How tall is Slavitza Jovan

Slavitza Jovan's Height

5ft 8 (172.7 cm)

Yugoslavian Model/Actress, best known her role as Gozer in Ghostbusters and as The Twisted Nurse in House on Haunted Hill. In this convention photo I'm wearing Converse thin, whilst Slavitza had a boot giving her 0.5 inches footwear advantage over me. On her resume she listed herself as "Height: 5'9" and "Weight: 117 lbs", and on another resume "5'10" and "118 lbs".

How tall is Slavitza Jovan
5ft 8 Rob and Slavitza (age 55) @ Collectormania 2010

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Add a Comment68 comments

Average Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 7.9in (172.5cm)
Nik Ashton said on 8/Sep/20
@ Leesheff85 - Very believable!
Leesheff85 said on 8/Sep/20
She was 55 when this photo was taken so may have already started shrinking but 5ft 8 peak is certainly believable
Nik said on 4/Jun/20
She's slouching!
Nik said on 1/Oct/18
@ Artrem - I agree that Slavitza is not stood at her straightest! I am sure that with her footwear advantage she would have edged Rob if she was stood at her tallest on the day the photograph above was taken, I am inclined to believe that she is no less than 5'8"!

I am happy to say that Slavitza Jovan popped up as a R-A-N-D-O-M C-E-L-E-B!
Nik said on 7/Jul/18
At least this listing!
Artrem said on 17/Jun/18
She will edge Rob if she stood straight.
Nik said on 4/Apr/18
I think she can pull off your height Rob!
Almost 5 10 said on 2/Jul/14
Michael Jackson also looked 5' 8" at times. Coincidence? I think not :-P
Pleb said on 30/Nov/13
She's clearly into you Rob, willing to sacrifice that precious inch in height to rub her bosom against your chest.
TRINACRIA said on 23/Nov/13
Saw her in "BODY DOUBLE" !
marla singer said on 2/Apr/13
@truth178cm sorry but I stay there every year for a month, so I can tell you that what Ras said is true. I get towered very often (except from elder people) and I'm sure female average there is 5'7 if not more (my sister is 5'6.5 and she gets towered aswell) for males no less than 6'1. All my male cousins are over 6 ft (my uncle is slightly over 2m), as for female cousins they're all above 5'8 (all taller than me and my sis) except from one (still growing a bit, she's 14 and stands 5'3-5'4)
Will said on 21/Dec/12
She looks the same height as Rob.
Mathew said on 27/Oct/12
Rob looks taller despite the half inch footware disadvantage so 5'7.25" seems closer here than 5'8".
Mathew said on 10/Feb/12
Shortish86 says on 7/Feb/12
More like 5'7-5'7.5 if she had a bit more footwear.


Shortish86 said on 7/Feb/12
More like 5'7-5'7.5 if she had a bit more footwear.
Ras said on 22/Jan/12
In the dinaric alps, the average for a woman is 173.5 (about a bit over 5'8.25, it's about 5'8.3) so this girl is pretty much half a hair under the average;). Still within the average range though.
Khalid said on 9/Jan/12
In an interview she said that they chose her for the role of Gozer because of her height 5 "8" tall.
topdweeb said on 16/Jun/09
Chico Santana was 6' 2? I don't buy that.
Red said on 24/May/09
Rob, are you going to change Tito
BIG Red said on 20/May/09
ben looks 1to2 inches shorter then tito,tito might have a fottwear advantage because ben really looks 2 inches shorter
Red said on 10/May/09
Great Pics Ben, in the wrestleslam vid it looks like Tito is wearing suspicious shoes. Did he had a footwear advantage over you?
MK said on 6/May/09
Ben's already provided some great pics on this site, people need to back off and let him post new ones in his own time, should he choose to do so of coure.
Red said on 5/May/09
???Ben why don
TELLEM said on 29/Apr/09
exactly ola, your 6'1 1/2, which means you want every wrestler thats taller than you to be either shorter than you, or the same height as i said, why don't you just accept the fact that 6'1 1/2 in the wrestling world is nothing.
The Ben said on 29/Apr/09

Rob has pictures of me that ive sent him with piper and flair but he hasnt used them, i have 3-4 inches on both of them.. Santana looked 6'2 to me.. I dont know if warrior wore lifts back in the day (yes i am a fanboy and proud of it and warrior was always my favourite) But warrior in person was shorter then santana, plus warrior had big ass boots.. i have no reason to make the my hero look small.
I was shocked how tall santana and the mountie where, i was also shocked at how small flair, piper, LOD animal and marty jannety were.

My peak height was 6'1.5 and i was that height for years.. I work in a gym and i measure and weigh people all the time, on the tape measure we use at the gym that is bolted to the wall and you reel it down to check peoples heights i was 6'2 barefoot, i changed gyms and had a similar tape that put me at 6,1.5.... i always went by these heights and from when i joined the navy as well when i was 6'1.5
Since then i've had some back trouble, a prolapsed disk..
I actually bought a tape measure for the gym i work at now and too exact measurements for me and other staff... i was shocked to find i was actuall 6,0.5.. i found out probably a week after posting the santana picks... i honestly couldn't be botherd to explain on here at the time because of how much abuse i knew i would get...
If i was 6'0.5 in feb 07 then i would say the warrior was the same height...I am in no way under 6ft.. i do plan to maybe go to celeb signings this year and if robs there then he can measure me barefoot..
I could't care weather im 6ft or 6'2... all i care about is being in shape and not to skinny.

Ola... santana was a big tall guy.
at wrestleslam in 07 all the wrestlers seemed short to me and at 08 they all seemed tall.. weather my injury caused me to lose height i honestly dont know.
All i know is for yrs i was 6'1.5 and now at age 33 im 6,0.5
....Treat it like a deck of cards... deal with it!
TELLEM said on 28/Apr/09
Ola says on 28/Apr/09
I dont think there exists even one pic or one video where santana is taller than warrior. Fanboys who is overexaggerate their own height just to make their favorites to appear taller(no offense ben but you're one of them) same thing with "greg"

i dont think ben is over 5'10

your accusing someone of their own height, just to fit your terrible height estimations? why don't you just accept the fact that most of these wrestlers are taller than you.
Jordan said on 18/Apr/09
WHat the hell his Hands are f'n huge
apo said on 26/Mar/09
wow this guy's hands are freakisly large...WTF??
DarkOne said on 22/Mar/09
How tall are you Ben?
Are you 6'1 in the evening or just when you wake up? 6'1 is exactly 185.4cm.

I'm something like 6'1.25 (about 186cm) in the evening,and very close to 6'2 (almost 188cm) out of bed.
So I think I can claim 6'1.5 (187cm) without problems,because that's my height during the day.
Anonymous said on 18/Mar/09
Bret - 5'11"
Shawn - 5'11"
TELLEM said on 18/Mar/09
that makes sense red, seeing as bret hart had an inch over ric flair. i agree about shawn's peak at 5'11.5
joe said on 17/Mar/09
i have a feeling ben is 6'0. tito is probably 2 inches taller than ben in this pic if he straightened out.
TELLEM said on 16/Mar/09
your right, i was fooled, but thats good thing, because i started to think shawn was over 6'0...5'11.5 for shawn peak. red, who was taller bret hart or shawn michaels?
Red said on 16/Mar/09
Tellem, Shawn looks taller because of his hairs, because Anderson is not standing as straight as Shawn and because of the camera-angle.

Click Here with the cameratilt corrected, Shawn dosn
TELLEM said on 15/Mar/09
heres shawn michaels taller than arn anderson @ 1:49: Click Here both their boots look normal
Red said on 15/Mar/09
If Vegas is right and Shawn had no help in his boots with Tito than The Ben is max 6
Vegas said on 14/Mar/09
judge for yourselves tito and shawn, those boots don't even have a heel and shawn is barely taller than a heeled 5'7 sherri in those "VERY large boots" Click Here

tito was standing beside a broken down bobby heenan at hall of fame 2004 and at WM20 the next night (i was at both shows) and tito was no way 4 inches taller than heenan, that footage is sure to be available somewhere, tito never looked 6-2 to me in all my time watching him in the ring, then again neither did bubba dudley or mick foley, so maybe i am wrong :)

anyways for now here is something for The Ben Click Here
Derek said on 13/Mar/09
Danimal is right. Those boots Michaels wore put Timberlands to shame. Those things were gigantic.
Danimal said on 12/Mar/09
Vegas says on 12/Mar/09
warrior i doubt wore lifts he wasn't that much taller than ric flair around the same time Click Here

tito didn't look 6'2 next to HBK either in 1991-1992

Vegas, we've been over this. HBK wore VERY large boots in the early-mid 90's when he was getting his HUGE solo PUSH.
The Ben said on 12/Mar/09
Having met warrior and tito i can tell you that tito is taller.
All i can put that video down to is camera angles or warrior wearing lifts
\_-_-_-(Hugh)-_-_-_/ said on 12/Mar/09
6ft2 now defintaly. 6ft2.75 in his prime.
Vegas said on 12/Mar/09
warrior i doubt wore lifts he wasn't that much taller than ric flair around the same time Click Here

tito didn't look 6'2 next to HBK either in 1991-1992
Danimal said on 11/Mar/09
TELLEM says on 11/Mar/09
something is wrong here...look at tito with warrior and hogan...he doesn't look 6'2 next to them , unless warrior wore lifts???

He absolutely DID wear lifts. 6'2" Sting tag teamed with Warrior in the mid 80's and Warrior was 1-2" shorter than Sting.
TELLEM said on 11/Mar/09
something is wrong here...look at tito with warrior and hogan...he doesn't look 6'2 next to them , unless warrior wore lifts???
Anonymous said on 10/Mar/09
i can but 6'1 for tito and 6ft flat for the other dude
LittleBigMan said on 9/Mar/09
Look at the size of his hands!
Red said on 9/Mar/09
Halb, take a look at the match on yt. Tito looks closer to Hogan in the ring than in the interview
Halb said on 9/Mar/09
It might be that Warrior is too much in the foreground, but Tito doesn't look the full 6'2 next to him in that vid.
Ernie from George Lopez said on 7/Mar/09
ARRIBA! he was a great wrestler indeed, Tito Santana and I are both from south Texas, you know near McAllen
tuga said on 7/Mar/09
Click Here

Hogan, tito santana and warrior.
D. Ray Morton said on 6/Mar/09
One of the great WWF wrestlers. My guess is 6'3" at his peak, 6'2" now. Significantly taller than his brother, Carlos.
Red said on 6/Mar/09
Nice pics Robby, Hogan looks 6
Robby said on 6/Mar/09
Tito Santana & Rick Martel Click Here
Tito Santana & The Mountie Click Here Click Here
Tito Santana & Shawn Michaels Click Here
Tito Santana, Hulk Hogan and The Ultimate Warrior Click Here
Gervis said on 5/Mar/09
Whoops, I meant at an advanced age instead of advanced height of course...
Danimal said on 5/Mar/09
Gervis says on 5/Mar/09
Ben, if the height chart at your gym was put up too high it should've measured you shorter than you really are, not taller. So I assume it was put up too low...

Anyway, great pics with Tito and Jaques Rougeau. I'm kind of surprised that even at an advanced height and a long career they appear to be their billed heights (Rougeau was even billed at 6'1'' at times). Any chance of putting the pictures with DaveyBoy, Christian and Jarrett up?

Yeah, I'd love to see those too!
Gervis said on 5/Mar/09
Ben, if the height chart at your gym was put up too high it should've measured you shorter than you really are, not taller. So I assume it was put up too low...

Anyway, great pics with Tito and Jaques Rougeau. I'm kind of surprised that even at an advanced height and a long career they appear to be their billed heights (Rougeau was even billed at 6'1'' at times). Any chance of putting the pictures with DaveyBoy, Christian and Jarrett up?
Danimal said on 4/Mar/09
WOW, Tito must have been a strong 6'3" in the mid 80's/early 90's. He's looking to be AT LEAST 6'2.5" with Ben.
derek d said on 4/Mar/09
Big King says on 4/Mar/09
Tito has two inches on Ben.

More like 1 inch.... Your counting Tito's hair...
Anonymous said on 4/Mar/09
you are the same height no matter what time of day it is. It makes no difference!
Vegas said on 4/Mar/09
tito had about 1.5 inches on hbk in a staredown in 1992
The Ben said on 4/Mar/09
The height chart at the gym was wrong, it was put up to high.
I measured myself at home with an accurate tape measure and im pretty much dead on 6'1 give or take a quarter of an inch.
I met plenty of wrestlers, on this one day most of the wrestlers were taller then i thought, ive met plenty who were far shorter.
Ive got pics with christian, davey boy smith, jeff jarrett and ric flair and i look far taller then all of them, flair and jarrett look 5'9 next to me.
Big King said on 4/Mar/09
Tito has two inches on Ben.
derek d said on 4/Mar/09
If your 6'1.5 mid day then why are you listed at 6'1 on this website, shouldn't you be listed closer to 6'2?
TELLEM said on 4/Mar/09
i thought he was 6'0 or 6'1 the most...never thought he was 6'2.
Red said on 4/Mar/09
The Ben says on 5/Jan/09 at Ric Flair page
Danimal your totally correct, i measured myself this morning and i was just under 6'1.
I met flair a couple of months ago and he was 5'10 tops, he could have even been shorter, it wasnt until i got my photo with him developed that i saw the difference, ill see if i can get it up on here.

Ben says on 4/Mar/09
I work in a gym and the height chart we have their puts me at 6'1.5 mid day.
I got a tape measure out and measured myself last week and i was just under 6'1 mid day.

Is this the same Ben(The Ben)?
Ben said on 4/Mar/09
I work in a gym and the height chart we have their puts me at 6'1.5 mid day.
I got a tape measure out and measured myself last week and i was just under 6'1 mid day.
Yes its Barefoot height.
All i can say is tito was a big guy, He had good posture, he wasnt wearing big soled shoes.
He was 6'2.
He maybe was slightly closer to the camera.
I expected him to 6.0 at the most.
Red said on 4/Mar/09
Looks a strong 6
Alex said on 4/Mar/09
Ben are you 6'1 out of bed, midday or evening?

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.