How tall is Zachary Levi

Zachary Levi's Height

6ft 3 (190.5 cm)

American actor best known for his starring role as Chuck Bartowski in TV series Chuck, for starring in Shazam! and voicing Flynn Rider in Disney's Tangled. His Chuck Co-star, Adam Baldwin, once said he stood 6ft 4 and Zach was an inch smaller.
How tall is Zachary Levi
5ft 8 Jenny, Zachary (age 28), 5ft 8 Rob @ Starfury T1, April 2009
[Rachel Bilson's] 5'2" and I'm 6'4" - lots of apple boxes were used to do those scenes, which were steaming hot. - People Magazine, Nov 2007
[When I grew up I wanted to be] About 6'2". So I exceeded my expectations.

How tall is Zachary Levi
5ft 8 Rob and Zachary @ Starfury T1, 2009
I'm about 6'3", 6'4", something like that. -

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Average Guess (220 Votes)
6ft 2.93in (190.3cm)
AJ said on 9/Apr/23
Any chance of adding Asher Angel. I think 5'9.5" based on what i have seen.
Editor Rob
Maybe 5ft 9
Hyper said on 31/Mar/23
Rob, what do you think of this clip between Levi and the Rock?

Click Here
Editor Rob
Tricky one to tell...if the guy is holding the camera above his head, then Rock (although a bit nearer) could actually be at a disadvantage.
Max Francis said on 9/Mar/23
@Canson Yes maybe he's 190cm minimum by the afternoon. He's similar in height to myself. I'm 191cm after 8 hours sleep and by late evening 189.6cm. Average height 190.3 cm. I still say I'm 6ft 2 1/2 in to people who ask.
Canson said on 13/Feb/23
@Max Francis: yea he’s only about an inch or so shorter than me. I lose roughly .75 or 2cm. I can see him holding 6’3 flat but not much under like Rob said
Canson said on 13/Feb/23
6’3” looks reasonable for him. Baldwin is an inch taller
berta said on 12/Feb/23
ROb dont you think a tiny upgrade would be better. I dont understans how the average guess is under 6´3, this guy is one of the more legit 6´3 guys on the site.always in converse or shoes with low heel. i dont think it would be strange if he could measure something like 191,2. 1/4 over the listed height is my guess.
Editor Rob
There is the case for 3.25.
Canson said on 25/Jan/23
@Rampage: that’s probably close. I have him as 192.4/190.5
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 23/Jan/23
Similar to Liam Hemsworth. 193cm first thing, 191cm before bed
berta said on 23/Dec/22
standing tall for a measurement cant be under 6´3 and not over 6´3 3/8. I think bang on 191 cm
Canson said on 9/Nov/22
@Darksol: I agree with you and Max Francis. He probably remains 6’3” at his normal low (could drop below 6’3 at an extreme low). His lunchtime could be 6’3 1/8” and out of bed 6’3.75 most likely. He probably loses about 1.9 cm per day. That’s what I lose in a given day being 3 cm taller than he is assuming we are right about the solid 6’3”
Darksol64 said on 15/Oct/22
I agree with Rob that it's unlikely he ever drops below 6'3. He may kinda look 6'2.5ish in the pics but stretched out under a stadio he would be 6'3 at a normal low. Not a strong 6'3, not a weak 6'3, but an actual measurement right on the mark looks right for him. Stand-out tall, bordering very tall.

He may go below 6'3 only if he's dehydrated and on his feet for 15 hours or something crazy.
Wehrmacht180 said on 15/Oct/22
190 cm
berta said on 27/Sep/22
always inj flat shoes. On chuck he could look under 6´3 but he had 1/2 inch less footwear than the others. i think legit 6´3. could be one of the few 6´3 1/8 on this site. i know he was listed 6´3 1/2 years ago on this site. but that is to muthc but.
Becheese said on 23/Sep/22
6-4 is a crazy claim. Looks mid 6-2.5 range. Definitely adding on here.
Jordan87 said on 31/Aug/22
6'4" ? WTF.... NO Zach Levi, Try again. Gotta love how people that are still 6'2 or a bit over need to tack on the extra Inch when they report it. All you short folks out there should be very happy that Tall celebrities are still insecure enough to lie about their height lol
Becheese said on 16/Aug/22
Looks same as Brandon Routh. 6-2.75
Imjnz795 said on 9/Aug/22
Hey Rob. Quick question. You think Zachary Levi is 6’2.5 at bedtime and 6’3.5 when he wakes up?
Editor Rob
I don't think he drops much under 6ft 3 at worst.
Max Francis said on 20/Jul/22
His height by late afternoon is probably 190cm, hence morning height approximately 191.5cm or like Canson said he may have a 2cm height variation.
Canson said on 4/Jul/22
@Rampage: I doubt he wakes up to 193 but probably 192.5 and dips to 190.5. He’s probably 190.5-191 range at lunch tho imho. And a solid 6’3 guy at his normal low. I can’t see him losing the full inch but 3/4” more than likely
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 4/Jul/22
I think Zach hovers somewhere between 190.5-191cm zone afternoon/evening (probably gets up at 193cm). You could categorize him as a solid 6ft3. Right between Brandon Routh and Adam Baldwin on Chuck. Also, the photos with Rob maintain that look overall
Mickie said on 23/May/22
6'2.75" is possible, but 6'3" is a fine listing. He's taller than 6'2".
Black Noir said on 12/May/22
Hey Rob how tall in cm do u think Asher angel is now?
Editor Rob
You can see with Levi more recently that he could look over 5ft 9 there!
Canson said on 29/Apr/22
He’s definitely not 6’2”. He looks a solid 6’3 next to Baldwin. And next to Conan. Conan had camera advantage and 3/8” footwear advantage in the video. The worst that could be argued is 6’2 7/8 maybe
6'4" Leprechaun said on 27/Apr/22
He's 6'2". Adam Baldwin was never taller than 6'3", so it makes sense. Adam was one of the tallest actors. In Full Metal Jacket, Independence Day, Predator 2.
Vincent Caleb said on 20/Apr/22
Looks 6’3” at most with Rob, but looks a strong 6’3” often. I’ll say this listing is accurate.
Jay said on 3/Apr/22
@ChristianPerkins, it’s her hair.
ChristianPerkins said on 14/Mar/22
Jenny makes Levi look more 189cm.
Tall Sam said on 1/Jan/22
He’s got casual posture in the picture with Rob and Jenny, this guy generally pulls off a strong 6’3” pretty often, possibly 6’3.25” for a good part of the day.
Canson said on 31/Dec/21
@Fried Chicken: I’d say 6’3 flat
Ian Momo 'Questionable 5'10' said on 31/Dec/21
@Canson agree with the zach part, he's 6'3, doubt he is even a bit taller than that

@Cansont yeah Hemsworth get edged by him but i don't think their measurement would be far off of each other, 1/4 inch is still possible, Hemsworth being 6'2 1/2-3/4 isn't impossible for me
FriedChicken said on 29/Dec/21
I don't believe he's as low as 6'2 3/4, he looks a legit 6'3 with a decent chance of getting a fraction over it.
The5'11Dudr said on 5/Nov/21
I would guess 6'2.75-6'3 here.
recapa said on 4/Oct/21
190-190.5 before bed and 192-192.5 cristiano.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 26/Sep/21
Adam looks a little taller but not by as much as a full inch
berta said on 23/Sep/21
191 legit if he stands tall
Canson said on 23/Sep/21
@Cansont: yea but he looks a solid 6’3 with Adam Baldwin and maybe 6’3” with Conan although Conan has camera advantage on him which favors him along with a 3/8” footwear advantage. Conan himself is only about 192 cm (tops). He looks every bit of 6’3 1/2” but no higher
RJT said on 22/Sep/21
If Rob is 173.3-173.6cm early afternoon height which he often is during his measurement video, then Levi is at least 190.5, possibly over. From that point to tophead is 16.5-17cm.

6'3 guys base of nose (Lowest point of nose) usually start at 174cm, and Rob's tophead is under Levi's.

Mine is 173cm bang on but that's cause I'm East Asian, and we usually have shorter nose bridge compared to Caucasian.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 20/Sep/21
6ft3 and change
Cansont said on 16/Sep/21
maybe 6'3.5 with Momoa,and 6'3,75 to 6'4 with Hiddleston and Hemsworth. so it hink 6'3.25-6'3.5 , and he's oftenly pushing his posture
Johno said on 14/Sep/21
With Chris Hemsworth he can look 6'3.75, on the cusp of 6'4.
Canson said on 11/Sep/21
I’d give him 6’3” but not over the mark
Johno said on 3/Sep/21
He could stand taller in this picture, thus ~6'3 seems fairly accurate.
Johno Long said on 27/Aug/21
Hey Rob, how tall do you reckon Asher is now? Looks about 5’10” or 5’11” next to Levi.

Click Here
Editor Rob
he could be close to 5ft 10 in that photo
Andrea said on 14/Jul/21
I could see him 191 ON A GOOD DAY, but that's it. Really looks too "short" with Rick Fox, Jared Padalecki or even Conan to be over that.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 12/Jul/21
A hair over this is distinctly possible...
Chris Junior Hernandez said on 18/Jun/21
@jawcel Average guess isn't accurate than a measured or proper comparison. Levi is 6'3.25" not less.
Mickie said on 17/Jun/21
6'3" is a fine listing for him. I wouldn't go any higher, however.
jawcel said on 15/Jun/21
I wonder why he has lower average guess than Chris Hemsworth if he's taller than him.
Full 6'3 (And 6'2.75 for Chris).
recapa said on 30/May/21
190-190.5cm range.
ALEXIZ/180cm said on 18/May/21
189 cm min
190 cm max
Canson said on 6/May/21
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Mar/21
On Conan show their footwear differences was close to 2cm. Levi had his flat style converse strong 1/2", Conan had solid 1.2" looking dress shoes and Levi posture is quite loose there. Levi look 3cm shorter than 6'3 1/2 Conan which is merely 189cm with bit loose posture which mean he is like 189.5-189.7cm stand straight add up 0.7 inch shoes disadvantage that would make Levi tap bit over 6'3 1/4. That is possible Levi is closer to 191.5cm, when stand tall which he look 2" taller than 6'1 1/2 Nathan Fillion met by Rob. We can argue Nathan is more like 186cm flat or maybe he hold 6'1 3/8 (186.4cm). 6'3 1/4 is really the low side for him.

Conan doesn’t have 3 cm on him without the camera advantage. That’s probably an inch. Take the shoe advantage which is about 3/8” 1” vs 5/8) then it’s probably a 5/8” diffeeence. Levi is not over 6’3 imho
Canson said on 5/May/21
@Editor Rob and Viper: he looks shorter than Dwayne Wade in that pic. Wade looks 6’3 flat at best in most pics. Not 6’3.25”. Keep in mind Gronk measured that early morning so no guarantee he isn’t 6’5 3/4” or 6’5 7/8”.
Editor Rob
my current feeling is his range could be 6ft 3 to 3.25 more than it would be be 6ft 2.75-3
viper said on 4/May/21
He's only looking 6-2 with Gronk
Canson said on 4/May/21
Him claiming 6’3, 6’4 doesn’t mean he’s 6’3.25 or 6’3.5”. He looks 6’3 flat at best. Ben Affleck claimed 6’3.5 before and he’s 6’2” (clearly). Rock claimed 6’4 6’4.5 and 6’5 and he’s 6’2 (peak height near 6’3)
Editor Rob
See him with Gronkowski.
Francis ebel said on 3/May/21
Zachary Levi is taller than Chris Hemsworth!
Zdan caporale said on 2/May/21
He’s probably 6’3.5 or 6’3.25 because he says 6’3 and 6’4
OriginalAnon said on 26/Apr/21
Did Rob used to have this guy at near 6'4''? I thought he did a few years ago. He looks a good 190.5/191
Editor Rob
6ft 3.25...
eng6'3 said on 12/Apr/21
solid 6'3"
Megrace said on 8/Apr/21
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Mar/21
On Conan show their footwear differences was close to 2cm. Levi had his flat style converse strong 1/2", Conan had solid 1.2" looking dress shoes and Levi posture is quite loose there. Levi look 3cm shorter than 6'3 1/2 Conan which is merely 189cm with bit loose posture which mean he is like 189.5-189.7cm stand straight add up 0.7 inch shoes disadvantage that would make Levi tap bit over 6'3 1/4. That is possible Levi is closer to 191.5cm, when stand tall which he look 2" taller than 6'1 1/2 Nathan Fillion met by Rob. We can argue Nathan is more like 186cm flat or maybe he hold 6'1 3/8 (186.4cm). 6'3 1/4 is really the low side for him.
Canson said on 6/Mar/21
@Junior: I’d say 1/4” less. Levi isn’t only 1/4” lower than Conan
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Mar/21
RJT, In that picture Brandon Routh atually had 1/2" more footwear than Levi. I did say Levi is 2cm taller than Routh. Legit 6'4 out of bed and 6'3 1/4 lowest.
Mickie said on 1/Mar/21
I could give him a full 6'3". But nothing over it.
Vincent Caleb said on 9/Feb/21
Legit 190 guy IMO
berta said on 8/Feb/21
legit 191 guy
RJT said on 25/Jan/21
Imo Levi is at least 6'3. Possibly could be 6'3 1/8"

He's visibly taller than someone like Brandon Routh for example
Click Here
Vincent Caleb said on 17/Jan/21
I agree with Canson and Slim.
slim 6'1 said on 13/Jan/21
6’2” and seven eighths
Canson said on 9/Jan/21
I’d give him 6’2.75”-6’3 range tops. Max he is is 6’3”. Looked an inch shorter than Conan (accounting for camera angle) and had 1 CM less footwear. Conan at around 6’3.5”. Also looks an inch shorter than Baldwin
Aj06 said on 7/Jan/21
john (s) and zachary (L) about the same going to say 6'3 for shazam
Yas 5,8 said on 5/Jan/21
Hi Rob i dont think asher is 5,8 bcz chosen jacob is 5,7 next to jaedan martell and asher is same height as chosen jacob What do you think
Editor Rob
would probably need to see more of Asher with other folk apart from Zachary to get a good sense of what he's ended up growing to.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 29/Dec/20
Him and Adam Baldwin could look close on Chuck, like less than an inch...a fraction over 6ft3 for Zach and a fraction below 6ft4 now for Adam is likely IMO
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 17/Dec/20
When standing straight Levi only look 3cm shorter than Ryan McPartlin in Chuck but also loose posture scene he can look closer to 2" shorter than Ryan.
RJT said on 13/Dec/20
@Editor Rob

Who was taller up close, John Schneider or Levi?
Editor Rob
Last time I seen Levi he was a more solid 6ft 3 than John.
Soda machine said on 9/Dec/20
6-3 max. Definitely not 6-4
Realist said on 14/Nov/20
He looked 6'5 in the movie Shazam they probably gave him lifted boots lol.
FriedChicken said on 10/Nov/20
He's just a prime example of how a legit 6'3" should look like. 6'4" would be a shoe height.
Peter Sun said on 10/Nov/20
He looks extremely massive when he's standing with 5'8 James Corden on his show. He doesn't look like a 6'3 guy, I think he is 6'4
Vincent Caleb said on 29/Oct/20
@Chris Junior Hernandez 1990:
I think his height varies a lot compared to other celebs in pics, but with big rob he struggles to look over this listing.
Canson said on 28/Oct/20
@Vincent: that’s a good estimate for him
Vincent Caleb said on 28/Oct/20
@Canson: 6-2 7/8 could be exactly what he measures.
Canson said on 26/Oct/20
@Mickie: that’s the most I could see for him
Vincent Caleb said on 25/Oct/20
I would say a solid 6’3” could a hair over or under, but I would say the former is more likely considering he can look a very strong 6’3” at times.
Slim 6'1" said on 25/Oct/20
190 on the nose just like Chris Hemsworth
Sree Smith said on 14/Oct/20
Hi Rob he must be atleast 6ft3and1/4
Sree Smith said on 13/Oct/20
Hi Rob he must be at least 6ft3and1/4
Caseylove said on 5/Oct/20
Rob will Asher get his own page now that he is 18?
Editor Rob
If I have a look at him.
Justin Zuniga said on 2/Oct/20
Rob. What do you reckon of Asher angels height next to Zach Levi in this picture? Click Here
Editor Rob
Could be nearer 5ft 8 then
Leif said on 1/Oct/20
Rob couldn't he be 6'4"?
Editor Rob
Early in the day Busting a Gut you couldn't exactly dismiss it entirely.
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Sep/20
Towered everyone in Shazam for sure,
Slim 6'1" said on 27/Sep/20
Take the quarter inch
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 8/Sep/20
Click Here Bradley Cooper not over 6'0 if Levi is 6'3.
Mickie said on 29/Aug/20
I could see up to a full/flat 6'3" for Levi.
Callum Parry said on 21/Aug/20
Rob having met him and Brandon Routh would decisively say that Levi is the taller of the two ?
Editor Rob
yes, when seeing them talking and side by side, levi was at least an inch taller (though had 1/2 inch more footwear).
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/Aug/20
6'3 1/4 should be rule out. He obviously isn't a full inch shorter than Baldwin.
Carlos Santana said on 14/Aug/20
6'3.75 for me
Slim 6'1 said on 14/Aug/20
@Rob, who would u give the edge between this guy n Brandon routh
Editor Rob

Last time I seen them together, Levi was nearly 3cm taller than Routh...but he had a normal boot, Routh a thinner sneaker, so that accounted for a good 1/2 inch at least footwear in Levi's favour.
Canson said on 9/Aug/20
@Slim: maybe 6’2 7/8” worst case. He looked max an inch shorter than 6’3.5” Conan but Conan had Footwear advantage of 3/8”. I could see 6’3 flat but Baldwin is an inch taller and struggled with 6’4”
Slim 6'1" said on 7/Aug/20
190 cm is spot on
Canson said on 19/Jul/20
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jul/20
Gives a taller impression than Brandon Route and Tom Welling do with Rob. Easily a 6ft3 guy

He looks a solid 6’3 the more I see of him but no higher
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Jul/20
Gives a taller impression than Brandon Route and Tom Welling do with Rob. Easily a 6ft3 guy
James roy said on 24/Jun/20
Hey rob? Do you think zac Levi is closer to 6'2.5 than a legit 6'3
Editor Rob
The last time I seen Zachary I felt he was a solid 6ft 3.
Davidjr said on 12/Jun/20
He is one of my favourites actors he is really tall I give him a 191.1cm tall or 6foot 3.25 inches in the Internet his height is claim at 191cm tall so that make sense to me a great actor and funny
Yang (5 footer 8, 173, Aries) said on 4/Jun/20
Almost similar height with Aussie actor Hemsworth with 190cm... The way he dressed up for a movie from 2019 named Shaazaaam, his body proportion creates an illusion of taller men with 190cm range with longer legs... Ive met Levy about 3 years ago while doing grocery shooping for my dinner and happened to notice that he was buying something from pasta sections and then had nice and really cool conversation and when I finished conversation with him. I do remember he even gave me a nice hugs which was the best moment when meeting celebs plus I was bit nervous at the sane time. Such a nice and funny dude for sure!!!!
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 2/Jun/20
Most shorter though.
Canson said on 1/Jun/20
@Berta: he barely looks 6’3” with Rob and Jenny but a lot of celebs can look shorter or taller next to them. As for Levi with Adam Baldwin, that’s a out an inch between them and Baldwin can struggle to look 6’4”. I can see Levi as 6’3” flat but no taller given all of the circumstances
berta said on 30/May/20
i dont understand how he have average guess under 6´3. 6´3 is the lowest i can argue for this guy and 192 the highest. i thinks 1/8 over 6´3 if he is measured maybe 1/4
Realityking said on 28/May/20
In the recent pics, he is taller than Chris Hemsworth by more than an inch even though Chris has thicker shoes on. Chris is close to 6.2 and Zach is 6.3 genuinely.
Canson said on 23/May/20
@Christian: that may beg the question was he at a low when Rob met him? I have him at no more than 6’3” with how he looked next to Baldwin and Rob and Jenny
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 23/May/20
And I don't think that Baldwin's even a full 6'4".
Canson said on 20/May/20
@Junior: I doubt he’s more than 6’3”. Conan probably in reality has around 1/2” inch or so
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 19/May/20
From the past, most of the time i can see Adam Baldwin look 1-1.5" taller than Levi when 0.5-0.75" footwear advantage goes to Baldwin depending dress shoes or boots. I wouldn't go under 6'3 1/4 for Levi since many people argue Adam Baldwin to be legit 6'4. I recall an episode Levi and Baldwin look no more than 0.5" when they're both in boots indicate that Levi look 6'3 1/2 with Baldwin. It's tricky to guess Levi real height that i can agree the bad camera angle and converse making worst of him looking 6'2 -6'2 1/2 with Conan O'brien in dress shoes advantage. If we calculate correctly he wasn't anything below 6'3 and Baldwin might be just a small fraction on Conan. Also 6'1 1/2 Mark Strong look 2" or close shorter than Levi than saying a decent 1.5" apart. Lastly i figure out Levi look 6'3 1/2 with 6'1 Craig Ferguson. Click Here 2-2.25" on Craig and 0.5" or 1cm less sneakers.
Jam Cherry said on 17/May/20
I think he’s a full 6’3” at 190.5 cm he looked like a 6 foot 4 type of guy in Shazam
Canson said on 3/Apr/20
In the video that Rob posted for Levi, he is an inch shorter than Baldwin. Levi at 6’3” is arguable but not over the mark.
OriginalAnon said on 16/Mar/20
190/191cm for Levi.
184guy2 said on 8/Mar/20
Danilo is clearly a bit taller
I would say Zach 6'3 and Danilo 6'3.5 which matches with his 191 and 192 listings
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Mar/20
@184guy2 They look identical. Danilo must be 6'3 1/4 not more.
184guy2 said on 6/Mar/20

Here a better angle of Zachary and brazilian TV guest Danilo Gentilli ( who is listed at 191cm and 192cm)
I personally believe he is more 6'3.5-6'3-63 ( legit 192cm guy )
Click Here
Don't think Zach could be 6'3.5 at evening time
Canson said on 27/Feb/20
@Junior: probably not
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Feb/20
@Canson Maybe you didn't notice most of the time Levi had less footwear than Baldwin and still manage to look 1" shorter. Watching Chuck from the past there is only 1/2 when Levi had the same boots as Baldwin in an episode i clearly see it. Not saying he is 6'3 1/2 but more chance maybe 6'3 1/4 and Bladwin is weak 6'4. 6'2 3/4 have to go through Chris Hemsworth who had impeccable posture and Levi look at least 6'3 with him not shorter but taller.
Canson said on 13/Feb/20
@Junior: 6’2.75 Like Christian said, (in my opinion) is more likely than 6’3.25. Rob even said he had more footwear than Routh when he saw him.looking at him with Baldwin that’s a full inch too
Bob da cob. said on 13/Feb/20
Legit 6-3
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 5/Jan/20
Levi deserved an upgrade both 6'3 1/4 or 6'3 3/8.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 21/Dec/19
Gwendoline needs a downgrade, rather than Levi an upgrade.
Xpac99 said on 20/Dec/19
Click Here
I can’t see gwendoline taller than Levi
Xpac99 said on 19/Dec/19
Click Here
What do you think about this pic? For me Levi is more 6ft3.25 than 6ft3 flat. It’s hard to believe he looks shorter than gwendoline.
Click Here
Editor Rob
Well that guy is about 5ft 5ish.
6ft 3.25 is still an arguable figure, he had it for years, and I wouldn't dismiss it as I witnessed Levi looking a good inch taller than routh, albeit the footwear was in Levi's favour.
Canson said on 13/Dec/19
@Christian: I agree with you. I do not think 6’3.25 is that likely for him but 6’3” flat I could certainly see
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Dec/19
And so is 6'2.75", in fact, the latter is more likely.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 12/Dec/19
6'3 1/4 is completely possible.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 5/Dec/19
A fraction over 6ft3 is still debatable
Canson said on 4/Dec/19
Levi 6’3
Conan 6’3.5 tops
Tall Sam said on 3/Dec/19
He finally admitted to wearing padding in Shazam (which was always pretty obvious) after denying for months but I like him anyway ha. I'd give him a solid 6'3" not over or under it.
TheBat said on 30/Nov/19
A true 6'3"
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/Nov/19
@Canson The camera angle had help Conan not Levi. There maybe only 1/2 max if they compete height in barefoot. Levi is nothing below 6'3.
Canson said on 11/Nov/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Nov/19
Ray Stevenson is never over 6'3 a low. Levi could be 6'3 a low not less to be argue. Conan isn't full inch taller than Levi if they got leveled footwear. Camera angle can make Levi look 3-4cm shorter but he wear flat converse chucks given 0.5-0.6" and Conan had a over 1" maybe 3cm shoes. Conan is more like 6'3 5/8 or 6'3 1/2.
Editor Rob
You could argue Levi at 6ft 3.25 and Conan just shy of 6ft 4

I thought it was a 3cm shoe previously. The ones I wear are 1.2” or 1.25”. However Rob pointed out the sole on Conan’s. That’s only about a 1” dress shoe. Levi has on a 5/8 canvas shoe. That said Rob alluded to 1/2” difference after footwear, between Levi and Conan from what he replied to you. However, seeing Levi I don’t believe he’s 6’3.25” I would say instead. But Rob calling the difference like he did dispels the foolish myths that some posters said about a 1.5” difference between them. 6’3.25 seems too high based on how he looks with Rob and how Rob looks with Adam Baldwin. Baldwin is an inch taller than Levi

Levi 6’2 7/8-6’3
Conan 6’3 3/8-6’3.5
Yang (5 footer 8, 173) said on 10/Nov/19
6ft 2 and half range...
Canson said on 5/Nov/19
@Rob: if just shy of 6’4 you mean 6’3.5”. He didn’t look any taller than Selleck who was also 6’3.5 at his peak. In fact he guessed Selleck 6’4/6’5”. Maybe footwear but they were likely similar barefoot
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/Nov/19
Ray Stevenson is never over 6'3 a low. Levi could be 6'3 a low not less to be argue. Conan isn't full inch taller than Levi if they got leveled footwear. Camera angle can make Levi look 3-4cm shorter but he wear flat converse chucks given 0.5-0.6" and Conan had a over 1" maybe 3cm shoes. Conan is more like 6'3 5/8 or 6'3 1/2.
Editor Rob
You could argue Levi at 6ft 3.25 and Conan just shy of 6ft 4
CaseyLove95 said on 24/Oct/19
Rob would you consider making a page for Asher Angel next? How tall do you think he is now btw?
Editor Rob
I'm not sure if he's still growing, but when he's 18 I'll add him.
Canson said on 27/Sep/19
@184guy: yea with Magic there’s no way Conan is 6’4”. Same with Liam and Hasselhoff and Selleck. Selleck was taller (albeit with boots) and Conan guesses him 6’4/6’5”. Selleck claimed he was 6’3.5”. At best they may have been the same height peak without the footwear difference. Magic has about a 4” difference on Conan meaning closer to 6’3” if that’s the case as Magic is 6’7-6’7.5 tops. Maybe just 6’7” today next to 6’4.75 Kobe. Maybe it’s 3.5-4” in reality but 6’3.75 looks awfully high for him. I’ve nevrr gotten the 6’4” impression I always got from Hoff or Neeson. Conan just has long limbs and long hair which give a taller appearance. And 6’3.5” is still very tall (assuming he was that peak) but he never looked 6’4” imho at least
184guy2 said on 20/Sep/19
The only time Zach looked under 6'3 was with Conan . With others tall guys like Chris Hemsworth , Ray Stevenson , McPartlin , Baldwin , Jared , Momoa he looked a solid 6'3er . BTW , Rob is pretty relutant to put him under 6'3 . And Conan had a SOLID 1.5 inches on Zach , but had about half inch more footwear . I used to think Conan was 6'4 but he might be 6'3.75 albeit under 6'3.5 it's pretty unrealistic . He is taller than Liam Hemsworth who is a textbook of 191cmguy
Canson said on 15/Sep/19
@Christian: I don’t see 1.5” with the two. More like an inch. Maybe it’s a hair over but Take the footwear advantage of about a CM I agree Conan max 6’3.5”. Conan could look that at other times but it would mean a guy like Neeson was over 6’4” if he is
Nils2 said on 15/Sep/19
That's a good estimate Andrea. And truth be told Zach could be anywhere between 6'2.75-6'3.25 can't know for sure unless he is measured. But 6'3 is the most fair guess IMO considering his usual footwear..
As for Conan i could live with 6'3.5 it's certainly possible but 6'3.75~ seems more likely and i wouldn't exactly be shocked if he measured 6'4.
Andrea said on 14/Sep/19
Christian, as I said, "considering that Conan looks near 1.5 inches taller than Zach in converse, there would still be about an inch between them, after taking footwear into account. Worst case scenario, Conan has 2 cms on Zach."
So depending on how tall Zach is:
- if Zach is 6'2.75 -- Conan is at least 6'3.5-6'3.75
- if Zach is 6'3 -- Conan is at least 6'3.75-6'4
- if Zach is 6'3.25 -- Conan is at least 6'4-6'4.25
Canson said on 13/Sep/19
@Christian: 6’3.75 is too much with Kobe too. With Levi if he’s as low as 6’2.75 then 6’3.25-.5 range is fine. Looks 1” diff between them minus the CM footwear. 1” could mean 1 1/8” perhaps or even 7/8” meaning as high as 6’3.5 as low as 6’3.25” but likely in between
Canson said on 13/Sep/19
Rob thought Levi was a legit 6’3” in person. Of course he could be off by 1/4” though. However, he believes 191 flat is more likely than 190 flat. I agree 190 is more likely than 191. If we go with 190 that puts Conan around 191.5-192 since that’s about 1” minus the footwear (1cm). If we go 6’2.75” that makes Conan more 6’3 3/8” like Christian said (191.5cm).
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 12/Sep/19
Conan looked 6'3.5" best case but not over that. Can't see him being 6'3.75" or 6'4", especially if Zach's only 6'2.75".
Andrea said on 8/Sep/19
One thing is sure. Even if Zach is 190 (which is quite possible, and more likely than 191, IMO), that would still put Conan at NO LESS THAN 192.
Canson said on 4/Sep/19
@Christian: forgot to add the “Barkley’s measurement didn’t take place” as well
Canson said on 4/Sep/19
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Sep/19
Kobe's 6'4.75" measurement was wrong, yet someone like Shawne Merriman's 6'4 3/8" was accurate? I've noticed too often here that a celeb's measurement is questioned only when he's preceived to look taller than his measurement, but not so much when it's the other way around. I've seen some who made excuses for Barkley's 6'4 5/8" measurement, saying that he was measured at his extreme low or he didn't stand tall for the measurement. Or at worst, a few even claim that athletes grew since being measured. Yet they're the same type to take Shawne Merriman's ridiculous 6'4 3/8" "measurement" as gospel. Also, Conan was never 6'3.75" or 6'4", peak or current. If he was, than all of those legit 6'4"ers like Hasselhoff, Neeson, Goldblum, Lithgow etc would've been 6'4.5"+. I have Conan at 6'3.25"-6'3.5" range, and I don't think there's a peak for him, since he hasn't lost height IMO.

@Christian: well said on your part! For Conan I would leave the door open for 6’3.5” at a low but I really don’t see how 6’3.25-.5 (191-192) is not a good estimate especially given that he was edged out by all of the guys you mentioned as well as Selleck. Rising also alluded to Selleck wearing boots but Conan estimated Selleck as 6’4-6’5” and Conan said he’s almost as tall as Selleck. So maybe 6’3.5 but not any higher. while selleck has said 6’4” before has also said that he’s only 6’3.5”. Rising estimated 6’3.5 for both Selleck and Conan. While I also had Conan 191 range I feel that 6’3.5” is much more believable than 6’3.75” or 6’4” which he never looks with a legit 6’4” or 6’5” guy. Conan estimated Klitschko to be 6’6-6’7 though he can wear lifts some days but he also estimated Neeson 6’5”. Also remember that when it became clear on this page that those same legit 6’4” guys edged Conan, that it then became that he’s 6’3.75” and that the others are 6’4” which would mean 1/4” difference which is next to impossible to spot in a picture or that the other Guys are now underlisted. Not to mention Howard stern had a clear advantage of more than 1” on him. Really looks at least 1.5” or closer to 2”.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 3/Sep/19
Kobe's 6'4.75" measurement was wrong, yet someone like Shawne Merriman's 6'4 3/8" was accurate? I've noticed too often here that a celeb's measurement is questioned only when he's preceived to look taller than his measurement, but not so much when it's the other way around. I've seen some who made excuses for Barkley's 6'4 5/8" measurement, saying that he was measured at his extreme low or he didn't stand tall for the measurement. Or at worst, a few even claim that athletes grew since being measured. Yet they're the same type to take Shawne Merriman's ridiculous 6'4 3/8" "measurement" as gospel. Also, Conan was never 6'3.75" or 6'4", peak or current. If he was, than all of those legit 6'4"ers like Hasselhoff, Neeson, Goldblum, Lithgow etc would've been 6'4.5"+. I have Conan at 6'3.25"-6'3.5" range, and I don't think there's a peak for him, since he hasn't lost height IMO.
Canson said on 2/Sep/19
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Aug/19
Conan O'Brien is not 6'3 not 6'3.25" this low at worst 6'3.75". Conan had Levi by 1" in that old clip but Levi had 5/8 inch less footwear so he is 6'3.25". Conan is not over 1/4 shorter than a peak David Hasselhoff

@Junior: Hasselhoff has always been taller than Conan. Rob met Hasselhoff and lists him 6’4” so I doubt he was 6’4.25 at that stage. But hey, maybe it’s possible he did underlist him. But if we can accept that Hasselhoff is underlisted, we could speculate that Levi is overlisted being he doesn’t quite hit 6’3” in the pic. But If we took Rob’s word for it and both are as listed it would mean Conan is around 192cm. 192 is a hair over 6’3.5”. That at least fits his 6’4.5” claim being it’s a shoe height. And Hoff went back to back with Conan and Conan went on his tippy toes. Hoff was taller than him as you also acknowledged in the video. In addition, you cannot see 1/4” difference all that easily. If you’re seeing a difference it’s at least a CM between them if not half inch. Half inch looks more reasonable. Conan also thought Neeson was an inch taller than him so it’s obvious that he’s not 6’3.75 if Neeson is 6’4 or even if he were 6’4.25. Maybe Neeson was 6’4 1/8” but that still leaves Conan less than 6’3.75”. 6’3.5” is probably a good shout for him esp being he would be only slightly less at his low if anything. But to be fair I would put money up that 6’3.25” is closer to the truth than his 6’4” listing
184guy2 said on 1/Sep/19
Zachary can look 6'3.25 with Hemsworth and Ray Stevenson
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Aug/19
Conan O'Brien is not 6'3 not 6'3.25" this low at worst 6'3.75". Conan had Levi by 1" in that old clip but Levi had 5/8 inch less footwear so he is 6'3.25". Conan is not over 1/4 shorter than a peak David Hasselhoff Click Here 0:45 look carefully posture he may not even be lower than 6'4 if stood straight. Hoff is arguable 6'4 1/4 guy peak everybody is talking about it but he could just be a guy never drop under 6'4 during peak' Conan crap of inflating Wladimir, Tom Selleck and Liam Neeson height doesn't make much weak 6'4 of himself. Funny thing when few guy bring out this issue and there will be more blindly followed up believe he is 6'3 claiming 6'4-6'4 1/2. Chances of him under 6'3.75" is still low as legit 190cm Chris Hemsworth is 1" shorter that still makes him what he claim to be 6'4. Someone will say Chris is 6'2 just because because they think Conan is 6'3 that is bs, they should gether more proof to knock Conan off 6'4 chart if it is the fact but doesn't happen because some believe rumors buying it than knowing atual fact existed like Ryan Reynolds being push down 6'1-6'2 by a few person who did not met him in person like i do at least i see him from some distance away he look easily over 6'2 not under 189cm but as i bring this topic here then people will gauge their own expertism say hell no he is 6'1.5-6'2 and how could he only look 1.5" max shorter than 6'4 1/4 listed Michael Strahan when he is only 6'2? Michael Strahan i being honest don't see him shorter than 6'4 after check on him out for quite a long time and now while his 6'4 and a little claim which is honest at least can be known it is a morning measurement and look legit 6'4 most of time and just because Kobe Bryant really look an inch on him doesn't make him under 6'4 and on Vanessa Bryant words of 6'4 3/4 ties Kobe dead on it when Kobe keep looking 6'5-6'5.25" all the time than under it. People should need to know wrong measurement occur it. Kobe might be 6'5 at his low not 6'4 3/4 when the ruler placing on his head was not on the top side of his pointed top of head when Vanessa measure him we don't know that, this could make case it fell off 1/4 inch away because she was so short to measure someone over a foot taller than her. I ever get my 5'9 3/4 wife measure me once to drop 6'5 3/8 when my lowest is 6'5 5/8 then re-measure again because the first time measurement the ruler wasn't even touching the pointed center of my head (top of head is same as Kobe's head pointed) and i got back 6'5 5/8 which make clear of it a lowest at night. Understand all link back to Kobe looking 3-4cm taller than Conan on his show in the past but the camera angle was odds helping Kobe more than Conan its more like a full 3cm between them no way 4-5cm difference like someone point out from the past. Like i say Conan is a little bit weak 6'4 but not that much under so 192.5cm and Kobe 195.5cm making more sense and between Strahan and Conan it will be a solid fraction. Rob listing wasn't that much difference from real measurement like he admit most listing could just be listed fraction more and i agree it. There are a few under listed that is less than maybe 5 percent in this site. Zachary Levi is a strong 6'3 guy that never fall under it.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Aug/19
Levi 190cm
Conan 191.5cm

They looked 2.5cm apart, but Conan had a cm of footwear advantage.
Canson said on 26/Aug/19
@Christian: the max I buy for Conan is 6’3.5”. He can edge 6’3” listed guys out but he never has looked as tall as Hasselhoff or Neeson. Both guys edged him and if they are only listed 6’4 (Rob has met Hasselhoff), then Conan is clearly not 6’4”. Honestly, I don’t see why Conan can’t be 191 range especially being he’s been edged out by these guys and Kobe who was measured at 195. Kobe has a pretty substantial difference on Conan
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 25/Aug/19
Zach is more 190 in my opinion, as he didn't even touch the 6'3 1/8" line in the pic with Rob. Conan at 6'3.5" (191.8) is possible, but not more than that. I have Conan at 6'3.25"-6'3.5" and Zach at 6'2.75"
Canson said on 24/Aug/19
Conan does not have a 1.5” difference on Levi. That’s around a 1” difference. And he also has about a 3/8” difference in footwear. 5/8” vs 1”
Nils2 said on 24/Aug/19
Andrea pretty much replied for me :p
Nils2 said on 23/Aug/19
To be fair i have met a few people that weren't able to tell nearly 2 inches difference when looking straight at eachothers. I would say most people wouldn't be able to tell 0.5 inch apart.. and then eye levels can differ etc..
Andrea said on 22/Aug/19
"Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Aug/19
That's right, Conan's the real 6'3.25" yet he was taller than Levi."
Which should tell you a lot about how UNREAL 6'3.25 actually is for Conan. Considering that Conan looks near 1.5 inches taller than Zach in converse, there would still be about an inch between them, after taking footwear into account. Worst case scenario, Conan has 2 cms on Zach, so unless Zachary is 189, 191 is virtually impossible for Conan!
Canson said on 20/Aug/19
@Christian and Nils: how much in this video around :20-:30? I would say really could be as low as 2cm between them maybe 1” max at times. Even 1” if there’s a 5/8” difference in footwear that makes Conan about 191.5 and Levi 190.5 if we use the listing Rob has here. Best case maybe 6’3.5. Mickie has met Conan and at 6’3.25 he said they were identical in height. Conan never looks even as tall as Tom Selleck back in the day or Hasselhoff or Neeson who were just 6’4” themselves. Don’t even get me started on a 6’4.5 guy like Barkley or 6’4.75 guy like Kobe. Then you have the recent video with Magic Johnson where he dwarfed him.

Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 19/Aug/19
That's right, Conan's the real 6'3.25" yet he was taller than Levi.
Canson said on 18/Aug/19
@Rob: what about a measurement in shoes? And also what time of the day did you meet him? Something like 6’2 7/8” can also look 6’3”. I’ve met and know people who look 6’3 in person but fall ever so slightly below the mark
Editor Rob
I probably seen him from 11am to 12 range for a photo and then afternoon for his trip to the subway shop. Really I think probably 6ft 3 is lowest I would argue now.
aknawkneemoose said on 18/Aug/19
Rob this may seem like a weird question, but if Zachary Levi were to hold out a tape measure infront of him, where do you think he'd be looking? From this picture, you would assume 5'10 exactly. I'm not sure if i've simply measured my height or eye level wrong, but when I look straight at a tape measure, i'm looking slightly down to 5'10 and 5'11 seems to be almost exactly square to my eyes, even in a mirror. The problem is my height, I seem to measure about 1/8th inch less than 6'3. i've looked at all the other celebs, and it seems my eye level matches more of a 6'4 person. is this correct or am i making a measuring error?
Editor Rob
Well if you have him say 6ft 3 at worse, then 5ft 10.25 might be his eye range.
Nils2 said on 17/Aug/19
Conan and Baldwin kinda killed 6'3.25 for Levi.. 6'3 is fair considering he always wear flat shoes but hard to defend anything over it tbh. There's like one event where i could see 6'3.25.. with Nathan Fillion but then on other occasions doesn't differ as much!
Canson said on 15/Aug/19
@Junior: there’s a better chance of under 6’3” than over it next to Rob. Looks more low 190 range
Editor Rob
I wouldn't go less than 6ft 3, and can still see the 6ft 3.25 argument, though it would be interesting to see what time he got measured near 6ft 4.
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 15/Aug/19
How can he be 6'3.25"+ when the top of his head doesn't even touch the 6'3" line? (technically the 6'3 1/8" line since Rob's 5'8 1/8") Click Here
Sotiris Gravas said on 8/Aug/19
6'3" Levi w/ a fan (2012)... Click Here

6'3.5" Jason Momoa w/ same fan (2015)... Click Here

6'5" CC Sabathia w/ said fan, footwear visible (2011)... Click Here
Damon Blank said on 8/Aug/19
All this time I saw him listed as 6' 3" on Google. They've now bumped him up to 6' 4".
Sotiris Gravas said on 1/Aug/19
Fan w/ Levi... Click Here

Same fan w/ Tom Welling... Click Here

W/ Jason Momoa... Click Here
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Jul/19
Alex, i don't see him drop below 191cm if standing well i have seen it with 6'1.75" Tom Hiddleston and 6'1.5" Nathan Fillion look closer to 6'3.5" and change. But his loose posture is everywhere from the past that makes him look 6'2.25-75" range impression with flat converse chucks. Given lowest measurement i mean he is the same height as you.
Alex 6'3.25 said on 20/Jul/19
Oh I don't think so he's shorter than me, at worse, he's just an half cm shorter than me, so, it's an irrelevant difference.
Chris Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 10/Jul/19
@Alex 6'3.25
Corret way to say he is very strong 6'3 and really not shorter than you. He had legit 187cm Mark Strong by 1.75" Click Here
Alex 6'3.25 said on 2/Jul/19
Another 6'4 fake claim, almost every actor who are 6'3 automatically say they're 6'4. Levi looks a solid 6'3 but nothing more.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 30/Jun/19
@Sonnecker No. Chris hemsworth is more solid 190cm maybe stand chances measured 190.2-190.3cm pattern and Liam is more towards 6'3 3/8. Levi is closer to Liam and taller than Chris.
Sonnecker said on 29/Jun/19
Easily 191 cm. In the past he had a loose posture, improving with time he shows his full height.
With the same shoes, I'd give him the same stature of the 2 Hemsworth brothers.
Importer said on 17/Jun/19
Funnily enough his character on "Chuck" was described as 6ft1. He looks nothing like that judging by the scenes next to Matt Bomer. I agree with the 6'4 out of bed thing. So it'll be a 6'3 1/4 at a minimum guess for me.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Jun/19
@Rampage If you agree with Liam Hemsworth is a solid 191cm guy at his lowest then Levi is a competitor for this range too. I agree with you he can easily be 6'4 out of bed.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/19
I don’t see reason not to put him back at that and since Rob has met him...
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 1/Jun/19
With loose posture he can seem more 6ft2-3 but I’m open to the possibility that he could still make the strong 6ft3 if measured

Out of bed should be 6ft4
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 31/May/19
@Pashark You're kidding he wear what shoe given only 0.08 inch? In Chuck and out of Chuck he always wear converse that is as low as 0.5-0.6 inch certainly not 0.08-0.1?? Levi in fact was the tallest 6'3 listed guy in this site. Under 191cm on a measurement is very hard.
Onabill Choudhury said on 29/May/19
Definitely 6 ft 3, could have a case for 6 ft 3 1/8 to 1/4! People who have 5 ft 10 eye levels are at least 6 ft 3 (maybe at the lowest 6 ft 2 3/4 if they have a high eye level for their face) also Rob how tall do you think he is straight out of bed and 1 hour out of bed?
Editor Rob
he may well be 6ft 4 range out of bed and 6ft 3.5-3.75 while eating his breakfast.
Pashark said on 23/May/19
I think zac is a 6 '3.25 / 6'3.33 with shoes, without maybe it will be 189 cm / 190 cm. I looked at these two photos with isaiah mustafa
Click Here

Click Here
Ian555 said on 16/May/19
Rob I think I mentioned this before but Levi's height really puzzles me. I want to show you this photo of him with Jason Momoa who you have at 6' 4" which I think is probably a valid listing Click Here. Now look at this one with Chris Hemsworth who you have at 6' 3" and based on all that I've seen, that seems to be a fair assumption to me Click Here. Now look at this photo of Zach and Hemsworth Click Here. Weird isn't it how they both look the same height next to a 6' 4" guy (Momoa) but then all of a sudden, Zachary looks an inch taller than Hemsworth. Do you think Levi wears enhanced footwear, which I think is crazy for someone as tall as he is?
Editor Rob
I think he is the least likely to wear enhancements in his footwear, he can at times pull off 6ft 3.5 with people. Maybe early in the day he has measured over 6ft 3 range.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 1/May/19
@berta Converse chucks give 1.3-1.5cm not 1cm and yes he quite bad posture in the past, recent years it seem like he have adjust his posture better and sometimes he pull off impression of 6'3 1/2. His absolutely low i wouldn't go under 6'3 1/4.

@184guy2 Sorry about that i mean Felipe thought that Danilo is 195cm, If Danilo claim both 191 and 192cm probably he is 6'3 3/8 range very close to Levi look. I did say they have similar frame taking more look i don't think Levi is shorter and from the past in Chuck that is one only episode he wear boots with 6'4 Adam Baldwiin stand close up they look to be only half inch difference maybe Levi had that fraction more than Adam shoes which i figure out he can be 6'3 3/8 worst 6'3.25".
berta said on 22/Apr/19
1/4 over this is porbably better, he always have shoes that only give 1 cm in height and bad posture and still looks 190-191 range
184guy2 said on 21/Apr/19
Danilo is not 195 , his 191-192 claim is very honest in my opinion . I suggest you to take a look on some videos on his youtube channel . He met a lot of celebs with a good camera to comparsions purposes .
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Apr/19
@184guy2 @Felipe Its funny if you guys didn't notice Danilo apears to be closer to camera Click Here 0:30 its so obvious. 195cm is delusional for Danilo Gentili, Levi is solid 191cm guy and at most fraction shorter nothing more.
Felipe said on 17/Apr/19
"184guy2 said on 7/Apr/19
Zach and 191-192 Danilo Gentilli"

I don't know... I think Danilo Gentili is taller, around 195cm, in my opinion.
184guy2 said on 7/Apr/19
Zach and 191-192 Danilo Gentilli
Click Here
Jackson said on 5/Apr/19
Not under 6’3”
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 26/Mar/19
Joe looks shorter than his listed 6'4.75" in that pic.
184guy2 said on 23/Mar/19
Zach and 6'4.75 Joe Manganiello (full body )

Click Here
184guy2 said on 23/Mar/19
Since you think he is 6'3-6'3.5 in your video , why don't you Re-upgrade him to 6'3.25 ?
Editor Rob
there's still a chance of 6ft 3.25.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 22/Mar/19
Levi is more like 191cm than just 6'3. Above picture already prove he look solid 7" taller than 5'8 1/8 Rob. The lower tip of nose to top of head on usual 6'2-6'6 guys were not under 17-172.3cm only rarest small head like Kobe Bryant and Snoop Dogg may have 1/8 less than 17cm. The height chart white line pointed out a fraction over or even 1/4 inch under Levi lower nose which he was min 7 inch and 1/8 taller than Rob. I do this math he is more like a solid 6'3.25" with Rob really not under it. And if Rob was holding 5'8 1/4 in picture above then Levi is not under 6'3 3/8 (191.4) exactly. I recall see a picture of 6'1 1/2 Nathan Fillion look 2" shorter than Levi and there isn't footwear issues. My point is Levi might be his max at 6'3.5" and lowest 6'3.25". There is no way he hits only flat 6'3 a low.
Felipe said on 18/Mar/19
He's claiming 6'4" on Twitter: Click Here
Editor Rob
Yeah Click Here, I included that in a short video.

But really in person, I cannot imagine Zachary taller than gwendoline christie...both are arguably very close though.
Canson said on 9/Mar/19
Judging by the pics 184guy posted, he does look the same as Tom welling especially considering Welling doesn’t even have as good a posture as Levi. Meaning he could be perhaps a weak 6’3” or even 6’2.5 guy
Mimi said on 8/Mar/19
Rob are you around 6.5 inches shorter than Zach in this photo?
Editor Rob
Close to 7 I'd have said.
TheBat said on 8/Mar/19
6'3" is spot on for Zachary.


I also think Asher does look around 5'7" at the moment. But he's still got a big chance of reaching 5'8" in the future. I grew from 5'10.25" to 5'10.5" at the age of 20 surprisingly.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 9/Feb/19
Very strong 191cm when he stand tall. Look back at 6'3 really a little low.
Ian555 said on 30/Jan/19
Rob, Levi’s height honestly confuses me a lot. In photos with Tom Hiddleston, Nathan Fillion, and Chris Hemsworth, he looks like a full 6 foot 4 inch guy and Hemsworth is 6 foot 3 ish maybe a tad shorter, Levi still looks at least 6’ 4” with him. But with guys like Adam Baldwin and Conan O’Brien, both strong 6 foot 4 inch guys, he looks at least an inch shorter than both of them and even Baldwin said he was an inch smaller than him. Could it be possible Baldwin was wearing a boot with him because I can’t see Levi any shorter than 6’ 3.5”
Editor Rob
6ft 3.25 might well still be arguable range. I do think in person Baldwin when he stands tall seemed taller than Levi.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 23/Jan/19
@Peter 180cm When you see him daring to put on a converse chucks on his feet most of time and daring to claim 6'4 a few times, i wouldn't give him under 6'3 at his low. Levi obviously look taller than 190cm impeccable posture Chris Hemsworth.
Peter 180cm said on 31/Dec/18
Yeah around 190-191cm range is what he looks.Probably an honest 190cm at his very lowest possible measurement.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Dec/18
@184guy2 said on 19/Nov/18 Levi obviously dropping height and Tom had military posture with the guy.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 20/Nov/18
@Nils2 When he often wear a 0.5-0.6" converse there is where he look only 190ish with people but when he put on some solid inch or tap bit footwear leather shoes on comparison with others he could look as high as 6'3 1/2. Under 191cm no chance. Under listed by 1/4 its fine.
184guy2 said on 19/Nov/18
Looking no taller than Tom Welling:
Click Here
Click Here
Nils2 said on 14/Nov/18
He can appear slightly less then 6'3 alot of times. But usually he has less footwear. Keep that in mind.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 25/Oct/18
Compare to 6'1 Craig Ferguson just that no way Levi look under 6'3 1/2 with him. Click Here 0:58 clearly see the footwear was some kind of 2cm or less heel and Craig had a 3cm kind of heels shoes. When Levi walk out from appearance in 0:53 onward he look easily 2" on Ferguson. Took off the shoes things that would leave a 2.5" differences. If Levi is only 6'3 all i can say is Ferguson is only 6'0.5" never 6'1 1/2 peak or in other way Levi is just taller than we all thought at 6'3 1/2 and often wear disadvantage converse shoes to drop off 1/2 inch impression making him look 6'3-ish.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 18/Sep/18
@Tunman True and most of time family member will tend to exaggerated their celebrities siblings height. Zach could be close to 6'4 out of bed.
Tunman said on 14/Sep/18
Could have been measured just over 6'4 in the morning if the trainer didn't flatten his hair which is worth 0.5" more height minimum.A guy this tall might very well lose near a full inch.It's not a surprise if he turns 6'3.5-3.75"if measured say 1 hour out of bed and the full 6'4 right out of bed.
I don't give much credit to family's claims anyways unless the person in question is really interested in the height subject
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/Sep/18
More chance he could be 6'3 a low than 6'2.75" much likely to be Chris Hemsworth. Craig Ferguson could be as low as 6'0 1/2.
Andrea said on 6/Sep/18
More chance of him being 6'2.75-6'3 than 6'3-6'3.25 (let alone over), IMO.
Also, Junior, didn't you say that Boris could even be as low as 191 in your opinion (so basically very close to your estimate for Zach)? If you look at them with the same Rick, I certainly have a hard time believing they're around the same range, considering that there's a SIGNIFICANT difference between the two (even considering the fact that Zach probably has about 0.5 inches less footwear than Rick there Click Here Click Here ): Click Here Click Here
Christian 6'5 3/8" said on 6/Sep/18
6'3" at the most.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 4/Sep/18
I can say the possiblity Levi being a full 191cm or a few mm more is larger than average guess 190.2cm. Levi is just tap bit under 6'3 1/2 not 6'3.
Andrea said on 25/Aug/18
Anything over 6'3.25 is a big joke for Zach.
In fact, although I can see how he can look a decent 6'3 at times and a hair over 6'3 maybe isn't 100% impossible, I still think there's a good chance he is a bit under 6'3, when you see him next to people like Jared Padalecki ( Click Here Click Here ) or Rick Fox ( Click Here ).
I really wonder how he allegedly (according to his sister) managed to measure 6'4 or "even a smidge taller" BAREFOOT, considering that the only way he could measure that tall is IN SHOES...
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 24/Aug/18
Craig Ferguson had 3/8 more footwear and he is 6'1 and look 2" shorter than Levi Click Here 0:54 onward can view both their footwear. Think there is a chunk of chance Levi is not under 6'3 3/8.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 16/Aug/18
In Office Uprising he look 6'3 1/2-6'4. Telling truth but not sure if is the angle helps Levi look taller.
MAD SAM said on 3/Jul/18
He might be claiming his morning height at 6’4” but I guess he’s a 190 cm guy at 6’3”
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 27/Jun/18
He can look at his max 6'3 1/4 with peak Adam Baldwin.
Christian-6'5 3/8" said on 13/Jun/18

I think 6ftMedium's mistake is that he thinks height stops at the hairline, that's why he thinks Levi's 6'2", Mcpartlin's 6'3" and Baldwin's under 6'3".
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 12/Jun/18
@6ftMedium If you think he is only 6'2 then Adam Baldwin would be 6'2 3/4 and Ryan McPartlin 6'3.5" and it is all impossible.
6ftMedium said on 4/Jun/18
@Yht Agreed.Either struggling or he has back problems.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 15/May/18
6'3 is def the lowest for Levi. He look a strongest 6'3 compare among many 6'3 listing in this site.
Zampo said on 11/May/18
I agree with the average guess more or less. His is between the 6'2.75-6'3 range. I'm edging towards the lower end of that range. 190 cm.
Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/May/18
Rob, maybe a 1/8 or a 1/4 upgrade for Levi?
aknawkneemoose said on 5/May/18
unpopular opinion but i fully agree with Yht. he barely makes the 6'3 mark and looks like he is struggling to achieve that. he also looks barely at all taller if at all than brandon routh. i think 2 3/4 is better than the full 3.
joe### said on 3/May/18
6´3 is right he looks 1 cm taller than routh.
Yht said on 1/May/18
Converse is light footwear?
And the picture above they all had about the same footwear and he is struggling despite all of this he can't look real 6'3,definitely below that
Dream(5'9.5 said on 29/Apr/18

Not really. Actually, Zachary tends to wear converse 'many times.' He has the lightest footwear of the many celebrity casts he's in.

If possible, I would say 6'3 1/8ths" would be a better listing.
Yht said on 28/Apr/18
Lol he is struggling to look taller.
No more than 6'2
Dream(5'9.5 said on 26/Feb/18
A smidge over 6’4” means Lars Mikkelsen and Guy Henry are 6’4.5”.

🤣🤣🤣 maybe 6’3” at lowest, but no more than 6’3.25” at lowest.
Editor Rob
A smidge over 6ft 3 maybe is believable enough.
Junior Hernandez said on 6/Feb/18
I would pick a last vote giving Levi 6'3 1/4.
Junior Hernandez said on 4/Feb/18
I think after taking more look at 6'3 will be fair listing for Levi lowest range. At least taller than most of the 6'3 listed celebs in this site. Strongly feel Levi edge Chris Hemsworth by a fraction.
Dream(5'9.5 said on 18/Jan/18
Rob, out of the three you met, who would measure the tallest barefoot?

Gwendoline Christie, Billy Campbell, or Zachary Levi?
Editor Rob
Well Campbell all 3 are quite tall up close, I think it is hard to really say who would be a definite tallest, but I remember Christie looking taller in the morning than she did in the evening, which leads me to believe she does in fact wake up over 6ft 4 comfortably.
Tarinator 6'2 said on 10/Jan/18
Looks a solid 6’3” to me. Would probably edge out Chris Hemsworth by 1 cm though. 6’3.5” is the most I would go for Zachary. Maybe he is a strong 6’3” range guy especially with his co-stars but I can hardly see a 6’4” guy in him.
Alex 6'3 said on 9/Jan/18
188 cm is low for him, I would say more like 189.6 cm, Levi looks more a weak 190 than a strong 190 cm.
Junior said on 9/Jan/18

My uncle is only 6'1.25" when younger with quite high volume of hair and he had people guess him up at 6'2-6'3 that was ridiculous nobody believe he is only 6'1 now and still many people thought of his almost 6'3. I believe Levi is 193.5cm with sneakers really not barefoot.
De-Lurk said on 9/Jan/18
Him being 6'4" was always unlikely, but looking at him next to Conan, the claim seems ridiculous. 6'3" at the very most.(And Probably slightly less.)
Nils said on 8/Jan/18
Btw most people who get their height questioned will blame posture.
I think it's rare for an honest height claimer to mention their bad posture unless it's extreme and then you can clearly see it
in photos.
Nils said on 7/Jan/18
0 chance that he is 6'4 but i do believe his sister actually thinks he is 6'4.
When i was younger i used to add an inch to everyone and my family still dont believe im just 6'1.
Junior said on 19/Dec/17

Adam Baldwin is not even 0.75" taller than Levi. Let alone an inch. Levi sister might just be inflating little bit of his brother height for a hollywood height claim favor. I would have say peak Bladwin 6'4 (possible 6'3.5" now), Levi 6'3 1/2 and McPartlin 6'4 3/4.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 15/Dec/17
A smidge over 6ft4 for this guy makes Adam Baldwin a smidge over 6ft5 and Ryan McPartlin a smidge under 6ft6 or possibly a full 6ft6!
Junior said on 13/Dec/17
I don't think 6'3.75-6'4.25" gota happen for Levi if he standing straight up on a stadiometer in an afternoon probably going to measure 6'3.5" max. His sister is pretty confusing others thinking what she say was true.
Ben said on 8/Dec/17
Yeah, I 100% certain that the smidge over 6'4" measurement is his morning height.

By the way Rob he looks huge now, he really has packed on atleast 20 pounds of muscle and fat, I think he's bulking now.

Click Here
spainmen192cm said on 7/Dec/17
Rob, what do you think about the sister of Zach argument? She looks pretty convinced.
Editor Rob
as I say, I'd love to have seen him being measured!
Ben said on 7/Dec/17
Do you think he might have some hidden height in there? Did he really have a bad posture?

Idk, with his siter saying he's 6'4" it kinda tricks you into thinking he's 6'4". But maybe the "smudge over 6'4" measurement is his morning height?
Editor Rob
when he went to the Subway that weekend, he looked a guy with decent posture but not a big 6ft 4 guy.
Junior said on 7/Dec/17
Levi can be only be measure a smidge over 6'4 in an early morning. Probably i'm right about the old listing here Levi started at 6'3.5" and he certainly look 1-1.75" shorter than 6'4.5" Ryan McPartlin from the show Chuck just because he had loose posture and most of time wear converse style sneakers, maybe real height difference from McPartlin and Levi is only 1" when Levi keep up good posture. I still can see 6'3.5" happen for Levi.
Ben said on 6/Dec/17
his sister just told me*

Yeah she said he was measured smugde over 6'4" by his trainer barefoot and 6'4" for the Shazam costume. She also blamed his 6'3" listing on that he has a bad posture.

Here's our conversation:
Click Here
Editor Rob
she's certainly convinced of it.
Ben said on 5/Dec/17
His sister just told he was measured a "smudge over 6'4"...
Editor Rob
it would certainly be interesting to see zach measure 6ft 4 barefoot. Maybe he really can stretch up and has a bigger hidden height than is evident in person

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.