Comentarista said on 19/Apr/23
106cm is right for him.
5'7 and a fraction said on 16/Mar/23
Who cares how tall he is? He's always come across as a very relatable human being.
Sandy Cowell said on 6/Oct/22
On ‘Tenable’ this afternoon, there was a dentist answering a
question on which countries are the ones which speak Spanish the most, other than Spain. The fellow’s knowledge was excellent.
Warwick simply HAD to fit in a joke, and it went as follows: “I went to school with a Scottish dentist. His name was Phil Macavity!” 👏
Now I feel the necessity of reading the TS Elliot poem ‘Macavity’ into my day, my favourite poem at school and still to this day. 😸
Yes, Warwick may be short, but he isn’t short on humour!
Sandy Cowell said on 4/Oct/22
I’ve grown very fond of Warwick’s afternoon quiz show ‘Tenable’.
He sounds like a man of average height and he has a great sense of humour.
3ft6. 😄
ChaosControl1 said on 12/Feb/22
Where would he come up to on a 7’0 flat person given he’s exactly half of that?

Editor Rob
Barely at the crotch of a 7 footer.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Feb/22
🎂🎈🎁 Happy Birthday Warwick! 🎁🎈🎂
A very Happy 52nd Birthday to actor and TV host, Warwick Davis.
3ft6. 😁👍🎊🍰🍻
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 31/May/21
Watching Warwick on his quiz programme Tenable, he speaks with a normal deep man's voice. I know many a full size man who squeaks!
3ft6. 😁
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 23/Mar/21
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 4/Mar/21
This may sound nitpicky, but that photo doesn’t do much for comparison
Editor Rob
I'm about 4ft 2-3 on one knee
Yeah that makes sense as to why you look a head taller. I think I’m about 4’7 or 4’8 on one knee, not sure exactly
Chaos Control 6'2.5 said on 4/Mar/21
This may sound nitpicky, but that photo doesn’t do much for comparison

Editor Rob
I'm about 4ft 2-3 on one knee
Ostentacian said on 13/Feb/21
What could his morning height be? 3ft 6.3? His shrinkage is probably half inch or less?

Editor Rob
might be around 1cm taller out of bed yeah
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Feb/21
🎂🎁🍻 Happy Birthday Warwick! 🍻🎁🎂
Many Happy Returns to Warwick Davis, who celebrates his 51st Birthday today.
3ft6 😁👍🎈🎊
Aj06 said on 15/Dec/20
tiny dude probably will have to say 3'5.6 max probably 3'5.5 plenty funny though a giant in that.
Tunman said on 28/Oct/20
In Netherlands?Well it won't change that much from UK since it's only 1-1.5 difference ,but I would have been curious to see some of the less shorter men like say Dinklage in a pygmy population.Btw I wonder what place height has in a society which is among the shortest?
J2Frenzy said on 26/Oct/20
Is he the shortest guy you have a photo with?

Editor Rob
yes he is
Mark Allan said on 23/Jul/20
Imagine him in Netherlands Rob that would be a sight
Mark Allan said on 23/Jul/20
Rob, I never judge people based on their height but do you think this guy could have been heavily bullied because of his extremely short stature and do you think he’s up there with the world’s shortest men?

Editor Rob
There's very few men in UK under Warwick's height.
I've read before Warwick mentioning that he wasn't bullied much because he had a strong personality.
It's interesting seeing
Kenny Baker and Warwick.
I believe the shortest guy in UK is
Michael Henbury, he's just under 3 feet.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 3/Feb/20
🎁🎂 Happy 5️⃣0️⃣th Birthday Warwick! 🎂🎁
Wishing the little fellow with the big personality a very happy half-century Birthday today!
3ft6. 😁🎉🍰
Nik said on 9/Nov/19
C-O-O-L! I'm honoured to give this fine gentleman his 50th comment!
Nik said on 3/Nov/19
It's interesting that he claims to be 3'6" in his socks.
Yang (5 footer 8, 172-173) said on 16/Aug/19
One of the shortest person just like Chandra Dangi (50cm approx) on the Earth who might be suffering from certain disease called Dwarfism which is opposite to Giantism like Ian Whyte, Shaquill Oneill, Yao Ming, Sultan Kosen and
Robert Wadlow etc... For some odd reasons, tallest and shortest peoples height are difficult to guess... He is the one of shortest actor I would love to meet while Sultan Kosen is the one of tallest human being I would love to meet one day to take pic together!!!
Norman Stewart said on 12/Aug/19
Warwick looks about 3ft 5 in my opinion and I know 3 famous Celebs that should be added on the Shortest men category. The first one is Evan Eckenrode aka Dwarf Mamba who is a famous YouTube who does vlogs and he is 4ft 2inchs tall, the next one is Joshua Ryan Evans he plays as Timmy from Passions is 3ft 2inchs and the final guy is Nick Smith he is a Primordial Dwarf who was in a documentary called 20 and 35 inches and he is 2ft 11inches tall.
Miiiiiiighty_- said on 9/Apr/19
Not sure he is really 3'6" doesn't look it next to his wife..
Has a pretty big dome too for his height..
Anyway seems like a really nice guy, truly one of those " larger than life personalities/character "
Norman Stewart said on 15/Aug/18
If he is 3'6,his wife 4ft and his Daughter is 3'5 then how tall is his son Harrison
Ian C. said on 29/Jun/18
Mr. Davis here is not the first dwarf to claim that he makes up for his height in "other ways." I think he may be hinting at the generous size of his pancreas, or maybe his kidneys. Some organ of his that is of an impressive size, anyway. This seems to be a dwarf thing. They're all afraid that you might think them small all over, which apparently would be a much worse handicap than being less than four feet tall.
You never hear giants say, my great height doesn't really compensate for the smallness of my gall bladder (or whatever). They never really discuss the issue. Which is suspicious. Who did Richard Kiel think he was kidding?
mId said on 22/Dec/17
Long time since I posted on here, but If you search for Karl Pilkington and Warick(that's the way the video is spelled) go shopping on youtube.. at the 2:22 mark Karl asks Warwick how tall he is in centimeters, and Warwick answers -About 105 I think. So it doesn't seem like he's sure about his height in cm, but that's what he says/guesses in the video. On a sidenote, he seems like a great guy from what I've seen in interviews and fan-meetings.. Great sense of humour.
Greetings from Sweden & merry Xmas everybody :)
Cameron said on 12/Dec/17
@Bobby He has dwarfism and would have likely only been around 5'3" without it.
Klapperschlangensindgeil21 said on 9/Nov/17
Peter Dinklage looked like a giant standing next to this guy!
Johnson said on 26/Oct/17
@Rob He is shorter
Look at him with Peter Dinklage
Click Here
Bobby said on 5/Oct/17
Is this a case of primordial dwarfism, Rob?
Nik said on 4/Aug/17
@ Tyson
Tyson said on 31/Jul/17
Rob, Chandra Bahadur died two years ago in these days, he was only 54.6 cm. I think should be added
Tyson said on 31/Jul/17
@Nik That is my old account
even said on 28/Jul/17
height = 1 meter , weight = 25 kg
even said on 17/Jun/17
he is no more than one meter tall
Nik said on 5/Jun/17
@ Peruvian 1.73m
Nik said on 5/Jun/17
Peruvian 1.73m
John said on 31/Mar/17
If he was 3'6, why would he make himself 2 inches shorter?
Peruvian 1.73m said on 13/Feb/17
Good person with a great family, his daughter is listed 3'5
w.a.s.p said on 31/Dec/16
Warwick Davis has to be shorter than 3 foot six. Liam Neelson was taller than him when he was sitting down next to him in Life 's too short ' episode. Got to be 3 foot tops. w.a.s.p

Editor Rob
wasp, he probably seems that way to people who see him, but actually on one knee like that the 3ft mark would be under my chin a few inches, so I don't think he is lying.
Aza said on 31/Dec/16
Good listing. He is this tall... small in stature.. with a giant personality!
Giorgi said on 21/Dec/16
Rob, does he have a visible body disfigurement? I've never seen him in movies.

Editor Rob
he is very short in person, but hey, to me he's a big guy...always popular at any events I've seen him at and has had a great career.
Sandy Cowell said on 13/Oct/16
It is good to see a little guy making a career out of his shortness! I see a very humorous, big-hearted fellow!
Sam said on 10/Oct/16
Its hard enough to tell how tall Rob and Jenny are kneeling down anyway, so I don't think you would be able to compare them next to Warwick in this photo and get a definite answer. If they were all standing up it would still be hard...
Arjun178 said on 15/Oct/15
Could be be 3'5.5-6" judging from the picture. Fair listing
120 said on 22/Mar/15
Rob, is he the shortest actor you ever took a picture with?

Editor Rob
Yves said on 5/Nov/13
I don't know what's he's height exactly but it's not under 100cm that's for sure.
Elijah said on 14/May/13
Poor picture for height comparison though. We'd need to know how long Rob's lower leg is...

Editor Rob
I'm around 4ft 2-3 in that photo
Elijah said on 14/May/13
Smallest person on the site?

Editor Rob
verne troyer is shorter but this is the shortest person I have a photo with.
hurricane brat said on 5/Feb/13
[Editor Rob: 15 quid, got a discount because I told him I'll make him look taller.]
you were kidding, right rob?

Editor Rob
of course
Aragorn 5'11 said on 2/Jan/13
3'4 is more accurate. 3'6 is stretching it a bit. I thought his was 3 feet though.
geant said on 14/Jan/12
Great personality irregardless of height .
Emil said on 9/Jan/12
Looks like a great guy.
johno said on 18/Nov/11
hmmmmmmm.....Did he charge 25 quid for an autograph like he did to that kid with a brain tumour in ricky gervais's ''lifes to short'' ? :)

Editor Rob
15 quid, got a discount because I told him I'll make him look taller.
Physics Enemy said on 6/Nov/11
Sean measured 5' 10" with the aerosol method and measured 5' 10" at the docs 2 years ago when he was 19. He's 5' 10" but won't believe it.
Anyway, this Warwick Davis guy needs upgrading. He has a solid inch on Jenny. Rob's in customs which is why he looks to be a lot taller than Jenny. Perhaps he borrowed Glenn's portmans for this shot.
Dean 5ft 9.25 said on 24/Aug/11
@ Lou - Lol tbh the more sean goes on the more I doubt he is 6ft. he talks like a 5'8 or lower guy..a legit 183cm is never as insecure as he goes on!
lou90 said on 17/Aug/11
Cud you be anymore insecure?
Jane said on 28/Jul/11
He makes me glad to be 4'11"... haha... he's lucky that he doesn't have achondroplasia, though, that's the most common type of dwarfism. He has an extremely rare type (spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia congenita, I think).
travis said on 23/Jul/11
makes me thankful to be 5'7!
SolidSnake said on 27/Feb/11
rob says he is 4'2 and if that is right then 3'4 looks accurate. certainly not 3'6 lol
sean89 said on 1/Feb/11
awful hieght for a man makes me glad to be my hieght.
Frankstein said on 17/Jan/11
Parnell says on 23/Oct/09
He looks about 5'9" here with Jenny, although this might be due to her posture.
I lol'd hard :°D
Larc186-188cm said on 30/Dec/10
And to think that my sister is only 6.9y and already around 4'0.
pob said on 24/Oct/08
wow he is so small i always thought hes like 130 or 140cm but 107 is really miniscule!
Bill said on 11/Jul/07
Yeah, but how tall was Miles Davis? That's what I want to know and I can't find out.
Evanna said on 4/Jul/07
It's really unusual, he is 3'6" and his wife is around 4', and one of their daughters is really minuscule, like 2'something, but the other daughter is normal height for her age. I guess when it comes to height no one can predict how the genes mix up.