance to the camera ,Shaq is clearly a bit under 7'0" .
Pierre said on 31/Jul/22
Canson said on 27/Jul/22 No offense Pierre, but you aren’t qualified to critique pics on this site when yours are easily the worst of any poster here. Well actually someone else on this page (Henry) is right up there with you but he inflates heights. Same difference

@Canson How do you want me to be offended by someone who gives flawed arguments on my photos ....
Robbe said on 30/Jul/22
Ngannou/Wilder compared to Shaq Click Here
Pierre said on 29/Jul/22
184guy2 said on 28/Jul/22

You're using fan photoshop. Ngannou and Lesnar have NEVER FACE OFF, NEVER FIGHT , NEVER SHARED THE OCTAGON. stop with the fake news

Even if what you say was true(that I really doubt) why don't you talk about my recent comments about Francis NGannou's height...hem....I see more a way to deflect the real question about Francis's real height ...
184guy2 said on 28/Jul/22

You're using fan photoshop. Ngannou and Lesnar have NEVER FACE OFF, NEVER FIGHT , NEVER SHARED THE OCTAGON. stop with the fake news
Robbe said on 28/Jul/22
In the newest interview, june this year, Shaq claims 7'1 so either he doesn't know his real height, or he is joking again. Anyway, he has been measured hair over 7ft, so that's how he should be listed here, just like Rob does. It's up to Rob weather Shaq needs a peak/current height. He's much heavier now, so it's possible he has shrunk a bit. Can still look 7ft though, when standing tall. Peak 6'11 not possible.
Pierre said on 27/Jul/22
House Of Chaos said on 27/Jul/22
And that's your right, but by Brock Lesnar or Drew MC Intyre he looks even under 6'3" imo.

Show me a picture where Francis looks sub 6’3 next to someone with equal posture and footwear and I’ll pay you. £1000 a picture (or whatever the equivalent amount in your country would be). Good luck

I don’t want to be the one to make you lose money ...You can watch again Robbe's scale in which Shaq is a good 7'0" on this scale (while Shaq claims himself 6'11.75" ).....By this scale only Francis NGannou's hairs are 6'4" . And Francis is standing closer to the camera than Shaq in this scale so logically he's a bit advantaged ... Here is another angle of camera with shaq standing a bit closer to the camera this time = Click Here The truth on the scale is very probably between this two pics....

About Shaq's height = Dikembé listed 7'1.25" droping height and still standing a good inch taller than Shaq Click Here

Dikembé and Kareem in his 71s here = Click Here Click Here ...
Jordan87 said on 27/Jul/22
@ Pierre ,

There are a bunch of Kareem and Shaq pics around, some angles not the greatest but generally Speaking I always felt ( Prime for Prime) Kareem would be noticeably taller than Shaq. People who grew up in Shaq's era that Didn't watch or see Kareem are always a bit taken Back that Kareem is that Tall. ( FYI a Side note, I don't think Kareem could have stopped Shaq on the inside b/c of Shaq's weight and strength, however Shaq wouldn't stop the Sky Hook either ).

@ Canson
Yeah with Kane , I usually Check the pictures out where he took on the undertaker as Isaac Yankeem and didn't wear the Big Kane Boots. he was Taller than Taker, but without the Lifts, I'd say it was only an inch tops ( From what I remember). Tyson Fury is 6'7 to me, Was Listed that Once officially early on and With Strowman and Wilder at different times did not look 6'8 to me. Kane I figured to be around 6'6.5 to 6'7. I don't think Kane was ever 6'8 honestly and at times I don't think Nash was ever 6'10. I may be the Minority on that.
Canson said on 27/Jul/22
Pierre said on 26/Jul/22
Jordan87 said on 26/Jul/22
@ Pierre,

What is Wrong with the Kareem Pic with Shaq? I think the point was to just show that Kareem is still taller than Shaq ( Which does not Shock me ) .....What is your Argument? Yes, not a perfect angle but All Canson did was basically say that Kareem is still taller, which he is.

@Jordan,Imo he was ironic when he wrote Kareem still edges Shaq because he posted a pic that doesn't show this thing for an untrained eye ... We’ll see what he tells to your comment ... Anyway I see the same thing as you in his pic.

No offense Pierre, but you aren’t qualified to critique pics on this site when yours are easily the worst of any poster here. Well actually someone else on this page (Henry) is right up there with you but he inflates heights. Same difference
Pierre said on 27/Jul/22
Lol for Canson all the pics that don't show what he claims are bad and these people are trolls ... very easy to check by rereading the comments .
House Of Chaos said on 27/Jul/22
And that's your right, but by Brock Lesnar or Drew MC Intyre he looks even under 6'3" imo.

Show me a picture where Francis looks sub 6’3 next to someone with equal posture and footwear and I’ll pay you. £1000 a picture (or whatever the equivalent amount in your country would be). Good luck
Canson said on 26/Jul/22
@Jordan87: exactly. And I know the pic isn’t the best but it’s better than any of Pierre’s. Look at Fury or Kane’s pages where he swears they’re 6’6 and 6’5” lol. Kane has at least an inch (conservatively) on Donovan Smith who measured 6’5.75 but you know how conservative I am with pre draft measurements knowing how early they occur. It’s likely that the max he is at his low (I’m also conservative with this as Rob uses lunchtime) is 6’5.5”. Kane is no less than 6’6.5” today and if we get very conservative 6’6.25”. But I really think he’s 6’6.5 minimum today
Canson said on 26/Jul/22
Pierre said on 26/Jul/22
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
@Pierre: And I’ve been waiting patiently for years for you to actually post a good pic. If you were a baseball player, you’d be batting a 0

If I was a baseball player I'd simply refuse to play if you were a referee !

Lol the coach and probably the GM would take care of that for me by either cutting you or not signing you due to your futility
Pierre said on 26/Jul/22
Jordan87 said on 26/Jul/22
@ Pierre,

What is Wrong with the Kareem Pic with Shaq? I think the point was to just show that Kareem is still taller than Shaq ( Which does not Shock me ) .....What is your Argument? Yes, not a perfect angle but All Canson did was basically say that Kareem is still taller, which he is.

@Jordan,Imo he was ironic when he wrote Kareem still edges Shaq because he posted a pic that doesn't show this thing for an untrained eye ... We’ll see what he tells to your comment ... Anyway I see the same thing as you in his pic.
Jordan87 said on 26/Jul/22
@ Pierre,

What is Wrong with the Kareem Pic with Shaq? I think the point was to just show that Kareem is still taller than Shaq ( Which does not Shock me ) .....What is your Argument? Yes, not a perfect angle but All Canson did was basically say that Kareem is still taller, which he is.
Pierre said on 26/Jul/22
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
@Pierre: And I’ve been waiting patiently for years for you to actually post a good pic. If you were a baseball player, you’d be batting a 0

If I was a baseball player I'd simply refuse to play if you were a referee !
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
@Pierre: And I’ve been waiting patiently for years for you to actually post a good pic. If you were a baseball player, you’d be batting a 0
Pierre said on 25/Jul/22
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
@Pierre: quit making excuses. And don’t even go there about bad pics. You’re the poster child here on Celebheights

Lol Canson I'm waiting for your news fabulous pics ...Maybe the next time Kareem will be sitting in a chair who knows 😂😂😂

Robbe said on 25/Jul/22
What comes to Ngannou, Rob lists him 6'4 on this site, so of course i put him that height on my chart.

And that's your right, but by Brock Lesnar or Drew MC Intyre he looks even under 6'3" imo.
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
@Robbe: but in his prime he did look shorter than Wilt who was max 7’1 possibly 7’0.5”. Then Kareem was around 2” taller. I think 7’0 flat was his best case for his normal low in his prime
Robbe said on 25/Jul/22
@Jason, i don't think that's so good picture, they are both slouching there, Shaq a bit more. Here is a better picture in my opinion with Lebron Click Here

Here Shaq looks over 7ft with Lebron Click Here

Shaq looks also easy 2in taller than Ewing, who is a strong 6'10. I definitely don't rule out hair over 7ft for Shaq in a good day.

What comes to Ngannou, Rob lists him 6'4 on this site, so of course i put him that height on my chart.
Canson said on 25/Jul/22
Pierre said on 24/Jul/22
Canson said on 24/Jul/22
@Pierre: if finding objective pictures were your career, you would be jumping from job to job every month. You would likely not even make it off probation. You can’t choose pics that only disadvantage the person you want to make shorter. All of yours favor Lesnar or they are just bad pics instead

Canson said on 24/Jul/22
An aged Kareem still edges shaq

Click Here

Oh yeah Canson,your pic opposite to mine is a "so wonderful pic" ,with very low angle that advantage the closest man even if he's standing for some centimeters closer to te camera than the other man ,that is very probably the case of Shaq here ....and clearly Kareem isn't standing straight here his neck is inclined at around 45 degrees ....But Nice try Canson !

@Pierre: quit making excuses. And don’t even go there about bad pics. You’re the poster child here on Celebheights
Jason Jeffers said on 24/Jul/22
Click Here
@Rob. Finally…..just about as perfect of picture evidence as anyone is ever likely to get. Shaq and Kobe stood on even ground with pretty much equal stance and footwear (if anything a slight advantage to Shaq with usual thick soles). It is plainly obvious to anyone that there is an absolute max of 6.75-7” inch difference between the 100% height of 6’4.75” Kobe. Shaq is 6’11.5” and 7’1” in trainers. Time to once and for all shut down this club called (Shaq is over 7ft). If this doesn’t warrant a downgrade then nothing can.
Pierre said on 24/Jul/22
Canson said on 24/Jul/22
@Pierre: if finding objective pictures were your career, you would be jumping from job to job every month. You would likely not even make it off probation. You can’t choose pics that only disadvantage the person you want to make shorter. All of yours favor Lesnar or they are just bad pics instead

Canson said on 24/Jul/22
An aged Kareem still edges shaq

Click Here

Oh yeah Canson,your pic opposite to mine is a "so wonderful pic" ,with very low angle that advantage the closest man even if he's standing for some centimeters closer to te camera than the other man ,that is very probably the case of Shaq here ....and clearly Kareem isn't standing straight here his neck is inclined at around 45 degrees ....But Nice try Canson !
Canson said on 24/Jul/22
An aged Kareem still edges shaq

Click Here
Canson said on 24/Jul/22
@Jordan87: I’ve always wondered with Shaq because he wears thicker footwear. Maybe it really was the case where he was 7’0 flat and Show 6’11” peak. Now I will agree with you that I don’t think Show was 7’0” at his peak. 6’11 is what I initially had then I thought maybe he was 6’11 plus. I’ll just say 6’11 flat though. Today I wonder if he’s lower. He looked max 6’10.25 with Shaq if he’s 6’11.75 and 6’10,5 with him if he is 7’0”
Canson said on 24/Jul/22
@Robbe: I doubt he’s lost much if any. 6’11.5 is possible for him now a days and so Is 6’11.75 still but so is 7.
Canson said on 24/Jul/22
@Pierre: if finding objective pictures were your career, you would be jumping from job to job every month. You would likely not even make it off probation. You can’t choose pics that only disadvantage the person you want to make shorter. All of yours favor Lesnar or they are just bad pics instead
Pierre said on 23/Jul/22
Robbe said on 23/Jul/22

your scale is based on a supposed 6'4" Francis NGannou.

Francis NGannou /Brock Lesnar = Click Here Click Here Click Here

Drew MC Intyre 6'4.5" slouching /Brock Lesnar = Click Here Click Here

Maybe 6'4" with shoes imo
Pierre said on 23/Jul/22
In my recent pic(21 July) ,Shaq next to Dikembe is under 6'11.75" if Dikembe has a good list.
Around 6'11" seems a real possibility but nothing close to 7'0" imo.
And Dikembé by Kareem isn't taller than his 7'1.25" list imo.
Robbe said on 23/Jul/22
Shaq is a joker. He is still an easy 7ft. Here with 6'4 Ngannou Click Here

Ngannou seems to be slightly closer to the camera, so he is favored there.

Also, Giannis being taller than Shaq is ridiculous. Gia is visible shorter than legit 6'11 guys, like Kevin Garnett, so he can't be taller than Shaq lol. I believe Rob's listing is pretty much bang on, hair over 7ft.
California Carpenter said on 23/Jul/22
I just found another clip of Shaq calling himself 6' 11". And it's recent. I remember seeing a clip years ago where he was on Howard Stern, and it was the first time I heard him say he was under 7'. That clip disappeared, but this one was from 2020.

At around the 3:10 and then at 3:46 he says he's 6' 11 3/4": Click Here

Here is Shaq with 7' 1" Kareem and 7' 5" Tacko Fall: Click Here

I think these days 6' 10" range in socks is much more likely than 7' 0". NBA is legendary for inflating heights in the modern era.
Jordan87 said on 22/Jul/22
@ Canson,

Yeah Basically I think Show would have lost a bit More than Shaq. I think he would have been around 1.25" Off from Shaq in his prime.

they Were both around 40 years old when they Faced off for the First time I believe. I saw Show being around 1.75 Shorter than Shaq at that time. He may have been only around 1.25" Shorter in his prime. If Shaq is something like 6'11.75, I still See Big show slightly dipping below 6'11 in his prime.

Who was actually stronger is an interesting question.

I have heard Shaq benched 450 pounds in His Prime, Show supposedly did 500 a couple times but who really knows about any of those Numbers.

Naturally, Shaq was a Freak athlete and it was almost Stupid how fast he moved for a 315-395 pound Man. Issue is, Show was most always naturally heavier than Shaq and in his prime ( 2000 ) Big show had Shoulders that had to be at least 3 feet Wide
Canson said on 22/Jul/22
@Jordan87: I don’t know if he lost the extra 1/4” for sure but 7’0 flat is the most I can see for Shaq in his prime. He wore thicker foot and apparently still does. But comparing him to Big Show, I don’t deny that Show would’ve lost more height than Shaq being Show was a wrestler. Show May have been closer in height with Shaq in his prime
Henry said on 22/Jul/22
Canson's so called points can EAILY be disproven as usual. Here's 6'10" barefoot measured Lamar Odom with Kobe.
Click Here
Click Here
Click Here
Here's Kobe and Shaq
Click Here
Click Here
The evidence speaks for itself.
Pierre said on 21/Jul/22
Comparisons Shaq /Big Show

Big Show classic shoes triple H = Click Here Big show looking in good posture ,his lower nose stands about as high as Triple H's top of head

Now Hafthor 6'7.5" standing in a half relaxed posture next to Triple H = Click Here ...
Jordan87 said on 21/Jul/22
@ Canson,

That's the Thing, If Shaq was serous with his Claim of 6'11.75, then Show is shorter then 6'11 easily.

Click Here

They are both the Same age so if what your Saying is True, Show would have to have lost more height then Shaq ( Which is possible since Show carried more weight around then Shaq did during his life), however I don't think its by that Much since Shaq is massive ( Weighed More than 350 past the late 90's, As High as 395 in 03-04.

At times I see 1.5", other times I see 1.5-1.75" easily between them, like the Video above ( Looks more than 2") and this below Picture. Looks 1.75"

Click Here

When you are dealing with People who are around 7'0, I always have the Idea that they can loose more height during the day then normal Folk. I See Show at 6'11 at some point in the Day ( Peak FYI), and during his prime ( Which I consider 1999-2003) I feel he was anywhere from 6'10.5" to 6'11 for most of the day.

I'm Still not convinced he is Solidly over 6'11" at Peak.

That being Said, and people will hate me for this, Show was tons better in the ring and on the Mic than Andre was. His Athleticism in his early days in WCW was astonishing, albeit I feel he was around 390 back then. I know During the Time of WrestleMania 2000 he was confirmed at 430 pounds.
Pierre said on 21/Jul/22
If Dikembé Mutombo is really 7'1.25 " Shaq is hardly 7'0" or close here = Click Here Dikembé clearly drops height here but still stands a generous inch above Shaq.

Dikembé/ Kareem listed 7'1.75" = Click Here Dikembé here stands in better posture and logically closer to the camera than Kareem and Kareem still looks as high as him in the photo.
Canson said on 19/Jul/22
@Jordan87: Hulk was listed 6’7 and 6’8 and I’ve heard him claim 6’5 and 6’7 in his prime along with 6’6 maybe once. I believe him to have been 6’5-6’6 range peak. Meaning maybe he was 6’6 out of bed which I believe he was and 6’5.25 at his afternoon. The best case was that he was maybe 6’6.5 and lost an inch throughout the day to get to 6’5.5”. Worst case 6’5.75 and dipped to 6’5 flat but he was somewhere in that range and he could’ve potentially lost a full inch. Some guys in that range do but usually that’s a bit taller for someone to lose a full inch. Even Junior Hernandez is 6’5 5/8 or 6’5 3/4 and doesn’t lose a full inch. Christian doesn’t either but he’s shorter than Junior. As a matter of fact my 6’7 friend is around 7/8” height loss for the day but not sure if he didn’t wake to 6’8 in his prime. He’s almost 43 years old.

As for Show and Shaq, I didn’t see 2” between them. It looked about 1.5” but that wasn’t Big Show at his peak I doubt. A leak Show I do believe was over 6’11” but not 7’0”. He may have dipped to 6’11 flat at a worst case. Shaq if he were 6’11.75 like he claims May put Show at 6’10.25 or .5 then and maybe 6’10 today.
Jordan87 said on 19/Jul/22
@ Canson,

Agree, and to be honest, Shaq is one of the Reasons why I refuse to take Big Show over 6'11, but that's another Story. I always tend to see 2" between them.

If Hogan was that tall, as in around legit 6'9, the WWF would have listed him at 7'0. He was listed at 6'8 by the Promotion but we are supposed to think he is taller. Nah Man.
Henry said on 16/Jul/22
Shaq's a jokester that makes up like like David Robinson not giving him an autograph when he was in high school and Shaq only being 6'11 3/4".
If you want to look at a REAL 6'11 3/4" barefoot center, it's Michael Olowokandi who was measured at 6'11 3/4" barefoot.
Garnett always edged out Michael Olowokandi in height so Garnett always slouched, bent over slightly, or tilted his head to appear shorter.
Garnett hated being called a seven footer or a giant and always wanted to be considered 6'11" because that's just a really tall guy but not a freak of nature or a giant. Shaq always TOWERED over Garnett while Garnett always edged out 6'11 3/4" barefoot Michael Olowokandi.
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Click Here
Click Here
Canson said on 16/Jul/22
thatmanoverthere said on 13/Jul/22
Bruh, what’s with all these 6 11.75 claims? Shaq is an easy 7 feet. He was measured over the mark. He might not always stand up perfectly straight when measuring, too.

Shaq himself claimed 6’11.75”.

I agree with Chaos that he could be 6’11.75 at his low but a guy his size, He could be easily 7’1 out of bed
Robbe said on 15/Jul/22
Shaq with Robin Lopez, who is around 6'11.5/75 Click Here

Robin is slouching there, and Shaq has more footwear. So these guys are pretty close in height.
Jordan87 said on 13/Jul/22
@ Henry,

Shaq is not 7'1", and Def not over it. Have you read any of the above Information? You are like a running back heading toward the end-zone, the defenders are logic. Just stiff arming everyone away huh? Jesus Christ dude lol

I'm sure everyone agrees with you that Shaq was a freak Athlete, but he doesn't have to be 7'1+ to be that. He moved incredibly well for a man of his size, which was around 7'0, give or take 1/4.

your Statements of " At least 7'1" are not valid at all.
thatmanoverthere said on 13/Jul/22
Bruh, what’s with all these 6 11.75 claims? Shaq is an easy 7 feet. He was measured over the mark. He might not always stand up perfectly straight when measuring, too.
House Of Chaos said on 13/Jul/22
Shaq definitely loses at least an inch through the day, 7’0.75 in the morning and 6’11.75 in the evening is probably the best guess
Canson said on 13/Jul/22
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jul/22
Rob, could he be downplaying his height because he doesn’t like being a 7 footer or did he measure as low as 6ft11¾?
Editor Rob
I thought he might be doing that.

He may have been doing that but he could’ve possibly measured 6’11.75 at a low or an extreme low. He wore thicker footwear at times on the court
Duhon said on 12/Jul/22
Credits to Robbe Click Here
Jason Jeffers said on 12/Jul/22
Rob, I distinctly remember reading an article in 1995 when I visited Orlando close to where Shaq was living. It said his barefoot height was 212cm which equates to 6’11.5” but with his usual basketball boots he came in at over 7’1”. He would have been 23 yrs old at that time (I was 17) he would have been fully grown. I just wish to God I had proof of this me article to back this comment up but I don’t. I do personally believe that to be his true height though (6’11.5”) but considering he nearly always had his larger than normal soles on the court……this would have course given him a bit of an advantage when stood alongside others. I’d say maybe as much as 0.75-1 inch. So of course he would give off an impression of comfortably over the 7ft mark. One possible way to back this up is to google Kobe & Shaq stood together. We know pretty much 100% that Kobe was 6’4.75” barefoot and he came up to around bottom of Shaq’s nose when wearing similar footwear. My money would be on 6’11.5” without a shadow of a doubt. However I do expect an influx of comments to follow that disagrees with me because it will no doubt mess up their long established theories. But what the heck haha.
Canson said on 12/Jul/22
@Henry: in case you can’t decipher, read what Rob posted above

He was measured just under the mark, although DraftExpress noted that he was supposed to have been measured 7ft without shoes in 1992 and it is possible he was near 7ft 1 in shoes. One journalist noted that "At the [draft] camp in Chicago, a lot of guys were measured smaller than they were supposed to be. Shaquille came in at just over 7 feet and 303 pounds"

But I don’t expect you to take that seriously being you believe your chiropractor saying Hogan was taller than he claimed to be. Hogan has claimed 6’5 to 6’7 never 6’8” let alone 6’8 9/16 or 6’9 1/4”
Canson said on 12/Jul/22
Henry said on 12/Jul/22
Canson, look at the average guess, The whole world disagrees with you and agrees with me about Shaq's barefoot mid day height.

Nobody agrees with you, Henry. It’s because shaq was listed taller here previously. Rob had him closer to 7’1 before and that’s his NBA listing.

But I’ll turn it around on you. So i guess you think people agree with you and your “therapist” or “chiropractor” that Hulk Hogan is “6’9.25 or 6’8 9/16”? Sorry. Don’t see the average guess for Hogan for his peak even at the 6’6” he’s listed. It’s 6’5.7ish.

PS- nobody here takes you very seriously. May be best to stop
House Of Chaos said on 12/Jul/22
Henry said on 12/Jul/22
Canson, look at the average guess, The whole world disagrees with you and agrees with me about Shaq's barefoot mid day height.

A prime Shaq was probably 7’0 flat midday/afternoon. That said I can see the average guess being his morning height given he’s a very tall heavy guy and likely loses an inch or possibly more
Henry said on 12/Jul/22
Canson, look at the average guess, The whole world disagrees with you and agrees with me about Shaq's barefoot mid day height.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 11/Jul/22
Rob, could he be downplaying his height because he doesn’t like being a 7 footer or did he measure as low as 6ft11¾?
Editor Rob
I thought he might be doing that.
Danimal said on 10/Jul/22
Jayk said on 21/Jan/22
can look easy 7ft1

In basketball shoes, not barefoot.
Danimal said on 10/Jul/22
Janes said on 18/Nov/21
Click Here with James Hetfield (185cm)

James has lost height since his prime. He has almost 10 years on Shaq and has had back problems since 2000 and had had his neck fused a few years ago. He's not 6'1" (185cm) anymore.
Danimal said on 10/Jul/22
Henry said on 8/Jul/22
Zydrunas Ilgauskas was measured at 7'2" without shoes in pre draft measurements and listed at 7'3" for his career.
Unfortunately the links to the original sites are dead but the quotes from those sites with REAL HEIGHTS are still there.
He's barely taller than Shaq if taller at all. Shaq DEFINATELY needs a height upgrade to at least 7'1.25".

definitely**** Only correcting the spelling because you capitalized every letter of the misspelled word ;-)
Canson said on 9/Jul/22
KD probably has half inch on Cousins. KD is probably appropriately listed 6’9.5 and probably is his low while Boogie is probably 6’9 flat at his. He was 6’9.5 morning height
Canson said on 9/Jul/22
@Shane: yea and KG is prob a solid 6’11 at best. He was shorter than Embiid and Brook Lopez. Shaq looks max 7’ imho. The more telling photos are with Kareem. He’s 2” shorter than Cap. But Shaq wore thicker footwear during his career at times too
Canson said on 9/Jul/22
Zydrunas has about 2” on Shaq Henry. Terrible pics

How do you explain 7’0.5-7’1 Wilt Chamberlain and 7’1 7/8 Kareem having an inch or two inches on Shaq? Shaq was at most 7’0 flat but I can see a bit under at his low 6’11.75 is a worst case and that’s only if his footwear was padded but I don’t see over 7’0.25 that Rob lists him
Henry said on 8/Jul/22
Zydrunas Ilgauskas was measured at 7'2" without shoes in pre draft measurements and listed at 7'3" for his career.
Unfortunately the links to the original sites are dead but the quotes from those sites with REAL HEIGHTS are still there.
He's barely taller than Shaq if taller at all. Shaq DEFINATELY needs a height upgrade to at least 7'1.25".

Click Here
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Shane Gray@ said on 7/Jul/22
@Henry this is a very solid image of Shaq and Garnett. About an inch there of height difference or a shade more, but Garnett has knees slightly bent AND Shaq's shoes look considerably taller. Your assertion that Shaq "towered" Garnett clearly isn't the case:

Click Here
Shane Gray@ said on 7/Jul/22
@Henry your photos aren't good for determining height. While we all know KD is a little taller than Cousins, KD is closer to camera and at an angle that helps him and hurts Cousins. Your second photo isn't even a photo and your third photo has KD with head down more than Shaq, further away than Ehaq and slumped more than Shaq, which all favor O" Neal. 99% of listings at that time were shoe heights. Had Shaq been 7'1" barefoot he would have been listed 7'2" or 7'3". Keep in mind , Shaq always wore very thick shoes on the court as well.
Henry said on 5/Jul/22
Shaq was only about 3 months older than Kevin Durant during pre draft measurements.
Kevin Durant grew from 6'9" barefoot to close to 6'11" barefoot from age 19 years and 9 months to age 21.
Demarcus Cousins was measured at 6'9.5" barefoot and 6'10.75" with shoes. Kevin Durant is MUCH taller than Demarcus Cousins because he grew till 21 or later. Shaq ALSO grew till 21 or later and he was shorter than Tree Rollins during pre season and much taller than Tree Rollins by age 22. Shaq also clearly towered over famously called Six Foot Thirteen Kevin Garnett who refused to be called a seven footer because a 7 footer is a freak and a giant while 6'11" is just a really tall guy. Many people believe that Shaq is 7'2" barefoot. You'd literally get laughed at by 99% of people in the world if you said Shaq is less than 7'1" barefoot.

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Click Here
Asid khan said on 5/Jul/22
Rob how tall u think Bill Laimbeer was?
Editor Rob
Not so sure on him.
Canson said on 4/Jul/22
He was never 7’1” Henry. You’re doing the same thing you did with Hogan. Upgrading him when he measured 7’0 range when he was drafted
Henry said on 4/Jul/22
Time for a height upgrade to 7'1" barefoot at age 20(grew after that) for Shaq.
"On the subject of freaks of nature, I have to bring up Shaq. In 1992, Shaq measured 7’1” without shoes, weighed 303 pounds, recorded a 35 inch vertical and had his wingspan measured at 7’7”. To put that in perspective, from the minute he entered the league and for the next 10 years Shaq was the strongest player, the most athletic big man, one of the tallest players, one of the longest players and one of the quickest big men. His body fat was measured at a surprisingly low 12.2% too. A 1992 St. Paul Pioneer Press article said he even had veteran team physicians in awe of his physical stature. 7’0”, 255 listed Hakeem Olajuwon was so small compared to Shaq that he was estimated at 6’8”, 235 after standing next to him.
Click Here
Waterlove968 said on 3/Jul/22
Click Here At 1:53 in the video, Shaq says he isn’t 7’1”, but 6’11”. Interesting…
Maosb said on 16/Jun/22
Normal 7'0
Shane Gray@ said on 4/Jun/22
@Canson where is this 7'0 5/8" coming from ?
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 4/Jun/22
He claimed to be 7’1” in a podcast recently:

Click Here
Pierre said on 4/Jun/22
It's seems to me this recent Shaq's revelation about his real peak height is a little bit problematic for some guessers in this page or in other celebrities pages,particularly to explain now my supposed "cherry picked" pics.
Canson said on 3/Jun/22
@Fried Chicken: I wonder if the 7’0 5/8 was morning. That I can see and him being 7’0 later in the day at best
Duhon said on 3/Jun/22
Shaq at his peak easily cleared 7'. At his present age, weight and often posture I can see how he can sometimes look under that mark now. I wonder if people 6'11" and above tend to shrink earlier due to the stressors on the body of supporting that frame?
Pierre said on 29/May/22
7'0" range was measured with "federation height gauge" as explained by Shaq ,not with a medical height gauge ...
Pierre said on 28/May/22
Alex 6'0 said on 28/May/22
If shaq was measured like 7'0.25 morning then a 6'11.75 evening is possible but no less.

I think Shaq knows better than anyone how much tall he is.So around 6'11" peak as claimed by himself recently ,not around 7'0".
FriedChicken said on 28/May/22
He measured almost 7 ft 1 before barefoot so 7'0.25 isn't a morning height.
Canson said on 28/May/22
@Viper: he supposedly measured 6’2.75”. Id list him at that or maybe 6’3” flat. Elgin Baylor is another. He should be listed 6’5” as he was that in his prime at least
Alex 6'0 said on 28/May/22
If shaq was measured like 7'0.25 morning then a 6'11.75 evening is possible but no less.
viper said on 26/May/22
Jerry West really needs a page
Pierre said on 26/May/22
@Canson Kareem in 2018 was in his 71s !However I guess Shaq each time shorter than him in your pics...

Click Here Another recent pic with KAreem around 75 years old standing comfortably more distant to the camera and standing in a poor posture next to Shaq,however still looks around same height as Shaq in the pic even with this advantages...

And sorry guy,but Dikembé (7'1.25")here doesn't stand closer to the camera than Shaq ...but stands in a terrible posture,however he still looks a good inch taller than Shaq Click Here Also dikembé is above 50s in this recent pic and very possibly lost a little bit height ...

Shaq claiming 6'11" peak to explain why Giannis Antetokounmpo 6'11" was standing taller than him next to him ,the probability Shaq was close to 7'0" peak seems very slim now...Maybe 6'11.25" ?...
Canson said on 25/May/22
Another pic of Baylor and West. I’ll say 6’5 for Baylor or near it is prob fair. I saw somewhere 6’5.5 but he didnt look that tall next to Wilt or on the court. Maybe West was somewhere near 6’3

Click Here
Canson said on 25/May/22
@Editor Rob: how about a page for NBA Hall of Famer Wes Unseld? Despite being listed 6’7 his entire career, He admitted to being only 6’5.75” but shows 6’5.5” as his draft measurement in the last link on the last post. Maybe 6’5.75 was earlier in the day but 6’5.5 was his afternoon height

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Click Here
Canson said on 25/May/22
@Editor Rob: here is West with Baylor in their primes. There 6’3 looks plausible as it’s not a guarantee Baylor was 6’5 flat but the 6’2.75 he supposedly measured also lines up. He lost some height later though. Also the list I posted shows Boban at 7’2.25. He’s only listed 7’3 on the Mavs Roster. I doubt he really grew. Kristaps Porzangis was measured 7’1.25 when he was drafted and maybe he gained a fraction or maybe not. He didn’t look more than 7’1.25 to maybe 7’1.5 next to Carmelo. Boban had an inch on Kristaps. Maybe Boban gained a fraction but not an inch. He’s not what you list him here. Also Wilt was measured 7’0.5 according to this but not sure if it’s 100% accurate

@Viper: Wes Unseld was measured 6’5.5” barefoot

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Canson said on 25/May/22
@Editor Rob: Jerry West looks 6’3” or so there. Maybe he was a 6’3+ guy peak or maybe he was a solid 6’3”. I don’t see 6’4 1/2” though nor do I see 6’4. Elgin Baylor was supposed to be 6’5 peak but not sure if he was exactly that. It’s what he was listed. He looks smaller by not standing straight and he’s aged in that pic. He’s since passed away. But was he 6’3.5 at some point during the day And claimed a shoe height? But that’s an aged Dr J who’s probably not much over 6’5 now and Magic on the other end. What do you think of West? I doubt he was 6’4.5 or even 6’4. Unless it’s a bad pic he doesn’t look as low as 6’2”. I’ve seen 6’3 listings for West too and saw he was measured 6’2.75 before

Click Here
Canson said on 25/May/22
@Pierre: who am I being too generous too? Carmelo is 6’6 range. He measured that and he’s noticeably taller than Kobe. Kobe looks 6’4.75ish. The absolute worst you can argue conceivably for either guy is 6’6 and 6’4.5 and tbh I have Kobe taller than Jordan who I have at 6’4.5”. How is that too generous? I know myself that I’m over 6’4”. Been measured by a doctor and by myself at 6’4 1/4 and even up to about 6’4 5/8 (earlier in the day) by the doctor. I usually come out exactly what they tell me I am

Now onto Shaq. He may not have been a full 7’0 I’ll agree but he’s not a flat 6’11 either.

@Editor Rob: what do you make of this? This is an aged Kareem in 2018 next to an aged Magic Johnson and Shaq on the outside. Do you estimate Kareem to only be around 7’0” then? Shaq does look noticeably shorter. He honestly can look 6’11 range with Magic and Kareem. Not sure about 6’11 flat but 6’11 and change. This was 2018 when Shaq would’ve been 46 approaching 47

Click Here
Editor Rob
Kareem looks over 7ft there!
Pierre said on 15/May/22
Canson said on 15/May/22 He stood right in front of a gauge and also claimed 6’11.75. I’ll choose to believe that. If he were a solid 6’11 it means other guys are at least 1” shorter than Rob lists them which is not possible. That means Carmelo is 6’5 which he isn’t. Kobe was 6’3.5-6’4 which he wasn’t. Jordan was 6’3.5 which he wasn’t

Depending maybe if you compare all this guys with others guys who have an official height a little bit generous too....
Canson said on 15/May/22
Pierre said on 14/May/22
Canson said on 14/May/22
Pierre said on 13/May/22
@Canson = So you claim Shaq isn't 6'11" but he claims himself 6'11".Clearly he's no more than 6'11" next to Dikembe sleeping on him in this pic... Giannis Antetokounmpo 6'11" said recently he was taller than Shaq and Shaq explained that by the fact he was 6'11" peak... So probably suggesting even a bit under now...

He claimed 6’11.75, Pierre. That’s not hard to understand

... depending if you prefer his 6'11.75" measured by this heightgauge or if you prefer his 6'11" revelation suggested like measured by a medical heightgauge ...

He stood right in front of a gauge and also claimed 6’11.75. I’ll choose to believe that. If he were a solid 6’11 it means other guys are at least 1” shorter than Rob lists them which is not possible. That means Carmelo is 6’5 which he isn’t. Kobe was 6’3.5-6’4 which he wasn’t. Jordan was 6’3.5 which he wasn’t. I’ve said before that him claiming 6’11 is him rounding down. He was simply saying he’s not 7’0 tall
Canson said on 15/May/22
Pierre said on 14/May/22
Canson said on 14/May/22
Pierre said on 13/May/22
@Canson = So you claim Shaq isn't 6'11" but he claims himself 6'11".Clearly he's no more than 6'11" next to Dikembe sleeping on him in this pic... Giannis Antetokounmpo 6'11" said recently he was taller than Shaq and Shaq explained that by the fact he was 6'11" peak... So probably suggesting even a bit under now...

He claimed 6’11.75, Pierre. That’s not hard to understand

... depending if you prefer his 6'11.75" measured by this heightgauge or if you prefer his 6'11" revelation suggested like measured by a medical heightgauge ...

He stood right in front of a gauge and also claimed 6’11.75. I’ll choose to believe that. If he were a solid 6’11 it means other guys are at least 1” shorter than Rob lists them which is not possible. That means Carmelo is 6’5 which he isn’t. Kobe was 6’3.5-6’4 which he wasn’t. Jordan was 6’3.5 which he wasn’t
Pierre said on 15/May/22
@Canson And you don't talk about each parameter like postures in your pics... I think it's almost a miracle that Dikembé Mutombo did not fall during your photo while Shaq is standing straight ...
Pierre said on 15/May/22
Canson said on 14/May/22
@Pierre: if you’re going to select a photo don’t choose one that supports your narrative. Choose one that is objective. Mutombo is also closer to the camera than shaq. This is more of how they would look. Mutombo is closer to the camera here too. That’s not a 2 inch difference. Shaq May be 1.5” shorter at most but it can look an inch. My recommendation is for rob to lower shaq to 7’0” flat. That’s fair imho

Click Here

@Canson,lol it had been a "long time" you doesn't call my pics "cherry picked pics"... But... Sorry but in my pic (opposite to yours ) Mutombo isn't standing really closer to the camera plus he's standing in a poor posture...but still stands a good inch taller than Shaq ...
But I understand this new 6'11" revelation straight out of Shaq's mouth is a little bit problematic for you to explain my guesses on Tyson Deontay etc are bad,helped by my "cherry picked pics"😁
Pierre said on 14/May/22
Canson said on 14/May/22
Pierre said on 13/May/22
@Canson = So you claim Shaq isn't 6'11" but he claims himself 6'11".Clearly he's no more than 6'11" next to Dikembe sleeping on him in this pic... Giannis Antetokounmpo 6'11" said recently he was taller than Shaq and Shaq explained that by the fact he was 6'11" peak... So probably suggesting even a bit under now...

He claimed 6’11.75, Pierre. That’s not hard to understand

... depending if you prefer his 6'11.75" measured by this heightgauge or if you prefer his 6'11" revelation suggested like measured by a medical heightgauge ...
Canson said on 14/May/22
@Pierre: if you’re going to select a photo don’t choose one that supports your narrative. Choose one that is objective. Mutombo is also closer to the camera than shaq. This is more of how they would look. Mutombo is closer to the camera here too. That’s not a 2 inch difference. Shaq May be 1.5” shorter at most but it can look an inch. My recommendation is for rob to lower shaq to 7’0” flat. That’s fair imho

Click Here
Canson said on 14/May/22
@Pierre: if you’re going to select a photo don’t choose one that supports your narrative. Choose one that is objective. Mutombo is also closer to the camera than shaq. This is more of how they would look. Mutombo is closer to the camera here too. That’s not a 2 inch difference

Click Here
Canson said on 14/May/22
Pierre said on 13/May/22
@Canson = So you claim Shaq isn't 6'11" but he claims himself 6'11".Clearly he's no more than 6'11" next to Dikembe sleeping on him in this pic... Giannis Antetokounmpo 6'11" said recently he was taller than Shaq and Shaq explained that by the fact he was 6'11" peak... So probably suggesting even a bit under now...

He claimed 6’11.75, Pierre. That’s not hard to understand
184guy2 said on 13/May/22
Shaq is and always was 6'10.75
He even claimed 6'11. Dunno about those claims of 6'11.75 - 7'1 .. rubbish
Chaos's Throwaway said on 13/May/22
Shaq would make sense to be over 7’0 out of bed, 7’0 bang on in the afternoon and 6’11.75 in the evening
Vincent Caleb said on 13/May/22
Canson said on 13/May/22
@Pierre: you seem dense. Shaq knows how tall he is. Him saying he’s 6’11 is him saying he’s closer to 6’11 than 7’3” that Ernie thought he was. Shaq was never 7’3” or listed at that though. He was listed 7’1”. His combine measurement was a little over 7’0” which aligns with 6’11.75 being his low. Did he downplay 1/4”? Maybe he did but he’s not 6’11” for sure

Don’t bother with him Canson, he’s the same guy who said John Cena was 5’10” and Tom Cruise 5’5”
Pierre said on 13/May/22
@Canson = So you claim Shaq isn't 6'11" but he claims himself 6'11".Clearly he's no more than 6'11" next to Dikembe sleeping on him in this pic... Giannis Antetokounmpo 6'11" said recently he was taller than Shaq and Shaq explained that by the fact he was 6'11" peak... So probably suggesting even a bit under now...
Canson said on 13/May/22
@Duhon: yea those two along with Kevin Willis aren’t 7’. Willis was 6’10 as well as he claimed once I think. Not sure about Jon Koncak but he was prob similar. Ewing I’m not sure how tall he was meaning 6’9.75 like he claimed or if he was a strong 6’10 guy (6’10.25) but somewhere between the two imho. I could see Olajuwon being a weak 6’10 though. Shaq was definitely taller than all of them. The only one close to him was Robinson who was probably similar along with Vlade Divac who was measured 6’11.5”. Divac and Robinson were close in height. Imho the Admiral was either the same or maybe 1/4” taller at best. Then Rik Smits and Mutombo were taller along with Mark Eaton and Yao and Dwayne Schintzius I think along with Jim Mcilveine etc
Canson said on 13/May/22
@Pierre: you seem dense. Shaq knows how tall he is. Him saying he’s 6’11 is him saying he’s closer to 6’11 than 7’3” that Ernie thought he was. Shaq was never 7’3” or listed at that though. He was listed 7’1”. His combine measurement was a little over 7’0” which aligns with 6’11.75 being his low. Did he downplay 1/4”? Maybe he did but he’s not 6’11” for sure
Pierre said on 13/May/22
Lol @canson when you're really 6'11.75" you naturally rounded up to 7'0" ,not to 6'11" !

Click Here

Dikembe Mutombo 7'1.25" here ,in poor posture next to Shaq = Click Here .......
Duhon said on 12/May/22
I think Shaq is about as strong an example of a 7 footer as you can get. I don't believe he's much over 7' like Wilt and Kareem were but he almost dwarfs "fake" 7 footers like Patrick Ewing and Hakeem Olajuwon when next to them and always looks taller than legit 6'11" guys like Kevin Garnett and Bill Walton.
Canson said on 12/May/22
Pierre said on 12/May/22
Canson said on 11/May/22
Pierre said on 10/May/22
@Canson Lol I don't see absolutely any reason Shaq would lie in this video ! You talk as if you measured Kevin Garnett etc with a height gauge !

Shaq didn’t lie. He claimed 6’11.75”. Are you calling 6’11.75 a lie now? And if you look at Garnett he is clearly a 6’11 guy next to Carmelo Anthony or any other player who I could verify

Lol @Canson he doesn't lie he gives his real height start of the video ,so 6'11" peak ,and later in the video he gives 6'11.75",his measure with the generous height gauge behind him....So do you want to say he lied at the start of the video when he explain his official federation height was deliberately exagerated and he was in reality only 6'11" ?!Lol very unlikely, he would risk having problems with the federation !=probability he lie on his 6'11" claim = 0.000001 % lol

@Pierre: He was clearly rounding his height down to 6’11 in the beginning. He said I’m 6’11.75 “I’m telling you”. He’s clearly too tall to be 6’11 when his head actually appeared slightly above 7’ at times.

So is Tim Duncan 6’8 or 6’9? Shaq looks over 7’0 next to him

Click Here

Favored here but no way he’s just an inch taller than Duncan

Click Here

Here he is with 6’11 Kevin Garnett and 6’10 Tim Duncan. How is Shaq 6’11 here? Even with his footwear likely giving him more and with him having better posture he’s still taller than those guys

Click Here

Here is Duncan with David Robinson. Christian 6’5 3/8 confirmed with a pic of a friend of his next to Robinson that he’s 6’11-7’0 range. That’s about 1.5” next to Robinson

A slouching Duncan with 6’9.5 Kevin Durant. Duncan is clearly taller

Click Here

If you see this pic, Duncan looks 6’10 next to 6’6.25 Carmelo Anthony. Garnett looks a solid 6’11 and Dirk somewhere in between Duncan and Garnett. Melo isn’t standing completely straight in the pic either. Melo in person is near enough what Rob lists him. He’s no more than 2” taller than I am but no less than about that either. Looked about as close to 2” difference as it gets imho

Click Here

Shaq next to LeBron. Shaq looks 7’0 here

Click Here
Pierre said on 12/May/22
Canson said on 11/May/22
Pierre said on 10/May/22
@Canson Lol I don't see absolutely any reason Shaq would lie in this video ! You talk as if you measured Kevin Garnett etc with a height gauge !

Shaq didn’t lie. He claimed 6’11.75”. Are you calling 6’11.75 a lie now? And if you look at Garnett he is clearly a 6’11 guy next to Carmelo Anthony or any other player who I could verify

Lol @Canson he doesn't lie he gives his real height start of the video ,so 6'11" peak ,and later in the video he gives 6'11.75",his measure with the generous height gauge behind him....So do you want to say he lied at the start of the video when he explain his official federation height was deliberately exagerated and he was in reality only 6'11" ?!Lol very unlikely, he would risk having problems with the federation !=probability he lie on his 6'11" claim = 0.000001 % lol
Canson said on 11/May/22
Pierre said on 10/May/22
@Canson Lol I don't see absolutely any reason Shaq would lie in this video ! You talk as if you measured Kevin Garnett etc with a height gauge !

Shaq didn’t lie. He claimed 6’11.75”. Are you calling 6’11.75 a lie now? And if you look at Garnett he is clearly a 6’11 guy next to Carmelo Anthony or any other player who I could verify
Pierre said on 11/May/22
Canson said on 10/May/22
Pierre said on 10/May/22
He don't claim 6'11.75" he talk about his height measured with the height gauge behind him ...that isn't an official height gauge ...

@Pierre: He did claim 6’11.75”. I don’t understand how difficult that is for you to ascertain. Fast forward to 3:50.

“ I'm Six Eleven and Three Quarters, I'm telling you.”

Click Here

@Canson First = That's not what he said. Second= 6'11.75" is about his measure with the height gauge behind him,that is not an official height gauge...So he was 6'11" peak as he said earlier in the video...
Canson said on 10/May/22
Pierre said on 10/May/22
He don't claim 6'11.75" he talk about his height measured with the height gauge behind him ...that isn't an official height gauge ...

@Pierre: He did claim 6’11.75”. I don’t understand how difficult that is for you to ascertain. Fast forward to 3:50.

“ I'm Six Eleven and Three Quarters, I'm telling you.”

Click Here
Pierre said on 10/May/22
@Canson Lol I don't see absolutely any reason Shaq would lie in this video ! You talk as if you measured Kevin Garnett etc with a height gauge !
Canson said on 10/May/22
IceCold said on 15/Apr/22
Pierre said on 14/Apr/22
Canson said on 12/Apr/22
@Viper: I can see him only measure 6’11.75” but no lower. I only say that because someone that size can lose enough in a day to dip below 7’0” even if he wakes to 7’1”. He effectively is about 7’0” tall though and that’s what I would list him. I wouldn’t give him the 1/4” that Rob did however. If you see him with Kareem and Wilt it’s 2” with Kareem and close to an inch with Wilt

Canson it seems to be a problem Shaquille would be only 6'11" peak claimed by himself...Finally all your guesses by comparing other guys to Shaq would be a little bit exagerated ...Finally Pierre wouldn't be a "downgrader" and Canson would be an upgrader....

If Shaq 6'11, then Deontay Wilder 6'5

You obviously aren’t that intelligent, Pierre. You see that I’m actually partially in agreement that Shaq probably shouldn’t have the extra 1/4” Rob gave him but 7’0” flat at most. However, you really believe he’s 6’11”? That means he’s the same height as Kevin Garnett. I feel Garnett should be listed 6’11 flat and Dirk Nowitzki 6’10.5ish maybe 6’10.5-.75. Are you saying Shaq is only half inch taller than Nowiztki? And like Ice said, Wilder is 6’5 if Shaq is 6’11”. Wilder is clearly a 6’6 range guy. And I’m actually a bit looser with lowering someone from what Rob lists them. I don’t believe 6’6.5 is Wilder’s low but I doubt he’d be much shorter than Carmelo Anthony who I could affirm is about what he’s listed here. I think Wilder qualifies for what Melo is listed or slightly less but not below 6’6”.
Canson said on 10/May/22
@Duhon: the first pic has Shaq favored so it looks more but yes it does generally look at least an inch. I could say Garnett is 6’11 flat, which I can believe only because he can even appear shorter than 6’11.25 Brook Lopez. Not sure if Lopez gained or if Garnett May have lost height these days. but I doubt below 6’11 in his prime. I don’t rule out 6’11.75 at a low for Shaq but anything below that I would. I only don’t rule it out because Wilt claimed to only be 7’0.5 before and Shaq looked at least 2” shorter than Kareem. Shaq’s shoes may have given added thickness but I still say he would have to have at least 2 cm on Garnett and is definitively taller. He really looked at least 7’0” flat on TNT in the link
Pierre said on 10/May/22
He don't claim 6'11.75" he talk about his height measured with the height gauge behind him ...that isn't an official height gauge ...
Mickie said on 9/May/22
Pierre, sometimes people round down fractions, especially when they are making the point that they are not 7 feet. Shaq said: "I'm Six Eleven and Three Quarters, I'm telling you."
Canson said on 9/May/22

He did claim 6’11.75”. This is after he claimed 6’11 in the same video. Why would he be so specific if he isn’t that height? They (his studio mates) all thought he was at least 7’0” including Barkley who didn’t believe he was over that mark. So you’re saying He was shorter than Kevin Garnett? Or the same height? No he wasn’t. He was taller. And I’m being fair in saying Garnett was probably just a solid 6’11” peak afternoon height

Click Here
Duhon said on 9/May/22
@Pierre if you know anything about Shaq he has a sense of humor and likes to tease. Shaq is at least an inch taller than strong 6'11" Kevin Garnett. Click Here Click Here
Pierre said on 9/May/22
@Mickie If he was really 6'11.75" peak he would have claim 7'0" in his recent interview,he would'nt have claim 6'11" ...
Vincent Caleb said on 29/Apr/22
7’0” tall legit
Mickie said on 26/Apr/22
6'11.75" is far more believable than 6'11" flat. Of course the exact figure depends on the time of day you measure him, I believe that he probably did measure just over 7 feet for the draft. Might have been a bit earlier in the day though, and maybe he creeps under 7 foot later in the day.
Gaspergoo said on 23/Apr/22
He says he is 6'11" do I tend to believe that probably his actual height....
Pierre said on 15/Apr/22
@Canson And of course all this guys compared to Shaq have been measured barefoot with a good height gauge and their official heights are not a little bit inflated...
IceCold said on 15/Apr/22
Pierre said on 14/Apr/22
Canson said on 12/Apr/22
@Viper: I can see him only measure 6’11.75” but no lower. I only say that because someone that size can lose enough in a day to dip below 7’0” even if he wakes to 7’1”. He effectively is about 7’0” tall though and that’s what I would list him. I wouldn’t give him the 1/4” that Rob did however. If you see him with Kareem and Wilt it’s 2” with Kareem and close to an inch with Wilt

Canson it seems to be a problem Shaquille would be only 6'11" peak claimed by himself...Finally all your guesses by comparing other guys to Shaq would be a little bit exagerated ...Finally Pierre wouldn't be a "downgrader" and Canson would be an upgrader....

If Shaq 6'11, then Deontay Wilder 6'5
Canson said on 15/Apr/22
Pierre said on 14/Apr/22
Canson said on 12/Apr/22
@Viper: I can see him only measure 6’11.75” but no lower. I only say that because someone that size can lose enough in a day to dip below 7’0” even if he wakes to 7’1”. He effectively is about 7’0” tall though and that’s what I would list him. I wouldn’t give him the 1/4” that Rob did however. If you see him with Kareem and Wilt it’s 2” with Kareem and close to an inch with Wilt

Canson it seems to be a problem Shaquille would be only 6'11" peak claimed by himself...Finally all your guesses by comparing other guys to Shaq would be a little bit exagerated ...Finally Pierre wouldn't be a "downgrader" and Canson would be an upgrader....

Lol I’m an upgrader? 😂 😂

First time anyone has ever said that to me on this site or at least one of the first couple. It’s usually the opposite.

By the way Pierre, some food for thought. How is Shaq 6’11 flat? He’s clearly taller than Kevin Garnett. KG is an inch taller than Tim Duncan and also slightly taller than Nowitzki. Shaq is no less than the 6’11.75 he claimed. That’s the height he claimed to a T. Guess you can’t read what Rob wrote
Pierre said on 14/Apr/22
Canson said on 12/Apr/22
@Viper: I can see him only measure 6’11.75” but no lower. I only say that because someone that size can lose enough in a day to dip below 7’0” even if he wakes to 7’1”. He effectively is about 7’0” tall though and that’s what I would list him. I wouldn’t give him the 1/4” that Rob did however. If you see him with Kareem and Wilt it’s 2” with Kareem and close to an inch with Wilt

Canson it seems to be a problem Shaquille would be only 6'11" peak claimed by himself...Finally all your guesses by comparing other guys to Shaq would be a little bit exagerated ...Finally Pierre wouldn't be a "downgrader" and Canson would be an upgrader....
IceCold said on 13/Apr/22
Shaq can't has higher the average guess than Wilt. Shaq wasn't as tall as Wilt
Canson said on 12/Apr/22
@Viper: I can see him only measure 6’11.75” but no lower. I only say that because someone that size can lose enough in a day to dip below 7’0” even if he wakes to 7’1”. He effectively is about 7’0” tall though and that’s what I would list him. I wouldn’t give him the 1/4” that Rob did however. If you see him with Kareem and Wilt it’s 2” with Kareem and close to an inch with Wilt
Warren said on 11/Apr/22
Then (When played in NBA) 215cm
Now 213cm
viper said on 11/Apr/22
Nah, he looks a good 7-0. That's what he measured
Darksol64 said on 10/Apr/22
I don't know why, but I've always had a gut feeling that this guy is not truly in the 7ft range barefoot.

He's huge, no doubt, but I would not be surprised at all to see him measure between 6'10.5-6'11.5 before bed. 7ft+ out of bed is of course a given.

If he truly is below 7 I still have no problem with him claiming it. He's close enough! I mean a true 6'11 is so gigantic who can tell the difference anyway? Much less, who's going to call him out on it?

One reason I feel he's a little below 7 is looking at a totally legit TOWERING 7'1.5 Richard Kiel (Jaws) I can't help but feel that he's a fair bit shorter than him. Somewhere between 2-3 inches. Again, just a gut feeling. Could easily be wrong.

I'll guess and give him 6'11 and a quarter.
Celebheights 6'1.5" said on 30/Mar/22
It’s possible to use Shaq as a measuring stick for other celebrities who stand by him:

Click Here

Click Here

If the top of a celebrity’s head comes up to the center of his shoulder, then they’re around 6’1 1/2” in footwear. The bottom of Shaq’s chin tips the 6’3 1/2”-6’4” mark.
p.j.legend86 said on 4/Feb/22
Shaq was on Howard Stern many years ago and Shaq said he was 6'11".
Warren said on 31/Jan/22
My guess he would be 213-214cm range now if he got some shrink. Probably his peak is like 215cm before bed.
6pxjd said on 26/Jan/22
Strong 7ft
Jayk said on 21/Jan/22
can look easy 7ft1
Bobbyh3342 said on 13/Jan/22
shaq is a legit 7 feet tall, if he drops to 6'11.75 late in the day so what,he is a legit 7 foot male
Canson said on 10/Jan/22
He may have rounded down from 6’11.75 but a 6 pm measurement shouldn’t be excluded from consideration if a 6 am measurement isn’t. In fact it’s closer to normal than a 6 am measurement
FriedChicken said on 9/Jan/22
He probably wasn't standing tall or it was late at night and he rounded down.
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 1/Jan/22
i don't get why he tried to claim 6'11 tho, maybe the measurement was happened on 6 P.M? i think that's the most likely case

7 foot and a fraction would suit Shaq
Janes said on 18/Nov/21
Click Here with James Hetfield (185cm)
bmb said on 8/Nov/21
Hey Rob, do you think Shaq can be 6'11.75" at his 'absolute lowest'?
Editor Rob
if he doesn't stand tall for a measurement, maybe he is barely 7ft
Daniel Morris said on 26/Oct/21
Shaq is right around 7 ft even in bare feet....his shoes probably give him around 2 inches due to his size
Canson said on 18/Oct/21
@Jawilder: what’s even scarier is that he only won 4 lol. He would’ve had 6 In LA even leaving LA in 2004 had he and Kobe found a way to coexist and some of the injuries and controversies hadn’t happened lol. I could’ve seen them beating San Antonio if things had gone differently and 2004 against Detroit if Karl Malone hadn’t gotten hurt. Hell his team in Orlando wasn’t too shabby in 95 but the Dream and Clyde the Glide swept them lol. They were younger and still figuring it out. Then someone we know well who is my favorite of all time came out of retirement in 95 and took it personal the next season and his team went 72-10 lol
Harry Sachs said on 17/Oct/21
You know what I always found funny? When people feel the need to believe something when it isn't true. Shaq has stated even recently that he was never 7'1 barefooted. I think Shaq knows his height better than the people here.

Here is a picture of Kareem Abdul Jabbar who was around 7'2 before he started losing height. If you think Shaq is only 1 inch shorter than Kareem then you should think about getting glasses Click Here

I would say Shaq was 7'0 tall peak.
Harry Sachs said on 17/Oct/21
You know what I always found funny? When people feel the need to believe something when it isn't true. Shaq has stated even recently that he was never 7'1 barefooted. I think Shaq knows his height better than the people here.

Here is a picture of Kareem Abdul Jabbar who was around 7'2 before he started losing height. If you think Shaq is only 1 inch shorter than Kareem then you should think about getting glasses Click Here

I would say Shaq was 7'0 tall peak.
Jawilder said on 17/Oct/21
@Canson Gotta love Shaq!
Canson said on 13/Oct/21
@Jawilder: definitely the most dominant I agree
Jawilder said on 13/Oct/21
7 feet for The Big Aristotle 🎓. I think he’s the most dominant player of all time. One of the best ever. Also, my favorite basketball player of all time! Got to see him play in his later years, will never forget it 💪
Robbe said on 12/Oct/21
@recapa, that's not 20cm difference. Barkleys tophead is clearly above Shaq's mouthlevel. If Barkley is as listed, Shaq appears only 6'11 there Click Here
recapa said on 10/Oct/21
shaq and sir charles Click Here .seems like a good 20cm diffrence to me .i have barkley at 193.5-194 nowdays which would make shaq in the 213.5-214 range.
recapa said on 7/Oct/21
honeslty he could look 2 inches or close to it shorter than 218-218.5 kareem abdul jabbar if i had to guess between a strong 7 foot guy or weak for peak shaq i,d say strong.this listing is perfect for me .213.5-214 before bed and 216.5-217 out of bed.
Canson said on 3/Oct/21
I doubt Shaq is only a flat 7’0” in the morning 😂 😂. He’s probably closer to 7’1” out of bed and 6’11.75 at night is possible
dashi said on 25/Sep/21
Robbe said on 11/Sep/21
Yeah, Shaq appears a good 7ft there. It would be interesting to see Shaq face to face with Joel Embiid. I honestly can't tell which one is taller. Shaq with 6'4 Ngannou, and Joel with 6'3.25 Paul Pogba Click Here
Duhon said on 10/Sep/21
Shaq is the definition of a strong 7'er, I can easily believe he was 7'1"+ in the morning at least. He was slightly edged by Wilt who was a strong 7'1"er and by Kareem who was a true 7'2" or just fractionally under like Rob has him listed.
Joec-192.5cm said on 9/Sep/21
Looks the full 7' with Francis Ngannou Click Here
MichaelMyers said on 9/Sep/21
Maybe I'm crazy lol, but I still believe 7'1" for peak Shaq. And 7'0.25" or 7'0.5" current. I believe he was joking when he said he was 6'11.75". Another thing, when he said he was 6'11.75, he said it was his 5'2" girlfriend who measured him, and that it was her that told him that height. Maybe she had some trouble measuring someone nearly 2 feet taller than her, just a thought.
recapa said on 1/Sep/21
i guess a solid 7 foot for shaq at peak sounds perfect.the listing is good too.
Canson said on 19/Aug/21
I agree with Alex
Jimbo Lee said on 18/Aug/21
Shaq is most definitely still 7'0, but was most definitely a 7'1 peak morning person.

His shoes most definitely have always been overly large to support his frame. So I'm guessing 7'1 ¼ peak, and 7'2 ½ in basketball shoes.

I'm guessing 7'0 ¼ now, 7'2 ¼ in shoes now. 7'3 ½, in his custom dress shoes.
Burgos-21 said on 17/Aug/21
His two pre-draft measurents were 7'0.66" and 7'0.88" without shoes.
Alex 6'0 said on 16/Aug/21
7'1 outta bed he could still dip to 6'11.75 prob. 1.25 is a very big drop but for giants its normal i guess.
Canson said on 8/Aug/21
@Duhon: I think that was initial then it was amended to 7 5/8 if I can remember correctly? Maybe I’m wrong. He’s gonna measure either one throughout the day tho and likely 7’1 as well first thing
Duhon said on 6/Aug/21
Someone once found a 7'0.88" for Shaq as well I believe.
Alex 6'0 said on 4/Aug/21
Wasn't shaqs officially measured 7'0.25? Just over 7'0 would be that or maybe 7'0 1/8. Even in morning at worst hed be 6'11.75 low
Alex 6'0 said on 4/Aug/21
Canson not that we can tell 6'11.5 vs 7'0 by just looking at someone lol. I do agree a low height is your legit height. Anything afternoon and on. I don't believe in going by extreme lows ever.
ChaosControl said on 3/Aug/21
He's easily 7'2 in footwear

If that footwear is studs and he measured in the morning, yes
miko said on 2/Aug/21
He's easily 7'2 in footwear and actually looked a hair over it on that NBA programme, so barefoot he's got to be over 7'0 still as they weren't 2 inch sneakers.

I can buy 7'0.75 range peak and maybe between 7'0.25/7'0.5 today. Probably lost a fraction at 49 and carrying a lot of weight around especially since retirement.
Canson said on 31/Jul/21
@Alex: may have been earlier but possible it was his low. He always looked around that mark
Alex 6'0 said on 29/Jul/21
Canson yea technically a hair under 7'2 but that was an earlier measurement? So prob 7'1.75 afternoon? Shaq did claim 6'11.75 which i can see but no less
Canson said on 25/Jul/21
@Alex: yea that’s the max for Shaq. And KAJ measured 7’1 7/8”
Alex 6'0 said on 19/Jul/21
A 7'2 Kareem Abdul puts Shaq at 7'0 even.
Canson said on 19/Jul/21
@Shane: interesting! You’re right about that and that’s why people assumed Barkley was taller than he was due to the camera being so low
Shane said on 15/Jul/21
@Canson: please see my comment under Alex's. Thanks my friend.
Shane said on 15/Jul/21
@Canson: please see my comment under Alex's. Thanks my friend.
Canson said on 14/Jul/21
@Alex: maybe it was. I could see an even 7’ but I doubt any higher at his peak. Remember that KAJ and Wilt were both taller than he was and Shaq’s shoes looked very thick
Alex 6'0 said on 12/Jul/21
6'11.75 either sarcasm or an extreme low. 7'0-7'0.25 id say. Nowadays i can see 6'11.5
Shane said on 7/Jul/21
@Canson That chart thing on TNT was super cool and I'd pay to have had a camera shooting at proper angle even with top of head. Camera was lower than him noticeably, so it's hard to tell if he was actually above that line for sure -- and, if so -- exactly how much. All that said, Shaq did always wear very thick shoes. I'd like to have some of those old Shaq shoes evaluated to see how much they added but some were VERY THICK. And I'm thinking as big as Shaq was and as smart as he is, he wore some thick orthotics as well, so he likely got more height out of his footwear than most players.
Mickie said on 6/Jul/21
I believe Shaq is taller than Pau Gasol who interestingly many on this site seem to believe is 7 feet.
Canson said on 2/Jul/21
@Chaos: lol yea AI is 5’10-5’11 imho. The 5’7 was keeping up with Duhon
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 30/Jun/21
Canson said on 29/Jun/21
@Chaos Control: you mean the 5’7 Iverson lol

The site says he’s 5’11 and we were taking 2 inches off, but thanks to your guess he’s now 5’5
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 30/Jun/21
@Canson I don’t know anything about basketball outside of Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Yao Ming, Lebron and Shaq to be honest so half my guesses are just made up (and most of the basketball pages I comment on are ones that popped up as random celebs). Don’t know anything about American football either, that’s another sport where random celeb teaches me about their athletes
Canson said on 29/Jun/21
@Chaos Control: you mean the 5’7 Iverson lol
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 29/Jun/21
@Canson well we all know that Yao is really 5’1, so Shaq could be as low as 4’10....
Canson said on 28/Jun/21
@Duhon: 😂. I could believe Barkley 6’4 range (albeit 194-195) but not Shaq at 6’10”. That would mean Garnett Dirk and Gasol were all taller. Maybe Shaq had mega lifts on the court that still enabled him to play without breaking an ankle 😂
ChaosControl 6'2.50 said on 28/Jun/21
Duhon said on 26/Jun/21
Yeah and Kevin Garnett is 6'8" and Kobe is 6'2" right Alonzo...

Don’t forget the famous 5’9 Allen Iverson or the 7’3.5 Yao Ming
Alex 6'0 said on 27/Jun/21
They said he was measured just over 7'0 so the 7'0.25 listing could be spot on. It wasn't like an out of bed height. At worst couple hrs up.
Duhon said on 26/Jun/21
Yeah and Kevin Garnett is 6'8" and Kobe is 6'2" right Alonzo...

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.