How tall is Ray Winstone

Ray Winstone's Height

5ft 9 (175.3 cm)

British Actor from Sexy Beast, The Departed, Scum and The Sweeney. Early in his career, Ray was being billed at a height of 5 feet 11 inches tall, and 20 years later in interview said "When you read scripts and it’s a great story and you get to the part where it explains him as 6’6″ and eyes are blue, coochy coochy coochy coo, right, and you’re go, there must be another Ray Winstone, because I’m 50, I’m 5’10”, and I got a one-pack".

How tall is Ray Winstone
Photos by PR Photos

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Average Guess (12 Votes)
5ft 9.46in (176.4cm)
Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jan/23
I was toying with the idea of watching this morning’s Minder and I’m so glad I decided to go ahead. There’s a very young, almost boy-like Ray Winstone starring and he’s standing next to Patrick Mower. Patrick is supposed to have peaked at 6ft, but I’ve never believed it; check him out next to Christopher Lee in The Devil Rides Out.

Aha! The blond-haired youngster is standing with and talking to Dennis Waterman, and there’s not much difference between the two.

It’s amazing to think that this actor went on to star in Sexy Beast 🤣, star as HENRY VIII, play a brute in Nil By Mouth, turn up in Scum as a young criminal - with morals, and plenty more besides.

As George Cole would have said, (I think it was him, anyway), he’s a diamond geezer!
Sandy Cowell said on 31/Dec/22
From the film Secy Beast:

Ray thinks back to what it’s like in England, having settled in Spain with the ill-gotten gains from some’job’ he has pulled during his rather illegal career as a robber.….

“….what a 💩-hole; what a toilet…..” 🚽

Hurrah for the cheerful likes of naughty words, and you get these a-plenty in Sexy Beast! A great way to giggle-in 2023. I toasted the New Year in with tea and a dash of Slim Fast, Cookies and Cream flavour. Who needs booze? I appreciate waking up on New Year’s morning with a clear head, and rue the days when I celebrated so heartily that I didn’t even remember when the clock struck 12! 🕛

Ray gets 5ft9.5. 🔔🥂
Jonny Morts said on 29/Dec/22
Absolutely 100% the guy has never ever been more than 5 ft 9. He's clearly the same height, maybe an absolute miniscule fraction taller, than Dennis Waterman in Minder and he was 5 ft 8 & half at his peak. Given Ray Winston was only in his 20s in Minder its fair to say that was the tallest he's been. The acting world is virtually universally a world where agents add at least an inch to every act they represent, putting booted heights on resumes as bare footed and this is particularly true with men under 5' 10. Which Ray Winston clearly is. By a country inch and a half.
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 28/May/22
Ray still gave a fine performance as Henry VIII, even if he was rather too short. I think he tends to be seen as big and tall, a bit like Brian Blessed, and he picks up the powerful parts, for
example, in the Gary Oldem-penned ‘Nil By Mouth’, in which he plays the lead, which is as a detestable wife beater.

5ft9.5. 👑
MaskDeMasque 5'9.5 said on 12/Mar/22
Maybe 5'9.25 peak. At least 5'9.
Willis Christian Macaraig said on 15/Mar/20
I found out that Ray was announced at being 5'11" and that is the reason why i should say he is 5'11". Also Ray Winstone is 4 inches shorter than i am because i am 6'3" and he is 5'11".
stiggles said on 13/Jul/19
Ray struggles to hit 5ft 9 these days.. i'd give him 5ft 8.5
Miss Sandy Cowell said on 2/Jul/19
I like Ray's new advert for 'Beagle Street'. He is holding, and talking to, the most irresistible beagle dog, whose eyes could melt anyone!

He was brilliant in Scum, Quadrophenia, (naked in the bath!), Sweeney Todd and as a rather undersized Henry VIII. I was always under the impression that Ray was nearing 6ft actually!

Junior Hernandez 1990 said on 7/May/19
5'9 with a one-big-pack. Lol.
Patrick73 said on 10/Sep/18
I met Ray Winstone a couple of years ago ( got a pic with him but can’t seem to post it on here) I’m only 5 foot 7 and remember I had some thick Timberlands on that evening , and Ray was still about 3 inches taller. I sized him up at the time as being around the same as one of my brothers ... who is 5 foot 10
berta said on 3/Apr/18
he is a guy that is pretty short but gives a bigger impression. He was about 6 cm shorter than harrison ford 10 years ago wasnt he? i guess 175 is a goo listing
Rising - 174 cm said on 2/Sep/17
Stiffelio said on 12/Jul/15
He looked about 1 inch taller than Mel Gibson in Edge of Darkness, so 5'10 is possible.

The two of them are sitting down almost all of their scenes together or one stands while the other sits with the one exception I can remember being the first scene, where Winstone gave a bigger impression to me and the camera perspective suggested he may have been taller, but the angle was way too dodgy to guess a height difference. However, Winstone looks shorter than Colin Farrell, who only claims 5'10" himself and I think Colin is 5'9.5" so either way, we can probably rule out 5'10" for Ray.
Rory said on 4/May/17
I think 5'9.5 peak might be a stretch but I think 5'9.25 is quite fair. Looks a good 2 inches taller than 5'7.25 Billy Murray. Probably a flat or even weak 5'9 today though.
Rampage(-_-_-)Clover said on 8/Sep/16
Rob, 177cm peak?
Lmeister said on 6/Sep/16
176-177cm in youth nowadays looks 174cm. Maybe can hit 176cm mark, if standing straight.
Stiffelio said on 12/Jul/15
He looked about 1 inch taller than Mel Gibson in Edge of Darkness, so 5'10 is possible.
Jaym said on 30/Dec/13
I meet ray in a restrant in oz I'm 5.9 he was about 2 inches taller than me .
knoxy said on 18/Oct/13
I met ray a few years back at a club one night. I knew he was going to be there so i made an effort to go. I am 5.8 and a quarter and he was about an inch taller. A very nice smart man. Nothing like his acting roles.i wouldn't mess with him though. He boxed for repton.
Bakura said on 5/Oct/13
Don't agree with the downgrade. 5'9.5 was right. He had slightly more than an inch over 5'8 Ben Drew in The Sweeney.
jordydecke said on 5/Sep/13
was at an event that Ray was at once, and we had to wait for him and his entourage to move off. 5'9 seems a bit wide of the mark, I'd be surprised if he was more than 5'7.5 he wasn't too far away from me and at 5'11(measured barefoot) I was comfortably taller with dress shoes (like Ray had)
Cameron murray said on 3/Jul/13
Anyone watch minder? He was the same height as 5ft 8.5 Dennis waterman so never been a 5ft 10 maybe 5ft 9 in his day but he would be lucky to get 5ft 8 1/2 these days
mike 181cm said on 17/Dec/12
Looked 5"10 next to Leonardo dicaprio in the departed.
enforcer22 said on 15/Nov/12
Copnovelist195 used to deliver luxury cars and some of these were to celebrities. Ray Winstone was one. Again, he looked a lot smaller in real life than he does on screen. Copnovelist195 went to his house a number of times and met him and his family and was once invited into his home. He's a nice guy, unpretentious and unassuming. The big, gruff act you see is precisely that - an act. He's been building it up for years. In real life, he's softly spoken and a little shy. He was also slimmer than you'd think although I'd say he's put on twenty or more pounds see I met him about seven years ago. I would put him at a little under 5ft9, possibly 5ft8.
Copnovelist195 said on 9/Nov/12
I used to deliver luxury cars and some of these were to celebrities. Ray Winstone was one. Again, he looked a lot smaller in real life than he does on screen. I went to his house a number of times and have met him and his family and was once invited into his home. He's a nice guy, unpretentious and unassuming. The big, gruff act you see is precisely that - an act. He's been building it up for years. In real life, he's softly spoken and a little shy. He was also slimmer than you'd think although I'd say he's put on twenty or more pounds since I met him about seven years ago. I would put him at a little under 5ft9, possibly 5ft8.
Copnovelist195 said on 9/Nov/12
I used to deliver luxury cars and some of these were to celebrities. Ray Winstone was one. Again, he looked a lot smaller in real life than he does on screen. I went to his house a number of times and have met him and his family and was once invited into his home. He's a nice guy, unpretentious and unassuming. The big, gruff act you see is precisely that - an act. He's been building it up for years. In real life, he's softly spoken and a little shy. He was also slimmer than you'd think although I'd say he's put on twenty or more pounds see I met him about seven years ago. I would put him at a little under 5ft9, possibly 5ft8.
nice guy said on 21/Jan/12
sometimes I really cant believe it how easy people buy the height claim of actors...guys if he says he is 5'10 then I would bet my whole money that he is 5'9 at best!
doctorabrasiveenena said on 21/Jan/12
'5 "9.5 seems spot on, always looked about 5 foot 10, but he does kind of slouch, hes a barrel chested fella, so that makes him appear more squat than perhaps he really is. Next to H.Ford in new IJ movie, didnt look like a big difference in height, I think Ford is def below 183 now, probably more like 181 if Ray is about 177/178. Top bloke! Great british actor but a nice fella I reckon.
JP said on 3/Apr/09
I'm watching the Paul O'Grady show right now and he was roughly an inch maybes less shorter Paul O'Grady... and Paul is between 5'11 and 6'0 so i would say Ray is a strong 5'10+
loxley said on 9/Nov/08
No more than 5ft 9, and I'd even say possibly slightly shorter. No way is Mark Ryan 5ft 10 either, I think he's about 5ft9 too,but when he had hair it was curly and gave him added height.
JEN said on 23/May/08
he is 5 inches shorter than jonathan ross, who is 6`1. He was on the jonathan ross show, no more than 5`8.
nashville said on 24/Mar/08
I just watch Beowulf, and in the making-of vignette, he stated he is 5'10", so I'd guess Rob is right to put him at 5'9.5", since most fudge a little when stating our height.
Unnamed said on 25/Nov/07
I remember in a newspaper interview of him saying that special effects managed to transform him from a 178cm middle aged guy to a 198cm young hero (ie, Beowulf). SoI guess 178cm should be correct, give or take a cm.
Editor Rob said on 14/Nov/07
Said on darkhorizons "I'm 50 years of age, and I'm five foot ten".
Lmeister said on 6/Nov/07
Hahahahahaha in Beowulf even his torso is modified with computers why wouldn't they make him look taller, if they bothered to redo his belly.
jack said on 4/Nov/07
he looks darn tall in beowulf

i just dont see a person shorter than 5'10 playing a big role in beowulf. the effect just isn't the same.

he has to be at least 5'10 for sure.. i thought he looked like 6 feet
Lmeister said on 3/Sep/07
Actually it is true that he was listed 5'9'' in the official site of Robin of Sherwood.
Anonymous said on 11/Jun/07
In THE PROPOSITION he looked 5'7-5'8 if you factor in his scenes with Emily Watson. Many average height actors were even taller than him.

Either he slouched a lot in that movie, or 5'9.5 was the peak.
Joe said on 7/Jul/06
Saw him in the papers when he was doing his bit for the England team. He was 2 inches (maybe less) shorter than Becks, and he's supposedly 6'0, so 5'10 is correct. He dont seem like the kind of bloke who would wear elevator shoes.
Big Show said on 15/Jan/06
He never was any taller than 5'9, even in his prime. When he was playing the role of Will Scarlett in Robin of Sherwood in the mid '80, he was shorter than Mark Ryan, who's 5'10 and he was completely dwarfed by Clive Mantle who's 6'5 1/2. On the official site of Robin of Sherwood it also says he's 5'9.
MOF said on 5/Dec/05
Maybe he used to be 5'10 but he doesn't look more than 5'9 today.

Heights are barefeet estimates, derived from quotations, official websites, agency resumes, in person encounters with actors at conventions and pictures/films.

Other vital statistics like weight or shoe size measurements have been sourced from newspapers, books, resumes or social media.

Celebrity Fan Photos and Agency Pictures of stars are © to their respective owners.